
Sylum turns himself in

Aug 3rd, 2015
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  1. 22:44 Sylum was standing outside the main Xenon building, still thinking whether or not to do this, he turned around for a sec to walk away. But he put his mind to it, turned back around, when he did there were guards, barriers, guns, one or two Evos all ready to attack him. "Gah! H-How did you?" He shut himself up, got down on his knees, and lifted his arms to be..
  2. 22:44 Sylum cuffed
  3. 22:52 Meridian The buffers were quick to get to business. And they did not take any chances. With regard as though he were more of a dangerous machine than a person his limbs would be bound up and very quickly brought into containment. A solid hit to the jacket just to be certain he'd be out.
  4. 22:54 Meridian By the time he would come to, the scenery had changed quite a lot for him. In a small containment unit he was held, limbs being held in machines designed to stop him from moving or using those abilities of his. It was dark, and the only light came from outside of a thick plate of a protective window leading into an empty room with a sealed door.
  5. 23:05 Sylum body slowly generated back, and right into the machine that was holding him. "Uhg, ouch. What? Where am I?"
  6. 23:10 Meridian There was no reply to that. It would not be until a few minutes had passed of utter silence that the door in the other room would slide open. In the doorway there was a man nearly as big as the large opening stepping inside, his right eye covered and a beard hanging on his wizened, severe face. The other eye stared straight to Sylum where he was being held.
  7. 23:20 Sylum The man dwarfed Sylum, he knew who he was, or at least heard people gossiping about him. "M-Meridian, right? Bet this was a long awaited day right? Heheh...heh..." If Sy had boots he'd be shaking in them
  8. 23:23 Meridian did not seem all that amused. The door shut behind him as he approached to the window that looked into Sylum's containment cell. Furrowing his wrinkled brow he looked the jacket over with his single eye.
  9. 23:25 Meridian "You turned yourself in. Why." The large German soldier cut straight through any bullshit and got straight to the point.
  10. 23:28 Sylum "Well, I. I was just tired of hiding, tired of always having to look behind my shoulder. And Technomancer found my hiding spot. Xenon can't be as bad as him...right?
  11. 23:29 Sylum "
  12. 23:29 Meridian did not seem all that moved, either.
  13. 23:32 Meridian "I am not here to try you. There is no trial. I am only speaking to you on the insistence of getting information. You are an escaped project by scientists that had to have their wrists squeezed before they'd give up details on, and now four are practically brain dead."
  14. 23:34 Meridian "You'll be contained here for just about as long as we think you should. If the science team had their way they'd have you back but quite frankly I could declare you too dangerous for that"
  15. 23:41 Sylum "I..I...I wasn't expecting this honestly. I thought Xenon would kill me on site"
  16. 23:42 Meridian "I could. Very easily. But you are an asset, even if a dangerous one, so they wish for me to hold back until a decision has been made on your existence."
  17. 23:45 Meridian "If I had my choice, you would have been disassembled." Notably, he doesn't use the word killed.
  18. 23:55 Sylum "o-oh. Asset huh? Great..."
  19. 23:58 Meridian "If you have questions, now would be a wise time to ask them."
  20. 00:21 Sylum "I don't really have any I think...What possible use do I have to Xenon?"
  21. 00:24 Meridian "I'm not the one who made you. I imagine you'd make an interesting case study to whoever did, though."
  22. 00:35 Sylum "case study, right." Sy sighs, talks a bit quieter "Figures, back to square one, the weird living coat"
  23. 00:41 Meridian "Specialists will be around eventually to handle you. I'm simply the one keeping you locked up and calling the shots if you have to be put down"
  24. 00:41 Meridian "You should get yourself some rest"
  25. 00:48 Sylum "Right. Rest"
  26. 00:50 Sylum "One final question, how secure is this place? Apparently I inadvertently caused some guy wife to be killed when the whole Meatverse thing happened, and I think he wants me [and all metas] dead."
  27. 00:51 Sylum "Technowizard I think"
  28. 00:53 Meridian "I'm not going to tell you where we are. But you're in a facility beyond the city. We didn't take any risks with you. They won't be able to reach you. Or find you."
  29. 01:09 Sylum "Good. I think...So, I'm going to be left in total darkness alone?"
  30. 01:12 Meridian "What else would you want? We could keep you unconscious the whole time if you really wished."
  31. 01:30 Sylum "Well, the whole body thing is cause I'm conscious, so unless you have a coat hanger, not a good idea. Heheh...heh, g-get it?"
  32. 01:32 Meridian "No." He replied coldly.
  33. 01:37 Sylum "..."
  34. 01:45 Meridian "Make yourself comfortable, for what its worth"
  35. 01:46 Meridian turned away from the captive and started his way towards the door
  36. 01:48 Sylum "The families. Will this give them closure?"
  37. 01:51 Meridian paused for a moment to speak. "Yes. They will." Then the door slid open for him to walk.
  38. 01:57 Sylum takes a deep breath, letting his head down. "Good. Thank you"
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