

Nov 19th, 2019
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  1. on join:
  2. if {lv.needxp.%player%} is not set:
  3. set the player's gamemode to adventure
  4. set {player} to {player} + 1
  5. broadcast "&7[&f通知&7] &b%player%さん! お初です!&7(%{player}%人目)"
  6. set {lv.needxp.%player%} to 15
  7. set {} to 1
  8. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ give %player% minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:[""minecraft:grass"",""minecraft:dirt""],HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:32,lvl:10}]}"
  9. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ give %player% minecraft:stick 1 0"
  10. stop
  11. broadcast "&7[&f通知&7] &b%player%さんがログインしました!"
  13. on quit:
  14. broadcast "&7[&f通知&7] &b%player%さんがログアウトしました"
  16. on chat:
  17. cancel event
  18. broadcast "&f[%{prefix.%player%}%&f] &b%player% &f> &b%message%"
  20. on break:
  21. event-block is grass or dirt
  22. show 1 crit particles at event-location offset by 0, 0, 0 with speed 0.01
  23. set {lv.xp.%player%} to {lv.xp.%player%} + 1
  24. set {mine.%player%} to {mine.%player%} + 1
  25. set {gold.%player%} to {gold.%player%} + 1
  26. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players add %player% mine 1"
  27. send action bar "&8&lLV&7&l. &8&l%{}% &7[&8&lXP &8&l%{lv.xp.%player%}%&7&l/&8&l%{lv.needxp.%player%}%&7]" to player
  28. {lv.needxp.%player%} < {lv.xp.%player%}
  29. set {lv.xp.%player%} to {lv.xp.%player%} - {lv.needxp.%player%}
  30. set {lv.needxp.%player%} to {lv.needxp.%player%} * 1.3 + {} * 30
  31. set {lv.needxp.%player%} to {lv.needxp.%player%} / 2
  32. set {lv.needxp.%player%} to round({lv.needxp.%player%})
  33. set {} to {} + 1
  34. message "&7[&a&l個人通知&7] &bレベルアップ! &f[&6%{} - 1% &a-> &6%{}%&f]" to player
  35. send title "&bレベルアップ! &f[&6%{} - 1% &a-> &6%{}%&f]" to player
  36. play sound "entity.firework.twinkle" with volume 0.5 and pitch 1 at player
  37. set {border} to {border} + 10
  38. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ worldborder set %{border}%"
  40. on click with stick:
  41. execute player command "/menu"
  43. on tool change:
  44. play sound "" with volume 0.1 and pitch 1 at player
  46. command /menu:
  47. trigger:
  48. play sound "" with volume 1 and pitch 0.5 at player
  49. open chest with 3 row named "&8&l---+- 採掘メニュー -+-------------" to player
  50. loop 27 times:
  51. format slot loop-number - 1 of player with light gray stained glass pane named "§f"
  52. format slot 18 of player with arrow named "§cメニューを閉じる"
  53. format slot 8 of player with player's skull named "§bステータス" with lore "&f&o現在のレベル > &f%{}%","&3&o次のレベルまで > &f%{lv.xp.%player%}%&3/&f%{lv.needxp.%player%}%","&8&o総採掘数数 > &f %{mine.%player%}%" and "&6&o所持ゴールド > &f %{gold.%player%}%"
  54. format slot 13 of player with feather named "§fFly切り替え" with lore "&c※- 制限 Lv15以降 -※"
  55. format slot 5 of player with bed named "&eリスポーン地点へ戻る"
  56. format slot 23 of player with chest named "&bおもちゃ箱" with lore "&c※- 制限 Lv30以降 -※"
  57. format slot 3 of player with nametag named "§6称号変更" with lore "&c※- 制限 Lv5以降 -※"
  58. format slot 25 of player with compass named "§d他のサーバーを探す"
  59. format slot 15 of player with bucket named "§cゴミ箱"
  60. format slot 21 of player with leather boots named "§b移動速度変更" with lore "&c※- 制限 Lv15以降 -※"
  61. format slot 11 of player with golden pickaxe named "§3初期アイテム"
  63. on inventory click:
  64. play sound "" with volume 0.3 and pitch 2 at player
  65. clicked inventory is player's current inventory
  66. if name of player's current inventory is "&8&l---+- 採掘メニュー -+-------------":
  67. cancel event
  68. if clicked slot is 18:
  69. close player's inventory
  70. if clicked slot is 13:
  71. {} > 14
  72. if {fly.%player%} is set:
  73. set player's flight mode to false
  74. message "&7[&a&l個人通知&7] &bFlyを無効にしました" to player
  75. delete {fly.%player%}
  76. else:
  77. set player's flight mode to true
  78. message "&7[&a&l個人通知&7] &bFlyを有効にしました" to player
  79. set {fly.%player%} to 1
  80. if clicked slot is 5:
  81. teleport player to {spawn}
  82. if clicked slot is 23:
  83. message "&7[&a&l個人通知&7] &bSorry! 未実装" to player
  84. if clicked slot is 3:
  85. execute player command "prefix"
  86. if clicked slot is 25:
  87. close player's inventory
  88. execute player command "server"
  89. if clicked slot is 15:
  90. open chest with 5 row named "&c&l---+- ゴミ箱 -+-------------" to player
  91. if clicked slot is 21:
  92. {} > 14
  93. set {walkspeed.%player%} to {walkspeed.%player%} + 0.1
  94. if {walkspeed.%player%} > 1:
  95. set {walkspeed.%player%} to 0.2
  96. message "&7[&a&l個人通知&7] &b移動速度 : %{walkspeed.%player%}% (標準)" to player
  97. else:
  98. message "&7[&a&l個人通知&7] &b移動速度 : %{walkspeed.%player%}%" to player
  99. set the player's walk speed to {walkspeed.%player%}
  100. if clicked slot is 11:
  101. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ give %player% minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:[""minecraft:grass"",""minecraft:dirt""],HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:32,lvl:10}]}"
  102. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ give %player% minecraft:stick 1 0"
  103. if name of player's current inventory is "&8&l---+- 称号メニュー -+-------------":
  104. cancel event
  105. if clicked item is book:
  106. set {prefix.%player%} to clicked item's name
  107. message "&7[&a&l個人通知&7] &b称号を 「%clicked item's name%&b」 に設定しました!" to player
  108. if clicked slot is 27:
  109. execute player command "menu"
  111. on damage:
  112. cancel event
  114. command /spawn:
  115. permission: skript.admin
  116. trigger:
  117. set {spawn} to player's location
  119. command /prefix:
  120. trigger:
  121. {} > 4
  122. open chest with 4 row named "&8&l---+- 称号メニュー -+-------------" to player
  123. loop 36 times:
  124. format slot loop-number - 1 of player with light gray stained glass pane named "§f"
  125. format slot 27 of player with arrow named "§cメニューに戻る"
  126. format slot 1 of player with book named "§6かけだし" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  127. format slot 25 of player with book named "§fLv.%{}%" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  128. format slot 2 of player with book named "§bアマチュア" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  129. format slot 3 of player with book named "§bアマチュア+" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  130. format slot 4 of player with book named "§a土が掘れる人" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  131. format slot 5 of player with book named "§a暇人" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  132. format slot 6 of player with book named "§9超暇人" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  133. format slot 7 of player with book named "§9やべーやつ" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  134. format slot 8 of player with book named "§3土掘り廃人" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  135. format slot 9 of player with book named "§3れべる100わる2" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  136. format slot 10 of player with book named "§6ナマステ" with lore "&3&oクリックで設定!"
  137. loop 9 times:
  138. {} < 10 + loop-number * 5
  139. format slot loop-number + 1 of player with structure void named "§c※- 制限 Lv%loop-number * 5 + 10%以降 -※"
  141. on drop:
  142. cancel event
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