

Apr 15th, 2019
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  1. Plugin_Prefix: '&7[&aTBPvP&7] &r'
  2. Booster_Alert: '&bYour account has been flagged for boosting! Your kills will not
  3. be counted toward your killStats profile.'
  4. Player_Not_Found: '&bPlayer not found!'
  5. Broken_Streak_Message: '&b%killer.name% &3just ruined &b%victim.name%&3''s killstreak
  6. of &3%victim.streak%'
  7. Full_Inventory_Message: Not enough room in your inventory for your reward! It has
  8. been dropped on the ground.
  9. Stat_Display_Seperator: '&7[&4+&7]=-=-=-=-=-=-=[&4+&7]'
  10. Stat_Display_Kills: '&eキル数: &6'
  11. Stat_Display_Deaths: '&e死亡数: &6'
  12. Stat_Display_KillStreak: '&e連続キル数: &6'
  13. Stat_Display_Ratio: '&eKD比: &6'
  14. World_Disabled: '&bStatistics are disabled in this world...'
  15. Reward_Message: '&3You''ve been rewarded some free items for getting a &b%killer.streak%
  16. &3killstreak!'
  17. Reload_Complete: '&bReload Complete!'
  18. No_Permission: '&bYou do not have permission to execute that command.'
  19. Invalid_Console_Command: '&bYou cannot run this command from console...'
  20. About_To_Startover: '&bYou are about to reset all your stats to 0... Are you sure?(yes/no)'
  21. Startover_Time_Expired: '&bYou didnt answer within the allotted time, your request
  22. to startover was cancelled.'
  23. Startover_Success: '&bYour stats have successfully been reset!'
  24. Startover_Cancelled: '&bYour request to startover has been cancelled.'
  25. Invalid_Answer: '&bThat was an invalid answer, please answer with a yes/no.'
  26. Scoreboard_Kills: '&3Kills:'
  27. Scoreboard_Deaths: '&3Deaths:'
  28. Scoreboard_KillStreak: '&3KillStreak:'
  29. Scoreboard_Ratio: '&3Ratio:'
  30. Scoreboard_Enabled: '&bYou have successfully enabled the scoreboard!'
  31. Scoreboard_Disabled: '&bYou have successfully disabled the scoreboard!'
  32. Scoreboard_Title: '&b%victim.name%'
  33. Scoreboard_Not_Allowed: '&BSorry, scoreboards are disabled for this plugin.'
  34. Disabled_Message: '&bThe plugin is disabled at the moment. Try again in a bit.'
  35. Plugin_Disabled: '&bYou have successfully disabled the plugin.'
  36. Plugin_Enabled: '&bYou have successfully enabled the plugin.'
  37. Help_Personal: '&3View your personal stats.'
  38. Help_Other: '&3View another players stats.'
  39. Help_Scoreboard: '&3Enable/disable the scoreboard feature.'
  40. Help_Startover: '&3Reset all your stats. This cannot be un-done.'
  41. Help_Top: '&3View the top players of the server.'
  42. Help_Reset: '&3Reset a players stats.'
  43. Help_Head: '&3Get the head of the given player.'
  44. Help_Rank: '&3View your personal killStats rankings.'
  45. Help_Reload: '&3Reload killStats data files'
  46. Help_Enable: '&3Enable the plugin.'
  47. Help_Disable: '&3Disable the plugin'
  48. Help_Admin: '&3Looking for admin commands? Try &b/ksa ?'
  49. Reset_Success: '&3You have successfully reset &b%victim.name%''s &3stats'
  50. Scoreboard_Toggle: '&3Did you know you can toggle the scoreboard? Try it! &b/ks scoreboard'
  51. TS_No_Players: '&bNo players to display...'
  52. TS_Chat_Header_Kills: '&b=-=-= Most Kills =-=-='
  53. TS_Chat_Header_Deaths: '&b=-=-= Most Deaths =-=-='
  54. TS_Chat_Header_Streak: '&b=-=-= Best Killstreak =-=-='
  55. TS_Chat_Header_Ratio: '&b=-=-= Best Ratio =-=-='
  56. TS_Chat_Format: '&b%stats.position%&7: &b%stats.playername% &7- &b%stats.value%'
  57. TS_Chat_Page: '&bViewing page %stats.currentpage%/%stats.maxpage%.'
  58. TS_Scoreboard_Page: '&3Page &b%stats.currentpage%&3/&b%stats.maxpage%'
  59. TS_Chat_Last_Update: '&3Last updated &3%stats.lastupdate% &3minutes ago.'
  60. Rank_Kills: '&3Kills: &b%ranking%'
  61. Rank_Deaths: '&3Deaths: &b%ranking%'
  62. Rank_Streak: '&3Killstreak: &b%ranking%'
  63. Rank_Ratio: '&3Ratio: &b%ranking%'
  64. Rank_Scoreboard_Header: '&bPersonal Rankings'
  65. Rank_Chat_Header: '&3=-=-= &bPersonal Rankings &3=-=-='
  66. Rank_Not_Yet_Ranked: '&bYou are not yet ranked... You should start pvping!'
  67. Scoreboard_Already_Open: '&4The killStats scoreboard is already being used.. Try again
  68. in a few seconds.'
  69. Sign_Invalid_Format: '&4Invalid sign format.'
  70. Sign_Top_Kills: '&bTop Kills #%ranking%'
  71. Sign_Top_Deaths: '&bTop Deaths #%ranking%'
  72. Sign_Top_Streak: '&bTop Streak #%ranking'
  73. Sign_Top_Ratio: '&bTop Ratio #%ranking'
  74. Sign_Playername_Color: '&b'
  75. Sign_Stats: '&b'
  76. Invalid_Command: '&4Invalid command... Need help with commands? Try &b/ks ?'
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