
Getting Out

Aug 2nd, 2013
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  1. [19:10] <Silversey> first i have ap language, apush, and ap precalc in the same semester
  2. [19:10] <Silversey> then, the semester after that, i take two periods of gym....again
  3. [19:10] <Silversey> "there were no other classes open for those periods!" so why can't i just leave early, dammit.
  4. [19:11] <Chitalian> crono what language
  5. [19:11] <Chitalian> also
  6. [19:11] <Chitalian> AP Precalc is a thing?
  7. [19:11] <Silversey> fucking english
  8. [19:11] <Silversey> what else dammit
  9. [19:11] <Silversey> it is here
  10. [19:11] <Chitalian> um
  11. [19:11] <Silversey> might just be honors, idk
  12. [19:11] <Chitalian> spanish chinese french
  13. [19:12] <Silversey> ok but why wouldn't i have said those
  14. [19:12] <Silversey> do you know ANYONE who says they're taking ap language when they mean spanish, french, or chinese
  15. [19:13] <Chainoffire> i do.
  16. [19:13] <Chitalian> people ususally say ap english language or just ap english
  17. [19:14] <Chitalian> *usually
  18. [19:14] <Chitalian> where i'm from anyways
  19. [19:14] <Silversey> chaineh. get out.
  20. [19:14] * Chainoffire is out.
  21. [19:14] == Chainoffire has changed nick to Chain|Out
  22. [19:15] <Silversey> that's it, my boy.
  23. [19:15] <Chain|Out> :D
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