
Sword Gold

Dec 24th, 2019
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  1. Aureolus Dummy thrust the Limen Magna toward the melted pure gold once again, and
  2. then he swung it around from there. As if it could also be used to manipulate that gold,
  3. the liquid was shaken from its singular pool by centripetal force and splashed out in all
  4. directions, much in the same way that a magnet could attract iron filings.
  6. Of course, it included the area surrounding Stiyl Magnus.
  7. “Tch!”
  8. He brushed away the golden spray flying at his face without much thought. At the same
  9. time, he made his flame sword explode. The hundreds of drops of pure gold were far too
  10. many to take down one by one, but the force of the explosion blasted them all away in
  11. one go.
  12. Stiyl sliced through the smoke that screened his surroundings with a newly created
  13. flame sword.
  14. He didn’t see any signs of Aureolus Dummy, who may have escaped during the
  15. explosion. Stiyl hesitated on whether he should chase after him, but decided to give up.
  16. That was because the superheated gold he had swept aside was lying across the hallway
  17. before him like a puddle of magma. It was only about five meters long, but he’d be set on
  18. fire if he failed a running jump.
  20. - Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 2, Chapter 2 Part 6
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