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a guest
Jun 18th, 2018
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  1. Game 1
  2. Pre-Game
  3. NeMuBoXeR: wait i am support
  4. In-Game
  5. NeMuBoXeR: come
  6. NeMuBoXeR: we tri lane
  7. NeMuBoXeR: babe
  8. NeMuBoXeR: wtf
  9. NeMuBoXeR: tri lane
  10. NeMuBoXeR: try csing
  11. NeMuBoXeR: report jhin pls
  12. NeMuBoXeR: ??
  13. NeMuBoXeR: ? u are the one trolling lol
  14. NeMuBoXeR: u didnt leash or cs
  15. NeMuBoXeR: i mean u afk in lane why would i go bot
  16. NeMuBoXeR: ah i see so u are bad so u are playing it off as afk
  17. NeMuBoXeR: pls report
  18. NeMuBoXeR: yikes
  19. NeMuBoXeR: ya thats what u probably said for the last 3 seasons
  20. NeMuBoXeR: probably why u are hard stuck :/
  21. NeMuBoXeR: u are so taletned
  22. NeMuBoXeR: hahahaha
  23. NeMuBoXeR: u r such a memer i love it
  24. NeMuBoXeR: ???
  25. NeMuBoXeR: u legit afk
  26. NeMuBoXeR: when u farm
  27. NeMuBoXeR: i acutally can't tell
  28. NeMuBoXeR: if u are srs or no
  29. NeMuBoXeR: holy god
  30. NeMuBoXeR: ur mom is gonna ban u from the computer man
  31. NeMuBoXeR: i mean u are the one who queue up for a game to afk
  32. NeMuBoXeR: lol
  33. NeMuBoXeR: ??
  34. NeMuBoXeR: ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  35. NeMuBoXeR: ah free kil
  36. NeMuBoXeR: u are such a s4vgz
  37. NeMuBoXeR: sry for troll jhin i
  38. NeMuBoXeR: will try to be as good as u one day
  39. NeMuBoXeR: hey man i think it is bed time for u
  40. NeMuBoXeR: sry i trolled tehre
  41. NeMuBoXeR: hey man u like BTS?
  42. NeMuBoXeR: me too bro!
  43. NeMuBoXeR: ya man i made u stand still and int at lvl 2
  44. NeMuBoXeR: and then tell me i am making u 1v2
  45. NeMuBoXeR: fking entitled koreans
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