
Release with Rebuild

Feb 15th, 2017
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C++ 25.63 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EterLocale, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  2. 2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: CWebBrowser, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  3. 1>  StdAfx.cpp
  4. 2>  CWebBrowser.c
  5. 1>  Arabic.cpp
  6. 1>  Japanese.cpp
  7. 1>  StringCodec.cpp
  8. 1>  StringCodec_Vietnamese.cpp
  9. 1>  Generating Code...
  10. 2>  CWebBrowser.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\CWebBrowser\Release\CWebBrowser.lib
  11. 1>  EterLocale.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\EterLocale\Release\EterLocale.lib
  12. 3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EffectLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  13. 4>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EterBase, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  14. 3>  StdAfx.cpp
  15. 4>  StdAfx.cpp
  16. 3>  EffectData.cpp
  17. 4>  cipher.cpp
  18. 4>  CPostIt.cpp
  19. 4>  CRC32.cpp
  20. 4>  Debug.cpp
  21. 4>  error.cpp
  22. 3>  EffectElementBase.cpp
  23. 4>  FileBase.cpp
  24. 4>  FileDir.cpp
  25. 3>  EffectElementBaseInstance.cpp
  26. 4>  FileLoader.cpp
  27. 3>  EffectInstance.cpp
  28. 4>  lzo.cpp
  29. 4>  MappedFile.cpp
  30. 4>  Base.cpp
  31. 4>  Poly.cpp
  32. 4>  Symbol.cpp
  33. 4>  SymTable.cpp
  34. 3>  EffectManager.cpp
  35. 4>  Random.cpp
  36. 4>  Stl.cpp
  37. 3>  EffectMesh.cpp
  38. 4>  tea.cpp
  39. 4>  TempFile.cpp
  40. 4>  Timer.cpp
  41. 4>  Utils.cpp
  42. 4>  Generating Code...
  43. 3>  EffectMeshInstance.cpp
  44. 3>  EffectUpdateDecorator.cpp
  45. 3>  EmitterProperty.cpp
  46. 3>  FrameController.cpp
  47. 3>  ParticleInstance.cpp
  48. 3>  ParticleProperty.cpp
  49. 3>  ParticleSystemData.cpp
  50. 4>  EterBase.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\EterBase\Release\EterBase.lib
  51. 5>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EterGrnLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  52. 3>  ParticleSystemInstance.cpp
  53. 3>  SimpleLightData.cpp
  54. 3>  SimpleLightInstance.cpp
  55. 3>  Type.cpp
  56. 3>  Generating Code...
  57. 5>  StdAfx.cpp
  58. 5>  LODController.cpp
  59. 5>  Material.cpp
  60. 5>  Mesh.cpp
  61. 5>  Model.cpp
  62. 5>  ModelInstance.cpp
  63. 5>  ModelInstanceCollisionDetection.cpp
  64. 5>  ModelInstanceModel.cpp
  65. 5>  ModelInstanceMotion.cpp
  66. 5>  ModelInstanceRender.cpp
  67. 5>  ModelInstanceUpdate.cpp
  68. 5>  Motion.cpp
  69. 5>  Thing.cpp
  70. 5>  ThingInstance.cpp
  71. 5>  Util.cpp
  72. 5>  Generating Code...
  73. 3>  EffectLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\EffectLib\Release\EffectLib.lib
  74. 5>  EterGrnLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\EterGrnLib\Release\EterGrnLib.lib
  75. 6>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EterImageLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  76. 7>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EterLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  77. 7>  StdAfx.cpp
  78. 6>  StdAfx.cpp
  79. 6>  DXTCImage.cpp
  80. 6>  Image.cpp
  81. 6>  TGAImage.cpp
  82. 7>  AttributeData.cpp
  83. 6>  EterImageLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\EterImageLib\Release\EterImageLib.lib
  84. 7>  AttributeInstance.cpp
  85. 8>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EterPack, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  86. 7>  BlockTexture.cpp
  87. 8>  EterPack.cpp
  88. 7>  Camera.cpp
  89. 7>  CollisionData.cpp
  90. 7>  ColorTransitionHelper.cpp
  91. 7>  CullingManager.cpp
  92. 7>  Decal.cpp
  93. 7>  DibBar.cpp
  94. 7>  EnvironmentMap.cpp
  95. 7>  FileLoaderThread.cpp
  96. 8>  EterPackCursor.cpp
  97. 7>  GrpBase.cpp
  98. 7>  GrpCollisionObject.cpp
  99. 7>  GrpColor.cpp
  100. 7>  GrpColorInstance.cpp
  101. 7>  GrpD3DXBuffer.cpp
  102. 7>  GrpDetector.cpp
  103. 7>  GrpDevice.cpp
  104. 8>  EterPackManager.cpp
  105. 7>  GrpDIB.cpp
  106. 7>  GrpExpandedImageInstance.cpp
  107. 7>  Generating Code...
  108. 7>  Compiling...
  109. 7>  GrpFontTexture.cpp
  110. 8>  EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt.cpp
  111. 7>  GrpImage.cpp
  112. 7>  GrpImageInstance.cpp
  113. 7>  GrpImageTexture.cpp
  114. 7>  GrpIndexBuffer.cpp
  115. 7>  GrpLightManager.cpp
  116. 8>  StdAfx.cpp
  117. 7>  GrpMarkInstance.cpp
  118. 7>  GrpMath.cpp
  119. 7>  GrpObjectInstance.cpp
  120. 8>  Generating Code...
  121. 7>  GrpPixelShader.cpp
  122. 7>  GrpRatioInstance.cpp
  123. 7>  GrpScreen.cpp
  124. 7>  GrpShadowTexture.cpp
  125. 7>  GrpSubImage.cpp
  126. 7>  GrpText.cpp
  127. 7>  GrpTextInstance.cpp
  128. 7>  GrpTexture.cpp
  129. 7>  GrpVertexBuffer.cpp
  130. 7>  GrpVertexBufferDynamic.cpp
  131. 7>  GrpVertexBufferStatic.cpp
  132. 7>  Generating Code...
  133. 8>  md5.c
  134. 8>  EterPack.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\EterPack\Release\EterPack.lib
  135. 9>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EterPythonLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  136. 7>  Compiling...
  137. 7>  GrpVertexShader.cpp
  138. 7>  IME.cpp
  139. 7>  Input.cpp
  140. 7>  JpegFile.cpp
  141. 7>  LensFlare.cpp
  142. 7>  lineintersect_utils.cpp
  143. 7>  MSApplication.cpp
  144. 7>  MSWindow.cpp
  145. 7>  Mutex.cpp
  146. 7>  NetAddress.cpp
  147. 7>  NetDatagram.cpp
  148. 7>  NetDatagramReceiver.cpp
  149. 7>  NetDatagramSender.cpp
  150. 7>  NetDevice.cpp
  151. 7>  NetPacketHeaderMap.cpp
  152. 7>  NetStream.cpp
  153. 9>  StdAfx.cpp
  154. 9>E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\mss.h(1044): warning C4005: 'AT' : macro redefinition
  155. 9>          E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\Python-2.7/token.h(62) : see previous definition of 'AT'
  156. 7>  parser.cpp
  157. 7>  PathStack.cpp
  158. 7>  ReferenceObject.cpp
  159. 7>  Resource.cpp
  160. 9>  PythonGraphic.cpp
  161. 9>  PythonGraphicImageModule.cpp
  162. 7>  Generating Code...
  163. 9>  PythonGraphicModule.cpp
  164. 9>  PythonGraphicTextModule.cpp
  165. 9>  PythonGraphicThingModule.cpp
  166. 9>  PythonGridSlotWindow.cpp
  167. 9>  PythonSlotWindow.cpp
  168. 7>  Compiling...
  169. 7>  ResourceManager.cpp
  170. 9>  PythonWindow.cpp
  171. 9>  PythonWindowManager.cpp
  172. 9>  PythonWindowManagerModule.cpp
  173. 9>  Generating Code...
  174. 7>  ScreenFilter.cpp
  175. 7>  SkyBox.cpp
  176. 7>  StateManager.cpp
  177. 7>  TargaResource.cpp
  178. 9>  EterPythonLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\EterPythonLib\Release\EterPythonLib.lib
  179. 7>  TextBar.cpp
  180. 7>  TextFileLoader.cpp
  181. 10>------ Rebuild All started: Project: GameLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  182. 10>  StdAfx.cpp
  183. 7>  TextTag.cpp
  184. 7>  Thread.cpp
  185. 7>  Util.cpp
  186. 10>  ActorInstance.cpp
  187. 7>  Generating Code...
  188. 10>  ActorInstanceAttach.cpp
  189. 7>  EterLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\EterLib\Release\EterLib.lib
  190. 11>------ Rebuild All started: Project: MilesLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  191. 11>  Stdafx.cpp
  192. 11>  SoundBase.cpp
  193. 11>  SoundData.cpp
  194. 10>  ActorInstanceBattle.cpp
  195. 11>  SoundInstance2D.cpp
  196. 11>  SoundInstance3D.cpp
  197. 11>  SoundInstanceStream.cpp
  198. 11>  SoundManager.cpp
  199. 11>  SoundManager2D.cpp
  200. 10>  ActorInstanceBlend.cpp
  201. 11>  SoundManager3D.cpp
  202. 11>  SoundManagerStream.cpp
  203. 11>  Type.cpp
  204. 11>  Generating Code...
  205. 10>  ActorInstanceCollisionDetection.cpp
  206. 11>  MilesLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\MilesLib\Release\MilesLib.lib
  207. 12>------ Rebuild All started: Project: PRTerrainLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  208. 12>  StdAfx.cpp
  209. 10>  ActorInstanceData.cpp
  210. 12>E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\mss.h(1044): warning C4005: 'AT' : macro redefinition
  211. 12>          E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\Python-2.7/token.h(62) : see previous definition of 'AT'
  212. 10>..\..\source\GameLib\ActorInstanceData.cpp(158): error C2511: 'void CActorInstance::SetAcce(DWORD,float)' : overloaded member function not found in 'CActorInstance'
  213. 10>          e:\metin2\resurse\resurse\sursa\sursa binary\source\gamelib\ActorInstance.h(30) : see declaration of 'CActorInstance'
  214. 10>..\..\source\GameLib\ActorInstanceData.cpp(159): error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'CActorInstance::m_eAcce'
  215. 10>..\..\source\GameLib\ActorInstanceData.cpp(161): error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'CActorInstance::m_eRace'
  216. 10>..\..\source\GameLib\ActorInstanceData.cpp(170): error C2352: 'CGraphicThingInstance::RegisterModelThing' : illegal call of non-static member function
  217. 10>          e:\metin2\resurse\resurse\sursa\sursa binary\source\gamelib\../eterGrnLib/ThingInstance.h(57) : see declaration of 'CGraphicThingInstance::RegisterModelThing'
  218. 10>..\..\source\GameLib\ActorInstanceData.cpp(171): error C2352: 'CGraphicThingInstance::SetModelInstance' : illegal call of non-static member function
  219. 10>          e:\metin2\resurse\resurse\sursa\sursa binary\source\gamelib\../eterGrnLib/ThingInstance.h(61) : see declaration of 'CGraphicThingInstance::SetModelInstance'
  220. 10>..\..\source\GameLib\ActorInstanceData.cpp(189): error C2352: 'CGraphicThingInstance::SetMaterialData' : illegal call of non-static member function
  221. 10>          e:\metin2\resurse\resurse\sursa\sursa binary\source\gamelib\../eterGrnLib/ThingInstance.h(75) : see declaration of 'CGraphicThingInstance::SetMaterialData'
  222. 10>..\..\source\GameLib\ActorInstanceData.cpp(193): error C2352: 'CGraphicThingInstance::SetMaterialImagePointer' : illegal call of non-static member function
  223. 10>          e:\metin2\resurse\resurse\sursa\sursa binary\source\gamelib\../eterGrnLib/ThingInstance.h(74) : see declaration of 'CGraphicThingInstance::SetMaterialImagePointer'
  224. 10>  ActorInstanceEvent.cpp
  225. 12>  Terrain.cpp
  226. 12>  TextureSet.cpp
  227. 10>  ActorInstanceFly.cpp
  228. 12>  Generating Code...
  229. 12>  TerrainLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\TerrainLib\Release\PRTerrainLib.lib
  230. 13>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ScriptLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  231. 10>  ActorInstanceMotion.cpp
  232. 13>  StdAfx.cpp
  233. 13>E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\mss.h(1044): warning C4005: 'AT' : macro redefinition
  234. 13>          E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\Python-2.7/token.h(62) : see previous definition of 'AT'
  235. 10>  ActorInstanceMotionEvent.cpp
  236. 10>  ActorInstancePosition.cpp
  237. 10>  ActorInstanceRender.cpp
  238. 13>  PythonDebugModule.cpp
  239. 13>  PythonLauncher.cpp
  240. 13>  PythonMarshal.cpp
  241. 13>  PythonUtils.cpp
  242. 13>  Resource.cpp
  243. 13>  Generating Code...
  244. 10>  ActorInstanceRotation.cpp
  245. 13>  ScriptLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\ScriptLib\Release\ScriptLib.lib
  246. 14>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SpeedTreeLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  247. 14>  StdAfx.cpp
  248. 10>  ActorInstanceSync.cpp
  249. 14>  BoundaryShapeManager.cpp
  250. 14>  SpeedGrassRT.cpp
  251. 14>  SpeedGrassWrapper.cpp
  252. 14>  SpeedTreeForest.cpp
  253. 10>  ActorInstanceWeaponTrace.cpp
  254. 14>  SpeedTreeForestDirectX8.cpp
  255. 14>  SpeedTreeWrapper.cpp
  256. 14>  Generating Code...
  257. 10>  Area.cpp
  258. 14>  SpeedTreeLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\SpeedTreeLib\Release\SpeedTreeLib.lib
  259. 15>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SphereLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  260. 15>  StdAfx.cpp
  261. 15>  frustum.cpp
  262. 15>  sphere.cpp
  263. 15>  spherepack.cpp
  264. 15>  Generating Code...
  265. 15>  SphereLib.vcxproj -> E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\SphereLib\Release\SphereLib.lib
  266. 10>  AreaLoaderThread.cpp
  267. 10>  AreaTerrain.cpp
  268. 10>E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\Python-2.7/token.h(62): warning C4005: 'AT' : macro redefinition
  269. 10>          E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\mss.h(1044) : see previous definition of 'AT'
  270. 10>  DungeonBlock.cpp
  271. 10>  FlyingData.cpp
  272. 10>  Generating Code...
  273. 10>  Compiling...
  274. 10>  FlyingInstance.cpp
  275. 10>  FlyingObjectManager.cpp
  276. 10>  FlyTarget.cpp
  277. 10>  FlyTrace.cpp
  278. 10>  GameEventManager.cpp
  279. 10>  GameType.cpp
  280. 10>  GameUtil.cpp
  281. 10>  ItemData.cpp
  282. 10>  ItemManager.cpp
  283. 10>  MapBase.cpp
  284. 10>  MapManager.cpp
  285. 10>  MapOutdoor.cpp
  286. 10>E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\Python-2.7/token.h(62): warning C4005: 'AT' : macro redefinition
  287. 10>          E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\mss.h(1044) : see previous definition of 'AT'
  288. 10>  MapOutdoorCharacterShadow.cpp
  289. 10>  MapOutdoorIndexBuffer.cpp
  290. 10>  MapOutdoorLoad.cpp
  291. 10>  MapOutdoorQuadtree.cpp
  292. 10>  MapOutdoorRender.cpp
  293. 10>  MapOutdoorRenderHTP.cpp
  294. 10>  MapOutdoorRenderSTP.cpp
  295. 10>  MapOutdoorUpdate.cpp
  296. 10>E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\Python-2.7/token.h(62): warning C4005: 'AT' : macro redefinition
  297. 10>          E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\mss.h(1044) : see previous definition of 'AT'
  298. 10>  Generating Code...
  299. 10>  Compiling...
  300. 10>  MapOutdoorWater.cpp
  301. 10>  MapType.cpp
  302. 10>  MapUtil.cpp
  303. 10>  MonsterAreaInfo.cpp
  304. 10>  PhysicsObject.cpp
  305. 10>  Property.cpp
  306. 10>  PropertyLoader.cpp
  307. 10>  PropertyManager.cpp
  308. 10>  RaceData.cpp
  309. 10>  RaceDataFile.cpp
  310. 10>  RaceManager.cpp
  311. 10>  RaceMotionData.cpp
  312. 10>  SnowEnvironment.cpp
  313. 10>  SnowParticle.cpp
  314. 10>  TerrainDecal.cpp
  315. 10>E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\Python-2.7/token.h(62): warning C4005: 'AT' : macro redefinition
  316. 10>          E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\mss.h(1044) : see previous definition of 'AT'
  317. 10>  TerrainPatch.cpp
  318. 10>  TerrainQuadtree.cpp
  319. 10>  WeaponTrace.cpp
  320. 10>  Generating Code...
  321. 16>------ Rebuild All started: Project: UserInterface, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  322. 16>  StdAfx.cpp
  323. 16>E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\mss.h(1044): warning C4005: 'AT' : macro redefinition
  324. 16>          E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\extern\include\Python-2.7/token.h(62) : see previous definition of 'AT'
  325. 16>  AccountConnector.cpp
  326. 16>  AffectFlagContainer.cpp
  327. 16>  CameraProcedure.cpp
  328. 16>  CheckLatestFiles.cpp
  329. 16>  GameType.cpp
  330. 16>  GuildMarkDownloader.cpp
  331. 16>  GuildMarkUploader.cpp
  332. 16>  HackShield.cpp
  333. 16>  InstanceBase.cpp
  334. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBase.cpp(1052): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  335. 16>  InstanceBaseBattle.cpp
  336. 16>  InstanceBaseEffect.cpp
  337. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(187): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  338. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(741): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  339. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(746): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  340. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(751): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  341. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(756): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  342. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(761): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  343. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(766): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  344. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(771): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  345. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(776): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  346. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(781): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  347. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(786): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  348. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(791): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  349. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(796): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  350. 16>  InstanceBaseEvent.cpp
  351. 16>  InstanceBaseMotion.cpp
  352. 16>  InstanceBaseMovement.cpp
  353. 16>  InstanceBaseTransform.cpp
  354. 16>  InsultChecker.cpp
  355. 16>  Locale.cpp
  356. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\Locale.cpp(51): warning C4995: 'strcpy': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  357. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\Locale.cpp(52): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  358. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\Locale.cpp(244): warning C4995: 'strcpy': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  359. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\Locale.cpp(245): warning C4995: 'strcpy': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  360. 16>  MarkImage.cpp
  361. 16>  MarkManager.cpp
  362. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\MarkManager.cpp(26): warning C4996: 'mkdir': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _mkdir. See online help for details.
  363. 16>          E:\Programe\Instalate\Visual Studio 2013\VC\include\direct.h(140) : see declaration of 'mkdir'
  364. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\MarkManager.cpp(47): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  365. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\MarkManager.cpp(61): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  366. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\MarkManager.cpp(88): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  367. 16>  MovieMan.cpp
  368. 16>  Compiling...
  369. 16>  NetworkActorManager.cpp
  370. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\NetworkActorManager.cpp(370): warning C4800: 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
  371. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\NetworkActorManager.cpp(420): warning C4800: 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
  372. 16>  NProtectGameGuard.cpp
  373. 16>  ProcessCRC.cpp
  374. 16>  ProcessScanner.cpp
  375. 16>  PythonApplication.cpp
  376. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(129): warning C4995: '_vsnprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  377. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(1015): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  378. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(1016): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  379. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(1017): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  380. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(1018): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  381. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(1019): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  382. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(1020): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  383. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(1021): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  384. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonApplication.cpp(1071): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  385. 16>  PythonApplicationCamera.cpp
  386. 16>  PythonApplicationCursor.cpp
  387. 16>  PythonApplicationEvent.cpp
  388. 16>  PythonApplicationLogo.cpp
  389. 16>  PythonApplicationModule.cpp
  390. 16>  PythonApplicationProcedure.cpp
  391. 16>  PythonApplicationWebPage.cpp
  392. 16>  PythonBackground.cpp
  393. 16>  PythonBackgroundModule.cpp
  394. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonBackgroundModule.cpp(280): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  395. 16>  PythonCharacterManager.cpp
  396. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonCharacterManager.cpp(126): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  397. 16>  PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp
  398. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp(106): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  399. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp(111): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  400. 16>  PythonCharacterModule.cpp
  401. 16>  PythonChat.cpp
  402. 16>  PythonChatModule.cpp
  403. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonChatModule.cpp(420): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  404. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonChatModule.cpp(431): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  405. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonChatModule.cpp(440): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  406. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonChatModule.cpp(442): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  407. 16>  PythonEffectModule.cpp
  408. 16>  Compiling...
  409. 16>  PythonEventManager.cpp
  410. 16>  PythonEventManagerMoudle.cpp
  411. 16>  PythonExceptionSender.cpp
  412. 16>  PythonExchange.cpp
  413. 16>  PythonExchangeModule.cpp
  414. 16>  PythonFlyModule.cpp
  415. 16>  PythonGameEventManagerModule.cpp
  416. 16>  PythonGuild.cpp
  417. 16>  PythonIME.cpp
  418. 16>  PythonIMEModule.cpp
  419. 16>  PythonItem.cpp
  420. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonItem.cpp(18): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  421. 16>  PythonItemModule.cpp
  422. 16>  PythonMessenger.cpp
  423. 16>  PythonMiniMap.cpp
  424. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonMiniMap.cpp(553): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  425. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonMiniMap.cpp(559): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  426. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonMiniMap.cpp(565): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  427. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonMiniMap.cpp(815): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  428. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonMiniMap.cpp(831): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  429. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonMiniMap.cpp(880): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  430. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonMiniMap.cpp(883): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  431. 16>  PythonMiniMapModule.cpp
  432. 16>  PythonNetworkDatagram.cpp
  433. 16>  PythonNetworkDatagramModule.cpp
  434. 16>  PythonNetworkStream.cpp
  435. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonNetworkStream.cpp(448): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  436. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamCommand.cpp
  437. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamEvent.cpp
  438. 16>  Compiling...
  439. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamModule.cpp
  440. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp
  441. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp(1359): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  442. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp(1369): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  443. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp(1426): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  444. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameActor.cpp
  445. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp
  446. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamPhaseHandShake.cpp
  447. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamPhaseLoading.cpp
  448. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamPhaseLogin.cpp
  449. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamPhaseOffline.cpp
  450. 16>  PythonNetworkStreamPhaseSelect.cpp
  451. 16>  PythonNonPlayer.cpp
  452. 16>  PythonNonPlayerModule.cpp
  453. 16>  PythonPackModule.cpp
  454. 16>  PythonPlayer.cpp
  455. 16>  PythonPlayerEventHandler.cpp
  456. 16>  PythonPlayerInput.cpp
  457. 16>  PythonPlayerInputKeyboard.cpp
  458. 16>  PythonPlayerInputMouse.cpp
  459. 16>  PythonPlayerModule.cpp
  460. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonPlayerModule.cpp(763): warning C4101: 'iSourceSlotIndex' : unreferenced local variable
  461. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonPlayerModule.cpp(978): warning C4101: 'iSlotPos' : unreferenced local variable
  462. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonPlayerModule.cpp(1039): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  463. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonPlayerModule.cpp(1046): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  464. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonPlayerModule.cpp(1055): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  465. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonPlayerModule.cpp(1057): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  466. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonPlayerModule.cpp(1061): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  467. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonPlayerModule.cpp(1063): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  468. 16>  PythonPlayerSkill.cpp
  469. 16>  PythonProfilerModule.cpp
  470. 16>  Compiling...
  471. 16>  PythonQuest.cpp
  472. 16>  PythonSafeBox.cpp
  473. 16>  PythonShop.cpp
  474. 16>  PythonSkill.cpp
  475. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(255): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  476. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(412): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  477. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(419): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  478. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(614): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  479. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(625): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  480. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(640): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  481. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(663): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  482. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(688): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  483. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(861): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  484. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(868): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  485. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(1319): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  486. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(1328): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  487. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp(1343): warning C4995: '_snprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  488. 16>  PythonSoundManagerModule.cpp
  489. 16>  PythonSystem.cpp
  490. 16>  PythonSystemModule.cpp
  491. 16>  PythonTextTail.cpp
  492. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\PythonTextTail.cpp(45): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  493. 16>  PythonTextTailModule.cpp
  494. 16>  ServerStateChecker.cpp
  495. 16>  ServerStateCheckerModule.cpp
  496. 16>  UserInterface.cpp
  497. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\UserInterface.cpp(77): warning C4995: 'strcpy': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  498. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\UserInterface.cpp(117): warning C4995: 'strcat': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  499. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\UserInterface.cpp(118): warning C4995: 'strcat': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  500. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\UserInterface.cpp(120): warning C4995: 'strcpy': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  501. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\UserInterface.cpp(122): warning C4995: 'strcpy': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  502. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\UserInterface.cpp(129): warning C4995: 'strcpy': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  503. 16>..\..\source\UserInterface\UserInterface.cpp(562): warning C4995: 'sprintf': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
  504. 16>  WiseLogicXTrap.cpp
  505. 16>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'E:\Metin2\Resurse\Resurse\Sursa\Sursa Binary\vs_files\GameLib\Release\GameLib.lib'
  506. ========== Rebuild All: 14 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 skipped ==========
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