
Magiczny Blok

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. #-=-=-=- SKRYPT -=-=-=-
  2. #-=- NA BLOK. -=-
  3. #-=- BY W1C3K -=-
  4. #-=-=-=- SKRYPT -=-=-=-
  6. command /blok [<player>]:
  7. trigger:
  8. if player has permission "wc.blok":
  9. if arg 1 is not set:
  10. send "&7Poprawne uzycie &c/blok <gracz>&7!"
  11. if arg 1 is set:
  12. give 5 bedrock named "&3&lMagiczny Blok :3" to the player
  13. send "&7Otrzymales &3&lMagiczny Blok :3" to arg 1
  14. else:
  15. send "&4Nie masz dostepu do tej komendy!"
  17. on place bedrock:
  18. if player's tool is bedrock named "&3&lMagiczny Blok :3":
  19. set block to air
  20. wait 0.1 second
  21. set block to iron block
  22. wait 0.1 second
  23. set block to gold block
  24. wait 0.1 second
  25. set block to diamond block
  26. wait 0.1 second
  27. set block to emerald block
  28. wait 0.1 second
  29. set block to air block
  30. send "&7Otworzyles &3&lMagiczny Blok :3"
  31. chance of 40%:
  32. drop 8 diamond
  33. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c8x diamond&7!" to all players
  34. chance of 20%:
  35. drop 1 310 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&6&oCzapka Wpierdolka"
  36. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c1x Diamond Helmet&7!" to all players
  37. chance of 20%:
  38. drop 1 311 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&6&oBluza Dresa"
  39. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c1x Diamond Chestplate&7!" to all players
  40. chance of 20%:
  41. drop 1 312 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&6&oSpodnie..."
  42. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c1x Diamond Leggings&7!" to all players
  43. chance of 20%:
  44. drop 1 313 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&6&oButy Nike :3"
  45. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c1x Diamond Boots&7!" to all players
  46. chance of 37%:
  47. drop 7 322 named "&6Refile :/"
  48. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c7x Golden Apple&7!" to all players
  49. chance of 9.1%:
  50. drop 3 322:1 named "&6&oKoxy :o"
  51. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c3x Enchanted Golden Apple&7!" to all players
  52. chance of 0.7%:
  53. drop 1 138 named "&a&lB&b&lE&c&lA&d&lC&e&lO&f&lN"
  54. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c1x Beacon&7! &f&lGratulacje!!!" to all players
  55. chance of 11.8%:
  56. drop 4 7 named "&3&lMagiczny Blok :3"
  57. send "&8>> &7Gracz &c%player% &7otworzyl &cMagiczny Blok :3 &7i wydropil &c4x Magiczny Blok :3&7!" to all players
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