
Ch 3: Part 7: In Armageddon's Shadow: Session 50

Aug 9th, 2013
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  1. [14:33] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [14:33] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 3: The Armageddon Echo~~~
  3. [14:33] <Kilarra> -Session 50-
  4. [14:37] <Kilarra> The party successfully cleared out the Academy of Arts in Celwynvian, only for the drow remnants to retreat into the shadowy demiplane known as the Armageddon Echo. The party has pursued them through the portal in the hopes of rescuing their captured allies, but have thus far had little help from the echo elf illusions within.
  5. [14:40] * Kilarra looks at the Academy of Arts entrance. "Well, do we wanna try our luck in there, or do we wanna try someplace else?"
  6. [14:43] * Aluthyra shrugs. "It is familiar, at least, and we have not had luck elsewhere."
  7. [14:43] <@Aluthyra> Tognik nods. "We might as well."
  8. [14:48] * Kilarra nods, "Alright, hang on a second then." She steps away form the entrance and slips into an alley on the other side of the street. She then steps back out, except she doesn't. In place of Kilarra, there is now an elven woman wearing her clothes. She doesn't look too happy, but strides up to the party. "There; maybe this will get us a bit more cooperation."
  9. [14:50] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "A spell given by your Goddess?"
  10. [14:52] * Kilarra shakes her head, "A spell given by my heritage that I really only use sparingly. Mainly because I shouldn't -have- to use it on a regular basis. Now, I'll look like this for the next eight minutes, so hopefully that'll be enough time to get a bit of cooperation out of these elves."
  11. [14:56] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Good thinking. I take it the spell only affects you though?"
  12. [14:57] * Kilarra nods, "Yes, now let's make the most of it." She wobbles a little as she walks. "Stupid feet," she grumbles.
  13. [14:58] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Very well, let us proceed."
  14. [15:01] <Kilarra> As the party enters the academy, they see only a few of the echo elves milling about. They seem to have little interest in the party, until they spot one of 'their own' amongst the group. One of the elves stops and addresses the altered Kilarra. "I am glad to see there is at least one more willing to heed our warnings."
  15. [15:02] * Aluthyra stays silent, figuring it best to let the elf talk to the elf.
  16. [15:07] * Kilarra has to blink for a second before remembering she was the one who looked like an elf. "Uh, yeah," she says with none of the fluidity or grace one might expect from a real elf. "Tell me though, have any of those foreign elves been by here?" She has a tinge of distaste in her mouth when mentioning them that she hopes the echo elves share.
  17. [15:08] <Kilarra> The elf shakes his head, "They have passed through on occasion, but they do not stay around long." He then leans in and whispers conspiratorily, "Frankly, their manners are most horrendous, and they have not been invited to join our flight to Iadara."
  18. [15:12] <@Aluthyra> Tognik nudges Kilarra, whispering, "Ask when they were last through."
  19. [15:17] * Kilarra nods, "I'm not fond of them in the slightest. Do you know when they were here last?"
  20. [15:19] <Kilarra> The elf shakes his head, "They meander around fairly freely, like they own the place. They were here last yesterday, but we haven't seen them since. They probably went back to their little campout at the observatory." The elf looks contemplative, "I think they're interested in the phenomena in the sky, but haven't heeded our warnings about its danger."
  21. [15:21] * Aluthyra smiles. Good. One step closer. While Kilarra finishes speaking, she reloads her efficient quiver with a different set of arrows.
  22. [15:23] * Kilarra nods, "Well, maybe we can -convince- them to get out of here before the impact."
  23. [15:24] <Kilarra> The elf nods, "If you wish. However, be warned that we will be departing on the morrow, and if you are not here on time, you will have to find your own way out."
  24. [15:29] * Aluthyra frowns. She asks, and hopefully the elf would not ignore her, "And where is the observatory, if I may ask?"
  25. [15:33] <Kilarra> The elf provides directions. "Follow the Vista of Visions south to the opposite end." The elf then looks between Kjell, Tognik, and Aluthyra, "I would suggest you evacuate as well. As much aS the Azlants have brought this cataclysm upon themselves, those who have a chance of saving themselves should at least try to do so."
  26. [15:46] <@Aluthyra> Tognik nods. "We'll be quick then. Thank you." He motions to his companions. "Let's hurry. We don't want to be here for long."
  27. [15:48] * Kilarra nods and attempts to look at least mildly graceful (failing quite utterly) as she walks with the party out of the Academy. "So, we have our destination." She wobbles a bit on her feet. "How do you people use these things?" She grumbles.
  28. [15:49] * Aluthyra rolls her eyes. "I could ask the same of hooves." She makes her way to Kilarra's side, offering herself to help steady her.
  29. [15:51] * Kilarra smiles at the contact, then pouts when she doesn't have her tail to wrap around the Aasimar. "Maybe we should just take a couple more minutes and let this wear off. I don't need to be tripping over myself. Also, my tail is essential to balance and I again question how 'normal' people function without one."
  30. [15:53] * Aluthyra nods, keeping Kilarra steady, and waits.
  31. [15:53] <@Aluthyra> Tognik asks, "Think we should sneak up on them, or try to?"
  32. [15:54] <@Aluthyra> "As I said before, I still have one more casting of invisibility sphere."
  33. [15:59] * Kilarra shrugs, "Quite frankly I'd rather not bother with sneaking. Sneaking takes time we might not have, depending on how soon Earthfall is going to hit. Then again, the elves said we have at least a day..."
  34. [15:59] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Tognik can hear a pair of bickering voices in a rather foul sounding language coming up the vista.
  35. [16:02] * Aluthyra frowns, bringing her bow up. She maneuvers to face the voices, while making sure to stay close enough enough to Kilarra, and asks for her other companion's attention, "Two approaching us. I am unsure what language they are speaking in... Perhaps abyssal."
  36. [16:02] <@Aluthyra> Tognik nods, turning, "I hear them as well." He moves off to the side, trying to get into an advantageous position while sneaking.
  37. [16:04] <Kilarra> Approaching the party up the Vista is a pair of what looks like emaciated humanoid skeletons wrapped in a bone tight hide of slimy red leather. They seem to be bickering with each other. One carriers a longspear, while the other is armed simply with its claws.
  38. [16:06] <Kilarra> The pair of demons fail to notice Tognik, but are quite plainly aware of the very not stealthy Kilarra, Aluthyra, and Kjell.
  39. [16:06] <Kilarra> The immediately stop bickering and drop into combat stances.
  40. [16:13] * Aluthyra is quick to fire a barrage of arrows at the two, three at the longspear-wielder, and two at the other.
  41. [16:15] <Kilarra> Each Babau shrieks in abyssal as an arrow catches it. The shafts of the arrows seem to melt at the point where they stick out of the Babau's slimy skin, falling the the ground and leaving their tips embedded.
  42. [16:18] <Kilarra> The spear wielding Babau runs at Aluthyra, thrusting at her with its polearm. The second attempts to pounce on and Maul Kjell, who happens to be standing in front of Kilarra, although the latter still looks like one of the echo elves.
  43. [16:21] <Kilarra> While Aluthyra manages to nimbly duck the demonic looking spear, Kjell is mauled and bitten by the other Babau.
  44. [16:24] <Kilarra> Kjell grumbles, but doesn't yell out or give the demon any kind of deliberate satisfaction
  45. [16:25] <@Aluthyra> Tognik tries to assist Kjell, casting a spell of grease beneath the demon in front of him.
  46. [16:26] <Kilarra> The Babau looks almost comical as it slips and falls off of Kjell.
  47. [16:29] * Kilarra places a hand on Aluthyra's shoulder, seeing as she was having difficulty hitting the creature, giving her some divine aid. She had been tempted to touch her backside for that effect, but reaching that low would probably tip her off balance.
  48. [16:30] <Kilarra> Aluthyra feels a touch sturdier, and invigorated
  49. [16:31] <Kilarra> Kjell, with the Babau attacking him prone, takes the opportunity to draw his cold Iron sword and take a swing at the Babau while it was vulnerable
  50. [16:32] <Kilarra> The Babau receives a nasty slash across its chest, the cold iron cutting through it quite effectively.
  51. [16:36] * Aluthyra fires into the demon in front of her, four arrows aimed ahead.
  52. [16:39] <Kilarra> The demon shrieks and curses in Abyssal as its peppered by arrows. One of them misses, but the other three stick him properly. He remains standing though.
  53. [16:43] <Kilarra> The first Babau attempts to attack Aluthyra with its spear once again. The second attempts to stand and join its ailing partner in attacking ALuthyra
  54. [16:46] <Kilarra> Aluthyra again manages to duck the longspear, but is caught in the side by the claws of the other Babau
  55. [16:48] * Aluthyra groans at thew sting of his claws, but fortunately, Kilarra's previous spell reduces much of the pain.
  56. [16:57] <@Aluthyra> Tognik runs forward, moving to the pair of demons and Aluthyra. With one hand, he grabs three nutshells from his components pouch. With the other, he points to the demons. After mumbling in gnomish, he casts a spell of confusion, the burst affecting the demons and Aluthyra.
  57. [16:59] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and one of the demons is unaffected, but the one with the longspear seems content to smack itself in the face.
  58. [17:05] * Kilarra has no desire to touch one of these things to hurt it, and is quite certain none of her weapons are capable of doing the job either. She decides to just slap Kjell with some healing.
  59. [17:06] <Kilarra> Kjell takes a swing at the flanking, non-confused Babau while shooting a quartet of magical projectiles at the other.
  60. [17:11] <Kilarra> Kjell gouges the Babau exceptionally deeply on his backswing, his first slash also striking true. His magical missiles almost manage to finish off the confused Babau
  61. [17:15] <Kilarra> Kjell's deeply gauging backswing however, has given the Babau's acidic slime coating just enough time to bite into the blade before it can be extracted, leaving a small notch
  62. [17:17] * Aluthyra channels her ki in order to become more nimble, then fires a single arrow at the demon in front of her. As she does, she turns, firing another three at the second.
  63. [17:21] <Kilarra> The confused Babau stumbles around the arrow somehow, but even her conventional arrows are enough to finish off the other.
  64. [17:28] <Kilarra> The Babau smacks himself harmlessly with the pole of his spear
  65. [17:30] <@Aluthyra> Tognik waits, seeing as his spell is still working.
  66. [17:31] * Kilarra still doesn't really want to touch the thing, but considering she was almost empty on magical juice as it was, she figured it was wortha shot just to wrap things up.
  67. [17:32] * Kilarra pulls her hand back with a yelp as her spell fizzles, but the acidic coating of the demon burns her palm.
  68. [17:36] <Kilarra> Kjell just swings his sword to finish the thing off
  69. [17:38] <Kilarra> Kjell takes its head off, and it collapses
  70. [17:39] * Aluthyra sighs, lowering her bow. She looks at her quiver with a frown. "We need to end this. I do not have many arrows left."
  71. [17:41] * Kilarra winces as she looks at her burnt palm. It wasn't that serious, but it stung rather fiercely. "I've almost burned through everything I prepared today, and my weapons have been rather ineffective since we switched to fighting all these things that aren't drow."
  72. [17:42] <@Aluthyra> Tognik asks Kilarra, "Need a curing spell?"
  73. [17:43] <Kilarra> Kjell wipes his sword clean and sheathes it. "I am still fairly good for my magical resources, and my blades do not have limited use. WHat about you Tognik, how is your magical energy level?"
  74. [17:43] * Kilarra shakes her head, "It's nothing serious, it just stings." She looks to ALuthyra, "What about that... 'ki' stuff of yours. You got plenty left or no?"|
  75. [17:45] * Aluthyra nods. "Enough to last, I think. Arrows are a different story."
  76. [17:45] <@Aluthyra> Tognik shrugs. "Not much left, but... I think I can manage another few fights."
  77. [17:46] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "ANd if those few fights constitute a dragon, more demons, or perhaps all of the remaining drow of the Celwynvian forces?"
  78. [17:46] <@Aluthyra> Tognik frowns. "Then no."
  79. [17:47] * Kilarra facepalms, "I completely forgot about the damn dragon. Knowing our luck, it's probably in here too."
  80. [17:49] * Aluthyra frowns. "Well, what shall we do? If we only have a day, do we have time to rest?"
  81. [17:50] * Kilarra looks to Tognik, "You're the history buff, when this thing is gonna hit?"
  82. [17:56] <@Aluthyra> Tognik humms, "Well... with the evacuation being prepared now... and with how large the city is... I'd say, at most, 3 days." He nods. "We should have time."
  83. [17:58] <Kilarra> Kjell ponders that a moment, "Enough time for a single rest perhaps, but what of our elven allies?"
  84. [17:59] <@Aluthyra> Tognik frowns. "Even as I hate to admit it, no. If we take too much time, they'll die." He shakes his head, frowning, "But if we rush, we all die. We need to make sure we aren't putting their lives over the lives of /everyone/ else."
  85. [18:00] * Kilarra replies, "If he hasn't killed them already, he's probably keeping them as hostages. That aboleth told us the big gate it was guarding, or at least standing in front of, was a gate back to some drow city. He probably knows full well he's not getting Celwynvian back at this point, so he's probably gonna try to get out with as much information and surviving troops as he can."
  86. [18:02] * Aluthyra nods. "Well, we should find a place to rest, then continue with haste."
  87. [18:03] <@Aluthyra> Tognik adds, "I can help with that. I can create a small shelter, enough space for 10 people, even if a little cramped.
  88. [18:03] * Aluthyra smiles, and briefly, looks around for any of the arrows she missed with.
  89. [18:04] * Kilarra points to the Fluted Goblet, "Or, we could use the actual Inn." She notes, "That is, or was... will be? Anyways, that was where we took out that Necromancer before."
  90. [18:06] * Aluthyra places a single arrow back into her quiver.
  91. [18:06] <Kilarra> Kilarra's spell wears off, her feet turning back into hooves, her pointed ears giving way to her horns, her teeth re-sharpening and her tail growing back out.
  92. [18:07] * Kilarra wiggles her tail a bit. "Much better."
  93. [18:07] * Aluthyra smiles. "That will work then."
  94. [18:09] * Kilarra takes the opportunity to slip her tail around Aluthyra nad pull her in for a fresh kiss. "Just in case we die tomorrow," she notes before showing some more of the skills one would acquire by living in a brothel most of one's life.
  95. [18:10] * Aluthyra blushes, clearing her throat after a much... enjoyed kiss. "W-we... should make haste."
  96. [18:10] <@Aluthyra> Tognik snickers.
  97. [18:11] * Kilarra nods, then looks to Tognik, "Since you're the one who can turn invisible, why don't you go first and make sure its empty."
  98. [18:11] <@Aluthyra> Tognik shrugs, casting a spell of invisibility upon himself. After a moment, he heads for the inn.
  99. [18:13] <Kilarra> The inn is only a little further down the Vista from where they were standing. A thorough inspection reveals the building to be completely abandoned. HOwever, there is a fully stocked wine cellar, and some food preserves in the kitchen.
  100. [18:16] <@Aluthyra> Tognik smiles returning to the group. "Clear. And... there is a stocked while cellar along with food in the kitchen. I figure we should eat, and be fully prepared."
  101. [18:16] * Kilarra taps a hoof waiting for Tognik to come back, then raises an eyebrow at him, "Food? In this place? WOuld that even work?"
  102. [18:19] <Kilarra> Kjell ponders that a moment, "Well... this place may be a grand illusion, but it's also as much coinciding with the shadow plane..."
  103. [18:20] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "The Shadow plane is real, if not entirely substantial. My best guess is that food and drink that are a part of this place would provide at least fractional nourishment while within this place, but any attempt to take them back to the material plane would result in their cessation."
  104. [18:21] * Kilarra blinks, then attempts to parse that, "So they're sorta-filling, sorta-not, and wouldn't be good for anything on the outside?"
  105. [18:21] <Kilarra> Kjell nods
  106. [18:22] <@Aluthyra> Tognik shrugs. "Well, I have my own rations, so I suppose it'd be best to stick with that."
  107. [18:23] * Kilarra nods, "Works for me, but if... damnit this is an elven inn, so they probably wouldn't have any meat preserves anyways, real or not." She groans, "I miss bacon."
  108. [18:24] * Aluthyra chuckles. "We will be sure to have our fill when we have succeeded."
  109. [18:26] * Kilarra grins at Aluthyra, showing off her teeth, "I'm built as a carnivore," she jokes.
  110. [18:27] <@Aluthyra> Tognik rolls his eyes. "As Kjell said... we need to hurry."
  111. [18:27] * Aluthyra nods. "Right..." She slings her bow over her shoulder. "Shall we?"
  112. [18:28] * Kilarra nods and heads to the inn at a trot, glad to be back in her proper walking attire. He tail swings from side to side, emphasizing the curve of her backside if anyone (ALuthyra) happens to be looking at it.
  113. [18:29] <Kilarra> The party has an easy enough time finding rooms in the inn, whether ot not they go for the food and drink. There are enough rooms for them to each have their own if they wish
  114. [18:29] * Kilarra , obviously, invites Aluthyra to share her bed.
  115. [18:31] * Aluthyra blushes, asking, "Is sharing all? If so... yes. But... it is hardly the time, otherwise."
  116. [18:31] * Kilarra rolls her eyes, "Yes, that's all. Even I know when is and isn't an appropriate time to fuck. You would just keep me warm and cozy."
  117. [18:32] * Aluthyra smiles lightly, blush still present. "Then... I would not mind sharing."
  118. [18:35] * Kilarra smirks, then disrobes and slips into bed. "Calistria encourages indulgence, not stupidity."
  119. [18:37] * Aluthyra disrobes and folds her clothes, making her way into the bed. She smiles. "I see. That is good to hear, and hopefully... we might indulge later."
  120. [18:37] <Kilarra> Kjell takes his own room
  121. [18:38] * Kilarra smirks, "Oh I don't doubt that. Just gotta make sure we don't die first."
  122. [18:38] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  123. [18:38] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 8; 1200 Experience.
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