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Jul 26th, 2013
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  1. o _Weapon_Fire (looping): Straightens out his back, arms crossed in an ‘X’ fashion in front of his face, head down. Mouth on stomach starts giggling.
  3. o _Weapon_Build_Up: Leans forward, opens mouth and screams, putting his arms back down to his sides, releasing the beam from between his horns.
  5. o _Chain_Basic: Right Hook: Wide right hook.
  7. o _Chain_Basic_2: Left Uppercut: Uppercut with left arm
  9. o _Chain_Basic_3: Pelvic Thrust: Lunges forward and bites with his mouth on his stomach
  11. o _Quick_Basic: Time for a Licking: Tongue emerges from mouth on stomach near instantly and whips in a medium-sized area in front of him. Long recovery as the tongue takes its time coming back.
  13. o _Fierce_Basic: Maledict Burst: Gohturath roars loudly as he looks at the sky and spreads his arms, releasing a small burst of dark energy around him and inflicting small damage. Any Young hit by the blast split into 2 Young, one is a dud and the other is the normal Young. There is no physical difference between the 2.
  15. o _Chain_Away: Putrid Vomit: Gohturath’s lower mouth shudders violently as it vomits forth a pool of sludge that slows enemy movement as long as it lasts and deals small damage if it initially hits the enemy.
  17. o _Chain_Down: Overhead Smash: Gohturath leans back a bit, and performs a large overhead smash with both hands, lunging forward a bit. Chains well with Chain_Up.
  19. o _Chain_Toward: Wide Smack: Gohturath leans forward on his roots and performs a wide backhand in front of him with his right hand. Chains into itself. Mirrored.
  21. o _Chain_Up: Goht-a-pult: Gohturath lays his head flat on the floor, and comes up with force as he skewers the opponents on the top of his horns.
  23. o _Quick_Away: Smack: Gohturath leans back on his roots and throws his hand in front of him, doing a quick smack as he backs up slowly.
  25. o _Quick_Down: Ground Pound: Takes a position similar to Weapon_ Fire (looping) initially, but then instead of firing a beam, he punches the ground in front of him.
  27. o _Quick_Toward: Desperate Lunge: Violently throws his upper body forward, and bites the area in front of him with his regular mouth. Decent range, long recovery time.
  29. o _Quick_Up: Impale: Looks to his left and calls forth a giant root next to him high in the sky, skewering foes above and immediately next to him. Chainable to itself, mirrored.
  31. o _Fierce_Away: Sludge Bomb: Gohturath's lower body and mouth quiver slightly, as he vomits a ball of sludge a long area in front of him, that explodes on impact. If this attack hits one of his young, that Young immediately burrows into the ground, stops moving, and waits for the rest of the game until a foe walks across it, exploding for regular damage.
  33. o _Fierce_Down: Rancid Salvo: Gohturath bends his upper body all the way backwards, mouth on his stomach pointed in the air, and launches a salvo of sludge from his stomach in a medium-large area in front of him, depending on how long he channels it for. If this salvo hits any of his Young, they gain increased speed for the next few seconds. Long recovery time.
  35. o _Fierce_Toward: Scathe: Takes a stance similar to Quick_Away, but instead of smacking and then backing up, he unleashes a laser in a medium range in front of himself that sweeps across a small area. If this laser hits any of his Young, when they explode, they leave a residue on all opponents hit that increases the damage they take from Gohturath’s ranged attacks.
  37. o _Fierce_Up: Eldritch Flash: Gohturath puffs out his chest and sticks his arms to his sides, as the mouth on his stomach opens, unleashing a quick laser in a long range in front of him. Low damage, quick execution. If any of his Young are hit by this, they immediately explode for 1.5x damage.
  39. o _Power_Away: Entangle: Sacrifices a portion Gohturath’s current health, and entangles all enemies around him for .75 seconds, they can still act, just not move. During that .75 seconds, Gohturath leans back, de-roots himself and jumps back a short distance. The health cost increases every time this ability is cast.
  41. o _Power_Down: Spawn Young. Mouth on his stomach opens wide, his whole body convulses once, and Gohturath screams loudly as a Young falls out of his stomach mouth. The Young starts to slowly crawl towards the nearest enemy, and explodes upon impact or after a set amount of time. Total time for summon: 1.25 seconds. Very vulnerable during cast, but quick recovery after. Maximum amount of Young available at once is 4, after every 4 casts of this attack, you cannot spawn any Young for the next 10 seconds.
  43. o _Power_Toward: Devour: The mouth on Ghoturath’s stomach sweeps its tongue across the floor in front of it, dealing minimal damage to foes who are hit, but upon first contact with a Young, it drags it back into its mouth, healing Gohturath for a small amount. Long recovery time and execution.
  45. o _Power_Up: Detonate: Instantly explodes all Young that are currently alive. Explosions caused by this deal 75% damage of a normal explosion and ignore any special boost given to the Young. Places a short cooldown on Spawn Young. Long recovery time
  47. its probably shit i know, i have fuck all ideas how to balance and how to fit a theme, but with some help i could flesh some things out better.
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