
[Alone in EqG Verse] Technomancer Anon New Years Special

Jan 9th, 2018
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  1. >A gust of wind chills you to the bone as you step out your car.
  2. >If the roads weren't icy you would've got to school in no time.
  3. >Giving the school grounds a scan, you realise it's dead.
  4. >Everyone must be inside already.
  5. >You lean back in the car and grab everything you need, locking it after you're done.
  6. >You pull your jacket around you and jog to the doors.
  7. >The warmth of the school washes over you as you shut the doors after yourself.
  8. >Now then, where are the girls.
  9. >Are they in the cafeteria?
  10. >You're about 80 percent sure they said to meet at the cafeteria.
  11. >Or was it the hall?
  12. >Might as well check the cafeteria first.
  13. >You casually walk down the halls, passing a few other students who give you the usual greetings.
  14. >Turning a corner, you quickly sidestep past a group of students and head into the cafeteria.
  15. >No one's there besides a few classmates.
  16. >Guess you better check the assembly hall.
  17. >Probably should have done that first since the new years party is being held there.
  18. >You pull a 180 and head the opposite way, towards the other end of the school.
  19. >The distant sound of music and students gets louder as you approach the hall.
  20. >You turn the corner straight into the hall, and greeted with a wonderful sight.
  21. >Students have filled the hall.
  22. >The left side has at least five tables of snacks, drinks and bowls of punch.
  23. >The right side has chairs and tables lined up in a couple rows
  24. >A fair few tables are taken, but you spot your target.
  25. >Near the stage, a rainbow head of hair sticks out among the crowd.
  26. >Making a beeline for the table, you squeeze through the crowd as they dance to the blarring music.
  27. >Pinkie spots you, and instantly jumps up.
  28. >"Hiya Nonny! Over here!"
  29. > She waves you over as the other girls turn around.
  30. >They're all wearing fancy, form fitting dresses that hug their bodies in all the right places.
  31. >Even Dash is wearing one, considering she seems the tomboy type.
  32. >Nevertheless, she looks amazing, showing off her excellently toned body.
  34. >You exchange the usual festive greetings as you take a seat at the table.
  35. >"So how was your christmas Anon?" Sunset asks.
  36. >It wasn't anything big, just a quiet family dinner with Rusty and the gang.
  37. >Although some parts are a bit blurry.
  38. "It was pretty good, got some great tasting grub in me, and I got a new toolset and shirt."
  39. >"Speaking of, we got you something."
  40. >They each pull out their respective gifts and slide them to your part of the table.
  41. >Sunset holds her's next to the table.
  42. >They're all different sizes, with Rainbows and Applejacks being the biggest.
  43. >Alrighty, lets see what we got.
  44. >You start with Dash's gift and tear apart the wrapping paper.
  45. >You flip open the white box and look inside.
  46. >A pair of black trainers adorned with a small green line on each side.
  47. >They look pretty smart to be honest, and you could do with another pair.
  48. "Thanks Dash, definitely gonna be needing these."
  49. >"No problem, your others are kinda wrecked."
  50. >She's not wrong, they've pretty much fallen apart.
  51. >Next up, Rarity's and Fluttershy's gift.
  52. >You pull apart the neat little bow and split the wrapping in two.
  53. >Opening the box, you find a silver grey sweater, the same colour as your car when you really look.
  54. >You grab it and hold it up, getting a feel of it.
  55. >It's soft, and rather stretchy.
  56. >You just know it'll fit you perfectly.
  57. >Glancing at the box, you notice another item.
  58. >You put the jumper aside and grab the other.
  59. >It's a pair of dark grey work pants, which has at least ten pockets lining the sides of each leg.
  60. >Even more than your work pants at home, which are starting to show a bit of wear.
  61. "Thanks girls, they'll be perfect for working in the cold."
  62. >Some good shit so far.
  63. >Next is Pinkie's, since she's giving a toothy grin in excitement.
  64. >There's no wrapping, just a pink box with a seal keeping it shut.
  65. >You break the seal and open it up.
  67. >Sitting inside is a pretty big cake, with icing decorated to resemble your Mustang.
  68. >It even has a little green face in the window.
  69. "Thanks Pinkie, I love the little decoration."
  70. >"No problem! It's got all your favourite flavours, strawberry chocolate vanilla orange and three kinds of buttercream!"
  71. >Damn, that's alot of shit.
  72. >Next is Applejacks oddly shaped, orange present.
  73. >You pull off the wrapping, revealing a six pack of what seems to be Applejack's homemade cider, only with a different wrapper and darker colour.
  74. >"Since ya liked mah cider ah figured I'd make ya an extra hard batch."
  75. "Cheers AJ, you know I like the hard stuff."
  76. >Hopefully it lives up to the name.
  77. >Only one way to find out isn't there?
  78. >You crack one open and have a taste.
  79. >The strong taste of apples, mixed with an alcohol you cant quite put your finger on.
  80. >Not that it matters since the taste is extraordinary.
  81. "Damn, you really did make it hard."
  82. >Applejack merely smiles as you set the bottle down.
  83. >Only Sunset's and Twilight's presents remain.
  84. >You start with Twilights medium sixed box, and open it up.
  85. >It's a rubiks cube, except it's daunting 8x8 size.
  86. >How the fuck are you gonna do that?
  87. >You pick it up and twist a few sides, mixing up the colours.
  88. >This'll take forever to solve, not that you mind.
  89. "Nice, thanks Twi, although don't expect it to be solved anytime soon."
  90. >"Oh I'm sure it'll take you awhile," She replies with a smug little grin.
  91. >Oh she's asked for it now.
  92. >You make a mental note to scan the cube at home.
  93. >Your AI can solve it for you.
  94. >That'll wipe the smug grin from her face.
  95. >Sunset stands up from the table and brings her gift to you.
  96. >It's big, at least fifty inches in length and thirty in height.
  97. >Probably a painting or something, that makes the most sense.
  98. >You carefully peel off the paper and throw it aside.
  100. >It's a canvas, with your precious Mustang speeding down the highway and into the sunset.
  101. >Over to the left side, a rainbow partially stands out behind the clouds, with it's light casting a reflection across the car.
  102. >And in the corner is a signature.
  103. >So this is one of Flanksy's paintings.
  104. >It's absolutely perfect, and just the right size to hang in your living room.
  105. "It's amazing, thanks Sunset. Be sure to thank Flanksy for me."
  106. >You give her a sly wink, which she returns.
  107. >"No problem, I'm sure they already know though."
  108. >You carefully place it aside and take another sip of cider.
  109. "Thanks again for the presents everyone, guess it's my turn now."
  110. >You pull out the slim box you have stashed in your jacket pocket, then undo the strap.
  111. >It's actually seven boxes, all wrapped up in black sparkly paper.
  112. >You didn't have anything more colourful, but who cares about the wrapping paper anyway?
  113. >Placing them on the table, you slide one each to everyone.
  114. >"Ooh, I wonder what it is?" Pinkie shouts as she practically tears the box apart.
  115. >They all open the boxes and smile.
  116. >Each box has a watch, with each one being the girls resspective colours and cutie marks, as Sunset calls them.
  117. >That sounds dumber everytime you say it, and you wouldn't believe it either if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes.
  118. >They all gasp and pull them out the boxes.
  119. "Yeah I wasn't too sure on what you'd all like, so I redesigned those smart watches I gave you awhile back."
  120. >"Oh it's simply marvelous darling" Rarity replies as she slips it on.
  121. "I figured I'd make them fashionable and practical."
  122. >Well, you designed them to be inconspicuous so as to not attract too much attention, considering they're better than the other leading smart watches.
  123. >"It's so awesome! But how do they work? What do you do with it?" Dash asks.
  124. "Place your finger on the face and find out."
  125. >Everyone looks to you, and copies Rainbow.
  126. >As they press their finger on the faces, they light up and tilt forward slightly.
  128. >Underneath the faces, a small black square rises above them and turns on the holographic display.
  129. >Another display flickers on, resembling a keyboard.
  130. "Each one has an inbuilt camera, allowing video chats with each other etc."
  131. >They all ooh and ahh at the display, and tap a few buttons on the keyboard.
  132. >"Thank you Anon", they all shout to you over the music, which seems to have gotten a fair bit louder.
  133. "Well now that the presents are out of the way, it's time to party!"
  134. >There's cheers all round as you down the last of your cider and get up.
  135. >While the girls get up and head to the dance floor, you weave your way towards the tables laden with food and drink.
  136. >Grabbing a cup and ladle, you pour yourself a drink of punch and have a sip.
  137. >It's sweet, but it's lacking an important ingredient.
  138. >Good thing you came prepared.
  139. >You take a quick look around.
  140. >No one seems to be looking, they're either talking to friends or dancing.
  141. >Time to kick this party up a notch.
  142. >Reaching into your jacket, you procure a glass bottle of vodka and open it up.
  143. >You take a quick swig, then proceed to pour it into the three large bowls of punch.
  144. >You chuck the empty bottle into the bin and pull out another bottle.
  145. >This time it's Jagermeister, although it's only a small bottle.
  146. >You take a swig and repeat the process.
  147. >You quickly chuck the bottle and pour yourself another drink.
  148. >A small sip tells you it's perfect for getting smashed.
  149. >Before you can take another swig, Rainbow jumps up next to you, almost making you spill your drink.
  150. >"Hey Anon, how's the punch?" Dash asks as she pours herself a drink.
  151. "Try it and find out," You reply with a devilish grin.
  152. >She looks to you questionably, before taking a sip.
  153. >"It tastes a bit...odd."
  154. "Eh, tastes fine to me, try the other ones."
  156. >She finishes her drink, then pours herself a cup of the pink punch.
  157. >She takes a sip and smiles.
  158. >"This one tastes much better," she replies and has another gulp.
  159. >Everyone's gonna get fucking smashed soon.
  160. >"So you like the trainers?"
  161. "Oh yeah, they look smart, and comfy."
  162. >"Yeah I made sure to pick the best. The size might be wrong, but I can change 'em if they're too uncomfy."
  163. "Awesome, I'll try them on later," You reply and finish your drink.
  164. "So Dash, do you like pranks?"
  165. >"Dude, I'm the master of pranks," She boasts as she throws the last of her drink down her throat.
  166. "Well then, let's have some fun."
  167. >You go to the table and grab all your presents, save for the cake and cider.
  168. >You'll have those later.
  169. "Bluefast, can you grab these and follow me."
  170. >"Sure", she replies as you pass her the clothes, shoes and rubiks cube.
  171. >You grab the painting and gently shove a few people aside.
  172. "Make way! Comin' through!"
  173. >You shout to everyone in your way as you carefully work your way to the doors.
  174. >There'll be murder if your shit gets wrecked.
  175. >You arrive safely at the doors and out into the corridoor.
  176. "Alright, I've got surprises for Celestia and Luna, but I need your help getting it done."
  177. >"What do you have in mind?"
  178. "You'll see soon enough."
  179. >You brace yourself for the cold as you make your way out to your car.
  180. >You unlock the car, pop the boot open and allow Dash to put the presents in there.
  181. >Next, you grab an unassuming cake, four air horns and some duct tape.
  182. >After that, you fold the back seats down to make room for your canvas, which just about fits in.
  183. "Righto, hold that for us but be careful," you pass the cake to her.
  184. >With everything you need, you lock up and head inside, with Dash carefully following you.
  185. >"So what are we doing with these?"
  186. "Well the cake is going to Celestia, but we better get that done first."
  187. >You arrive at the principals door and knock.
  188. >Without an answer, you cautiously open the door and step inside.
  190. "Stick the cake on the desk, then follow me."
  191. >You leave two airhorns on the desk and quickly duck out and into Luna's office.
  192. >Luna's not around, but you remain cautious.
  193. >The VP has a tendency to sneak up on you at the worst times.
  194. "Can you go grab some water and cups from somewhere while I sort this."
  195. >"Gotcha, back in a sec."
  196. >She zips off using her magic, while you go back to making adjustments to Luna's chair.
  197. >You rip off some duct tape and carefully stick it on the airhorn, then stick that under the chair.
  198. >Adding a bit more tape to secure it, you give a glance before moving on.
  199. >As you move to the door, Dash pops in with a stack of cups and two bottles of water.
  200. "Nice, now start filling them up and put them on the desk."
  201. >"Ah the classic airhorn prank, sweet."
  202. "Yeah I doubt Luna will appreciate it too much."
  203. >As she fills up the cups, you strap another airhorn behind the door.
  204. >It's perfectly lined up with the door handle, and Luna would be none the wiser.
  205. >"Done, now what? Are we gonna flip 'em upside down?"
  206. "You read my mind Rainbow," you reply as you grab a a piece of card from a shelf.
  207. "Alright, hold the cups and-"
  208. >A flash of blue and the cups are upside down on the desk.
  209. "Fuck me you got some skills."
  210. >"Ah it was nothin" She replies while inspecting her nails.
  211. >She didn't spill a drop, and they're covering the desk almost completely.
  212. >Luna's gonna have fun cleaning this up.
  213. "Right we're done here, back to the principals office."
  214. >You carefully open the door and poke your head out.
  215. >Coast is clear, let's do this.
  216. >With your partner following behind, you shut the door and head into Celestia's office.
  217. >You grab an air horn and get to work.
  218. >"So what's with the cake? Does it have chilli powder in it? Laxative?"
  219. "Nah, water balloon filled with glitter."
  220. >Haha, nice, oh I cant wait for their reactions!" Rainbow shouts as you finish up on the door.
  221. "Oh shit."
  223. >"What?"
  224. "I forgot to get the cameras from the car."
  225. >"Don't sweat it, give me your keys and I'll get 'em."
  226. >No way thats happening.
  227. >Instead, you pull out your phone and tap on the screen.
  228. >Three button touches and the car's unlocked.
  229. "I've unlocked it; In the glove box there's a little black box, bring it here. Oh and the zipties on the passenger seat.
  230. >With a nod, she disappears and returns.
  231. "Fuck me that was quick."
  232. >"I wasn't even going full speed," she replies with a smirk.
  233. "Alrighty, you stick the airhorn on the chair while I rig up the cameras."
  234. >You take the box from her and open it up.
  235. >You take out two tiny cameras and close it up.
  236. >With a bit of a stretch, you stick the camera above the door and pull out your phone again.
  237. >You check that the cameras secure and open up the app.
  238. >You've got a perfect view of the entire room.
  239. >You tap on your phone and activate the camouflage.
  240. >The cameras quickly changes from black to the light cream coloured wall.
  241. >Good, you can barely see it.
  242. >Once again you leave the room and go into Luna's office.
  243. >You attach the camera and quickly check it.
  244. >Looks decent enough, although it's a bit dark.
  245. >You tap your phone and click on camouflage.
  246. >The camera changes colour to match the wall, although it only goes to a dark shade of blue.
  247. >Everythings ready, now to the janitors closet.
  248. >Thankfully, it's only down the other end of the hall.
  249. >You get there in no time and open the door.
  250. >You flick the light on and scan the shelves.
  251. >Several cans of air freshner are stacked on the middle shelf.
  252. >And they're a pretty decent size, with triggers.
  253. >Perfect for what you have planned.
  254. >You grab all of them and stack them in your arms, making sure to not drop them.
  255. >Cant have people spotting you messing about and looking all suspicious.
  256. >With the cans in your arms, you kick the door shut and jog back.
  257. >Rainbow whips her head round to you and sighs in relief.
  259. >"Jeez, thought you were someone else then."
  260. "Oh sorry; Right, the cameras are up, is the chair done?"
  261. >"Yep! What are the cans for?"
  262. "We're gonna freshen up the party."
  263. >You kneel down and put the cans on the floor, then grab the zipties.
  264. "Grab some zipties and put 'em round the trigger, but not too tight."
  265. >"Aw yeah, this is gonna be awesome."
  266. >You split the cans into two piles and pull out some zipties.
  267. >Four each, which should be enough.
  268. >You finish up your zipties and stash the rest in your jacket, along with the duct tape.
  269. >You quickly check the room for any evidence, then grab your grenades.
  270. >Rainbow does the same, and you both head out.
  271. >Shutting the door behind you, you turn to Dash.
  272. "You ready?"
  273. >"Dude I was born ready."
  274. "Right then," you head towards the hall, "Let's do this."
  275. >Arriving at the doors, you both hide at either side and crouch down.
  276. >With everyone inside, you set the cans down and keep one in your hand.
  277. >You look to Dash, who has her own can ready to go.
  278. "Ready?"
  279. >"Ready."
  280. "Three, two, one."
  281. >With perfect timing, you each pull on the zipties and throw.
  282. ...
  284. >The music thumps away as you dance and sway with your friends.
  285. >Although looking around you, everyone seems to be a bit too happy.
  286. >Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's-
  287. >You quickly catch your balance as someone bumps into you from behind.
  288. >You turn around and come face to face with Sandalwood.
  289. >"Oh oops sorry Sunset *hic* didn't see you there."
  290. "Oh it's fine, dont worry about it," You reply as he sways side to side.
  291. >Is he drunk?
  292. >Now that you look at him...
  293. >Everyone seems to be more or less the same.
  294. >You weren't told there was going to be alcohol.
  295. >Was it the punch?
  296. >Now that you think back, it did have a slightly odd taste.
  297. >Although you didn't really notice, since the punch was seriously fruity.
  298. >You look back to your friends, who all seem a bit tipsy too.
  299. >Where's Rainbow Dash?
  300. >You haven't seen her since she went to get a drink.
  301. >In fact, you haven't seen Anon either.
  302. "Hey girls!"
  303. >You shout to your friends over the booming music.
  304. >Vinyl is doing one heck of a job.
  305. "Have you seen Rainbow Dash? Or Anon?"
  306. >"Ooh, I saw them carrying Anons presents," Pinkie replies as she carries on dancing.
  307. >Maybe they're-
  308. >["-Nade!"]
  309. >Your train of thought is interrupted by shouts and hollers.
  310. >Looking for the source of the random screaming, you watch as students scramble away from what looks to be...Gas?
  311. >More students clumsily topple over each other as more spray fills the air.
  312. >You cover your nose and mouth and carefully step towards it, dodging students as they topple and fall to the floor.
  313. >You look to the floor as one of the spray's dies out.
  314. >Inspecting it, you realise it's air freshner.
  315. >Only it has a ziptie around the trigger, like a makeshift gas grenade.
  316. >"What's going on here?!"
  317. >You turn around to see Vice Principal Luna stomping through the crowd.
  319. >You here the clink of metal on the ground as more *grenades* slide across the floor, filling up the hall with a pine fresh smell.
  320. >Although everyone's moving as far away as possible.
  321. >You step aside as Luna pushes through the crowd towards the doors.
  322. >As she gets closer, you barely make out a rainbow blur speed off, with a certain someone quickly following behind.
  323. >Of course it would be them.
  324. >Not surprising, since Rainbow is a bit of a prankster.
  325. >But you're willing to bet money that this was Anon's idea.
  326. >Is it worth trying to find them?
  327. >Nah, they'll be long gone anyway.
  328. >You just hope Luna doesn't catch them.
  329. ...
  331. >You sprint down the hall, keeping up with rainbow.
  332. >Well not really keeping up, more like playing catch up since she just bolted in a rainbow blur.
  333. >You turn a corner and quickly look around.
  334. >Where the fuck did she go?
  335. >Right on cue she pops up at your side.
  336. "Cheers for leaving me behind," you say between your panting.
  337. >"Heh, sorry. Sometimes I forget how fast I'm going."
  338. >Looking for an exit, you instead spot the teachers lounge.
  339. "Ever been in the teachers lounge?"
  340. >"Nope"
  341. "Let's go then."
  342. >You grab her arm and pull her into the room.
  343. >Thankfully all the teachers are in the hall.
  344. >Probably trying to sort out the aftermath of your chemical attack.
  345. >Oh boy you're gonna be in trouble.
  346. >Assuming they find out you did it.
  347. >You lock the door and have a look around.
  348. >There's a medium sized table with chairs surrounding it.
  349. >There's a three seater sofa up against the wall, and two comfy looking chairs on the right of the sofa.
  350. >There's a doorway to the left of the sofa, leading into a small kitchen.
  351. "Well that was fun wasn't it?"
  352. >"Hell yeah, that was awesome," Rainbow replies as she flops on the sofa.
  353. "I haven't had that much fun since..."
  354. >When was the last time you had fun like this?
  355. "Right, I think it's time to raid the fridge."
  356. >You walk into the kitchen and open the fridge.
  357. >Well there's milk, butter and some bottles of water and other drink.
  358. >Eh, nothing good to munch on.
  359. >You turn your attention to the cupboards.
  360. >Hopefully there's something good in here.
  361. >Bread, cereal and some fruitcake thing that looks like it's going mouldy.
  362. >But something catches your eye.
  363. >You reach for the top shelf and shift a cereal box aside.
  364. >Nestled in the corner is a small bottle of whiskey.
  365. >You grab it and have a look.
  366. >It's some good old Jack Daniels.
  367. >It's about a third full.
  368. >Makes you wonder who it belongs to.
  369. >Probably Celestia.
  370. >She seems the type to have a little tipple in her morning coffee.
  372. >You shut the cupboard door and open up another.
  373. >Mugs, cups and glasses fill the shelves.
  374. >Strangely, you find what looks to be shot glasses, but about twice as big.
  375. >Fuck it they'll do.
  376. >You grab two and head back into the lounge.
  377. "I found some goodies," you say as you put the bottle and glasses onto the table.
  378. >"That was in the kitchen?" Rainbow asks with a surprised expression.
  379. "Yep, I think it's the principals."
  380. >You open up the bottle and measure out a shot into each glass.
  381. >Okay a bit more than a shot, but more is better right?
  382. >You screw the top back on and hand a glass to Dash.
  383. >She hesitantly takes it and gives it a smell.
  384. "You ever had this before?"
  385. >"No, does it taste nice?"
  386. "Yeah it tastes alright, but it's usually mixed with something else."
  387. >You hold your glass up.
  388. "Cheers," You throw the burning liquid down your throat.
  389. >Rainbow does the same, only slower.
  390. >As soon as she drinks it, she cough's a little and sets the glass down.
  391. "A bit too strong for ya eh?"
  392. >I'm not really a drinker," She replies while clearing her throat.
  393. "Well, more for me then."
  394. >You measure another and throw it down you.
  395. >You're going to be hanging tomorrow.
  396. >You let yourself crash onto the sofa and sink into the cushions.
  397. >"So how much trouble do ya think we'll get into?"
  398. "A years worth of detention maybe? Fuck I dunno, I'm just hoping no one catches us."
  399. >"Heh, I wonder how the girls reacted."
  400. "I'd guess they just started panicking. Did you see the dude who fell on his arse?"
  401. >"Yeah! Then the other guys fell on top like dominoes!"
  402. >"You both laugh like idiots at the state the students were in.
  403. "You know what?"
  404. >"What dude?" She looks at you expectantly.
  405. "You're a good partner in crime Dash, I certainly can't see anyone else rolling with this as well as you."
  406. >She gives you a cheeky grin as she gets more comfortable.
  407. >"You make a pretty good sidekick too."
  409. "You mean you make a good sidekick," You retort.
  410. >"No way, you're the sidekick!"
  411. >She playfully punches you in the arm.
  412. "No you!"
  413. >You both chuckle a little as you wiggle about, getting stuck into the cushions.
  414. "In all seriousness though, you're a good friend; And I understand now why you're the element of loyalty."
  415. >"I always look out for my friends dude, friendship is magic afterall."
  416. "Heh, that still sounds stupid."
  417. >"Wasn't so stupid when we saved your ass though was it?"
  418. >She's got you there.
  419. "Even still, I can count on you having my back."
  420. >"I'll always have your back dude," She replies with a cute smile.
  421. >The seconds tick by as you both stare at eachother.
  422. >Is the Daniels starting to hit already?
  423. >Nah that's not it.
  424. >You can feel your heart slowly beating faster.
  425. >This feeling...
  426. >Without even thinking, you lean towards her.
  427. >She meets you halfway and you lock lips.
  428. >It feels so...
  429. >You bring a hand to her head and pull her in closer.
  430. >...Right.
  431. >She leans in more and wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you closer.
  432. >Your tongues meet, and they wrestle around fighting for dominance.
  433. >You haven't felt like this in so long.
  434. >You part lips and take a breath.
  435. >"I er, heh heh, erm," She stumbles over her words, "...I dont really do this much and erm-"
  436. >You silence her and plant your lips on hers.
  437. "Don't worry," You whisper between kisses, "I'll be gentle."
  438. >You give her soft little kisses, slowly making your way down her neck.
  439. >She tilts her head back and shivers as you hit the right spots.
  440. >She's like putty in your hands.
  441. >You slowly remove the strap off her shoulder, and work your way down, kissing and nibbling near her collar bone.
  442. >A shiver and a moan let's you know you're hitting her sweet spots.
  444. >You remove the other strap, and ever so slowly pull at her dress.
  445. >With an extra tug, it slides down her body, revealing her sky blue bra.
  446. >Her breathing gets heavier as you drag your tongue closer to her breasts, planting small soft pecks along the way.
  447. >She pulls away and practically rips her bra off, revealing her larger than expected breasts.
  448. >They look about b cups, but you don't really know breast sizes.
  449. >Who cares really? Boobs are boobs.
  450. >Her nipples stick out, and she shivers at the feeling of her tits out in the open.
  451. >You trace around her left nipple with your tongue, while rubbing and squeezing her right.
  452. >She throws her head back and moans deeply, enjoying your attention.
  453. >You circle her nipple once more, then flick it with your tongue.
  454. >She falls backwards, lying across the sofa and pulls you with her.
  455. >Time to step it up a notch.
  456. >You slowly slide a hand down and stroke her thigh.
  457. >As you massage and lightly suck on her nipple, you slide a hand down to her inner thigh.
  458. >She arches her back as you slither your hand up, inching closer to her delicate flower.
  459. >Your fingers graze the fabric of her panties, which are already quite damp.
  460. >You test the waters and rub a finger up and down her slit, massaging her outer labia.
  461. >She coo's and moans, wriggling her legs to your strokes.
  462. >You move away from her knockers and kiss her deeply, rubbing her with two fingers.
  463. >She clearly likes it, since you can feel your fingers getting wet from her juices.
  464. >You pull away from her and lift her dress up, exposing her bare legs.
  465. >Without wasting time, you pull her panties off and chuck them somewhere on the floor.
  466. >You kneel down and get your head between her legs.
  467. >Her scent alone is driving your dick crazy.
  468. >You gently blow on her cooch, sending near visible shivers down her spine.
  470. >Her legs twitch and shake as you blow harder, getting closer and closer to her lips.
  471. >Enough teasing, time to get stuck in.
  472. >You drag your tongue from her thigh and slowly lick her labia.
  473. >She squeals as you lick up down and around, lapping up her sweet juices.
  474. >Taking you by surprise, she forces your head deeper, prompting you to stick your tongue inside.
  475. >Her moans start getting louder and louder as your tongue prods her delicate flower.
  476. >At this rate you're gonna drown with how wet she's getting.
  477. >You slither your tongue along her inner walls then flick it up, hitting her clitoris.
  478. >You repeat the process as her hips jerk and twist in pleasure.
  479. >"Ah-Anon...I'm gonna..."
  480. >Her legs judder and tighly wrap around you as she rides her first wave of orgasm.
  481. >Someone's gonna hear with how loud she's screaming.
  482. >As her legs go limp, you pull away, leaving strands of juices to puddle on the couch cushions.
  483. >"Anon, that," She pants heavily between words, "was amazing."
  484. "That was just the beginning," You reply as you undo your belt.
  485. >You let your pants drop to the floor, freeing your shaft from it's denim prison.
  486. >Rainbow sits up as your rod stands to attention.
  487. >Tentatively, she leans forward and grips it with her hand.
  488. >She starts slow, mouth slightly agape.
  489. >She goes faster, going along the lengh of your shaft.
  490. >Even though she said she doesn't do this alot, she's not too bad at it.
  491. >Rainbow stops and holds it at the base, then leans in and licks the tip hesitantly.
  492. >She licks it again, before slowly going down on it.
  493. >She only goes halfway before stopping, then goes down again.
  494. >Her head bobs as she blows you faster, slowly taking in more each time she goes down.
  495. >Her teeth lightly graze the skin, raising the pleasure slightly.
  496. >After a few more sucks, you pull back and sit on the couch.
  497. >She sits down next to you and grabs your meatstick once more.
  499. >You reach around her and probe around with your fingers as she strokes your pole.
  500. >Your fingers find their destination, and you slowly prod as she rubs you faster.
  501. >Dash leans down and starts sucking, giving you more room to feel around.
  502. >You start with one finger, carefully pushing it into her snatch.
  503. >She moans onto your dick, sending vibrations throughout the length.
  504. >You pull your finger out and push it in deeper, eliciting more moans from her.
  505. >If you keep this up you'll spurt right down her throat.
  506. >You slip another finger in and go as far as your fingers allow.
  507. >Her hips buck and writhe, but she keeps her pace, coating your junk with her saliva.
  508. >You redouble your efforts and finger her faster, rubbing and caressing her insides.
  509. >After a few more thrusts, you pull your fingers out and push her off you.
  510. >You lie her down on the sofa and kiss her, as you line your cock up.
  511. >She stares into your eyes expectantly, as you position yourself.
  512. >She definitely ready.
  513. >You start slow, pushing your tip into her love tunnel.
  514. >Still going slowly, you go in inch by inch as she squeezes her eyes shut.
  515. >She's pretty tight, but that doesn't stop her deep, almost gutteral moans.
  516. >You go balls deep and hold it there, letting her get used to the size.
  517. >You slowly pull out and spread her legs out wide, getting ready to go deep.
  518. >You lean over her and kiss her, as you thrust deep into her love tunnel.
  519. >It's a good thing you're making out with her, as her moans and screams get louder and louder the deeper you go.
  520. >Anyone in the hall outside would definitely hear her, not that it matters.
  521. >This train aint stopping anytime soon.
  522. >You pull out halfway then slam in deep, making her scream into your mouth.
  523. >You can feel her walls squeezing your shaft as you pound her, quickly increasing speed.
  525. >With every thrust, the couch rocks and creaks, threatening to break at any moment.
  526. >You break off the kiss, getting some much needed air and grab her tits.
  527. >You squeeze them hard, using them as an anchor of sorts as you pound her pussy into oblivion.
  528. >Her wails and moans bounce off the walls, bringing both of you ever closer to the edge.
  529. >It builds up with every thrust, coercing you to go even faster.
  530. >You can tell she's close too, as her feet and legs tense up.
  531. >Before you can blow your load, she throws you off her and positions herself on top.
  532. >Seems she wants control now.
  533. >Without missing a beat, she drops herself down taking your entire length inside her.
  534. >Reaching for her necklace, she activates her magic.
  535. >Before you can even ask, she bounces up and down so fast it's just a blur.
  536. >You've never felt anything like it as she doubles her speed.
  537. >It's unreal, and your dick doesn't know what to do.
  538. >Wrapping her arms around your neck for support, she gyrates her hips, moving side to side and forward and backward.
  539. >You can barely tell whats going on, everything becomes a blur.
  540. >You cant keep it up any longer as you prepare yourself.
  541. >"I'm gonna...cum"
  542. >She leans in and plants her lips on yours, moaning into your mouth.
  543. >Her breathing increases, as does yours as you both inch closer to the edge.
  544. >She's going so fast.
  545. >You can't hold it any longer.
  546. >Her hips slam down for the last time, sending you both straight over the edge.
  547. >Her walls tighten around your cock as you both scream in ecstasy.
  548. >Your cock twitches as you shoot your load deep inside.
  549. >Her legs tense up and jerk as she milks you of every last drop.
  551. >You heave a heavy sigh and hold her tight as she rides through her second orgasm.
  552. >She falls on top of you and rests her head on your chest, your cock still twitching inside her a little.
  553. >You stay as you are for a moment, catching your breath and basking in the afterglow.
  554. >Closing your eyes, you listen to the sound of her heavy, contented sighs as she rest on top of you.
  555. >"That, was awesome."
  556. "Damn straight, nice touch with the magic."
  557. >"I figured you'd like it."
  558. "I fucking loved it."
  559. >You stay silent for a moment, and just chill.
  560. > A few minutes slowly tick by.
  561. "Well, suppose we should get cleaned up."
  562. >Dash reluctantly gets up, letting your dick pop out with a wet slap.
  563. >You hop up and grab some kitchen paper, and get to work cleaning yourself up.
  564. >Turning to the sofa, you debate whether to attempt to clean it.
  565. >Nah fuck it, leave it to the teachers or something.
  566. >You both get dressed, and quietly head out, checking for anyone nearby.
  567. >With no one in sight, you quickly snatch the bottle of JD and walk together to the hall.
  568. >It seems the party's still going, and the spray has disappeared.
  569. >You cant spot the VP anywhere though.
  570. >You push through the crowd back to your table and slide into a seat.
  571. >The rest of the gang spots you and head to the table.
  572. >"Where have you two been?" Sunset asks.
  573. >"Yeah, you missed all the fun; someone set off cans of spray and everyone went nuts!" Pinkie shouts over Sunset.
  574. "We were just doing stuff, yeah..."
  575. >Sunset frowns at you with a somewhat knowing glare.
  576. >Rarity gives you the same look, except she has a smirk plastered on her face?
  577. >She must have put two and two together, considering you're both still sweaty and disheveled a little.
  578. >"You wouldn't happen to know what happened here do you?" Sunset inquires.
  580. >"Nope," Rainbow hastily replies.
  581. "Yeah no idea Sunny buns," you smirk at her and take a swig of Jack.
  582. >The music stops, and everyone looks to the stage.
  583. >"Okay students," the principal shouts over the microphone, " we've only ten minutes until midnight, everyone head out to the field for a firework display!"
  584. >She's drunk.
  585. >Or tipsy at the very least.
  586. >Everyone drunkenly shuffles out the doors and into the halls, eager to witness the trippy display of explosions and lights.
  587. >As you head out with your entourage and bottle, your phone buzzes.
  588. >You whip it out and take a gander.
  589. "Dash come ere."
  590. >She huddles up next to you as you both watch the camera app.
  591. >Luna's walks into her office and stands still.
  592. >"This is gonna be so cool."
  593. >Instead of closely inspecting her desk, the VP instead decides to just pick up a cup.
  594. >You and Dash burst into laughter as water splashes all over the desk.
  595. >In a panic Luna tries to stop the flow, but only makes things worse by knocking over more cups.
  596. >The water covers her desk and drips down the sides, much to her annoyance.
  597. >Actually that isn't accurate, she's fuming.
  598. "Oh wow, this is getting posted online."
  599. >You and Dash have a chuckle and head to the field.
  600. >There's a pretty large pile of fireworks, ready to light.
  601. >"One minute to new years wooooo!" Someone shouts out.
  602. >You and the girls huddle together, counting down withh the rest of the students.
  603. >Celestia stands by the fireworks, ready to light them up.
  604. >"FIVE!"
  605. >"FOUR!"
  606. >"THREE!"
  607. >"TWO!"
  608. >"ONE!"
  609. >Horns blare from somewhere as everyone screams.
  610. "Happy New Year everyone!"
  611. >You turn to Dash and give her a kiss, which she happily returns.
  612. >"Okay students, let's light them up!"
  613. >Celestia flicks her lighter and sets off a few, then stumbles backwards.
  614. >The fireworks shoot off into the night sky, followed by a boom and a lot of flashes.
  615. >Best new years ever.
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