

Sep 2nd, 2017
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  1. every second:
  2. loop {signs::*}:
  3. line 1 of block at loop-value is "&7[&bBS&7]":
  4. line 2 of block at loop-value is "[dolacz]":
  5. line 3 of block at loop-value is set:
  6. set line 4 of block at loop-value to "%{bs::%line 3 of block at loop-value%::arena::start}%/6"
  7. line 1 of block at loop-value is "&7[&bBS&7]":
  8. line 2 of block at loop-value is "[dolacz]":
  9. line 3 of block at loop-value is set:
  10. line 4 of block at loop-value is "<none>/6":
  11. set {bs::%line 3 of block at loop-value%::arena::start} to 0
  12. set line 4 of block at loop-value to "%{bs::%line 3 of block at loop-value%::arena::start}%/6"
  13. line 1 of block at loop-value is "&7[&bBS&7]":
  14. line 2 of block at loop-value is "[dolacz]":
  15. line 3 of block at loop-value is set:
  16. line 4 of block at loop-value is "-1/6" or "-2/6" or "-3/6":
  17. loop {bs::%line 3 of block at loop-value%::*}:
  18. set {bs::%line 3 of block at loop-value%::arena::start} to 0
  19. set line 4 of block at loop-value to "%{bs::%line 3 of block at loop-value%::arena::start}%/6"
  21. on sign change:
  22. if line 1 is "[loc]":
  23. add location of block to {signs::*}
  26. command /setlobby:
  27. permission: dr.set.lobby
  28. trigger:
  29. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Ustawiłeś glowna poczekalnie"
  30. set {lobby} to location of player
  32. command /setgraj:
  33. permission: dr.set.lobby
  34. trigger:
  35. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Ustawiłeś graj"
  36. set {graj} to location of player
  38. command /bs [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  39. trigger:
  40. if arg 1 is not set:
  41. send "&6++ &8-------------- &6++ &aBS &6++ &8-------------- &6++"
  42. send "&8+ &a/bs leave &8- &aopuszcza arene"
  43. send "&8+ &a/bs manage &8- &akomendy do zarzadzania arenami"
  44. stop
  45. if arg 1 is "manage":
  46. if player has permissions "dr.*" or "dr.komendy":
  47. send "&6++ &8-------------- &6++ &2BS &6++ &8-------------- &6++"
  48. send "&8+ &2/bs create [nazwa] &8- &2tworzy arene"
  49. send "&8+ &2/bs setstart [nazwa] &8- &2ustawia punkt startowy"
  50. send "&8+ &2/bs setlobby [nazwa] &8- &2ustawia lobby"
  51. send "&8+ &2/bs delete [nazwa] &8- &2usuwa arene"
  52. send "&8+ &2/bs list &8- &2sprawdza liste aren"
  53. send "&8+ &2/bs setmiejsce [nazwa] [1m,2m,3m,bm] &8- &2Ustawia miejsca za wygrana"
  54. send "&8+ &2/bs reload &8- &2przeladowuje skrypt"
  55. stop
  56. else:
  57. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie posiadasz uprawnien do uzycia tej komendy"
  58. stop
  59. if arg 1 is "r":
  60. set {bs::test::status} to "oczekiwanie":
  61. if arg 1 is "setmiejsce":
  62. if arg 2 is set:
  63. if arg 3 is "1m" or "2m" or "3m" or "bm":
  64. set {bs::%arg 2%::%arg 3%} to location of player
  65. send "&7[&bBS&7] &aStworzyles teleport dla miejsca: &8%arg 3%"
  66. stop
  67. if arg 1 is "create":
  68. if player has permissions "bs.*":
  69. if arg 2 is set:
  70. set {bs::%arg 2%::created} to true
  71. set {bs::%arg 2%::name} to "%arg 2%"
  72. set {bs::%arg 2%::arena::start} to 0
  73. add "%arg 2%" to {areny::list::*}
  74. send "&7[&bBS&7] &aStworzono arene o nazwie: &8%arg 2%"
  75. send "&cWazne: &fPrzed korzystaniem z areny ustaw pozycje startowa i poczekalnie"
  76. stop
  77. else:
  78. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie wprowadziles nazwy areny"
  79. stop
  80. else:
  81. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie posiadasz uprawnien do uzycia tej komendy"
  82. stop
  83. if arg 1 is "list":
  84. if player has permissions "bs.*":
  85. if arg 2 is not set:
  86. if {bs::list::*} is set:
  87. send "&aLista dostepnych aren:"
  88. set {_number} to size of {areny::list::*}
  89. loop {_number} times:
  90. loop {bs::list::*}:
  91. {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  92. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  93. loop {_number} times:
  94. send "&7%loop-number%. &a%{_v.%loop-number%}%"
  95. else:
  96. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Brak dostepnych aren!"
  97. stop
  98. else:
  99. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Aby wyswietlic liste aren wprowadz: &a/bparkour list"
  100. stop
  101. else:
  102. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie posiadasz uprawnien do uzycia tej komendy"
  103. stop
  104. if arg 1 is "delete":
  105. if player has permissions "bs.*":
  106. if arg 2 is set:
  107. if {bs::%arg 2%::created} is set:
  108. clear {bs::%arg 2%::created}
  109. remove {bs::%arg 2%::name} from {areny::list::*}
  110. clear {bs::%arg 2%::name}
  111. clear {bs::%arg 2%::position}
  112. clear {bs::%arg 2%::lobby}
  113. clear {bs::fail::%arg 2%}
  114. clear {bs::%arg 2%::arena::start}
  115. send "&7[&bBS&7] &aPomyslnie usunieto arene o nazwie: &8%arg 2%"
  116. stop
  117. else:
  118. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Arena o takiej nazwie nie istnieje!"
  119. send "&7Sprawdz liste dostepnych aren uzywajac: &a/bs list"
  120. stop
  121. else:
  122. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie wprowadziles nazwy areny"
  123. stop
  124. else:
  125. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie posiadasz uprawnien do uzycia tej komendy"
  126. stop
  127. if arg 1 is "setstart":
  128. if player has permissions "bs.*":
  129. if arg 2 is set:
  130. if {bs::%arg 2%::created} is set:
  131. set {bs::%arg 2%::position} to location of player
  132. send "&7[&bBS&7] &aUstawiono pozycje startowa dla areny: &8%{bs::%arg 2%::name}%"
  133. stop
  134. else:
  135. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Arena o takiej nazwie nie istnieje!"
  136. send "&7Sprawdz liste dostepnych aren uzywajac: &a/bs list"
  137. stop
  138. else:
  139. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie wprowadziles nazwy areny"
  140. stop
  141. else:
  142. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie posiadasz uprawnien do uzycia tej komendy"
  143. stop
  144. if arg 1 is "setlobby":
  145. if player has permissions "bs.*":
  146. if arg 2 is set:
  147. if {bs::%arg 2%::created} is set:
  148. set {bs::%arg 2%::lobby} to location of player
  149. send "%{bs::tag}% &aUstawiono lobby dla areny: &8%{bs::%arg 2%::name}%"
  150. stop
  151. else:
  152. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Arena o takiej nazwie nie istnieje!"
  153. send "&7Sprawdz liste dostepnych aren uzywajac: &a/bs list"
  154. stop
  155. else:
  156. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie wprowadziles nazwy areny"
  157. stop
  158. else:
  159. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie posiadasz uprawnien do uzycia tej komendy"
  160. stop
  161. if arg 1 is "setcoinsreward":
  162. if player has permissions "bs.*":
  163. if arg 2 is set:
  164. if arg 3 is set:
  165. set {_number} to arg 3 parsed as number
  166. if {_number} is greater than or equal to 0:
  167. if {bs::%arg 2%::created} is set:
  168. set {bs::coins::reward::%{bs::%arg 2%::name}%} to {_number}
  169. send "&7[&bBS&7] &aUstawiono: &8%{_number}% coins &adla areny: &8%{bs::%arg 2%::name}%"
  170. stop
  171. else:
  172. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Arena o takiej nazwie nie istnieje!"
  173. stop
  174. else:
  175. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Argument nr.3 nie jest cyfra!"
  176. stop
  177. else:
  178. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie wprowadziles kwoty!"
  179. stop
  180. else:
  181. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie wprowadziles nazwy areny!"
  182. stop
  183. else:
  184. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie posiadasz uprawnien do uzycia tej komendy"
  185. stop
  188. on any move:
  189. if {bs::gracz::%player%::start} is true:
  190. if block at location of player is water:
  191. teleport player to {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::position}
  193. #Wyjscie
  195. command /opusc:
  196. trigger:
  197. if {bs::gracz::%player%::start} is true:
  198. remove 1 from {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::arena::start}
  199. set {bs::gracz::%player%::start} to false
  200. teleport player to {lobby}
  201. remove invisibility from the player
  202. disallow fly for player
  203. set slot 0 of player to 345 named "&6&lSerwery"
  204. set slot 1 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  205. set slot 2 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  206. set slot 3 of player to 388 named "&6&lSklep"
  207. set slot 4 of player to 399 named "&6&lGraj"
  208. set slot 5 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  209. set slot 6 of player to 397:3 named "&2Pomoc"
  210. set slot 7 of player to 266 named "&6&lDodatki"
  211. set slot 8 of player to 264 named "&4&lPanel Admin"
  212. remove player from {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}
  213. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  214. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Wyszedl z areny" to loop-value
  215. if {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::arena::start} < 3:
  216. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  217. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Gra zostala zakonczona z powodu malej ilosci graczy" to loop-value
  218. apply INVISIBILITY 1 to the loop-value for 1 seconds
  219. set slot 0 of loop-value to 345 named "&6&lSerwery"
  220. set slot 1 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  221. set slot 2 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  222. set slot 3 of loop-value to 388 named "&6&lSklep"
  223. set slot 4 of loop-value to 399 named "&6&lGraj"
  224. set slot 5 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  225. set slot 6 of loop-value to 397:3 named "&2Pomoc"
  226. set slot 7 of loop-value to 266 named "&6&lDodatki"
  227. set slot 8 of loop-value to 264 named "&4&lPanel Admin"
  228. disallow fly for loop-value
  229. teleport {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*} to {lobby}
  230. clear {bs:::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::brakm}
  231. clear {bs:::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::pierwszy}
  232. clear {bs:::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::bsugi}
  233. clear {bs:::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::trzeci}
  234. set {bs:::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::miejsce} to 1
  235. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::status} to "oczekiwanie"
  236. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::arena::start} to 0
  237. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::block} to false
  238. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::status} to "oczekiwanie"
  239. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  240. set {bs::gracz::%loop-value%::start} to false
  241. remove loop-value from {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-value%}%::*}
  242. else:
  243. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie jestes na arenie" to player
  246. on quit:
  247. if {bs::gracz::%player%::start} is true:
  248. remove 1 from {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::arena::start}
  249. set {bs::gracz::%player%::start} to false
  250. teleport player to {lobby}
  251. remove invisibility from the player
  252. disallow fly for player
  253. remove player from {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}
  254. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  255. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Wyszedl z areny" to loop-value
  256. if {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::arena::start} < 3:
  257. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  258. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Gra zostala zakonczona z powodu malej ilosci graczy" to loop-value
  259. apply INVISIBILITY 1 to the loop-value for 1 seconds
  260. disallow fly for loop-value
  261. teleport {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*} to {lobby}
  262. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::status} to "oczekiwanie"
  263. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::arena::start} to 0
  264. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::block} to false
  265. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::status} to "oczekiwanie"
  266. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  267. set {bs::gracz::%loop-value%::start} to false
  268. remove loop-value from {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-value%}%::*}
  271. step on 133:
  272. if {bs::gracz::%player%::start} is true:
  273. if {bs::%player%::complet} is false:
  274. if {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::miejsce} is 1:
  275. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::status} to "odliczanie"
  276. set {bs::%player%::complet} to true
  277. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::miejsce} to 2
  278. set {list::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::pierwszy} to player
  279. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  280. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Gracz %player% ukonczyl jako &apierwszy" to loop-value
  281. allow fly for player
  282. apply INVISIBILITY 1 to the player for 9999 seconds
  283. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::licznik} to 60
  284. wait 1 seconds
  285. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  286. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Pozostalo 60 sekund do zakonczenia gry" to loop-value
  287. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::czas} to true
  288. stop
  289. if {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::miejsce} is 2:
  290. set {bs::%player%::complet} to true
  291. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::miejsce} to 3
  292. set {list::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::drugi} to player
  293. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  294. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Gracz %player% ukonczyl jako &adrugi" to loop-value
  295. allow fly for player
  296. apply INVISIBILITY 1 to the player for 9999 seconds
  297. stop
  298. if {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::miejsce} is 3:
  299. set {bs::%player%::complet} to true
  300. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::miejsce} to 4
  301. set {list::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::trzeci} to player
  302. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  303. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Gracz %player% ukonczyl jako &atrzeci" to loop-value
  304. stop
  305. if {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::miejsce} is 4:
  306. set {bs::%player%::complet} to true
  307. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::*}:
  308. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Gracz %player% ukonczyl" to loop-value
  309. add player to {list::%{bs::arena::%player%}%::brakm}
  310. allow fly for player
  311. apply INVISIBILITY 1 to the player for 9999 seconds
  312. stop
  314. every 1 seconds:
  315. loop {areny::list::*}:
  316. if {bs::%loop-value%::status} is "odliczanie":
  317. remove 1 from {bs::%loop-value%::licznik}
  318. set action bar of {bs::%loop-value%::*} to "&aKoniec gry za: &6%{bs::%loop-value%::licznik}%"
  319. if {bs::%loop-value%::licznik} is -1 or -2 or -3 or -4 or -5:
  320. set {bs::%loop-value%::licznik} to 0
  322. every 1 seconds:
  323. loop all players:
  324. if {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::czas} is true:
  325. if {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::licznik} is 0:
  326. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::status} to "start"
  327. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::czas} to false
  328. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::*}:
  329. remove invisibility from the loop-value
  330. disallow fly for loop-value
  331. set slot 0 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  332. set slot 1 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  333. set slot 2 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  334. set slot 3 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  335. set slot 4 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  336. set slot 5 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  337. set slot 6 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  338. set slot 7 of loop-value to 160:13 named "&1"
  339. set slot 8 of loop-value to 330 named "&6&lOpusc"
  340. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Gra sie zakonczyla!" to loop-value
  341. wait 1 seconds
  342. teleport {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::*} to {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::bm}
  343. wait 0.1 seconds
  344. teleport {list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::brakm} to {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::bm}
  345. teleport {list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::pierwszy} to {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::1m}
  346. teleport {list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::drugi} to {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::2m}
  347. teleport {list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::trzeci} to {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::3m}
  348. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::*}:
  349. send " &7[&bBS&7]" to loop-value
  350. send "" to loop-value
  351. send "&71 miejsce &a%{list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::pierwszy}% &6+15 medali" to loop-value
  352. send "&72 miejsce &a%{list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::drugi}% &6+10 medali" to loop-value
  353. send "&73 miejsce &a%{list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::trzeci}% &6+5 medali" to loop-value
  354. add 15 to {list::monety::%{list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::pierwszy}%}
  355. add 10 to {list::monety::%{list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::drugi}%}
  356. add 5 to {list::monety::%{list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::trzeci}%}
  357. add 2 to {list::monety::%{list::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::brakm}%}
  358. wait 20 seconds
  359. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::status} to "oczekiwanie"
  360. teleport {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::*} to {lobby}
  361. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::arena::start} to 0
  362. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::block} to false
  363. set {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::status} to "oczekiwanie"
  364. loop {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::*}:
  365. set {bs::gracz::%loop-player%::start} to false
  366. remove player from {bs::%{bs::arena::%loop-player%}%::*}
  367. remove invisibility from the player
  368. disallow fly for loop-player
  369. set slot 0 of loop-player to 345 named "&6&lSerwery"
  370. set slot 1 of loop-player to 160:13 named "&1"
  371. set slot 2 of loop-player to 160:13 named "&1"
  372. set slot 3 of loop-player to 388 named "&6&lSklep"
  373. set slot 4 of loop-player to 399 named "&6&lGraj"
  374. set slot 5 of loop-player to 160:13 named "&1"
  375. set slot 6 of loop-player to 397:3 named "&2Pomoc"
  376. set slot 7 of loop-player to 266 named "&6&lDodatki"
  377. set slot 8 of loop-player to 264 named "&4&lPanel Admin"
  380. #Tabliczki
  382. command /staussprawdz [<text>]:
  383. permission: sprawdzstatus
  384. trigger:
  385. send "&aStatus gry: &7%{bs::%arg-1%::status}%"
  386. send ""
  387. send "&aIstnienie areny: &7%{bs::%arg-1%::created}%"
  388. send ""
  389. send "&aStart gry teleport: &7%{bs::%arg-1%::position}%"
  390. send ""
  391. send "&aTeleport lobby: &7%{bs::%arg-1%::lobby}%"
  392. send ""
  393. send "&aIlosc graczy: &7%{bs::%arg-1%::arena::start}%"
  396. on rightclick on sign:
  397. if line 1 of clicked block is "&7[&bBS&7]":
  398. if line 2 of clicked block is "[dolacz]":
  399. if line 3 of clicked block is set:
  400. if line 4 of clicked block is "%{bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::arena::start}%/6":
  401. if {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::created} is set:
  402. if {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::position} is set:
  403. if {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::lobby} is set:
  404. if {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::status} is "oczekiwanie":
  405. if {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::arena::start} < 6:
  406. clear {bs::arena::%player%}
  407. set {bs::arena::%player%} to line 3 of clicked block
  408. add player to {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::*}
  409. set {bs::gracz::%player%::start} to true
  410. add 1 to {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::arena::start}
  411. teleport player to {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::lobby}
  412. set line 4 of {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::sign} to "%{bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::arena::start}%/6"
  413. loop {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::*}:
  414. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Dolaczyl do areny %player%" to loop-value
  415. set slot 0 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  416. set slot 1 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  417. set slot 2 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  418. set slot 3 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  419. set slot 4 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  420. set slot 5 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  421. set slot 6 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  422. set slot 7 of player to 160:13 named "&1"
  423. set slot 8 of player to 330 named "&6&lOpusc"
  424. if {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::arena::start} = 2:
  425. if {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::block} is false:
  426. set {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::block} to true
  427. set {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::odliczanie} to 20
  428. loop 20 times:
  429. remove 1 from {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::odliczanie}
  430. send {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::*} title "&6Gra wystartuje za" with subtitle "&7%{bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::odliczanie}%" for 1 seconds
  431. play raw sound "note.bass" at {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::*} with pitch 2 volume 5
  432. wait 1 seconds
  433. if {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::odliczanie} is 0:
  434. clear {list::%line 3 of clicked block%::brakm}
  435. clear {list::%line 3 of clicked block%::pierwszy}
  436. clear {list::%line 3 of clicked block%::drugi}
  437. clear {list::%line 3 of clicked block%::trzeci}
  438. set {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::miejsce} to 1
  439. set {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::status} to "start"
  440. teleport {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::*} to {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::position}
  441. loop {bs::%line 3 of clicked block%::*}:
  442. set {bs::gracz::%loop-value%::start} to true
  443. set {bs::%loop-value%::complet} to false
  444. set slot 0 of loop-value to 0 named ""
  445. set slot 1 of loop-value to 0 named ""
  446. set slot 2 of loop-value to 166 named "&cNie dopisane"
  447. set slot 3 of loop-value to 166 named "&cNie dopisane"
  448. set slot 4 of loop-value to 166 named "&cNie dopisane"
  449. set slot 5 of loop-value to 166 named "&cNie dopisane"
  450. set slot 6 of loop-value to 0 named ""
  451. set slot 7 of loop-value to 0 named ""
  452. set slot 8 of loop-value to 330 named "&6&lOpusc"
  453. set slot 9 of loop-value to 0 named ""
  454. else:
  455. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Arena jest pelna"
  456. else:
  457. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Arena juz wystartowala"
  460. on sign change:
  461. if line 1 is "[bs]":
  462. if line 2 is "[dolacz]":
  463. if line 3 is set:
  464. if {bs::%line 3%::created} is set:
  465. send "&7[&bBS&7] &aUstawiono tabliczke dolaczania dla areny: &8%line 3%"
  466. set line 1 of event-block to "&7[&bBS&7]"
  467. set line 4 of event-block to "0/6"
  468. set {bs::%line 3%::arena::start} to 0
  469. set {bs::%line 3%::block} to false
  470. set {bs::%line 3%::status} to "oczekiwanie"
  471. add location of block to {signs::*}
  472. stop
  473. else:
  474. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Arena o takiej nazwie nie istnieje!"
  475. set event-block to air
  476. drop sign at location of event-block
  477. stop
  478. else:
  479. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Nie wprowadziles nazwy areny"
  480. set event-block to air
  481. drop sign at location of event-block
  482. stop
  483. else:
  484. send "&7[&bBS&7] &7Niepoprawnie ustawiono linie nr.2"
  485. send "&7Mozliwe ustawienie linii nr.2: &a[Join]"
  486. set event-block to air
  487. drop sign at location of event-block
  488. stop
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