
The path you may be walking

Oct 9th, 2023
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  1. Hello!
  3. Lately I have been dealing with a lot when it comes to mental health: crippling anxiety (can't do college work, can't stream, can't keep healthy relantionships with those I care the most), sadness, and insecurities. Working on my body and my mind today for the first time in years has brought me clarity, and it's in my nature to share this with all of you. I also want you to feel better, despite it not being my responsibility.
  5. Maybe this works for you. Or maybe it doesn't--it may be the case that once you are doing reading this you don't feel any different. But I think giving it a shot is worth it.
  7. What I did today is focus my physical endurance into my mind. Walk a straight line, legs aligned, until it became easy to do, to the point where I wouldn't fall at all. That path, despite it being done by my own legs, was actually fueled by my mind. Once my mind was clear, I could walk with no issues, making me realize that it was never my body which stopped me, but my head. I could even do it on one leg! It was basically therapy, and it even allowed me to do some extra exercise to feel better with myself and my body, which I haven't loved a single day of my life.
  9. Now, that's great and all--but what about you? How are you feeling with your current life? This may help you: try to focus what bothers you currently and meditate about it. You don't need to cross your legs and start levitating, all you need to do is understand what's inside your mind and what bothers you. You may smile, cry, get angry. Every feeling is OK, there are no good or bad ones. What's important, however, is that you get a hold on them. For you to control them. This is where the path you need to cross comes into play.
  11. It doesn't have to be a straight line. It can be walking with your eyes closed (watch your surroundings! I don't want you dead here), staring at a white wall, having a conversation with yourself, jogging, doing exercise, laying down. Whichever way you choose is valid. Now, try to take a deep breath and get that which torments you you.
  13. It may be difficult, like I said earlier. That will probably make you trip over, stop staring at the wall, stop you from jogging, exhaust you while doing exercise. But it's all in your mind. Try your best to make those thoughts be what you are doing, and by succeeding in your efforts, you will feel that those thoughts are a bit more in your control. You may fail, and that is OK. You may become frustrated, and that is fine. It's a process, it's a path that you need to walk until you feel comfortable and reach a goal. Perhaps it's 3 miles running, or never tripping over on that straight line. Anything you want to do is valid.
  15. Now, don't get me wrong, this is not anything that will make you feel happy forever. If you feel depressed, therapy is always advised. I'm just trying to make you feel better, whether this succeeds or not. But what's most important for you to understand is that your feelings are valid. Your sadness, your anger, your frustration or mourning are valid. You are valid!
  17. Hopefully this helped you, at least slightly. And if you are going through anything, I hope you cope with it or it solves soon.
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