
Episode 15

Oct 12th, 2017
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  1. Episode 15
  2. [Thursday]
  3. [Evening]
  5. >The main 4 follows the masked figure to the base, where they learn that they call themselves Zero.
  6. >Zero leads them to a split, where Severa(Due to being a former TR member) knows that one side leads to the captured Pokemons and the other leads to the room where they keep archives of their next plans
  7. >Rin and Lucina head over to the Captured Pokemon with ZeRo, leaving Jalen and Severa to find the plans.
  9. >Meanwhile, the base is in disarray from the Hyper Beam...Gangrel flipping his shit and ordering everyone to find those intruders.
  10. >Setsuna and Peri are helping around and searching for the intruders when they find Shiro nearby, he tries to flirt with them and get rejected...hurting his ego. As Setsuna tell him to get his shit together and help them look for the people..
  11. >Asugi runs towards them in a panic, as he fought and got his pokemon whooped by Jalen and Severa who walk around the corner.
  12. >The 2 heroes are not in the mood for fighting, as Severa knows the 4 before her(The stoner Setsuna...Friendly, The child-like Peri...somehwat friendly, Shiro the perverted harasser...Fuck him..And Asugi, the candy addict...Disappointed in him for poisoning Amphy)
  13. >Shiro wants to battle Jalen, but Setsuna(Being his superior) makes him reconsider that as she wants to know why Severa left.
  14. >Severa tell her that she have a change of heart as the 2 heroes run past them in search of the plans.
  15. >Shiro instantly hates Jalen now as Setsuna think on leaving as well..
  17. >Meanwhile, Lucina, Rin, and Zero finds the room with the captured Pokemon. As Zero release them all and let them roam out of the base(And taking on TR members who get in their way) Rin capture a Lapras who wants to join her
  18. >Lucina ask Zero what's their deal with TR as Zero just stare at her and think on their answer before answering with a not-so-clear answer
  19. >All of the Pokemon are free now, so the 3 people head out and meet with Jalen and Severa who have a flash drive with all the plans of TR on it.
  20. >Zero takes it from them and guide them towards the room where TR's Hanger here.
  22. >Meanwhile Gangrel is on his way out of here with Dio and Charlotte with him. Just as he get on the helicopter, the doors are burst down by Zero's Dragonite and the heroes step in.
  23. >Dio sweats in slight fear at seeing the people he thought he killed back in Burned Tower(That he bragged about constantly to his team)
  24. >Gangrel battle Zero as Dio and Charlotte takes on Jalen and Severa...all 3 TR members lose to them(None of Gangrel's pokemon can even hurt Zero's Dragonite much to Lucina and Rin's wonder...as in a 4v4 doubles battle, Jalen and Severa crush a flustered Charlotte and a shocked-that-these-thorns-are-alive-still Dio)
  25. >Mad beyond reason...Gangrel activates a Self-Destruct system in the base and orders everyone to get on a copter or die in the explosion. Dio, Charlotte, and their team(Setsuna and others) get on Gangrel's and fly off while the other TRs scramble out of the base...right to the authorities brought there by Inigo and Owain
  27. >Zero turns the self-destruct system off(Via Dragonite Hyper Beaming the main core of the base) and save everyone...the gang walk outside to see many TR members placed under arrest.
  28. >The media tries to find the main 6, but luckily they bolted the fuck outta there to the PKMN Center and heal up.
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