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a guest
Aug 19th, 2018
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  1. if (isServer) then {
  2. [] spawn {
  3. waitUntil { sleep 0.3; !isNil "warbegins" && {warbegins == 1} };
  4. ["Arma Project", "Malaysia Airlines", "Автор: Yol, Gas"] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;
  5. _missionTime = 90*60;
  6. _rtfair = 10;
  7. _endMessage = "Время вышло. Победа красных!";
  8. _endMessageAlt = "Русские разведчики мертвы! Победа синих!";
  9. _endMessageEvac = "Русские разведчики вывезли документы! Победа красных!";
  10. _srv_gameStart = diag_tickTime;
  11. while {isNil "srv_missionFinished"} do {
  12. sleep 10;
  13. if (((diag_tickTime - _srv_gameStart) > _rtfair) && (fuel mi35 == 0)) then {
  14. mi35 setFuel 1;
  15. mi35 say3D ["r23", 200, 1];
  16. sleep 3;
  17. mi35 say3D ["r61", 200, 1];
  18. _rtfair = 10000;
  19. };
  20. if (((diag_tickTime - _srv_gameStart) > _missionTime)) then {
  21. srv_missionFinished = true;
  22. [_endMessage] call MAMaS_endMission;
  23. } else {
  24. if (({!alive(_x)} count [rzv_1,rzv_2,rzv_3,rzv_4,rzv_5,rzv_6,rzv_7,rzv_8,rzv_9,rzv_10,rzv_11,rzv_12,rzv_13,rzv_14,rzv_15])>15) then { //>15 потом исправить
  25. srv_missionFinished = true;
  26. [_endMessageAlt] call MAMaS_endMission;
  27. } else {
  28. if (((("EvMoscow" in (items player)) && {(player distance (markerPos "place1")) < 800})) or ((("EvMoscow" in (items player)) && {(player distance (markerPos "place2")) < 300}))) then {
  29. srv_missionFinished = true;
  30. [_endMessageEvac] call MAMaS_endMission;
  31. };
  32. };
  33. };
  34. };
  35. };
  36. };
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