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Jisteria Fan-Fiction

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Aug 24th, 2015
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  1. #AparrisFanFicContest
  5. Jisteria Fanfiction: The meet up.
  7. Lilac: Maryssa
  8. Wolffey: Lauren
  9. Wisteria: Mia
  10. Julian2: Julian (duh)
  11. Wootmoo: Woot
  12. Aparri: Aparri (lol)
  14. For about a month now, Julian and Wisteria have been planning a famous jammer meet-up. The jammers who are coming are: Aparri, WootMoo, Julian, WIsteria, AnimalJammer330, and Lilac. They were put all in a Skype call to sort things out with the hotel. They are going away for 3 days.
  15. "So there will be 2 people in each room because we are getting 3 rooms" Julian said.
  16. "Who is sharing a room with who?" Woot said.
  17. "I call Woot, my boy." Aparri said.
  18. "Lauren, can you share a room with Maryssa and I will share a room with Mia?"
  19. "Sure." Lauren said.
  20. "Your sharing a room with Mia because you want to have sex with her.." Woot said.
  21. "SHUT UP WOOT!" Mia yelled.
  22. "Thats why im sharing a room with Woot." Aparri said.
  23. The coversation continued.
  24. "Okay, see you guys next week!" Mia said smiling.
  26. 1 week later:
  28. Julian was waiting at the airport of Floria, so was Maryssa.
  29. "Im so sick of everyone saying im jealous of you and Mia." said Maryssa.
  30. "Me too. No one seems to actually take it seriously." Julian said.
  31. Aparri walked through one of the gates, and ran over to Julian and Mayrssa.
  32. A few minutes later came Mia and Woot.
  33. "So our hotel.." said Woot looking at a map. "Its 20 minutes from here, I will call a cab."
  35. At about 2:00 everyone was un-packed and ready to go swimming at the beach. And of course Mia and Julian were kissing half of the time. Aparri recorded some vlogs, while everyone was noticing that "Jisteria" was being confirmed so much in the backround. Woot kept making really inapropritate jokes about Mia being a slut, but the day turned at fine.
  37. Everyone went back to the hotel at about 9:00. Aparri went strait to bed because he suffers from sleep-deprivation (im pretty sure idk ponypals4ever said it) , Mayrssa and wolffey watched a movie, and Woot could barely sleep. So couldn't Julian and Mia.
  38. "I cant sleep Mia." Julian said.
  39. "Me either." said Mia.
  40. "I love you so much.." Julian said.
  41. "Me too.." replied Mia.
  42. Wolffey and Mayrssa could hear them, they want them to shut up so badly.
  43. Woot finally went to sleep, and Julian and Mia started talking again.
  44. "Remember when we had sex in New York?" Mia said. "We both cant sleep."
  45. Julian knew what she was trying to say. "Yes Mia, I will." He said smiling.
  46. That night, they both didn't get any sleep. It was 5:30 and Woot woke up. He heard noise from Mia and Julian's room and assumed they were awake. He wanted to watch TV since almost no one was up but he didnt have a remote and wanted to ask them if they had one, so he started to walk in.
  47. "Hey do you guys have a..." He saw Julian and Mia constantly kissing in a bed and below their waist-down was covered by a blanket. Mia nor Julian did not see him.
  48. "I love you, Julian." said Mia
  49. "I love you too." replied Julian.
  50. "what are you guys doing....?" said Woot.
  51. Mia and Julian both got off eachother once he said that and sat on seprate sides on the bed quickly.
  52. "Oh, uh hey Woot.." Mia said scared.
  53. "Yeah hey Woot..." Julian said putting his glasses on.
  54. Woot opened his mouth and ran down the hall to his room screaming. "APARRRIII!!"
  55. "Dude, what are you doing its 6:00 o'clock in the fucking morning.." Aparri said.
  56. "I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!" Woot yelled.
  57. "Shut up everyones trying to sleep." said Aparri.
  58. "DUDE!" yelled Woot.
  60. "I walked in on Julian and Mia having sex." replied Woot.
  61. "What the fuck." said Aparri. "You better be joking."
  62. "Nope." said Woot.
  63. "Are you sure they were having sex..?" said Aparri
  64. "Here's the story." said Woot. "I couldn't find the TV remote, and I heard noises from Mia's room. I assumed they were awake, and their door was unlocked. So I walked in on them kissing, naked, and saying that they love eachother constantly. And they had 2 beds in there. Why do you think they were "sharing" one huh?"
  65. "Was Julian even wearing a condom like the fuck Julian.." said Aparri
  66. "I saw a used one on the night-stand but I dont know." said Woot
  68. Then mayrssa woke up, Woot saw her in the hallway and whispered in her ear.
  69. "Open the door to Mia's room.." Woot said.
  70. "Aren't they sleeping?" replied Mayrssa.
  71. "Thats what you think.." Woot yelled quietly.
  72. "Im not disturbing them." said Mayrssa.
  73. Woot told her the story, and she passed it on to Wolffey. The whole day was just akward from there, Woot kept staring at them, while Maryssa was eagar to ask questions.
  74. "So um.. Did you sleep well?" asked Mayrssa
  75. "Yes." said Julian.
  76. "Yeah, WITH MIA." said Aparri.
  77. "Shhh" said Mia.
  78. "No I wont shhh." he said.
  79. Woot pulled him by the shirt into the corner.
  80. "WE ARE IN A RESTERANT.." said Woot.
  81. "Look, why did they do that." said Aparri.
  82. "Because they love eachother." said Woot. "Now shut up and eat."
  83. "Bro, I dont like this." Aparri said.
  84. "Who cares!?" said Woot.
  85. "Me." replied Aparri.
  86. "Why do you care so much..?" Woot asked.
  87. "I may or may not have a crush on Mia..." Aparri said shyly.
  88. "Aparri, they have moved on. They are a couple. She has found someone in life that she loves and you need to relize that. said Woot.
  89. "Okay.. I will try to respect them I guess." said Aparri
  90. "Good." replied Woot. "Dont say nothing unless you got something good to say."
  92. Wolffey was telling a story about how she met a fan in real life once, and everyone was laughing. They were having a good time, but Aparri was sad. He never noticed how serious their relationship was. He thought that Mia would have a crush on him too since they talk all the time. And he wanted to be friends with Julian, but he hates him. He wanted to start-over. He wanted to just be friends with everyone.
  94. Julian and Mia kept "not sleeping" , and everyone heard them.
  95. "I dont know what it is, but Julian keeps putting the fire in the hole if you know what I mean." said Lauren.
  96. "I heard them all night, I dont know if you woke up too, but Mia yelled "Aww, right there." At like 2:00 in the morning. Its getting to the point where I cant sleep. I wish we took the bedroom across the hall where Woot and Aparri are. And whenever they wake up, they go to Mia and Julians door and burp. Sometmes I just think those kids are crazy." said Mayrssa.
  97. "Maybe the burp is a singnal that everyone is waking up now, haha." said Lauren gigling.
  99. It was finally time to go home, but no everyone was. Julian was staying over Mia's house for a few days.
  101. From there their relationship grew. They started knowing eachother for years.
  103. November 2020
  105. Julian and Mia were in their apartment (as usual) laughing, joking, having a good time. But that night, Julian had a plan. He bought a ring. A wedding ring. And was planning to purpose in a special place.
  106. "Mia, want to go to on vacation?"
  107. "What do you mean?"
  108. Julian held up 2 plane tickets to Hawaii as Mia's face brightened.
  109. "Julian!" Mia screamed in excitement. "This is amazing!"
  110. "I have already packed my bags, all we need is for you to pack yours. The plane leaves at 1:00 am." He said smiling.
  112. "Woah, first class?" Mia said in amazement.
  113. "Yup." Julian replied.
  114. The whole flight Mia was there in amazement of what Julian wanted to do for her.
  115. "Julian, I want to tell you something." Mia said. "I will never find someone like you. Ever. You are the best gift I have ever recieved. Thank you, Julian."
  116. "Mia, same goes for you." Julian said. "I would rather die than loose you, and when I ment you I finally knew what true love feels like."
  117. Julian kissed Mia.
  118. Their flight landed at 11:00 am. Luckily, their hotel was near the hotel. Julian found the best hotel he could get. Their hotel room had a amazing ocean view, and right outside the balcony was a hot-tub.
  119. "Julian, this has been one of the best days of my life." Mia said.
  120. "Mia, I want to show you something." Julian said.
  121. "What is it?" Mia asked.
  122. "Well.. Follow me." Julian said.
  123. Julian took her up to one of the most beautiful mountins she has every seen. She could see the giant sun setting gracfully over the ocean. Mia's mouth widend.
  124. "Julian!" She yelled hugging him.
  125. "Mia! Haha!" Julian said. "Theres something I also want to ask you."
  126. Mia sat there in wonder as Julian got down on one knee. Mia started to cover her mouth with her hands.
  127. "Mia, you are the best thing thats ever happened to me. I would love to share the rest of my life with you..." Julian paused. "Will you marry me...?"
  128. "Yes Julian!" Mia yelled again. "Yes!"
  129. They both went in for a long kiss, then walked down the mountain with their arms around eahcother.
  130. Right before bed, they told their parents. They both approved, and then they went to bed.
  131. The next day, they went to a small cliff.
  132. "Okay, so right here is where all the sea turtles are." Julian said. "The water is deep, but not that deep. Around 10 feet, and remember to not touch the sea turtles because they are endangered." He smiled.
  133. "Sea turtles? You really planned this out didn't you." She assumed.
  134. "I wanted it to make you happier than ever." Julian said.
  135. "You have." Mia said.
  136. They both jumped in the water and dived with the turtles. They went to a bar after, then to a beatiful beach.
  137. "Julian, I love you so much."
  138. They kissed. Then went swimming. And surprizingly, Julian knew how to surf, and he taught Mia. It was 92 degrees out, and the waves where huge.
  139. As they went to bed, Mia asked a daring question.
  140. "Julian..." Mia paused. "Would you like to have kids?"
  141. Julian paused for a second.
  142. "Yes." He said looking up with a smile.
  143. "I'm scared though. What if we raise them the wrong way? What if it dies in my stomach...?" Mia asked, scared.
  144. "Mia, we will hope for the best. I wont let anything happen to you, as well as our kid." Julian said.
  145. "Okay, Julian, you make me feel good. About everything."
  147. "Ahh, Julian your the best at this, your the best at everything." Mia said.
  148. Julian went in for another kiss.
  149. "I love you better than my life." Julian said.
  150. "Me too." replied Mia.
  152. 2 days later.
  154. "Julian, are you awake?" Mia asked.
  155. "Yes." said Julian.
  156. "I have big news!" Mia said.
  157. "What is it?" Julian said in wonder.
  158. "Im pregnant!" Mia said happily.
  159. "Oh my lord!" Julian said, as he was going in for a kiss.
  160. Mia showed him the positive on the pregnacy test, and they hugged.
  162. 9 months later
  164. "The baby is due tomorrow, what gender do you think it is?"
  165. "Hmm... Boy!" Julian guessed.
  166. "I want a girl, I guess its a thing of what gender YOU are haha."
  167. "I guess so." He said smiling.
  169. That night
  171. "Julian, Julian wake up."
  172. "Whats the matter, Mia?"
  173. "The baby is coming."
  174. "Okay, get in the car everything will be okay!"
  175. Julian put a shirt on and Mia got in the car, they drove strait to the hospital.
  176. "My fiance' is having a baby, we need a doctor." Julian said to the guy at the desk, and they took Mia.
  177. About one hour later the baby was born.
  178. Julian was crying out of happiness.
  179. "He is so beautiful!" Julian said.
  180. "He is isn't he." Mia said.
  182. There on, they lived happily every after.
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