
Beginning Essay on truth -- not harm -- as the central focus

Nov 14th, 2018
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  1. Bipartisanship isn't an American value.
  2. Monfd
  3. American values are truth, justice for all, and lack of political parties.
  4. dk57
  5. CA-39 is within 130 votes of flipping
  6. Monfd
  7. (George Washington famously noted in his farewell address that political parties were immensely dangerous)
  8. dk57
  9. to dem
  10. dk57
  11. i'm sure they'll do a recount, but sucks we couldnt pick up this one.
  12. Monfd
  13. So, all you have to do is ensure you're being truthful with an eye on justice for all and you've met your duties. There's no additional 'bipartisan' duty.
  14. Monfd
  15. Bipartisanship is entirely an artifact of a two-party system, which is an artifact of our first-past-the-post voting system, which is strictly worse to several alternatives.
  16. stratum__ has joined (
  17. stratum__ is now known as stratum`
  18. Monfd
  20. Monfd
  21. His concern is exactly what has happened in the last few decades.
  22. Monfd
  23. So, again, why is bipartisanship an anti-value? It perpetuates the myth that people can seek the interests of the republic while in political parties, which is largely false.
  24. fieryUSA
  25. jeff flake wanting to protect the mueller investigation is a show of bipartisanship. mcconnell cockblocking that bill, with his tiny little turtle dick, is NOT a show of bipartisanship.
  26. Monfd
  27. Jeff Flake's actions are not to be understood as bipartisan, but rather as serving the interests of the republic.
  28. Monfd
  29. It's in the interests of the republic to continue the investigation into Trump, as the publicly available evidence indicates it's extremely likely he's guilty of dozens of felonies.
  30. Monfd
  31. fieryUSA: Remember, the GOP and Democrat Parties are merely private organizations that exist inside the republic.
  32. Thor_dk
  33. Monfd: What do you think would change the political landscape, so that parties would disappear?
  34. Monfd
  35. The unbelievable propaganda job both parties have done in having us identify our republic with them is extremely dangerous for the long-term health of the republic.
  36. Monfd
  37. Thor_dk: Great question. There are a number of things we can do and we could rank them by feasibility and effect if enacted.
  38. Monfd
  39. The primary thrust to reduce factionalism/partisanship has to be the exaltation of science above the law, in general.
  40. Monfd
  41. To wit, it is know that first-past-the-post is *strictly inferior* to alternatives, i.e. it's not on the Pareto frontier of voting optimality and so must be replaced.
  42. Monfd
  43. 2. A national voting scheme for president.
  44. Monfd
  45. 3. A constitutional restriction on enacting any legislation with is anti-science.
  46. Monfd
  47. 4. A constitutional recognition that violation of science is to be understood as an attack on the republic/serious crime.
  48. Monfd
  49. For example, any politician that speaks in a way contradictory to human accumulated knowledge is to be removed from office.
  50. Monfd
  51. 5. Restrictions on mass media to block them from presenting non-factual accounts or restrictions on who can vote, i.e. a test to vote.
  52. Monfd
  53. For example, you can watch unrestricted media, but then you need to demonstrate you still live in the evidence-based reality.
  54. Monfd
  55. I'd like to see a general cultural shift, possibly enforced by law, that general lying while in any position of power is criminal.
  56. Monfd
  57. So, truth is definitely a current value in our legal system, but harm is more central. I think it may be necessary to push truth to the same level as harm, or even higher.
  58. Monfd
  59. Probably higher.
  60. Monfd
  61. Human brains immediately understand the harm that occurs when a person does a violent crime against an individual, but that same mind struggles to appreciate how much worse, for example, it is when Tucker Carlson lies on "Fox News".
  62. Monfd
  63. Our current legal system looks for direct harm for which Tucker Carlson is fairly immediately culpable for, but this vulnerable to stochastic terrorism, a phenomenon only named in 2012.
  64. Monfd
  65. Those are a few ideas. :)
  66. Monfd
  67. (Thomas Jefferson famously argued America should rewrite its Constitution every 14-19 years, in case any of these ideas seem 'extreme' by 18th century standards)
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