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Feb 17th, 2017
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  704. <span>Celly</span>
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  706. <p>Superslim protective solution. Air Case is the superslim and compact agenda case. The structure is i...</p>
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  731. <span>Celly</span>
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  733. <p>The ultra-thin protection solution.
  734. Air Pelle is the ultra-thin and compact agenda case made of top...</p>
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  758. <strong class="primary-color">AIRPELLE591BL</strong><br>
  759. <span>Celly</span>
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  761. <p>The ultra-thin protection solution.
  762. Air Pelle is the ultra-thin and compact agenda case made of top...</p>
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  768. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'AIRPELLE591BL', 1, false)">€ 29,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  787. <span>Celly</span>
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  789. <p>The ultra-thin protection solution.
  790. Air Pelle is the ultra-thin and compact agenda case made of top...</p>
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  814. <strong class="primary-color">AIRPELLE591PK</strong><br>
  815. <span>Celly</span>
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  817. <p>The ultra-thin protection solution.
  818. Air Pelle is the ultra-thin and compact agenda case made of top...</p>
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  833. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="LASER COVER GALAXY S7 EDGE DS" src="" class="thumb" />
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  845. <p>Hi-tech protection. Bumper Cover laser is a soft transparent cover with beaten-metal effect edging w...</p>
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  869. <strong class="primary-color">BCLS7EGD</strong><br>
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  872. <p>Hi-tech protection. Bumper Cover laser is a soft transparent cover with beaten-metal effect edging w...</p>
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  887. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="LASER COVER GALAXY S7 EDGE SV" src="" class="thumb" />
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  895. <a title="LASER COVER GALAXY S7 EDGE SV BCLS7ESV " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/BCLS7ESV" class="title">
  896. <strong class="primary-color">BCLS7ESV</strong><br>
  897. <span>Celly</span>
  898. </a>
  899. <p>Hi-tech protection. Bumper Cover laser is a soft transparent cover with beaten-metal effect edging w...</p>
  900. </div>
  902. <div>
  903. <p>
  904. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/BCLS7ESV"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  905. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  906. </p>
  907. </div>
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  909. </div>
  910. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  911. <div class="product-item">
  912. <figure>
  913. <a title="STEREO EARPHONES 3.5MM LIME BSIDE35G" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/HEADPHONES_FOR_MOBILE/BSIDE35G">
  914. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="STEREO EARPHONES 3.5MM LIME" src="" class="thumb" />
  915. </a>
  916. <figcaption>
  917. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/HEADPHONES_FOR_MOBILE/BSIDE35G"></a>
  918. </figcaption>
  919. </figure>
  920. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  921. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  922. <a title="STEREO EARPHONES 3.5MM LIME BSIDE35G " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/HEADPHONES_FOR_MOBILE/BSIDE35G" class="title">
  923. <strong class="primary-color">BSIDE35G</strong><br>
  924. <span>Celly</span>
  925. </a>
  926. <p>Stereo universal colorful earphones with anti-tangle flat cable, 3,5 mm universal jack suitable for ...</p>
  927. </div>
  929. <div>
  930. <p>
  931. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/HEADPHONES_FOR_MOBILE/BSIDE35G"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  932. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  933. </p>
  934. </div>
  935. </div>
  936. </div>
  937. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  938. <div class="product-item">
  939. <figure>
  940. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE FROSTS7E" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7E">
  941. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE" src="" class="thumb" />
  942. </a>
  943. <figcaption>
  944. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7E"></a>
  945. </figcaption>
  946. </figure>
  947. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  948. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  949. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE FROSTS7E " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7E" class="title">
  950. <strong class="primary-color">FROSTS7E</strong><br>
  951. <span>Celly</span>
  952. </a>
  953. <p>Maximum protection with minimal thickness.
  954. Frost is a soft, clinging, superthin cover. Frost colors...</p>
  955. </div>
  957. <div>
  958. <p>
  959. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7E"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  960. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'FROSTS7E', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  961. </p>
  962. </div>
  963. </div>
  964. </div>
  965. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  966. <div class="product-item">
  967. <figure>
  968. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE BK FROSTS7EBK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7EBK">
  969. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  970. </a>
  971. <figcaption>
  972. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7EBK"></a>
  973. </figcaption>
  974. </figure>
  975. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  976. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  977. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE BK FROSTS7EBK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7EBK" class="title">
  978. <strong class="primary-color">FROSTS7EBK</strong><br>
  979. <span>Celly</span>
  980. </a>
  981. <p>Maximum protection with minimal thickness.
  982. Frost is a soft, clinging, superthin cover. Frost colors...</p>
  983. </div>
  985. <div>
  986. <p>
  987. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7EBK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  988. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  989. </p>
  990. </div>
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  992. </div>
  993. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  994. <div class="product-item">
  995. <figure>
  996. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE YL FROSTS7EYL" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7EYL">
  997. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE YL" src="" class="thumb" />
  998. </a>
  999. <figcaption>
  1000. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7EYL"></a>
  1001. </figcaption>
  1002. </figure>
  1003. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  1004. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  1005. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GAL. S7 EDGE YL FROSTS7EYL " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7EYL" class="title">
  1006. <strong class="primary-color">FROSTS7EYL</strong><br>
  1007. <span>Celly</span>
  1008. </a>
  1009. <p>Maximum protection with minimal thickness.
  1010. Frost is a soft, clinging, superthin cover. Frost colors...</p>
  1011. </div>
  1013. <div>
  1014. <p>
  1015. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/FROSTS7EYL"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  1016. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'FROSTS7EYL', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  1017. </p>
  1018. </div>
  1019. </div>
  1020. </div>
  1021. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  1022. <div class="product-item">
  1023. <figure>
  1024. <a title="TPU COVER GALAXY S7 EDGE GELSKIN591" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN591">
  1025. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="TPU COVER GALAXY S7 EDGE" src="" class="thumb" />
  1026. </a>
  1027. <figcaption>
  1028. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN591"></a>
  1029. </figcaption>
  1030. </figure>
  1031. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  1032. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  1033. <a title="TPU COVER GALAXY S7 EDGE GELSKIN591 " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN591" class="title">
  1034. <strong class="primary-color">GELSKIN591</strong><br>
  1035. <span>Celly</span>
  1036. </a>
  1037. <p>Soft and Comfortable. Gelskin is the skin-tight cover made of soft rubber. The flexible shaped silic...</p>
  1038. </div>
  1040. <div>
  1041. <p>
  1042. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN591"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  1043. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  1044. </p>
  1045. </div>
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  1047. </div>
  1048. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
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  1050. <figure>
  1051. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE BK GLASS591BK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591BK">
  1052. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  1053. </a>
  1054. <figcaption>
  1055. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591BK"></a>
  1056. </figcaption>
  1057. </figure>
  1058. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  1059. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  1060. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE BK GLASS591BK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591BK" class="title">
  1061. <strong class="primary-color">GLASS591BK</strong><br>
  1062. <span>Celly</span>
  1063. </a>
  1064. <p>Edge to edge complete protection for your display.
  1065. Full Glass is the additional glass with anti-fin...</p>
  1066. </div>
  1068. <div>
  1069. <p>
  1070. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591BK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  1071. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'GLASS591BK', 1, false)">€ 39,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  1072. </p>
  1073. </div>
  1074. </div>
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  1079. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE GLASS591F" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591F">
  1080. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE" src="" class="thumb" />
  1081. </a>
  1082. <figcaption>
  1083. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591F"></a>
  1084. </figcaption>
  1085. </figure>
  1086. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  1087. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  1088. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE GLASS591F " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591F" class="title">
  1089. <strong class="primary-color">GLASS591F</strong><br>
  1090. <span>Celly</span>
  1091. </a>
  1092. <p>Edge to edge complete protection for your display.
  1093. Full Glass&nbsp;is the additional glass with ant...</p>
  1094. </div>
  1096. <div>
  1097. <p>
  1098. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591F"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  1099. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'GLASS591F', 1, false)">€ 39,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  1100. </p>
  1101. </div>
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  1103. </div>
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  1107. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE GD GLASS591GD" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591GD">
  1108. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE GD" src="" class="thumb" />
  1109. </a>
  1110. <figcaption>
  1111. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591GD"></a>
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  1113. </figure>
  1114. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  1115. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  1116. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE GD GLASS591GD " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591GD" class="title">
  1117. <strong class="primary-color">GLASS591GD</strong><br>
  1118. <span>Celly</span>
  1119. </a>
  1120. <p>Edge to edge complete protection for your display.
  1121. Full Glass is the additional glass with anti-fin...</p>
  1122. </div>
  1124. <div>
  1125. <p>
  1126. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591GD"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  1127. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'GLASS591GD', 1, false)">€ 39,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  1128. </p>
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  1135. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE WH GLASS591WH" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591WH">
  1136. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE WH" src="" class="thumb" />
  1137. </a>
  1138. <figcaption>
  1139. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591WH"></a>
  1140. </figcaption>
  1141. </figure>
  1142. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  1143. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  1144. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S7 EDGE WH GLASS591WH " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591WH" class="title">
  1145. <strong class="primary-color">GLASS591WH</strong><br>
  1146. <span>Celly</span>
  1147. </a>
  1148. <p>Edge to edge complete protection for your display.
  1149. Full Glass is the additional glass with anti-fin...</p>
  1150. </div>
  1152. <div>
  1153. <p>
  1154. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS591WH"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  1155. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'GLASS591WH', 1, false)">€ 39,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  1156. </p>
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  1163. <a title="FULL CURVE SCREEN GALAXY S7 EDGE SBF591F" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/SBF591F">
  1164. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FULL CURVE SCREEN GALAXY S7 EDGE" src="" class="thumb" />
  1165. </a>
  1166. <figcaption>
  1167. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/SBF591F"></a>
  1168. </figcaption>
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  1170. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
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  1172. <a title="FULL CURVE SCREEN GALAXY S7 EDGE SBF591F " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/SBF591F" class="title">
  1173. <strong class="primary-color">SBF591F</strong><br>
  1174. <span>Celly</span>
  1175. </a>
  1176. <p>Perfetta self fitting screen protector is the perfect protective film thatcovers and protects the sm...</p>
  1177. </div>
  1179. <div>
  1180. <p>
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  1182. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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  1190. <a title="TRAVEL CHARGER 1A MICROUSB LB TCMICROLB" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/BATTERY_CHARGER/TCMICROLB">
  1191. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="TRAVEL CHARGER 1A MICROUSB LB" src="" class="thumb" />
  1192. </a>
  1193. <figcaption>
  1194. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/BATTERY_CHARGER/TCMICROLB"></a>
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  1199. <a title="TRAVEL CHARGER 1A MICROUSB LB TCMICROLB " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/BATTERY_CHARGER/TCMICROLB" class="title">
  1200. <strong class="primary-color">TCMICROLB</strong><br>
  1201. <span>Celly</span>
  1202. </a>
  1203. <p>Travel charger light light blue with micro usb. It supports fast charging 1A and high-speed. Charge ...</p>
  1204. </div>
  1206. <div>
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  1209. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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  1217. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GALAXY S7 EDGE WALLY591" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/Flip_Cover/WALLY591">
  1218. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="WALLY CASE FOR GALAXY S7 EDGE" src="" class="thumb" />
  1219. </a>
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  1221. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/Flip_Cover/WALLY591"></a>
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  1226. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GALAXY S7 EDGE WALLY591 " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7_Edge/Flip_Cover/WALLY591" class="title">
  1227. <strong class="primary-color">WALLY591</strong><br>
  1228. <span>Celly</span>
  1229. </a>
  1230. <p>Elegant, practical, functional. Wally is the high-quality faux leather case with built-in stand func...</p>
  1231. </div>
  1233. <div>
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  1236. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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  1922. <p>
  1923. Accessories for charging: car or plug-in battery charger, emergency batteries and USB data wires.
  1924. </p>
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  1952. <p>
  1953. Listen to music and talk with your smartphone: wired or wireless earphones and headphone.
  1954. </p>
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  1957. <span class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right primary-color"></span>
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  1969. <span class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right primary-color"></span>
  1970. <a href="/en/Catalogo/IoAscolto#speaker">Speaker</a>
  1971. </li>
  1972. <li class="btn btn-small biss-btn-white">
  1973. <span class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right primary-color"></span>
  1974. <a href="/en/Catalogo/IoAscolto#car-speakerphone">Car speakerphone</a>
  1975. </li>
  1976. <li class="btn btn-small biss-btn-white">
  1977. <span class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right primary-color"></span>
  1978. <a href="/en/Catalogo/IoAscolto#car-speakerphone">Audio cables</a>
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  1984. <img src="/Content/images/catalogo/icone/ico-smartUse.png" alt="Smart Use" />
  1985. </a>
  1986. <p>
  1987. Smartphone and tablet utilities: car holders and accessories for sport and daily life.
  1988. </p>
  1989. <ul class="tuttiCatalogo">
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  2004. <a href="/en/Catalogo/IoUtilizzo#stylus-pens">Stylus pens</a>
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  2110. <strong class="primary-color">AMBO422BK</strong><br>
  2111. <span>Celly</span>
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  2113. <p>Black pu wallet case with magnetic detachable cover for Samsung Galaxy S5 mini in elegant pu leather...</p>
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  2128. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="WH PU WALLET CASE GALAXY S5 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
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  2137. <strong class="primary-color">AMBO422WH</strong><br>
  2138. <span>Celly</span>
  2139. </a>
  2140. <p>White pu wallet case with magnetic detachable cover for Samsung Galaxy S5 mini in elegant pu leather...</p>
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  2144. <p>
  2145. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/AMBO422WH"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2146. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'AMBO422WH', 1, false)">€ 24,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2147. </p>
  2148. </div>
  2149. </div>
  2150. </div>
  2151. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2152. <div class="product-item">
  2153. <figure>
  2154. <a title="ONDA WALLY FOR GALAXY S5 MINI BK ONDAS5MBK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/ONDAS5MBK">
  2155. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="ONDA WALLY FOR GALAXY S5 MINI BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  2156. </a>
  2157. <figcaption>
  2158. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/ONDAS5MBK"></a>
  2159. </figcaption>
  2160. </figure>
  2161. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2162. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2163. <a title="ONDA WALLY FOR GALAXY S5 MINI BK ONDAS5MBK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/ONDAS5MBK" class="title">
  2164. <strong class="primary-color">ONDAS5MBK</strong><br>
  2165. <span>Celly</span>
  2166. </a>
  2167. <p>A wave of freshness. Wally Onda is the versione of Wally made of faux leather in two colours and tw...</p>
  2168. </div>
  2170. <div>
  2171. <p>
  2172. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/ONDAS5MBK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2173. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  2174. </p>
  2175. </div>
  2176. </div>
  2177. </div>
  2178. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2179. <div class="product-item">
  2180. <figure>
  2181. <a title="ONDA WALLY FOR GALAXY S5 MINI GD ONDAS5MGD" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/ONDAS5MGD">
  2182. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="ONDA WALLY FOR GALAXY S5 MINI GD" src="" class="thumb" />
  2183. </a>
  2184. <figcaption>
  2185. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/ONDAS5MGD"></a>
  2186. </figcaption>
  2187. </figure>
  2188. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2189. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2190. <a title="ONDA WALLY FOR GALAXY S5 MINI GD ONDAS5MGD " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/ONDAS5MGD" class="title">
  2191. <strong class="primary-color">ONDAS5MGD</strong><br>
  2192. <span>Celly</span>
  2193. </a>
  2194. <p>A wave of freshness. Wally Onda is the versione of Wally made of faux leather in two colours and tw...</p>
  2195. </div>
  2197. <div>
  2198. <p>
  2199. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/ONDAS5MGD"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2200. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'ONDAS5MGD', 1, false)">€ 24,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2201. </p>
  2202. </div>
  2203. </div>
  2204. </div>
  2205. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2206. <div class="product-item">
  2207. <figure>
  2208. <a title="PIED DE POULE WALLY GAL. S5 MINI BK PDPAGES5MBK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/PDPAGES5MBK">
  2209. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="PIED DE POULE WALLY GAL. S5 MINI BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  2210. </a>
  2211. <figcaption>
  2212. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/PDPAGES5MBK"></a>
  2213. </figcaption>
  2214. </figure>
  2215. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2216. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2217. <a title="PIED DE POULE WALLY GAL. S5 MINI BK PDPAGES5MBK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/PDPAGES5MBK" class="title">
  2218. <strong class="primary-color">PDPAGES5MBK</strong><br>
  2219. <span>Celly</span>
  2220. </a>
  2221. <p>Style Icon Wally Pied de Poule follows a haute couture inspired style reinterpreted in a modern ke...</p>
  2222. </div>
  2224. <div>
  2225. <p>
  2226. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/PDPAGES5MBK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2227. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'PDPAGES5MBK', 1, false)">€ 24,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2228. </p>
  2229. </div>
  2230. </div>
  2231. </div>
  2232. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2233. <div class="product-item">
  2234. <figure>
  2235. <a title="PIED DE POULE WALLY GAL. S5 MINI GR PDPAGES5MGR" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/PDPAGES5MGR">
  2236. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="PIED DE POULE WALLY GAL. S5 MINI GR" src="" class="thumb" />
  2237. </a>
  2238. <figcaption>
  2239. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/PDPAGES5MGR"></a>
  2240. </figcaption>
  2241. </figure>
  2242. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2243. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2244. <a title="PIED DE POULE WALLY GAL. S5 MINI GR PDPAGES5MGR " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/PDPAGES5MGR" class="title">
  2245. <strong class="primary-color">PDPAGES5MGR</strong><br>
  2246. <span>Celly</span>
  2247. </a>
  2248. <p>Style Icon Wally Pied de Poule follows a haute couture inspired style reinterpreted in a modern ke...</p>
  2249. </div>
  2251. <div>
  2252. <p>
  2253. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/PDPAGES5MGR"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2254. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'PDPAGES5MGR', 1, false)">€ 24,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2255. </p>
  2256. </div>
  2257. </div>
  2258. </div>
  2259. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2260. <div class="product-item">
  2261. <figure>
  2262. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI BK WALLY422" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422">
  2263. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  2264. </a>
  2265. <figcaption>
  2266. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422"></a>
  2267. </figcaption>
  2268. </figure>
  2269. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2270. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2271. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI BK WALLY422 " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422" class="title">
  2272. <strong class="primary-color">WALLY422</strong><br>
  2273. <span>Celly</span>
  2274. </a>
  2275. <p>Black pu wallet case for Galaxy S5 Mini in elegant pu leather. Equipped with perfectly shaped body h...</p>
  2276. </div>
  2278. <div>
  2279. <p>
  2280. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2281. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'WALLY422', 1, false)">€ 19,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2282. </p>
  2283. </div>
  2284. </div>
  2285. </div>
  2286. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2287. <div class="product-item">
  2288. <figure>
  2289. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI BR WALLY422BR" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422BR">
  2290. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI BR" src="" class="thumb" />
  2291. </a>
  2292. <figcaption>
  2293. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422BR"></a>
  2294. </figcaption>
  2295. </figure>
  2296. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2297. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2298. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI BR WALLY422BR " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422BR" class="title">
  2299. <strong class="primary-color">WALLY422BR</strong><br>
  2300. <span>Celly</span>
  2301. </a>
  2302. <p>Elegant, prfactical, functional.
  2303. Wally is the high-quality faux leather case with built-in stand fun...</p>
  2304. </div>
  2306. <div>
  2307. <p>
  2308. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422BR"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2309. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  2310. </p>
  2311. </div>
  2312. </div>
  2313. </div>
  2314. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2315. <div class="product-item">
  2316. <figure>
  2317. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI FX WALLY422FX" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422FX">
  2318. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI FX" src="" class="thumb" />
  2319. </a>
  2320. <figcaption>
  2321. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422FX"></a>
  2322. </figcaption>
  2323. </figure>
  2324. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2325. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2326. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S5 MINI FX WALLY422FX " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422FX" class="title">
  2327. <strong class="primary-color">WALLY422FX</strong><br>
  2328. <span>Celly</span>
  2329. </a>
  2330. <p>Elegant, prfactical, functional.
  2331. Wally is the high-quality faux leather case with built-in stand fun...</p>
  2332. </div>
  2334. <div>
  2335. <p>
  2336. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422FX"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2337. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  2338. </p>
  2339. </div>
  2340. </div>
  2341. </div>
  2342. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2343. <div class="product-item">
  2344. <figure>
  2345. <a title="WH WALLET CASE FOR GALAXY S5 MINI WALLY422WH" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422WH">
  2346. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="WH WALLET CASE FOR GALAXY S5 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
  2347. </a>
  2348. <figcaption>
  2349. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422WH"></a>
  2350. </figcaption>
  2351. </figure>
  2352. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2353. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2354. <a title="WH WALLET CASE FOR GALAXY S5 MINI WALLY422WH " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422WH" class="title">
  2355. <strong class="primary-color">WALLY422WH</strong><br>
  2356. <span>Celly</span>
  2357. </a>
  2358. <p>White pu wallet case for Galaxy S5 Mini in elegant pu leather. Equipped with perfectly shaped body h...</p>
  2359. </div>
  2361. <div>
  2362. <p>
  2363. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY422WH"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2364. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'WALLY422WH', 1, false)">€ 19,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2365. </p>
  2366. </div>
  2367. </div>
  2368. </div>
  2369. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2370. <div class="product-item">
  2371. <figure>
  2372. <a title="VIEW FLIP CASE BLACK GALAXY S5 MINI EF-CG800BBEGWW" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-CG800BBEGWW">
  2373. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="VIEW FLIP CASE BLACK GALAXY S5 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
  2374. </a>
  2375. <figcaption>
  2376. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-CG800BBEGWW"></a>
  2377. </figcaption>
  2378. </figure>
  2379. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2380. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2381. <a title="VIEW FLIP CASE BLACK GALAXY S5 MINI EF-CG800BBEGWW " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-CG800BBEGWW" class="title">
  2382. <strong class="primary-color">EF-CG800BBEGWW</strong><br>
  2383. <span>Samsung Cellulari</span>
  2384. </a>
  2385. <p>S view flip cover black color, compatible with the model Galaxy S5 Mini. The case S View has a trans...</p>
  2386. </div>
  2388. <div>
  2389. <p>
  2390. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-CG800BBEGWW"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2391. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'EF-CG800BBEGWW', 1, false)">€ 49,<span>90</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2392. </p>
  2393. </div>
  2394. </div>
  2395. </div>
  2396. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2397. <div class="product-item">
  2398. <figure>
  2399. <a title="VIEW FLIP CASE WHITE GALAXY S5 MINI EF-CG800BWEGWW" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-CG800BWEGWW">
  2400. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="VIEW FLIP CASE WHITE GALAXY S5 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
  2401. </a>
  2402. <figcaption>
  2403. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-CG800BWEGWW"></a>
  2404. </figcaption>
  2405. </figure>
  2406. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2407. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2408. <a title="VIEW FLIP CASE WHITE GALAXY S5 MINI EF-CG800BWEGWW " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-CG800BWEGWW" class="title">
  2409. <strong class="primary-color">EF-CG800BWEGWW</strong><br>
  2410. <span>Samsung Cellulari</span>
  2411. </a>
  2412. <p>S view flip cover white color, compatible with the model Galaxy S5 Mini. The case S View has a trans...</p>
  2413. </div>
  2415. <div>
  2416. <p>
  2417. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-CG800BWEGWW"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2418. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'EF-CG800BWEGWW', 1, false)">€ 49,<span>90</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2419. </p>
  2420. </div>
  2421. </div>
  2422. </div>
  2423. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2424. <div class="product-item">
  2425. <figure>
  2426. <a title="FLIP CASE BLACK GALAXY S5 MINI EF-FG800BBEGWW" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BBEGWW">
  2427. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FLIP CASE BLACK GALAXY S5 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
  2428. </a>
  2429. <figcaption>
  2430. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BBEGWW"></a>
  2431. </figcaption>
  2432. </figure>
  2433. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2434. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2435. <a title="FLIP CASE BLACK GALAXY S5 MINI EF-FG800BBEGWW " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BBEGWW" class="title">
  2436. <strong class="primary-color">EF-FG800BBEGWW</strong><br>
  2437. <span>Samsung Cellulari</span>
  2438. </a>
  2439. <p>Diary black leather case for Galaxy S5 Mini. Ideal protection against impact, scratches and other da...</p>
  2440. </div>
  2442. <div>
  2443. <p>
  2444. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BBEGWW"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2445. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'EF-FG800BBEGWW', 1, false)">€ 29,<span>90</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2446. </p>
  2447. </div>
  2448. </div>
  2449. </div>
  2450. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2451. <div class="product-item">
  2452. <figure>
  2453. <a title="FLIP CASE ROSE GOLD GALAXY S5 MINI EF-FG800BFEGWW" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BFEGWW">
  2454. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FLIP CASE ROSE GOLD GALAXY S5 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
  2455. </a>
  2456. <figcaption>
  2457. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BFEGWW"></a>
  2458. </figcaption>
  2459. </figure>
  2460. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2461. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2462. <a title="FLIP CASE ROSE GOLD GALAXY S5 MINI EF-FG800BFEGWW " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BFEGWW" class="title">
  2463. <strong class="primary-color">EF-FG800BFEGWW</strong><br>
  2464. <span>Samsung Cellulari</span>
  2465. </a>
  2466. <p>Diary rose gold leather case for Galaxy S5 Mini. Ideal protection against impact, scratches and othe...</p>
  2467. </div>
  2469. <div>
  2470. <p>
  2471. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BFEGWW"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  2472. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'EF-FG800BFEGWW', 1, false)">€ 29,<span>90</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  2473. </p>
  2474. </div>
  2475. </div>
  2476. </div>
  2477. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  2478. <div class="product-item">
  2479. <figure>
  2480. <a title="FLIP CASE GREEN GALAXY S5 MINI EF-FG800BGEGWW" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BGEGWW">
  2481. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FLIP CASE GREEN GALAXY S5 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
  2482. </a>
  2483. <figcaption>
  2484. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BGEGWW"></a>
  2485. </figcaption>
  2486. </figure>
  2487. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  2488. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  2489. <a title="FLIP CASE GREEN GALAXY S5 MINI EF-FG800BGEGWW " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S5_Mini/Flip_Cover/EF-FG800BGEGWW" class="title">
  2490. <strong class="primary-color">EF-FG800BGEGWW</strong><br>
  2491. <span>Samsung Cellulari</span>
  2492. </a>
  2493. <p>Diary green leather case for Galaxy S5 Mini. Ideal protection against impact, scratches and other da...</p>
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  2517. <strong class="primary-color">EF-FG800BPEGWW</strong><br>
  2518. <span>Samsung Cellulari</span>
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  2520. <p>Diary pink leather case for Galaxy S5 Mini. Ideal protection against impact, scratches and other dam...</p>
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  2544. <strong class="primary-color">EF-FG800BWEGWW</strong><br>
  2545. <span>Samsung Cellulari</span>
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  2547. <p>Diary white leather case for Galaxy S5 Mini. Ideal protection against impact, scratches and other da...</p>
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  2571. <strong class="primary-color">FADY002KBK</strong><br>
  2572. <span>ANYMODE</span>
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  2574. <p>Flip Case with circle window in the front of case to view notifications, calls, and missed calls. Co...</p>
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  2601. <p>Flip Case with circle window in the front of case to view notifications, calls, and missed calls. Co...</p>
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  2628. <p>PU back flip cover black color. Protect front and rear of your smartphone. Compatible with Galaxy S5...</p>
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  3321. Accessories for charging: car or plug-in battery charger, emergency batteries and USB data wires.
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  3496. <a title="EASY GLASS GALAXY S7 EASY590" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/PROTECT_SCREEN/EASY590">
  3497. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="EASY GLASS GALAXY S7" src="" class="thumb" />
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  3505. <a title="EASY GLASS GALAXY S7 EASY590 " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/PROTECT_SCREEN/EASY590" class="title">
  3506. <strong class="primary-color">EASY590</strong><br>
  3507. <span>Celly</span>
  3508. </a>
  3509. <p>Invisible tempered glass protection. Easy Glass is the second glass for your Smartphone with an anti...</p>
  3510. </div>
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  3513. <p>
  3514. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/PROTECT_SCREEN/EASY590"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3515. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'EASY590', 1, false)">€ 14,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3524. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="LASER COVER GALAXY S7 DS" src="" class="thumb" />
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  3533. <strong class="primary-color">BCLGS7DS</strong><br>
  3534. <span>Celly</span>
  3535. </a>
  3536. <p>Hi-tech protection. Bumper Cover laser is a soft transparent cover with beaten-metal effect edging w...</p>
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  3551. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="LASER COVER GALAXY S7 GD" src="" class="thumb" />
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  3560. <strong class="primary-color">BCLGS7GD</strong><br>
  3561. <span>Celly</span>
  3562. </a>
  3563. <p>Hi-tech protection. Bumper Cover laser is a soft transparent cover with beaten-metal effect edging w...</p>
  3564. </div>
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  3569. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'BCLGS7GD', 1, false)">€ 19,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3578. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="LASER COVER GALAXY S7 SV" src="" class="thumb" />
  3579. </a>
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  3581. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/BCLGS7SV"></a>
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  3587. <strong class="primary-color">BCLGS7SV</strong><br>
  3588. <span>Celly</span>
  3589. </a>
  3590. <p>Hi-tech protection. Bumper Cover laser is a soft transparent cover with beaten-metal effect edging w...</p>
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  3596. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'BCLGS7SV', 1, false)">€ 19,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3604. <a title="EMERGENCY BATTERY MICROUSB GR BP30MICROG" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/POWER_BANK_BUILT_IN_CABLE/BP30MICROG">
  3605. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="EMERGENCY BATTERY MICROUSB GR" src="" class="thumb" />
  3606. </a>
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  3614. <strong class="primary-color">BP30MICROG</strong><br>
  3615. <span>Celly</span>
  3616. </a>
  3617. <p>Green emergency battery with capacity of 3000mah with built in microusb cable for Smartphone,max out...</p>
  3618. </div>
  3620. <div>
  3621. <p>
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  3623. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'BP30MICROG', 1, false)">€ 49,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3632. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="STEREO EARPHONES 3.5MM LIME" src="" class="thumb" />
  3633. </a>
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  3641. <strong class="primary-color">BSIDE35G</strong><br>
  3642. <span>Celly</span>
  3643. </a>
  3644. <p>Stereo universal colorful earphones with anti-tangle flat cable, 3,5 mm universal jack suitable for ...</p>
  3645. </div>
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  3650. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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  3659. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="AIR CASE FOR GALAXY S7 BK" src="" class="thumb" />
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  3668. <strong class="primary-color">AIR590BK</strong><br>
  3669. <span>Celly</span>
  3670. </a>
  3671. <p>Superslim protective solution. Air Case is the superslim and compact agenda case. The structure is i...</p>
  3672. </div>
  3674. <div>
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  3677. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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  3685. <a title="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 BLACK AIRPELLE590BK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590BK">
  3686. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 BLACK" src="" class="thumb" />
  3687. </a>
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  3689. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590BK"></a>
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  3694. <a title="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 BLACK AIRPELLE590BK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590BK" class="title">
  3695. <strong class="primary-color">AIRPELLE590BK</strong><br>
  3696. <span>Celly</span>
  3697. </a>
  3698. <p>The ultra-thin protection solution.
  3699. Air Pelle is the ultra-thin and compact agenda case made of top...</p>
  3700. </div>
  3702. <div>
  3703. <p>
  3704. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590BK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3705. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'AIRPELLE590BK', 1, false)">€ 29,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3713. <a title="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 BLUE AIRPELLE590BL" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590BL">
  3714. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 BLUE" src="" class="thumb" />
  3715. </a>
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  3722. <a title="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 BLUE AIRPELLE590BL " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590BL" class="title">
  3723. <strong class="primary-color">AIRPELLE590BL</strong><br>
  3724. <span>Celly</span>
  3725. </a>
  3726. <p>The ultra-thin protection solution.
  3727. Air Pelle is the ultra-thin and compact agenda case made of top...</p>
  3728. </div>
  3730. <div>
  3731. <p>
  3732. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590BL"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3733. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'AIRPELLE590BL', 1, false)">€ 29,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3741. <a title="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 GOLD AIRPELLE590GD" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590GD">
  3742. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 GOLD" src="" class="thumb" />
  3743. </a>
  3744. <figcaption>
  3745. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590GD"></a>
  3746. </figcaption>
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  3748. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  3749. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  3750. <a title="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 GOLD AIRPELLE590GD " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590GD" class="title">
  3751. <strong class="primary-color">AIRPELLE590GD</strong><br>
  3752. <span>Celly</span>
  3753. </a>
  3754. <p>The ultra-thin protection solution.
  3755. Air Pelle is the ultra-thin and compact agenda case made of top...</p>
  3756. </div>
  3758. <div>
  3759. <p>
  3760. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590GD"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3761. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'AIRPELLE590GD', 1, false)">€ 29,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  3762. </p>
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  3769. <a title="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 PINK AIRPELLE590PK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590PK">
  3770. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 PINK" src="" class="thumb" />
  3771. </a>
  3772. <figcaption>
  3773. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590PK"></a>
  3774. </figcaption>
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  3776. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  3777. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  3778. <a title="AIR PELLE GALAXY S7 PINK AIRPELLE590PK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590PK" class="title">
  3779. <strong class="primary-color">AIRPELLE590PK</strong><br>
  3780. <span>Celly</span>
  3781. </a>
  3782. <p>The ultra-thin protection solution.
  3783. Air Pelle is the ultra-thin and compact agenda case made of top...</p>
  3784. </div>
  3786. <div>
  3787. <p>
  3788. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/AIRPELLE590PK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3789. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'AIRPELLE590PK', 1, false)">€ 29,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3797. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7 FROSTGS7" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7">
  3798. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7" src="" class="thumb" />
  3799. </a>
  3800. <figcaption>
  3801. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7"></a>
  3802. </figcaption>
  3803. </figure>
  3804. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  3805. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  3806. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7 FROSTGS7 " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7" class="title">
  3807. <strong class="primary-color">FROSTGS7</strong><br>
  3808. <span>Celly</span>
  3809. </a>
  3810. <p>Maximum protection with minimal thickness.
  3811. Frost is a soft, clinging, superthin cover. Frost colors...</p>
  3812. </div>
  3814. <div>
  3815. <p>
  3816. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3817. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'FROSTGS7', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  3818. </p>
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  3825. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7 BK FROSTGS7BK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7BK">
  3826. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7 BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  3827. </a>
  3828. <figcaption>
  3829. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7BK"></a>
  3830. </figcaption>
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  3832. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  3833. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  3834. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7 BK FROSTGS7BK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7BK" class="title">
  3835. <strong class="primary-color">FROSTGS7BK</strong><br>
  3836. <span>Celly</span>
  3837. </a>
  3838. <p>Maximum protection with minimal thickness.
  3839. Frost is a soft, clinging, superthin cover. Frost colors...</p>
  3840. </div>
  3842. <div>
  3843. <p>
  3844. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7BK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3845. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'FROSTGS7BK', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  3846. </p>
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  3853. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7 YL FROSTGS7YL" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7YL">
  3854. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7 YL" src="" class="thumb" />
  3855. </a>
  3856. <figcaption>
  3857. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7YL"></a>
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  3862. <a title="FROST COVER FOR GALAXY S7 YL FROSTGS7YL " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7YL" class="title">
  3863. <strong class="primary-color">FROSTGS7YL</strong><br>
  3864. <span>Celly</span>
  3865. </a>
  3866. <p>Maximum protection with minimal thickness.
  3867. Frost is a soft, clinging, superthin cover. Frost colors...</p>
  3868. </div>
  3870. <div>
  3871. <p>
  3872. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/FROSTGS7YL"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3873. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'FROSTGS7YL', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3881. <a title="ICECUBE COVER GALAXY S7 FX ICECUBE590FX" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/ICECUBE590FX">
  3882. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="ICECUBE COVER GALAXY S7 FX" src="" class="thumb" />
  3883. </a>
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  3885. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/ICECUBE590FX"></a>
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  3890. <a title="ICECUBE COVER GALAXY S7 FX ICECUBE590FX " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/ICECUBE590FX" class="title">
  3891. <strong class="primary-color">ICECUBE590FX</strong><br>
  3892. <span>Celly</span>
  3893. </a>
  3894. <p>Anti-shock Protection
  3895. Ice Cube is the anti-shock case with ice effect frame. The colorful case is m...</p>
  3896. </div>
  3898. <div>
  3899. <p>
  3900. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/ICECUBE590FX"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3901. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'ICECUBE590FX', 1, false)">€ 19,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3909. <a title="ICECUBE COVER GALAXY S7 YL ICECUBE590YL" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/ICECUBE590YL">
  3910. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="ICECUBE COVER GALAXY S7 YL" src="" class="thumb" />
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  3913. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/ICECUBE590YL"></a>
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  3919. <strong class="primary-color">ICECUBE590YL</strong><br>
  3920. <span>Celly</span>
  3921. </a>
  3922. <p>Anti-shock Protection
  3923. Ice Cube is the anti-shock case with ice effect frame. The colorful case is m...</p>
  3924. </div>
  3926. <div>
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  3928. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/COVER/ICECUBE590YL"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  3929. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'ICECUBE590YL', 1, false)">€ 19,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  3937. <a title="SCREEN PERFETTO GALAXY S7 SBF590" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/PROTECT_SCREEN/SBF590">
  3938. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="SCREEN PERFETTO GALAXY S7" src="" class="thumb" />
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  3941. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/PROTECT_SCREEN/SBF590"></a>
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  3947. <strong class="primary-color">SBF590</strong><br>
  3948. <span>Celly</span>
  3949. </a>
  3950. <p>Self fitting screen protector is the perfect protective film that covers and protects the smartphone...</p>
  3951. </div>
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  3956. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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  3965. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="TRAVEL CHARGER 1A MICROUSB LB" src="" class="thumb" />
  3966. </a>
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  3974. <strong class="primary-color">TCMICROLB</strong><br>
  3975. <span>Celly</span>
  3976. </a>
  3977. <p>Travel charger light light blue with micro usb. It supports fast charging 1A and high-speed. Charge ...</p>
  3978. </div>
  3980. <div>
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  3983. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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  3992. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="TRAVEL CHARGER 1A MICROUSB PINK" src="" class="thumb" />
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  4001. <strong class="primary-color">TCMICROP</strong><br>
  4002. <span>Celly</span>
  4003. </a>
  4004. <p>Travel charger light pink with micro usb. It supports fast charging 1A and high-speed. Charge faster...</p>
  4005. </div>
  4007. <div>
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  4010. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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  4018. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GALAXY S7 WALLY590" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S7/Flip_Cover/WALLY590">
  4019. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="WALLY CASE FOR GALAXY S7" src="" class="thumb" />
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  4028. <strong class="primary-color">WALLY590</strong><br>
  4029. <span>Celly</span>
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  4031. <p>Elegant, practical, functional. Wally is the high-quality faux leather case with built-in stand func...</p>
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  4940. <p>Slim and Lightweight.
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  4968. <p>Hi-tech protection. Bumper Cover laser is a soft transparent cover with beaten-metal effect edging w...</p>
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  4973. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/BCLS6EDS"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  4974. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  4975. </p>
  4976. </div>
  4977. </div>
  4978. </div>
  4979. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  4980. <div class="product-item">
  4981. <figure>
  4982. <a title="LASER COVER S6 EDGE GD BCLS6EGD" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/BCLS6EGD">
  4983. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="LASER COVER S6 EDGE GD" src="" class="thumb" />
  4984. </a>
  4985. <figcaption>
  4986. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/BCLS6EGD"></a>
  4987. </figcaption>
  4988. </figure>
  4989. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  4990. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  4991. <a title="LASER COVER S6 EDGE GD BCLS6EGD " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/BCLS6EGD" class="title">
  4992. <strong class="primary-color">BCLS6EGD</strong><br>
  4993. <span>Celly</span>
  4994. </a>
  4995. <p>Hi-tech protection. Bumper Cover laser is a soft transparent cover with beaten-metal effect edging w...</p>
  4996. </div>
  4998. <div>
  4999. <p>
  5000. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/BCLS6EGD"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5001. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  5002. </p>
  5003. </div>
  5004. </div>
  5005. </div>
  5006. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5007. <div class="product-item">
  5008. <figure>
  5009. <a title="HEADSET BLUETOOTH BLACK BH8B" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_WIRELESS_MOBILE_PHONES/BH8B">
  5010. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="HEADSET BLUETOOTH BLACK" src="" class="thumb" />
  5011. </a>
  5012. <figcaption>
  5013. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_WIRELESS_MOBILE_PHONES/BH8B"></a>
  5014. </figcaption>
  5015. </figure>
  5016. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5017. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5018. <a title="HEADSET BLUETOOTH BLACK BH8B " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_WIRELESS_MOBILE_PHONES/BH8B" class="title">
  5019. <strong class="primary-color">BH8B</strong><br>
  5020. <span>Celly</span>
  5021. </a>
  5022. <p>
  5023. Bleutooth Headset BH8.
  5025. Universal multipoint Bluetooth headset. Super-lightweight, compact and e...</p>
  5026. </div>
  5028. <div>
  5029. <p>
  5030. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_WIRELESS_MOBILE_PHONES/BH8B"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5031. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  5032. </p>
  5033. </div>
  5034. </div>
  5035. </div>
  5036. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5037. <div class="product-item">
  5038. <figure>
  5039. <a title="HEADSET BLUETOOTH WHITE BH8W" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_WIRELESS_MOBILE_PHONES/BH8W">
  5040. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="HEADSET BLUETOOTH WHITE" src="" class="thumb" />
  5041. </a>
  5042. <figcaption>
  5043. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_WIRELESS_MOBILE_PHONES/BH8W"></a>
  5044. </figcaption>
  5045. </figure>
  5046. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5047. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5048. <a title="HEADSET BLUETOOTH WHITE BH8W " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_WIRELESS_MOBILE_PHONES/BH8W" class="title">
  5049. <strong class="primary-color">BH8W</strong><br>
  5050. <span>Celly</span>
  5051. </a>
  5052. <p>Bleutooth Headset BH8.
  5053. Universal multipoint Bluetooth headset. Super-lightweight, compact and ergon...</p>
  5054. </div>
  5056. <div>
  5057. <p>
  5058. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_WIRELESS_MOBILE_PHONES/BH8W"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5059. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  5060. </p>
  5061. </div>
  5062. </div>
  5063. </div>
  5064. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5065. <div class="product-item">
  5066. <figure>
  5067. <a title="EMERGENCY BATTERY MICROUSB GR BP30MICROG" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/POWER_BANK_BUILT_IN_CABLE/BP30MICROG">
  5068. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="EMERGENCY BATTERY MICROUSB GR" src="" class="thumb" />
  5069. </a>
  5070. <figcaption>
  5071. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/POWER_BANK_BUILT_IN_CABLE/BP30MICROG"></a>
  5072. </figcaption>
  5073. </figure>
  5074. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5075. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5076. <a title="EMERGENCY BATTERY MICROUSB GR BP30MICROG " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/POWER_BANK_BUILT_IN_CABLE/BP30MICROG" class="title">
  5077. <strong class="primary-color">BP30MICROG</strong><br>
  5078. <span>Celly</span>
  5079. </a>
  5080. <p>Green emergency battery with capacity of 3000mah with built in microusb cable for Smartphone,max out...</p>
  5081. </div>
  5083. <div>
  5084. <p>
  5085. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/POWER_BANK_BUILT_IN_CABLE/BP30MICROG"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5086. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'BP30MICROG', 1, false)">€ 49,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  5087. </p>
  5088. </div>
  5089. </div>
  5090. </div>
  5091. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5092. <div class="product-item">
  5093. <figure>
  5094. <a title="STEREO EARPHONES 3.5MM LIME BSIDE35G" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_FOR_MOBILE/BSIDE35G">
  5095. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="STEREO EARPHONES 3.5MM LIME" src="" class="thumb" />
  5096. </a>
  5097. <figcaption>
  5098. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_FOR_MOBILE/BSIDE35G"></a>
  5099. </figcaption>
  5100. </figure>
  5101. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5102. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5103. <a title="STEREO EARPHONES 3.5MM LIME BSIDE35G " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_FOR_MOBILE/BSIDE35G" class="title">
  5104. <strong class="primary-color">BSIDE35G</strong><br>
  5105. <span>Celly</span>
  5106. </a>
  5107. <p>Stereo universal colorful earphones with anti-tangle flat cable, 3,5 mm universal jack suitable for ...</p>
  5108. </div>
  5110. <div>
  5111. <p>
  5112. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/HEADPHONES_FOR_MOBILE/BSIDE35G"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5113. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  5114. </p>
  5115. </div>
  5116. </div>
  5117. </div>
  5118. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5119. <div class="product-item">
  5120. <figure>
  5121. <a title="BUDDY CASE FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE BK BUDDYS6EBK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/Flip_Cover/BUDDYS6EBK">
  5122. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="BUDDY CASE FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  5123. </a>
  5124. <figcaption>
  5125. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/Flip_Cover/BUDDYS6EBK"></a>
  5126. </figcaption>
  5127. </figure>
  5128. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5129. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5130. <a title="BUDDY CASE FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE BK BUDDYS6EBK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/Flip_Cover/BUDDYS6EBK" class="title">
  5131. <strong class="primary-color">BUDDYS6EBK</strong><br>
  5132. <span>Celly</span>
  5133. </a>
  5134. <p>2 in 1: a solution for all uses. Buddy is the wallet case with included cover, detachable thanks to ...</p>
  5135. </div>
  5137. <div>
  5138. <p>
  5139. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/Flip_Cover/BUDDYS6EBK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5140. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'BUDDYS6EBK', 1, false)">€ 24,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  5141. </p>
  5142. </div>
  5143. </div>
  5144. </div>
  5145. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5146. <div class="product-item">
  5147. <figure>
  5148. <a title="FROST COVER FOR S6 EDGE FROSTS6E" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/FROSTS6E">
  5149. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FROST COVER FOR S6 EDGE" src="" class="thumb" />
  5150. </a>
  5151. <figcaption>
  5152. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/FROSTS6E"></a>
  5153. </figcaption>
  5154. </figure>
  5155. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5156. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5157. <a title="FROST COVER FOR S6 EDGE FROSTS6E " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/FROSTS6E" class="title">
  5158. <strong class="primary-color">FROSTS6E</strong><br>
  5159. <span>Celly</span>
  5160. </a>
  5161. <p>Maximum protection with minimal thickness. Frost is a soft, clinging, superthin cover. Frost colors ...</p>
  5162. </div>
  5164. <div>
  5165. <p>
  5166. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/FROSTS6E"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5167. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'FROSTS6E', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  5168. </p>
  5169. </div>
  5170. </div>
  5171. </div>
  5172. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5173. <div class="product-item">
  5174. <figure>
  5175. <a title="FROST COVER FOR S6 EDGE BK FROSTS6EBK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/FROSTS6EBK">
  5176. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FROST COVER FOR S6 EDGE BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  5177. </a>
  5178. <figcaption>
  5179. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/FROSTS6EBK"></a>
  5180. </figcaption>
  5181. </figure>
  5182. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5183. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5184. <a title="FROST COVER FOR S6 EDGE BK FROSTS6EBK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/FROSTS6EBK" class="title">
  5185. <strong class="primary-color">FROSTS6EBK</strong><br>
  5186. <span>Celly</span>
  5187. </a>
  5188. <p>Maximum protection with minimal thickness. Frost is a soft, clinging, superthin cover. Frost colors ...</p>
  5189. </div>
  5191. <div>
  5192. <p>
  5193. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/FROSTS6EBK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5194. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'FROSTS6EBK', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  5195. </p>
  5196. </div>
  5197. </div>
  5198. </div>
  5199. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5200. <div class="product-item">
  5201. <figure>
  5202. <a title="TPU COVER FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE GELSKIN491" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN491">
  5203. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="TPU COVER FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE" src="" class="thumb" />
  5204. </a>
  5205. <figcaption>
  5206. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN491"></a>
  5207. </figcaption>
  5208. </figure>
  5209. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5210. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5211. <a title="TPU COVER FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE GELSKIN491 " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN491" class="title">
  5212. <strong class="primary-color">GELSKIN491</strong><br>
  5213. <span>Celly</span>
  5214. </a>
  5215. <p>Trasparent cover for Galaxy S6 Edge in soft and comfortable anti-shock TPU. The special shaped and f...</p>
  5216. </div>
  5218. <div>
  5219. <p>
  5220. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN491"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5221. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'GELSKIN491', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  5222. </p>
  5223. </div>
  5224. </div>
  5225. </div>
  5226. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5227. <div class="product-item">
  5228. <figure>
  5229. <a title="TPU COVER FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE BLACK GELSKIN491BK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN491BK">
  5230. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="TPU COVER FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE BLACK" src="" class="thumb" />
  5231. </a>
  5232. <figcaption>
  5233. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN491BK"></a>
  5234. </figcaption>
  5235. </figure>
  5236. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5237. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5238. <a title="TPU COVER FOR GALAXY S6 EDGE BLACK GELSKIN491BK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN491BK" class="title">
  5239. <strong class="primary-color">GELSKIN491BK</strong><br>
  5240. <span>Celly</span>
  5241. </a>
  5242. <p>Black&nbsp;cover for Galaxy S6 Edge in soft and comfortable anti-shock TPU. The special shaped and f...</p>
  5243. </div>
  5245. <div>
  5246. <p>
  5247. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/COVER/GELSKIN491BK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5248. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'GELSKIN491BK', 1, false)">€ 12,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  5249. </p>
  5250. </div>
  5251. </div>
  5252. </div>
  5253. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5254. <div class="product-item">
  5255. <figure>
  5256. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE BK GLASS491BK" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491BK">
  5257. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  5258. </a>
  5259. <figcaption>
  5260. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491BK"></a>
  5261. </figcaption>
  5262. </figure>
  5263. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5264. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5265. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE BK GLASS491BK " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491BK" class="title">
  5266. <strong class="primary-color">GLASS491BK</strong><br>
  5267. <span>Celly</span>
  5268. </a>
  5269. <p>Edge to edge complete protection for your display.
  5270. Full Glass is the additional glass with anti-fin...</p>
  5271. </div>
  5273. <div>
  5274. <p>
  5275. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491BK"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5276. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  5277. </p>
  5278. </div>
  5279. </div>
  5280. </div>
  5281. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5282. <div class="product-item">
  5283. <figure>
  5284. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE GLASS491F" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491F">
  5285. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE" src="" class="thumb" />
  5286. </a>
  5287. <figcaption>
  5288. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491F"></a>
  5289. </figcaption>
  5290. </figure>
  5291. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5292. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5293. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE GLASS491F " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491F" class="title">
  5294. <strong class="primary-color">GLASS491F</strong><br>
  5295. <span>Celly</span>
  5296. </a>
  5297. <p>Edge to edge complete protection for your display.
  5298. Full Glass&nbsp;is the additional glass with ant...</p>
  5299. </div>
  5301. <div>
  5302. <p>
  5303. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491F"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5304. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
  5305. </p>
  5306. </div>
  5307. </div>
  5308. </div>
  5309. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
  5310. <div class="product-item">
  5311. <figure>
  5312. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE GD GLASS491GD" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491GD">
  5313. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE GD" src="" class="thumb" />
  5314. </a>
  5315. <figcaption>
  5316. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491GD"></a>
  5317. </figcaption>
  5318. </figure>
  5319. <div class="product-details" itemprop="description">
  5320. <div class="border-bottom-1">
  5321. <a title="FULL CURVE GLASS GALAXY S6 EDGE GD GLASS491GD " href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491GD" class="title">
  5322. <strong class="primary-color">GLASS491GD</strong><br>
  5323. <span>Celly</span>
  5324. </a>
  5325. <p>Edge to edge complete protection for your display.
  5326. Full Glass is the additional glass with anti-fin...</p>
  5327. </div>
  5329. <div>
  5330. <p>
  5331. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S6_Edge/PROTECT_SCREEN/GLASS491GD"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  5332. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'GLASS491GD', 1, false)">€ 39,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
  5333. </p>
  5334. </div>
  5335. </div>
  5336. </div>
  5337. </li><li itemtype="" itemscope="" class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4">
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  6125. <img src="/Content/images/catalogo/icone/ico-smartCharge.png" alt="Smart Charge" />
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  6127. <p>
  6128. Accessories for charging: car or plug-in battery charger, emergency batteries and USB data wires.
  6129. </p>
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  6145. <a href="/en/Catalogo/IoCarico#batteries">Batteries</a>
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  6157. <p>
  6158. Listen to music and talk with your smartphone: wired or wireless earphones and headphone.
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  6318. <p>Cover for Galaxy SIII Mini made in trasparent, soft and comfortable anti-shock TPU. The special shap...</p>
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  6345. <p>Cover for Galaxy SIII Mini made in black, soft and comfortable anti-shock TPU. The special shaped an...</p>
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  6372. <p>Cover for Galaxy SIII Mini in soft and comfortable green TPU. This flexible silicone case, fitting p...</p>
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  6399. <p>Cover for Galaxy SIII Mini in soft and comfortable violet TPU. This flexible silicone case, fitting ...</p>
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  6426. <p>Glamorous and sparkling. Glitty is the first accessory collection by Celly that will turn your smar...</p>
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  6453. <p>Original back cover in rigid TPU. The special silicone protects your smartphone from bumps and drops...</p>
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  7324. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="PU CASE GAL S3 MINI BK" src="" class="thumb" />
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  7333. <strong class="primary-color">FACE280</strong><br>
  7334. <span>Celly</span>
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  7336. <p>Case for Galaxy SIII Mini in elegant pu leather. Equipped with perfectly shaped body housing for mor...</p>
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  7351. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="GLAMME GLITTER AGENDA BLACK S3 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
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  7360. <strong class="primary-color">GLAGES3MBK</strong><br>
  7361. <span>Celly</span>
  7362. </a>
  7363. <p>Glamorous, sparkling and functional. Glitty is the first accessory collection by Celly that will t...</p>
  7364. </div>
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  7378. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="ONDA WALLY FOR GALAXY S3 MINI BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  7379. </a>
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  7387. <strong class="primary-color">ONDAS3MBK</strong><br>
  7388. <span>Celly</span>
  7389. </a>
  7390. <p>A wave of freshness. Wally Onda is the versione of Wally made of faux leather in two colours and tw...</p>
  7391. </div>
  7393. <div>
  7394. <p>
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  7396. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'ONDAS3MBK', 1, false)">€ 24,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  7404. <a title="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S3 MINI BK WALLY280" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S3_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY280">
  7405. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="WALLY CASE FOR GAL. S3 MINI BK" src="" class="thumb" />
  7406. </a>
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  7408. <a class="zoom cboxElement" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S3_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY280"></a>
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  7414. <strong class="primary-color">WALLY280</strong><br>
  7415. <span>Celly</span>
  7416. </a>
  7417. <p>Black wallet case for Galaxy S3 Mini in elegant pu leather. Equipped with perfectly shaped body hous...</p>
  7418. </div>
  7420. <div>
  7421. <p>
  7422. <a class="details" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S3_Mini/Flip_Cover/WALLY280"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span> + info</a>
  7423. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-default to-cart" data-ng-click="vm.aggiungiCodiceAlCarrello($event, 'WALLY280', 1, false)">€ 19,<span>99</span> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus"></span></a>
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  7431. <a title="CRADLE CASE BLUE GALAXY S3 MINI BCCC000KBL" href="/Accessories/Samsung/Galaxy_S3_Mini/Flip_Cover/BCCC000KBL">
  7432. <img width="250" height="250" onerror="imgError(this, '')" alt="CRADLE CASE BLUE GALAXY S3 MINI" src="" class="thumb" />
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  7441. <strong class="primary-color">BCCC000KBL</strong><br>
  7442. <span>ANYMODE</span>
  7443. </a>
  7444. <p>Leather case with top flap closing and internal plate for Galaxy SIII Mini. Anti-bacterial processin...</p>
  7445. </div>
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  7450. <span class="noDispo"><span class="fa fa-times primary-color"></span> Out of stock</span>
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