
sweetheart.txt tumblr theme

Mar 6th, 2023 (edited)
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  3. <!--
  7. thanks to france lalune at for the base code, and a few other things i ended up copying from their themes! ^_^
  9. i swear before you select a font it might look a little broken but its fine...i prommy
  11. This is my first theme and i got a little bit experimental with it, so if any problems arise you may redirect concerns to -->
  13. <meta name="image:favicon" content="">
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  30. <meta name="text:marquee under avatar" content="Happy smiling joy β˜€">
  31. <meta name="text:desc" content="^_^!">
  32. <meta name="text:desc 2" content="just an extra little box!! You can even put images in here...Little hint: the pixels are your links!">
  33. <meta name="text:link one url" content="/">
  34. <meta name="text:link two url" content="/">
  35. <meta name="text:link three url" content="/">
  36. <meta name="text:link four url" content="/">
  37. <meta name="text:link five url" content="/">
  38. <meta name="text:song title" content="/">
  39. <meta name="text:song artist" content="/">
  40. <meta name="text:song url" content "Put your own song url here! Upload it on catbox or discord and just copy here :3">
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  43. <meta name="select:font" content="MS Gothic">
  44. <meta name="select:font" content="Tepeno Sans"
  45. <meta name="select:font" content="Comic Sans MS">
  46. <meta name="select:font" content="Sf Quartzite">
  47. <meta name="select:font" content="Black Wolf">
  48. <meta name="select:font" content="MTF Magical Marilyn">
  49. <meta name="select:font" content="Chiptune Valentine">
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  440. {/block:AlbumArt}
  441. <div class="trackstuff">
  442. {block:TrackName}<b><i>{TrackName}</i></b>{/block:TrackName}<br>{block:Artist}<i>{Artist}</i>{/block:Artist}</div>
  443. {Caption}
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  467. <div class="caption">{Answer}</div>
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