

May 18th, 2015
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  1. 16:34:03 <Hankolijo> Kailee also enters commons, wearing that fabulous pink jacket again. "Hellooo!"
  2. 16:34:05 <%Balthazaar> "Hello...' She takes a seat. "Fine thank you... And you?"
  3. 16:34:29 <JamJam66> "Good!"
  4. 16:34:35 <JamJam66> "Oh, hey Kailee!"
  5. 16:34:51 <Hankolijo> She waves and gets coffee before sitting next to George.
  6. 16:34:54 <Hankolijo> d10 Pls
  7. 16:34:55 <Glacon> Hankolijo: Pls: 10 (d10=10)
  8. 16:35:00 <JamJam66> ( wow)
  9. 16:35:10 <Hankolijo> All praise the coffee Gods, for this is a damn fine brew!
  10. 16:35:49 <%Balthazaar> "How are you both?" Olga looks... Presentable and nice. Weeeeird
  11. 16:36:13 <Hankolijo> "Oh, wonderful!" Kailee responds, sipping her drink.
  12. 16:38:57 <Complete_Zero> Jack is sleeping sideways on a chair, everyone.
  13. 16:39:00 → KadeLeMuse joined (~chatzilla@963BEBC:7B4991F8:58E86C47:IP)
  14. 16:40:08 <%Balthazaar> "Wonderful? Did something very good happen?"
  15. 16:40:32 <Complete_Zero> Jack looks dangerously close to falling off the chair.
  16. 16:40:36 <Hankolijo> Shrug. "Nothing in particular. Just enjoying life."
  17. 16:40:55 <JamJam66> George gets up and turns to face Kailee. "Kailee, I was meaning to do this yesterday, but, well, that couldn't happen. So I'll do it now." He gets down on one knee and pulls out a box with a ring. "Kailee, will you marry me?"
  18. 16:41:06 <Complete_Zero> (Holy SHIT)
  19. 16:41:28 <%Balthazaar> O.
  20. 16:41:33 <Complete_Zero> You three hear a THUD and "Oww, Dammit! Every Time!"
  21. 16:41:47 <Hankolijo> "..." Kailee lights up. ~YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ "YES! YES, GEORGE, I WILL!"
  22. 16:42:21 <Wixelt> Elsewhere, Wilson feels like his work has been overshadowed. For some reason though, this makes him happy.
  23. 16:42:26 <Complete_Zero> Jack rubs the back of his head and looks up, "..." ~Well, I missed it.~
  24. 16:42:44 <JamJam66> "Great!" George puts the ring on Kailee's finger, and gets up, pulling her into a kiss.
  25. 16:43:40 <Complete_Zero> "Congratulations, you two!" He says getting up, putting on his fedora and sitting back on the chair.
  26. 16:43:42 <Hankolijo> She wraps her arms around him and kisses back.
  27. 16:43:54 <JamJam66> George is so fucking happy right now.
  28. 16:44:08 BusyPotato → DiePotato
  29. 16:44:26 <%Balthazaar> Olga smiles happily
  30. 16:44:53 <KadeLeMuse> Marion blinks sleepily and pokes their head out of their room, mostly a still burrito of sheets. "'Neh? What's happenin'?"
  31. 16:46:33 <Hankolijo> Kailee is as happy as a girl can be. She won't be the one to end the kiss, mind you.
  32. 16:46:47 <DiePotato> Artyom just coincidentally strolls in. "Anyone have a smok-"
  33. 16:46:52 <DiePotato> "Well."
  34. 16:47:06 <Complete_Zero> Jack doesn't stare, he's reading.
  35. 16:47:22 <JamJam66> George finally stops kissing. After a while.
  36. 16:47:44 <DiePotato> "So. Anyone got that smoke?"
  37. 16:48:01 <Complete_Zero> "Nope, I don't smoke."
  38. 16:48:04 <Hankolijo> Kailee is still hugging him.
  39. 16:48:20 <JamJam66> George doesn't notice him. He's still hugging Kailee. "Thank you so much!"
  40. 16:48:38 <DiePotato> "Tssssss." Arty takes a seat nearby
  41. 16:48:38 <Hankolijo> She chuckles. "Why are you thanking me, George?"
  42. 16:48:47 <JamJam66> "You said yes!"
  43. 16:49:01 <Complete_Zero> *page turn* *smile*
  44. 16:49:27 <KadeLeMuse> Marion trudges sleepily to poke their head into the common room, yawning. "I thought I heard someone-" Marion yawns "-scream?"
  45. 16:49:56 <DiePotato> "It was scream of joy. Do not worry."
  46. 16:49:59 <JamJam66> George isn't paying attention to anyone else right now.
  47. 16:50:05 <Complete_Zero> "Just the scream of a happy moment, yes."
  48. 16:50:31 KingPenguin → SchoolPenguin
  49. 16:50:33 <Hankolijo> "Of course I did. You knew I would." :D
  50. 16:50:41 <%Balthazaar> Olga isOlga watches watc
  51. 16:50:53 <JamJam66> "Well, okay. But I'm still going to thank you!"
  52. 16:51:24 <KadeLeMuse> "Mmkay." They burrito-walk back over to their room and flop into bed once again.
  53. 16:51:32 <JamJam66> (Balth what)
  54. 16:51:32 <DiePotato> While Artyom is happy for the two he still wants a cigarette.
  55. 16:51:50 <%Balthazaar> (Internet went stupid)
  56. 16:52:10 <Hankolijo> "Suit yourself, George, but I'm more thankful you asked." Another smooch is given.
  57. 16:53:19 <Complete_Zero> "Artyom, you need cigarettes?"
  58. 16:54:06 <Complete_Zero> "I can get you some."
  59. 16:54:10 <DiePotato> "Da. They always take them when I get thrown in Medical."
  60. 16:55:27 <JamJam66> George just smiles, holding Kailee.
  61. 16:55:52 <Complete_Zero> "You want to take a trip with me to town? I need to do something anyway."
  62. 16:56:29 <Hankolijo> ~Ooooooh, I'll get to have a wedding now! This is /awesome/!~ She hugs him tighter, still the super happy expression on her face.
  63. 16:56:53 <DiePotato> "I can't leave because I'm still technically 'injured' and 'potentially damaged'." The air quotes are real.
  64. 16:57:10 <DiePotato> He rolls his eyes
  65. 16:57:13 <JamJam66> "I guess we've got to plan a wedding now, don't we?"
  66. 16:57:24 <Complete_Zero> "Well, I'm off to town, anyone need anything while I'm out?"
  67. 16:57:50 <Hankolijo> Kailee nods. "Yup! It'll be fun!"
  68. 16:58:30 <Complete_Zero> Jack stands, adjusting his hat.
  69. 16:58:35 <JamJam66> "Yeah!"
  70. 16:58:55 <DiePotato> "Wedding huh? Have not been to wedding in a long time."
  71. 16:59:43 <JamJam66> "Well, you're coming to this one no matter what."
  72. 17:00:06 <Hankolijo> Kailee nods, still in a hug.
  73. 17:00:23 <%Balthazaar> Olga looks a tad shell shocked
  74. 17:00:26 <Complete_Zero> Jack begins heading out, "I'll be back!"
  75. 17:00:26 <DiePotato> "...Does this mean I must wear suit?"
  76. 17:00:37 <JamJam66> "Yes it does, Arty."
  77. 17:00:49 <DiePotato> "...Are you making me best man?"
  78. 17:00:57 <DiePotato> ~...Oh lord~
  79. 17:01:07 <DiePotato> ~say no~
  80. 17:01:14 <Complete_Zero> (Say yes.)
  81. 17:01:14 <JamJam66> "Probably, yes!"
  82. 17:01:27 <DiePotato> "...Does this mean I must make speech?"
  83. 17:01:33 <JamJam66> "Yep."
  84. 17:01:39 <Hankolijo> :D
  85. 17:01:49 nulllaundry → null|gaming
  86. 17:02:22 <DiePotato> "...Can I make the speech in Russian?"
  87. 17:02:28 <JamJam66> "No."
  88. 17:02:44 <DiePotato> "..." Artyom sighs
  89. 17:02:47 <Hankolijo> :\
  90. 17:02:52 <DiePotato> "I am not escaping this am I?"
  91. 17:03:19 <Wixelt> Wilson waltzes into the commons with a newspaper under his arm.
  92. 17:03:25 <DiePotato> "...Fine."
  93. 17:03:26 <Wixelt> "Morning."
  94. 17:03:30 <KadeLeMuse> (Say yes to the bes...t man role you'll be playing)
  95. 17:03:32 <Wixelt> He takes a seat
  96. 17:03:45 <%Balthazaar> "Hello Wilson" Olgsa nods to him
  97. 17:03:47 <JamJam66> "Great. Hey, Wilson!"
  98. 17:04:07 <DiePotato> Arty waves to Wilson and rubs his forehead ~How do I write a speech?~
  99. 17:04:08 <Wixelt> "Hello"
  100. 17:04:08 <Hankolijo> Kailee waves to Wilson, /still/ hugging George.
  101. 17:04:22 <Wixelt> Wilson notes the scene.
  102. 17:04:43 <KadeLeMuse> Marion flops around in their bed. ~sleeeeeeep, come baaaaaack~
  103. 17:04:47 <DiePotato> "...You get one guess as to what is happening."
  104. 17:04:52 <Wixelt> ~Hmm...~
  105. 17:04:54 <Hankolijo> Kailee has a ring now, Wilson.
  106. 17:05:05 <Wixelt> Wilson glances at it.
  107. 17:05:11 <Wixelt> He gives a small grin.
  108. 17:05:19 <Wixelt> "Contratulations, by the way."
  109. 17:05:29 <Wixelt> *Congratulation
  110. 17:05:30 <Wixelt> *s
  111. 17:05:53 <%Balthazaar> Olga heads out
  112. 17:06:22 <JamJam66> "Thanks!"
  113. 17:06:24 <Hankolijo> "Thanks!"
  114. 17:06:28 <TesKin> Alim slythers into Commons.
  115. 17:07:34 <DiePotato> "Hello Alim."
  116. 17:08:59 <TesKin> :|
  117. 17:09:13 <TesKin> Alim sits, opening his newspaper.
  118. 17:10:03 <DiePotato> Artyom shrugs and starts thinking about speech things.
  119. 17:10:11 <DiePotato> ~What does one say in a speech~
  120. 17:11:55 <DiePotato> He gets up without another word and makes his way back to Medical deep in thought. ~Hmm.~
  121. 17:13:36 <Hankolijo> Kailee kind of wants to sit down, but at the same time she doesn't.
  122. 17:15:12 <DiePotato> Isa rolls over in bed still in her duck pajamas. "Uggggghhhhh. I should get out of bed."
  123. 17:15:40 <JamJam66> George sits down, with Kailee, because fuck standing.
  124. 17:16:05 → Roget joined (
  125. 17:16:18 <Hankolijo> Kailee places her head on George's shoulder, happy and stuff.
  126. 17:16:21 mode: ~Roget (promoted to owner, opped)
  127. 17:16:50 <DiePotato> Isa roams out of her room not giving a shit about her appearance and towards commons for coffee
  128. 17:17:17 <DiePotato> She beelines for it
  129. 17:17:20 <DiePotato> d10
  130. 17:17:20 <Glacon> DiePotato: 8 (d10=8)
  131. 17:17:36 <DiePotato> Not garbage coffee
  132. 17:17:48 <DiePotato> "Thanks you bastard coffee machine." Isa mutters
  133. 17:17:49 <JamJam66> George doesn't say anything, but just stays reeealy happy.
  134. 17:18:24 <TesKin> Alim heads out of Commons, towards the gym.
  135. 17:19:19 <DiePotato> She takes a seat. Her having a severe case of bed head and being in yellow duck pajamas does not seem to bother her.
  136. 17:19:47 <Complete_Zero> Jack returns to the commons, without coat, without hat. Just in a red t-shirt, jeans and worn dress shoes.
  137. 17:20:16 <Complete_Zero> He takes a seat and relaxes.
  138. 17:20:27 <DiePotato> *sip*
  139. 17:21:15 <Complete_Zero> "I'm having trouble thinking of a name for you..."
  140. 17:21:31 <JamJam66> (Who?)
  141. 17:21:43 <Complete_Zero> (Isa)
  142. 17:21:46 <DiePotato> "..." Isa gives Jack a look of -_-
  143. 17:22:13 <Complete_Zero> "My cockiness has failed me, it seems."
  144. 17:22:35 <Complete_Zero> "Ah, whatever."
  145. 17:22:41 <DiePotato> *siiiiiiip*
  146. 17:22:54 <Complete_Zero> He brushes the top of his head.
  147. 17:23:07 <Hankolijo> Kailee realizes she still has her coffee and takes a sip. It just makes the day that tiny speck better. Not like it needed it.
  148. 17:23:41 <~Roget> Franklin walks into commons, holding a glass of water and a book. He takes a seat by the door. "Good morning." he says, to nobody specific.
  149. 17:23:45 <DiePotato> Isa gets up and stalks off back to her room. She has what she came for.
  150. 17:24:03 <JamJam66> "Morning Franklin!"
  151. 17:24:11 <Complete_Zero> "Morning, Frank."
  152. 17:24:30 <~Roget> "You seem chipper to-day. Did something good happen?"
  153. 17:24:38 <Hankolijo> Kailee waves over to Frank, a ring on her finger.
  154. 17:25:02 <JamJam66> "Yes!"
  155. 17:25:47 <DiePotato> After sometime Isa returns not looking like she just crawled out of bed.
  156. 17:26:07 <Complete_Zero> "Welcome back.... See, I got nothing."
  157. 17:26:08 <~Roget> Franklin looks at it. "Oh, you're engaged. You'll probably make a lovely family, if you survive that long."
  158. 17:26:38 <Complete_Zero> ~That was a bit dark...~
  159. 17:26:52 <JamJam66> "We will!"
  160. 17:27:03 <JamJam66> Nothing's going to get George down today.
  161. 17:27:22 <Complete_Zero> "I'd cal you moll, if that could apply."
  162. 17:27:59 <Hankolijo> Kailee hugs tighter. ~We /damn/ sure will.~
  163. 17:28:17 <~Roget> Franklin smiles to himself. ~They really are secure in their happiness.~ "Well, don't make it too expensive. We haven't the budget for extravagance or pomp."
  164. 17:29:15 <JamJam66> "You don't need a wedding to be expensive to be great!"
  165. 17:29:25 <Complete_Zero> "I can confirm that1"
  166. 17:29:28 <Complete_Zero> !*
  167. 17:29:39 <Hankolijo> "Exactly! I'm just happy to be with you, George." :D
  168. 17:29:49 <~Roget> "Do you have a plan, yet?"
  169. 17:30:06 <Complete_Zero> "They /just/ proposed, man."
  170. 17:30:18 <~Roget> "No reason not to plan ahead."
  171. 17:30:25 <Complete_Zero> :|
  172. 17:30:38 <JamJam66> "We'll get round to it!"
  173. 17:32:24 <Complete_Zero> Jack looks at Isa, "I have to say, dollface, your name is just hard to make into a nickname..."
  174. 17:32:34 <DiePotato> "..." -_-
  175. 17:33:03 <~Roget> "I remember when I was young, and in love... a nice girl in Albania. She was one of the radio operators, for our unit. She accompanied us to the front in Soviet Russia... before we saw action at Stalingrad, she was killed by an enemy partisan sniper. But that was a long time ago."
  176. 17:33:04 <DiePotato> "When your name is five letters it tends to happen."
  177. 17:33:12 <~Roget> Franklin reminisces
  178. 17:33:20 <Complete_Zero> "I remember... my brother... used to call me Pepper Jack, or Cheddar Jack." he laughs, " I hated it."
  179. 17:33:23 <JamJam66> "Uh... huh."
  180. 17:33:41 <DiePotato> "Uh. That's... Sad..."
  181. 17:33:45 <DiePotato> To Franklin
  182. 17:34:00 <~Roget> "A lot of wartime stories tend to be, yes."
  183. 17:34:11 <Complete_Zero> Jack isn't paying attention, he's reminiscing too."
  184. 17:34:38 <~Roget> He doesn't seem that fazed by the horrible things he's talking about. "A lot of the time you have to keep these things inside, or you'd just fall apart at how horrible things can really be."
  185. 17:36:27 <DiePotato> Isa nods. "Uh. In the meantime."
  186. 17:36:37 <DiePotato> "Let's just focus on the happy couple."
  187. 17:36:42 <~Roget> "But for now, you should-- yes, yes."
  188. 17:36:50 <Hankolijo> Kailee would frown at that story, but... She's too happy.
  189. 17:36:54 <~Roget> ""Be happy while you can."
  190. 17:37:03 <~Roget> "Be excellent to each other."
  191. 17:37:17 <JamJam66> "We will."
  192. 17:37:35 <Complete_Zero> "So, George, I'll happily skip down the isles throwing flower pedals, if you want." He laughs.
  193. 17:37:56 <Hankolijo> Kailee pecks George on the cheek. ~Always.~
  194. 17:38:20 <DiePotato> "I'd love to see that Jackie."
  195. 17:38:25 <JamJam66> "Thanks, Jack, but maybe not."
  196. 17:38:54 <Complete_Zero> "Maybe //she// should be flower girl instead?" Jack thumbs to her.
  197. 17:39:16 <DiePotato> "Considering the flower girl is a young child I don't think so."
  198. 17:39:52 <JamJam66> "I think... is Saskia the only female child on site?"
  199. 17:39:57 <Complete_Zero> "Oh, I'm sure that can be arranged... where's that child anomaly when you need it?"
  200. 17:40:28 <DiePotato> Isa frowns at Jack. "We don't speak a word of that."
  201. 17:40:30 <JamJam66> "..."
  202. 17:40:36 <JamJam66> "Jack, enough."
  203. 17:40:36 <DiePotato> Glares are daggered
  204. 17:40:41 <Hankolijo> :|
  205. 17:40:59 <Complete_Zero> He smiles slyly, "Fine... there goes my mouth again."
  206. 17:41:18 <JamJam66> ~Idiot~
  207. 17:41:40 <KadeLeMuse> ...Yeah. This sleep thing isn't working. Marion sighs, stands up from bed, and gets ready for the day.
  208. 17:41:55 <DiePotato> "Ugh twelve year old me..." Isa rolls her eyes and takes a seat
  209. 17:42:37 <~Roget> "Don't go having children on the Site... the expense alone would give me a migraine."
  210. 17:43:12 <DiePotato> Isa makes a choking sound as she suppresses her laughter.
  211. 17:43:30 <JamJam66> "..."
  212. 17:43:34 <JamJam66> George blushes.
  213. 17:43:36 <Hankolijo> Kailee blushed, you know the drill.
  214. 17:43:39 <Hankolijo> blushes*
  215. 17:44:11 <DiePotato> "I think it's a bit early for that Mr..."
  216. 17:44:36 <Complete_Zero> Jack goes to adjust his fedora.... but it's not there, of course.
  217. 17:45:13 <Complete_Zero> He plays it off by brushing his head.
  218. 17:45:21 <~Roget> "Always be safe. We've got free contraceptives in the medical area if you need them."
  219. 17:45:32 <~Roget> Franklin doesn't notice the mirth or embarrassment
  220. 17:45:32 <Hankolijo> "..........."
  221. 17:46:02 <JamJam66> "......."
  222. 17:46:05 <DiePotato> Isa's dying inside. Her face goes red as she bursts out laughing
  223. 17:46:35 <Complete_Zero> Jack doesn't laugh at all, he just watches Isa laughing.
  224. 17:46:45 <KadeLeMuse> Maion walks out of their in a more neutral getup, and walks over to the common room for some coffee. They smile at everyone as they enter the room, but pause when they notice the silence.
  225. 17:47:06 <Complete_Zero> "Morning, Marion!"
  226. 17:47:06 <DiePotato> What silence? There's high pitched laughter
  227. 17:47:13 <~Roget> "Contraception is not a joke."
  228. 17:47:25 <KadeLeMuse> "Morning, Jack. Did I.. uh... interrupt something?"
  229. 17:47:27 <Complete_Zero> Jack nods at that.
  230. 17:47:52 <Hankolijo> "We... Ugh... Franklin, we know... About... That."
  231. 17:48:00 <~Roget> Franklin notices the laughter, and seems annoyed by it. "You laugh now, but if you're too fertile it can lead to many problems for the unit." Franklin's looking for words. His non-native english is showing.
  232. 17:48:05 <Complete_Zero> "Not at all! In fact, feel free to change the topic of the conversation!"
  233. 17:48:12 <DiePotato> Isa takes some deep breaths and wipes a tear from her eye. "Ohhoho.... Oh Jesus."
  234. 17:48:30 <DiePotato> And then starts laughing again
  235. 17:48:51 Priorzzzz → Prior
  236. 17:49:41 <Complete_Zero> "Isa, breathe."
  237. 17:49:45 <KadeLeMuse> Marion blinks. "I'm just here to get my morning coffee." They walk over to the coffee machine."
  238. 17:49:52 <JamJam66> "Franklin, uh... we understand."
  239. 17:50:32 <DiePotato> Isa keeps giggling but calms down
  240. 17:51:00 <~Roget> "That is good. I'm glad you do."
  241. 17:51:13 <DiePotato> "Hehehe. You're killing me mister."
  242. 17:51:37 <Hankolijo> Kailee frowns as she realizes something. "I gave to go get to work now."
  243. 17:51:51 <~Roget> "I would hope not. We need everyone here to be in top shape." Franklin misses the metaphor.
  244. 17:51:57 <JamJam66> "Oh, alright. Bye Kailee!"
  245. 17:52:16 <JamJam66> George kisses her goodbye.
  246. 17:52:31 <Hankolijo> Kailee keeses, hugs him and heads out, waving to everyone as she does.
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