
Camp Maycreek

Aug 15th, 2019
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  1. 𝙈𝙊𝙑𝙄𝙀 𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍ー𝘣𝘪𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘺
  3. USERNAME : @GlisteningHobi
  4. BIRTHNAME : Lee Soonyi
  5. OTHER NAMES : Savannah Lee
  6. NAME YOU GO BY : Soonyi & Savannah
  7. NICKNAMES : Vannah | Fairy
  8. AGE : 17
  9. BIRTHDAY : 14th February 2002
  10. HEIGHT : 168cm
  11. BIRTHPLACE : London, England
  12. ETHNICITY : Korean
  13. NATIONALITY : Korean-British
  14. FACE CLAIM : Shin Ryujin (ITZY)
  15. BACKUP : Im Yeojin (Loona)
  17. 𝘽𝙀𝙏 𝘽𝙀𝙏ー𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢
  19. PERSONALITY : She is a very optimistic person and doesn't like being negative. She is a very persistent and persuasive person. She is very kind-hearted and friendly so this makes her really approachable and popular. She hates leaving people out and does whatever she can to include people in something she is doing. She is definitely someone who misses out a lot of key information because she can get easily distracted, and this makes her a bit oblivious at times. She is a very confident and outspoken person and doesn't find it unnerving when interacting with other people she doesn't know. She is an extremely bubbly person and when you are with her, you are never bored. She is a little jokester and can easily make people laugh with her wittiness. She can be a bit michevious and loves pranking people.
  21. BACKGROUND : Soonyi grew up in London with her sisters and parents. In school, she was quite popular due to how outgoing she is. She was the person that just knew everyone, no matter what school they were from. This was because she was very sociable. In year 6, her parents revealed that they were going to be moving to Korea at the end of the year because they wanted to live closer to family. When she was 11, she and her family moved to Korea to start a new life. In her new school, she was also quite popular because of her friendly nature and also her bubbly personality. Over the summer holiday, her parents wanted them to go to Spain however, Soonyi really wanted to go to camp and even begged her parents to let her go because of all the good things shehad heard about the camp. After and a week of begging, they finally caved in and agreed.
  24. - Food
  25. - Music
  26. - Sleeping
  27. - Dancing
  28. - Watching shows on Netflix
  29. - Socialising
  30. - Perfumes and fragrances
  31. - Learning the dance routines artists' songs
  32. - Vibing to music with friends
  33. - Eating plain rice
  35. DISLIKES :
  36. - Chocolate
  37. - Peanuts
  38. - Horror movies
  39. - Being ill
  40. - Sleeping late
  41. - Insects
  42. - Rain
  43. - Cheese
  45. SLOT : All Night
  46. BACKUP : n/a
  47. TRIVIA :
  48. + She has a fear of vomit known as emetophobia.
  49. + One of her hobbies is photography.
  50. + Another one of her hobbies is drawing and painting.
  51. + She has hyperosmia which is a heightened sense of smell.
  52. + Soonyi is really good at gymnastics and is very flexible.
  53. + She loves the groups Day6, iKon (OT7), Winner, Super Junior and Miss A.
  54. + She has a pet dog (Siberian Husky) called Skye.
  55. + She hates the smell and taste of coffee.
  56. + She has trypophobia which is a fear of clusters of holes.
  58. 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙄𝙍𝙀ー𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦
  60. LOVE INTEREST : Jaemin (NCT Dream)
  61. BACKUP : Ha Yoonbin (Magnum)
  62. LOVE INTEREST PERSONALITY : Jaemin is a very outgoing and sociable person and loves hanging out with new people. He is someone who can easily get comfortable with people this is also down to how playful he is. He is very witty with his humour and doesn't find it hard to make people laugh. Jaemin is a very shameless person and doesn't get easily embarrassed infront of people, he actually loves embarrassing the people he is with by being overly loud or weird when there are people around. He is a very active person who only really rests if he is sleeping or if he is sick (which is not often since he has a really strong immune system). He is very charming and older women love him because of his good looks and his smoothness. He is very confident in himself but not over-confident and he has an uplifting spirit about him whenever he is around other people. He is what is known as a mood maker. Soonyi and Jaemin are known for having similar personalities which is what makes their relationship even cuter.
  65. HOW DO THEY MEET : They went to the same school and in school, they had a lot of mutual friends so they were practically part of the same friendship group.
  66. CURRENT STATUS : Dating for 8 months
  68. 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙈𝙀 𝙃𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙀𝙍ー𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘱 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘦
  70. HOW DOES SHE ACT IN CAMP : She is a bubbly person and you could argue that she is one of the mood makers. You hardly see her upset.
  71. DOES SHE PARTICIPATE : Yes, she does participate because she is a very enthusiatic and active person.
  72. DOES SHE BELIEVE IN THE RUMORS : She doesn't actually know about the rumours.
  73. HOW DOES SHE FEEL ABOUT THE OTHER SLOTS: She is really excited to meet and make friends with them.
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