
Shining Armor's New Recruit

Sep 5th, 2013
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  1. >You've been in Equestria for a while now.
  2. >The shock of a human in their society has worn off of most ponies.
  3. >Celestia regularly kept a close eye on you out of fear, and to understand you better, but now, she's let you have free reign. She trusts you.
  4. >In fact, she is now willing to fully integrate you into pony society.
  5. >Which means, you're getting a job today!
  6. >What could it be? Apple bucking? Dress making? Cupcake baking?
  7. >Celestia brings you to her throne room.
  8. >You listen eagerly as she informs you.
  9. >You're joining the royal guard! Starting tomorrow, you'll be trained by Shining Armor himself!
  10. >...Yay?
  11. >You wake up early the net morning, hoping to get there early and make a good impression.
  12. >You shower, brush your teeth, examine yourself in the mirror for a while, then forget that time passes and hurry out
  13. >You get into the custom made clothing and armor.
  14. >It fits slightly awkwardly, but hey, they're ponies. They've never made clothes for people before.
  15. >You exit the tower with the morning sun just over the horizon and head down to the battlements.
  16. >You hear them before you see them. Dozens of stallions talking, yelling, laughing, and fighting, as well as the occasional clanging sword.
  17. >You take a deep breath, open the door of the tower, and step out.
  18. >The noise dies down almost instantly. They all turn and stare at you. Some look genuinely curious, some are snickering.
  19. >You bite your lip and march forward, trying to keep your head up.
  20. >It's gonna be a long day.
  21. >As the stallions continue to ogle you, a loud voice breaks the awkward silence.
  22. >All heads turn to a white bridge above them to hear Shining Armor barking, "Alright men! I'm glad to see you all here! It's the start of a new training season, and so I see I have a lot of new recruits. I'm looking forward to training you."
  23. >You can't be sure, but you thought Shining Armor was looking at you when he said this.
  24. >"Now I'm warning you, this job is not easy. It takes a lot of discipline, you have to be in peak physical condition, and you'll be defending our kingdom any and all enemies. If you don't think you can do it, leave now."
  25. >It was several seconds before one of them moved. A rather scrawny stallion dragged his hooves along the ground as he walked towards the south tower.
  26. >A few more of them laughed at him when he left, but you really felt bad for him. he didn't look the type to be a guard anyway.
  27. >"Now that that's out of the way," Shining Armor continued, "let's begin. I want to see what you boys can do. Twenty laps around the battlements!"
  28. >Surprisingly, no one moved. You wondered if you should start, before one stallion spoke up.
  29. >"Uh, Shining Armor, sir, the battlements... go all the way around Canterlot...."
  30. >Shining smiled down at him. "I know." There resulting groans and whines were deafening. One by one, the stallions trudged their hooves up the steps and onto the long, white brigs that overlooked the entire city.
  31. >You stayed close to them, not wanting to stick out any more than you already do.
  32. >By the time the run was over, your legs felt like they were going to collapse under you.
  33. >Many of the stallions were gasping and panting as well. Only a few still stood straight and tall, though it was obvious they were just trying to look tough.
  34. >Shining Armor's still standing there at the top of the bridge.
  35. >"Nice work boys, next I want to see you run with those spears."
  36. >They all groaned. "Are you serious?! We just... got done and... those thing are heavy!"
  37. >Shining Armor smirked. "Would you like to quit now, or do you want to be a guard? Spears up now, get moving! All of you!"
  38. >You follow the crowd of tired stallions and grab a spear of the rack. The weren't kidding, these things were heavy. And Shining Armor expects you to run with it?
  39. >You take a few deep breaths and join your fellow trainees on the run that would test your limit.
  40. >You didn't even finish four laps before you collapse and fall, barely noticing the other stallions around you who were also panting and laying down.
  41. >A voice booms above you... how did he get there?
  42. >"Quitting so soon ladies? Come on, I expect better from you."
  43. >A few stallions budge, trying to get back up. Most didn't even try to move.
  44. >"You all have five seconds to get up and get moving. If you don't... I'm sure you've heard the rumors... believe me, they're true."
  45. >That got them going. Only you still laid there, unable to summon the strength to keep going.
  46. >What rumors were they talking about?
  47. >Shining stared down at you. "Time's up Anon. You lose. When you get your act together, come into my office. It's time you learned what happens to ponies... guys who lay down on the job."
  48. >He sounded incredibly mad... you were actually scared. Not since middle school did you have an instructor who could intimidate you. Now you didn't know what to expect.
  49. >After another minute, you managed to stand up and drag yourself up the tower.
  50. >You made your way up the stairs, each step feeling like a cinder block was tied to your foot.
  51. >You gingerly knocked on the wooden door, not knowing what he had in store for you.
  52. >Before you could say anything, he opened the door, grabbed you, dragged you in, and slammed the door.
  53. >"Four laps in?! Only four laps?! I gave you a chance to get back up and you just laid there!"
  54. >You bit your lip. "S-Sir, I-"
  55. >"No! I don't want to hear your excuses! That was truly pathetic Anon! Celestia's watching the training you know. How do you think this makes me look?!"
  56. >You were trembling. He was practically screaming at you, and if you were kicked out on the first day... could you ever get a job elsewhere?
  57. >"You've left me no choice," he says, his voice shaking with rage. "Get undressed. Now. It's time you learn what happens when you give up."
  58. >You hesitate, then quickly pull off your armor when he glares at you. You slide off your shirt, and your pants, Shining Armor looking at your body closely.
  59. >"....Impressive. Come on, let's see it then."
  60. >"M-My underwear too, sir?"
  61. >"Yes! Take it off, now!"
  62. >You gulp and slowly remove your boxers. You were now standing in front of him stark naked, feeling absolutely humiliated.
  63. >"I've never done this to a human... this will be new. Come on then, turn around. I haven't got all day."
  64. >You turn around slowly. Surely he wasn't going to...
  65. >You could hear him approaching you, placing his hooves at your sides. He is. He totally is.
  66. >He leaned over you, standing on his hind legs. "Get ready Anon."
  67. >You tense and clench your fists. You feel something press against you and shudder.
  68. >Shining Armor positions the tip of his cock over your hole, shifting his hips and grunting.
  69. >He leans back slightly, then thrusts forward. Your eyes bulge and you gasp as you feel the tip of his member penetrate you.
  70. >You grit your teeth as he thrusts out and then back in again quickly, much further this time. Yo can feel him inside of you, and it feels... incredible.
  71. >He grunts again, shifting and then thrusting in further and faster. "Egh... you're much tighter than the others...."
  72. >He thrusts much harder this time, forcing his entire member inside of you. You let out a loud moan, arching your back, but Shining holds you down.
  73. >"Anon.. are you... blushing?"
  74. >Even if you could articulate a response, Shining gave you no time.
  75. >Apparently the sight of your red cheeks motivated him, and he thrust out and in much more quickly, panting and moaning softly.
  76. >His grip on you also tightened, making it impossible for you to move.
  77. >He grunted as his thrusts increased in speed, going all the way in each time.
  78. >While each thrust was painful, it also made you feel strangely warm, safe, and full.
  79. >You bite your lip as he thrusts much harder as well, clearly doing this enthusiastically.
  80. >"Oh... I'm... g-getting close..."
  81. >You pressed your fists against the wall, your knuckles white with the intensity of the experience. He's clearly done this many times before.
  83. >You grit your teeth, gasping and sputtering as Shining Armor delivered one final thrust deep into you.
  84. >He arched his back and threw his head up, letting out a loud moan as he shot strands of hot, sticky cum, filling your cavity.
  85. >Then sensation was indescribable. You could only roll your eyes up into your head as Shining Armor's grip loosened, and you slid down to the floor.
  86. >His cock slowly slid out of you, and the semen began to drip out, forming a sticky puddle on the ground.
  87. >Before you could stand back up, you could feel his hoof gently pulling you up.
  88. >You turned and looked at him, he was blushing and smiling up at you. "So... Anon, did you... did you enjoy that?"
  89. >You look up pensively and nod. "...Yeah, it felt great."
  90. >When you look back at him, he's beaming, and his eyes seem to sparkle. "Really? Because, well, honestly, I've been hoping one of my recruits would like it... but all of the stallions hate it. I just do this under the pretense of it being a punishment...."
  91. >Your own smile fades. "Yeah... I'm sorry sir, I didn't do very well today."
  92. >He shakes his head. "Oh no, look, Anon, I'm sorry... sorry I gave you such a hard time."
  93. >He placed a hoof on your shoulder. "I'll go easy on you from now on. And as long as you keep doing a good job, maybe we can do this again sometime?"
  94. >You smile again and nod. "Yeah, that sounds good, sir."
  95. >He smiles as you get dressed, and turn to wave goodbye before closing the door and making your way back down the stairs.
  96. >Maybe this job won't be so bad after all.
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