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Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. "Ka’Bandha fell through the hidden spaces between worlds. The occulted gears of creation rushed by him. In the machineries of being were the inner secrets of the universe displayed to him. The daemonkin of Tzeentch would have damned a dozen eternities for a glimpse of what he saw, but Ka’Bandha did not care for knowledge. The things on display were valueless to him, and the wonders of infinity whirled by unappreciated. **Ka’Bandha fell forever and for no time at all, until a wave of change rippled out through the multidimensional space he infected, upsetting the delicate workings of infinite, interleaved universes.**Ka’Bandha howled in triumph. The promised storm had been unleashed. Far from Baal, at Cadia, Abaddon the Despoiler achieved goals he had pursued since the Horus Heresy.Reality split as faultlines closed millions of years ago were rent wide. Isolated warpstorms and anomalies spread their arms, reaching for the burning might of the warp. The Eye of Terror vomited its diabolical energies across the firmament. The raging storm it unleashed devoured tens of thousands of star systems. Millions of worlds were consumed. Races that had never known the wrath of man or the taint of Chaos were expunged in an instant. Imperial worlds fell by the score. Many thousands not destroyed outright were plagued by hordes of daemons, their psykers’ minds ripped open to allow the fell beings of the empyrean to walk among mortal populations.A warp storm of a size not seen since the Emperor took to the Golden Throne raged across the breadth of the galaxy. A billowing wave of madness engulfed space, travelling far faster than time and distance should have allowed. In the empyrean the Astronomican flickered and died. Rains of blood fell on terrified people on worlds thousands of light years from the Cadian Gate.All creation rocked. In the no-spaces between realities, the rift was felt. In places far distant to the reality of man, strange beings dreamed of fire and blood.Old Night, a source of hazy myth and fear to the peoples of the 41st millennium, was reborn.Ka’Bandha roared joyously at its return.
  3. The daemon recovered from his endless fall, beat his wings, and flew for a weakness in the fabric of all things. A single swipe of his axe split space-time, exploiting a faultline opened by the Cicatrix Maledictum. Ka’Bandha emerged into the material universe high over Baal Primus as the rift split the sky and the roiling energies of Chaos spread like a slick of burning promethium over the imperturbable depths of space.The red world of Baal was before him. His promised prize was so close, and yet he could not reach it.The storm was yet to engulf Baal. Without its vitalising power to sustain Ka’Bandha the void enforced its iron laws of cause and effect upon his body. His unreal being thrilled with electric agonies as the laws of physics sought to deny his existence. Mephiston could not prevent his entry to the world of dust and flesh, but he had damaged Ka’Bandha’s form in the attempt. The energies that made his corpus had not knitted correctly. He had a limited amount of time to exist in mundane reality.Gripped by hate for the Chief Librarian, he reached a clawed hand for Baal, howling soundlessly, for it lay frustratingly beyond his grasp and no exertion of will would bring it nearer. The storm was maddeningly close. Bathed in its energy, he might force a path to Baal. It was not to be. As the wavefront of the Cicatrix Maledictum rushed to engulf the Red Scar, Ka’Bandha was already falling."
  4. -Devastation of Baal
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