

Jun 29th, 2016
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  1. CAO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  3. CTG: > play
  4. CURRENT flamingCarbohydrates [CFC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  5. CFC: >play
  6. CAO: World File A detected. Loading.
  7. ?GG: >8
  8. CCA: > play game
  9. CAO: Loading...
  10. CAO: Loading...
  11. CAO: Game loaded successfully.
  13. ?GG: "bıll + flumpty = employer"
  14. CTG: > observe
  15. CCA: > observr
  16. CAO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you. Outside.
  17. CFC: >obsvre
  18. CAO: Flopbird Archmagister: ███████████ HP. NOTES: The original thief. The archmagister presides over the Senate, humanoid being in its mouth all the while. You can see a bloodstained turquoise shard sticking out of the chest of the being entrapped and unconscious in the flopbird's maw. Δ.
  19. CAO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  20. CAO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP.
  21. CTG: is ev erything back at full health
  22. ?GG: rıght, green's regen
  23. ?GG: and ı guess
  24. ?GG: who was helıotrope agaın
  25. ?GG: cyan and... ???
  26. CAO: No, nothing was ever damaged, and the turret heals.
  27. CTG: topaz
  28. CAO: Topaz.
  29. ?GG: ah
  30. CFC: okay, the terrariamodder has taken 66 damage.
  31. CTG: the crystal turret is outside where it can't interact with anything, right?
  32. CAO: Yes.
  33. ?GG: uh, form topaz's sword and channel electrıcıty through ıt, slash off the barrel of the turret ıf you can reach ıt
  34. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  35. ?AO: You can't.
  36. CTG: then we don't have to worry about it.
  37. ?GG: oh, rıght
  38. ?GG: nvm
  39. ?GG: we're ınsıde?
  40. CTG: is delta a gem inside of the flopbird?
  41. ?GG: ıt's beıng eaten
  42. ?GG: rıght now
  43. ?AO: The flopbird consumed some of Delta's energy, and you got the gem back, and sent it to the ship.
  44. ?GG: oh
  45. CTG: ok.
  46. ?GG: where are we rıght now
  47. ?AO: You are inside of a ruined tower, the seat of the Great Flopbird Senate.
  48. CTG: azure sends a giant water fist at the flopbird and heliotrope sends an electrified sword at the flopbird. water and electricity combine to shock the flopbird into submission. make sure azure has detached himself from the water fist so he doesn't somehow get shocked.
  49. CTG: (I'm assuming heliotrope can make an electrified sword?)
  50. ?AO: Yes. Also, the only 'he' in this room was just sent to the ship. You're all gay space rocks now.
  51. CTG: oh, right.
  52. CAC: Well, compression barely did anything.
  53. CFC: ((PP: In chaos, do you mind if I have priority over using the Hallowed Bars? I kinda want to make myself a decent accesory with them.))
  54. CTG: do the above, with correct pronouns of course
  55. CAC: Anyone want like a 3-4 gig copy of Civ 4?
  56. ?GG: eh
  57. CPP: Shouldn't there be enough for both of us?
  58. CPP: ! don't think !'m using that many.
  59. CCA: 'sure'
  60. CFC: Hm.
  61. CPP: But if you want !'ll see about switching to a different material
  62. CCA: Actually yeah.
  63. CCU: PP: | have two questions for you.
  64. CPP: Yes?
  65. CCU: One, how well do you know the TvTropes players, current and past?
  66. CFC: I'll see what happens, things might change.
  67. ?AO: Tails. The water fist manages to twist the wing of the flopbird. It falls to the ground, and is promptly electrocuted.
  68. CPP: CU: Depends on the player.
  69. CPP: !'d say decently well
  70. CCU: You'd know most of the major ones, correct?
  71. ?AO: Then, the sword stabs itself into the side of said flopbird, before disappearing.
  72. CCU: Mkay.
  73. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  74. CAC: ...actually, I highly doubt anywhere will let me send 4 gigs of stuff.
  75. CCU: |'ll Pester you the second one.
  76. CPP: okay
  77. CCA: AC: dammit
  78. CAC: I mean, I'll do a quick search, but don't expect it to happen.
  79. ?AO: The flopbird opens its maw. Violet energy flows forth from the dripping thing, and you are all struck with a barrage of flame. Energy consumption is a wondrous thing.
  80. ?AO: The turret does jack shit.
  81. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  83. CTG: observe.
  84. ?AO: Flopbird Archmagister: ███████████ HP. NOTES: The original thief. The archmagister presides over the Senate, humanoid being in its mouth all the while. You can see a bloodstained turquoise shard sticking out of the chest of the being entrapped and unconscious in the flopbird's maw. Δ.
  85. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you. Outside.
  86. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. On fire.
  87. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP. On fire.
  88. CTG: azure douses her and heliotrope with water. then, she fires a massive whirlpool of water at the flopbird.
  89. CTG: could I have a list of what heliotrope can do or something?
  90. CAC: Okay, there's... sketchy looking sites.
  91. ?AO: Uh, she's like twelve feet tall, has an infinite supply of swords, and control over all electricity.
  92. CAC: Not using them.
  93. ?GG: >summon an excessıve amount of swords
  94. CTG: okay, better idea. azure fires a massive whirlpool of water at the flopbird.
  95. CTG: heliotrope creates an array of swords that pins the flopbird's wings to the wall, preventing it from moving.
  96. ?AO: Very well.
  97. CAC: Okay, google drive might work, actually.
  98. ?AO: The flopbird is caught up in the massive twisting vortex of water, spinning about madly. This might make it a bit difficult to strike the bird itself.
  99. CAC: Says it'll take over an hour, but that's going down faster than it says, so we'll see.
  100. ?AO: Fortunately, Heliotrope manages to get the vast majority of them in. The bird is now trapped.
  101. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  102. ?AO: The flopbird struggles against the swords, and fails to escape. It weakly fires a blast of violet energy at you. You are struck straight in the face. This is concerning.
  103. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  105. CTG: observe.
  106. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you. Outside.
  107. ?AO: Flopbird Archmagister: ███████████ HP. NOTES: The original thief. The archmagister presides over the Senate, humanoid being in its mouth all the while. You can see a bloodstained turquoise shard sticking out of the chest of the being entrapped and unconscious in the flopbird's maw. Δ. Trapped.
  108. CAC: The time's actually gone up a bit...
  109. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. On fire.
  110. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP.
  111. CTG: ??? I said azure doused her and heliotrope
  112. CTG: last turn
  113. ?AO: You were just hit with another fireball.
  114. CFC: ((hey what's that wrestling move where you land on someone with your elbow?))
  115. ?AO: ((Pile driver. I think.))
  116. CFC: ((thank))
  117. CDG ceased responding to memo.
  118. CTG: ok. azure douses herself again, then I think of an attack.
  119. CTG: bear with me for a sec
  120. ?AO: Hah.
  121. CFC: bear = raw
  122. CFC: rawr
  123. CFC: I can't spell in the mornings
  124. CAC: "rawr"
  125. CFC: "rawr"
  126. CTG: okay so...
  127. CTG: heliotrope remotely causes all of the swords to electrifiy, creating a massive electric charge for large damage.
  128. CTG: azure fires a single high-pressure jet of water with the intent to rip something vital to the flopbird off of its body.
  129. CTG: do azure's thing first actually.
  130. ?AO: Very well.
  131. ?AO: You manage to deprive the bird of a foot, and a good portion of its lower body.
  132. ?AO: The electric charge seems to be incredibly effective. When the light fades, the bird appears to be hanging on to its life by a thread.
  133. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  134. CTG: observe
  135. CTG: oh wait shit
  136. ?AO: Hah.
  137. CTG: nvm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  138. ?AO: Heads. As the bird attempts to do something, anything, the wall behind it collapses from the weight of the bird. A good section of the tower falls on it. Colorful dust is emitted from the cracks in the pile of rubble. Now, only the turret remains.
  139. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  141. CTG: observe.
  142. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you. Outside.
  143. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  144. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP.
  145. CTG: can azure carry things with her water?
  146. ?AO: If they're lighter than water, sure.
  147. CUT: *makes reference to unlimited blade works*
  148. CTG: oh. so the rubble wouldn't be able to be lifted.
  149. ?AO: Not yet.
  150. CTG: that's fine. heliotrope's a fusion, so she's super strong, right?
  151. ?AO: Yes.
  152. CTG: heliotrope grabs all the rubble (or as much as she can carry) and forcefully throws it onto the crystal turret with the hopes of damaging it. at the same time, azure creates water spears to stab the turret into oblivion, throwing them below.
  153. ?AO: Very well.
  154. ?AO: Heliotrope grabs a sizable portion of the rubble, revealing the shard that was sticking out of the flopbird's chest. She throws it atop the turret, cracking a lower portion of the limestone.
  155. CTG: f UCK
  156. CTG: i forgot to bubble it
  157. ?AO: You proceed to take out a large chunk of the barrel.
  158. CUT ceased responding to memo.
  159. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  160. CTG: .....
  161. ?GG: ...
  162. CTG: I just realized something worse
  163. ?AO: The turret levitates back into the air, having now relocated its targets.
  164. ?AO: It proceeds to fire an ungodly barrage of shards at the both of you. Seven shards pass through Heliotrope's body in several seconds, as she jumps to defend you, having a great deal more health.
  165. CTG: oh.
  166. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  168. CTG: observe
  169. CAC: Well, time's dropped to just over an hour, and it seems like it's started to actually tick down normally.
  170. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you. Outside.
  171. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  172. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP. Bleeding.
  173. CTG: medkits to lapis and heliotrope, stat
  174. CTG: unless
  175. CTG: there's something else we could do healing-wise
  176. CTG: also, bubble the flopbird
  177. ?AO: Not particularly.
  178. ?AO: You bubble the flopbird, and send it back to the ship.
  179. ?GG: bubble magıster, helıotrope cut off the barrel
  180. ?AO: You both use medkits, which expends your turn.
  181. CTG: gdi
  182. ?GG: damn
  183. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  184. CAC: Hmm, it's this one file that's a proble :/
  185. CAC: Blah.
  186. ?AO: Quartz crystals grow over the damaged parts of the turret. It ascends up into the air a little.
  187. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  189. CTG: observe
  190. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you. Outside.
  191. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  192. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP. Bleeding.
  193. CTG: heliotrope uses a few swords to cut off the crystal turret's barrel. azure uses high-pressure water to forcefully push the turret back to the ground below immediately afterwards.
  194. ?AO: Heliotrope summons a total of four swords, and leaps into the air, slicing the turret's barrel off like a badass. You proceed to blast a jet of water straight at the turret. Heliotrope kicks the thing down as well, whilst still in the air, and it crashes to the ground, dripping wet.
  195. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  196. ?AO: Quartz crystals grow forth even more, creating a new barrel. This heavy use of growth overrides any assault the turret might have done.
  197. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  199. CTG: observe
  200. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you. Outside.
  201. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  202. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP. Bleeding.
  203. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  204. CTG: how can we stop heliotrope from bleeding
  205. ?AO: Win.
  206. CTG: works for me
  207. CTG: heliotrope keeps throwing down swords at the barrel, damaging it. the barrel is presumably sliced off by this. if it is, heliotrope sticks a ton of swords in the cavity where the barrel is, preventing it from reforming. azure sends water hands below, smashing the turret.
  208. ?AO: Tails. Heliotrope fails to remove the barrel, but deals a large amount of damage in the process instead. You crush the lower half of the turret with giant water hands.
  209. CTG: hm.
  210. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  211. ?AO: The turret's barrel turns past Heliotrope slightly, and unleashes hell on you.
  212. CTG: FUC K
  213. ?AO: Your body is ripped through with at least a dozen shards.
  214. ?AO: YOUR TURN. :D
  216. CTG: that happy face makes me happy
  217. CTG: inb4 sliver of health
  218. CTG: observe
  219. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you. Outside.
  220. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP. Bleeding.
  221. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. Bleeding.
  222. CTG: goddamnit we're both bleeding now
  223. CTG: finish this. quickly. heliotrope concentrates as hard as she can. instead of creating a ton of smaller swords, she uses a lot of energy to create a giant, incredibly sharp sword. azure coats it in water, heliotrope throws it downwards, then electrifies it in midair. the result is a deudly replica of cloud's sword hurtling through the air, shattering the turret.
  224. ?AO: Critical hit!
  225. CTG: :0
  226. ?AO: The turret is promptly smashed into utter oblivion. The sword sinks several meters into the ground, as well.
  227. CTG: heliotrope and azure utter a cold one-liner.
  228. CTG: "That was... pretty shocking."
  229. ?AO: The turret's crystalline innards explode forth in a horrific blast of arcane magics just as you both say a stoic one-liner.
  230. CTG: sunglasses drop from thin air, a faint voice screaming "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
  231. CTG: kek
  232. ?AO: You pretend the hideous rain of shattered shards and unchecked growth is your pair of sunglasses, as it rushes toward you.
  233. CTG: oh. shit.
  234. CTG: RUN.
  235. CTG: dodge behind a pillar or something.
  236. ?AO: Heliotrope grabs you with several pairs of hands, and she dives behind the walls of the tower.
  237. ?AO: When the shrieking of the turret's core fades, a small turquoise crystal wonderland has been created. All is silent.
  238. ?AO: The wonderland itself is checked by the walls, and is only within their boundaries.
  239. ?AO: Now what?
  240. CTG: examine what's left of the turret. is there a gem?
  241. ?AO: There is no gem. Just a twisted mass of crystal over a few limestone chunks.
  242. CTG: take some of the crystal for further examination. maybe you could do Science™ with it?
  243. ?AO: You extract a turquoise shard. Charoite might be able to do something with it, certainly. She might have been in the battle, where this was evidently used, in fact!
  244. ?AO: Will you continue on to the end of the Alpha landmass, or head back to the ship?
  245. CTG: cool.
  246. CTG: now...
  247. CTG: was that the end of birdquest?
  248. CAU: is birdquest complete!?
  249. ?AO: Birdquest is complete, but the Alpha Sector itself has not yet been cleared out entirely.
  250. ?GG: >look around
  251. CFC: ((sound is off for a bit, won't be able to get any pesters for a while))
  252. ?AO: There is only one way to go. Over the walls, and deeper into the strawberry fields, to the other edge.
  253. CAU: Well I doubt there is anything left for us in this bird nerd tower.
  254. CTG: go over the walls and into the fields.
  255. ?AO: As you exit the tower, it collapses into nothing. Heliotrope walks away from it like a badass, as you sit upon her shoulders all the while.
  256. CAU: >Don't look at the explosion. You'll look cooler that way.
  257. ?AO: You do so. If you squint hard enough, you both have sunglasses.
  258. ?AO: You can see the edge of the landmass, far in the distance.
  259. ?AO: Do you head toward it, or instead check around the inner lands first?
  260. CAU: What other areas of interest are around, besides the Strawberry Fields which I assume we have already cleared for the most part.
  261. ?AO: Everything here is on a strawberry field. Welcome to strawberry hell.
  262. CAU: Patrolling the strawberry fields almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
  263. CAU: WELL since everything is strawberry field, any noteworthy landmarks to go to besides the edge of the landmass?
  264. ?AO: There is precisely one thing in the inner fields. Some sort of odd stone in the ground, with a single mark upon it. Do you investiage?
  265. ?AO: *investigate.
  266. CAU: Might as well.
  267. CTG: investigate.
  268. ?AO: The single rune burns itself into your memory the instant you look at it.
  269. ?AO: RVIJ-VISE: The true speech of the inhuman Grand Four ripples like a flat stone on a lake, wavering predictably and precisely. Dripping, even.
  270. CTG:
  271. CTG: leave the stone where it is. if you touch it you might activate a trap?
  272. ?AO: You leave the stone there.
  273. ?AO: What now?
  274. CTG: /afk
  275. CAU: I suppose there isn't much else besides the edge of the landmass. Shall we go there Twin?
  276. CTG: sure
  277. CTG: /afk
  278. ?AO: You march toward the edge.
  279. ?AO: As you do so, the number of fallen robots, shattered gems, and gigantic artillery units increases exponentially, all pointing in one direction.
  280. ?AO: Said direction is almost right on the edge. Shall you head toward it, or dig through the remnants of war?
  281. CAU: Investigate the remnants. There may be something we can make use of.
  282. ?AO: You manage to wholly scavenge a small amount of main phase artillery cannons, and every shattered gem you can see.
  283. CTG ceased responding to memo.
  284. ?AO: Now what?
  285. CAA ceased responding to memo.
  286. CAU: Continue forth in the direction all the wreckage is ominously pointing towards.
  287. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  288. CAC: Yeah, I don't think this one file is uploadable???
  289. ?AO: You head forth.
  290. ?AO: At one point, the masses of corpses and shards seem to part, leaving a path toward your destination. How kind.
  291. ?AO: You can now see it. There is some sort of hill on the edge, with an oddly-colored acacia tree on the top.
  292. ?AO: Hideous burn marks have been carved into the sides of the hill, along with blast craters.
  293. ?AO: AU.
  294. CAU: Ah. Continue forth to the odd acacia tree to investigate.
  295. ?AO: You reach the top of the hill. There are a number of things scattered about. The place seems almost homely, devoid of any marks of war itself.
  296. CURRENT transcribedGuardian [CTG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  297. CTG: what did I miss
  298. ?GG: we won the revolutıon
  299. ?AO:
  300. ?GG: you have to joın me ın the cabınet
  301. CAO made TG an OP.
  302. CPP: what revolution?
  303. ?GG: the amerıcan revolutıon
  304. CTG: inb4 this is the hill with rose's stuff in lion
  305. CTG: examine things.
  306. CAC: Hmm, have any of you tried overwatch competitive mode yet
  307. ?GG: don't have ıt
  308. CAC: Yeah, okay.
  309. CURRENT crankyCreeper [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  310. CCC: i fear everyone will be salty
  311. CFC: I have
  312. ?GG: what ıre
  313. CFC: it's actually not bad
  314. CFC: :S
  315. CAC: Do people expect you to use voice chat.
  316. ?AO: There's an orangish bubble with some perfectly spherical object in it, a bench with quite a grisly scene upon it, a pillar of stone covered in runes and a hand symbol, as well as some sort of hard light spear core.
  317. ?GG: also ıs there any downsıde to zetta wastıng a turn on tems4
  318. CCC: and i'll be stuck with HANZOS WHO SHOULD'VE BEEN SUPPORT
  319. ?GG: ıf we go the tems4 route
  320. CPP: GG no
  321. ?GG: and spam hım down
  322. CCC: are you talking about pane and not zetta?
  323. ?GG: yeah pane
  324. CTG: examine bench.
  325. CPP: pls don't
  326. CCC: he can burst them down quick with his skillz
  327. ?AO: There appears to be a mass of gem shards upon it, all of one type.
  328. CPP: temclones are only gonna stay up a round or two
  329. CPP: And even then only if well placed
  330. CAC: Hey Toast, do people expect you to use voice chat?
  331. ?GG: do the clones get any of pane's abılıtıes
  332. CTG: what type?
  333. ?AO: Examination of specific items is required for any further information.
  334. ?GG: >check shards
  335. ?GG: or ı guess nearest shard
  336. ?AO: GWE-DRAXIS Shard: A pile of andalusite shards, once evidently a single gemstone. The scribe Vardiveig fought her final stand with a number of Drenovian loyalists in the Alpha Sector. It is said she was struck once in the gemstone, and mutated into a horrific beast over the course of the battle, before being taken down by a Grayholdian light spear.
  337. ?GG: >collect shards
  338. ?AO: ██████
  339. CFC: AC: no, not really
  340. CAC: Hmm.
  341. CAC: One one hand, maybe I can give it a try then.
  342. CAC: On the other, that sounds awful.
  343. CTG: ....what's the bar for again.
  344. ?AO: GWE-DRAXIS Shards.
  345. CAC: Oh right, my rank is really low 
  346. ?AO: Now what?
  347. CTG: examine bubble.
  348. ?AO: Andalusite Bubble: A candlelight-hued gem bubble containing a perfectly round green pearl. The direct servant of the green order fled with the scribe Vardiveig following the final conflict at Wveru Geten, for they were unusually close. When the servant was struck down in the final stand, her master locked her in stasis for safety, before being cracked herself.
  349. ?AO: There is another object on the bench, as well. A tablet.
  350. CTG: examine stone pillar.
  351. ?GG: >pop bubble
  352. ?AO: It appears to be another of the sort you've found across the facet. A Vardiveig Stone.
  353. ?AO: Are you sure you want to pop the bubble?
  354. ?GG: sure haha
  355. ?AO: The same person cannot confirm and suggest such a risky action.
  356. CPP: >yes
  357. CPP: 
  358. CTG: do not pop it.
  359. CTG: examine tablet.
  360. ?AO: You do not pop the bubble. Will you take it, at the utmost least?
  361. CAU: >Yes
  362. ?AO: You take the bubble, and then examine the tablet.
  363. ?AO: Ochre Tablet - Vardiveig: A tablet composed of the same ochre stone as the slabs of construction. The object is inscribed with a mass of tiny markings on every face, leaving room only for a beckoning heart slot. The scribe of the Nine saved a good portion of the data on her gemstone to this very device. She was afraid of a great deal of things.
  364. CTG: examine data.
  365. ?GG: >contemplate assemblıng vardıveıg shards??
  366. ?AO: You cannot, without a beckoning heart fitted into it.
  367. ?AO: You suppose you could fit them back together, but what would that do?
  368. ?GG: was there a uh
  369. ?GG: fountaın
  370. ?GG: nearby
  371. ?GG: tears/salıva
  372. ?AO: Said fountain is in the Chi Sector, if Project Solidus serves you correctly.
  373. ?GG: oh
  374. ?AO: There is a hand symbol on the Vardiveig Stone, as always, of course.
  375. CAC: So the new weekly is a massive stalemate, wee.
  376. CURRENT universallyTraveling [CUT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  377. ?UT: /back
  378. CTG: apply hand to vardiveig stone?
  379. CAU: Do it.
  380. ?AO: You do so. The runes on the thing glow slightly, emitting an orange light. They seem... mournful, almost.
  381. ?AO: ████████
  382. ?AO: The light itself illuminates something underneath the bench.
  383. CUT: >Examine.
  384. ?AO: It's a square shape of some dark metal, glowing navy at the edges. There is a handle, ostensibly to be twisted, in the center of the thing.
  385. CUT: >Twist, pull out.
  386. ?AO: You do so. Accompanied by a hiss of smoke, you see it. A VOID SHARD.
  387. ?AO: Do you take it?
  388. CUT: >Take.
  389. ?AO: ████████
  390. ?AO: The action of taking it is responded to by a loud click from somewhere below the edge.
  391. ?AO: Heliotrope raises an eyebrow at this, but you can't quite make it out, as it repeats once more.
  392. CTG: oh shit. arent void shards the main collectibles?
  393. ?AO: Yes.
  394. ?AO: Yet another click resounds through space, this time much closer. What do you do?
  395. CCC ceased responding to memo.
  396. ?AO: Please enter command.
  397. CTG: uhhh
  398. CTG: UT any ideas
  399. ?GG:
  400. CUT: hrm
  401. ?GG: >examıne surroundıngs agaın
  402. CUT: >Prepare.
  403. ?AO: You can now hear the whirring of machinery, and the roar of furnaces. You prepare.
  404. ?AO: A gigantic sphere emerges from over the edge. Though it has no eyes, it seems to bore into your very essence.
  405. CTG: oh.
  406. ?GG: ı should probably have pıcked smth else
  407. ?AO: What do you do?
  408. CUT: Ah crap, I bet this is comba-- no?
  409. ?GG: >clımb on top of ıt and rıde ıt lıke a mechanıcal bull
  410. CFC: back
  411. ?AO: Are you sure you want to do that.
  412. CTG: no.
  413. CUT: No.
  414. CTG: examine sphere.
  415. ?GG: what how dare
  416. ?AO: The thing has no features whatsoever. Suddenly, a small pattern of four diamond shapes appears on the surface of the thing. Top white, middle two green and blue, bottom pink. The thing shifts to three interlocking triangles, top gray, bottom two blue and green. The thing shifts once more, to two interlocked triangles. Pink and gray. You wait with bated breath. Now what?
  417. CUT: Oooooh. An allegory.
  418. ?AO: Do you attempt to contact the thing, attack it, or just wait?
  419. ?GG: ıt's just gonna be gray haha
  420. ?GG: and uh
  421. ?GG: >clımb on top of ıt and rıde ıt lıke a mechanıcal bull
  422. CUT: Let's try talking to it
  423. ?AO: What do you say?
  424. CTG: "Hello?"
  425. CUT: twin, ideas? Me, I'm leaning toward -- ^
  426. ?AO: Nice job. The thing responds, somehow. The two triangles glow a brilliant white, before emitting a deadly beam of plasmatic energy that passes straight through Heliotrope. With a poof of dust, Cyan and Topaz are groaning, atop each other in a pile.
  427. ?AO: Do you wish to engage in combat?
  428. CAC: Alright.
  429. CUT: Ye
  430. CAC: CA, you there?
  432. CAU: >OBSERVE to see if there is uh, any new information since it is in combat mode now.
  433. CPP: !s abscond a viable option?
  434. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1.
  435. ?AO: Not particularly. The thing can move faster than you.
  436. CPP: Okay
  437. CPP: Kill it then.
  438. CAC: Well either way:
  439. CTG: shit.
  440. CPP: And Coalesce doesn't seem to be viable option either
  441. CTG: can we refuse?
  442. ?AO: No refusing. Now, at least.
  443. CPP: Yeah
  444. CPP: No
  445. CPP: That thing's angry
  446. ?AO: Which reminds me.
  448. CUT: Frack.
  449. CAU: Oh we are in some real shit now.
  450. ?AO: :D
  451. ?AO: Please enter command.
  452. ?GG: >douse furnaces
  453. CAU: HM. What do you think TG, should we try to use electricity to overload it and raise its work pace to unsafe levels?
  454. CAC: "-Memes: DEALS OAR 19,000 FUS RO DAH DAMAGE!!! Inflicts Lolwut, Shrekt, very wow and Darude Sandstorm."
  455. CTG: yes.
  456. ?AO: You cannot douse the furnaces. They are within the device.
  457. CAU: Step one is probably to crack it open.
  458. CAU: Strip off the armor so we can damage its inner-workings.
  459. CTG: DAMNIT. 7-2, ded.
  460. CTG: ^
  461. ?AO: Very well.
  462. CTG: everyone, give it all you've got. fire your more powerful weapons at the core in an attempt to cracl open itsa rmor.
  463. CTG: *most. not more.
  464. ?GG: stress or open mınd
  465. CTG: they both suck ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  466. CTG: stress i guess
  467. ?GG: or sharp teeth
  468. ?AO: You assault the core viciously. Gigantic water hands, thrown sword masses, and electromagnetic bolts all pound into the thing, grinding into it.
  469. CCA ceased responding to memo.
  470. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  471. ?GG: twın
  472. CUT ceased responding to memo.
  473. ?GG: sharp teeth or stress
  474. ?AO: The core's surface appears to be almost liquid-esque. A drop of the stuff floats off of it, levitating in the air before you. The fluid flows back into the core, dropping a red object onto you. A body forms around it as it descends, screaming all the while in agony.
  475. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  477. CTG: sharp teeth
  478. CAU: >OBSERVE the new body?
  479. ?GG: k
  480. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1.
  481. ?AO: Rushed Ruby: ██████ HP. NOTES: An unstable humanoid, all centered around a central gemstone with aberrant growth lines. The thing hasn't even been fully cut. They appear to be in excruciating pain.
  482. CTG: ick.
  483. CAU: Ick indeed.
  484. CUT ceased responding to memo.
  485. CAU: Perhaps send Heliotrope to continue working on the outer armor while Lapis takes care of the Rushed Ruby? Can't let it just keep dropping adds on us.
  486. ?AO: Heliotrope has been diffused.
  487. CAU: Ah.
  488. CTG: still, send topaz and cyan to work on the outer armor while lapis can put the ruby out of its misery.
  489. ?AO: Very well.
  490. ?GG: any benefıts to large weapon chests
  491. CTG: 3 weapons at once?
  492. ?AO: You manage to send a bolt of water through the ruby's chest several times. Cyan grabs Topaz, throws her into the air, and boosts her onto the surface of the Core with electrical energy. She begins to hack at the surface herself.
  493. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  494. ?GG: eh
  495. ?GG: anyways uh
  496. ?GG: lust or fıngers
  497. CTG: trigger fingers, always
  498. ?GG: *takes lust*
  499. ?AO: The Core electrocutes Topaz, and she falls straight off the Core, into Cyan's arms, fortunately. The ruby summons a twisted gauntlet, and punches you in the stomach hard enough to make you cough up blood.
  500. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  502. CTG: observe
  503. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1.
  504. ?AO: Rushed Ruby: ██████ HP. NOTES: An unstable humanoid, all centered around a central gemstone with aberrant growth lines. The thing hasn't even been fully cut. They appear to be in excruciating pain.
  505. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  506. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  507. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  508. ?GG: face or fıngers
  509. CTG: trigger fingers, always
  510. ?GG: *takes face*
  511. ?GG: fuck a rat charged me
  512. ?AO: Please enter command.
  513. CTG: slam the rushed ruby into the verneuil core with enough force to pulverize the ruby. have cyan and topaz continue the beatdown on the core regardless.
  514. ?GG: shot head or patıence
  515. CTG: patience
  516. CTG: try not to abbreviate it makes it harder for me to understand you
  517. ?AO: You poof the ruby against the core's armor. Cyan overcharges the core's internal machinery, causing a large explosion within the thing. It still yet stands.
  518. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  519. ?GG: whoops shıt
  520. ?AO: The Core lights up, and immediately blasts Cyan with a barrage of laser bolts.
  521. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  523. CTG: observe.
  524. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1.
  525. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  526. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  527. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  528. ?GG: boılıng veıns or eagle eye
  529. CAU: Hrm, Cyan's health is getting pretty low, and since this is essentially a battle sphere I doubt flanking it would be very useful.
  530. CTG: boiling veins
  531. ?GG: k
  532. CTG: heal cyan. can topaz still summon a sword?
  533. ?AO: Yes.
  534. CTG: do what we did with heliotrope, but on a smaller scale. topaz summons a sword and throws it, electrifying it. lapis shields it with water, creating an electrifying stick of death. hopefully, the sword pierces important machinery. you said it was liquidy, so it should pass through liquid until it destroyss omething solid.
  535. ?GG: plutonıum hunger or extra feet
  536. ?AO: Very well.
  537. ?GG: cyan ıs the one wıth electrıcıty
  538. ?GG: last ı checked
  539. ?AO: ^
  540. ?AO: It doesn't matter. I know what he means.
  541. ?GG: tru
  542. ?GG: however
  543. ?GG: cyan's beıng healed
  544. ?GG: so
  545. ?AO: This is true.
  546. CTG: oh.
  547. CTG: shit.
  548. ?GG: one of these thıngs ısn't happenıng
  549. CTG: okay let me revise this.
  550. ?GG: anyways my questıon twın
  551. CTG: lapis heals cyan. topaz throws sword, cyan electrifies sword. since lapis is the one healing, she doesn't attack.
  552. CTG: GG: plutonium hunger
  553. ?GG: k
  554. ?AO: There we are.
  555. ?AO: The sword passes through the core's shielding, striking something almost immediately. The core's liquid coating seems to almost quiver about, before settling once more.
  556. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  557. ?GG: scarıer face ımpact wrısts or rhıno skın
  558. CTG: if you're concerned with survival, rhino skin. if you want to have an easier time against enemies, scarier face.
  559. ?AO: The Core fires another bubble of liquid at you. This time, a morphing and shifting being descends directly upon you, immediately stabbing you in the foot.
  560. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  562. CTG: ((the computer's in normal mode. it... seems to be working.))
  563. CTG: observe.
  564. ?AO: Rushed Amber: ████ HP. NOTES: A morphing and twisting humanoid creature. They appear to have almost pulsating flesh, all centered around a molten amber core. You can see the thing has only been half-pressurized. They appear more confused than enraged.
  565. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1.
  566. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  567. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  568. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  569. CTG: is talking a free action?
  570. ?AO: Yes.
  571. ?AO: Unless I find it amusing for them to stab you during said conversation, of course.
  572. CTG: since the rushed amber doesn't seem to be enraged, tell her she doesn't have to fight us
  573. CTG: be prepared to dodge if the response is violent
  574. ?AO: You attempt to calm the amber.
  575. ?AO: She seems to hesitate, and does not attack you. Just sort of stares at you, still confused.
  576. ?AO: Please enter command.
  577. CTG: ok, cool. now we do the sword + water + electricity thing. this time, topaz spins around before releasing her sword, turning it into a disc of death.
  578. CTG: the momentum should let it carve through the entire core.
  579. ?AO: Fantastic. You create the fabled DISC OF DEATH.
  580. ?AO: 7/10. The thing slashes into the core repeatedly, carving a hole through the liquid, revealing the extent of the machinery itself.
  581. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  582. ?AO: The amber just sort of stands around, not fully developed.
  583. CFC: DEATH
  584. ?AO: The Core, however, fires a blast of pure energy at Topaz. She is momentarily enveloped in a storm of death, crying out in pain.
  585. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  587. CTG: observe.
  588. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1.
  589. ?AO: Rushed Amber: ████ HP. NOTES: A morphing and twisting humanoid creature. They appear to have almost pulsating flesh, all centered around a molten amber core. You can see the thing has only been half-pressurized. They appear more confused than enraged.
  590. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  591. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  592. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  593. CTG: we can finish this in one clear shot. coalesce.
  594. CTG: wait.
  596. CTG: does fusing take a full turn.
  597. ?AO: Yes. But you get full health as a fusion.
  598. CPP: Except then it'll just unfuse us
  599. ?AO: If it kills you.
  600. CTG: I was planning on aving cyan and lapis fuse and take out the core, then when the fight was over, have topaz heal
  601. CTG: ah shit, /afk
  602. CTG: form heliotrope, lapis fires water at the core
  603. CTG: that should heal topaz
  604. CTG: /afl
  605. CTG: */afk
  606. ?AO: Cyan and Topaz form Heliotrope once more.
  607. CTG: /back
  608. ?AO: You just blast jets of water at the Core. It defends itself with a bolt of superheated plasma, evaporating the water.
  609. CTG: /back
  610. CTG: fuck
  611. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  612. CTG: /afk
  613. ?AO: The Core immediately immolates you with a barrage of laser blasts. Poof.
  614. CTG: FUCK.
  615. CPP: Did it just kill Lapis?
  616. ?AO: ((FUCK. /AFK. We'll finish this when I get back, and then do Pinary.))
  617. CTG: yes. yes it did.
  618. ?AO: ^
  619. CPP: ! was gonna say coalesce lapis and topaz
  620. CPP: Since they're most at risk
  621. CPP: But ! got back too late
  622. CCU: We still have Heliotrope.
  623. CCU: | must also /afk
  624. CPP: !s Lapis ded?
  625. CPP: Or are they fine after the battle
  626. CFC: DEAD.
  627. CPP: You dun goofed twin
  628. CTG: dead. they'll regen back from their gem form, but for now, they're down fo the count.
  629. CTG: it'll take a few turns.
  630. ?GG: >scoop azure up
  631. CPP: erelye went afk
  632. ?AO: ((/UNAFK. Let's finish this.))
  633. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  635. CTG: scoop azure's gem up.
  636. CTG: observe.
  637. ?AO: Heliotrope grabs the lazuli gem.
  638. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1.
  639. ?AO: Rushed Amber: ████ HP. NOTES: A morphing and twisting humanoid creature. They appear to have almost pulsating flesh, all centered around a molten amber core. You can see the thing has only been half-pressurized. They appear more confused than enraged.
  640. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP.
  641. CAC: Do people still say "in b4"
  642. CTG: I do
  643. CTG: 
  644. ?AO: ((So do I. Sometimes.))
  645. CPP: inb4 it stops being a thing
  646. CTG: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  647. CPP: battlefury does it a ton
  648. ?AO: Please enter command.
  649. CPP: >F!N!SH H!M
  650. ?AO: How?
  651. CTG: heliotrope: equip a set of four swords, once again combining them to create a mega-sword.
  652. CTG: spin around extremely fast, building up a massive electric charge.
  653. CTG: (still going, hold on)
  654. CTG: when you're done, throw the sword as the DISC OF DEATH MK. 2. build up all of your willpower, sending a white-hot lightning bolt through the sword and the core itself.
  655. CTG: when the sword connects with the core, the result is a thunderstorm of zeus-like proportions. maybe.
  656. CTG: try not to kill yourself along the way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  657. ?AO: Hah.
  658. CAC: According to google/KYM, in b4 peaked in 2005, if not earlier.
  659. ?AO: You fuse together four swords, and energize them with electrical energy, creating some sort of DESTABILIZER BROADSWORD.
  660. CTG: then I'm living 11 years in the past
  661. CPP: We're all children on the inside
  662. CAC: Actually 2004 
  663. CTG: 
  664. CTG: then I'm living 12 years in the past
  665. ?AO: With a quick toss, the thing carves through the core. Fire pours out of the machine, but it does not fall. Not yet.
  666. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  667. CPP: >:|
  668. CTG: damnit!
  669. ?AO: The liquid shield thins, covering the Core in a perfect sphere once more. A line of light is traced across the hill, far below you. A wave of plasma carves through space and time, immediately annihilating the amber, and dealing massive damage to you. The Core levitates up further into the sky, a number of turrets poking out of the thinning liquid.
  670. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  672. CPP: :eyetwitch:
  673. CTG: oh goddamnit. observe.
  674. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP.
  675. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1.
  677. CPP: Angrily smash the thing to pieces against the wall,
  678. CPP: And after it gets lodged in the resulting crater
  679. CTG: heliotrope's eyes twitch. they jump up in the air, screaming "DIE" as they materialize sixteen swords at once, chucking them through the core.
  680. CPP: Draw the mega sword and wail on it until it stops moving
  681. CTG: no kill like overkill?
  682. ?AO: You underestimate one HP mode.
  683. ?AO: This is a boss battle.
  684. CTG: alright. do both attacks at once
  685. CPP: Yes
  686. ?AO: Regardless, you rush up to the Core, sixteen swords somehow working, despite your four arms.
  687. ?AO: It keeps you down on the ground and away from it with constant laser barrages and blasts, immediately knocking you out of the sky.
  688. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  689. ?AO: The Core catches fire from internal damage, and cannot otherwise act.
  690. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  691. CTG: yes.
  693. CTG: observe.
  694. ?AO: Heliotrope: █████████████████████████████ HP.
  695. ?AO: Verneuil Core: ███████████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A monolithic spheroid factory filled with a variety of machinery and furnaces. Rushing the device's work pace is not exactly a good idea. An earlier model of the much more efficient Czochralski structures you've seen in pictures of Facet 1. On fire.
  696. CAC: Google Trends is rather interesting...
  697. CPP: щ(ಥДಥщ)
  698. CPP: Hold on,
  699. CPP: it's on fire...
  700. CAC: Fun Fact: Voat lost 75% of its google searches in a month.
  701. CTG: that's... sad.
  702. CPP: >DEFEND
  703. CAC: I mean, is it really.
  704. ?AO: Are you sure you want to do that, with the aforementioned Bloodborne-esque system?
  705. CAC: Its voat 
  706. CTG: no
  707. CPP: Oh for the love of.
  709. CTG: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  710. CPP: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
  711. ?AO: Because it used to be lucrative.
  712. ?AO: This game is like a Vegas casino. In order to get the money, you have to live there.
  713. CSE ceased responding to memo.
  714. CPP: Fine, do we have any good gear?
  715. CPP: We need some way to smash it open without it being able to shoot down the projectiles or us
  716. ?AO: Would you like to check Heliotrope's collective inventories?
  717. CTG: uhhh... fire beams of pure electricity and swords at the machine, trying to disable its weapons
  718. CTG: wait
  719. CTG: chec inventory first
  720. ?AO: CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Laser Pointer, Plasma Rifle, Medkit x5, Gluon Destabilizer x4, Limb Destabilizer Cannon.
  721. ?AO: TOPAZ INV: Longsword, Medkit x6, Gluon Destabilizer x2.
  722. CPP: Plasma rifle?
  723. CPP: The boss is on one hit point
  724. CPP: And it shouldn't be able to block a plasma shot
  725. ?AO: The plasma rifle is too small for your massive giant woman hands.
  726. CPP: dogdangit
  727. CPP: What's the limb destabilizer cannon do?
  728. CPP: And is it useful in any way, shape or form?
  729. CPP: currently ! mean
  730. ?AO: It's attached to your arm. It's an interface/electromagnetic pulsation weapon.
  731. CPP: Oh, yeah.
  732. CPP: Does the core have energy shielding active?
  733. ?AO: Nothing but the liquid armor, it appears.
  734. CPP: Will that absord a storm of energy projectiles?
  735. CPP: absorb*
  736. ?AO: Probably not.
  737. CPP: Alright then, Utilize the limb destabilizer cannon
  738. ?AO: You shoot the Core.
  739. CPP: Unleasha a storm of hot molten death
  740. ?AO: It explodes internally.
  741. CPP: well, not molten.
  742. ?AO: Congratulations. You did one damage.
  743. CPP: \(^.^)/
  744. ?AO: Now, you have five seconds to react as the massive thing comes down straight on top of you, at the foot of the hill.
  745. CTG: yes
  746. CPP: O_O
  747. CTG: DODGE. backflip down the hill.
  748. CPP: DOWN the hill?
  749. CPP: NO!
  750. CPP: Dodge to the side
  751. CTG: NO
  752. CTG: okay
  753. CPP: Backflip around the side of the hill
  754. CPP: So that the thing rolls down a different way and doesn't crush us
  755. CFC: "noclip through the hill"
  756. CPP: 
  757. ?AO: You backflip around the side of the hill, one set of arms holding Azure's gem.
  758. CPP: Are we allowed to access console commands?
  759. ?AO: Of course, the thing is massive, and lands atop you anyway.
  760. CPP: 
  761. CPP: -_-
  762. CPP: Dangit
  763. ?AO: You're inside some sort of liquid surface. It is quite odd, but you are surprisingly unharmed?
  764. CTG: huh.
  765. CAC: >Consider drinking
  766. ?AO: That would probably be a bad idea, but you can if you want.
  767. CTG: don't do it
  768. ?AO: You don't drink the water.
  769. CTG: oh.
  770. CTG: it's... just water
  771. CTG: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  772. CTG: still dont drink it
  773. CTG: just... sort of... move out of the sphere
  774. ?AO: The Core rolls down the side of the hill, and stops in the field.
  775. ?AO: Now what? The area is cleared.
  776. ?AO: Shall you return to the ship?
  777. ?GG: >waıt for azure to revıve
  778. CTG: > Return.
  779. ?GG: >check water supplıes
  780. ?AO: You're back, and mostly better than ever. You have plenty of water. You have about six months worth of water back on the ship, thanks to the exploits of the blue man.
  781. ?GG: ...
  782. ?AO: The blue man is Fseftr.
  783. ?GG: ı mean how much water desıgnated for, y'know
  784. ?GG: offensıve purposes
  785. ?AO: Oh, you've still got plenty.
  786. ?GG: oh okay then
  787. ?AO: Shall you return to the ship?
  788. ?GG: sure
  789. ?GG: waıt
  790. ?GG: dıd we collect any healıng gel
  791. CTG ceased responding to memo.
  792. ?AO: You did not.
  793. ?GG: ı feel lıke we should colelct as much as possıble
  794. ?AO: Shall you head back to the gates of the crystal wonderland, and retrieve some?
  795. ?GG: yeah
  796. ?AO: You collect several liters of the miraculous robonoid paste, all contained in the shattered body of said war robonoid!
  797. ?GG: nıce, nıce
  798. ?AO: Now, back to the ship?
  799. ?GG: return to shıp, check on shards
  800. ?GG: yeah
  801. CPP: Okay, so ! have a list of 6 things to list as important Voidic artifacts
  802. ?AO: You approach the ship. As you open the hatch, you can hear something you certain did not expect.
  803. ?AO: *certainly.
  804. CPP: Well, 5
  805. ?AO: Would you like to listen in, or just wait for it to finish?
  806. CPP: !'m thinking that since erelye is one of the Ancestors in the reboot,
  807. CPP: the Hazel Wand might qualify as a Void Artifact
  808. ?GG: ...>lısten ın
  809. ?AO: "-OP talking to me, you... FUCKING EVIL BASTARD! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS! JUST SHUT UP!"
  810. CTG: ...
  811. ?AO: ((I changed her text color, BTW.))
  812. ?GG: who, charoıte?
  813. ?AO: ((Ye.))
  814. ?GG: ah
  815. ?GG: >be charoıte
  816. ?GG: (())
  817. ?AO: Har har.
  818. ?GG: >keep lıstenıng
  819. ?AO: There's not much else, save for sobbing, and occasional muttered 'fuck yous,' and the like.
  820. ?GG: >enter awkwardly
  821. CTG: enter awkwardly.
  822. ?AO: The two/three of you enter. You see Charoite sitting on a metallic crate, in something resembling the fetal position. Nobody else is in the room. No projectors are on.
  823. ?AO: She is crying heavily.
  824. CPP: >Ask her who she was talking to
  825. ?AO: Are you sure you want to do that? That might not go over well, in her current emotional state.
  826. CPP: ah, fair enough
  827. CPP: Ask her what's wrong then
  828. ?AO: Charoite looks at you, before vehemently gesturing over to... a wall.
  829. CPP: >examine wall
  830. ?AO: The wall is entirely normal. There is nothing wrong with this wall in any manner whatsoever. At least, as far as you can see.
  831. CPP: Hm
  832. CPP: ! think we should wait until Charoite is feeling a bit better to broach the subject
  833. CPP: But !'m not certain how to back down
  834. CAC: Off for nourishment.
  835. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  836. CFC ceased responding to memo.
  837. ?AO: Perhaps ask the others?
  838. CURRENT flamingCarbohydrates [CFC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  839. CFC: whoops
  840. ?AO: (Others being either Heliotrope or Twin and Generic.)
  841. ?GG: >kınd of ıgnore charoıte, check up on the shards
  842. CPP: No
  843. CPP: That's a bad
  844. CPP: >Ask heliotrope
  845. ?AO: "We... I... have no idea what's going on. This is... something else. Sorry."
  846. CPP: Well, ! know that
  847. ?AO: Hah.
  848. CPP: the question is how do we descalate the conversation,
  849. CPP: So that charoite doesn't freak out.
  850. CPP: And we can ask her about it later when she's not sobbing
  851. ?GG: >put your hand on charoıte's shoulder ın the most unsettlıng way possıble
  852. ?GG: 
  853. ?AO: Are you sure you want to do that.
  854. CPP: No
  855. ?GG: fıne, the least unsettlıng way possıble
  856. CPP: Just try to comfort Charoite
  857. CPP: We'll ask her during the voyage to the next sector,
  858. ?AO: Am I hearing Hug City. Because it sounds like Hug City.
  859. CPP: Possibly
  860. ?GG: sure
  861. CPP: Anyways, twin.
  862. CTG: ye
  863. CPP: ! have the following 5 lined up as Void Artifacts
  864. CPP: With a potential 6th
  865. ?AO: The three of you do a kind of awkward triple hug. It is quite sweet. Charoite leans into the touch of actual people, still sobbing.
  866. CPP: The Fez, the Black Monolith, Fourth Walls, the Hexahedron, the Disc of Mojang
  867. ?GG: ıt blew up ıt's not gonna be notıced 
  868. CPP: With the potential being the Hazel wand
  869. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  870. CCU: AMBUSH!!!
  871. ?AO: Would you like to save your game?
  872. CTG: AO: ;-;
  873. CPP: Are there any !'ve forgotten?
  874. CPP: >Save game
  875. CTG: PP: alright.
  876. CFC: HEY
  877. CTG: AO: save game.
  878. ?AO: Saving...
  879. ?AO: Saving...
  880. CPP: Also, hi tazz
  881. CCU: TG: You'll be happy to know that, courtesy of Piono, our discussion's time has been radically reduced.
  882. CTG: PP: would void/mystery gates count?
  883. ?AO: Game saved successfully.
  884. ?AO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  885. CCU: ...Also, what you talking about?
  887. CTG: as voidic artifacts.
  888. CTG: > quit
  889. CPP: void gates?
  890. CTG: CU: awesome.
  891. CPP: Not certain if they would.
  892. ?AO: Game quit. Have a nice day.
  893. CTG: you too, AO terminal
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