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Sep 20th, 2018
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  1. [4/20/2016 9:57:34 PM] erica wheeler: so what do you like most about a girl
  2. [4/20/2016 9:58:57 PM] Bill: Her vagina.
  3. [4/20/2016 9:57:34 PM] erica wheeler: i just ask cause every guy has a preference, so i was curious what yours is :) so are you the shy or freaky type?
  4. [4/20/2016 10:01:27 PM] Bill: I've got a speculum, twenty wooden dowels of increasing size, a blowtorch and a 55 gallon drum of lube. You?
  5. [4/20/2016 10:02:42 PM] erica wheeler: im a little bit of a freak, but most nerdy girls are right? lol gonna log into my cam account and send u an invite, promise not to record me or anything?
  6. [4/20/2016 10:03:13 PM] Bill: Do your undies taste yellow like clowns too? The last girl said they tasted good, but clowns taste funny.
  7. [4/20/2016 10:03:35 PM] erica wheeler: you seem sweet and normal i trust you :) heres my profile hit connect and it'll link my cam to you
  8. [4/20/2016 10:04:07 PM] Bill: Sweet and normal, do you even read anything I've written?
  9. [4/20/2016 10:04:51 PM] erica wheeler: just fill out the little join thingy after you click connect and then i'll show you what a real freak is :p
  10. [4/20/2016 10:05:17 PM] Bill: Can't you just bend over and let me slide my credit card through your butt crack?
  11. [4/20/2016 10:05:44 PM] erica wheeler: i prefer this site it doesnt allow you to record me, and who knows what i might be showing you ;) hehe
  12. [4/20/2016 10:06:04 PM] Bill: You think I can't just use FRAPS or something to record what's on my screen, huh?
  13. [4/20/2016 10:06:28 PM] erica wheeler: okay let me know once your in, my username is redbunny23 you'll find me in the members area
  14. [4/20/2016 10:06:55 PM] Bill: Shit, you've got the same username as the last one, please give us our daughter back, what has she done to deserve this
  15. [4/20/2016 10:07:24 PM] erica wheeler: what's wrong?
  16. [4/20/2016 10:07:43 PM] Bill: Your mother and I are worried, please come back
  17. [4/20/2016 10:08:17 PM] erica wheeler: ok babe
  18. [4/20/2016 10:09:38 PM] Bill: I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
  19. [4/20/2016 10:15:34 PM] Bill: You're boring. Nothing for that?
  20. [4/20/2016 10:15:42 PM] Bill: Taken's a great movie.
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