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May 8th, 2017
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  1. [17:08:02] <@Pattrick> anyone your characters want to talk to before they leave?
  2. 10[17:09:30] <@Pattrick> [17:08:20] <@Pattrick> youre uncertain, this is your first time leaving the safety of the city
  3. 10[17:09:36] <@Pattrick> [17:08:48] <@Pattrick> what is waiting out in the wastes? will you meet your death?
  4. [17:09:57] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Should we check up on the stock?"
  5. [17:10:09] <R4_John_Hale> "Leave it to the traders
  6. [17:10:19] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Fine by me"
  7. [17:10:23] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Yeah, they ain't payin' me to sort through their crap."
  8. [17:10:32] <R4_John_Hale> "I'm here to put bullets in anything that wants to put bullets in us, not to check inventory"
  9. [17:10:43] <S|Dom_Martinez> "I hear that!"
  10. [17:10:44] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Sure they ain
  11. 06[17:10:48] * S|Dom_Martinez pumps his shotgun to drive the point home.
  12. 06[17:10:55] * R4_John_Hale waves FN FAL for emphasis
  13. [17:10:59] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Just got to keep the traders alive boys"
  14. [17:11:06] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "It's already checked damn it. Just go, we didn't hire you guys for nothing."
  15. [17:11:13] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "they aint payin you to sort through their shit but Dom you do it anyways. "
  16. 06[17:11:39] * ET|Ivan_Ramos laughs darkly patting his dog Marco on the head."
  17. [17:11:43] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "stop squabling guys the gates are open"
  18. [17:11:44] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Screw you, Ivan! Let's just get this show on the road, huh?"
  19. [17:11:53] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Amen to that"
  20. 06[17:12:06] * ET|Ivan_Ramos stands up dusting off his knees and clicking his tongue at the dog
  21. [17:12:08] <R4_John_Hale> "Then what the hell are you pansies waiting for?"
  22. 06[17:12:15] * CP|Boris_Kozlov patting his Brahmen on the back, the caravan starts off.
  23. 06[17:12:19] * R4_John_Hale starts walking, stops, looks back
  24. [17:12:22] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Well let's move along then boy."
  25. 06[17:12:36] * S|Dom_Martinez rests the muzzle of his shotgun on his shoulder and strolls alongside the brahmin at a steady, relaxed pace.
  26. [17:12:36] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Why you stoped hale?"
  27. [17:12:48] <R4_John_Hale> "waitin for you morons"
  28. [17:12:49] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Same question."
  29. [17:12:58] <R4_John_Hale> "Same answer, Ghoul"
  30. [17:13:05] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "ain't getting cold feet are yah Hale."
  31. 03[17:13:17] * J|Tom_Davis is now known as Jargner
  32. [17:13:19] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Well ghoul start the brahmin"
  33. 06[17:13:20] * ET|Ivan_Ramos bumps Hale's shoulder as he passes him.
  34. [17:13:26] <R4_John_Hale> "Nah. Someone just walked over my grave"
  35. 03[17:13:33] * Jargner ( Quit ("Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do the day after tomorrow" )
  36. [17:13:47] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What the hell does that mean?"
  37. 06[17:13:52] * R4_John_Hale keeps going, shaking his head
  38. [17:13:55] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Lets just go before it gets dark ok"
  39. 06[17:14:08] * VA|Aaron_Cross starts walking at a steady pace
  40. [17:14:17] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "We two feet past the gates two feet past the grave. Right on."
  41. 06[17:14:26] * ET|Ivan_Ramos catches up smiling.
  42. 06[17:14:27] * CP|Boris_Kozlov walks behind his Brahmen, keeping a steady eye on the Mercs.
  43. 06[17:14:29] * R4_John_Hale is already walking off ahead, checking the area for anything shifty
  44. 06[17:14:45] * R4_John_Hale stops, waits for others to catch up
  45. 06[17:14:52] * VA|Aaron_Cross spots a lone radscorpian
  46. [17:15:01] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Leave it alone Aaron"
  47. [17:15:11] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "We don't need to waste ammo on that shit"
  48. [17:15:18] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "As you command sir"
  49. [17:15:21] <R4_John_Hale> "Don't waste the slugs, kid"
  50. [17:15:42] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Aaron, don't be such a brown-noser."
  51. [17:15:51] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Shut it dom"
  52. [17:16:08] <R4_John_Hale> "Didn't think you could hear with yer head up Boris' ass"
  53. 06[17:16:14] * ET|Ivan_Ramos rolls his eyes and climbs a rock outcropping to scout a bit.
  54. [17:16:15] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Both of you shut the fuck up."
  55. [17:16:27] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "You ladys stop fightin' back there."
  56. 06[17:16:38] * S|Dom_Martinez says in a mocking imitation of Aaron "As you command, sir" then bursts out laughing. And abruptly stops at Boris and Ivan's words.
  57. 06[17:16:51] * VA|Aaron_Cross nods humbly and moves to scout ahead
  58. 06[17:17:02] * R4_John_Hale shrugs and follows Ivan up the rocks
  59. [17:17:20] <R4_John_Hale> "Anything interesting?"
  60. [17:17:22] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Hey! My Brahmen can't climb those fucking rocks! Find me a way around!"
  61. 06[17:17:32] * ET|Ivan_Ramos looks through his old binoculars again wiping the dust off them.
  62. [17:17:47] <S|Dom_Martinez> "On it, Ghoulie."
  63. [17:17:49] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Not a damn thing. Workin on it.
  64. [17:17:54] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Theres an old path of to the left by the looks of it"
  65. 06[17:17:59] * S|Dom_Martinez runs off in another direction, shotgun held to his chest.
  66. [17:18:20] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Where the fuck are you going Dom? Desert me and I'll blow your fucking Brains out!"
  67. 06[17:18:23] * R4_John_Hale stands up to full height, getting a better view of the area.
  68. 06[17:18:26] * ET|Ivan_Ramos raises his rifle setting the scope to his goggles.
  69. 06[17:18:36] * S|Dom_Martinez pauses to flip off Boris
  70. 06[17:18:46] * CP|Boris_Kozlov pats the brahmen again, as it starts off towards the path on the left.
  71. [17:18:48] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Just doin' what I been told, Ghoulie! Findin' you a way around!"
  72. [17:18:54] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Holdon quiet now lady's I think I got somethin."
  73. 06[17:19:05] * CP|Boris_Kozlov stops the Brahmen.
  74. [17:19:08] <R4_John_Hale> "Can I shoot it?"
  75. [17:19:12] <R4_John_Hale> "Will it bleed?"
  76. [17:19:16] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "What is it?"
  77. 06[17:19:26] * S|Dom_Martinez shrugs after finding nothing, then hurries to catch up with the rest of the party.
  78. [17:19:28] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "If you shoot, something better well bleed!"
  79. 06[17:19:30] * R4_John_Hale takes safety off gun and loosens .223 pistol in holster
  80. [17:19:40] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Looks like one them damn boyscouts. can see the sun glarin' off him from here."
  81. [17:19:56] <R4_John_Hale> "Brotherhood or NCR boyscouts?"
  82. [17:19:58] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "we leave him be then"
  83. [17:20:05] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Brother hood? Fuck. Those bastards have been checking Caravans."
  84. [17:20:13] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Brotherhood ain't boyscouts, Hale"
  85. [17:20:27] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Yes they are, they're boy scouts in power armour."
  86. [17:20:32] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "just hide ghoul,They ain't going to bother us"
  87. [17:20:33] <R4_John_Hale> "Shut up Dom, or you'll be eatin meals through a straw"
  88. [17:20:34] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Brother by the looks but you can't tell real well lately."
  89. [17:21:03] <R4_John_Hale> "So, Boris, ya sound worried. Anything that might get us in trouble in that cart?"
  90. 06[17:21:13] * ET|Ivan_Ramos straps his rifle and jumps down the rocks again. He runs afurther ahead of everyone and crouches with his binoculars again.
  91. [17:21:23] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "we leave him well alone them,I don't want to disturb them"
  92. 06[17:21:26] * CP|Boris_Kozlov reaches the old path, and stars going up the path"
  93. 06[17:21:26] * S|Dom_Martinez flips off Hale before directing his attention to the distant specks that may or may not be Brotherhood
  94. [17:21:48] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Yep six brother, seven brother, eight brothers, we got ourselves a damn bunch of em here.
  95. [17:22:02] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Yes, there is! More drugs, guns, and tech then you can fucking count"
  96. [17:22:06] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "We leave them well alone then"
  97. [17:22:23] <R4_John_Hale> "Even I'm not big enough to tussle with the Brotherhood"
  98. [17:22:29] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Fuck... if we gotta grease them, I want some damn hazard pay."
  99. 06[17:22:34] * S|Dom_Martinez seems rather cocky and overconfident in his speech.
  100. [17:22:36] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Leave em alone till they catch us tryin' to idle by."
  101. [17:22:46] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Could we ambush them?"
  102. [17:22:50] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "You get their damn power armour if you can grease him Dom"
  103. [17:23:08] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I aint goin' and gettin' hit with one of them stunner's again. I am stayin' far off."
  104. [17:23:17] <R4_John_Hale> "Only Pallies have Power Armor, Boris"
  105. 10[17:23:25] <@Pattrick> its true!
  106. 10[17:23:27] * @Pattrick lurks
  107. [17:23:30] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Combat Armour then!"
  108. [17:23:37] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "So we stick to the path and look like inocent traders?"
  109. [17:23:44] <R4_John_Hale> "I call the pallie then"
  110. 06[17:23:49] * ET|Ivan_Ramos shakes his head negatively.
  111. [17:24:12] <R4_John_Hale> "Joking, lad"
  112. [17:24:16] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "looked like a Pallie and some recruits from what I saw. Shitty Recon armor.
  113. [17:24:27] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "i thought we were going to just avoid them"
  114. [17:24:38] <R4_John_Hale> "then we will"
  115. [17:24:56] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Eight of em? We'll, aim for the pally first if they start lookin"
  116. 06[17:25:04] * S|Dom_Martinez swallows and keeps looking between the party and the Brotherhood. His bravado has apparently vanished as the patrol grows closer. He tightens his grip on his shotgun subconsciously.
  117. 06[17:25:07] * ET|Ivan_Ramos nods in agreement strapping his binoculars on again.
  118. [17:25:13] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Fine with me.We should keep moving"
  119. [17:25:15] <R4_John_Hale> "I like shooting as much as the next guy, if not moreso. Gettin shot on the other hand, ain't so inviting"
  120. [17:25:32] <R4_John_Hale> "So I say we leave em till they try something on us"
  121. [17:25:41] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Aye"
  122. [17:25:42] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Well damn we ain't gonna get a chance to make a choice."
  123. 06[17:25:43] * CP|Boris_Kozlov unslings his Ak-47, and checks the gun. Full clip, more then enough to take down a few Brother hood ass holes.
  124. [17:25:49] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "They already spotted us."
  125. [17:26:03] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Who got a long range gun?"
  126. 06[17:26:04] * VA|Aaron_Cross reloads his R91
  127. 06[17:26:10] * R4_John_Hale keeps a finger on the trigger, and locks onto the Paladin
  128. 06[17:26:29] * ET|Ivan_Ramos kneels with his rifle shouldered.
  129. [17:26:37] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Hold it up."
  130. 06[17:26:41] * VA|Aaron_Cross looks through his scope and lays sights on the paladin
  131. [17:26:44] <R4_John_Hale> "Get up Ivan, they're not shootin yet"
  132. [17:26:46] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "They aint got their weapons out."
  133. [17:27:06] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Fuck, one of ems going near us. John or Ivan, go talk to em."
  134. 06[17:27:16] * VA|Aaron_Cross lowers his gun
  135. [17:27:19] <R4_John_Hale> "Hail, Brother of Steel"
  136. [17:27:21] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Your up big brother John."
  137. [17:27:32] <R4_John_Hale> "What brings you this far out?"
  138. 06[17:28:05] * S|Dom_Martinez slings his shotgun over his back, but loosens his 14mm and machete in their respective holsters, just in case. He makes his way towards Hale, but keeps his distance all the same.
  139. 06[17:28:07] * CP|Boris_Kozlov Boris is walking behind the Brahmen, looking out into the distance. Hopefully they wouldn't notice him.
  140. [17:28:07] <R4_John_Hale> /OOC/ who's playing NPCs?
  141. 06[17:28:16] * ET|Ivan_Ramos crosses to the Brahmin slowly, lighting a cigarette too keep his nerves down.
  142. 06[17:28:36] * VA|Aaron_Cross takes a swig of vodka to calm himself
  143. 07[17:28:39] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> ((Patt?))
  144. 10[17:28:47] <@Pattrick> #Tranquility_Lane
  145. 06[17:28:55] * R4_John_Hale slings his FN FAL over his back, and puts his hands on his hips. His .223 Pistol is on one of those hips too
  146. 03[17:29:57] * VA|Aaron_Cross is now known as VA|Aaron
  147. 03[17:30:12] * VA|Aaron is now known as VA|Aaron|NPC
  148. 06[17:30:23] * ET|Ivan_Ramos looks at Boris a haunted look on his face.
  149. [17:30:36] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Ivan, stop fucking staring at me"
  150. [17:30:37] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "whats wrong? you know one of them or somethin'?"
  151. 03[17:30:41] * [C4] ( has joined #RP_Fallout
  152. [17:30:45] <VA|Aaron|NPC> "Halt trader state your buisness"
  153. [17:30:54] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Brother hood are fucking bigots. Shit, here they come."
  154. [17:31:12] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What do you want, mister Paladin?"
  155. [17:31:16] <R4_John_Hale> "We're just bringing this here cart through to New Reno."
  156. [17:31:16] <VA|Aaron|NPC> "I said state your buisness.Trader"
  157. 06[17:31:20] * S|Dom_Martinez swallows, his eyes darting between the assorted Brotherhood nervously.
  158. [17:31:29] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Trading business."
  159. [17:31:32] <R4_John_Hale> "As I said, we're taking the cart to New Reno"
  160. [17:31:43] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Boris cut it out."
  161. [17:31:44] <VA|Aaron|NPC> "Il just need to check your cargo"
  162. [17:31:53] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Uh, why you gotta do that?"
  163. [17:31:54] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Go for it."
  164. [17:31:57] <R4_John_Hale> "Boris, you clear with that?"
  165. 06[17:32:04] * CP|Boris_Kozlov boris circles around the Brahmen."
  166. 06[17:32:12] * ET|Ivan_Ramos keeps a hand on his combat knife. Looking daggers at Boris in the process.
  167. 06[17:32:14] * VA|Aaron|NPC rumeges through the cargo
  168. 06[17:32:21] * CP|Boris_Kozlov in a hushed tone, Boris whispers to Hale to shoot once he looks in"
  169. 06[17:32:38] * CP|Boris_Kozlov aims for a Initiate
  170. [17:32:40] <VA|Aaron|NPC> "Trader il be taking your energy weapons and cells!"
  171. 06[17:32:42] * ET|Ivan_Ramos walks up to one of the recruits
  172. 06[17:32:52] * R4_John_Hale raises his .223 and plugs the Paladin between the eyes as he takes his helmet off to inspect the cargo
  173. [17:32:57] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Yeah, fuck off."
  174. 03[17:33:05] * VA|Aaron|NPC is now known as VA|Aaron_Cross
  175. 06[17:33:13] * CP|Boris_Kozlov fires into several of the initiates, killing two of them."
  176. 06[17:33:19] * ET|Ivan_Ramos jabs the recruit in between the plates of his armor before he can even raise his gun.
  177. 06[17:33:24] * R4_John_Hale drops and pulls his FN FAL in one fluid movement as rounds start tracing his path
  178. 06[17:33:26] * S|Dom_Martinez backs up behind one of the initiates. He pulls out his machete, like lightning and before the soldier can react, said machete's blade has also crossed his throat.
  179. 06[17:33:37] * VA|Aaron_Cross shoots his rifle into the one remaining initiate
  180. [17:33:50] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Damn good job guys."
  181. 06[17:33:57] * R4_John_Hale gets back up, and walks over to the Paladin's carcass
  182. [17:34:02] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Easier then i thought."
  183. [17:34:04] <R4_John_Hale> "Hardened T-51b
  184. [17:34:12] <R4_John_Hale> "As said, I called him"
  185. [17:34:15] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "I get dibs on 5.55mm ammo"
  186. [17:34:24] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Fuck. Who the hell gives that shit to patrols?"
  187. 06[17:34:34] * ET|Ivan_Ramos flicks the cigarette away.
  188. [17:34:34] <R4_John_Hale> "The Brotherhood"
  189. [17:34:40] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Well, the Brahmen is full. Going to have to carry it to yourself."
  190. [17:34:41] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "They give it to thieves."
  191. [17:34:46] <R4_John_Hale> "Probably LRR training for the initiates"
  192. [17:34:52] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Any 12 gauge shells or 14mm AP mags, send 'em my way, folks."
  193. [17:35:07] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Just saying i need the ammo"
  194. [17:35:10] <R4_John_Hale> "Go for it, I use .223 and 7.62"
  195. [17:35:21] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Here ya go Dom this one was carrying a sawn off."
  196. 06[17:35:28] * CP|Boris_Kozlov checks the Brahmen. Packed with the latest in explosive technology.
  197. 06[17:35:30] * ET|Ivan_Ramos throws Dom the ammo.
  198. 06[17:35:33] * S|Dom_Martinez sheathes his machete before kneeling down next to a Knight's corpse. He unfastens his Combat Armor breastplate and puts it on himself, before accepting the ammunition.
  199. [17:35:52] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Thanks a bunch, man."
  200. 06[17:36:13] * R4_John_Hale begins the long, arduous task of putting on the Power Armor. (I assume this is FO1 & 2 style, yes)
  201. 06[17:36:25] * S|Dom_Martinez removes the Knight's helmet and plonks it on his own head. He rises, unused to the weight of the ceramic/polymer plates
  202. [17:36:25] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> (yes)
  203. 06[17:36:28] * CP|Boris_Kozlov it is.
  204. 06[17:36:30] * VA|Aaron_Cross picks up two 5.55 clips
  205. 06[17:37:03] * R4_John_Hale slides the Paladin's helmet into his backpack, along with his old power armor
  206. [17:37:05] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Im set,Can we start up again?"
  207. [17:37:06] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Holdup here guys. Hale what're these."
  208. [17:37:10] <R4_John_Hale> *combat armor
  209. [17:37:21] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "il take a set"
  210. [17:37:21] <R4_John_Hale> "What're what?"
  211. 06[17:37:24] * ET|Ivan_Ramos held up the tags as they glinted in the sun
  212. [17:37:29] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "these."
  213. [17:37:43] <R4_John_Hale> "Holotags. Bury em"
  214. [17:37:55] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Nah.
  215. [17:38:05] <R4_John_Hale> "Unless you wanna swing by an outpost and drop 'em off"
  216. 06[17:38:13] * ET|Ivan_Ramos tapped the metal.
  217. 06[17:38:14] * VA|Aaron_Cross begins the process of striping his leather armour and replacing it with BOS combat/Recon armour
  218. [17:38:17] <R4_John_Hale> "So the Brotherhood can execute us all"
  219. [17:38:17] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Exactly."
  220. [17:38:21] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Steel......"
  221. [17:38:41] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "that stuff's rare"
  222. [17:38:53] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "We say we came across the patrol, right after put everything in New Reno. They pay 5 caps per holotag I believe."
  223. 06[17:39:06] * ET|Ivan_Ramos threw them tags in his pack.
  224. [17:39:32] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Wouldn't we get more if we melted them down?"
  225. [17:39:36] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "or we get enough metal and we can melt em down and make some ammo, or some some armor plating."
  226. [17:39:46] <R4_John_Hale> "Probably, but do you see a furnace anywhere?"
  227. [17:40:03] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Clay pits do the same job"
  228. [17:40:03] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "These? Hell, one 5.56 bullet ain't worth much."
  229. [17:40:06] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Find me one of them floatin' robots"
  230. [17:40:22] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Why?"
  231. [17:40:34] <R4_John_Hale> "Flamer"
  232. [17:40:36] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Their jets burn hot as the devils fire."
  233. [17:40:39] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "With what? Our ingenious sense of robotic engineering?"
  234. [17:40:44] <S|Dom_Martinez> "My uncle's ex-wife's friend's half-brother's cousin got a furnace thing in New Reno, last time I checked. Whadda ya say we swing by when we hit that neck of the woods?"
  235. [17:40:45] <R4_John_Hale> "Won't do the job"
  236. [17:41:06] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Aye Dom we're heading to reno anyway"
  237. [17:41:07] <R4_John_Hale> "Well, Dom's furnace will, but not the Gutsy"
  238. [17:41:11] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I got a flamer in the Brahmen bags. You want that?"
  239. [17:41:18] <R4_John_Hale> "Won't work"
  240. [17:41:23] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "okay okay. Yeah let's get going again screw it."
  241. [17:41:32] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Aye"
  242. [17:41:33] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Missed sales a missed sale."
  243. 06[17:41:36] * ET|Ivan_Ramos started walking ahead of them Marco following obediently.
  244. 06[17:41:48] * VA|Aaron_Cross sets out to scout again
  245. 06[17:42:08] * R4_John_Hale follows, still getting used to being in Power Armor again. He wonders if they still have his portrait up in Lost Hills
  246. [17:42:34] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "We should of buried the Brother hood bodies."
  247. [17:42:42] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "How's the power armour holding up Hale"
  248. [17:42:46] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "The sand will soon enough."
  249. 06[17:42:55] * S|Dom_Martinez starts tossing his new Combat Helmet up and down in both hands as he walks. He looks over to Hale and quirks an eyebrow as he sees how fluidly he's moving. Unusual for a Wastelander to know what to do so quickly
  250. [17:42:56] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Aye"
  251. [17:43:19] <R4_John_Hale> "Bit warm. But its not bad. Better than the shit I ... the shit it looks like"
  252. 06[17:43:41] * VA|Aaron_Cross notices that hale is walking with the same skill he has only seen before in enclave asseholes and BOS asswipes
  253. [17:43:48] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Better then the shit you what?"
  254. [17:43:56] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Yeah"
  255. 06[17:44:05] * ET|Ivan_Ramos turned quickly.
  256. [17:44:08] <R4_John_Hale> "Thought it would be."
  257. [17:44:20] <R4_John_Hale> "You know, looks clunky"
  258. [17:44:38] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Just leave it be guys. Just cuz he is stronger than you in some new armor doesnt give you reason to pick at him."
  259. [17:44:43] <R4_John_Hale> "Thought it might chafe a little more though."
  260. [17:45:02] <R4_John_Hale> "Surprising ball-space in here"
  261. [17:45:07] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What ever. Lets go Comrades."
  262. [17:45:17] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Hah! Designed with comfort in mind, probably"
  263. [17:45:18] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Well im not complaining that we have a walking tank with us"
  264. [17:45:35] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "And hale, stop talking about how comfortable the armour is in the crotch."
  265. [17:45:48] <VA|Aaron_Cross> "Seconded"
  266. 06[17:45:52] * ET|Ivan_Ramos turned shaking his head and walking again, his dog running around the Brahmin trying to intimidate the oblivious animal.
  267. [17:46:03] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Marco leave that poor thing alone and comeon."
  268. 06[17:46:35] * VA|Aaron_Cross begins to regret not bringing his normal rifle
  269. [17:47:45] <R4_John_Hale> "Downside is, if ya get an itch, yer fucked"
  270. 03[17:47:46] * VA|Aaron_Cross (n=chatzill@ Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215]" )
  271. [17:47:59] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Guess your right there."
  272. 06[17:48:02] * ET|Ivan_Ramos adjusts his combat helmet the old, worn, but visible white star still emblazoned on the fabric cover.
  273. 06[17:48:56] * CP|Boris_Kozlov starts whistling the Russian anthem.
  274. [17:49:02] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "They need to make that shit Hinge and lock like the old US Army Rangers armor back in anchorage."
  275. 06[17:49:03] * S|Dom_Martinez finally settles his own combat helmet on his head and stops throwing it. He takes out his shotgun, allowing it to hang by the sling with one hand on the stock as he walks.
  276. 06[17:50:12] * R4_John_Hale is still trying tofind a way to keep his .223 and Bolo on his belt. Not an easy task, considering the power armor was big
  277. 06[17:50:34] * S|Dom_Martinez sees Hale's struggle and grins.
  278. 06[17:52:14] * ET|Ivan_Ramos looked toward the sinking sun.
  279. [17:52:32] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "you're gonna be war tonight at least Hale."
  280. [17:53:11] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> warm*
  281. [17:53:57] <R4_John_Hale> "Yeah, no damn clouds. Gonna drop below Zero. -10 Centigrade"
  282. 06[17:55:06] * S|Dom_Martinez pats the bedroll strapped to the small bag on his back
  283. [17:55:46] <R4_John_Hale> "Anyone bring firewood, or do we need to start baggin the Brahmin shit?"
  284. [17:56:13] <S|Dom_Martinez> "I got some vodka."
  285. [17:56:22] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Hell I reckon I could find an old tree or two."
  286. [17:56:43] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "That shit doesn't really make you warm Dom. It just makes you think you are."
  287. [17:56:50] <R4_John_Hale> "In the freakin desert? What are you, the jolly green giant?"
  288. [17:57:05] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Dead dry wood burns alright."
  289. [17:57:12] <S|Dom_Martinez> "I meant we could burn the shit, Ivan"
  290. [17:58:15] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I found a couple tree do a couple miles east couple years ago. Don't you ever read? That whole desert expansion theory or whatever."
  291. [17:58:44] <R4_John_Hale> "That desert expansion thing means the tree will be gone."
  292. [17:59:19] <R4_John_Hale> "Any more strokes of genius need shootin down?"
  293. [17:59:24] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Don't give a shit. If you think there are trees out there Ivan, go for it."
  294. [17:59:46] <R4_John_Hale> "Try not to die in the process"
  295. [17:59:57] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Man you guys don't know shit."
  296. [18:00:07] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Don't give two shits about that either."
  297. [18:00:16] <R4_John_Hale> "Says he who thinks desert expansion means trees will grow in the desert"
  298. [18:00:34] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "No! Damnit!
  299. [18:00:46] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I'm saying its some old ass prewar skeleton tree."
  300. [18:01:19] <R4_John_Hale> "That'll last a whole . . . hour at the most"
  301. [18:01:31] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Yeah I know I know."
  302. [18:01:45] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Get us a lot then. You got an ask?"
  303. [18:01:47] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "You asked for wood you didn't specify the condition.
  304. [18:02:05] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Guys, we could always burn... I dunno, fabric or something?"
  305. [18:02:15] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Damn waste of fabric."
  306. [18:02:15] <R4_John_Hale> "The Brahmin?"
  307. [18:02:36] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Dom this is why we do the thinking and you do the blasting."
  308. 06[18:02:42] * ET|Ivan_Ramos chuckled and kept walking.
  309. [18:02:54] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "If you within ten feet of my Brahmen I'll blow your brains out Hale."
  310. [18:03:03] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Hey, fuck you, Ivan!"
  311. 06[18:03:11] * S|Dom_Martinez said that with a slight grin and a display of a middle finger.
  312. 06[18:03:30] * ET|Ivan_Ramos hooted with laughter kicking sand up into the cooling air.
  313. [18:03:42] <R4_John_Hale> "Haha, Boris, calm it down. You're payin me. And the Brahmin are your shit. I make a habit of not burning my boss' shit"
  314. [18:04:12] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "You also make a habit of talkin' lots o' shit."
  315. [18:04:24] <R4_John_Hale> "I can back it up too"
  316. [18:04:48] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Sorry Robobrain didn't mean to hurt your feelin's"
  317. 06[18:04:55] * ET|Ivan_Ramos grinned still laughing.
  318. [18:05:04] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Ivan, go out to get wood. We'll set up camp here."
  319. [18:05:23] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Bit early to stop, ain't it?"
  320. 06[18:05:28] * ET|Ivan_Ramos whistled for Marco who jumped up and follow him quickly.
  321. [18:05:31] <R4_John_Hale> "Yup"
  322. [18:05:45] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Let's go a bit farther than."
  323. [18:06:19] <R4_John_Hale> "Might be a plan, Ivan"
  324. [18:06:26] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What ever. I usually stop early, but I don't really give a shit this time."
  325. [18:06:34] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Works for me"
  326. [18:06:48] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Damn traders trying to get me killed."
  327. [18:07:16] <R4_John_Hale> "Means they don't have to pay as much"
  328. [18:07:25] <R4_John_Hale> "Scabby bastards"
  329. [18:07:30] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Hey, should of kept your mouth shut about the woods."
  330. 06[18:07:37] * ET|Ivan_Ramos nodded in agreement laughing.
  331. [18:07:45] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Damn right Hale. Damn right.
  332. [18:07:58] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Besides, I want you to die when we're close to New Reno. Less chance of me dying from Deathclaws."
  333. [18:08:21] <R4_John_Hale> "Less chance of any of us dying from Deathclaws"
  334. [18:08:32] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "You're damn lucky I didn't let that recruit put a bulllet in the back of your sorry hide trader."
  335. [18:08:57] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What ever."
  336. [18:10:12] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Not like i couldn't of just gave the Brother hood my crap."
  337. [18:10:25] <R4_John_Hale> "I shouldn't have clipped that Paladin"
  338. [18:10:49] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "You didn't have too."
  339. 06[18:10:50] * ET|Ivan_Ramos reaches down to his rucksack and pulls out two sticks roughly half arms length and wrist width around.
  340. [18:11:01] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "You could of let us killed em off."
  341. [18:11:01] <R4_John_Hale> "He'd have whipped your Ghoul ass into shape"
  342. [18:11:10] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "This'll get us started and somebody watch for some tumble weeds."
  343. [18:11:14] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Let him try then."
  344. 06[18:11:30] * S|Dom_Martinez has been nodding along, laughing, but not saying anything. He appears to be squinting at a crudely drawn map
  345. [18:12:01] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Dom, what are you looking at?"
  346. [18:12:21] <R4_John_Hale> "Is that a Tribal Trail Map?"
  347. [18:12:28] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Yeah, I think."
  348. [18:12:33] <R4_John_Hale> "Or a coffee stain?"
  349. 06[18:12:35] * CP|Boris_Kozlov starts to laugh
  350. 06[18:12:49] * S|Dom_Martinez narrows his eyes at Boris before offering it to Hale.
  351. [18:12:52] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Take a look yourself"
  352. [18:12:53] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Tribal maps? Half of em were made thirty years ago!"
  353. 06[18:13:18] * ET|Ivan_Ramos had snuck up behind Hale with a wrench.
  354. [18:13:42] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Ivan, back the fuck off."
  355. 06[18:13:49] * CP|Boris_Kozlov raises his Ak-47.
  356. [18:13:52] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Yeah, well I bought this one off a guy from Arroyo who stopped by Shady a few weeks back. Said it was made last year... wait, what?"
  357. [18:13:56] <R4_John_Hale> "Lemme see. Steel Talons, Khans, Black Arrows. This is some Old shit. Black Arrows assimilated the Steel Talons ten year ago"
  358. [18:14:02] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Stay still and take it easy."
  359. 06[18:14:16] * R4_John_Hale spun towards Ivan, pulling his .223
  360. [18:14:27] <R4_John_Hale> "Go ahead punk, make my day"
  361. 06[18:14:32] * S|Dom_Martinez points his shotgun in the general direction of both
  362. [18:14:32] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Damn knee brace is about to pop free. So unless you want to break a leg and possibly your head holdon."
  363. [18:14:42] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "look."
  364. [18:14:50] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Guys, don't be greasing eachother. None of us can be assed to carry your shit to Reno to sell"
  365. 06[18:14:54] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pointed at the loose bolts around the knee
  366. [18:15:16] <S|Dom_Martinez> "... Wait, what the fuck?"
  367. [18:15:41] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Actually, his shit ain't worth much."
  368. [18:15:57] <R4_John_Hale> "Ivan. You head. Move it the hell away from my critch"
  369. [18:15:57] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Combat Armor's worth a bomb. I shoulda took more from those Brotherhood guys"
  370. [18:16:29] <R4_John_Hale> crotch*
  371. 06[18:16:55] * ET|Ivan_Ramos shook his head annoyedly.
  372. [18:17:08] <R4_John_Hale> "Brahmin were full. You wanna carry a bunch o combat armor, Dom?"
  373. [18:17:22] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Goggles over their don't know shit. Goggles don't know what he's doing."
  374. 06[18:17:29] * ET|Ivan_Ramos spat mockingly.
  375. 06[18:17:48] * S|Dom_Martinez shakes his head and then shrugs.
  376. [18:17:50] <R4_John_Hale> "Goggles don't even know what he had for breakfast this morning"
  377. [18:18:02] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Who the fuck is goggles?"
  378. [18:18:10] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Yes I do metalhead."
  379. [18:18:12] <R4_John_Hale> "You, son, you"
  380. [18:18:46] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "They called me goggles alot when I was a kid cuz I always wear em."
  381. 06[18:18:54] * ET|Ivan_Ramos explained rolling his eyes.
  382. 06[18:19:08] * S|Dom_Martinez 's mouth is slightly open, his brow furrowed in perplexion. Then he suddenly lets out a loud "Ohhh!" before nodding.
  383. [18:19:34] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Why don't you let him do armor repairs Hale that'd be a show."
  384. [18:19:34] <R4_John_Hale> "I correct myself, Dom doesn't even know what he had for breakfast"
  385. [18:19:46] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Don, you ain't the brightest tool in the shed, are you?"
  386. [18:20:19] <R4_John_Hale> "Done with the knees?"
  387. [18:20:28] <R4_John_Hale> "Good. You ain't half bad goggles"
  388. 06[18:20:33] * ET|Ivan_Ramos tightened the last bolt.
  389. [18:20:50] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Brahmin steak, Hale. Kiss my ass. And, uh, what's that meant to mean, Boris?"
  390. [18:20:53] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Yeah yeah shut your trap iron man."
  391. 06[18:20:57] * S|Dom_Martinez seems confused again.
  392. [18:22:01] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "It means your a dumb ass Dom. I need to hire better next time."
  393. [18:22:18] <R4_John_Hale> "If he can shoot straight, he's good for now"
  394. [18:22:24] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Hey know you get off him trader he is better armed then you and damnit he has a temper."
  395. [18:22:32] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Yeah, you just -try- findin' better, Boris"
  396. 06[18:22:37] * S|Dom_Martinez said that in a ridiculously smug tone of voice
  397. [18:22:55] <R4_John_Hale> "He found us!"
  398. 06[18:23:03] * R4_John_Hale says pointing to himself and Ivan
  399. 06[18:23:04] * ET|Ivan_Ramos burts out laughing.
  400. 06[18:23:27] * CP|Boris_Kozlov starts to chuckle slightly, before stopping.
  401. [18:23:43] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Pfft. He already hired you. You don't count."
  402. 06[18:24:06] * ET|Ivan_Ramos snaps his fingers
  403. [18:24:10] <R4_John_Hale> "Means I'm a valued asset"
  404. [18:24:13] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Get him boy!"
  405. 06[18:24:24] * ET|Ivan_Ramos laughs as Marco tackles Dom licking his face.
  406. 06[18:24:38] * CP|Boris_Kozlov laughs again.
  407. 06[18:25:03] * S|Dom_Martinez laughs as he nearly falls over, but instead squats down to a position level with the dog, allowing it to lick him for a bit before patting it roughly on the head, pushing it away quite forcefully
  408. [18:25:27] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Dog needs some of them breathmint thingies, Ramos"
  409. 06[18:25:31] * ET|Ivan_Ramos called Marco back having the dog lay down by him.
  410. 06[18:25:51] * S|Dom_Martinez ruffles the dog's fur before standing up (before Ivan called him away, of course).
  411. [18:26:16] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Well yeah they just make all kinds of hygenic sht flor dogs knowadays dont they."
  412. 06[18:26:29] * ET|Ivan_Ramos illustrated swaying his arms about.
  413. [18:26:39] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "factories everywhere."
  414. [18:26:52] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Sea to glowing god damn sea."
  415. [18:27:20] <R4_John_Hale> "Dog shows left, right and center"
  416. [18:27:28] <S|Dom_Martinez> "I was meanin' like some Pre-War shit."
  417. [18:27:54] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Mind you, some junkie's probably gone and eat them all by now thinkin' they were buffout."
  418. [18:27:58] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "In Russia, dog shows were banned. Because everyone was too busy going to dog shows then working."
  419. 03[18:28:08] * Pattrick is now known as Pat|WoW
  420. [18:28:40] <R4_John_Hale> "In Russia, everything was banned in favour of work"
  421. [18:28:58] <S|Dom_Martinez> "What the fuck is a rusha?"
  422. 06[18:29:12] * ET|Ivan_Ramos spit up the water he was drinking.
  423. [18:29:17] <R4_John_Hale> "Big, cold place, full o men who think they're tough"
  424. [18:29:25] <R4_John_Hale> "out across the sea"
  425. [18:29:31] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Got neckbeards down to their knees."
  426. [18:29:32] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "We were fucking tough!"
  427. [18:29:40] <S|Dom_Martinez> "'We'?"
  428. [18:29:49] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Pre-war."
  429. [18:29:58] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Looky here boys got ourselves a right damn commie."
  430. [18:29:59] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Ohhhh, right!"
  431. [18:30:03] <R4_John_Hale> "I never said Russians weren't tough"
  432. 06[18:30:06] * S|Dom_Martinez nods a few times over.
  433. [18:30:17] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Enclave would loooooooooooooooooooove to meet you."
  434. [18:30:33] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "They have. Want to know whats in the Brahmen bags?"
  435. [18:30:35] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Enclave? That somethin' else Pre-War?"
  436. [18:30:46] <R4_John_Hale> "Not really"
  437. [18:30:53] <S|Dom_Martinez> "'cause shit, I only bothered my ass to learn things useful. Ya know, how to shoot, rather than history?"
  438. [18:31:05] <S|Dom_Martinez> "... whatever"
  439. [18:31:13] <R4_John_Hale> "The further back you look, the further forward you can see"
  440. [18:31:18] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Na some radio bullshit I heard back down in Ari'"
  441. [18:31:32] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "You mean you didn't have the mental capacity to know anything other then "SHOOT THE PURTY THING!?"
  442. [18:32:00] <R4_John_Hale> "Maybe his dad brain damaged him"
  443. [18:32:09] <R4_John_Hale> "With that last beating"
  444. 06[18:32:24] * ET|Ivan_Ramos started belting out the national anthem. OF course seeing as he had only heard it a couple times on some enclave broadcast he didn't know half the words.
  445. [18:32:42] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "AMERICA! AMERICA!"
  446. [18:32:46] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Once again, Hale, kiss my ass. I never even knew my dad."
  447. 06[18:32:49] * R4_John_Hale winced. Born into the Brotherhood, he could sing that backwards
  448. 06[18:33:01] * S|Dom_Martinez paused as Ivan burst into song. He stares blankly at him.
  449. 06[18:33:03] * ET|Ivan_Ramos continued faking punches at Boris
  450. 06[18:33:24] * CP|Boris_Kozlov draws magnum, and shoots bullet near Ivans feet.
  451. [18:33:29] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Now stop that."
  452. 06[18:33:32] * R4_John_Hale fires in the air
  453. [18:33:36] <R4_John_Hale> "Ladies!"
  454. 06[18:33:36] * S|Dom_Martinez winces. Then bursts out laughing
  455. [18:33:41] <R4_John_Hale> "Play nice!"
  456. 06[18:33:53] * ET|Ivan_Ramos cringes at the sound of Hales shot.
  457. [18:33:57] <R4_John_Hale> "We ain't gettin to New Reno actin the prick"
  458. 06[18:33:59] * S|Dom_Martinez claps his hands a few times, shaking his head slowly.
  459. [18:34:00] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Jesus blow my damn ears"
  460. [18:34:20] <R4_John_Hale> "Better that than your head"
  461. 06[18:34:36] * ET|Ivan_Ramos shrugged but nodded .
  462. [18:34:49] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Alright I'll get us a fire started "
  463. 06[18:34:52] * R4_John_Hale puts his FN FAL over his back again
  464. [18:35:06] <R4_John_Hale> "Righteeo"
  465. 06[18:36:08] * ET|Ivan_Ramos got together the sticks and tumbleweed s he had collected flicking an old lighter trying to get it to start.
  466. 06[18:36:14] * S|Dom_Martinez pulls out his bedroll and puts it on a nearby rock before sitting on it, using it as a cushion.
  467. 06[18:36:33] * ET|Ivan_Ramos jumped as the lighter shot a flame near to his helmet before calming down.
  468. 06[18:36:41] * S|Dom_Martinez pulls out his bottle of vodka and rolls it along the ground to Ivan.
  469. [18:36:49] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Thanks."
  470. [18:36:50] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Pour summa that over it once yet get it goin'."
  471. 06[18:36:54] * CP|Boris_Kozlov grabs a blanket off the Brahmen, and lies several feet away from the beat.
  472. [18:37:15] <R4_John_Hale> "Slowly. Don't wanna put the fire out"
  473. 06[18:37:27] * ET|Ivan_Ramos starts the brush burning as he opens the vodka.
  474. 06[18:37:37] * S|Dom_Martinez claps his hands and whoops
  475. [18:37:38] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Yeah I know soldier boy."
  476. [18:37:54] <R4_John_Hale> "Just makin sure. Never can tell with locals"
  477. 06[18:38:05] * R4_John_Hale swallowed as he said that
  478. [18:38:07] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Locals?"
  479. [18:38:10] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> me freezes as he was turning the bottle.
  480. 06[18:38:22] * S|Dom_Martinez narrows his eyes at Hale.
  481. [18:38:24] <R4_John_Hale> "I'm from Utah, kid."
  482. [18:38:50] <R4_John_Hale> "Calm down. Do I look like a Brotherhood scumbag?"
  483. [18:38:55] <S|Dom_Martinez> "... They paragons of intellect over in that Utah place?"
  484. [18:39:03] <S|Dom_Martinez> "And yeah. Ya do, in that tin suit"
  485. 06[18:39:22] * S|Dom_Martinez grins slightly, his suspicions quashed
  486. 06[18:39:26] * ET|Ivan_Ramos put some vodka on the flames making them jump into the air before burning calmly.
  487. [18:39:45] <R4_John_Hale> "There's not too many smart people up there."
  488. 06[18:39:48] * ET|Ivan_Ramos threw the bottle back to Dom and lay out in the sand.
  489. [18:40:05] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "John, how the hell do you know how to wear power armour?"
  490. [18:40:11] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Man we've all spent a little time with the steel."
  491. 06[18:40:18] * S|Dom_Martinez catches it and puts it back in his bag.
  492. [18:40:22] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "whether it was cleaning their messes up.
  493. [18:40:30] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> or kissing their boots."
  494. [18:40:31] <R4_John_Hale> "Its that advanced that you don't need training. Given time, a monkey could wear this shit"
  495. [18:41:19] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I should of killed the Paliden then."
  496. [18:41:20] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I spent time doing bullshit 'community service' for pick pocketing one of them steel pricks."
  497. [18:42:41] <S|Dom_Martinez> "My ma always told me to steer clear of them guys. Always have."
  498. [18:42:58] <R4_John_Hale> "Boris, I saw you shoot at those Initiates, you'd have been dead the second you raised a gun at that Pally"
  499. 06[18:43:29] * S|Dom_Martinez retrieves a rag from his bag and spits on it before starting to polish his shotgun, which he has sitting on his lap
  500. [18:43:35] <R4_John_Hale> "Till today, Dom, you've steered clear till today""
  501. 06[18:43:44] * S|Dom_Martinez nods slightly.
  502. [18:44:02] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> You shot him while he was shifting through the bag, not that big a deal John.
  503. 03[18:44:02] * S|Dom_Martinez ( Quit ("Java user signed off" )
  504. [18:44:32] <R4_John_Hale> "Difference is, I shot him in the head. Neat as neat"
  505. [18:44:32] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Those metal pricks were swarming all over Phoenix when I was a kid."
  506. 03[18:44:50] * Solbur ( has joined #RP_Fallout
  507. 03[18:44:57] * Solbur is now known as S|Dom
  508. 03[18:45:17] * S|Dom is now known as S|Dom_Martinez
  509. [18:45:39] <R4_John_Hale> "I only ran into the Brotherhood on my way south here, in the wake of the Mutant wars
  510. [18:45:54] <R4_John_Hale> after that Vault Dweller lad scrapped the Cathedral"
  511. [18:46:11] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "How old are you John by the way? You sound like a old man telling camp fire stories."
  512. [18:46:14] <S|Dom_Martinez> "I thought that was a hundredsomethin' years ago."
  513. [18:46:21] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "It was....
  514. [18:46:27] <R4_John_Hale> "My family"
  515. [18:46:36] <R4_John_Hale> I grew up around those stories"
  516. [18:47:06] <R4_John_Hale> "It takes longer than you'd think, looking at a map"
  517. [18:47:12] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> Then why the fuck did you say you ran into the brotherhood on your way south here....Right after vault boy destroyed the cathedral.
  518. [18:47:26] <R4_John_Hale> "Words, Boris, words and nothing more"
  519. [18:47:48] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Well, the words are starting to piss me off. Tell the truth more."
  520. [18:47:55] <R4_John_Hale> And the mutant wars lasted a little longer up north than down here with you soft-bellies"
  521. [18:48:15] <R4_John_Hale> "You ever seen snow, Boris?"
  522. [18:48:23] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Fuck is that?"
  523. 06[18:48:25] * S|Dom_Martinez interjects
  524. [18:48:26] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Pre war, Russian ghoul."
  525. [18:48:29] <R4_John_Hale> It got colder up in Utah"
  526. [18:48:34] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Of course I've seen snow.
  527. [18:48:47] <R4_John_Hale> "After the bombs, we got snow in places we shouldn't"
  528. [18:48:55] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Commie how bout you shut it for a bit before I put my knife in your back while your sleeping and take my pay by force."
  529. [18:48:56] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "The real kind, and radiated shit."
  530. [18:49:16] <R4_John_Hale> Crossin the rockies, my people were running into Mutants, Ghouls, and other psychos all the time"
  531. [18:49:27] <R4_John_Hale> "All in the snow"
  532. [18:49:29] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Hey, hey, Ramos, man, what's with the murderin' routine?"
  533. [18:49:44] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Rockies area bitch to cross. I only do it in the summer, less chance of snow. Still does though."
  534. [18:49:55] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Cause I don't give a fuck if he makes it to New Reno or not as long as I get my pay."
  535. [18:49:55] <R4_John_Hale> "I was born on a January morning, in the middle of a battle"
  536. [18:50:20] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Ramos, stop acting tough. I want to here what Hale has got to say."
  537. [18:50:24] <R4_John_Hale> "For you all, the first thing you killed was probably a Mole Rat, or a rabid dog"
  538. 06[18:50:31] * S|Dom_Martinez frowns at Ivan Ramos, ironically not accustomed to such a "mercenary" attitude.
  539. [18:50:32] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What faction you born into Hale?"
  540. [18:50:40] <R4_John_Hale> "Me, I killed another human being"
  541. [18:50:47] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Hey, uh, mine was a Radscorp!"
  542. [18:50:58] <R4_John_Hale> "Black Iron Tribals"
  543. [18:51:02] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I was in the russian army. I killed a terrorist for my first time."
  544. [18:51:18] <R4_John_Hale> "With your bare hands and a puddle?"
  545. 06[18:51:18] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulled out his pistol.
  546. [18:51:26] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Nailed it right between the eyes with ma dad's old Winchester. If Radscorps have eyes, uh."
  547. [18:51:28] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Your bare fucking hands?"
  548. 06[18:51:46] * S|Dom_Martinez stares off into the distance, smiling vaguely at the memories
  549. [18:51:46] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Remind me not to fuck with you."
  550. [18:51:53] <R4_John_Hale> Yeah, I was twelve, he was fourteen. Strangled him"
  551. [18:51:55] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "First thing I shot I was seven years old and my dad always told me if he was gone and something happend to shoot 'em."
  552. [18:51:58] <R4_John_Hale> "I was a big kid"
  553. [18:52:24] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Guess he didn't plan on 'gone' meaning dead."
  554. [18:52:50] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Getting late. Who wants to take first watch?"
  555. [18:52:59] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I will."
  556. [18:53:05] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Fuck that.
  557. [18:53:09] <R4_John_Hale> "I'll follow up"
  558. [18:53:18] <S|Dom_Martinez> "I-- uh, right."
  559. 06[18:53:27] * ET|Ivan_Ramos got up and climbed up the rocks his dog following him nimbly."
  560. [18:53:27] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "You with all your big damn talk of killing me in my sleep Ivan."
  561. [18:53:34] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Why don't Aaron take first watch?"
  562. 06[18:53:43] * S|Dom_Martinez grins slightly as he nudges the sleeping guard with his foot
  563. [18:53:47] <R4_John_Hale> "Because Ivan already did"
  564. 06[18:53:59] * CP|Boris_Kozlov grumbles something.
  565. [18:54:11] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Make sure Ivan doesn't kill me."
  566. [18:54:29] <R4_John_Hale> "Will do if I'm not asleep"
  567. 06[18:54:35] * CP|Boris_Kozlov lies down next to the blanket.
  568. 06[18:54:42] * R4_John_Hale grunted as he unrolled his bedroll and lay down
  569. 06[18:54:50] * ET|Ivan_Ramos grabbed his binoculars ignoring the comments below as he lit another cigarette.
  570. 06[18:54:57] * S|Dom_Martinez rolls out his own bedroll across the sand and settles into it
  571. 06[18:55:33] * R4_John_Hale slid his gun under his pillow, a hand on it as he drew his Bolo Machete and held it close
  572. 06[18:56:11] * ET|Ivan_Ramos flicked the ashes towards the fire as he looked down at them all.
  573. 06[18:56:12] * S|Dom_Martinez has his shotgun lying next to him, the muzzle rather close to the back of his head. He doesn't seem to notice
  574. 06[18:56:21] * CP|Boris_Kozlov picks up the bed roll, and moves it behind the Brahmen.
  575. 06[18:56:43] * CP|Boris_Kozlov goes back to bed, with his .44 under his blanket.
  576. [18:56:52] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "You want me to light the lamp on the Brahmen?"
  577. 06[18:57:03] * ET|Ivan_Ramos shook his head
  578. [18:57:10] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What ever."
  579. [18:57:10] <R4_John_Hale> "You afraid of the dark, Boris?"
  580. [18:57:14] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I can see everything fine."
  581. 06[18:57:20] * CP|Boris_Kozlov started to laugh.
  582. [18:57:24] <S|Dom_Martinez> I can't see shit
  583. 06[18:57:29] * S|Dom_Martinez has his eyes closed
  584. 06[18:57:41] * ET|Ivan_Ramos resists the urge to hit dom.
  585. [18:57:53] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Nah, I'm over a hundred years old. Been in dark dank caves more times then I can count.
  586. 06[18:58:02] * CP|Boris_Kozlov closes eyes, nodding off.
  587. [18:58:07] <R4_John_Hale> "Dom, try openin yer eyes if you wanna see"
  588. 06[18:58:31] * ET|Ivan_Ramos looks through his binoculars and nearly drops them.
  589. [18:58:37] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Shit!"
  590. 06[18:58:46] * ET|Ivan_Ramos whispered picking up his rifle.
  591. 06[18:58:51] * S|Dom_Martinez reaches his arm out and flips off Hale's general direction. Apparently, he was joking. He shuffles in his bedroll, attempting to get comfy
  592. 06[18:58:51] * CP|Boris_Kozlov gets up.
  593. [18:58:56] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What Ivan?"
  594. [18:59:08] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Shhhhh, Douse that fire."
  595. 06[18:59:12] * S|Dom_Martinez doesn't notice Ivan over the sound of his own shuffling. However, when Boris speaks up, he opens his eyes and sits.
  596. 06[18:59:21] * CP|Boris_Kozlov grabs some beer, and douses the fire.
  597. 06[18:59:45] * CP|Boris_Kozlov slowly crawls up the hill, going to where Ivan is.
  598. [19:00:01] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Get down you dumb shit."
  599. 06[19:00:10] * ET|Ivan_Ramos spat urgently,
  600. 06[19:00:32] * R4_John_Hale rolled over, holstering his pistol and sheathing his Bolo
  601. [19:00:52] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> /OOC/ He was crawling up the hill lol
  602. 06[19:01:08] * R4_John_Hale then drew his FN FAL and put on his T-51b Helmet, scanning the area through its night-vision lenses
  603. 06[19:01:09] * S|Dom_Martinez gets to his feet slowly, cocking his shotgun. He stretches on the spot for a moment before putting the sling of aforementioned weapon over his shoulder.
  604. 06[19:01:43] * S|Dom_Martinez cautiously climbs up the hill after Boris and Ivan, staying a few feet behind them and generally keeping down
  605. 06[19:02:00] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulled the trigger the loud crack of the rifle drowned out by an earsplitting screech.
  606. 06[19:02:06] * ET|Ivan_Ramos covered his ears.
  607. [19:02:22] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Sounds like a deathclaw or something!"
  608. [19:02:35] <R4_John_Hale> "Fuck!"
  609. 06[19:02:47] * S|Dom_Martinez blinks. Then he takes a deep breath, holding his shotgun tightly.
  610. 06[19:02:54] * ET|Ivan_Ramos looked through the scope again and same as before all he could see was a three humped silouhette.
  611. 06[19:03:01] * R4_John_Hale scrambled up the rocks, watching where the others were firing from
  612. 06[19:03:13] * ET|Ivan_Ramos handed his binoculars to Hale
  613. [19:03:13] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Fucking Christ. Who's the best shot in the camp?"
  614. [19:03:24] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "at a range. Me."
  615. 06[19:03:26] * S|Dom_Martinez tries not to hyperventilate. He stands up and thumps his chest a few times.
  616. 06[19:03:40] * CP|Boris_Kozlov crouches, and starts dashing to the Brahmen.
  617. [19:03:42] <R4_John_Hale> "Wrong, Ivan"
  618. [19:03:42] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Oh... oh, fuck, fuck, fuuuuhuhuhuuuuuck"
  619. 06[19:03:44] * S|Dom_Martinez whispers
  620. 06[19:03:48] * CP|Boris_Kozlov grabs a sniper rifle and three bullets.
  621. 06[19:04:03] * CP|Boris_Kozlov runs back up the hill, tossing the sniper rifle to John.
  622. 06[19:04:07] * ET|Ivan_Ramos cringed as another screech pierced the night
  623. [19:04:08] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Shoot."
  624. [19:04:30] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Damnit it saw you you dumb ghoul. What is your problem you got brain rot?"
  625. [19:04:44] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Fuck you Ivan. Kill it Hale!"
  626. 06[19:04:53] * R4_John_Hale lay down and took a deep breath. Aiming for the onrushing Deathclaw's eye, he compensated for the drop and the crosswind
  627. 06[19:05:16] * ET|Ivan_Ramos fired again hitting in the chest causing it to stop.
  628. 06[19:05:17] * S|Dom_Martinez stands up and aims his shotgun at the Deathclaw, muttering "come on, come on" over and over again
  629. [19:05:21] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "fire!"
  630. 06[19:05:23] * R4_John_Hale 's rifle cracked. There was a sick howl and then nothing as the Deathclaw's skull burst
  631. [19:05:44] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Good one Hale!
  632. [19:05:47] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Nice shot. Should we cut off the hands?"
  633. 06[19:05:50] * S|Dom_Martinez squints in the Deathclaw's direction, seeing it's stopped moving
  634. [19:05:54] <S|Dom_Martinez> "It's dead... right?"
  635. 06[19:05:56] * ET|Ivan_Ramos reloaded his rifle."
  636. [19:06:00] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "wait till morning.
  637. [19:06:05] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "It lost it's head Dom. ITS FUCKING DEAD."
  638. [19:06:09] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "It aint safe to go out and get it now."
  639. [19:06:26] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Fuck you, I can't see shit in this light at that distance."
  640. [19:06:29] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "What ever. Switch watches, and go to sleep.
  641. [19:06:40] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Just keep all the lights out. We are down wind of them."
  642. 06[19:07:14] * S|Dom_Martinez nods and makes his way back down the hill.
  643. 06[19:07:15] * ET|Ivan_Ramos resisted the urge to kick the ghoul down the rocks. He decided against it and jumped down laying near his dog.
  644. 06[19:08:04] * S|Dom_Martinez slips back into his bedroll with one hand on the pump of his shotgun
  645. 06[19:08:37] * R4_John_Hale wandered back down the hill, tossing the rifle back at Boris. The Ghoul caught it surprisingly quickly
  646. [19:08:46] <R4_John_Hale> "Nice catch stubbs"
  647. [19:09:04] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Stop with the fucking nicknames already. And thanks."
  648. 06[19:09:15] * CP|Boris_Kozlov packs the Sniper Rifle back into the Brahmen bags.
  649. 06[19:09:20] * S|Dom_Martinez breathes heavily as he tries to get to sleep. It doesn't work.
  650. 06[19:09:29] * CP|Boris_Kozlov gets into bed.
  651. 06[19:09:51] * R4_John_Hale drops and starts doing some sit-ups, then push-ups
  652. [19:10:06] <R4_John_Hale> "What? I need to burn off some adrenaline."
  653. 06[19:10:15] * ET|Ivan_Ramos moved his goggles up onto his and quietly took off his boots.
  654. [19:10:24] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "shutup nobody asked "
  655. 06[19:10:27] * ET|Ivan_Ramos whispered.
  656. [19:12:04] <R4_John_Hale> "Pre-empting the inevitable, Ivan"
  657. 06[19:13:59] * ET|Ivan_Ramos laughed quietly as he lit another cigarette the glow temporarily illuminating his face before fading back to darkness.
  658. [19:15:03] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> SKIP TO NEXT MORNING
  659. 06[19:15:07] * R4_John_Hale moved around the camp, shaking the others awake
  660. 06[19:15:11] * S|Dom_Martinez finally manages to doze off, sleeping uncomfortably and fitfully. His watch was rather sub-par as well.
  661. 06[19:15:20] * CP|Boris_Kozlov gets up after John awakes him.
  662. [19:15:29] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "When did the sun rise?"
  663. 06[19:15:30] * ET|Ivan_Ramos fixed his helmet which hale had pushed down over his eyes.
  664. [19:15:34] <R4_John_Hale> "Rise and shine ladies. New dawn, new day. More money"
  665. [19:16:00] <R4_John_Hale> "Its been on the up for maybe ten, fifteen minutes now"
  666. 06[19:16:05] * S|Dom_Martinez snaps awake as John nudges him. He looks around, half-expecting another Deathclaw to be looming over him. The first thing he sees isn't much better.
  667. [19:16:17] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Shit, Hale!"
  668. 06[19:16:19] * CP|Boris_Kozlov taps the back of the Brahmen
  669. 06[19:16:34] * CP|Boris_Kozlov tosses some food to everyone.
  670. [19:16:54] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Anyone need anything before we start off?"
  671. 06[19:17:01] * R4_John_Hale catches his Molerat meat in the air and starts chewing on it
  672. 06[19:17:01] * ET|Ivan_Ramos puts his goggles back down and takes his jacket off tieing it back around his waste and accepting the food.
  673. [19:17:32] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Dom! You want anything?"
  674. [19:17:56] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Coffee and a foot rub"
  675. [19:18:07] <S|Dom_Martinez> "... no, seriously. Some food'd be nice."
  676. [19:18:10] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Yeah, fuck you. Let's go."
  677. [19:18:14] <R4_John_Hale> "I can break your foot"
  678. [19:18:21] <S|Dom_Martinez> "I'll pass."
  679. 06[19:18:21] * CP|Boris_Kozlov tosses mole rat meat to Dom
  680. 06[19:18:57] * S|Dom_Martinez catches it and bites into it, letting it hang out of his mouth as he rolls up his bedding and straps it to the top of his bag, before slinging that and his shotgun over his shoulder.
  681. 06[19:19:09] * S|Dom_Martinez then gets up and starts eating the meat.
  682. 06[19:19:11] * CP|Boris_Kozlov starts the journey.
  683. [19:19:36] <R4_John_Hale> "Fingers crossed we don't meat any more Can Openers"
  684. 06[19:19:48] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pushed the hyperactive canine out of his face and got up following them.
  685. [19:19:52] <R4_John_Hale> "Death Claws, Dom"
  686. [19:20:03] <S|Dom_Martinez> "... gotcha"
  687. 06[19:20:09] * ET|Ivan_Ramos laughed
  688. [19:20:18] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "pre-empting the inevitable...."
  689. [19:20:42] <R4_John_Hale> "Is the only sure way to avoid violence"
  690. [19:20:59] <R4_John_Hale> "Provided you pre-empt the violence with a healthy dose of death"
  691. 06[19:22:12] * ET|Ivan_Ramos thought then nodded in agreement.
  692. [19:22:13] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Anyone got a machete, or sharp object I can borrow?
  693. 06[19:22:23] * S|Dom_Martinez offers Boris his machete.
  694. [19:22:43] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Take care of her. That thing's my grandaddy's. Or his grandaddy's, I dunno"
  695. 06[19:22:45] * CP|Boris_Kozlov grabs it, and runs off to the Death claw. Cutting off its hands.
  696. 06[19:23:05] * CP|Boris_Kozlov walks back, giving the machete back to Dom.
  697. [19:23:18] <R4_John_Hale> "Charming. You took his hands."
  698. [19:23:32] <R4_John_Hale> "Right after we finished eating"
  699. [19:23:37] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "It was a she."
  700. [19:23:39] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Is that what you rushans do to every person you kill?"
  701. 06[19:23:43] * S|Dom_Martinez smirks
  702. [19:23:56] <R4_John_Hale> "Only the women"
  703. 06[19:23:57] * ET|Ivan_Ramos ripped a pair of fangs out putting them in his mouth making him look like a sabertooth
  704. [19:24:01] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Rawr"
  705. 06[19:24:15] * ET|Ivan_Ramos said clawing at Dom.
  706. [19:24:19] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Only giant fucking monsters comrade"
  707. 06[19:24:28] * S|Dom_Martinez laughs at Hale's comment. Then laugh's more at Ramos' foolery, batting his hands away with his own
  708. [19:25:09] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Knock it off, man. Hey, you think we should take its horns and teeth? I hear they're pretty damn sharp"
  709. [19:25:48] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "If you want. Most people just like claws though. Put em on that machete, and you got a deadlier weapon right their."
  710. [19:25:58] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Sharp but relatively usless unless you have something that burns extremely hot to even get them close to cuttable."
  711. [19:26:00] <R4_John_Hale> "Bones are worth some money too, if you got the stomach to cut open a twelve-foot tall motherfucking lizard"
  712. [19:26:13] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I do."
  713. [19:26:29] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Go for it then."
  714. [19:26:35] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Gimme a couple minutes. You ladies may wanna stay back."
  715. 06[19:27:15] * CP|Boris_Kozlov points to giant "SHOOT ME" sign on Ivans back.
  716. 06[19:27:21] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulled out his Trench knife, jamming it through the tough hide of the monstrous creature.
  717. [19:27:40] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Do it and I will kill you before I die mini frankenstein."
  718. [19:27:51] <R4_John_Hale> "Steer clear of the groin and armpits. Scent glands'll have any Males within half a mile of here haring off after you"
  719. [19:28:28] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "It seems you have cut open female death claws before John. Care to explain?"
  720. 06[19:28:29] * ET|Ivan_Ramos cuts right down to the hip line , stomach contents and organs spilling onto the sand.
  721. [19:28:47] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "JACKPOT!"
  722. [19:28:57] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "We could cut out all the organs and bones, and stuff it in New Reno.
  723. [19:29:05] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> Sell it to a mobster, you know?
  724. 06[19:29:13] * ET|Ivan_Ramos throws a bloody laser pistol back over his head to Hale.
  725. [19:29:18] <R4_John_Hale> "Lad, when you've travelled as much as I have in your life, you learn to field dress pretty much anything"
  726. [19:29:22] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Check what she swallowed.
  727. [19:30:07] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "That ain't worth shit. Deathclaw blood ruined the thing, and it smells worse then you Ivan.
  728. 06[19:30:15] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulls out a couple silver colored metal plates.
  729. 06[19:30:20] * S|Dom_Martinez approaches, taking a look. Then cringes.
  730. [19:30:21] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "What the hell."
  731. [19:30:25] <R4_John_Hale> "See if you can get the scent glands cut out without piercing them. They're worth a damn fortune"
  732. [19:30:45] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Hale come over here.
  733. [19:30:47] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "My father was a butcher. I could help you guys out in that department."
  734. [19:30:47] <R4_John_Hale> "Wait, what? Combat armor?"
  735. [19:30:48] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Just you."
  736. [19:30:59] <R4_John_Hale> "What?"
  737. 06[19:31:02] * R4_John_Hale whispered
  738. [19:31:37] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Talking about cute boys, eh Hale!"
  739. 06[19:31:44] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulled another plate of metal out. It resembled a gas mask in a way. Thinner though, with slanted eyes.
  740. 06[19:31:56] * CP|Boris_Kozlov glares at it.
  741. 06[19:32:02] * CP|Boris_Kozlov goes to Brahmen.
  742. [19:32:03] <R4_John_Hale> "Boris, shut up now"
  743. 06[19:32:07] * S|Dom_Martinez scratches his head
  744. [19:32:07] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Is this what I think it is."
  745. 06[19:32:14] * CP|Boris_Kozlov starts fishing through the bags.
  746. 06[19:32:19] * S|Dom_Martinez then remembers something and puts on his helmet
  747. 06[19:32:21] * ET|Ivan_Ramos whispers looking at Hale.
  748. [19:32:25] <R4_John_Hale> "I hope to god not"
  749. [19:32:40] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "One way to find out."
  750. [19:32:42] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Am I... missing out on something, here?"
  751. [19:32:44] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> Takes out helmet resembling the gas mask.
  752. [19:33:02] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ that was supposed to be a /me post
  753. [19:33:24] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Fuck, you know what this means?"
  754. [19:33:24] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Is there money in freaky helmets these days?"
  755. 06[19:33:32] * S|Dom_Martinez seems oblivious
  756. [19:33:44] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "For these kind."
  757. 06[19:34:01] * [C4] jumps in, tap dances wildy on Boris, then leaves the room
  758. [19:34:02] <R4_John_Hale> "Boris, bury that now. Bury that shit right now"
  759. [19:34:05] <[C4]> *TA-DA*
  760. [19:34:08] <[C4]> >.>
  761. 06[19:34:41] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulled another plate out. Larger and rounded about shoulder sized. He wiped the blood and bile off of it.
  762. [19:34:48] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Well god damn."
  763. [19:34:52] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I assume you know what was in the bags then Hale?"
  764. 06[19:35:06] * ET|Ivan_Ramos held it up in the sun. It was emblazoned with an E surounded by stars.
  765. [19:35:08] <R4_John_Hale> "Damn right, Boris"
  766. [19:35:26] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Why do you think I was so scared of those Brother hood soldiers?"
  767. 06[19:35:29] * R4_John_Hale pulled his .223
  768. [19:35:46] <S|Dom_Martinez> "So they been chewing on Pallies. What's all this mean?"
  769. 06[19:35:57] * S|Dom_Martinez puts his hands on his hips. Both near his pistol and machete.
  770. [19:35:58] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Woah their Hale, what's that for?"
  771. [19:36:00] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Not Pallies."
  772. [19:36:09] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Not even close."
  773. [19:36:10] <R4_John_Hale> "Not pallies at all"
  774. [19:36:21] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Then what? Robots?"
  775. [19:36:36] <R4_John_Hale> "Boris, wanna say where you got those tin suits?"
  776. 06[19:37:29] * ET|Ivan_Ramos reached in again pulling out part of a chest plate. He threw it in his bag then froze.
  777. [19:37:37] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Merchants. And other Mercs, deserted me. Found em dead around those suits, stole the suits. I assume you and me both know who those soldiers were."
  778. [19:37:45] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Hold it."
  779. [19:37:52] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Do you guys here that."
  780. [19:37:59] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Fucking christ."
  781. 06[19:38:08] * CP|Boris_Kozlov takes out .44 magnum.
  782. [19:38:10] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "America america god shine his grace on thee....."
  783. [19:38:14] <R4_John_Hale> "Oh fuckin hell"
  784. 06[19:38:25] * ET|Ivan_Ramos whispered along with the growing music.
  785. [19:38:28] <S|Dom_Martinez> "What the hell? Guys, I don't..."
  786. [19:38:30] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "We can't win against that."
  787. 06[19:38:32] * S|Dom_Martinez pauses as he hears music
  788. [19:38:50] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I suggest we run...."
  789. [19:38:53] <R4_John_Hale> "Strength in steel"
  790. 06[19:38:57] * R4_John_Hale whispered
  791. [19:39:00] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "It's just an eyebot."
  792. [19:39:07] <S|Dom_Martinez> "A -what-?"
  793. [19:39:08] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I really suggest we run."
  794. 06[19:39:19] * R4_John_Hale shot twice, dropping the eyebot
  795. [19:39:22] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I EXTREMELY suggest we run."
  796. [19:39:41] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Damnit Hale. They have made some changes to these things lately."
  797. 06[19:39:45] * S|Dom_Martinez flinches as the robot explodes, then and there
  798. 06[19:39:55] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulled a pill sized piece of metal from the pieces.
  799. 06[19:40:03] * ET|Ivan_Ramos shows him the flashing red light.
  800. 06[19:40:18] * CP|Boris_Kozlov backs up, spanking the back of the Brahmen, and started to run along with it.
  801. [19:40:23] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Broadcasting live from the wasteland."
  802. [19:40:40] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Distress beacon 001F4."
  803. 06[19:40:48] * ET|Ivan_Ramos read the number on the bottom.
  804. [19:40:55] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Start running dumb shits!"
  805. [19:41:06] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "We won't get far."
  806. [19:41:19] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "JUST START RUNNING!"
  807. 06[19:41:31] * S|Dom_Martinez looks at Boris making his escape and starts off after him, ignoring whatever Ivan and Hale are up to
  808. [19:41:36] <S|Dom_Martinez> "You're the one with the money!"
  809. 06[19:41:40] * R4_John_Hale sprinted, as fast as the T-51b would go
  810. [19:41:56] <R4_John_Hale> "Ivan, lets go!"
  811. 06[19:41:57] * ET|Ivan_Ramos ran after them crushing the device and dropping it.
  812. 06[19:41:57] * CP|Boris_Kozlov glanced back at Ivan, still standing there,
  813. [19:42:02] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "On my way."
  814. 06[19:42:54] * ET|Ivan_Ramos could already imagine the sound of metal fins slicing through the air. The loud whirring of the vertibirds that dropped firebombs on Phoenix.
  815. [19:43:07] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "The vertibird could probably hear that Ivan!
  816. [19:43:18] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Well, SEE that signal!"
  817. [19:44:08] <S|Dom_Martinez> "What the hell is that noise?"
  818. 03[19:44:11] * Jargner ( has joined #RP_Fallout
  819. 06[19:44:17] * S|Dom_Martinez looks around
  820. [19:44:27] <R4_John_Hale> "You don't wanna know, Dom!"
  821. [19:44:29] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Up Dom! LOOK UP!"
  822. 06[19:44:56] * S|Dom_Martinez obliges. He squints up, struggling to make out the vague black shapes through the morning sun
  823. 06[19:44:59] * CP|Boris_Kozlov continued running, as fast as his ghoul body would allow.
  824. [19:45:18] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Birds don't make that much noise, man! What the fuck is going on?!"
  825. [19:45:37] <R4_John_Hale> "You've never heard an Rocky Howler Eagle, then!"
  826. 06[19:45:37] * S|Dom_Martinez breaks off into a sprint of his own, but near Hale, rather than Boris
  827. [19:45:42] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Helicopters! Flying machines!"
  828. [19:45:51] <R4_John_Hale> "VTOL"
  829. [19:45:51] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Vertibirds........."
  830. [19:45:59] <R4_John_Hale> "VB-02"
  831. [19:46:08] <R4_John_Hale> "Support bombers"
  832. [19:46:21] <S|Dom_Martinez> "... I'm not sure what you're trying to spell out, Hale, but it ain't making sense. And what's a... aww, fuck it"
  833. [19:46:22] <R4_John_Hale> "Or troop transports"
  834. 06[19:46:27] * S|Dom_Martinez just shuts up and runs
  835. [19:46:32] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Why the fuck are they sending bombers? Why not the recon copters!"
  836. [19:46:43] <R4_John_Hale> "These are not bombers"
  837. [19:46:52] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "It's a heavier one."
  838. [19:46:57] <S|Dom_Martinez> "I didn't sign up for none of this shit!"
  839. [19:47:00] <R4_John_Hale> "Or troop transports"
  840. [19:47:01] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I saw it's starboard light last night."
  841. [19:47:03] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Yes you did!
  842. [19:47:08] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Then I saw the deathclaw."
  843. [19:47:25] <R4_John_Hale> "And decided not to tell the man in the tin suit that can see in the dark then?"
  844. [19:47:32] <S|Dom_Martinez> "At no point did you say that I'd be fightin' no giant humming birds!"
  845. [19:47:34] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Contract stated that you protected me under all forms of murderers, theives, and dipshits!
  846. [19:47:50] <R4_John_Hale> "These guys are military"
  847. [19:47:53] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I couldn't tell if it was just my binoculars or if it was the real deal."
  848. [19:47:58] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Military? Like the NCR?"
  849. [19:48:02] <R4_John_Hale> "Like the Brotherhood, but with better tech"
  850. [19:48:08] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> Their Enclave!
  851. [19:48:16] <S|Dom_Martinez> "... Right, right. What the fuck is an On-clave?"
  852. [19:48:26] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Shut the fuck up and run already!"
  853. [19:48:32] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "You're about to find out."
  854. [19:48:35] <S|Dom_Martinez> That's what I'm doing!
  855. [19:48:46] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> me said as he felt the aire rush over and past him nearly knocking him down.
  856. 06[19:49:27] * R4_John_Hale was the only one left standing in the backdraft of the speeding VTOL
  857. 06[19:49:29] * CP|Boris_Kozlov ran next to the bhrahmin and started findeling through it's pockets, and found a pulse grenade.
  858. 06[19:49:30] * S|Dom_Martinez falls forwards, caught completely off-guard by the gust. He cushions his impact by landing on his wrists and quickly gets back up
  859. 06[19:49:47] * CP|Boris_Kozlov before falling down
  860. [19:49:51] <R4_John_Hale> "Won't work Boris"
  861. [19:49:52] <S|Dom_Martinez> "They got pretty mean wings!"
  862. 06[19:49:56] * ET|Ivan_Ramos looked up from the ground as the mechanical tank landed in front of him.
  863. 06[19:50:04] * CP|Boris_Kozlov rolls toward Hale.
  864. [19:50:14] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Wait till it opens! Then throw it in!"
  865. [19:50:25] <R4_John_Hale> "Won't fuckin work"
  866. [19:50:39] <R4_John_Hale> "I've fought them, you haven't, you fucking degenerate!"
  867. 06[19:50:42] * S|Dom_Martinez just holds his shotgun tightly, mumbling a prayer.
  868. [19:50:45] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "It'll kill the guys inside! That's all that matters!"
  869. 06[19:50:47] * ET|Ivan_Ramos 's head drops back to the ground as the first trooper jumps out the boot landing on his arm.
  870. [19:50:56] <R4_John_Hale> "Its a Pulse Grenade!"
  871. [19:51:03] <R4_John_Hale> They're not Terminals!"
  872. 06[19:51:12] * CP|Boris_Kozlov realized his stupidity.
  873. [19:51:17] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "All of you drop your weapons!"
  874. 06[19:51:26] * CP|Boris_Kozlov complied.
  875. [19:51:29] <S|Dom_Martinez> "SWEET MARY, MOTHER OF GOD!"
  876. 06[19:51:34] * S|Dom_Martinez literally throws his weapon to his feet
  877. 03[19:51:50] * ET|Ivan_Ramos is now known as EnclaveTroop
  878. 06[19:51:50] * CP|Boris_Kozlov still has .44 on him.
  879. 06[19:52:16] * EnclaveTroop kiicks the rifle away from Ivan pointing the rifle at the back of his head.
  880. [19:52:30] <EnclaveTroop> "Restrain the rest of 'em."
  881. 06[19:52:32] * R4_John_Hale dropped his weapons, he was going to have to rely on the stuff they taught him in the Brotherhood
  882. 06[19:53:18] * EnclaveTroop walked up to john
  883. [19:53:28] <EnclaveTroop> "well if it aint a brother of steel."
  884. 06[19:53:43] * S|Dom_Martinez stares forwards in horror as another soldier makes his way towards him. The soldier pauses to look over at John.
  885. 03[19:53:44] * Pat|WoW is now known as Pattrick
  886. [19:53:45] <R4_John_Hale> "So they do still have my file"
  887. 06[19:54:02] * EnclaveTroop pats him on the cheek.
  888. [19:54:11] <R4_John_Hale> "Hey, fell, reckon the Brotherhood still have my picture up in Lost hills?
  889. 06[19:54:14] * CP|Boris_Kozlov finds grenade in pocket on back of combat armour. Should of tossed it to hale.
  890. [19:54:16] <EnclaveTroop> "Oh we'd never forget about you. We even brought you a present."
  891. 03[19:54:49] * Jargner ( Quit (Excess Flood )
  892. [19:54:56] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ Hale is wearing Power Armour. How do they know that he's who he say's he is?
  893. 03[19:55:10] * Jargner ( has joined #RP_Fallout
  894. 06[19:55:12] * EnclaveTroop turned slightly as more troopers brought a couple dead brotherhood of steel over. They dropped the bodies at John's feet."
  895. [19:55:13] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ Isnt he helmetless?
  896. [19:55:22] <R4_John_Hale> /OOC/ Yes
  897. 06[19:55:55] * EnclaveTroop smiled at the bodies.
  898. [19:56:10] <R4_John_Hale> "Boys from Shady Sands? Ones I helped kill yesterday?"
  899. 06[19:56:11] * CP|Boris_Kozlov grips grenade in his pocket,
  900. [19:56:35] <EnclaveTroop> "Rounded a couple of your old friends up to. They strayed a little too far from Lost Hills. Our snipers picked em off."
  901. 06[19:56:39] * S|Dom_Martinez shifts into goldfish mode, his mouth moving but nothing but air escaping it
  902. 06[19:56:46] * CP|Boris_Kozlov looks at vertibird. Close enough to injure everyone but him, if he dove the Brahmin would take much of the explosion.
  903. [19:57:00] <R4_John_Hale> "You missed the part where the Brotherhood booted me out naked unto the desert to die"
  904. [19:57:33] <R4_John_Hale> "That was after I wasted more of your boys than you and me have fingers and toes between us"
  905. [19:57:46] <EnclaveTroop> "That's what they do when you don't follow orders John. But when they booted me The Enclave was all too happy to learn what I knew
  906. [19:58:13] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ How many Enclave are their?
  907. 06[19:58:13] * S|Dom_Martinez suddenly grasps the situation and tries to back away. The Enclave soldier nearest to him spots this, and Dom freezes. Freezes in the spot so the trooper can club him over the head with the butt of his M72, sending him crashing to the floor
  908. 06[19:58:20] * EnclaveTroop took off his helmet the air tight helmet hissing as it was removed.
  909. [19:58:27] <EnclaveTroop> OOC/ bout 8
  910. [19:58:34] <EnclaveTroop> OOC/ counting the pilots
  911. [19:58:45] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/ So the Grenade couldn't bring them all down
  912. [19:58:48] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ Fuck.
  913. [19:58:53] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> the vertibird would.
  914. [19:59:11] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/ is it an anti-tank grenade?
  915. 06[19:59:13] * S|Dom_Martinez does nothing but groan in pain as the soldier kneels down, securing Dom's wrists in a set of flexicuffs and leaving him on the ground, standing between him and the bird.
  916. [19:59:23] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/Yes actually. :)
  917. [19:59:27] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ Birds are flimsy as fuck in Fallout 3 >_>
  918. [19:59:34] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/ Godmod
  919. [19:59:51] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/only to heavy weapons
  920. [20:00:00] <EnclaveTroop> "Don't you remember me John? I used to be in your squad one of the initiates."
  921. [20:00:18] <EnclaveTroop> "but you had to go and fuck the whole squad over because you couldn't just follow orders."
  922. [20:00:47] <R4_John_Hale> "Oh yeah! The guy who didn't want to execute those Enclave officers up north!"
  923. [20:01:00] <R4_John_Hale> "I should have shot you too"
  924. [20:01:34] <R4_John_Hale> "You little turncoat rat"
  925. [20:01:36] <EnclaveTroop> "Your mistake Paladin Hale. Your mistake."
  926. 06[20:01:56] * S|Dom_Martinez vaguely makes out what's going on around him
  927. [20:02:10] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/Presuming that we're all standing a good distance away from the vertibird (out of explosive range, and Boris and Hale could take the debree) leaving two enclave survivors?
  928. [20:02:32] <EnclaveTroop> "But know it's me who is giving the orders but you don't get a choice this time."
  929. [20:03:05] <R4_John_Hale> "Who said I'd listen to you?"
  930. [20:03:24] <EnclaveTroop> "Like I said."
  931. [20:03:30] <EnclaveTroop> "You don't get the choice.
  932. [20:03:30] <R4_John_Hale> "If you hadn't narked, I'd have a parade"
  933. 06[20:04:12] * EnclaveTroop walked around back of John and pulled out cuffs.
  934. [20:04:17] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/So, can I throw the grenade?
  935. [20:04:22] <EnclaveTroop> "Let's just get this over with."
  936. [20:04:25] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ Go for it.
  937. 06[20:04:46] * R4_John_Hale stepped back, slamming his elbow into Enclaver's helmetless head
  938. 06[20:04:57] * CP|Boris_Kozlov Boris looked at the vertibird, open hatch and all. He threw the grenade, it already cooked.
  939. [20:04:59] <R4_John_Hale> "THROW BORIS THROW!"
  940. 06[20:05:15] * EnclaveTroop stumbled then collapsed to the ground.
  941. 06[20:05:19] * S|Dom_Martinez rolls to the side, away from the vertibird
  942. 06[20:05:22] * CP|Boris_Kozlov and watched, as it exploded into a good hundred peices, as Boris doved behind the Brahmen.
  943. 03[20:05:43] * EnclaveTroop is now known as ET|Ivan_Ramos
  944. 06[20:05:51] * CP|Boris_Kozlov slowly getting up.
  945. 06[20:05:55] * S|Dom_Martinez just avoids the Enclave soldier who restrained him falling, who took the brunt of the blast and died as a piece of shrapnel passed through his eyepiece.
  946. [20:05:57] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "You all ok?"
  947. 06[20:06:05] * R4_John_Hale hooked his foot under his .223 Pistol and kicked it into the air, catching it at shoulder height and pointing it at Enclaver
  948. 06[20:06:06] * S|Dom_Martinez struggles to his feet.
  949. 06[20:06:07] * ET|Ivan_Ramos woke to an explosion feeling himself tumbling through the air.
  950. 06[20:06:28] * CP|Boris_Kozlov checks Brahmen for damage, and notices two peices of shrapnel lodged into it's skin. Not too deep, they would fix her up in Reno.
  951. 06[20:06:36] * ET|Ivan_Ramos hit the sand skidding to a stop
  952. [20:06:47] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "We all Ok?"
  953. 06[20:06:59] * R4_John_Hale pulled the trigger three times, two to the Enclave Trooper's chest, and one between his eyes
  954. [20:07:10] <R4_John_Hale> "We are now."
  955. 06[20:07:15] * ET|Ivan_Ramos stood slowly.
  956. [20:07:23] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Yeah... Somebody slice these things around my wrists."
  957. [20:07:33] <R4_John_Hale> "Boris, get those cuffs off Dom"
  958. [20:07:35] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "I'm ok guys. Just run...."
  959. 06[20:07:58] * ET|Ivan_Ramos said as his ears rang and his vision swam.
  960. 06[20:08:03] * R4_John_Hale turned and executed the last surviving Enclave soldier
  961. [20:08:23] <R4_John_Hale> "Dead, down in the dirt like a worm. Where you belong"
  962. 06[20:08:37] * CP|Boris_Kozlov drew knife, and started to cut off Doms cuffs.
  963. [20:08:44] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "You Ok?"
  964. [20:08:51] <R4_John_Hale> "You OK Ivan?"
  965. 06[20:09:06] * ET|Ivan_Ramos looked down a peace of metal was protruding from his side just below the ribs.
  966. 06[20:09:09] * S|Dom_Martinez nods and mutters his thanks as the plastic cuffs are sliced through
  967. [20:09:37] <R4_John_Hale> "Jesus. We got a medic in the house?"
  968. [20:09:52] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "That's gonna hurt...."
  969. [20:09:55] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I got medical supplies. But ain't no medic."
  970. [20:10:03] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Oh... fuck... um... I... I got a stimpak, in my bag..."
  971. [20:10:22] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "That ain't going to heal that wound."
  972. [20:10:29] <R4_John_Hale> "Med-X here. Keep the sand outta that cut"
  973. [20:10:35] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "How far is Reno?"
  974. [20:10:44] <R4_John_Hale> "Two days"
  975. [20:10:58] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "He'll be dead by then."
  976. [20:11:03] <R4_John_Hale> "Unless we can fix that Brahmin's leg"
  977. [20:11:15] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "The legs ain't the problem.
  978. [20:11:27] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Just wrap me up I'll be fine."
  979. [20:11:40] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "No, you won't. I've seen men with lesser wounds die."
  980. [20:11:50] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Wait! Do you think... there'll be proper medical supplies in the, uh, the bird?"
  981. [20:11:59] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Maybe something survived!..."
  982. [20:12:00] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Blew it up dumb ass."
  983. [20:12:18] <R4_John_Hale> "Check whats left of the cockpit"
  984. 06[20:12:33] * S|Dom_Martinez nods and makes his way towards it, climbing into the wreckage carefully.
  985. 06[20:12:56] * ET|Ivan_Ramos sits down still trying to shake off the shell shock.
  986. [20:13:03] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "An explosive would blow up the meds.
  987. [20:13:26] <R4_John_Hale> "Not the ones in the Pilot Compartment, you ass"
  988. [20:13:30] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Nothing could survive that. Ask the pilots.
  989. [20:14:09] <R4_John_Hale> "Really? Think a steel first aid pack would get wiped out in a frag blast?"
  990. [20:14:21] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Panel R-14. Emergency crash pack storage."
  991. [20:14:33] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> The vertibird blew up too.
  992. 06[20:14:51] * S|Dom_Martinez scans the cockpit before spotting something that resembles R-14
  993. [20:14:52] <R4_John_Hale> "Again, I've dealt with the Enclave, you haven't, Boris. Keep your uneducated guesses to yourself"
  994. 06[20:14:53] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pointed to a piece of the vertibird.
  995. [20:15:16] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "You found it Dom. The yellow lever."
  996. 06[20:15:25] * S|Dom_Martinez blinks and pulls the yellow lever.
  997. [20:15:31] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "No, you don't understand, I have too."
  998. [20:15:43] <R4_John_Hale> "Your a trader, Boris"
  999. [20:15:53] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "So?"
  1000. 06[20:16:08] * ET|Ivan_Ramos watched the vaccum sealed emergency pack open up revealing ample medical supplies.\
  1001. [20:16:12] <R4_John_Hale> "When you fight a war with them, you can argue with me, but until then, shut up, and stay that way"
  1002. [20:16:22] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Both of you shut the fuck up."\
  1003. 06[20:16:47] * S|Dom_Martinez takes out as much of the supplies as he can carry before making his way towards Ivan
  1004. [20:16:48] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Go get some bandages and stitching shit from the crate and get me stabilized before I go into shock."
  1005. [20:16:54] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I''ve been around a long ass time. Never dealt with vertibirds up close, but I've seen them. Fought against? No, I don't have the same experience you do. But I am a scavenger, and have scavenged this shit."
  1006. [20:17:12] <R4_John_Hale> "Not properly, it would seem"
  1007. 06[20:17:16] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulled his pistol and aimed it at Boris' head
  1008. [20:17:19] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "No bandages. Drug medicine only."
  1009. [20:17:25] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Shutup. just shut up"
  1010. [20:17:33] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Put the gun down."
  1011. [20:17:39] <R4_John_Hale> "I can tear his jaw off"
  1012. [20:17:49] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Please, put the gun down Ivan."
  1013. [20:18:05] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "LIsten brainrot."
  1014. 06[20:18:07] * R4_John_Hale pulls his FN FAL from his back
  1015. 06[20:18:18] * CP|Boris_Kozlov draws .44."
  1016. [20:18:25] <R4_John_Hale> "Boris, I suggest you listen to Ivan
  1017. 06[20:18:29] * S|Dom_Martinez drops the supplies and draws his 14mm Pistol
  1018. 06[20:18:53] * ET|Ivan_Ramos switches aiming at Boris's shoulder.
  1019. [20:18:53] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I ralize that, but Ivan is going to shoot me. I have the key to medical supplies, which he won't survive without."
  1020. [20:18:55] <R4_John_Hale> "Lest I be forced to open your rotting chest and smear your organs all over this dusty patch of land here"
  1021. [20:19:18] <R4_John_Hale> "We can kill you and take the key, smart-ass"
  1022. [20:19:28] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Now, that won't work either. Only I know where the key is."
  1023. [20:19:46] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Seach me all you want, you won't find it."
  1024. [20:19:46] <R4_John_Hale> "The key to the energency VTOL meds?"
  1025. [20:20:01] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "No, my supplies. The ones I didn't use on Ivan."
  1026. [20:20:17] <R4_John_Hale> "I think I can blow a lock"
  1027. 06[20:20:19] * ET|Ivan_Ramos got to his feet and rushed Boris. Tackling him to the ground his hands wrapping around his throat.
  1028. 06[20:20:30] * CP|Boris_Kozlov points at Ivans chest, and fired.
  1029. 06[20:20:32] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pinned his arms with his knees.
  1030. [20:20:52] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ Boris just shot you point blank in the chest.
  1031. [20:20:59] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ He missed vitals, but still.
  1032. [20:21:05] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/Godmoding
  1033. [20:21:20] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> OOC/ Ivan is alreayd wounded too much adrenaline to care\
  1034. [20:21:30] <Jargner> OOC/Ivan was right on top of Boris.
  1035. [20:21:36] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ Both of you were godmoding a bit there but who gives a damn
  1036. [20:21:44] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ I realize that, but I did it less.
  1037. [20:21:57] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/You shot him, you idiot
  1038. [20:21:58] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ Not like he could dodge point blank.
  1039. [20:22:09] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Now listen good you rot brained mother fucker. If I die I am taking you with me....nice and slow."
  1040. [20:22:16] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ Like I said, "who gives a damn". Roll with it.
  1041. 06[20:22:30] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulled out his combat knife as he bled from the two wounds.
  1042. 06[20:22:42] * R4_John_Hale points his FN FAL at Boris' head
  1043. 06[20:22:53] * ET|Ivan_Ramos started to cut slowly through the skin.
  1044. [20:22:53] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Guys. GUYS!"
  1045. [20:22:56] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ Still, I don't care how much "Adreniline" you have. Boris shot you point blank in the chest with a .44. He shouldn't be able to over power Boris.
  1046. 06[20:22:56] * S|Dom_Martinez raises is voice suddenly
  1047. [20:22:58] <R4_John_Hale> "And if he dies before you do, you'll die before I do"
  1048. [20:23:22] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ Do you know how frail a Ghoul would be after 200 odd years?
  1049. [20:23:35] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> A knee and hip tackle
  1050. [20:23:49] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> I've taken down a 200 pound six foot tall black batl with that.
  1051. [20:23:57] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/you saw how he tried to deal with Jacob and Dutch. Apparently, he's superman
  1052. [20:24:02] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ Yes, but still. Point blank. Shot. To the chest. With .44.
  1053. [20:24:20] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/so your wrist is busted too, then?
  1054. [20:24:27] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/What?
  1055. [20:24:52] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/can you get a two-handed grip on a large revolver with a man sitting on your chest?
  1056. 10[20:25:01] <@Pattrick> SILENCE
  1057. 10[20:25:06] <@Pattrick> I COMMAND SILENCE
  1058. [20:25:07] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> a 44 revolver is very very powerful.
  1059. [20:25:07] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/if not, the recoil will damage your wrist
  1060. [20:25:17] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> OOC/ ._.
  1061. 10[20:25:22] <@Pattrick> ET|Ivan_Ramos, are you coming?
  1062. [20:25:47] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> yes
  1063. [20:25:55] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> I am setting it up know
  1064. 10[20:25:59] <@Pattrick> cool
  1065. 03[20:26:15] * Jargner ( Quit ("Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?" )
  1066. [20:26:18] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Compartment A4 contains Morphine."
  1067. [20:26:58] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Morphine won't last long. You have a better chance of killing your self then the Medince does of healing you.
  1068. [20:27:27] <R4_John_Hale> "One syrette. One only"
  1069. [20:27:40] <R4_John_Hale> "Into the thigh"
  1070. 06[20:27:44] * S|Dom_Martinez just sits there, struggling to comprehend the unusually dramatic situation.
  1071. 06[20:27:57] * ET|Ivan_Ramos pulls the crate over."
  1072. [20:28:11] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ He's now off Borises chest?
  1073. 06[20:28:13] * S|Dom_Martinez STANDS* there.
  1074. [20:28:19] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> no.
  1075. [20:28:26] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> it wasnt far from dom to you.
  1076. [20:28:34] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> he can still reach it
  1077. [20:28:47] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ But he is now sitting on the crate?
  1078. [20:28:55] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> no still on you
  1079. [20:28:56] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ Forget it.
  1080. 06[20:29:15] * ET|Ivan_Ramos grabs the thread and needle.
  1081. [20:29:34] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/Also, Boris had enough time to put two hand on his magnum when Ivan started charging. Last of argument.
  1082. [20:29:34] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Do you, um. Want a hand with that?"
  1083. [20:29:38] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Stitch in an X pattern for large wounds. Afterwards clean"
  1084. [20:29:52] <R4_John_Hale> "Boris, if you try to move, I'll killya"
  1085. 06[20:30:08] * R4_John_Hale growled, in the most chilling voice any of them had heard
  1086. [20:30:23] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "For what?"
  1087. 06[20:30:44] * ET|Ivan_Ramos began stitching the wound almost unconciously"
  1088. [20:31:00] <R4_John_Hale> "Because you shot Ivan, you degenerate"
  1089. [20:31:17] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "He fucking tackled me. Had his hands on my throat."
  1090. [20:31:39] <R4_John_Hale> "So fight him off. Don't shoot an injured man you coward"
  1091. [20:31:40] <S|Dom_Martinez> "Because you wasn't tellin' him where your damn meds where! He's fucking dying!"
  1092. 06[20:31:56] * S|Dom_Martinez gestures by pointing his 14mm pistol at Boris as he speaks.
  1093. 06[20:32:02] * ET|Ivan_Ramos began to clean the wound then injected the morphine into his leg.
  1094. [20:32:12] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Meh. I'm 200 years old. Your were part of the BOS. You always fought regally?"
  1095. [20:32:44] <R4_John_Hale> "Hell no. Never fought fair, but never took a magnum to a man I could have beaten down with my bare hands."
  1096. [20:33:01] <R4_John_Hale> "Never denied an injured friend meds"
  1097. [20:33:14] <R4_John_Hale> "Never threatened to let him die"
  1098. [20:33:22] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Well, I couldn't of. The meds I had wouldn't do anything on him."
  1099. [20:33:35] <R4_John_Hale> "I think we should hogtie you and leave you to the desert"
  1100. [20:33:36] <S|Dom_Martinez> "That doesn't justify -shit-!"
  1101. 06[20:33:56] * S|Dom_Martinez takes a step forwards, straightening his aim on Boris' head
  1102. [20:34:25] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> Med-x and Buffout. Had a better chance of dying from the meds then the wound. Few of my medical goods are for humans, most are for cows."
  1103. 06[20:34:32] * R4_John_Hale shrugged. Better do this execution right. He slung his FN FAL over his back and drew his .223
  1104. [20:34:46] <R4_John_Hale> "Then why mention them like they'd do any good?"
  1105. [20:35:07] <R4_John_Hale> "Why'd you say that we'd never get the key if we killed you?"
  1106. [20:35:09] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Because he was going to try to kill me. I tried to get leverage. Their just words."
  1107. [20:35:25] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I remember you saying that Hale."
  1108. [20:35:33] <R4_John_Hale> "Well now, all of us are trying to kill you. That backfired"
  1109. [20:36:08] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "It did. But he attacked first. For all he knew I could of landed on the shrapnel next to my head, and died."
  1110. [20:36:24] <R4_John_Hale> "Is that a loss?"
  1111. [20:36:35] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Yes, as you wouldn't get paid."
  1112. [20:36:46] <S|Dom_Martinez> "... So you don't got the caps on you?"
  1113. [20:36:47] <R4_John_Hale> "Oh, so you don't have our money yet?"
  1114. [20:37:15] <R4_John_Hale> "Fuck you Boris, I think I'm just gonna kill you myself. Fuck leaving you to the desert"
  1115. [20:37:18] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "I do, but you don't have the key. And that safe is made of premium grade steel, you could shoot the lock open."
  1116. [20:37:42] <R4_John_Hale> "Uh, Boris, last time you said you had something, you didn't have it"
  1117. [20:37:46] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Even if you tried, I packed the thing with gun powder. Caps would go up in smoke."
  1118. 06[20:37:56] * ET|Ivan_Ramos removed the bullet and bandaged the wound.
  1119. [20:37:58] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ Would have said coins rather than caps. Sorry. >_>
  1120. [20:38:05] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> OOC/ guys
  1121. [20:38:08] <R4_John_Hale> "And we could get our pay from all those tin suits you got on your Brahmin anyway"
  1122. [20:38:10] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> OOC/ wrap it up.
  1123. [20:38:28] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Heh, I'm only carrying helmets. Not much without the full package."
  1124. [20:38:37] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/ Got this on logs somewhere?
  1125. [20:38:47] <R4_John_Hale> "Who said we wouldn't sell the Brahmin?"
  1126. 07[20:38:49] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ Pat does I think
  1127. 10[20:38:56] <@Pattrick> ???
  1128. 10[20:39:01] <@Pattrick> i have logs, yes
  1129. [20:39:08] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ success
  1130. [20:39:09] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "Brahmen? For pay? You could steal them easily."
  1131. 07[20:39:31] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> OOC/ Pat said rap it up though
  1132. [20:39:52] <R4_John_Hale> "You'd never get Brahmin that healthy by stealin em. We'd get our cash, and the joy of killing you"
  1133. [20:39:53] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/Got it.
  1134. [20:39:59] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/ Done
  1135. [20:40:30] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> "The joy ok killing a man? The joy of killing someone? My brahmin is a pack brahmin. Laden with crap, back half way broken probably."
  1136. [20:40:55] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/I'll respond next time we're on
  1137. [20:41:04] <R4_John_Hale> wrap it up, gents
  1138. [20:41:10] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ So we end this for now?
  1139. [20:41:16] <ET|Ivan_Ramos> "Let's get some sleep guys I should be fineyes
  1140. 06[20:41:48] * R4_John_Hale hogtied Boris with cables pulled from the VTOL
  1141. [20:42:18] <R4_John_Hale> "Not havin the zombie offin me in my sleep"
  1142. [20:42:22] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ How is my character supposed to survive this again?
  1143. [20:42:27] <R4_John_Hale> --------------------------------------------
  1144. [20:42:40] <S|Dom_Martinez> OOC/ You'll think of something.
  1145. [20:42:46] <R4_John_Hale> OOC/We'll think of something. If not, join as another
  1146. [20:42:58] <R4_John_Hale> jk
  1147. [20:43:03] <CP|Boris_Kozlov> OOC/ Yes, I'll join as the Brahmen. Name him Steve.
  1148. 03[20:43:10] * CP|Boris_Kozlov is now known as CP|Steve
  1149. [20:43:21] <CP|Steve> "MOOOOO!"
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