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Mar 16th, 2017
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  1. Clarity4 is the one
  2. ===================
  3. clarity4> "When it comes to the truth about the Tribe, Professor Roberts is the best source on YouTube."
  4. <noah> I'mma shootdown every drone I see
  5. <clarity4> His first name is Scott, for those of you searching.
  6. <cfowler> I was watching a show about nuclear history on PBS, I think it was called "unleashing the dragon"
  7. <clarity4> They've got some sophisticated bot programming in these channels where if you say his full name they kick/ban you.
  8. clarity4> I can lead the horses to the water but I can't make them drink the water.
  9. <clarity4> But pretty much every time I post a link I see the video getting an extra 50+ views within 10 minutes
  10. <clarity4> so there's a lot of eyes watching these chats.
  11. <noah> yeah he is
  12. * Quilava kiss noah again <3
  13. <clarity4> How many of you have seen the Roberts Anti-White vid on Radio 314 from Red Ice?
  14. <clarity4> That was when he was catapulted into the mainstream.
  15. <noah> so clarity what happened to your spam bot?
  16. <Quilava> clarity4, I have more proxies then you
  17. <clarity4> Control money and control media and you control the masses. Right?
  18. <Quilava> Nobody controls anybody.
  19. <Quilava> This is a free world, people can do what they like, that being said, there is consequences
  20. <clarity4> Quilava, You don't know your history because they control your schools as well.
  21. <clarity4> Quilava, Watch the movie THEY LIVE. It's pretty neat.
  22. <noah> clarity have you seen the new TrumpOS I made?
  23. <Quilava> I control which school I go to and whether I attend, I control whether I do history or geography or not, I control whether to believe the stuff they tell me, I control whether to go dairy free, gluten free, eat like a vegan, eat no pork, I control when I go to the bathroom
  24. <clarity4> Quilava, They control all the schools.
  25. <Quilava> Nobody controls the schools.
  26. * mint (mint@SpotChat-4i8.q96.228.177.IP)
  27. <clarity4> "A drifter discovers a pair of sunglasses that allow him to wake up to the fact that aliens have taken over the Earth."
  28. <clarity4>
  29. <clarity4> Guess who the aliens are in this metaphor.
  30. Quilava is now known as xenomorph
  31. <xenomorph> I am an alien.
  32. * mint is now known as Guest82496
  33. <noah> clarity: to dl
  34. <MaRk-I> the glasses?
  35. <xenomorph> I have more proxies than you
  36. <tatertots> dood get a grip...that was a movie
  37. <Parrot> /ignore clarity4
  38. <Parrot> /ignore clarity4
  39. * Guest82496 (Quit: Leaving)
  40. <MaRk-I> /ignore *!*@SpotChat-k4p.1bc.50.198.IP <<< that works better
  41. <noah> We are going to Make Linux Secure Again.
  42. <noah> We are going to Make Linux Productive Again
  43. <tatertots> i want you to go sober for 90 days and get back on what ever meds the doctors put you on..and stay off youtube for a while...
  44. <xenomorph> --> <-- I don't see anybody controlling THIS!!!!
  45. <noah> And We will Make Linux Great Again
  46. <clarity4>
  47. * mintbotd has kicked clarity4 from #linuxmint-chat (mintbotd)
  48. * mintbotd sets ban on *!*@SpotChat-k4p.1bc.50.198.IP
  49. ======================================
  50. ======================================
  51. ======================================
  55. HiPiI is the one
  56. ================
  58. * HiPiI (Hiee@SpotChat-a6n.05l.27.198.IP)
  59. <xmetal> ^ their back
  60. <noah> We will build a great firewall and it will be beautiful
  61. <HiPiI> "This film perfectly replicates what it's like when you first become awakened." (Referring to THEY LIVE)
  62. <noah> HiPil as a /pol/ack myself. F off.
  63. <xenomorph> HiPiI, I can't eat pork, sorry.
  64. <xenomorph> You worship the devil, HiPiI
  65. <Parrot> nobody cares about what you say HiPiI
  66. <xenomorph> ^
  67. <noah> If I find out where you live Hipil it will be pizza and swat teams
  68. <Parrot> nobody goes look at your links HiPiI
  69. <xenomorph> For once Parrot is right \o/
  70. <Parrot> you're totally wasting your time here HiPiI
  71. <Parrot> you're not making any progress at all HiPiI
  72. <xenomorph> Who do you intend to attrat HiPiI?
  73. <noah> These packets, they gotta go back
  74. <xenomorph> 8 year olds who aren't allowed out of home at night?
  75. <xmetal> attention = all this moron wants
  76. <noah> The firewall just got 10 ports higher!
  77. <xenomorph> Anybody who is 11 years or older would have known that what you are saying is complete bs, because they did proper history class HiPiI
  78. <HiPiI> xenomorph, you're a fool. THEY control those history classes. That's why Holo----- study is criminalized in 20+ countries.
  79. <noah> We are goin to repeal and replace that horrible system.d
  80. <HiPiI> You can only know the official narrative.
  81. * seekr (Quit: Leaving)
  82. <HiPiI> xenomorph, Zundel was thrown in jail for 5 years. They said "THE TRUTH IS NO DEFENSE."
  83. <noah> HiPil why are you spamming this crap? All the money/effort you wasted
  84. <HiPiI> He proved irrefutably the fairy tale right in the J---- courts. They said THE TRUTH IS NO DEFENSE and jailed him.
  85. <xenomorph> Australia is multi culteral, it doesn't matter how you tie your hair back, what color your skin is, in Australia, everyone is equal, everybody is a person, everybody has a right to speak and believe as they want
  86. * ZEDONg (
  87. <HiPiI> xenomorph, Let me show you something.
  88. <noah> well now, let's not ignore actual differences that exist
  89. <xenomorph> And get banned 160,000 times from mintbotd
  90. <xenomorph> Good idea, Will be glad when you're gone
  91. <xenomorph> The whole world will be better with u shot in the head
  92. <noah> sub 80 iq neanderthals from Africa =/= me or you
  93. <noah> maybe to HiPil
  94. * noah throws HiPil in the bog
  95. <HiPiI> xenomorph, Watch those two.
  96. <HiPiI> xenomorph, Is that a threat?
  97. <HiPiI> xenomorph, You are a zombie-pawn-slave. Nothing more until you open your eyes and realize the truth.
  98. * poste1__ (
  99. * wrouesnel (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  100. <xenomorph> Yes it is. I am going to stab you in the back of your head with a 9 and a half inch cooks knife
  101. <noah> O.o
  102. <HiPiI> Hate speech is illegal.
  103. <noah> why so violent bro
  104. <xenomorph> noah, I'm a chef
  105. <HiPiI> [xenomorph] ( realname
  106. <xenomorph> I can use whois too, congratulations
  107. <HiPiI> xenomorph, Logged and reported to your local police department.
  108. <xenomorph> Lol
  109. <xenomorph> I don't have a local police department
  110. <windows10-user> Hey xenomorph:
  111. <noah> backtrace him
  112. <xenomorph> Hi windows10-user
  113. <xenomorph> How are u buddy
  114. <windows10-user> I prefer your this Nick
  115. <xenomorph> Let's convert all the Mint users to Windows 10 Pro x64
  116. <windows10-user> Nope
  117. <noah> We don't win anymore, linux does not win anymore
  118. <noah> that's going to change
  119. <HiPiI> Police Raid and my Confession by Alfred Schaefer ::
  120. * mintbotd has kicked HiPiI from #linuxmint-chat (mintbotd)
  121. * mintbotd sets ban on *!*@SpotChat-a6n.05l.27.198.IP
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