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May 31st, 2018
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  1. database:
  2. #Database backend type, can be set to mysql or sqlite
  3. type: sqlite
  4. #MySQL database host
  5. mySQLHost: localhost
  6. #MySQL connection port number
  7. mySQLPort: 3306
  8. #MySQL database name
  9. mySQLDatabase: db
  10. #MySQL database user
  11. mySQLUser: root
  12. #MySQL user's password
  13. mySQLPassword: ""
  14. #MySQL table names
  15. tableNames:
  16. players: "players"
  18. #Name of the main GUI
  19. shopMenuName: "&a&lShops"
  20. #Size of the main GUI, valid values are 9, 18, 27, 36, 45 and 54
  21. shopMenuSize: 18
  22. #Define whether selling all with middle mouse button is enabled
  23. enableSellAll: true
  24. #Define whether the buy GUI with option to select quantity is enabled
  25. enableBuyGUI: true
  26. #Define whether the sell GUI with option to select quantity is enabled
  27. enableSellGUI: true
  28. #Define whether sell all button in SellGUI is enabled (enableSellGUI has to be enabled too)
  29. enableSellGUISellAll: true
  30. #Define whether after closing/buying/selling the shop GUI should be opened again
  31. returnToShop: true
  32. #Define whether the quick buy/sell option should be enabled (amount selection gui will stay open until player closes it)
  33. quickBuySell: true
  34. #Define whether lines containing the %buy% placeholder should be hidden for unbuyable items
  35. hideBuyPriceForUnbuyable: true
  36. #Define whether lines containing the %sell% placeholder should be hidden for unsellable items
  37. hideSellPriceForUnsellable: true
  38. #Define whether buy and sell buttons should be inverted (false - LMB buy, RMB sell / true - LMB sell, RMB buy)
  39. invertBuySell: false
  40. #Maximum amount of enchantments players can add to an item, set to -1 for no limit
  41. maxEnchantments: 3
  42. #Choose whether players should be able to buy enchantments only 1 level higher than current (eg. player has sword with Sharpness 1, they could buy only Sharpness 2)
  43. limitEnchantmentLevelDiff: false
  44. #Define whether the amount selection double click bug fix should be enabled
  45. enableAmountSelectionFix: true
  46. #Define whether players should be able to use sell all option to sell all their items (allowAllSellAllStackSizes = true) or only amount multiplied by the original stack size of the shop item (allowAllSellAllStackSizes = false)
  47. allowAllSellAllStackSizes: true
  48. #Define whether all prices should be rounded up, down, to the nearest whole number or not rounded (valid values are UP, DOWN, NEAREST and NONE)
  49. roundPrices: none
  50. #Define whether main menu (/shop command) should be disabled. The only way to access shops will be to use /shop <id> when you disable it.
  51. disableMainMenu: false
  52. #Choose if different messages should be sent when someone buy/sell items for $0 (MSG_ITEM_BOUGHTFREE, MSG_ITEM_SOLDFREE, MSG_ITEM_SOLDALLFREE)
  53. useDifferentMessagesForFreeItems: true
  54. #Choose which items stack size should be capped at 16 inside the amount selection GUI so players can't buy eg. oversized ender pearl stacks
  55. #Format is same as for regular items in shops.yml
  56. itemStackSizeCappedAt:
  57. 1:
  58. material: ENDER_PEARL
  59. size: 16
  60. 2:
  61. material: SNOW_BALL
  62. size: 16
  63. 3:
  64. material: SIGN
  65. size: 16
  66. 4:
  67. material: EGG
  68. size: 16
  69. 5:
  70. material: BUCKET
  71. size: 1
  72. #Choose what gamemodes will prevent players from accessing shops. Valid values: ADVENTURE, CREATIVE, SPECTATOR, SURVIVAL
  73. disableShopsInGamemodes:
  75. - CREATIVE
  77. #Choose in which worlds players won't be able to access the shop. Same list format as disableShopsInGamemodes
  78. disableShopsInWorlds: []
  80. #Choose whether price modifiers should be displayed in percents instead of decimals (eg. 10% instead of 0.10), remember you will still have to use the decimal way in commands
  81. displayPriceModifiersInPercents: true
  83. #Choose whether the world-specific permission to access shops should be omitted when player has a shop opened with /shop [player] [shop name]
  84. disableSudoWorldPermissionCheck: false
  86. #Choose whether the shop-specific permission to access shops should be omitted when player has a shop opened with /shop [player] [shop name]
  87. disableSudoShopPermissionCheck: false
  89. #Format of item lores in shops, %buy% will be replaced with the buy price and %sell% with sell price
  90. shopItemLoreFormat:
  91. #This lore will be applied to items
  92. item:
  93. - "&7Buy price: &c%buy%$"
  94. - "&7Sell price: &a%sell%$"
  95. - "&cClick with MMB to sell all"
  96. #This lore will be applied to items in the buy GUI (when enableBuyGUI is set to true)
  97. itemBuyGUI:
  98. - "&7Buy price: &c%buy%$"
  99. #This lore will be applied to items in the sell GUI (when enableSellGUI is set to true)
  100. itemSellGUI:
  101. - "&7Sell price: &a%sell%$"
  102. #This lore will be applied to the sell all button in the sell GUI (when enableSellGUI and enableSellGUISellAll are set to true)
  103. itemSellGUISellAll:
  104. - "&7Sell all for: &a%sell%$"
  105. #This one to permissions
  106. permission:
  107. - "&7Buy price: &c%buy%$"
  108. #And this one to enchantments
  109. enchantment:
  110. - "&7Buy price: &c%buy%$"
  111. #And the last one to commands
  112. command:
  113. - "&7Buy price: &c%buy%$"
  115. #Logging settings
  116. log:
  117. #Define whether transactions will be logged to the console/main server log
  118. toConsole: true
  119. #Define whether transactions will be logged to a separate log
  120. toFile: false
  121. #Date format of transactions (
  122. formatDate: "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"
  123. #Log message for bought items
  124. formatBuy: "%player% bought %amount% x %item% for %price%$ from %shop% shop"
  125. #Log message for sold items
  126. formatSell: "%player% sold %amount% x %item% for %price%$ to %shop% shop"
  127. #Log message for sold all items
  128. formatSellAll: "%player% sold all %amount% x %item% for %price%$ to %shop% shop"
  130. buttons:
  131. #"Go back button"
  132. goBack:
  133. item:
  134. #Material name, full list can be found here:
  135. material: NETHER_STAR
  136. #Amount of the item
  137. amount: 1
  138. #(optional) Data value, for example 1 for WOOD:1 means spruce wood planks
  139. damage: 0
  140. #(optional) Custom name
  141. name: "&cBack to categories"
  142. #(optional) Lore, can contain multiple lines
  143. lore:
  144. - "&aClick here to return to the main menu"
  145. #Slot in each shop's GUI
  146. slot: 49
  147. #"Previous page" button
  148. previousPage:
  149. item:
  150. material: PAPER
  151. quantity: 1
  152. name: "&e&lPrevious page"
  153. slot: 45
  154. #"Next page" button
  155. nextPage:
  156. item:
  157. material: PAPER
  158. quantity: 1
  159. name: "&e&lNext page"
  160. slot: 53
  162. #Elements of the buy/sell GUI
  163. amountSelectionGUI:
  164. #Size of the GUI, valid values are 9, 18, 27, 36, 45 and 54
  165. size: 54
  166. #Slot of the item being bought/sold
  167. itemSlot: 22
  168. #Buttons
  169. buttons:
  170. #"Set to 1" button
  171. set1:
  172. item:
  173. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  174. quantity: 1
  175. damage: 14
  176. name: "&c&lSet to 1"
  177. slot: 18
  178. #"Remove 10" button
  179. remove10:
  180. item:
  181. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  182. quantity: 10
  183. damage: 14
  184. name: "&c&lRemove 10"
  185. slot: 19
  186. #"Remove 1" button
  187. remove1:
  188. item:
  189. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  190. quantity: 1
  191. damage: 14
  192. name: "&c&lRemove 1"
  193. slot: 20
  194. #"Add 1" button
  195. add1:
  196. item:
  197. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  198. quantity: 1
  199. damage: 5
  200. name: "&a&lAdd 1"
  201. slot: 24
  202. #"Add 10" button
  203. add10:
  204. item:
  205. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  206. quantity: 10
  207. damage: 5
  208. name: "&a&lAdd 10"
  209. slot: 25
  210. #"Set to 16" button
  211. set16:
  212. item:
  213. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  214. quantity: 16
  215. damage: 5
  216. name: "&a&lSet to 16"
  217. slot: 26
  218. #"Set to 64" button
  219. set64:
  220. item:
  221. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  222. quantity: 64
  223. damage: 5
  224. name: "&a&lSet to 64"
  225. slot: 26
  226. #"Confirm" button
  227. confirm:
  228. item:
  229. material: STAINED_GLASS
  230. quantity: 1
  231. damage: 5
  232. name: "&a&lConfirm"
  233. slot: 39
  234. #"Sell all" button
  235. sellAll:
  236. item:
  237. material: STAINED_GLASS
  238. quantity: 1
  239. damage: 5
  240. name: "&a&lSell all"
  241. slot: 40
  242. #"Cancel" button
  243. cancel:
  244. item:
  245. material: STAINED_GLASS
  246. quantity: 1
  247. damage: 14
  248. name: "&c&lCancel"
  249. slot: 41
  251. shopMenuItems:
  252. #Has to be unique, value doesn't matter
  253. 1:
  254. item:
  255. #The same rules apply for material, amount, damage and lore as for goBackButton
  256. material: GRASS
  257. quantity: 1
  258. name: "&9&lBlocks"
  259. #Shop ID from shops.yml
  260. shop: "blocks"
  261. #Slot in shops menu, counting from 0 to 53
  262. slot: 0
  263. 2:
  264. item:
  265. material: COOKED_BEEF
  266. quantity: 1
  267. damage: 0
  268. name: "&2&lFood"
  269. shop: "food"
  270. slot: 1
  271. 3:
  272. item:
  273. material: DIAMOND
  274. quantity: 1
  275. damage: 0
  276. name: "&3&lOres"
  277. shop: "ores"
  278. slot: 2
  279. 4:
  280. item:
  281. material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE
  282. quantity: 1
  283. name: "&4&lTools and Armor"
  284. shop: "toolsarmor"
  285. slot: 3
  286. 5:
  287. item:
  288. material: WHEAT
  289. quantity: 1
  290. name: "&5&lFarming"
  291. shop: "farming"
  292. slot: 4
  293. 6:
  294. item:
  295. material: INK_SACK
  296. quantity: 1
  297. name: "&2&lDyes"
  298. shop: "dyes"
  299. slot: 5
  300. 7:
  301. item:
  302. material: BONE
  303. quantity: 1
  304. name: "&3&lMob Drops"
  305. shop: "mobdrops"
  306. slot: 6
  307. 8:
  308. item:
  309. material: TNT
  310. quantity: 1
  311. damage: 12
  312. name: "&c&lRaiding Supplies & Redstone"
  313. shop: "raiding"
  314. slot: 7
  315. 9:
  316. item:
  317. material: MOB_SPAWNER
  318. quantity: 1
  319. name: "&d&lSpawners"
  320. shop: "spawners"
  321. slot: 8
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