
Jotaro vs Griffith

Aug 31st, 2017
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  1. Jul 2ndWK-4thWK 1202
  3. -Oboro travel to a new ranch on her route. a ranch belonging to Kasumi Mitsuragi...AKA Severa Leonhart. Oboro notes on how..barren Kasumi's home is and offer her some help on getting her ranch up and running..Kasumi politely turn her down, With Oboro nodding and excusing herself...leaving Kasumi to ponder on the last 2 months of living here in Hoshido.
  5. -As she drives towards Jotaro's ranch, she turn on the radio and hear the shocking news of Prince Griffith coming over to Hoshido for some tournies....She pay it no mind even when the radio comment on Griffith formally being engaged to Princess Kamui before her surprise pregnancy and the calling off of the marriage....considered the biggest event of the century
  8. -She arrives at the ranch and see Soleil's Athena(Hare/Hare) sparing with Mars with the 2 breeders and Princess Rhiannon and Lucina watching...Soleil is very much into the sparring while Jotaro is calmly watching it...Oboro comes over and inform them of what she heard on the radio...Soleil isn't scared at all and boast that Jotaro will fucking rekt the bastard...Jotaro doesn't care for the guy as he head inside...Inside, Rhiannon announce to everyone that starting next month...she will be training an Antlan...she haven't decided the name yet, but she's ready for it. Lucina tell her that she will help her all the way to the top...Jotaro comment on Rin being the right choice since she's the most justice-loving person in the home leads to light jabbing among the friends(Soleil knocking on Oboro for being the only one with no monster before Oboro counter back on her arrogance being the biggest trait of her)
  10. -Sometime later on, Jotaro and friends get 2 surprise parties....One is Princess Kamui and her sister, Crown Princess Azura arriving via Helicopter with 10 more behind them...Kamui have come to tell Jotaro that she will be moving in starting tonight...And then much to her and Azura's horror, they take in the small house and ranch for Jotaro's living conditions(Jotaro comment on his life savings of being a mere 34,456G make Kamui weep for her mate and hug him while Azura shake her head...And then they hear of him doing stuff their helpers do and are truly amazed by how independent.) The other ladies react as well as you can imagine while the Vallian Workers finish up moving in as much of Kamui's stuff into the small home. Azura and Kamui make plans on making the home bigger for the baby and her stuff...plans will be finalized next month.
  12. -But then, the joy is sucked out as before Azura head back home...the gang see a car pulling up to the ranch...out comes some Falconians in tuxedos and letting one Griffith Serafino out. Kamui hides behind Jotaro as the prince approach the gang with his 3 bodyguards and his monster, Osiris(Gali/Gali. Griffith introduce himself with many titles and acheivements...but Jotaro shut him up mid speech and ask him why is he here...Griffith doesn't like how blunt Jotaro is, but ignore it as he tries to speak to Kamui, who doesn't answer him....Griffith calm himself down and dance around the subject of dueling Jotaro for Kamui, until Soleil practically annoys him by boasting of Jotaro's skill as a breeder....making him challenge him right there. But much to his confusion....Jotaro declines it if it's just for Kamui, since he don't see any of his mates as trophies....Angered, Griffith tell him to stay home while he cream the Rank B cups here for the next month and 2....Jotaro tell him to fuck off and never cross his path lest Mars injure that Gali of his....Griffith leaves in anger...after that, Rhiannon and Lucina get ready to head on out with Soleil and Azura spending the night before heading home tomorrow....Kamui and Oboro decides to sleep in Jotaro's room with him.
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