
It's Story Time, with Princess Celestia!

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. >It was a dark and stormy night, and every p0ny in P0nyville was in their home.
  2. >But, on the outskirts of town, where a large house sat, lived the human Anonymous.
  3. >He did not like living within the city limits of P0nyville, for he enjoyed his privacy a bit too much.
  4. >So, there he sat, in front of his fire place reading a book, of dragons and-
  5. “Okay, I'll goddamn bite... Where is the voice coming from?”
  6. >He said, while looking around only for no p0ny to be found.
  7. “Seriously? Your just gonna narrate my every action? Sweet raptor Jesus, I think I'm finally going insane.”
  8. >The tormented man said, while rubbing the bridge of his nose.
  9. “... Wait a second. I know that voice. Princess Celestia, is that you?”
  10. >....
  11. “Goddamnit! It is you, isn't it? What the hell?”
  12. >Anonymous said, then decided to ignore the voice and go back to his-
  13. “Nope, explanation now.”
  14. >Sigh... Fine, It is just a simple story book spell, play along it'll be fun.
  15. “I have a better idea. How about I get up, turn off the light, and go to bed?”
  16. >Oh come on Anon, just play along. I promise everyp0ny will have fun.
  17. “... Everyp0ny? Oh dear god no, fuck this shit. Going to bed.”
  18. >Don't be spoiled sport.
  19. “I'm not spoiled bout nothing. I've played this song and magic dance before, and it never ends well for me. Going to bed.”
  20. >I'll sing that song if you try.
  21. “...You wouldn't dare.”
  22. >I would.
  23. “I'm calling your bluff, Celestia. There is no way that you'd-”
  24. >This is the song that doesn't end! It just goes on and on, my friend! Some people, starting singing it not knowing what it was, but they just keep on singing it, well just because.... This is the song that doesn't end-
  25. “Fine! Fine! No more, I'll play along... Just, no more singing.”
  26. >Are you sure? Now I kind of want to.
  27. “Yes. I'm perfectly sure. Just... Lets just get this over with.”
  28. >Good.
  29. >And after having a friendly conversation with the narrator-
  30. “Pffft.”
  31. >-and making a rude gesture into the empty air, he went back to his book. He just kept reading, and reading it seemed.
  32. >Suddenly, there was a knock on his door.
  33. “Sonuvabitch.”
  34. >He cursed, throwing the book into the air.
  35. “Whose at the door?”
  36. >The man questioned into empty air.
  37. “Seriously, Sunny D, whose at the door? It's goddamn Fetishshy isn't it?
  38. >He continued to converse with the empty room.
  39. “I am not going further until you tell me whose at the goddamn door. It has be Rapplejack, right?”
  40. >Sigh... No, Anonymous. Its neither Fluttershy or Applejack.
  41. “Promise?”
  42. >Yes, I promise. Just answer it?
  43. >With another sigh, he stood up from his comfy chair and headed towards his abode's door.
  44. “Alright, fine. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can finish my book...”
  45. >Oh, before I forget, only you can hear my voice, so... There's that.
  46. >Don't worry, I can read your surface thoughts though, so we still should be able to communi-
  47. >...Oh, Anon, that is not a nice thought at all.
  48. “Heh.”
  49. >He smirked, then walked to the door. His mind begun to race with what p0ny was behind that wooden portcullis.
  50. >His hand slowly reached for the-
  51. >Okay, so he opened it quickly so the narrator couldn't weave dramatic tension. Ha ha, how clever you are Anon.
  52. >He jumped back in shock at the sight that he saw!
  53. >It was Princess Luna who was knocking at his chamber door, and she appeared to be soaked to the bone. “We apologize for the sudden intrusion, Anonymous! We were doing our nightly rounds of Equestria when this freak storm forces us down. May we come in till the winds slow?”
  54. >Anonymous blinked. He was expecting Fluttershy, Applyjack, or even Rainbow Dash, so this had caught him far off guard.
  55. “Oh.Yeah, sure Luna. Mi casa, su casa.”
  56. >He said, moving from the door way and allowing the beautiful Princess to enter.
  57. >... Really Anon? You do not find her remotely attractive? Not even in the slighest?
  58. >Yes, I understand that she's a p0ny, but she's still stunning. I mean look at her swirling mane, her tender eyes, and-
  59. >Hah! So you /do/ find her attractive!
  60. >Only a little? Don't try to-
  61. >Oh, right got to keep the story moving along.
  62. >Luna offered Anonymous a kind smile, then entered his home, dripping a few drops of water on the floor, “Our thanks, Anonymous. We do not know what caused that sudden gust of wind, but we shall investigate it after the storm has died down.”
  63. “No problem, Princess. You may want to ask your sister about it... I have a feeling she may know something.”
  64. >Luna just gave him a perplexed look, and tilted her head to the side.
  65. “...Right. Anyway, you want a towel to dry off with?”
  66. >”That would be most helpful, Mister Anonymous.” She continued with a dignified nod.
  67. “Be right back.”
  68. >He marched to the linen closet of his home and fetched several towels to help the moistened Luna dry off.
  69. >Coming back with a smile on his face, he offered to help Luna dry off and...
  70. >... What do you mean no?
  71. >Come on, Anon! Play along a little.
  72. >Really? Your going to be childish about it, hm? Well, if that is the case.. Mi mi mi-
  73. “Hey Luna, do you need any help drying off?”
  74. >That is what I thought.
  75. >Luna blinked, and then seemed to shrug, “If you would lend a hoof, we would be very grateful for your assistance in the drying off ceremonies.”
  76. >Gritting his teeth, and cursing the narrator in his mind, he took the soft linen towel and begun to gently caress the wet mare's dark coat, fingers feeling her warmth through the fabric as they glided those two delicate wings... Which made the excitable mare squeak ever so slightly.
  77. >Oh my, Anon. Didn't know you were into that. Huh? Oh right, must continue the story.
  78. >After finally toweling off the Princess's ethereal mane, the human looked to Luna and said...
  79. “So, um... You want some hot tea or something?”
  80. >Luna, with a slight blush gracing her features cleared her throat, “We think that it would be most appropriate for this situation.”
  81. “Right... Just have a seat on the couch, and I'll go brew some up, okay?”
  82. >He said, putting on a smile while heading to his quaint kitchen. He begun to look around for the box of tea he bought at the market a few days past. Finally he found it..
  83. >I said, he finally found it.
  84. >Sigh... Top shelf, on the left behind the jar of pickles.
  85. >Your welcome!
  86. >As he opened the box, the fragrant smell of fresh tea leaves wafted into his nostrils. It was a soothing lemon, with a hint of jasmine. This tea seemed to always been able to calm his weathered nerves, but would its magical effect work on royalty?
  87. >Without a thought, he begun to brew the tea in the teapot he received from his dear friend Rarity.
  88. >I only hope she's a friend, Anon, or else Spike may get jealous of you...
  89. >Oh come on, don't be like that. Admit it, you would love to toast that marshmallow, if you know what I mean?
  90. >Huh?
  91. >Huh?
  92. >...Oh your no fun!
  93. >And after having an internal monologue, the tea pot whistled loudly. He fetched a pair of teacups from the cupboard and poured a fair amount of the relaxing liquid into each container, then grabbed some honey, milk, and sugar from the pantry and headed for the living room, where Luna sat.
  94. >While he was brewing the tea, it seemed that Luna had picked up his discarded book and was reading the paper pages.
  95. >Anonymous, as gentlemanly as possible, set the tray on the coffee table.
  96. “Sugar, milk, honey?”
  97. >He said, rather dryly.
  98. >Luna offered him another smile, her large horn becoming alight with mystical power as she levitated her cup, some honey and a small amount of milk, “Our thanks for the hospitality, Mister Anonymous.”
  99. “Don't mention it.”
  100. >He nodded, while fixing his tea to his liking.
  101. >Going to put some tea with all that sugar, Anon?
  102. >”Anonymous, is something the matter?” Luna ask, her voice heavy with concern.
  103. >Anon smiles back, crossing his legs while he takes a sip of his super sweetened tea.
  104. “No... I'm fine. How about you?”
  105. >The mare gave the human a nod, “We are doing much better now with this fermented leaf beverage warming our body. Though, if it would not be a problem, we would like to proposition you with a query?”
  106. >Eyebrow perked, Anonymous shrugged.
  107. “Uh... Sure. Ask away, your highness.”
  108. >After another sip from the simple tea cup, the book levitated over into Anonymous' lap, “We were trying to read this manuscript, but we do not understand it that well. Could you explain it?”
  109. >Yes, I know, she's sheltered.
  110. “Well... Its the latest Daring Do book. I take it you've never read one before, your highness?”
  111. >Luna just shook her head, “We are afraid not, Anonymous. We are far too busy with political affairs since we have came back to Equestria... And please, refer to me as 'Luna' there is little need for formality in this situation.”
  112. >Anon gave her a surprising smile.
  113. “Oh... Well, if you want you could-”
  114. >Anonymous was suddenly given the wonderful idea of reading the book to the Princess. She would certainly enjoy it so.
  115. >Really? No smarmy comments this time? See, I told you you'd have fun.
  116. >Picking up the book, he turned it to the first chapter.
  117. “Would you like me to read it to you from the start?”
  118. >Luna's eyes lit up with excitement, as she released a squee!
  119. >D'aaaaw. You thought that was cute.
  120. >”Oh.. um.. Pardon our outburst. Yes, we would enjoy that very much, Anon.”
  121. >So, Anonymous begun to read from the pages of the pulp fiction script. Weaving a tale of high adventure, and excitement. As he continued, Luna scooted in closer, and closer to him on the sofa. Her soft coat brushing against his exposed arm. He, however, continue to read as Luna soon rested her head on his shoulder as she read the pages along with him, silently.
  122. >Oooooh... Such dirty thoughts, Anonymous!
  123. >Oh. Oh wow. I think I may have to invite you to Canterlot sometime to show me how that move works!
  124. >”Are you feeling well, Anonymous? Your face has become woefully red.” Luna said, slightly turning her head to face Anonymous.
  125. “Y-y-y-yes. I'm fine. No worries. Hah.”
  126. >The reluctant casanova responded nervously, turning to face Luna.
  127. >Their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still. The mysterious Princess, overcome with emotions she seldom felt for anyp0ny slowly inched closer to Anonymous' awaiting lips-
  128. >”ANONYMOUS!”
  129. >Suddenly, Fluttershy and Applejack barged through the front door, both wearing a look of absolute outrage.
  130. >Uh oh.
  131. >Well... Um... How do I say this...? I think the story just started to write itself.
  132. >”What are you doing with my Anonymous, Princess Luna?!” Fluttershy shouted, her eyes wide with the infamous stare.
  133. >”We... Uh, were simply enjoying some literature.” The Princess mumbled as Anonymous remained stunned.
  134. >”Nuh uh, you were tryin' ta' put tha' moves on mah stallion.” Applejack responded.
  135. >I'm trying, Anonymous! I'm trying!
  136. >Both p0nies stomped toward the couch, lust-driven murder clouding their minds as they pounced on Luna and started to brawl.
  137. >Anonymous slowly got up from the couch, and begun to inch to the door. He would rather risk the storm outside than get caught in the stampede that was destroying his living room, when-
  138. >”WE DEMAND YOU HALT!” The Princess yelled, using her royal Canterlot voice, as the fighting ceased, “Yes, it twas true that we may have been trying to 'Put the moves' on Anonymous. But, perhaps our energy is better used on Anonymous, and not amongst ourselves?”
  139. >Anonymous' face turned pale with fear.
  141. >He shouted, as the three mares silently agreed and pounced at the unwitting human. There was little chance of him escaping the impeding-
  142. >Alright, I think I got it, hold on to your underwear Anon!
  143. >And suddenly, in a flash of yellow light, Anon escaped his plight.. And was now standing in the bed chambers of the radiant Princess Celestia. He turned to face her, eye's burning bright with rage.
  144. “...Give me that quill.”
  145. >Soon, a tussle ensued, but Anon-
  146. >Anonymous wrestled the quill from Celestia's buttered hooves, and begun to write out the ending to this story.
  147. >”Anonymous, please stop! I'm sorry, I really am! Don't do what I think your about to do!”
  148. >The narrator grinned evilly at the pure white mare, when Luna suddenly teleported into the room... A scowl on her face, “Sister! Have you tried to steal our suitor away? This shall not stand! Have at thee!” She shouted, and flew at her older sister.
  149. >And as the two fought, Anonymous, wrote two words before teleporting himself back to his home, which was free from Fetishshy and Rapplejack.
  150. >The End.
  151. >Take that, Sunny D!
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