
lang-en (ZeroPrisonSell)

May 29th, 2016
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  1. prefix: '&3[&9&lZero&3&lPrison&2&lSell&3]'
  2. usage: '&cUsage %e'
  3. shop-doesnt-exist: '&cShop doesnt exist'
  4. help-reload: 'Reload Main/Player/Sell Config'
  5. help-createsell: 'Create a Sell Shop'
  6. help-deletesell: 'Delete a Sell Shop'
  7. help-add: 'Add an iem to a Sell Shop'
  8. help-remove: 'Remove an item from a Sell Shop'
  9. help-listiems: 'List Items in a sell shop'
  10. help-multipler: 'Set a multiplier to a player'
  11. invalid-configuration: '&cInvalid YML for %e. Please use to validate your config.'
  12. error-saving: '&cError Saving/Reloading Config. Please Check Console!'
  13. reload-success: '&aReloaded Configs'
  14. shop-exists: '&cSell Shop exists'
  15. shop-doesnt-exist: '&cSell Shop doesnt exist'
  16. shop-created: '&eCreated Sell Shop %e'
  17. shop-deleted: '&eDeleted Sell Shop %e'
  18. item-doesnt-exist: '&eItem Doesnt Exist'
  19. item-removed: '&eRemoved Item'
  20. item-added: '&eAdded Item'
  21. player-not-found: '&cPlayer Not Found'
  22. added-multiplier-player: '&eAdded Multiplier to %player'
  23. multiplier-recieved: '&eYou have been given a multiplier (%e) for %s seconds.'
  24. multipler-worn-off: '&eYour multiplier has worn off.'
  25. no-permission: '&cNo Permission!'
  26. invalid-shop: '&cInvalid Shop!'
  27. right-click-me: '&2Right Click Me!'
  28. sign-prefix: '&3[&9Sell&3]'
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