
Do we need a ruler?

Dec 19th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Felix was sitting on one of the weight machines pulling down the bar, lifting the weights as he went through the reps. It was only a little tense, because of the company, though he didn't mind Rian as much as Zack, but he was being polite and trying, because that's what he told Steph he'd do.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Zack was seated at the bench press, an insane amount of weight on the bar as he struggled to get through his reps. He hadnt bothered with a spot because he didnt really need one ever, focusing hard on pushing the weight up over his head and slowly lowering it back down. // Rian stood near the two with free weights as he did bicep curls, clearly more of the talker in the group. "So how was working with Tommy last night? He's a bit of a handful, but he's a great dude and once you get used to his sense of humor."-
  3. Covet: "It was great, he and I really got along. I think his sense of humor was the first thing I enjoyed." He said with a chuckle "But It was good to be doing something professional with my photography. Plus, the vantage point I had while taking pictures was probably the best seats in the house."
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Zack set the bar on its stand and rested his arms, exhaling deeply. "Tom is great. It's always nice when your photographer is your friend too. It makes having someone all up in your space a little easier." // Rian nodded, doing the bicep curls. "You might have had a good view, but my seat is the best seat in the house and no one can tell me otherwise." He started to laugh, leaning down to set the weight down at his feet. "That and there's something about being the only one who's allowed to sit in my seat that makes it that much sweeter."-
  5. Covet: Felix gave a chuckle at Rian, "Yeah, wise words from the drummer. I can see where it has it's vantage points. " He set the bar back and got up to reset the pin to switch over to leg stuffs. "Yeah, Steph and the girls don't seem to mind having me around. It makes getting more... realistic candid shots. You guys have plenty of them."
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but working with your girlfriend has a lot of disadvantages. What's going to happen to your job if you're on the outs?" He asked a little smuggly, but still in a quiet voice because he's still Zack. // Rian stretched his arms up, rolling his shoulders back. "True. Take my word for it when I tell you, things can get tricky with that kind of stuff." He looked a little glum because he was still a little sad over Cassadee, leaning down to pick up his weights again.-
  7. Covet: "As much as I'd like to be worried about that... She and I have been through some pretty heavy shit already, and came out mostly unscathed. But that wasn't really either of our faults." He said, "She and I are doing really good, so you'll forgive me if I don't take it too serious. Besides, We're both adults, and can handle it." He said casually.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Zack reached his hands up to grab the bar again, going for his second set on the crazy weight. "Just because you're doing really good now doesn't mean you always will. Like I honestly thought you guys were fighting when I got our setlist for last night and realized they were all pretty much angry songs with the exception of the one the label wanted on there." // Rian curled his arm upward, watching his own motions as he listened to Zack. "I was a little surprised too, especially considering Steph and Alex were working on some song not too long ago that sounded a little sappy."-
  9. Covet: Felix smirked, "Yeah, don't worry...She's making a point to former people in her life with those. I'm actually glad she sang them because I got some great shots out of her, really looking bad ass. I know which songs were for me, and which one's werent." He said leaving it at that. "She wrote those angry songs before she and I were a thing. The sappy one, I'm totally taking credit for that. All me." Felix said smuggly.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "You helped her write the sappy song?" Zack asked as he lifted, completely aware that wasn't what Felix meant, but intentionally trying to give him more credit. "I didn't know you were such a talented songwriter too." // Rian leaned down and set his weights down on the floor again, shaking his head at Zack. "Quit being such a smartass." He walked across the room to the water jug, getting himself some water and making his way back to the group. "Usually the angry songs are more fun to play. At least for me they are. You get to put so much more energy into the song."-
  11. Covet: "No I didn't help her write it, I was the one she wrote it for. I take pictures, and read words. My words are mostly just sardonic bullshit, and that doesn't make for a good song. Unless you're Tom Green or Adam Sandler maybe" He said with a shrug, "Yeah, I think Steph's said as much being in her position as well. I've heard her get pretty screamy in some songs. One thing's for sure, she definitely puts her heart into what she writes, despite her saying she doesn't have one."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Right, got it. Not a music guy." Zack said, falling quiet as he listened to the two of them. "Screamy? The Krucial Kittens play pop rock..." // Rian immediately started to crack up. "She says she doesn't have a heart? I saw that girl baby talking a dog when we took them on tour with us. I don't buy it. Not that I blame her because I did it too. But people without hearts don't do that."-
  13. Covet: "It has to do with some of the local media stuff related to the criminal that caused it." Felix said trying to wave it off, I mean it was pretty widespread news at this point. People were starting to follow it like the fucking Scott Peterson/ Oj/ Jodie Arias shit. "So...I think it was a way for her to vent those emotions." Turning to Rian, "We have nicknames for eachother, outside of Red and Arizona, She's the tinman, self proclaimed, and I'm the Scarecrow. I think it comes to people, She's very much the animal person. They don't count against her being heartless."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Right." Zack shut up about it because it was kind of a thing that none of them addressed the case at all. "Wait, isn't the Scarecrow the one without a brain?" He asled with a laugh. // "Yeah, I kind of got that when I can't walk out of her house without being covered in hair. It's a good thing it doesn't bother me, it just makes me miss my dog." He paused, sighing a bit because Cuppy is adorable. "My ex has him."-
  15. Covet: "Yeah, he is. I totally accept it. I often say and do shit without thinking. The ADHD doesn't help. Might as well be brainless." He said owning his title. "You get used to it. I've begrudgingly started to let the cats be my personal hairstylists. I've yet to find anything that holds like feline drool."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Wow." He sort of just shook his head, pushing up from the bench press and walking over to the bars that lined the wall. Grabbing onto it with his right hand, he placed his left hand on his right wrist and curled his legs underneath him, beginning to do his first set of pull ups. // "You're braver than I am. I'm much more of a dog person." Rian dropped to sit on the floor, stretching himself out. "But I'm also usually the one in bed by ten, the one complaining about having to go to parties, or just generally anything that doesn't fit into my ideal schedule. I'm essentially thirty going on ninety so I don't stray from my usual."-
  17. Covet: Felix looked over at Zack, smug about his one word response, "I think the brainlessness helps her sometimes, especially when she's over thinking things. If the end results are her running off stage to shower me with affection, rather than puke, I'm not going to complain." He said just to pour some salt on Zack. He looked over at Rian, "Not everyone is a party person. I like going just to watch everyone else, or make sure they get home safe, every group needs someone like that."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night." He said through a strained voice as he continued his pull ups. // "I like parties and drinking, but I like it from like... five to ten. After ten and I want to be in my pajamas." He laughed as he looked over to Zack. "Is that what you're doing to make up for not having your rings with you?" He asked Zack before looking at Felix and rolling his eyes. "This guy could crush my head like a tomato, and I'm over here fantasizing about my pajamas."-
  19. Covet: "Taking out my hearing aid and curling up next to her, is usually what helps me sleep." Felix smirked even more smug, then laughed at Rian, "It's all good, the pajamas are totally worth it. I'm right there with you dude. Small gains, versus big gains." He said nudging his head to Zack.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Ye[." Zack spoke shortly, focusing on his pull ups because he was a little bitter now. // Rian rolled his eyes at the exchange and climbed to his feet, dusting off his butt from the floor. "Are you two done yet?" He asked a little sharply with a nervous laugh, slipping his hands into his shorts pockets. "Because if I have to listen to the two of you go back and forth anymore, I'm just going to catch a cab back to the hotel."-
  21. Covet: "I'm good..." Felix said like he hadn't been instigating shit... this shithead. He felt his phone go off in his pocket and grinned sending a message back, "I think Steph's done with practice, so I can give you guys a ride back on my way back to her place, if you want."
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Zack dropped down from the bar, rubbing his hands together to loosen up the skin. "What? We're fine. Quit making something out of nothing." He said to Rian as he headed back over to them. "Yeah, I guess we could use a ride to the hotel. Unless everyone just wants to go hangout or something." // "Uhuh... sure. But yeah, a ride sounds good. Hopefully it won't be nearly as awkward as working out has been." he looked over to Zack, raising his brows. "Do you know what time it is?"-
  23. Covet: "Hang out? Like at her place? I dunno.. we've got finals tomorrow, but I can ask her." Felix said, begrudgingly, then went to send another message on his phone while he spoke to Rian, "I can still drop you off at the hotel if you want though."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "So what? We're not in town that often. It's nice to spend time with your favorite people when you can, right?" He asked with a laugh, beginning to head towards the door, but honestly he was just trying to invade. // "Yeah, I'm going back to the hotel to sleep. Whatever you guys do is your own problem."-
  25. Covet: Felix looked down at his phone, "She says she's pretty tired, and has work and finals in the morning, but I guess if you kept your visit short, that'd be okay. She said she's going to go to sleep either way, so it'd just be you me and the zoo. She says you'd understand." Felix said with a non-emotional look because he saw the game that Zack was playing at, but he was going to be the bigger person here. He looked at Rian, then grabbed his coat and gym bag, "Well Let's get you back to the hotel before you turn back into a pumpkin."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "We've kept her up before, it's not a big deal. Although that's usually Jack's job. He's the loud one. Maybe when we drop off Rian we can pick up Jack." He said with a laugh on his way out of the gym, all heading out to the Jeep. Rian was annoyed because he knew Zack was just trying to be annoying.-
  27. Covet: "I don't think even Jack could keep her up tonight. And she should really get some sleep, she barely gets enough as is. We can figure out a lunch date or something next time you guys are in town, or we're where you are." Felix said as he walked out to his Jeep and climbed in starting up the car, fighting the urge to just leave Zack behind. But he waited and let him get in the vehicle.
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