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Nov 27th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. 17:49 < champtar> Hi all, I'm thinking about having hotplug call go over ubus, but not sure how to go about it, either have a method per type (hotplug.ntp), or extending ubus acl to be able to validate arguments (service.event type: hotplug.ntp)
  2. 17:51 < champtar> the goal would be to finally sandbox all the daemons running as root like ntpd / udhcpc / odhcp6c that need very few privileges execpt to call hotplug
  3. 19:29 < jow> aparcar[m]: sqlite
  4. 22:06 < champtar> karlp: yes, ntpd for example
  5. 22:06 < champtar> karlp: yes the "producers", ntpd for example
  6. 19:41 < jow> I don't get it :(
  7. 19:42 < champtar> jow: you don't get why parsing untrusted network data shoudn't be done as root ?
  8. 19:42 < champtar> :P
  9. 19:42 < jow> champtar: that I do. I dont understand why hotplug is a problem and how using ubus would solve it
  10. 19:42 < jow> especially since relying on ubus would require a lot more C handling code to be written
  11. 19:44 < champtar> if ntpd run as 'ntp' user, the hotplug scripts will run as 'ntp' user
  12. 19:44 < champtar> blogic: ambient capabilities
  13. 19:44 < jow> ah, so you want to repalce the hotplug "bus"
  14. 19:44 < champtar> yes, right now there is no bus
  15. 19:45 < jow> well
  16. 19:45 < jow> so you need something subscribing to kernel uevents and broadcasting them to ubus
  17. 19:46 < champtar> nop
  18. 19:46 < champtar> I still want to have ntpd call a small script
  19. 19:46 < jow> and you need to modify hotplug-call xxx to invoke ubus send hotplug '{ "class": "xxx" }'
  20. 19:47 < champtar> but have acl to allow only the type / class hotplug.ntp
  21. 19:47 < jow> and whatever process is hosting the ubus hotplug namespace then eeds to invoke the scrptlets in /etc/hotplug.d/
  22. 19:47 < champtar> jow: yes
  23. 19:48 < champtar> but it needs to also work for udhcpc
  24. 19:51 < jow> so in the end its a kind of suid + command filter mechanism
  25. 19:51 < champtar> I also want to be able to run ntpd in an almost empty ujail
  26. 19:52 < champtar> with a suid you would need the whole /etc/hotplug.d/ and many dependencies
  27. 19:52 < jow> why not simply let ntpd broadcast an event (something similar to ubus call service event, just more generalized) and have whatever is interested in it simply handle it?
  28. 19:53 < jow> e.g. a reload trigger for dnsamsq
  29. 19:53 < champtar> we need to filter the type of events that ntpd can generate
  30. 19:54 < jow> that should be doable already
  31. 19:54 < champtar> jow: we only filter on method, not params in the acls
  32. 19:54 < jow> iirc ubus supports acl's that can be tied to the remote socket user credentails (effective uid)
  33. 19:54 < jow> so the acl mechanism needs to be extended
  34. 19:55 < champtar> thus the title of my email "ubus acls for params or hotplugd ?" ;)
  35. 19:55 < jow> filter on param does not scale well imho, better break out the event type out of the param and make it part of the namespace / method or whatever
  36. 19:56 < jow> you would need to unmarshall the params blob just to apply potential acl rules on it
  37. 19:56 < jow> this will slow down the common path for anything using ubus
  38. 19:58 < champtar> jow: I would like to just drop an handler script, /etc/ubus-handler.d/hotplug.ntp
  39. 19:58 < jow> champtar: your proposed option 2 sounds like the way to go
  40. 19:59 < jow> publish one namespace per hotplug event class
  41. 19:59 < jow> apply ACLs on the per-class namespaces
  42. 19:59 < champtar> and have the hotplug.ntp namespace be usable
  43. 19:59 < champtar> yup but do I want another daemon for that
  44. 20:00 < jow> no, preferably it should go into procd / plugd or whatever sits on the kernel uevent socket atm
  45. 20:03 < jow> champtar: the ubus hotplug machinery would need to go into this part of procd:
  46. 20:03 < jow> champtar: and it needs to be smart enough / provide a mechanism to update the namespaces at runtime
  47. 20:04 < jow> e.g. some /etc/hotplug.d/xxx class might not exist on boot but might be added later when an installed package stages stuff there
  48. 20:07 < jow> m4t: yeah, I use them all the time
  49. 20:08 < jow> combined-squash
  50. 20:14 < jow> m4t:
  51. 20:29 < jow> yeah
  52. 20:29 < jow> at some point we lost the default padding in x86 squash images, making them unusable
  53. 20:30 < jow> ... ootb as vm image
  54. 21:02 < champtar> jow: we still need something to validate the params of the event, as it's untrusted, so what do you think of script handlers in /etc/ubus-handler.d/ ?
  55. 21:03 < champtar> with procd doing all the "publishing" work
  56. 21:12 < jow> champtar: not much
  57. 21:13 < jow> why do we need to validate params?
  58. 21:14 < jow> what is the thread model, what untrested input do we need to guard against?
  59. 21:14 < jow> I wouldn't expect even params to carry e.g. shell commands
  60. 21:14 < jow> *event params
  61. 21:21 < champtar> right now most hotplug params end up being environement variables
  62. 21:22 < champtar> we need to safely transform the data table in the event in the right command
  63. 21:23 < jow> you could apply generic constraints
  64. 21:23 < jow> like disallow nested / complex values in event args (so only u32, u8, string, bool, no object/array)
  65. 21:23 < jow> when transforming the fields into env vars, forcibly prefix them
  66. 21:23 < jow> to prevent things like overwriting $PATH
  67. 21:24 < jow> (and u8 == bool)
  68. 21:25 < jow> field names could be either transformed into valid shell identifiers doing something like s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/_/g
  69. 21:25 < jow> or rejected outright
  70. 21:25 < champtar> I prefer to reject
  71. 21:26 < jow> fine with me
  72. 21:26 < champtar> and to prefix
  73. 21:26 < champtar> but then we need to change the hotplug
  74. 21:26 < champtar> hotplugs*
  75. 21:26 < jow> that is an acceptable tradeoff
  76. 21:28 < champtar> and the generic handler script seems to be the same amount of work that only handling hotplug
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