
Tomodachi Game V2 Special TL - Allstar16

Apr 23rd, 2016
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  1. TG Special
  3. 127
  4. You guys need to learn a thing or two from your class president and study harder.
  5. Wooow, how many times did he get 100 points, as to be expected of Ken-chan.
  6. We sure are no match against Ken-chan.
  7. Wooow, Ken-chan got 1st place again.
  8. Kyaaa, Ken-chan is so cooool.
  9. Bye bye, Ken-chan, We'll always be friends even after you transfer!
  10. We'll never forget about Ken-chan so Ken-chan, please don't forget about us!
  11. Yea! I'll never for about everyone! We'll be friends forever!
  13. 128
  14. Aaah- Those days sure were nice-
  16. 129
  17. H...Hi, hello, is this Mihoshi-senpai...yes, of course, I can return it tomorrow!
  18. Wa, what...Please don't say such scary things...Hahaha
  19. It'll be ok! I'll return all 5 million by next week.
  20. Yes...right, I have a plan.
  21. A plan!
  22. TL Note - I couldn't think of an actual literal trans, so I used what sounds best in context.
  24. 130
  25. Alright.
  26. H-mm.
  27. ...Yup. This actually looks pretty nice?
  28. I was able to fake my belly with the corset,
  29. I was really lucky I'm not the type to get fat in my face.
  30. Alright now.../I'll go say hi to my old buddies.
  31. ...Are you maybe,/Ken-chan?
  33. 131
  34. I knew it, it's Ken-chan, it's been since elementary school!
  35. [As expected of Ken-chan]
  36. [Nomura Hayato/ The best friend from elementary school. They were always together whenever they did anything...However, he never stood a change against me which made him the best 'peanut gallery']
  37. ...It's been a while, Ken-chan.
  38. [I! like you, Ken-chan.]
  39. [Chigusa Kaede/ She was the cutest girl in the class. I was confessed several times, but I had no interest in girls at the time. I wouldn't mind going out with her now.]
  40. You guys sure haven't changed at all.
  41. [since elementary school]
  42. Now there's just two left...
  43. Sooory, did I make you all wait?
  45. 132
  46. Ooh It's Ken-chan!
  47. [I went and got this. The Coke that Ken-chan likes.]
  48. [Sakashita Kaito/He was always bullied in the class. I used to always protect him. He was my minion at the time.]
  49. Ah, Uum...It's been a while...Ken-chan.
  50. [Why does Ken-chan talk to a girl like me?]
  51. [Uzaki Humi/ She was the most bland girl in the class. She was always forgotten and left out by the class, and I helped her out. She probably liked me.
  52. Kaito...You sure got big...In a lot of ways.
  53. You really think so?
  54. Nononono, no matter how you look at it, you got fat...!!
  55. And...Uzaki, I couldn't tell who you were for a second.
  56. Is...Is that so.
  58. 133
  59. You got pretty.
  60. Eeh.
  61. If Ken-chan...Tells me those kinds of things...
  62. It...It'll make it hard for me...
  63. She definitely likes me still!
  64. Ken-chan, so what was the important business you had to talk about before the reunion?
  65. Ha? What are you talking about.
  66. I came here because you all told me to come here.
  67. Which is a lie! I told you guys to come here!
  68. Eh, wh...what does that mean?
  69. ...!!
  71. 134
  72. Ken-chan, behind you!!
  73. O...Ouuuuch, what a rough welcoming...
  75. 135
  76. Ken-chan!?
  77. Wa, Sto!?
  78. Who the heck are you!
  79. Kyaaa-!!
  80. But...It's good this way.
  81. ...I feel bad, but you guys will...
  82. become the sacrifice...
  83. Now...Take them to...
  84. Friend's Game
  85. 's...
  86. Are...
  87. na...
  88. ...
  90. 136
  91. ..chan.
  92. Ken-chan.
  93. U...Uuh
  94. Ken-chan!
  95. U...Uzaki...?
  96. Ken-chan, are you okay?
  97. Uwaaaaaa!!
  99. 137
  100. Welcome to the Friend's Game Arena!
  101. I'm the tour guide, Manabu-kun.
  103. 138
  104. Friend's Game...?
  105. From here, we will have you all participate in a super simple game.../and earn money.
  106. So every time you clear a game, we will give you a present of 2 million yen!
  107. So it will be a piece of cake to return the debt of 5 million yen <3
  109. 139
  110. F...5 million yen debt, what, I don't remember every having something like that!
  111. He-, then maybe,
  112. It's one of the other 4's debt?
  113. So from that someone, the 5 million yen was split evenly and each of you currently have a 1 million yen debt.
  114. It's obvious because you are all friends and you would work together to pay it back <3
  115. You all earn 2 million per game, so you can return 400,000 per person.
  116. ...Is the regular case but.../Today there's a special rule, so...
  118. 140
  119. Once it's game-over.../The remaining debt will be doubled.
  120. The debt of 1 million yen becomes 2 million yen...?
  121. The Friend's game isn't something that you can participate in with an intsy wintsy 5 million debt.
  122. Or else it won't be as thrilling. [that's why we have the special rule]
  123. Wait a minute, are you forcing us to participate?
  124. That isn't the case, you can choose to not participate.
  125. But in that case,
  126. The first game will be considered as a no-show, and the original debtor will take home the 5 million that doubles to a debt of 10 million.
  127. One person with a 10 million debt...
  128. But with that, everyone else can go home without a debt, right?
  129. Y...Yea you're right! Besides, it's their own problems...!!
  131. 141
  132. Of course we're going to participate.
  133. Ke...Ken-chan...
  134. B...But...
  135. Just think about it. Think about the person who has this debt...
  136. That person was troubled...and after facing this dilemma, decided to participate in this game.
  137. And that person chose us as the participants for this game.
  139. 142
  140. And saw us as the reliable friends!
  141. And you all are just going to let them be?
  142. That person who is about to be shouldered with a 10 million debt!!
  143. ...
  144. Seriously,
  145. You're amazing, Ken-chan...
  147. 143
  148. This feeling...It's pretty nostalgic.
  149. Let's participate, everyone!
  150. We are friends...after all.
  151. Yea...At this point, it doesn't matter whose debt it is.
  152. Yea...
  153. Everyone...
  154. It really was the right thing to bring you all here.
  156. 144
  157. So eaaaasy-
  158. You guys were always like this.
  159. Wherever I go, you guys would just blindly follow me.
  160. Basically, you all were my followers.
  161. The believers who idol the charisma I have!
  162. This is a piece of cake. With this, I can easily reach my goal.
  163. Seems like you decided to participate./Let me explain the rules for the first game.
  165. 145
  166. The first game is...
  167. Friend's Rock Paper Scissors.
  168. The rules are super simple./Everyone will get 1 rock, 1 paper, and 1 scissor card, so a total of 3 cards.
  169. You can only use each card once.
  170. On shoot, everyone will show their cards.
  171. So that part will be just like the normal rock paper scissors.
  172. And before all three cards are used up...If everyone gets a draw, then you've cleared the game.
  173. Eh...That's it.
  174. Also, you can even talk about what you will use before you use the card. Isn't it super easy.
  175. ...In...Indeed this might be super easy.
  177. 146
  178. However! There is one small additional rule.
  179. In the event you don't get a draw, then there will be a transfer of debt from the winner to the loser.
  180. The price will be 0.5 million per victory!
  181. For the details, please refer to this chart./The original debt is 1 million.
  182. So in summary, the loser will pay for 0.5 mil worth of the winner's debt.
  183. We...Well it'll work out./These kind of things are pretty likely to end in a draw anyways.
  184. You idiot!!
  186. 147
  187. Using the cards without a plan is out of the question!
  188. We only have three cards.
  189. What if we coincidentally do have a winner and a loser...?/Then you would be pushing your debt onto someone else.
  190. I wouldn't be able to bear that...
  191. I would just feel sorry...and shameful.
  192. ...Ken-chan.
  193. Let's all use the same card!
  194. That is the safest and surest way.
  196. 148
  197. As expected of Ken-chan.
  198. If Ken-chan says something, it sounds really convincing.
  199. No way...
  200. But I'm thankful everyone understands.
  201. Scissors. Let's all use scissors.
  202. Roger!/Yea/Mmhmm/Okay
  203. - This is one bubble with everyone saying different things.
  204. ...
  205. ...And...
  206. I will use rocks!!
  207. and then
  208. 0.5 of my debt will transfer
  209. and be like this!
  211. 149
  212. Obviously, everyone will get mad but then,
  213. Sorry, I thought we were going to "Start with Rock" like in real rock paper scissors.
  214. or whatever, and finagle it.
  215. And then next,
  216. Next I'll use scissors so everyone use rocks! That way, it will even out.
  217. -is what I'll say.
  218. But I will use paper!!
  219. And then this will happen.
  220. Again, I will win by myself and the debt will transfer...
  221. And obviously, we will lost the game so our debt will double, but that doesn't matter to me because I'll be at zero!!
  222. It's genius!
  223. I'm a genius!!
  224. These kinds of games will always become harder as they go on!
  225. So I'm going to end this as quickly as I can!
  226. Everyone, here/we go-!
  227. Rock Paper Scissors...!!
  229. 150
  230. Shoot
  232. 151
  234. EE!!?
  235. Wha...
  236. Why did everyone use paper!!
  237. Ken-chan!
  238. Ye...Yea.
  239. Di...Did they figure it out...? My plan!?
  241. 152
  242. As expected.
  243. Ken-chan knew everything we were going to do.
  244. We were all going to intentionally lose to Ken-chan./So we all used paper.
  245. -???
  246. We all were taken helped by Ken-chan back in elementary school.
  247. And so...
  248. If we were ever reunited...
  250. 153
  251. We all...decided we would return the favor.
  252. But you, having noticed that, wanted to say "don't do uncessessary things!"...
  253. So you used the rock...
  254. knowing you would lose, right.
  255. ...Th.
  257. 154
  258. That's exactly right!
  259. I can tell what you guys are thinking.
  260. Don't think of returning any favors./Especially money...I'm not really in financial trouble!
  261. As expected of Ken-chan!
  262. I...I'm saved.
  263. ...I think?
  264. ...But what should I do? I'm the only one who increased in debt.
  265. Should I humbly try to clear the stage.
  266. [Current debt summary]
  268. 155
  269. Then next we will use rock so.
  270. Ken-chan, you should use paper.
  271. That way, you would win by yourself.
  272. -!!
  273. Hey Manabu-kun, if Ken-chan wins, can you transfer the 200 back onto us?
  274. I don't mind./As long as you guys are ok with it.
  275. And then we are going to clear the game with the last scissors.
  276. That's exactly it, Ken-chan!
  277. I see! This is the best option right now.
  278. I will hold off the betrayal until the second game!!
  279. Then here we go!
  280. Reaaady, Rock, Paper, Scissors...
  282. 156
  283. Wait a second!!
  284. ...?
  285. What's wrong, Ken-chan.
  286. Just...wait.
  287. What's...this.
  288. Isn't something strange?
  289. The first round, I lose by myself because of a mix up...
  290. The second round, in order to return the debt that increased, I use the card they told me to use...
  292. 157
  293. Isn't this completely,
  294. the same exact flow as the plan I had...!?
  295. If I use paper exactly as I've been told...
  296. And if they all use the scissors to betray me-
  297. I would lose by myself.
  298. And, it would be game over and my debt will double to 10 million!!
  299. ...Bad...This is bad...
  300. Will they really...Use rock like they said...?
  301. He...Hey everyone...
  303. 158
  304. What? Ken-chan.
  305. What...?
  306. Ah...No...Never mind.
  307. Were they...always like this...!?
  308. Sc...Scary.
  310. 159
  311. It's no good...I just can't
  312. Use paper right now...!!
  313. If I use scissors, then when they all betray me and use scissors,
  314. we'll end with a draw!
  315. No...
  316. I can't! I can't!
  317. Am I an idiot! If I get spooked and use scissors,
  318. and everyone uses rock without betraying me,
  319. Then in the end, I will lose by myself!!
  320. ...What the heck is this...
  321. Should I use paper and believe my friends,
  322. or use scissors, those are my only two choices...!!
  323. That's the Friends Game,
  324. Ken-chan <3
  326. 160
  327. This is a place where you are tested on if you can believe your friends.
  328. Try remembering it well, what exactly are they to you, Ken-chan?
  329. If you can answer that, then you should be able to find the right answer.
  330. ...Those guys are...
  331. me,
  332. Those guys are...
  333. Will they actually ever hate me...?
  335. 161
  336. Remember.
  337. About those times.
  338. Ken-chan, we are all your friends, forever!
  339. Yea! We'll be friends forever!!
  340. Those guys are,
  341. to me...!!
  343. 162
  344. We're all friends forever!
  345. I...will use paper next!!
  346. ...
  347. What's wrong, all of a sudden.
  348. Were you actually suspicious of us?
  350. 163
  351. Obviously, Ken-chan!
  352. We're going to use rock next.
  353. Yeah!
  354. It's okay! There's no reason for them to betray me.
  355. I'll believe my friends.
  356. That's right, Ken-chan.
  357. The only way to beat this game is to not doubt your friends!
  358. Let me start over! With these guys, I'll be able to get through the entire Friends game.
  359. Here we go, everyone!/Ready,
  360. Rock, Paper, Scissors...
  362. 164
  363. Wha!!?
  365. 165
  366. ...Why...!?
  367. That's amazing, it all went just as Nomura-kun said it would.
  368. To be honest, I used to mess with him a lot,/and this kind of reminded me of back then.
  369. Aah-, there was that time, where you'd manipulate him with compliments.
  370. Wh...What do you mean...?
  371. You knew everything all along!?
  372. But...Since when? My acting was perfect...!!
  373. From the very beginning, Ken-chan.
  374. Eh...
  375. We knew that you were the one who dragged us into this shady game,/ and we also knew that you were the debtor right off the bat.
  377. 166
  378. You've always had this habit of making a fist with your thumb tucked in even from back then.
  379. !?
  380. I told everyone about that while you were unconscious.
  381. [was it really.]
  382. [You sure do remember a lot]
  383. Th...Then when you said you guys are returning the favor, during the game, that was...
  384. That was obviously a lie to manipulate you.
  385. ...B...But I actually...helped you guys out back then...
  386. At the very least, you all used to really liked me, right?
  387. ...
  388. Did we?
  389. !/Yes you did!!
  391. 167
  392. Nomura, you always said "as expected of Ken-chan" all the time...!!
  393. that was because if I said those things, you would act out and it was bad.
  394. [Now that I think about it, it could have been considered bullying.]
  395. Chigusa... You asked me out!
  396. Aah- but you know, it was one of those things where little girls like the boys who can run fast...It was one of those.
  397. [So embarassing-]
  398. He was pretty fast-
  399. Sakashita, I helped you out when you were getting bullied!
  400. Did you really...?/All I remember is that I would buy you things out of good will, but you would never even say thanks.
  401. Uzaki...
  402. I liked being by myself...but you kept coming up to me so I just thought you had a crush on me...
  403. To be honest, it was a little creepy.
  404. You're lying.../Because I used to be everyone's hero.
  405. I was the popular kid who got elected as class president,/and I was the genius who always got 100 points,/and I was good at sports...
  407. 168
  408. In elementary school, no one wants to be the class president./They just pushed that duty onto you.
  409. There's 2 patterns in being popular./First is someone who's actually popular, and the second is just the class clown.
  410. There's always those who say they were smart back in elementary school./But how well you did in class doesn't really matter when you're an adult.
  411. That's true with sports too. Even if you're the fastest in the class, it won't really matter in the future.
  412. Th...Then what about...?/The promise that we'd always be friends...That promise...?
  413. Hey Ken-chan.
  415. 169
  416. We're 27 years old now.
  417. We don't remember...something so long ago.
  418. So Ken-chan...No, Kenichi,
  419. Just take a look at yourself in the present.
  420. U...Uuh.
  421. ...I...I'm...
  423. 170
  424. Not Kenichi...It's Kenji-
  425. The class reunion is probably over by now.
  426. Isn't it okay with just four of us? Former 6th grade, class 2, the friendly four.
  427. Yeah.
  428. Memories become more beautiful over time...
  430. 171
  431. Especially if the person is a good-for-nothing now.
  432. Oh, that's right./The Friends Game is always looking for new applicants.
  433. There is only one condition./That you have friends...
  434. Who will never betray you...
  435. However, I don't know if the friends you just thought of.../Actually think of you as their friend...
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