
OpFuckMohammad -

Feb 3rd, 2013
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  1. OpFuckMohammad
  3. Greetings from th3inf1d3l - Syrian Employment site, at My first larger leak since New Years with a total of 5979 unique emails. Unfortunately 1 breached account (hashed password) from Table admin_settings. The full dump can be found here
  5. Summary:
  6. DB: ramid_job
  7. Table topic_comment.csv: 6 total 6 unique emails
  8. Table admin_settings.csv: 1 total 1 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  9. Table company_contact_person.csv: 6 total 6 unique emails
  10. Table resume_sent_mails_recommendations.csv: 2090 total 2002 unique emails
  11. 2102 total 2014 unique emails found
  12. 1 total 1 unique passwords found
  13. ?> python
  14. DB: ramid_oldjob
  15. Table nuke_users.csv: 0 total 0 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  16. Table nuke_jobreference.csv: 4861 total 4116 unique emails
  17. DB: ramid_job
  18. Table topic_comment.csv: 6 total 6 unique emails
  19. Table admin_settings.csv: 1 total 1 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  20. Table company_contact_person.csv: 6 total 6 unique emails
  21. Table resume_sent_mails_recommendations.csv: 2090 total 1851 unique emails
  22. 6963 total 5979 unique emails found
  23. 1 total 1 unique passwords found
  25. web application technology: Apache, PHP 5.3.10
  26. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  28. database management system users [1]:
  29. [*] 'ramid_oldjob'@'localhost'
  31. available databases [3]:
  32. [*] information_schema
  33. [*] ramid_job
  34. [*] ramid_oldjob
  36. Database: ramid_job
  37. [143 tables]
  38. +-----------------------------------+
  39. | admin_menu |
  40. | admin_report |
  41. | admin_resume_notes |
  42. | admin_settings |
  43. | ads |
  44. | application |
  45. | bank |
  46. | banner_tabs |
  47. | best_place |
  48. | brodcast |
  49. | brodcast_reader |
  50. | capplication |
  51. | classified |
  52. | comment_action |
  53. | company_activity |
  54. | company_contact_person |
  55. | company_favorites |
  56. | company_funds |
  57. | company_packages |
  58. | company_resume_offer |
  59. | company_resume_order |
  60. | company_resume_read |
  61. | company_service_person |
  62. | company_service_request |
  63. | company_vacancy |
  64. | company_vacancy_offer |
  65. | company_vacancy_order |
  66. | company_vacancy_packages |
  67. | contact_department |
  68. | course |
  69. | course_day |
  70. | credit_payment |
  71. | educational_institution |
  72. | employment_service |
  73. | event |
  74. | event_type |
  75. | faqs |
  76. | flash_banners |
  77. | global_texts |
  78. | help |
  79. | horoscope |
  80. | how_to_use |
  81. | int_info_bar |
  82. | jobseeker_ads |
  83. | legal_advisor |
  84. | list_activity |
  85. | list_apply_lang |
  86. | list_availability |
  87. | list_career_level |
  88. | list_city |
  89. | list_contact_mail |
  90. | list_country |
  91. | list_course_category |
  92. | list_course_license |
  93. | list_currency |
  94. | list_days_in_week |
  95. | list_deleted_users |
  96. | list_department |
  97. | list_driving_license |
  98. | list_education_degree |
  99. | list_education_level |
  100. | list_family_status |
  101. | list_gender |
  102. | list_horoscope |
  103. | list_job_type |
  104. | list_jobseeker_confid |
  105. | list_languages |
  106. | list_languages_rating |
  107. | list_military_status |
  108. | list_mini_interview |
  109. | list_openings_no |
  110. | list_period |
  111. | list_resume_availability |
  112. | list_salary |
  113. | list_titles |
  114. | list_topic |
  115. | list_tutorial_attender |
  116. | list_tutorial_category |
  117. | list_websites |
  118. | mail_templates |
  119. | mail_templates_sent |
  120. | mails_to_send |
  121. | marquee |
  122. | message |
  123. | notif_settings |
  124. | notification |
  125. | poll |
  126. | profile_comment |
  127. | reply_to_applicant_options |
  128. | reply_to_candidate_res |
  129. | report_candidate |
  130. | report_candidate_options |
  131. | requested_tutorial |
  132. | requested_tutorial_category |
  133. | requested_tutorial_target |
  134. | resume |
  135. | resume_attented_courses |
  136. | resume_education |
  137. | resume_experience |
  138. | resume_job_type |
  139. | resume_language_rate |
  140. | resume_mini_interview |
  141. | resume_notes |
  142. | resume_recommendations |
  143. | resume_sent_mails |
  144. | resume_sent_mails_recommendations |
  145. | resume_skills |
  146. | resume_translate |
  147. | resume_working_city |
  148. | resume_working_department |
  149. | service_des |
  150. | service_person |
  151. | service_request |
  152. | site_about_women |
  153. | slider |
  154. | statistics |
  155. | suggest_companies |
  156. | topic |
  157. | topic_comment |
  158. | tutorial |
  159. | tutorial_category |
  160. | tutorial_package |
  161. | tutorial_target |
  162. | user |
  163. | user_company |
  164. | user_company_control |
  165. | user_delete |
  166. | user_jobseeker |
  167. | user_privilege |
  168. | user_role |
  169. | user_service |
  170. | vac_experience_level |
  171. | vac_interview_ans |
  172. | vac_req_languages |
  173. | vacancy |
  174. | vacancy_dep |
  175. | vacancy_job_type |
  176. | vacancy_management |
  177. | vacancy_nationality |
  178. | vacancy_questions |
  179. | vacancy_req_languages |
  180. | variables |
  181. | websites |
  182. +-----------------------------------+
  184. Database: ramid_oldjob
  185. [19 tables]
  186. +----------------------+
  187. | nuke_careerlevel |
  188. | nuke_cv_bought |
  189. | nuke_jobabi |
  190. | nuke_jobactivity |
  191. | nuke_jobcomp |
  192. | nuke_jobcourses |
  193. | nuke_jobcoverletter |
  194. | nuke_jobdepartment |
  195. | nuke_jobeducation |
  196. | nuke_jobemployment |
  197. | nuke_joblangs |
  198. | nuke_joblisting |
  199. | nuke_jobmini |
  200. | nuke_jobobj |
  201. | nuke_jobreference |
  202. | nuke_jobresume |
  203. | nuke_othercon |
  204. | nuke_res_suboriginal |
  205. | nuke_users |
  206. +----------------------+
  208. @th3inf1d3l
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