
Anonymous equestrians part 10

Jun 16th, 2012
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  1. >after the pinkie party at twilight's was over, the crowd dispursed
  2. >leaving you and unknown to depart for applejack's house
  3. "so hows your arm?"
  4. >unknown:"has a couple cracks in it, but not broken"
  5. >on some level, you already knew it wasn't broken
  6. >unknown:"so what i miss while i was in canterlot?"
  7. >after careful decision making you decide to say, "not much"
  8. >unknown:"do you really take me for a fool?"
  9. >you looked at him, slightly confused. hoping that he didnt know
  10. >unknown:"i saw that you and applejack kissed, but not much after that."
  11. "well yeah we kinda did, but-"
  12. >unknown:"BUT... after she went to go get you and rainbow i saw that you two didnt come walking back hand in hoof. So care to explain what happened"
  13. >you already knew he could tell you were lying from the beginning, but you tried anyway
  14. >for the rest of the walk home you two talked of what happened while he was in canterlot
  15. >suprisingly there was little to talk about since you'd both knew everything about each other
  16. >when you got to the apple family house you both kicked off your shoes and walked inside being greeted once again by the smell of apples
  17. >unknown:"im gonna go to bed"
  18. "i'll join you in a bit, but for now, im gonna go for a walk to stretch my legs"
  19. >unknown proceeds up the stairs and waves back to you
  20. >you walk back out the front door after grabbing your jacket since it was cold as balls outside
  21. >you slip it on while you put your shoes on
  22. >why'd i even walk into the house if i was just gonna go back outside
  23. >brain: yeah, your a moron
  24. >this is your fault to brain
  25. >brain: ok then, time to delete some of your precious memories
  26. >fuck you brain, its too early for this shit
  27. >brain: fine, im going to bed
  28. >fine
  29. >brain: fine
  30. >you continue on your stroll along the river
  31. >stopping every now and then to skip rocks
  32. >suddenly luna
  33. >she lands gracefully next to you, placing a kiss on your cheek
  34. >brain: did she just?
  35. >no, she couldnt have
  36. >luna:"i didnt expect to see you out so late unknown"
  37. >brain: hahahaha, oh god my sides
  38. >what are you laughin at? so what if she mistakes me for unknown, we are twins afterall
  39. >brain: broskie, you took his jacket. thats the ONLY thing that tells you two apart
  40. "oh luna, im not unknown. i must've taken his jacket by mistake"
  41. >luna:"oh you, always with your sense of humor."
  42. >with that she placed another kiss, only this time it was on your lips
  43. >shit, what do
  44. >you place a palm on her chest and try to push her back
  45. >brain: you remember all those times i tried to remind you to go to the gym? yeah, i do too.
  46. >she didnt even budge, but rather wrapped her fore hooves around your shoulders and continued kissing you
  47. >oh shit, what if unknown comes out
  48. >she finally breaks the kiss, but now shes staring into your eyes
  49. >luna:"i shall see you soon unknown, perhaps we shall do this again tomorrow night?"
  50. >not wanting to experience an akward moment with luna you just nod
  51. >she kisses you one more time and the releases her hooves from around you
  52. >and with that she flies off into the night
  53. >brain: sir, we're at maximum capacity trying to figure out what the fuck just happened
  54. >hey brain, just delete everything that happened within the last five minutes
  55. >brain: previous five minutes have been copied and pasted to all parts of brain
  56. >i hate you brain
  57. >brain: you wont after i tell you this
  58. >tell me what
  59. >brain: proximity alert
  60. >you turn around just in time to see a rainbow crash into your face
  61. >dash:"hey unknown, do you know where your brother is?"
  62. "its me anonymous. i guess i just took his jacket by mistake"
  63. >she brightens up a little and adjusts herself slightly. shes still sitting on your chest
  64. >dash:"oh, well then how bout we go for those drinks?"
  65. "its near midnight, what kind of bar would be open?"
  66. >she gets off you, allowing you to stand up
  67. >dash:"just follow me anon, i'll show you the best place in town to get hammered
  68. >
  69. >
  70. >
  71. >you both sat down at the bar and were instantly greeted by the bartender who was casually wiping an empty mug with a rag
  72. >huh, guess this world wasnt much different
  73. >dash:"i'll have a line of applejack daniel's shots"
  74. >bartender:"and for the human?"
  75. "beer please"
  76. >since you've never had beer before you decide to not go for the shots
  77. >dash:"haha, a beer. your such a light weight"
  78. >you both laugh the night away with you drinking your beers and dashie pounding shot after shot
  79. >apparently you werent such a light weight considering you were twice their size
  80. >but you still got pretty drunk
  81. >dashie on the other hand was completely shit faced
  82. >dash:"so anon, whash yous doin for teh heart an hoofes day?"
  83. >oh dear sweet baby jesus dat grammar
  84. "nothin really dash, considering i wont have a special somepony"
  85. >dash:"well if yous wants, i could keeps yous companie tommorah"
  86. >dash:"but jus as freinds of course"
  87. >she seemed to have forced that second sentence
  88. >but you decided to agree to it anyway
  89. >what harm could it do
  90. >brain: you just mcfucked up idiot
  91. >howso?
  92. >brain: never ask how things could go wrong
  93. >shyaddup brain, or else i'll drown you in more alchohol
  94. >brain: whats that, i couldnt here you over the logic center already drowning
  95. "sure dashie, i'd love to hang out with my best bro tomorrah"
  96. >dash:"alraightie den, its settled."
  97. >she tries to get off of the bar stool, but fails horribly and falls flat onto her face
  98. >she didnt even attempt to move her front hooves
  99. >yup, guess its time to pack up
  100. "come on dash, your way too drunk to stay here"
  101. >you climb off the bar stool, barely able to maintain your balance
  102. >you grab dashie and sling her across your shoulders
  104. >fuck you brain, shut it off
  105. >brain:fine, but you owe me one
  106. >shyaddup
  107. >you exit the bar with dashie slung across
  108. >dash:"wooooooo, woooooooo"
  109. >she seemed to be enjoying herself up there
  110. >brain: probably because shes enjoying her gyroscope
  111. >shutup brain
  112. >brain: cant i just turn it on for 5 minutes?
  113. >no
  114. >brain: 1 minute?
  115. >no
  116. >brain: enough time for me to enjoy watching you fall?
  117. >no
  118. >dash:"hey anon, ah think im way too shmashed to fly home. can i stay with you for teh night?"
  119. "of course dashie, no way i'd say no to you"
  120. >you could hear her squee with excitement
  121. >you could see the barn come into view
  122. >along with something else
  123. >someone was sitting on the porch
  124. >but at this distance you couldnt see who
  125. >oh well, might as well continue on this magical adventure
  126. >as you get closer to the house you see a worried anygry applejack sitting on the porch
  127. >brain: you remember when i said you should say what could go wrong? yeah i do too
  128. >shutup brain, i'll just explain that rainbow is too drunk to fly
  129. >applejack:"where were yah all night! ah was startin tah get worried about yah"
  130. "me an dashie went out drinkin"
  131. >she shows anger on her face after she hears about rainbow dash
  132. >and her anger only grows when she sees rainbow dash slung across your shoulders
  133. "oh yeah, and since rainbow's too drunk to fly, can she stay here for the night?"
  134. >her face only shows more anger while dashie begins to stir on your back, oblivious to whats going on but still awake
  135. >applejack:"well alright, but she can sleep out in the barn if she wants tah stay here"
  136. >that seemed a little harsh, but it might as well have to do
  137. >you turn around and continue on your way to the barn
  138. >when you get there you walk inside and set dashie on a stack of hay and start to walk out
  139. >dash:"wait! anon."
  140. >you turn around and walk back to her
  141. "yeah dash?"
  142. >dash:"you think you could keep me company out here? its gonna get colder later on and i dont have a blanket"
  143. >you think it over for a bit before saying, "of course dashie, you know i cant say no to you"
  144. >you grab a stack of hay and set it next to the one she was laying down on
  145. >you take off your jacket and set it next to yourself as you lay down
  146. >once you get settled down, dashie snuggles up next to you
  147. >what was the point of getting the second stack of hay?
  148. >you take the jacket and lay it across dash who is right next to you, using your chest as a pillow
  149. >sleep came quickly seeing as how you were drunk
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