

Jul 25th, 2015
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  1. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine has joined the chat
  2. EmeliaBowers: Hello and Welcome~ How May we help you today lovely?
  3. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Uhm... this is a training room for new people, right? I'm switch but I've never actually subbed before... So I don't quite know how, but I'd like to.
  4. ShadowMeow: Hello dear.
  5. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Hi there ^-^
  6. ShadowMeow: And yes, you have come to the right place.
  7. EmeliaBowers: PLease come sit~
  8. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Just sit anywhere?
  9. ShadowMeow: Yes. :)
  10. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Alrighty, thank you ^-^
  11. EmeliaBowers: So dear, when you say Sub, are you talking Submissive/Dominant or the pet style of Submissive?
  12. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Pet. I know it's not right to do this but I find it easier to link it all into subbing, then explain what exactly I am when someone asks. I've never been a pet before...
  13. EmeliaBowers: Well dear... there are different levels of pets. There are base pets which is the begining step and then there are Subpets, which is very hard to start with and I wouldn't reccomend. They are two totally different levels. However, have you been a submissive before?
  14. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I have subbed before, only once in real life though... I kinda never due to a bad experiance, but I figured I could probably do it online as if something I don't like happens and they ignore my word I can just leave
  15. EmeliaBowers: Hmm... I'm not sure being a subpet is a good start for you dear. My first reccomendation is to begin as a sexual pet on the base level, and find an owner willing to work with you and attempt to evolve your relationship into a Subpet/Master/Mistress Owner relationship.
  16. EmeliaBowers: Starting in the lifestyle is actually complicated and takes time and dedication, to jump right in to a higher level may be difficult if you've had bad experiences before.
  17. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I wouldn't know how to find an owner... Do I just ask people or sit in an adoption room, and what if I'm not good enough and nobody wants me.
  18. ShadowMeow has left the chat
  19. EmeliaBowers: Alright. Let's begin the teaching!
  20. EmeliaBowers: first thing to know is to be a pet you have to own furrs~~
  21. EmeliaBowers: or atleast a furr
  22. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I have three, a horse a dog and a cat, which one do you think would be better?
  23. EmeliaBowers: Can you show me the cat please
  24. EmeliaBowers: ?
  25. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Sorry one moment ^-^
  26. EmeliaBowers: Of course deary~
  27. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Realized the cat and dog didn't save properly, but hey, oh well
  28. EmeliaBowers: Hmmmm... one moment
  29. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I also have a femme-neko boy or however you'd call that.
  30. EmeliaBowers: Try that one on
  31. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Oh no now I feel bad ;-;
  32. EmeliaBowers: Don't feel bad.
  33. Seethe: shush and just listen to the woman haha.
  34. EmeliaBowers: I'm a generous person. Everyone has to start somewhere
  35. EmeliaBowers: Now
  36. EmeliaBowers: to be a pet you must be loyal to your owner.
  37. EmeliaBowers: one and only one owner is acceptable for a pet in todays adoption world
  38. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Oh he's very big
  39. EmeliaBowers: You can always change the avi
  40. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: And I'm always loyal, whether I'm owner or pet.
  41. EmeliaBowers: That's good~
  42. EmeliaBowers: Now also you obviously don't beg XD But it has to be covered, asking for gifts is a big no with owners.
  43. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I feel bad enough when someone just gives me a present, I can't even ask my family for things in real life. No worries there
  44. EmeliaBowers: Just be aware they may gift you just because you don't ask for things.
  45. EmeliaBowers: That tends to make people gift more
  46. EmeliaBowers: anyway
  47. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Oh no ;-;
  48. EmeliaBowers: Just hush and accept the love, let them know you dislike being gifted but just be prepaired.
  49. EmeliaBowers: Also, some owners are against their pets having relationships.
  50. EmeliaBowers: a pet owner relationship is much more than just that. It is trust, caring for one another, it is dedication and devotion to one another.
  51. EmeliaBowers: There are fake owners out there that are cruel and rude, do not involve with them and do NOT let anyone force collar you, it is wrong to quote a lovely someone "You cannot build a relationship based on trust by forcing someone to be yours"
  52. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: That's why I don't sub in real life anymore. I let one guy who I'd been with for five years tie me up and boom - never again. So now I only do this online so if someone does try and force anything or ignore my safe word I can just leave the room
  53. EmeliaBowers: Keep in mind in many rooms saftey is the main priority, if you ever feel unsafe let a mod know or leave the room if there is no mod.
  54. EmeliaBowers: and shoot the room owner a message explaining your experience
  55. EmeliaBowers: Also a proper interview must take place before any adoption, in public for the records that it can be witnessed and verified.
  56. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: alright. I can do hat. I'm not sure I can answer questions infront of people though... i'd get nervous.
  57. EmeliaBowers: FOr your saftey and the adopters saftey it is best, please remember that.
  58. EmeliaBowers: Being a pet means you will recieve love and affection from your owner.
  59. EmeliaBowers: There are however many expectations of a pet and those vary from owner to owner
  60. EmeliaBowers: You will be cuddles, and starting as a sexual pet things will happen. Respect your owner, but do not let anyone but your owner give you commands.
  61. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: What do I do if my owner tells me to follow what the other person says? Do I do it?
  62. EmeliaBowers: To an extent.
  63. EmeliaBowers: Also you should still respect room owners of pet rooms, in a way different from your Owner, the terms to use for others above you are Sir and Miss
  64. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: How do I call my owner? Do I call him master or do they tell me what they want during the interview
  65. EmeliaBowers: You should ask during the interview.
  66. EmeliaBowers: The term for an owner varries lately.
  67. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I notice I keep calling my future owner a boy >.> I mean both so I should be saying 'they' or 'them'
  68. EmeliaBowers: It's fine~ XD
  69. EmeliaBowers: Also most owners will prefer you be in a furr at all times around them.
  70. EmeliaBowers: It is important to state boundries and limits within and interview
  71. EmeliaBowers: and if they are unclear in a responce please ask them to explain. Never agree to something you do not understand
  72. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I don't think I have any other than no children involved in anyway while anything remotely sexual could be going on, puke, scat or being ignored. I don't like being ignored if I've done something to annoy my owner I like being told ;-;
  73. EmeliaBowers: Establish that early into the interview
  74. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Alrighty the ^-^
  75. EmeliaBowers: DO you have any questions for me?
  76. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Can I add you encase I need anymore advice, and what if I can't find anyone right for me? I'm not a very big optimist, sorry
  77. EmeliaBowers: You are more than welcome to add me~
  78. EmeliaBowers: Also
  79. EmeliaBowers: paitence.
  80. EmeliaBowers: I have a room for you to start your search
  81. EmeliaBowers: It may take time but you will find someone
  82. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I hope so... Are you a pet too then?
  83. Seethe: hey chaos its not a race
  84. Seethe: just remember that
  85. EmeliaBowers: I'm a submissive
  86. EmeliaBowers: but I am also an owner.
  87. Seethe: work on it on your terms
  88. Seethe: dont comply to anything you dont like. it takes alot of time to find someone perfect. never rush it.
  89. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I know... And I wont take the first person who wants me either, I'm just not good at keeping my hopes up on things.
  90. Seethe: well this is the thing.
  91. Seethe: you can take the chance with the first person.
  92. Seethe: but make sure they understand in full what you want.
  93. Seethe: just because your under someone doesnt mean they can keep you captive.
  94. EmeliaBowers: Seethe is my helper~ He was just modded so if I miss anything he will cover it.
  95. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I know, I will... I just get nervous when answering questions encase I say the wrong thing then for the first few weeks of a relationship I'm scared of upsetting them so I don't really talk.
  96. Seethe: dont be nervious. i know its easier said then done, but you have no reason to be.
  97. Seethe: if someone is speaking to you then you have interested them enough to do so.
  98. Seethe: just keep that in mind. if they get mad over a mistake then explain yourself any well versed owner will listen.
  99. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I don't normally talk unless someone speaks to me, so people often think I'm afk but I'm not, I'm just shy ;-;
  100. Seethe: honestly i can relate im one of thoes people who keep to themselves untill im addressed. though im on the other end of the spectrum.
  101. Seethe: just have confidence. even messing up someone who sees you have confidence wont stay mad.
  102. Seethe: as long as someone can see your trying at things youll be just fine.
  103. Seethe: i will say, youll meet some people who want to just fuck and throw you away, im not trying to scare you but its true. thats why she was stressing about the interveiw thing, to point out what you want in front of everyone.
  104. EmeliaBowers: Seethe you are a wonderful addition to the team of teaching~
  105. Seethe: they say to do this so if they are that way everyone else can point them out so no one else gets abused
  106. Seethe: understand?
  107. Seethe: thank you Em, i just speak from experience is all.
  108. EmeliaBowers: That's why I modded you.
  109. EmeliaBowers: You are now a part of the staff dear
  110. Seethe: ill try not to let you down.
  111. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Y-yes... I understand that, but whenever I try to be more outgoing I say something stupid and then everyone gets upset and blames me. That's just how it's always been so now even online I struggle
  112. Seethe: then simply find a new crowd.chaos.
  113. Seethe: no one wants to get with someone who cant act themselves.
  114. Seethe: trust me.
  115. Seethe: im an arrogent asshole at times.
  116. Seethe: i make that known in interveiws.
  117. Seethe: i can say things jokingly that make people feel like shit sometimes.
  118. Seethe: again not everyone will like they carefree additude you claim to have others will love you for it.
  119. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Can I add you to? You seem like you'd be helpful in finding the bad eggs, I've never been good at seeing someone true personality unless they're so nice they're fake to they're so mean they're hiding.
  120. EmeliaBowers: OH
  121. EmeliaBowers: Trial periods!
  122. EmeliaBowers: Give it a week or two of a trial period on any adoption.
  123. Seethe: you can add me, but yes.
  124. EmeliaBowers: This gives you a no strings attatched way to get to know eachothers
  125. Seethe: trial periods haha
  126. Seethe: now i will say you about what you just said.
  127. Seethe: i can indeed point out a fake Dom. but ultimately its your choice i wouldnt feel right influencing a decition if i wasnt certain of their position.
  128. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I'll just send you something they've said and then you can tell me if that seems normal or if it's a bit fishy, if you don't mind?
  129. Seethe: i can agree to that. but i will say some Doms are WAAAYYYY out there haha.
  130. Seethe: you may hear some crazy stuff that you have no clue how to react too.
  131. Seethe: i used to say things like "if i was driving a train with a dildo on the front and told you to spread your legs on the rail would you move out of the way of the train" just to get a reaction.
  132. Seethe: but intentionally that is a trick question
  133. Seethe: because if they said they wouldnt move, its a show of loyalty. if they would move its then expressing themselves. two traits i love in someone under me. but can also be found to be bad.
  134. Seethe: not all do it, i just am more of a phycological punishment sort of person.
  135. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: In that question the loyalty would lead to the death of the pet, while I follow most orders, I will not let myself die in such a painful way out of loyalty - That's the trick of the question. One shows loyalty and one should self action, however one also shows stupididty and one shows comon sense.
  136. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: That's me being myself. I take something then I analyse the heck out of it.
  137. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I accidentally suck the fun out of some things especially movies because I sit there like "But that couldn't happen"
  138. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Then I go on in a ramble explaining why
  139. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: ;-; I never get invited to parties
  140. Seethe: no i like that trait
  141. Seethe: and ill tell you something.
  142. Seethe: if i was in an interveiw and got that answer i would be absolutly intent on trying to farther persue that person.
  143. Seethe: but you wouldnt have been informed of the "trick question " part of course haha
  144. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Four doors, one has 3 murderers in it, one has a single agitated rhino, one is full of water and the other has 10 unfed lions. Which is the safest room to enter.
  145. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: This is my favorite question because no one ever seems to understand.
  146. EmeliaBowers: The murderers
  147. EmeliaBowers: they've all killed eachother.
  148. Seethe: agreed
  149. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Incorrect, even if they all jumped at eachother, there would be one left standing - the lions however would be dead as no one has fed them.
  150. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: >:3
  151. EmeliaBowers: Well think about it
  152. Seethe: but the lions would eat each other.
  153. EmeliaBowers: if they are all trying to murder eachother
  154. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I got this question froma book because I'm not creative and can't think of my own questions
  155. Seethe: the killers would be wounded.
  156. EmeliaBowers: Even if one was left standing we would be gravely wounded or wounded at all.
  157. Seethe: tho persuming the lions didnt follow int=stict and let themselves just starve youd be correct
  158. Seethe: not only that you could also pick the water room
  159. Seethe: open the door no water left, so there is three same routes taking all the assumtions into account.
  160. Seethe: safe.
  161. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Not always, some killers are smarter than the others, and keep out of the fight until there is one left. think of it as you analyse, if you were one of the killers would you jump straight into the fray or wait until there is one left? Even if the lions ate echother, the one left still hasn't been fed, the room is /full/ of water either the preasure of the water from you opening the door or entering the room would kill you and the rhino would of course just ram you back out of the roo
  162. EmeliaBowers: It's a logic question based on circumstance with no factors included.
  163. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: If the room wasn't completely filled with water you'd be able to open it and the water wouldn't do much damage, but water has more force than a human fist and openin it would crush you as it flows out
  164. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Exactly. No factors so you must think of how things would play out. The water force would crush you, there could be one murderer left, the rhino is pissed and the lions have starved.
  165. EmeliaBowers: BUT the misleading circumstance is how long have the lions been without food?
  166. EmeliaBowers: Lions can go longer times without food than most animals
  167. Seethe: i have the ultimate answer to it.:release the kracken
  168. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Atleast that's what this book says, I agree, the question is vague and makes almost zero sense, but when you think about it, it makes some sense. hungry lions are agitated but weakened - but why must we pick any room at all?
  169. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Why are we in this building with only three options
  170. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: what happened to gain us the situation of four choices all of which could mean death but we must pick the one that we assume would be safest.
  171. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: To be honest I'd go with the rhino because they're easy to calm down.
  172. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: But the book said lions.
  173. EmeliaBowers: I would go with the murderers.
  174. Seethe: honestly not the safest but least deadly is the water door. yes you may lose an arm maybe depending on the force its ultimantly the safest one.
  175. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I've actually calmed down a rhino before.. You just have to be louder and seem angrier than them, it frightens them somehow.
  176. Seethe: thats any animal.
  177. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Not all, some just get angrier when you yell.
  178. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Gorillas will punch you if you yell at them.
  179. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: But then they'll leave you alone but the punch still hurts
  180. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Some animals however will take it as a complete challange and all out attack you for it.
  181. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Rhinos slow down then stop if you move out of the way when they slow as your yelling, then you have to hold their horn. It's very frightening becuase if you're not loud or don't seem aggressive enouh they will just charge faster ;-;
  182. Seethe: oh, well im sorry guys but i have to go for a bit.
  183. Seethe: need to clean and eat
  184. EmeliaBowers: No wories Seethe~
  185. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Alrighty, see you around ^-^
  186. EmeliaBowers: Worries*
  187. EmeliaBowers: See you soon dear!
  188. Seethe: nice meeting you bye guys
  189. Seethe has left the chat
  190. EmeliaBowers: Do you know what a status is dear?
  191. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: As in sub/dom master/slave owner/pet and carer/little?
  192. EmeliaBowers: Yep.
  193. EmeliaBowers: XD You know them~
  194. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I know them XD
  195. EmeliaBowers: XD Would you like an invite to the room I mentioned earlier?
  196. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: But do /you/ know them ? >.> -Sarcasm, please dont tke this sriously ;-; -
  197. EmeliaBowers: XD it's fine dear
  198. EmeliaBowers: I'm not an easily offended person
  199. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Yay ^-^ If I annoy you just tell me so.
  200. EmeliaBowers: XD Don't worry about it
  201. EmeliaBowers: I'm easy going
  202. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I will always worry about it ;-;
  203. EmeliaBowers: I am an understanding person love
  204. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I know, but I'm an annoying person XD
  205. EmeliaBowers: You're not really
  206. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Well... if you think so...
  207. EmeliaBowers: I do think so.
  208. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Thank you ^-^
  209. EmeliaBowers: Of course love~
  210. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: You're really kind
  211. EmeliaBowers: I have to be to run a room like this.
  212. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: True, it would be strange for you to be mean then want to help peopl
  213. EmeliaBowers: XD Exactly
  214. EmeliaBowers: Are you ready to begin your search for an owner?
  215. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: I don't know ;-; I think so/
  216. EmeliaBowers: Just relax~
  217. EmeliaBowers: I have a safe room for you
  218. Guest_ChaosDemonValentine: Okay...#
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