
Jean Valeria

Sep 21st, 2018
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  1. Okay, so, Jean Valeria is a 6'0", 23 year old (at first), quiet, calm, cool, kinda mopey prime electric elemental, and what that last part means is that he can conjure, manipulate, and briefly turn into electricity, and in his generation, prime level elementals are very rare. However, he doesn't like using his powers at all, and he dyes his hair black, since it's gold due to his elemental level (his eyes are yellow, too.) Why doesn't he like to use his powers though? Well, a long time ago, when he was around 8 or 9, he was out with his mother, Jessica Valeria, and the two of them were just running errands before they had to pick up Jesse, Jean's little brother who was 2 at the time, from daycare. Things were going fine, nothing strange, but nearby, a police chase was taking place. A criminal fire dynamo, a werewolf-like species that transform with anger, had gotten a hold on a drug, a steroid that enhances strength and adrenaline output, and had used it on himself to test the effects. He was caught doing this and was on the run from the police, and fire dynamos are always either strong or prime elementals, usually prime, but he was only strong. He caused havoc in the alleyways until he burst into the main street in a massive ball of flame, causing immediate panic. People were running and screaming, trying to escape the chaos, cars were being flipped, buildings and trees were on fire, and no less than a few yards away from the source of all this was Jean and his mom. A car was flipped in front of them, landing on the sidewalk and blocking their path, and this car was on fire, and seeing the impending threat this posed, Jessica shielded her son in an attempt to protect him. Everything moved in a blur for Jean, and when he came to, he was met with the image of his mother impaled through the torso with debris from the explosion. Jean was taught that elemental powers can be applied in countless situations, but in emergencies, only professionals who have been taught how to use their powers should apply them. Jean knew this but he felt that he couldn't watch his mom die, and amid the fire and chaos, he attempted to keep her alive by massaging her heart with his electricity. His mother tried to reassure him that things would be okay, but with the amount of blood running from her wound and her mouth, it was easy to see that that was a lie. Jean then applied his first electric shock, and when he asked her how she felt, there was no response. He shocked her again, and again, and still there was no response. And then it slowly dawned on him that she was no longer with him, and that his first shock might have killed her. It turned out that that's exactly what had happened, Jean killed his mother before she could die. That day changed him forever, and he began dyeing his hair black, ashamed of what he did, and vowed to never use his powers on a person ever again. He joined the police force with his dad and eventually rose through the ranks and became part of an elite squad known as "Prime Time A," a trio of prime elementals called on for special missions and emergencies. And THAT is the story of Jean Valeria.
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