
Family conflict 2

Jan 13th, 2020
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  1. [21:31] Ororo was to begin her dance, waiting for Vasilios to respond however in that moment something caught her eye. Starry hues fall upon someone moving in the shadows, though the star crossed Loa was in an open clearing.
  3. "It seems our dance will have to wait~"
  5. She instead motions towards Vasilios, for him to keep watch rather than move. Setting her sights upon the young man with a faint smile. She recognized him, yes. The one who seemed to have defeated her mentor and a fledgling cosmic magi as well.
  7. "My my, what have the stars brought me today?"
  9. Asked the Loa in her dreamy tone. Her voice riding the breeze yet seeming two whisper at the edge of ones mind.
  11. A Tall, dark skinned beauty with glowing silver eyes. Long, serpentine golden tattoos trail along her arms and legs, giving off golden cosmic light like glimmering steam trailing from her form. Long white hair seems to shine as what appears to be stardust lingers around it as well as her thin dancers garments.
  13. "Tell me boy, was your orders humiliation in the Vale not enough?" She pauses playfully, folding her arms and pressing a finger to her lips, an almost mocking coo escaping as she continued "Did you return because you know your place and you wish to kneel to your betters?"
  15. Her tone had a certain command to it. One that pulled at the senses in the same way that her very presence did, that cosmic allure pulled at the eyes while tendrils of her very will poked and prodded at ones essence. Her Starry hues peer into his own, watching those first few thoughts race about in his eyes.
  16. (Ororo Boros)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [21:39] Dillion approached the a woman, but not just any woman this same one was there the day the order decide to raid them again. Dillion marched into Moonfall again on his own accord, but her reasons we're quite off by a large margin.
  21. "You speak about the stars, but Rhyt lead me to the right place; hopefully, you're the right person. I don't doubt my connection, and I know you'll tell me what I want to know.
  23. I'm not here to kneel nor did I come to gloat about my battle against anyone here though I did come for a reason."
  25. That faint blue aura returned to Dillion's body again showing the faint vision of a Lions mane. Dillion took a step closer towards the woman staring her directly in her eyes.
  27. "I'm here because I person related to me ran off here, and I intend on seeing them again if not forcing them to return home. Unlike most Knights in the Order I'm only a Cadet, but I'm just as strong one."
  29. Dillion begin getting a little off topic, but with the slight hint of aggression coming from the woman he thought he should make it known.
  31. "The stars have a way of bringing people together; however, it's what you do now that will determine how this interaction goes."
  32. (Dillion Endore)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [21:42] "Strength is relative, Cadet of the Order. You would do well to recognize this in the face of your current situation."
  37. Vasilios takes a step forward towards the Cadet, eyes of pure Rhoynish gold staring him down from the shadows. His dance with Ororo would have to wait, for a member of the Order now stood before him.
  39. "Do you truly believe that it was wise to come here alone, or did that star guide you? If that is the case, it would do you well to not regard it with so, as it has brought you here to me"
  41. Dillion stood before the butcher of multiple knights, one who had faced Exarchs and triumphed. A deep hate sat in his gaze towards the cadet. Wound up like a spring; at any moment he could leap from his position to strike.
  43. "Bowing would only kill the enjoyment of the hunt."
  44. (Vasilios Quinn)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [21:55] A cadet. She looked at him, that extension of her sight peering upon the young man with the pressure of not one star but many. As if something from the cosmos itself was looking down upon the boy.
  49. Yes, she knew very well who this boy was. Who he looked like.
  51. "Yes, you are not wise to tread alone upon the battlefields upon which you've lost." She taunted, invisible tendrils of her will poking and prodding at Dillions emotions. "for where you believe some stars have guided you." She smiles, her eyes flashing a certain bluish hue.
  53. "Others will lure you to your fate."
  55. This boy was an Endore, one closely related to Yvel. One who looked just enough like him to spark a certain curiosity. For the one he searched for belonged to her, in fact she had a hold upon another Endore as well.
  57. She tilts her head towards Vasilios for but a moment as her lips curled into a smile. There is no word shared between them, she places a soft hand upon the Vimirs shoulder. This appeared to have become a personal matter for her.
  59. The Loa steps forward, her presence intensifying around the boy. That golden hue of starlight pouring from her tattoos brightens as it blankets her illustrious form.
  61. "You've no place to make demands young cadet." She spoke, that last word having a certain lingering sting to it. "Why should I not tear you from those stars you hold so dear for your foolishness?"
  63. She spoke, a sinister smile upon her lips. How did she know the boys name? Did she read his mind? Did she put two and two together from the information Rhea had given her? The mystical muse knew many things and she played upon them for such was the way of the Loa.
  65. "After all I could use another Endore in my collection~"
  66. (Ororo Boros)
  67. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. [22:02] Dillion wasn't moved by her word nor the person beside her, but the mention of Rhea loving Dillion almost caused him to lose hit mind quite a bit. The young Cadet begin to focus, and use the power from Rhyt to calm his mind, and it seems like a battle would happen weather he wanted this or not.
  71. "You can't tear away something that doesn't belong to you, and unlike the other Knight or Cadet I don't seek to destroy, but understand that's the reason I will not falter under pressure."
  73. Dillion's eyes locked on Ororo.
  75. "So, you're the reason she left, and won't come back home? You're the reason she's in pain and attacked me to get away.
  77. I finally have a face to put all the pain that has happened in my life to. I don't aim to destroy or kill you, but if you don't let her go then I'll have to show you our resolve.
  79. I might not be able to fully tap into the power ofRhyt I'll use the portion give to me for my the one you refuse to give back to me.
  81. These lands don't scare me, you don't scare me, and your cosmic magic doesn't scare me."
  83. Dillion allow his aura could surround his boy as he drew his weapon.
  84. (Dillion Endore)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [22:06] "The moment you drew your weapon, you already lost."
  89. In an instant, the jet-black blade was procured from his pack, igniting in blood. A blade of crimson that dripped down the plate of his armor, joining an ever-rising chorus of blood. He was no cosmic magi, his craft was about the physical, not the ethereal.
  91. But this man represented not only the delusions that the Order gave, but a personal threat to someone he cared for. The choice of his words were poor, and he would be made to regret them.
  93. "Let me teach you fear, boy"
  95. If he would run, Vasilios would surely give chase. The blood-magi expelling blood to boost his own physical capacities beyond their limit, aiming to end this encounter in an instant.
  96. (Vasilios Quinn)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [22:12] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  100. [22:17] Ororo releases an almost song like laugh, oh how the seeds she had sown bore her excellent fruit. As Vasilios and his almost beast like aggression stirred beside her the Loa simply stepped forward again, her very form encompassing his senses. The starlight that poured from hers seemed to almost invade his own.
  102. "Yes, it is I who Broke her, who she led young Provol to and who took her eyes from her." She said, that delighted curl to her lips as he drew his weapon at her and stirred one beside hers rage further.
  104. "You would be surprised what I can do to you while your star simply watches."
  106. Another step forward as the very cosmos continues to bare down upon Dillion in unison with her presence.
  108. "How distant it is and how truly little it cares for you."
  110. And there, that venom in her tone as she spoke once more, ready to see what it is he chose to do before unleashing her very will upon him.
  112. "And how much pain you will feel, when you can no longer reach it."
  113. (Ororo Boros)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [22:31] Dillion allowed Rhyt to guild his movements in the battle, and against another mage that used the dark arts eh wasn't sure how he'd fair against them. Dillion kept his focus, and used his Sandmancy combined with the amount of mana that overload his mana circuits.
  118. He'd fire a beam of cosmic energy blasting her back into the ground not aiming to truly hurt the woman, but enough to show her that he wasn't kidding at the moment.
  120. "You're strong no doubt, but I have a goal, and me and Rhyt will bring her back no matter what it will cost.
  122. I'm not aiming to hurt you; however, if we continue it's possible that it might happen.
  124. Don't make this harder than it needs to be..., just release her, and I'll be on my way."
  126. Dillion's aura begin flicking from a yellow to a faint blue while he spoke to him though his eyes looked over towards the blood mage something about him jsut felt off.
  129. (Dillion Endore)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. [22:38] The star crossed dancer moved with speed and elegance despite the first few moments of the battle being turned against her. Perhaps she was gauging his skill and the magic he used. After all sand magi could be rather pesky.
  134. She strikes well, attempting to take control of the environment however she is caught off guard in a moment of confidence as sand grasps at her feet and a beam of cosmic light knocks her back.
  136. The dancer catches herself with her hands, flipping not once but twice before landing on her feet. Starry hues still bearing pressure down upon the boy.
  138. "Oh my naΓ―ve little cadet~" She taunted, exhaling softly as she prepared her attack.
  140. "I cannot release one who has sought me out of their own volition."
  142. The Loa raises her hand as a star in the sky begins to grow brighter and brighter. Perhaps it was some sort of illusion however before anyone could think much upon it a massive ball of golden cosmic light came crashing down towards the boy at blinding speeds."
  143. (Ororo Boros)
  144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. [22:38] Dillion Endore says, "Tch.."
  147. [22:47] Dillion repeated his same plan of attack, bur she did managed to almost get him this time around. He'd jump back, and begin panting while looking over at the woman.
  149. "Then I'll take her by myself, and you have nothing to do with then you'll be left alone from this day forward. I never aim to kill anyone here nor do I plan on returning once my goal is complete.
  151. I'm more interested in in this place rather than afraid of it even if you jump to attack me.
  153. My star is that of wisdom, and it's not wise to kill something or someone because you don't understand them. Maybe one day we will come to understand each other, and have a conversation rather than trading blows, but for now I want Rhea back..."
  155. Dillion then looks at the blood warrior behind her.
  157. "You have hate for Knights, and Cadets for whatever reason; however, I'm not like the rest of them, and if you have an inch of civil blood in you can respect that.
  159. Though if you bound by hate towards the people of the Order then I understand; however, I came with a goal in mind. This doesn't have to happen, but seeing your reaction my words might be pointless."
  161. Dillion prepared himself again.
  162. (Dillion Endore)
  163. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. [23:00] The two had danced and yet, once again it seemed the Dancer let herself lose. As if part of her was interested in that flame that grew, not in defeating the boy bot sowing a seed within him.
  167. "Enough of your chatter, I've spent enough time toying with you and entertaining your childlike ambition." Her tone held a certain fury to it, still beautiful and song like in its way.
  169. For even now, she would plague him in his dreams, he would see her in his memories. The seed she planted would eventually bloom into something far greater just as it did with every other.
  171. Once again she catches herself, any and all blemishes or scratches from their fight vanished within moments of them occurring. The Loa herself was unblemished, her beauty magnified by her presence.
  173. The Loas feet meet the ground with a soft 'tp' . She seems to glow brighter, Opening her hand to reveal that she had gotten exactly what she needed and the boy would feel it the moment he set his eyes upon it.
  175. A thin, wavering blue hue dances between Ororos fingers, that sweet essence she held and collected so dearly. That same force that would leave the boy weakened in the moment as he could feel that cold piece of him missing. Replaced by thoughts of the Loas enchanting form.
  177. "You think yourself strong boy. you speak just like him, that holier than thou Yvel.. It sickens me."
  179. "Make him kneel." She would say, her tone holding a stern command to it. Her cosmic gaze bearing upon the boy with what felt like not two eyes but many, their pressure holding the heat of the cosmos itself.
  181. (Ororo Boros)
  182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. [23:00] There is no chance for Dillion to prepare himself; Vasilios lunges right after seeing Ororo beaten back by both the sand and stars. But he was not idly waiting for a chance; he was a hunter. One who had observed every aspect of the Cadet's fighting style and saw through it's weaknesses.
  185. "Now you DIE!"
  187. Fueled by both the hate of seeing Ororo lose and his general disdain for the Order, his mad dash began. The blade was angled directly at the middle of his chest; like a surgeon preparing to excise a heart.
  189. The combination of such a swift start and the pressure behind this first blow would leave a small wake behind him; the dust on the ground kicking up at his breakneck advance. He would not escape tonight.
  191. At least, not unharmed.
  192. (Vasilios Quinn)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [23:06] It was an onslaught
  197. If Ororo's way of fighting was a dance of starlight, then Vasilios was a rondo of gore. There wasn't even time to breath between his assaults, caution for his very being was thrown into the wind as he struck.
  199. The initial hit landed, a spiraling flurry of wind that impacted his chest that was followed with an almost inhuman combination. Slashes and slams that would rip the very muscles off of a lesser man. Yet with every slash, blood left his body and splattered onto the ground.
  201. Blood that would rise, forming into blades that slashed in his wake. Every injury done to him would only fuel more of his attacks; the only way past his initial assault was to completely outperform his damage.
  203. There were no words, he simply dived back into the fray when he could.
  204. (Vasilios Quinn)
  205. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  207. [23:07] Dillion didn't expect that from a blood magic to catch him off guard like this, and Dillion needed to think of another way to approach this situation.
  209. He wasn't worried, and he had faith in his star though Dillion needed to refocus. The like blue aura returned, and the mane appeared around his body again.
  211. Dillion didn't say much, but his heart was racing on a different level. He needed to best the man by any means even if it was jsut to save his sister.
  212. (Dillion Endore)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [23:07] ** Vasilios Quinn has inflicted an injury upon Dillion Endore. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-20 Vit)") **
  216. [23:15] Ororo watches in her starlit Glory as the young Endore and the Vimir. Silently she approaches as the battle comes to an end. Starry hues upon the boy as she seemed to continue to probe his form in a certain sense of satisfaction.
  218. She still held her hand up, holding the essence she stole from Dillion as she approached. Getting closer and closer despite the battles intensity and the potential danger to herself.
  220. The Loa waits for the battle to end, lingering in Dillions vision and futher taunting him with her cosmic allure and that faint piece of him that she held in her hand. Further acting as a distraction as she knew the battle was at its end.
  221. (Ororo Boros)
  222. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  224. [23:20] If the first half of this battle was to slow down the intruder, then the second half of it would be to end his very life. Every strike would cut deeper through his armor and skin, the very slices letting flow crimson ichor that would replenish his own supply.
  226. The fight was over before it started.
  228. His right fist lands squarely in his stomach, while the prosthetic left grabs the young cadet by the head. It had been firing bullets of crystalized gore the whole time, but now grabbed his face and held it tightly.
  230. "A lesson must be made for intruding on our grounds, whelp."
  232. In his right hand, a wound opens on his palm. A small serpent made entirely of blood, covered in miniature Rhoynish runes. It hissed in his hand, before he raised it towards an open wound on his face.
  234. "You will return to Osrona, and you will display your new 'friend' to Cristovan. Tell him that Vasilios Quinn awaits."
  236. When his speech ends, the blood-serpent enters his body, attacking his very veins and arteries from the inside. Not enough to kill him, but to leave him a bloody mess the next time he's hurt, alongside a growing internal pain that never ceases.
  238. A blood-serpent to feed on his very cruor, until excised.
  240. (Vasilios Quinn)
  241. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  243. [23:30] Dillion wasn't expecting to lose, but another mage had one thing that was his weakness. Dillion fell, but he aura glowed with that faith blue aura again, and in the mist of falling he'd attempt the grab the mans clothing.
  245. "--You're strong, but this doesn't mean I'll just give up because you beat me... I have my goal in mind just like you have, and I'll achieve them even if it kills me.
  247. --Show me a little respect if you would---my connection with Rhyt isn't my best--, but I tried--I tried.."
  249. Dillion coughed up some blood, and begin using the mans body to help him stand while Dillion was in a bloody mess weather it was his blood or not.
  251. "--I take me still being alive as proof that the star aren't done with me-- as one fighter to another at least tell her that I came for her-- tell her I tired my best-- you don't have to, but it would be an honor--"
  253. Dillion stood on his own now, and the aura around his body faded away leaving the boy almost lifeless looking.
  255. "--We probably won't meet again you aren't my battle-- this wasn't suppose to happen, and the moment I got off course the stars punish me--I learned my lesson, but maybe my goal was to bring you the person who is suppose to beat you--everything happens for a reason"
  257. Dillion smiled, and slowly begin walking way while leaking blood.
  258. (Dillion Endore)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. [23:41] She watches as Vasilios lays the finishing move, grasping upon the essence she held and pulling it back into her own aura. There is a satisfied smile upon her lips and she folds her arms pressing a finger upon her lips.
  263. While the young Dillion was distracted and weakened by the onslaught of the blood mage she continues her own psychic barrage, diving into his mind and placing visions of Ororo breaking his cousin, fragments of memories. Perhaps Provols, of the night Ororo took Rheas sight.
  265. As he struggle to pull himself up from the Vimir she interrupted his speech of the stars.
  267. "The fact that you are still alive, that we let you live is merely a sign of mercy. That your stars did not save you it has no mind to."
  269. "For it is distant and careless and you are unworthy." That final word seems to echo in his mind, not one voice but many. Echoing, screaming, laughing and crying. SO many emotions and so many voices. Some he would recognize to be his cousins who Ororo had taken from.
  271. "Pity, now I've an excuse to torture the poor girl~" She taunted in a tone that feigned disappointment. No, she may have lost her initial fight but it appeared she was very good at toying with her opponents. In truth she had won and planted a seed within the boy. Silently she turns to face Vasilios, letting the boy walk. It seemed the stars had given them quite a gift.
  272. (Ororo Boros)
  273. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. [23:42] Dillion Endore says, "...."
  276. [23:43] Dillion turned to face her with all the energy he had left, and point up towards the sky.
  278. "--Rhyt guilds me, but so help me--if you hurt her--I'll find you where nobody can save you-- I'll let whatever demons you have in your body listen to you scream-- just like I did to the other witch--"
  280. with that Dillion runs off leaving a trail of blood.
  281. (Dillion Endore)
  282. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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