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Jul 1st, 2015
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  1. Run options: include {:locations=>{"./spec/features/sign_spec.rb"=>[131, 100], "./spec/features/sponsored_client_spec.rb"=>[5]}}
  3. Sponsored client tools
  4. CREDO's commitment dashboard (FAILED - 1)
  6. Sign petitions
  7. iPhone - As an existing US user coming from an action alert I should see upsells (FAILED - 2)
  8. As an existing US user coming from an action alert I should see upsells (FAILED - 3)
  10. Failures:
  12. 1) Sponsored client tools CREDO's commitment dashboard
  13. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content('Active Client Commitments')
  14. expected to find text "Active Client Commitments" in "NameError in Admin/actions#campaign_dashboard Showing /data/change_main/releases/20150601194455/app/views/admin/actions/client_commitments_dashboard/_client_commitment.html.haml where line #8 raised: undefined local variable or method `connection_proxy' for #<Organization:0x00000011ca5740> Extracted source (around line #8): 5: %td= l client_commitment.deadline_date, :format => :date_slashed_at_time_with_zone 6: %td= number_with_delimiter(client_commitment.optin_target) 7: %td= number_with_delimiter(client_commitment.opt_ins) 8: %td= number_with_delimiter(client_commitment.opt_ins_since(7.days.ago)) 9: %td= client_commitment.ad_type_readable 10: %td= client_commitment.weeks_left_in_commitment.ceil 11: %td Trace of template inclusion: app/views/admin/actions/client_commitments_dashboard/_index.html.haml, app/views/admin/actions/campaign_dashboard.html.haml Rails.root: /data/change_main/releases/20150601194455 Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace app/models/client_commitment.rb:345:in `raw_optins_for_petitions' app/models/client_commitment.rb:275:in `block in opt_ins_since' app/models/client_commitment.rb:274:in `opt_ins_since' app/views/admin/actions/client_commitments_dashboard/_client_commitment.html.haml:8:in `_app_views_admin_actions_client_commitments_dashboard__client_commitment_html_haml___1796810164737776102_149116600' app/views/admin/actions/client_commitments_dashboard/_index.html.haml:25:in `_app_views_admin_actions_client_commitments_dashboard__index_html_haml__2418905635736625346_149992360' app/views/admin/actions/campaign_dashboard.html.haml:14:in `_app_views_admin_actions_campaign_dashboard_html_haml__1752478777816248723_143379580' app/concerns/mixpanel_tracker_concern.rb:26:in `maintain_tracking_data' app/middleware/ip_redirector.rb:4:in `call' app/middleware/transactional_email_analytics_handler.rb:6:in `call' app/middleware/petition_target_analytics_handler.rb:6:in `call' app/middleware/sendgrid_notification_handler.rb:6:in `call' app/middleware/middleware_start.rb:10:in `call' lib/change_oob_gc.rb:125:in `process_client' Request Parameters: {\"organization_id\"=>\"215907\", \"status\"=>\"active\"} Show session dump Show env dump Response Headers: None"
  15. # ./spec/features/sponsored_client_spec.rb:15:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  17. 2) Sign petitions iPhone - As an existing US user coming from an action alert I should see upsells
  18. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content('You might like this sponsored petition')
  19. expected to find text "You might like this sponsored petition" in "500 Internal Server Error If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong."
  20. # ./spec/features/sign_spec.rb:157:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  22. 3) Sign petitions As an existing US user coming from an action alert I should see upsells
  23. Failure/Error: assert_petition_show_page
  24. expected to find text "REASONS FOR SIGNING" in "Reasons for signing"
  25. # ./spec/support/features/navigation.rb:96:in `block in assert_petition_show_page'
  26. # ./spec/support/features/navigation.rb:95:in `assert_petition_show_page'
  27. # ./spec/features/sign_spec.rb:107:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  29. Finished in 2 minutes 20.8 seconds (files took 0.43953 seconds to load)
  30. 3 examples, 3 failures
  32. Failed examples:
  34. rspec ./spec/features/sponsored_client_spec.rb:5 # Sponsored client tools CREDO's commitment dashboard
  35. rspec ./spec/features/sign_spec.rb:131 # Sign petitions iPhone - As an existing US user coming from an action alert I should see upsells
  36. rspec ./spec/features/sign_spec.rb:100 # Sign petitions As an existing US user coming from an action alert I should see upsells
  38. Randomized with seed 48003
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