
Rainbow Dash, Anon and Taxes (NOT MINE)

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. >Day who gives a fuck anymore in Equestria
  2. >Filling out tax forms at the kitchen table
  3. >Even in horse-land, taxes are inevitable
  4. >Dependents? None, that's going to cost you
  5. >Doesn't matter though, for two straight years now you've been in the best relationship of your life
  6. >Rainbow Dash
  7. >Even the thought of her brings a twinge to your heart
  8. >Her beauty, her grace, her bravado, and her undying loyalty to you gives your old, cranky heart a case of the warm fuzzies
  9. >And the sex, can't forget the sex...whew, she really knew how to make you feel like a man, a man who fucks beautiful little bird ponies
  10. >As if your thoughts conjured her into existence, you hear a faint fluttering of wings come into the kitchen, followed by the light clickety-clack of her hooves touching down on the hardwood floor
  11. >"Um, h-hey Anon?"
  12. >You remove your spectacles and turn to look at your marefriend
  13. "Yes, my little bird of paradise?"
  14. >She loves that pet name, and her suddenly blushing face reaffirmed that thought
  15. >"Uh...well, I...I wanted to try something. Twilight tells me it's a human tradition, or something..."
  16. >She trails off, more than a little nervous
  17. "Human tradition? Which one?"
  18. >She gives you an annoyed look
  19. >"I can't tell you, love monkey (your favorite of her pet names, it was certainly better than 'fuckmaster', creativity thy name is not Dash), you just have to, um, let's see..."
  20. >She suddenly produces a set of notes and scans them quickly
  21. >"Okay, looks like you just need to stand right...there"
  22. >She points to a location next to your chair
  23. >You decide to humor her and rise from your seat, moving to the place where she still points with an outstretched hoof
  24. "Okay, I'm standing here, now what?"
  25. >Satisfied with your cooperation, she consults her notes again
  26. >"Alright, he stands there, and then I...what? What the hay am I, a contortionist?"
  27. >You raise a brow at her
  28. "Maybe I can clear this up, being a human and all, let me see"
  29. >You reach out for the notes but she suddenly snatches them away
  30. >"NO!"
  31. >You pull back, a little shocked at her outburst
  32. >She reads your gaze and her face falls
  33. >"I'm sorry Anon, but...I really want to get this right, can't know what I'm going to say until I say it"
  34. >Her expression is nervous and pleading, something you never see her display, this must be important
  35. "Okay, Dashie, take your time, I'll just stand right here and let you do your thing"
  36. >She smiles, god that smile, you once told her to be careful of that smile, lest its beauty and warmth melt the polar ice caps and flood the world
  37. >She rolled her eyes at that but enjoyed the compliment as she did with most of your mushy sentiments
  38. >She breaks you from your reverie with a simple "Thanks babe, it'll be worth it, I promise"
  39. >She buries her face back in the notes and then tosses them aside
  40. >She looks up at you and takes a deep breath
  41. >"Okay, I'm ready"
  42. >She begins to awkwardly try to place the "knee" of her back right leg on the ground while standing on the hoof of her back left leg
  43. >You raise a brow and cock your head to the side while she fumbles with her own anatomy
  44. "Baby, come on, don't hurt yourself"
  45. >"I'm fine Anon" she growls, ""
  46. >Her attempts fail and she falls back on her rump
  47. >Rainbow sighs
  48. >"Well, screw it"
  49. >She clears her throat
  50. >"Anon, you make it worthwhile for me to get up in the morning, you make all the tricks I can do have purpose if only to please you, you make me feel so strong and yet so weak, you..."
  51. >She smirks a little
  52. >"...YOU are the wind under my wings"
  53. >She produces a small box from...somewhere and holds it up in her hooves
  54. >Hmmm, that box, it kind of looks like...
  55. >The realization suddenly hits you
  56. >She was trying to get on one knee
  57. >She's holding up a small, black box, is this? Is she really?
  58. >"Anon?"
  59. "Y-yes, Dashie?"
  60. >"Will you make me the happiest mare in the world..."
  61. >She opens the box, it contains a beautiful diamond engagement ring
  62. >"...and be my husband?"
  63. >Oh my fuck
  64. >You stand there, mouth agape, completely stunned at what she has just asked you
  65. >You were definitely not prepared for this
  66. >After all, you thought YOU were going to be the one asking this question, instead of the other way around
  67. >"Ummmm, Anon?"
  68. >Dash is noticeably sweating now
  69. >"I think my notes said you were supposed to give me an answer right about now"
  70. >Fucking say something damn it!!
  71. >But you know, be cool about it
  73. >Wow, real macho there
  74. >She holds out the ring and slips it on your finger
  75. >You look into her eyes, they're brimming with tears
  76. >You grab her, pick her up, and give her the most passionate kiss you can muster
  77. >She pulls back from the lip lock and hugs you tight, burying her face in your shoulder
  78. >"I...I just, I just love you so much, Anon!"
  79. "I love you too Dash, I really do!"
  80. >You both happy-cry (is that a word?) into each others necks for a moment before you pull back to look at her face, again
  81. >"So, I guess I got it right huh? The tradition?" she states with confidence
  82. "Uh, well...technically, the male is supposed to do what you just did to the female"
  83. >Shock overcomes her face
  84. >"What?, man, I can't believe I missed that!"
  85. >You chuckle
  86. "I think you did great though, Dashie. It was a lovely proposal"
  87. >Her anxiety fades and she smiles at you
  88. >"Well, I was never really one for tradition anyway"
  89. >You both share a laugh and some more kisses before taking that shit to the bedroom
  90. >Gotta reaffirm your macho-ness after all, taking your bride to be in a manly fashion should do the trick, and she's certainly not complaining
  91. >One thing's for sure, next tax day, one of you will be writing the other down as a dependent
  92. >Take that, Celestia
  94. End
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