

Jan 7th, 2014
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  1. [X] "Well, okay then. It'd be my pleasure.": 1 (drake_azathoth)
  2. [X] "Well, okay then. It'd be my pleasure."\: 1 (Larekko12)
  3. [X] Accept: 1 (hunter09)
  4. [X] Accept, but let her know it won't be a regular thing since you have your own girls to take care of.: 1 (Garahs)
  5. [X] Briefly remember that scream. It couldn't be some kind of warning or summons, surely not! No, everything is probably good, forever.: 1 (Guile)
  6. [X] Confirm with your harem first.: 2 (Vindictus, nick012000)
  7. [X] Confirm with your harem first. If they don't mind, great, you'll do. Otherwise sorry but no dice.: 3 (Deathwings, Fellgar, megrisvernin)
  8. [X] Decline "I am sorry but you are not mine to Tame. I have responsibilities to my own Girls to tame them and that comes first. If I was your Tamer and the situation was reversed with one them approaching me it would not be fair to you, so I hope you understand.": 2 (Vanathor, 95spartans)
  9. [X] I don't really think that would be appropriate.": 1 (Pipeman)
  10. [X] Refuse.: 1 (Pipeman)
  11. [X] Well, never let it be said we didn't help a woman in need.: 1 (Guile)
  12. [X] refuse.: 2 (Bloodshifter, darklord)
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