
Rebels in Equestria 6.5 - Redux

Jul 14th, 2012
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  1. > With each far off explosion, dust flakes from the ceiling. You wince as some of the dust falls on your face.
  2. > The air is stale and reeks of death. The small ceiling fan does little to circulate the heavy smog.
  4. > The still air is shattered by a frantic voice.
  5. > “Fuck! No! Please! Anything but that!” he shouts. “Please! Not my legs! Please!”
  6. > You hear signs of a struggle.
  7. > “Doctor! Shit, man! There's gotta be another option!”
  8. > There's a slight pause.
  9. > “There's no other option.” the doctor replies. “We must operate.”
  11. > Doctor.
  12. > Operate.
  13. > The picture paints itself.
  14. > It's a medical ward.
  15. > A makeshift one at best.
  17. > You manage to bat the sweat and tears out of your eyes long enough to regain focus on your vision.
  19. > IV lines across and about your body.
  20. > Blood and sweat sopped bandages are wrapped across your body.
  21. > With each attempt to move, your body screams in pain.
  23. > A thin curtain is hung between you and the next patient.
  24. > A bright lamp casts shadows onto the curtain.
  25. > There are three silhouettes.
  27. > “Fuck! You can't take my legs! No! Please! Doc, I'm begging you!”
  28. > “Nurse!” another voice shouts, “Nurse! Hold him down!”
  29. > A nurse hastily replies with a quick “Yes, doctor!”
  30. > “No! Please!” the patient shouts. His voice becoming more, and more desperate. “Please! Don't take my legs! I-I don't want to be a fucking cripple! J-Just kill me! Please!”
  31. > “There's not enough morphine to go around,” the replies. His voice calm and stern.
  32. > You hear a drawer opening, and some rattling before the doctor replies “So put something this his mouth.”
  33. > “A-A wood block?” the nurse replies. “Isn't that a bit, primitive?”
  34. > “It works.” the doctor barks. “Just do your job and make sure he doesn't bite off his own god damned tongue.”
  36. > “Just hold still son,” the doctor replies. “This will all be over in a second.”
  37. > “No! Please! I'd rather die! I don't-”
  38. > The patient's cries become muffled, but continue throughout the procedure.
  40. > You stare back up to the ceiling, continuously fighting the urge to keep your hands from trembling.
  41. > The unique aroma of blood and puss wafts it's way into your nose.
  42. > That, combined with the bone crunching sounds of the operation next door twists your stomach.
  44. > It's too much.
  45. > You get the urge to vomit and begin dry heaving.
  47. > The doctor next door pauses for a moment before continuing on with the procedure.
  49. > “Nurse, I can take it from here. Be a doll and check up on number twenty seven.”
  50. > “Yes, doctor.”
  51. > The nurse rounds about the curtain and makes her way to your side.
  52. > You look up and lock eyes with her.
  54. > [spoiler] It's the woman with blue hair. [/spoiler]
  56. > She seems a bit pale.
  57. > You glance her over.
  58. > Only to realize she too is covered in bandages.
  59. > A thick stain of blood has begun to sop up around her abdomen.
  60. > Right where she was shot.
  62. > “Doctor.” the nurse shouts. “Twenty seven is conscious.”
  63. > “Excellent.” the doctor replies. “Prep him for discharge.”
  65. > The nurses' eyes grew wide at the order.
  66. > “Discharge?” she questions, “Isn't- Isn't it a bit early to be considering that? We don't even know if he's stable yet.”
  67. > The doctor pauses.
  68. > “He's been on that bed for weeks. If he's 'stable' enough to maintain consciousness, he's stable enough for discharge. Prep him.”
  69. > The nurse puts on a defeated look before turning to you.
  70. > “I'm sorry, Anonymous.”
  72. > She pulls out a small syringe from her coat.
  73. > Carefully injecting it's contents into your IV line.
  75. > It's slight at first, but you feel the medicine begin to run it's coarse.
  76. > Your body begins to sweat.
  77. > Your nerves begin to tingle.
  78. > And you can feel your heart start to burn up.
  80. > The drug awakes you in an instant.
  81. > The blue haired woman was no longer by your side. Celestia instead took her place. Your ears are still ringing from the moment of impact.
  82. > A soft touch brushes against your side that sends a chill down your spine. It’s Twilight’s.
  83. > “Anonymous, are you alright?” she asks in a curious tone.
  84. > The ponies are still here. Twilight and Celestia stand right by your side. The others are found dozing off in chairs nearby.
  85. > The bright morning light shines through the windows. Your watch alarm goes off.
  86. > Eight AM.
  87. > You feel a tear run your cheek, one that you quickly wipe away.
  88. > “Do humans always shout in their sleep?” Twilight asks.
  89. > You reply with a solemn “No.”
  91. > “You’re awake.” Celestia chimes, “How are you feeling today?”
  92. > You gather your thoughts for a moment before responding.
  93. “Better.”
  94. > You glance around to find the hospital unchanged since your last bearings.
  95. > You’re still here.
  96. > Wherever this may be.
  97. > The others awake from their slumber and gather themselves around your bed.
  99. > “I was starting to think you weren’t going to wake up!” Celestia chimes. She brushes her wing over your shoulder, gently grazing over the bandages.
  100. > “How are the wounds?” she asks. “I can summon Nurse Redheart again. Or if it’s too much to handle, I can try to ease the pain with my magic.”
  101. > Magic?
  102. > Is that what she call's it?
  103. > Although it would describe to most of this world's phenomenon, it wouldn't necessarily give a valid explanation.
  104. > You brush the notion aside as the thought of being caught under her ‘magic’ sends a shiver down your spine. Afraid she’ll cause more harm than good, you decline her offer.
  106. > Without much else to say, you pull yourself up off the bed.
  107. > Your legs tend to buckle under your weight, so you keep a steady hand on the wall leaves you with ample support. But with even the slightest movement, your body screams in response. Pain fills your every nerve.
  108. > Though it’s a manageable pain, one that's almost become part of your daily routine. And like all sorrow back in Tarvo, it's one you've done well to mask.
  109. > Your own two legs begin to buckle under your weight. Celestia tries to help you to your feet, but you hastily whisk her aside.
  110. > I can stand on my own. Thank you.
  111. > Towering over the ponies once more, you find all eyes on you.
  113. > Celestia is quick to break the silence.
  114. > “Are you hungry, Anonymous?”
  115. “Hungry?” you ask.
  116. > It's a strange question. But strange is as strange gets around here.
  117. > “Because I believe this is an excellent time for a meal.” She cheerfully states, “Anonymous, care to join us for some breakfast?”
  118. > Slightly agitated, Twilight starts up. “Celestia, can't this wait? I have so much to ask him! Surely-”
  119. > “Your 'interview' can wait, Twilight.” Celestia starkly replies. “In the meantime, I’m sure Anonymous here is famished from this whole ordeal. Aren’t you?”
  120. > You look over to Twilight, and back to Celestia.
  121. “Y-Yeah.”
  122. > Celestia gives a slight nod of approval before turning back to Twilight.
  123. > “See?” she replies with a matter-of-fact tone. “What kind of hostess would I be to let my guests starve?”
  124. > Twilight sits back, clearly agitated.
  125. > “We’ll meet you there in a few minutes.” Celestia starts. “I need a moment in private with Anonymous.”
  126. > Twilight gives a stern look of disagreement. But before she could object, Celestia's horn glows a rich white, and the doors to the medical ward swing open. “I appreciate your understanding.” she boldly states.
  127. > Twilight seems to get the message, they clear out.
  129. > You're left alone with Celestia.
  130. > Her delightful demeanor soon gives way to her apparent anxiety. The constant beat of her pacing along the marble floor leads a smooth rhythm.
  131. > She points over to a bed. Atop, a small pile of clothes lay neatly folded.
  132. > “I took the liberty of having your clothes cleaned.” she says, “You'd best get dressed. I wouldn't want you catching a cold now.”
  133. > The garbs are fresh and give a crisp clean scent.
  134. > All the meanwhile, Celestia continues to pace back and forth. Muttering something to herself underneath her breath.
  136. “They're not here, are they?”
  137. > She pauses in her tracks, only to shoot you a sidewards glance.
  138. > “Who?” Celestia awkwardly asks, as if only to stall the conversation just a bit longer.
  139. “My crew.” you reply. “Mac, and the rest of my squad. The rest of my people.”
  140. > Her expression of anxiety quickly molds into one of pity. She breaks eye contact, trudging her hoof along the floor. “There' easy way to say this, Anonymous.”
  141. “You don't know where they are, do you?”
  142. > Her expression is grim. She replies with a quick, concise: “No.”
  143. In-content with her response, you press harder with “Why am I here?”. She winces, to which you scornfully ask. “Where are am comrades?”
  144. > Celestia tenses up. Almost as she braced herself for questions she already knew the answers to.
  145. > “Well simply put it's-”
  146. “Don't bullshit me, Celestia! You know something. You have to!”
  147. > “I'm sorry Anonymous. I don't know why-”
  148. “No!” you shout, “Why haven't I seen anybody else here? What's with all the ponies?! Where are all the people!?”
  149. > “Simply put, there aren't any.” Celestia verdantly replies, “You're the only one here, Anonymous.”
  150. > You grit your teeth as a pit in your own stomach wells up.
  151. “A-Are you fucking with me!? What the hell does that mean?”
  152. > “This world?” she replies, “This world is not your own. Tarvo City doesn't exist here. This is no Gracemeria here. This isn't the Earth you were born into.”
  153. > You clench your fist as a surge of emotions run rampantly through your body.
  154. “Why am I here!?” you shout “Is this some kind of sick fucking joke?”
  155. > Celestia's eyes remain fixed on yours as she remains silent. Her expression remains emotionless as she watches over you. Her eyes are not one of anger or pity. But those of compassion and understanding.
  156. > “I don't have the answers you seek.”
  157. > Your mind races with questions and possibilities. Your thoughts run rampant, and soon you're surged with emotions of hate, anger and fear. “No!” you shout; knocking over one of the nearby tables, scattering medical supplies across the floor.
  158. “You've gotta know something!” you front, “Why am I here!? It's not fair!”
  159. > You pound your fist against Celestia's chest. “It's not fair! It's not- It's not fucking fair!” you whelp.
  160. > She doesn't flinch, nor does she push you aside. Instead, she only embraces you with her wings. The scale of the situation has finally started to set in. As the realization of soul crushing loneliness fills your very being, you can't help but shed a few tears. You legs buckle and you nearly tumble, but Celestia catches you still locked in embrace.
  161. “I-I never asked for this! I didn't want to fight! I didn't want a fucking war!” you sob, “W-What did I do?”
  162. > Celestia keeps you in her embrace. Having seen into the deepest confines of your mind, she can to imagine your suffering. Unlike the others, she see's right through your 'hardened' exterior. She sees you for the broken, fragile person you are. One who's lost everything, and then some.
  163. > “You did what you had to.” she whispers. “It's not your fault.”
  165. > Your fault.
  166. > Your mind races at the thought.
  167. > What brought it to this?
  168. > You think back to the war.
  169. > And even though it only was a fraction of your life, you feel as it consumes your very essence. Almost as if fighting was all you knew.
  170. > Was joining the rebellion really the best course of action?
  171. > Would you have been better off committing suicide all those months ago?
  172. > You dwell on the 'what if's' of the past, knowing that they are exactly that.
  173. > “What if's.”
  174. > At the time, fighting seemed to be the only option. You justified it against the enemies cruel acts of war.
  175. > Constantly, you re-assured yourself that you were fighting the good fight. That one day, you would look back at your actions and bask in glory and honor. Knowing that you made the right decision.
  176. > Yet, with each day in the rebellion you grew to hate yourself and your decision more and more.
  177. > Every time you pulled the trigger, a little part inside of you died.
  178. > It's another man behind those cross hairs. Another man, with a life and family just like yours.
  179. > And at the end of the day, you knew that made you no better than them.
  181. > You grew to hate yourself along with the very concept of war.
  182. > War.
  183. > Such an inane and worthless ideology. One that should be banned from every corner of the earth.
  185. > This isn't the path you wanted to take.
  186. > You didn't want your hands to be soaked in the blood of others.
  188. > You [spoiler]don't[/spoiler] deserve to live.
  189. > You [spoiler]don't[/spoiler] deserve to love.
  191. > You fall to your knees.
  192. > But Celestia is there to catch you.
  193. > She locks eyes with you.
  194. > And without saying a word, she spreads her message across clearly.
  196. > You do deserve it.
  197. > You deserve it and more.
  199. > “Anonymous.” she whispers. “You and I? We're more alike than you think.”
  200. > She pulls your back on your two feet, and lets you stand on your own.
  201. > “I've done some things in the past I'm not proud of.” she claims.
  202. > She quickly glances up to one of the stained glass windows.
  203. > A masterpiece in itself, it depicts a Blue Alicorn standing ominously over the moon.
  204. > “Perharps, there may have been better options.” she starts. “Trust me. If I could turn back the clock, and take back the things I've done, I would.”
  205. > Her voice trembles as a lone tear falls from her face. One she's quick to clear off.
  206. > “Sometimes, I still look back at those fateful days and wonder...”
  207. > She dead locks her vision with yours. Staring deep into those rose eyes, you see nothing less than true understanding.
  208. > “What if?”
  209. > She shudders for a moment before regaining her composure.
  210. > “We have to move forward with the hand fate deals us.” she whispers, “I've seen what you're capable of, Anonymous.”
  211. > She grabs your hands with one of her hoofs. The golden metal anklet feels cool to the touch.
  212. > “I've- You've been given a wonderful gift, Anonymous. Don't waste it.” she whispers, “Stay with us. There's so much we can learn from each other, you and I.”
  213. > You stay embraced by the Princess' wing.
  214. > Something about her warm embrace, combined with the soft caress of her voice makes you feel at ease. And if only for a moment, it makes you feel [spoiler] safe. [/spoiler]
  215. > It feels...nice.
  216. > You wrap your hands around her and finish the embrace, finding comfort with her.
  217. > A feeling you haven't found in a long, long time.
  218. > The warm touch of another person.
  219. > It brings a sense of belonging in your heart.
  220. > A true sense that runs deep within your soul.
  222. > Your throat wells up. And your mind races with emotions.
  223. > There's so much you want to say. So much that needs to be let out.
  224. > You search for the appropriate words for the moment, but find yourself acting autonomously.
  225. > Your mouth opens, and the words “Thank you.” whisper out.
  226. > Celestia smiles.
  227. > “Come, Anonymous.” she whispers. “Let's meet up with Twilight and the rest of them. I'm sure they're dying to get to know you.”
  232. > “I'm sure he had his reasons.” Rarity announces. She sits idly at the dining room table. Boredom has gotten the best of her, so she uses a napkin to mindlessly polish her silverware to a shine.
  233. > “Still, it seems a little brash, though. Doesn't it?” Fluttershy asks.
  234. > “Brash is putting' it lightly.” Applejack says, rolling her eyes as she refers to the 'hostage' situation in the library.
  235. > “Even a cornered fox will bite.” Twilight announces. “How else would you have expected him to react?”
  236. > “I dunno. I still don't like it.” Applejack announces. “I don't like him. And I don't like this one bit.”
  237. > “Yeah.” Rainbow Dash adds, “He seems...odd. Something about him”
  238. > “Aww. Come on!” Pinkie Pie shouts. “You guys are just jumping to conclusions! What if he turns out a be a really nice 'human'?”
  239. > “Yet, you don't find it a little bit odd?” Applejack replies. “The elements go all out of whack for a day, and then this fella pops up?”
  241. > “It does seem a bit odd.” Twilight replies.
  242. > “Because it is.” Applejack says.
  243. > Twilight sits patiently in her seat, shuffling through the post cards Anonymous has given her earlier. “I know it sound fishy, but I want to know all the facts before I draw my conclusions.”
  244. > The postcards catch Rarity's eye, she reaches out her hoof. “May I?”
  245. > Rarity shuffles through them in a relatively quick and timely manner. Her eyes are drawn to the architectural marvel of each one of the post cards.
  246. > They contain vast cities that defy her very concepts of design.
  247. > Sharp building constructed of steel and glass pierce the heavens in awe an awe inspiring manner.
  248. > The roads are paved with a rich black asphalt that neatly line the city streets.
  249. > The photographs capture a still moment in time, with people rushing back and forth on their daily commutes.
  250. > “I don't recognize any of these places.” Rarity announces, placing the cards back on the table.
  251. > “Neither do I.” Twilight announces. “Which leads me to believe that he's not from around here.”
  252. > “Then where do you reckon' he's from?” Applejack questions.
  253. > Twilight lets out a simple sigh of defeat before shrugging her shoulders.
  255. > “Whatever the case may be, I hope the poor soul turns out all right.” Rarity announces.
  256. > “Yeah.” Fluttershy adds. “He looked pretty miserable. Are all humans like that?”
  257. > “Doubt it.” Twilight says. “The ones on these postcards seem pretty happy to me.”
  258. > “Really? Lemme see!” Applejack says, grabbing the cards. “Hmph. How can you tell?”
  260. > Twilight points to a card in particular.
  261. > It has a young woman in a swimsuit posing in front of a bright sunny beach.
  262. > She's smiling while holding up a beer in one hand and flashing the peace sign in the other.
  263. > “This one looks cheery!” Twilight says.
  264. > “Well how can you be so sure?” Applejack replies.
  265. > Twilight was about to bring up her own theory, when the dining hall's doors suddenly swung open. Anonymous and Celestia stood idly in the doorway.
  268. > “After you.” Celestia mentions.
  269. > You nod before starting inside.
  270. > Celestia trots cautiously by your side.
  271. > You've developed something of a limp, and she isn't taking any more risks furthering your injuries.
  272. > She leads you to the table to where the rest of the ponies are seated.
  273. > She finds out a seat nestled right in between Twilight and Rarity.
  274. > They both nervously shuffle in their seat at your presence.
  275. > It's a small table, with even smaller chairs. But you somehow manage to find a comfortable position.
  277. > With her magic, Celestia clicks her knife against the glass.
  278. > And no sooner, an entourage of waiters and waitresses come scurrying out of the kitchen.
  279. > Each one of them carrying some sort of tray of steaming food.
  280. > They reach your table, and start handing out the meals.
  281. > While some of them are hesitant to serve you at first, they all maintain their form of professionalism.
  283. > A steaming plate of placed in front of you.
  284. > Followed by a young waiter who places a tall glass by your side.
  285. > “Carrot or Tomato?” he tonelessly asks.
  286. > You ponder it for a moment before ordering for a mug of coffee.
  287. > It's black. Just how you like it.
  288. > It's bitter flavor brings back a sense of belonging to you.
  289. > Nostalgia, even.
  291. > “So. Anonymous.” Twilight starts. “...Your name is 'Anonymous', right?”
  292. > You give a slight nod.
  293. “That's right.”
  294. > “Well. Good. That's good.” Twilight awkwardly starts, “W-Well. We haven't had a chance to really introduce ourselves, have we?”
  295. “No. We haven't.” you quickly reply.
  296. > Twilight flinches at the sudden reply and shifts her weight around her seat. “Err...Well. Let's start with introductions, shall we?”
  297. > She places a hoof on herself. “My name is Twilight Sparkl-”
  299. “No. No.” you interrupt.
  300. > Twilight stops and stares at you haphazardly.
  301. “Celestia has already told me about me you all.”
  302. > You point around the table, pointing out each of the ponies.
  303. “Twilight, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash...”
  304. > You follow around the table clockwise, introducing each one of the mares to yourself, finally arriving at the last mare to your side.
  305. “And finally, Rarity.”
  306. > Her ear's twitch at the mention of her name.
  307. “It's a pleasure.”
  309. > The ponies sit back.
  310. > Their expressions are priceless.
  311. > And they react just as much as you'd expect them to.
  312. > It's strange.
  313. > You've never meet these people before.
  314. > But you still manage to get a solid grasp on their personalities.
  315. > And as time goes on, you seem to get a better grasp on your situation in the grand scheme of things.
  316. > You can't really explain it, but you imagine this must have been Celestia's doing.
  317. > After your near-death experience with Equestrian 'Magic' the idea isn't all too far-fetched.
  319. > Your attention shifts back to the ponies.
  320. > As expected, Pinkie Pie is the first to break the ice.
  321. > “Mister Anonymous! Mister Anonymous! I bet everypony is dying to know! Just where are you from!?”
  322. > “Yes. Does it have anything to do with these?” Twilight cuts in, reffering to the tall stack of post cards on the table.
  323. > You take a sip of coffee before replying.
  324. “I'm from Tarvo City.” you proudly reply.
  325. > “Tarvo City?” Rarity hesitantly asks.
  326. “Yeah.”
  327. > “Doesn't sound like any city I've ever heard of.” Applejack says. “You sure you didn't hit your head or anything?”
  329. > Twilight shuffles through the post cards before handing you one.
  330. > “Anonymous, is this a picture from Tarvo City?” she asks.
  331. “Close.” you reply. “But no.”
  332. > You hand her back the card.
  333. “That's Gracemeria. The capital.”
  334. > “The capital of what?” Twilight asks.
  335. “Emmeria.”
  336. > “Never heard of it.”
  337. “I didn't expect you to.”
  339. > “What do you mean by that?”
  340. “I'm not from here.” you sigh, “In fact. I don't actually know where 'here' is. I do know I'm not supposed to be here. Not at all. It's just not...natural.”
  341. > “Natural?” Twilight asks. “I don't understand. Can you explain?”
  342. > Rarity pokes you in the rib.
  343. > “Anonymous, just exactly where are you from?”
  345. > You resort back to your thoughts, desperately trying to find answers to questions you don't know.
  346. “This doesn't exist where I'm from.” you start. “There are no talking ponies. Magic is a myth. You don't exist, where I come from.”
  347. > Twilight is quick with her pen, diligently recoding every word you speak.
  348. “My world is inhabited by humans. Other people. Never in my life have I heard of Equestria. And the concept of unicorns and pegasi was only found in old legends and fairy tales. Where I come from, you're nothing more than a myth.”
  349. > Curiosity gleaing in her eyes, Twilight pushes onward.
  350. > “Do you remember how you got here?”
  352. > Celestia's voice echoes in your mind.
  353. > She's made it clear.
  354. > Revealing your life as a martyr isn't the best course of action.
  355. > She argues it's an unnecessary chapter of your life that's best left be.
  357. “I lived in a big city. Much bigger than this one. I lived with a room mate, he was alright guy.” you start.
  358. > You rub your temples as you 'jog' your memory
  359. “It was just like any other night. I had gotten into bed and fallen asleep.”
  360. > “Yes?” Twilight eagerly asks.
  361. “When I woke up, I was lost in a forest. I don't know what happened.”
  363. > Twilight furrows her brow. Clearly not content with your response.
  364. > “That's all you remember?” she asks.
  365. > You glance up to her.
  366. > She's her eyes are deadocked with yours.
  367. > You muster up all the courage to put on a deadpan stare.
  368. “That's it.”
  370. > You quickly shuffle your vision over to Celestia, who gives a slight nod.
  371. > Looks like she approves of your cover story.
  372. > Twilight shuffles in her seat.
  373. > “Well. What are all those things you're carrying?”
  374. > Rainbow Dash cuts in with “Yeah! I've never seen anything like it before!”
  375. “Those are my possessions. When I woke up in the forest, they were scattered around me. I didn't necessarily pick out what I took with me. It sort of just happened.”
  376. > Twilight's brow furrows even deeper.
  378. > “Do you intend on going back home? To this, 'Tarvo City' of yours?” Rarity asks.
  379. > Celestia cuts in.
  380. > “Anonymous and I have already discussed the details of his situation. We've decided it's for the best if he were to stay here in Equestria for the time being.”
  382. > Each one of the ponies' eyes light up in response.
  383. > Twilight nearly falls out of her seat.
  384. > “R-Really?” she excitedly asks.
  386. > Applejack sits up in her chair.
  387. > “Now. Are you sure this is a good idea, Princess?” she asks, “How can we be sure he can be trusted!?”
  388. > She points at you with an intense glare.
  389. > “We've barely known this thing for less than a day and you want to let him into our home?”
  390. > “Applejack!” Rarity shouts. “How incredibly rude!”
  392. > “No. It's alright.” Celestia says. “I understand her concern. For it is not without warrant.”
  393. > She takes a sip of her drink before continuing.
  394. > “I can see why you may be wary on trusting Anonymous. After all, he's something alien.”
  395. > “Your damn right.” Applejack replies.
  396. > “But you haven't seen him as I have.” Celestia says, “I know this man. And I can see him for the person he is. Believe me when I can say he is trustworthy.”
  397. > Applejack's slight pout soon melts away.
  398. > “In fact, it wouldn't be as farfetched to say if need be, I'd trust him with my life.”
  399. > You glance up to the princess.
  400. > Lost for words, you speak out the first thing that comes to your mind.
  402. “Thank you.”
  404. > Celestia continues with her speech. Her eyes watering with tears.
  405. > “His heart and mine were as one, however briefly.”
  406. > The room falls silent as Celestia's voice weeps.
  407. > She turns to you.
  408. > “Such suffering you had endured. I-I'm sorry, Anonymous.”
  411. > The meal was a blur.
  412. > It wasn't long before everyone had finished up.
  413. > You conversed with the ponies.
  414. > You drank.
  415. > But most of all, you listened.
  417. > With Celestia behind your back, they quickly opened up to you.
  418. > Evidently, a friend of Celestia is a friend of theirs.
  420. > You learn about their verdant lives in a small town called Ponyville.
  421. > They tell you of their various adventures.
  422. > It was then that you learned more about them and their society.
  423. > How it couldn't be any more different than your own.
  424. > Here, there was no fighting.
  425. > There was no nuance of hate, fueled by something as inane was one's flag.
  426. > The concept of war was little more than a stray figment of one's imagination.
  427. > It was bliss.
  428. > And you absorb every word of it.
  430. > The alarm on your wristwatch goes off, catching the attention of everyone in the room.
  431. > Should you still be in Tarvo City, this would mark the beginning of your nine hour patrol shift.
  432. > You silence the alarm.
  433. > “Anonymous?” Twilight asks.
  434. “Yes?”
  435. > “W-What is that thing?”
  436. “Sorry. It's just an alarm.”
  437. > “No.” she shakes her head. “I mean, just what is that thing?”
  438. > She points to the watch on your wrist.
  439. “Oh, come on.” you argue “You mean to tell me you've never seen one of these before?”
  440. > You take it off and hand it to her.
  441. > “I've seen watches before, but none like this. I mean, it's so obscure! Where are the hands? How do you wind it?”
  443. > You rub your temples in confusion.
  444. “You've never seen a digital watch before?”
  445. > “Digital?” Rarity asks. “What is that?”
  446. > You glance around the table to find confused stares all around.
  447. “You guys don't have digital watches here?”
  448. > Twilight simply shakes her head.
  450. > You shuffle around in your seat.
  451. > Come to think of it, you haven't seen any glimpse of modern technology since your arrival.
  452. > There were no cars, no street signs, no light bulbs, no power outlets.
  453. > Nothing.
  454. > It seems as if they haven't harnessed the power of electricity yet.
  455. > You begin to ponder their engineering capabilities.
  456. > Here you sit with a rifle high presicion strapped across your back, and a satchel full of plastic explosives and a bag full of supplies.
  457. > Truly, a shining example of what humanity's technology has to offer.
  458. > You glance around.
  459. > And almost as if to confirm your suspicions, you catch a glimpse of a stationed at the door.
  460. > He stands by idly, polishing a tall spear.
  461. > Probably his weapon of choice.
  463. > “Anonymous? What other functions does this have?” Twilight asks.
  464. “It's just a watch, Twilight. It's nothing special.”
  465. > “But the watches we have don't look anything like this!”
  466. > She reaches into her saddle bag and produces a small pocketwatch.
  467. > You can hear the slight ticking of it's internal movements.
  468. “Well. My watch can do more than this one, that's for sure.”
  469. > “Like?”
  470. “Well for one thing, my watch's got time zones, a calendar and an alarm.”
  471. > Twilight's eyes widen.
  472. > Pinkie Pie snatches the watch from Twilight's grasp.
  473. > She shakes it in the air.
  474. > “What else can it do!? What else can it do!?” she shouts.
  476. “Ehh. It's got a stopwatch. It's waterproof. And, it can light up.”
  477. > “Light up?” Rarity asks.
  478. “Yeah. So you can see it in the dark.”
  479. > She snatches the watch from Pinkie Pie.
  480. > “Care to demonstrate?”
  481. “Just press the little silver button on the side that says 'Light'.” you explain.
  482. > At first, she tries with her hooves. But fails.
  483. > Afterward, she tries with her magic.
  484. > It beeps and the LED inside jolts to life, illuminating the LCD display.
  485. > Her eyes brim with awe.
  486. > “T-this is amazing.” she whispers.
  487. “Yeah.” you casually reply. “My favorite feature is that fact that it's solar powered! It never runs out of juice.”
  488. > Celestia puts down her drink and raises a brow.
  489. > “Solar powered?” She asks.
  491. > The next few hours are spent answering questions as they pop up.
  492. > You tried your best at dodging any topics that had to do with the war.
  493. > If asked about such topics, you responded with a simple “I don't remember.”
  494. > You told the ponies about your civilian life before the war.
  495. > You showed them photos of your family and friends from your wallet.
  496. > Using the post cards and map, you told them about the major cities in your country.
  497. > You told them about Tarvo City, your hometown.
  498. > Using some of Twilight's paper, you sketched out some of the inventions humanity had developed.
  499. > However, everyone became much more interested in the way you held a quill in your hand than the actual topic at hand.
  500. > Apparently, you're one of the few species in this world to have opposable appendages.
  502. > That ultimately led to a quick course in the bone structure of human beings.
  503. > Which then led to a crash course in human anatomy and modern medicine.
  504. > Twilight nearly fainted when you explain the concept of an artificial limb to her.
  506. > You shared a few laughs as you moved onto your personal life.
  507. > It turns out the ponies have a similar ideology of yours.
  508. > Ultimately it revolves around one's well being and the pursuit of happiness.
  509. > The conversation was lively and cheerful.
  511. > By the time you had finished speaking, it was nearly dinner time.
  512. > Twilight had written a hefty stack of notes that towered above everyone.
  513. > You occasionally took the chance to ask questions as well.
  515. > As you discussed unicorn magic, you soon realize it was a crutch for this civilization.
  516. > They are completely dependent on it.
  517. > As the ponies couldn’t bear to imagine a world without their all-powerful 'magic'.
  518. > The lack of a logical explanation irked you.
  519. > But at the same time, you realize you were currently having dinner with a four foot tall pastel colored equine.
  520. > Logic isn't one to prevail in these parts.
  522. > Dinner was soon served.
  523. > The royal chefs prepared everything from salad, to pasta, to cakes.
  524. > You did notice a distinct lack of meats in these meals.
  525. > But given the herbivorous nature, it made sense.
  526. > Regardless, the food was delicious.
  528. > A lone bottle on the table catches your attention.
  529. > And much to your surprise it's a bottle of red wine.
  530. > Your eyes glimmer in anticipation.
  531. > “Help yourself!” Celestia cheerfully exclaims, “There's plenty more where that came from!”
  532. > Without hesitation, you pour yourself a glass.
  533. > It's weak.
  534. > The alcohol was barely present compared to your hometown drinks.
  537. > Dinner was a flash.
  538. > And soon enough, the night rears in.
  539. > The party is led back upstairs by Celestia herself.
  540. > She leads you to a hall full of bed chambers.
  541. > You'd be sharing a room with Twilight and Rarity.
  543. > Rarity swings open the door and briskly walks inside.
  544. > “Celestia never ceases to amaze me with these suites.” Rarity exclaims.
  545. > “Definitely.” Twilight exclaims. “Almost makes me wish I still studied here in Canterlot.”
  546. > Rarity walks trots to the nearest bed and places her suitcase at it's foot.
  547. > “And this one's mine!” she meeks.
  549. > You nod and move over to the bed adjacent to hers.
  550. “Dibs.”
  551. > Twilight is quick to get settled, and soon finds her way to a nearby desk, burying herself in a stack of notes.
  552. > You pay her no mind.
  553. > Instead, you unsling your backpack and place it upon your bed.
  555. > It's rough canvas build is a stark opposite to the smooth silk bed sheets.
  556. > You open it up and begin to unpack your bag, placing what little belongings you had on the bed.
  557. > Your rifle.
  558. > Your handguns.
  559. > Ammunition.
  560. > A cleaning kit.
  561. > Some food and drinks.
  562. > And a small Gameboy that somehow has managed to survive this far.
  563. > Finally, you find a small change of clothes at the bottom of the bag.
  564. > You unfold it to find it's an small T-Shirt and pair of jeans that have seen better days.
  566. > “Anonymous?” Rairty asks.
  567. “Yes?”
  568. > “Is that all?” she meekly asks.
  569. “Is what all?”
  570. > “You said that when you woke up in the forest, you found a few of your possesions scattered about... Is that everything?”
  571. “Yeah.” you reply. “Just about.”
  572. > Her eyes sink.
  573. > “Oh my.” she whispers.
  574. “What?”
  575. > “Y-You have nothing. Not even a proper change of clothes!”
  576. “Oh.” you sigh, “Well, this was all I really needed. You get used to it, I suppose.”
  577. > “Oh no, dear. This simply won't do!” she replies. “I simply can't watch you live on like that! You poor thing!”
  578. > She tugs on your shoulder.
  579. > “Have you arranged for a place to stay?”
  580. “Ah. Now that you mention it, I haven't.” you chuckle, “I'm sure I'll figure something out. I always do.”
  581. > “Heavens no!” she shrieks melodramatically. “I cannot idly stand by and watch you live in the streets!”
  582. > She paces back and forth in front of you.
  583. > “No! I've got it! You're to stay with me! I've got plenty of room in the carousel boutique! As long as you need!”
  584. “Oh.” you reply, slightly taken back by the sudden outburst, “Well. I don't know. I wouldn't want to be a burden.”
  585. > “Non-sense.”
  586. “I don't know if I'll feel comfortable taking from you. I mean, we've just met after all and I really don't want to impo-”
  587. > “I won't take no for an answer, Anonymous.” she interrupts. “My mind is set.”
  589. > Twilight belts out from across the room.
  590. > “That's the Element of Generosity, for you. You might as well accept her offer. Once she's made up her mind, there's nothing stopping her.”
  591. “Alright.” you sigh, “Thank you, Rarity. I appreciate it.”
  592. > She gives a toothy grin.
  593. > “You haven't any clothes either?”
  594. “No, it's all home.”
  595. > “I'll see to it then.”
  597. > Your watch alarm goes off again.
  598. “It's close to mid-night.”
  599. > “Hmm. That it is.” Rarity replies as she snuggles in her bed.
  600. > Instead of doing the same, you reach for the cleaning kit and the rifle, beginning the tedious task of performing maintenance.
  601. > Most of the parts are affixed in some sort of mickey mouse job, so they required constant maintenance.
  602. > You loaded the magazine you had with some rounds and placed it into the rifle.
  603. > Content with your work, you placed it under your bed.
  604. > Soon afterward, you moved onto the revolved.
  605. > A quick cleaning left it with a sparkling shine.
  606. > You place it on your nightstand, safety off.
  607. > A deep sigh escapes your lips.
  608. > After months of fighting in the resistance, the entire maintenance routine has been etched into your muscle memory.
  609. > Some habits just die hard.
  611. > You glance at your watch.
  612. > It's half past midnight.
  613. > Time to call it a night.
  614. > You change out of your clothes, and strip into your boxers.
  615. > Rarity give a slight gasp as you remove your shirt.
  616. > “H-How are the bandages holding up?” she timidly asks.
  617. “They're O.K. Hurt's a bit, but it's nothing major.”
  618. > You run your fingers along the bandages.
  619. > The bloodstained bandages cover still fresh wounds.
  621. > “What- What happened to you?” Rairty blurts out.
  622. > The battlefield left a heavy toll on your body and mind, evident by your scars.
  623. > Calmly, you try to play it off.
  624. “This? It's nothing.” you scoff. “No big deal.”
  626. > Twilight picks herself up from her notes to trot over to you.
  628. > “No big deal?” she whimpers. Using her magic she picks at one of the bandages, revealing the burned flesh.
  629. > “These look awful.”
  630. > “Are you sure it's not too much pain?” Rarity asks, “You know, it's not too late to call in Redheart.”
  631. “No it's fine.” you exclaim.
  633. > Twilight puts a hoof to her chin.
  635. > She's not buying it.
  636. > Using her magic, she beings you over to her level.
  637. > Eye level.
  639. > “Is there something you're not telling me, Anonymous?” she bravely asks. “I know you and Celestia discussed something behind those closed doors.”
  640. > Your palms begin to sweat.
  641. > What if she could pierce into your mind as well
  642. > “Are you sure there's nothing you need to tell us?” Twilight asks again.
  644. > You consider your options.
  645. > Was all this really worth hiding?
  646. > Why go through all the trouble of hiding all this?
  647. > A glint of light catches you eye.
  648. > You glance over to see the revolver reflecting the candle light of it's polished shine.
  650. > [spoiler] You're a murderer. [/spoiler]
  651. > That's why.
  653. > You glance back to Twilight and muster up all your charisma into your next line.
  654. “I've told you everything, Twilight. I have nothing to hide.”
  655. > You stare coldly into her eyes as she does into yours.
  656. > You feel your feet touch the ground again as she release you from her magic.
  657. > “Alright, Anonymous.” she sternly replies.
  659. > Her response tells it all.
  660. > She didn't buy into your bluff.
  662. > Rarity shuffles to your side and pokes you once more.
  663. > “Are you sure you don't want me to fetch a doctor? It looks quite painful.”
  664. “N-No. I'm fine. Honest!”
  665. > “Well alright.” she replies. “I'm headed to bed. Good night, Anonymous.”
  667. > You gave her a smile that dissolved any doubt she had.
  668. “Rarity?” you call out.
  669. > Her ears perk up as she turns.
  670. > “Yes?”
  671. “Call me Anon. All my friends did.”
  672. > She smiles.
  673. > “Alright, Anon.”
  675. > Using her magic, she dims the lights. Only Twilight's desk side lamp remains lit.
  676. > Save for the sound of Twilight scribbling down in her notes, the room is silent.
  677. > An occasional breeze finds it's way in through the drafty castle.
  678. > You had an excellent view out of the window from your bed.
  679. > The moon was full and the stars glittered proudly.
  681. > You find yourself mesmerized by the soft embrace of a warm bed.
  682. > It's been too long since you've had one to call your own.
  684. > So much has happened in the past few days, it's hard to keep up.
  685. > Since the start of the war, you've felt yourself lost in limbo.
  686. > Your life since been put on hiatus, you try to recall the last time you've had a 'normal' day such as this one.
  687. > The train of thought is short lived.
  688. > Your eye lids become heavy.
  689. > And soon, the night take you.
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