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- diff -r 1.5.1/AI_NPC_Indoor.evfl.txt 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Indoor.evfl.txt
- 74a75,83
- > flow Harvest():
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('HarvestFestival', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival') == 1) and (MainNpc.CheckNpcSchedule('cHarvestFestival')):
- > if (MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cTalkEnd')) and (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:TalkEndWait']):
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeWaitState('cWait', '', '', '', true, false, 300, true, '')
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:TalkEndWait'] = false
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestCooking', '', '', '', true, true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 95a105
- > run Harvest()
- diff -r 1.5.1/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt
- 0a1,9
- > flow ApproachBeforeChristmas():
- > if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:ChristmasApproachTalk']:
- > if MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cPreActiveApproach') == 0:
- > run ToActiveApproachNotice(TalkEntryName='Root', TalkFlowName='NNPC_ApproachG_Christmas')
- > else:
- > MainNpc.SetIsStartNeedActivity('cOff')
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cPreActiveApproach', '', '', '', false, false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 13c22
- < run ToActiveApproachNotice(TalkFlowName='NNPC_ApproachE_Easter', TalkEntryName='Root')
- ---
- > run ToActiveApproachNotice(TalkEntryName='Root', TalkFlowName='NNPC_ApproachG_Easter')
- 103a113,130
- > flow CheckHarvestResetFeel():
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival') == 2) and ((MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestWander') == 0) or (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestWanderWait') == 0) or (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestMoveToWatchPoint') == 0) or (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestPlazaAction') == 0)):
- > MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
- >
- > flow ChkHarvestDemo():
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.FlagSystemIntValue4('cLandTemp:HarvestDemoNpcStep', 4):
- > case 0:
- > if (MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cChangeMainPlayer')) and (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestDemoAction') == 0):
- > run Sub_Event321()
- > case 1:
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoMoveTable', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
- > run Sub_Event280()
- > case 2:
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoWait', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
- > run Sub_Event280()
- > case 3:
- > run Sub_Event321()
- >
- 322a350
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNoLook', false)
- 326a355,390
- > flow Harvest():
- > MainNpc.NpcResetHarvestFishExchangeWantItem()
- > switch MainNpc.DevideHarvestEventState():
- > case 0:
- > MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
- > if MainNpc.IsInEventPlazaArea(false):
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cEventPlazaWander', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
- > run Sub_Event312()
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', '', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- > run Sub_Event312()
- > case 1:
- > MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeGoToDestinationState('cGoToDestination', '', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, 2, -1, -1)
- > run Sub_Event312()
- > case 2, 3:
- > MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
- > run ChkHarvestDemo()
- > if MainNpc.FlagNpcIntValue3('cNpcTemp:HarvestPlazaPlace', 3) == 0:
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestWanderWait', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, false)
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNormal', true)
- > else:
- > if MainNpc.CheckIsInsideHarvestSpecificRange():
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestPlazaAction', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, false)
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestMoveToWatchPoint', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, false)
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNoLook', false)
- > if (System.EventFlags['cLand:HarvestProgress'] >= 4) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, -1, true, true) == 0):
- > MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cHappy', -1)
- > else:
- > MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:ArrivedInEventPlaza'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > case 4:
- > run CheckHarvestResetFeel()
- >
- 410a475
- > run ApproachBeforeChristmas()
- 421a487
- > run ApproachBeforeChristmas()
- 429a496
- > run Harvest()
- 448a516,521
- > local flow Sub_Event280():
- > MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNoLook', false)
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:ArrivedInEventPlaza'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 450a524
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNormal', true)
- 451a526,535
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event312():
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:ArrivedInEventPlaza'] = true
- > MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNormal', true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event321():
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoAction', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
- > run Sub_Event280()
- diff -r 1.5.1/AI_NPC_Rcm.evfl.txt 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Rcm.evfl.txt
- 2,6c2,10
- < if (not EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsConnected()) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.IsSharePlay(0)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']) and (not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']):
- < MainNpc.NpcAISetting(2, false)
- < MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeConversationPretenseState('cConversationPretense', 'Root', 'SNPC_rcm', '', false, true, 0, 'rco')
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- ---
- > if not ((EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsConnected()) or (EventFlowSystemActor.IsSharePlay(0))):
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']):
- > run Sub_grp_Event13()
- > elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalked1stAfterPrologue']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving']):
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmCantPlayTalkActingThisScene']:
- > run Sub_grp_Event13()
- > else:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmCantPlayTalkActingThisScene'] = true
- 18a23,29
- >
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event13():
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']) and (not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']):
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(2, false)
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeConversationPretenseState('cConversationPretense', 'Root', 'SNPC_rcm', '', false, true, 0, 'rco')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- diff -r 1.5.1/AI_NPC_Rco.evfl.txt 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Rco.evfl.txt
- 27,31c27,33
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']:
- < run Rco_Force_FinishLoan()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
- < if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) or (System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']):
- < run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving']:
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']:
- > run Rco_Force_GiveMileTicket()
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
- > run Rco_Force_GiveMileTicket()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
- > run Rco_Force_GiveMileTicket()
- 33,34c35,49
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
- ---
- > run Rco_Force_BuiltHouse_ShopMaterial()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']:
- > run Rco_Force_FinishLoan()
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
- > run NoHouseMovingSubP_SkipAfterRemodel()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']:
- > run NoHouseMovingSubP_SkipAfterRemodel()
- > elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) or (System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']):
- > run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
- > else:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
- > run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
- > else:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- 38,47c53,54
- < else:
- < run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() not in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- < run AI_Rco_ChkForceIslandDevelopment()
- < run Sub_grp_Event197()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAfterMuseumTent']:
- < run Rco_Force_OwlTentSet()
- < else:
- < run AI_Rco_ChkForceImmQ()
- < run Sub_grp_Event197()
- ---
- > else:
- > run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
- 138a146,155
- > flow NoHouseMovingSubP_SkipAfterRemodel():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() not in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- > run AI_Rco_ChkForceIslandDevelopment()
- > run Sub_grp_Event245()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAfterMuseumTent']:
- > run Rco_Force_OwlTentSet()
- > else:
- > run AI_Rco_ChkForceImmQ()
- > run Sub_grp_Event245()
- >
- 161a179,184
- > flow Rco_Force_GiveMileTicket():
- > run AI_Rco_Force_EntryProcess()
- > run AI_NPC_Common::ContinueSpeak(FlowName='SNPC_rco_03_ChkAfterRemodel', EntryName='GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Force')
- > run SetOfficeForceTalk()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 214a238,243
- > flow Rco_Force_NoticeStorageExpansion():
- > run AI_Rco_Force_EntryProcess()
- > run AI_NPC_Common::ContinueSpeak(FlowName='SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage', EntryName='NoticeExpandStorage_Force')
- > run SetOfficeForceTalk()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 227c256
- < if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cField')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(false, 0) not in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `Unknown7`, `Unknown8`)):
- ---
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cField')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(false, 0) not in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `HarvestFestival`, `XmasEve`, `Unknown9`)):
- 287,288c316,319
- < local flow Sub_grp_Event197():
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial']:
- ---
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event245():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStandbyNoticeStorageExpansion']:
- > run Rco_Force_NoticeStorageExpansion()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial']:
- Only in 1.6.0: AI_NPC_Rei.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.6.0: AI_NPC_Tuk.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.6.0: AI_NPC_Tuk_Visit.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn.evfl.txt
- 1a2,4
- > run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_20_CmnGreetChk::CmnBdayChk()
- > run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo::Root()
- > run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_31_CmnNewsBday::Root()
- 92d94
- < run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_20_CmnGreetChk::CmnBdayChk()
- 94,95d95
- < run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo::Root()
- < run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_31_CmnNewsBday::Root()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_03_Rco_Once.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_03_Rco_Once.evfl.txt
- 34,35c34,39
- < # **The <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport is now open for business! Starting today, you can use online or local communication to fly to other islands…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_10_Rco_Once:001_07', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > # **The <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport is already open for business! If you'd like, you can use online or local communication to fly to other isla…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_10_Rco_Once:001_07_01', false)
- > else:
- > # **The <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport is now open for business! Starting today, you can use online or local communication to fly to other islands…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_10_Rco_Once:001_07', false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt
- 149a150,153
- > flow HarvestBeforeNoticeChk():
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest']):
- > SubflowResults[16] = 1
- >
- 156a161,162
- > else:
- > run SzaNoNewsNmlChk()
- 166a173,176
- >
- > flow SzaNoNewsNmlChk():
- > SubflowResults[16] = 0
- > run HarvestBeforeNoticeChk()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt
- 24a25,28
- > flow Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal():
- > # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- >
- 81,83d84
- < flow Return_SzaNoNews_Normal():
- < run Event117()
- <
- 87a89,90
- > if SubflowResults@2[12] != 0:
- > run SeasonMaterialFlagOff()
- 117,131c120,137
- < elif SubflowResults@2[15] == 0:
- < if SubflowResults@2[12] != 0:
- < run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_41_CmnNoNews_Hint::SeasonNews_Sza()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSameDate('cEndOfTheMonth', 'cGrowUpTime'):
- < # There really isn't any news to share today, so I suppose I don't have much to say besides my hellos.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:801', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(2, -1, true, false) == 0:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, -1, true, false) == 0:
- < # RANDOM: Though now that I think about it… // Hold on! // Come to think of it…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:802', false)
- < run Sza_LastDayOfMonthA()
- < else:
- < # Though I suppose technically the date has changed, and of course…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:803', false)
- < run Sza_LastDayOfMonthB()
- ---
- > elif SubflowResults@2[15] != 0:
- > if SubflowResults@2[12] == 0:
- > # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- > else:
- > run SeasonMaterialFlagOff()
- > # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- > elif SubflowResults@2[12] != 0:
- > run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_41_CmnNoNews_Hint::SeasonNews_Sza()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSameDate('cEndOfTheMonth', 'cGrowUpTime'):
- > # There really isn't any news to share today, so I suppose I don't have much to say besides my hellos.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:801', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(2, -1, true, false) == 0:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, -1, true, false) == 0:
- > # RANDOM: Though now that I think about it… // Hold on! // Come to think of it…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:802', false)
- > run Sza_LastDayOfMonthA()
- 133,134c139,141
- < # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- ---
- > # Though I suppose technically the date has changed, and of course…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:803', false)
- > run Sza_LastDayOfMonthB()
- 136,154c143,144
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSpecialWeather():
- < case `NormalWeather`:
- < run SzaNoNews_Normal()
- < case `HeavyShower_MorningBefore`, `HeavyShower_AfternoonBefore`:
- < # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:600', false)
- < # The weather report says we're in for a rare treat tonight: shooting stars! <50:3>ISLAND lit by the glow of a sky bursting with shooting stars… What a…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:602', false)
- < # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- < case `HeavyShower_During`:
- < # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:600', false)
- < # Right now, at this very moment, the sky above ISLAND is full of shooting stars! It's one of the loveliest sights I've ever beheld, so move to gaze …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:603', false)
- < # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- < case `Rainbow`, `DoubleRainbow`, `AuroraBorealis_Before1800`, `AuroraBorealis`, `SpecialWeather8`, `SpecialWeather9`:
- < run SzaNoNews_Normal()
- ---
- > # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- 156,157c146,185
- < # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- ---
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSpecialWeather():
- > case `NormalWeather`:
- > run SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case `HeavyShower_MorningBefore`, `HeavyShower_AfternoonBefore`:
- > # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:600', false)
- > # The weather report says we're in for a rare treat tonight: shooting stars! <50:3>ISLAND lit by the glow of a sky bursting with shooting stars… What a…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:602', false)
- > # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- > case `HeavyShower_During`:
- > # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:600', false)
- > # Right now, at this very moment, the sky above ISLAND is full of shooting stars! It's one of the loveliest sights I've ever beheld, so move to gaze …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:603', false)
- > # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- > case `Rainbow`, `DoubleRainbow`, `AuroraBorealis_Before1800`, `AuroraBorealis`, `SpecialWeather8`, `SpecialWeather9`:
- > run SzaNoNews_Normal()
- >
- > flow SeasonMaterialFlagOff():
- > switch SubflowResults@9[11]:
- > case 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_SummerShell'] = false
- > case 1:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_AutumnNuts'] = false
- > case 2:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_AutumnMushroom'] = false
- > case 3:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_AutumnRedLeaf'] = false
- > case 4:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_WinterSnowball'] = false
- > case 5:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_WinterSnowFlake'] = false
- > case 6:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_SpringBamboo'] = false
- > case 7:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_SpringSakura'] = false
- > case 8:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_WinterOrnament'] = false
- 190a219,242
- > flow SzaNoNews_Harvest():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagFromSystem(0, 'cHarvestFestivalDay', 'cDegit', '', 0)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
- > # Now that it's late November, we're really getting into the fall season. Don't you just love the fall colors?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_11', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(1, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false):
- > # Oh, speaking of fall… Tomorrow is Turkey Day!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_15', false)
- > else:
- > # Oh, speaking of fall… We'll be celebrating Turkey Day on November <90:36:cd00> this year!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_14', false)
- > else:
- > # Now that it's late November, spring is really starting to bloom! Don't you just love to see the new growth?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_12', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(1, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false):
- > # Oh, speaking of spring… Tomorrow is Turkey Day!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_16', false)
- > else:
- > # Oh, speaking of spring… We'll be celebrating Turkey Day on November <90:36:cd00> this year!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_13', false)
- > # We've invited a world-class chef to come cook for us in the plaza to help celebrate. I hope you can make it!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_17', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest'] = true
- >
- 193,208c245,256
- < entrypoint Event117:
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
- < case 0:
- < # Hmmm… There really isn't any news to speak of today… But…<10:4> Oh!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:701', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(5):
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.LandFruit() == 0:
- < # One time, after I ate some cherries, I tied the stems together and made a neat little bracelet!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:703_01', false)
- < else:
- < # Have you ever peeled some fruit and managed to keep the whole peel connected? Earlier I did just that!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:703_02', false)
- < else:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(95):
- < # RANDOM: The latest copy of my favorite magazine… // Listen to this! I was having a hard tim… // Here's some personal news! I got to do … // I looked up my horoscope for the day, a… // A sock I've been looking for forever tu…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:702', false)
- ---
- > if SubflowResults@9[16] == 0:
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
- > case 0:
- > # Hmmm… There really isn't any news to speak of today… But…<10:4> Oh!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:701', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(5):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.LandFruit() == 0:
- > # One time, after I ate some cherries, I tied the stems together and made a neat little bracelet!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:703_01', false)
- > else:
- > # Have you ever peeled some fruit and managed to keep the whole peel connected? Earlier I did just that!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:703_02', false)
- 210,246c258,299
- < # RANDOM: Ack! I forgot that yesterday was the cu… // Oh no! I forgot to bring in my laundry … // Uh-oh! I don't think I charged my phone… // Phooey! My brother asked me to give him…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:831', false)
- < # Err… Oh dear. I guess that doesn't really qualify as "news," does it?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:899', false)
- < # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- < case 1:
- < # Hmmm… There really isn't any news to speak of today…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:820', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvDayOfWeek():
- < case `Sunday`:
- < # Oh yeah! Did anyone else see that movie that was on TV yesterday? It's that one they play all the time. Even though I've seen it a million times, I n…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:821', false)
- < case `Monday`:
- < # Oh! Did anyone else catch that quiz show on TV yesterday? How do they come up with all those questions each week? Let alone all the answers…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:822', false)
- < case `Tuesday`:
- < # Hey! Did anyone else watch that variety show on TV yesterday? The stand-up comedian they had on was fantastic! I laughed for an hour straight! It was…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:823', false)
- < case `Wednesday`:
- < # Oh! Did anyone else see that talk show yesterday? On TV? You know the one. I like watching for the guests, but the hosts are such chatterboxes! They'…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:824', false)
- < case `Thursday`:
- < # Hey! Did anyone else catch yesterday's cooking show? The spiced <135:3:cd00> they featured looked so delicious! I'm thinking about trying out the rec…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:825', false)
- < case `Friday`:
- < # By the way, did anyone tune in for that documentary show that was on TV yesterday? It was all about the history of <135:6:cd00>. And actually, it was…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:826', false)
- < case `Saturday`:
- < # Say! Did anyone else catch that concert on TV yesterday? My favorite band was one of the featured acts, and their music's still stuck in my head.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:827', false)
- < # Oh dear… There I go again, prattling on about my personal TV habits. Sorry, folks!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:828', false)
- < # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
- < case 2:
- < run Sub_grp_Event111()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(95):
- > # RANDOM: The latest copy of my favorite magazine… // Listen to this! I was having a hard tim… // Here's some personal news! I got to do … // I looked up my horoscope for the day, a… // A sock I've been looking for forever tu…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:702', false)
- > else:
- > # RANDOM: Ack! I forgot that yesterday was the cu… // Oh no! I forgot to bring in my laundry … // Uh-oh! I don't think I charged my phone… // Phooey! My brother asked me to give him…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:831', false)
- > # Err… Oh dear. I guess that doesn't really qualify as "news," does it?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:899', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 1:
- > # Hmmm… There really isn't any news to speak of today…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:820', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvDayOfWeek():
- > case `Sunday`:
- > # Oh yeah! Did anyone else see that movie that was on TV yesterday? It's that one they play all the time. Even though I've seen it a million times, I n…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:821', false)
- > case `Monday`:
- > # Oh! Did anyone else catch that quiz show on TV yesterday? How do they come up with all those questions each week? Let alone all the answers…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:822', false)
- > case `Tuesday`:
- > # Hey! Did anyone else watch that variety show on TV yesterday? The stand-up comedian they had on was fantastic! I laughed for an hour straight! It was…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:823', false)
- > case `Wednesday`:
- > # Oh! Did anyone else see that talk show yesterday? On TV? You know the one. I like watching for the guests, but the hosts are such chatterboxes! They'…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:824', false)
- > case `Thursday`:
- > # Hey! Did anyone else catch yesterday's cooking show? The spiced <135:3:cd00> they featured looked so delicious! I'm thinking about trying out the rec…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:825', false)
- > case `Friday`:
- > # By the way, did anyone tune in for that documentary show that was on TV yesterday? It was all about the history of <135:6:cd00>. And actually, it was…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:826', false)
- > case `Saturday`:
- > # Say! Did anyone else catch that concert on TV yesterday? My favorite band was one of the featured acts, and their music's still stuck in my head.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:827', false)
- > # Oh dear… There I go again, prattling on about my personal TV habits. Sorry, folks!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:828', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 2:
- > run Sub_grp_Event111()
- > else:
- > run SzaNoNews_Normal_Exchange()
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- 248a302,305
- >
- > flow SzaNoNews_Normal_Exchange():
- > if SubflowResults@9[16] == 1:
- > run SzaNoNews_Harvest()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt
- 0a1,47
- > flow Christmas_Rco():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('XmasEve', 'cMainOnly', false):
- > run Conjunction_Rco()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, 0, true, true) == 0:
- > # **It's finally Toy Day! I hear a certain someone will be visiting us to deliver gifts. Do say hello from me if you get a chance!**
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:049', false)
- > else:
- > # **AH! Come to think of it… I hear a certain someone is here to deliver gifts. Do say hello for me if you see them, hm?**
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:049_01', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceChristmasEve'] = true
- > SubflowResults[15] = 1
- >
- > flow Christmas_Sza():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('XmasAfter', false):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, 0, true, true) == 0:
- > run Conjunction_Sza()
- > # Did everyone get what they wanted for Toy Day yesterday? I was up until late waiting for Santa, but I must've fallen asleep at some point. We're taki…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_10_03', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceChristmasEve'] = true
- > SubflowResults[15] = 1
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('XmasEve', 'cMainOnly', false):
- > run Conjunction_Sza()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, 0, true, true) == 0:
- > # Today is Toy Day! And I saw a certain someone on the island with a magic bag of presents! If you see him, why not try asking for a present? It can't …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_10_02', false)
- > else:
- > # You know, not long ago, I saw someone visiting our island with a hefty sack of gifts… If you happen to see him, it might be worth asking if he could …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_10_04', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceChristmasEve'] = true
- > SubflowResults[15] = 1
- > elif ((EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('XmasReady1', false)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('XmasReady2', false))) and (SubflowResults@10[2] == 0) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnouncePreChristmas']):
- > run Conjunction_Sza()
- > # What do you think of when December rolls around? I think of Toy Day and the whole season before it! I hope Santa can find us out on this island! Well…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_10_01', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnouncePreChristmas'] = true
- > SubflowResults[15] = 1
- >
- > flow Conjunction_Rco():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PublicAnnounceDiveFish']:
- > # **Also…**
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:031', false)
- >
- > flow Conjunction_Sza():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PublicAnnounceDiveFish']:
- > # Also!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:031', false)
- >
- 146c193
- < run Halloween_conjunction_Rco()
- ---
- > run Conjunction_Rco()
- 151c198
- < run Halloween_conjunction_Rco()
- ---
- > run Conjunction_Rco()
- 165c212
- < run Halloween_conjunction_Sza()
- ---
- > run Conjunction_Sza()
- 170c217
- < run Halloween_conjunction_Sza()
- ---
- > run Conjunction_Sza()
- 180,188c227,258
- < flow Halloween_conjunction_Rco():
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PublicAnnounceDiveFish']:
- < # **Also…**
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:031', false)
- <
- < flow Halloween_conjunction_Sza():
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PublicAnnounceDiveFish']:
- < # Also!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:031', false)
- ---
- > flow Harvest_Sza():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('HarvestFestival', 'cMainOnly', false):
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival'):
- > case 0:
- > run Conjunction_Sza()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
- > # Today is Turkey Day! We'll be hosting a party from 9 AM to midnight to celebrate the harvest. See you then!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_01', false)
- > else:
- > # Today is Turkey Day! We'll be hosting a party from 9 AM to midnight to celebrate spring. See you then!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_02', false)
- > # We've invited a world-class chef to cook for us in the plaza. I hope you can all join in the fun!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_05', false)
- > run Sub_Event239()
- > case 1:
- > run Conjunction_Sza()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
- > # We're hosting a Turkey Day event from now until midnight to celebrate the fall harvest!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_03', false)
- > else:
- > # We're hosting a Turkey Day event from now until midnight to celebrate the arrival of spring!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_04', false)
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:HarvestProgress'] < 1:
- > # We've invited a world-class chef to cook for us in the plaza. I hope you can all join in the fun!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_05', false)
- > else:
- > # We've invited a world-class chef to cook for us in the plaza, and he's already gotten started. Don't miss it!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_06', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:TownNewsHeardEventStarted'] = true
- > run Sub_Event239()
- > default:
- > return
- 264a335
- > run Christmas_Rco()
- 274a346,347
- > run Harvest_Sza()
- > run Christmas_Sza()
- 305a379,382
- > SubflowResults[15] = 1
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event239():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceHarvest'] = true
- diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_EventStart.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_EventStart.evfl.txt
- 150a151,159
- > case `HarvestFestival`:
- > run PrepareDemo()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(10, -1, true, true) == 0:
- > # **Hello, everyone! The Turkey Day event has now begun!**<10:7:00b40000>
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_EventStart:HarvestStart', true)
- > else:
- > # **Hello, everyone! The Turkey Day event is now underway!**<10:7:00b40000>
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_EventStart:HarvestStart_00', true)
- > run Cmn_AnnounceEnd()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_Process.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_Process.evfl.txt
- 22a23,28
- > flow CanGiveMileTicketTrialForMoving():
- > if (System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']):
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:PlayerMovingEnableShopMaterialCollect'] = true
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']) or (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving'])):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving'] = true
- >
- 24,25c30,36
- < if (System.EventFlags['cLand:TkkFirstLive']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense']):
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Countdown', 'cMainOnly', false):
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:TkkFirstLive']:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense']:
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Countdown', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:StandByRcoVisitMyHomeAfterTkkFirstLive']):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(4318, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cRco', 'MAIL_SNpc_rco', 'cFastToday', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 4)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:StandByRcoVisitMyHomeAfterTkkFirstLive'] = false
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Countdown', 'cMainOnly', false):
- 74a86,89
- > flow EnablePlayerMoving():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingEnable'] = true
- >
- 236a252,254
- > run CanGiveMileTicketTrialForMoving()
- > run EnablePlayerMoving()
- > run SendTapNoticeLeaveTap()
- 255,256c273,276
- < else:
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMachineDailyLoginDays'] = 0
- ---
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run SkipResetLoginChk()
- > elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']) or (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ValidatePlayerSaveFlag']):
- > run SkipResetLoginChk()
- 259c279
- < if (System.EventFlags['cLand:ImmQClearNextDay']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS']):
- ---
- > if (System.EventFlags['cLand:ImmQClearNextDay']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']) and ((not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']) or (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving'])) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS']):
- 342a363,367
- > flow SendTapNoticeLeaveTap():
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUpdatedDreamFirstTalk']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapDreamFirstTalk']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReceiveLeaveTapLetter']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ValidatePlayerSaveFlag']):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cTap', 'MAIL_SNpc_tap', 'cFastToday', 'cNone', 'cNone', false, 4)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReceiveLeaveTapLetter'] = true
- >
- 344c369
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapSendThankyouLetter']:
- ---
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapSendThankyouLetter']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ValidatePlayerSaveFlag']):
- 351a377,379
- >
- > flow SkipResetLoginChk():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMachineDailyLoginDays'] = 0
- Only in 1.6.0: Ftr_CrsSocksWall.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/Ftr_MailBox.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Ftr_MailBox.evfl.txt
- 0a1,8
- > flow NormalSeq():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.CheckFreeCommunication(false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.UIWaitReceivingMailAppear()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.UIPostHandling()
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
- > default:
- > return
- >
- 5,10c13,26
- < EventFlowSystemActor.CheckFreeCommunication(false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.UIWaitReceivingMailAppear()
- < EventFlowSystemActor.UIPostHandling()
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
- < default:
- < return
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
- > run NormalSeq()
- > else:
- > run Stop_ForMovingPlayerTutorial()
- >
- > flow Stop_ForMovingPlayerTutorial():
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run NormalSeq()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AllowPcTentEntering']:
- > # I should probably take a rest in my tent before doing that...
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_MailBox:002', false)
- > else:
- > # I should get my new home set up first...
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_MailBox:001', false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/Ftr_Working.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Ftr_Working.evfl.txt
- 15a16,22
- > flow Chk_RemakeWithRcoWorkBench():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cIdrTanukichi'):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RemakeWithRcoTentBeforeWS'] = true
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cIdrOffice'):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RemakeWithRcoOfficeBeforeWS'] = true
- >
- 195c202,211
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
- ---
- > if not EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOff(18)
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.UIPocketMenuItemSelected(13439):
- > # Should I customize my NookPhone with a <item>Pocket Camp phone case? This will consume the item.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_WorkingTable:023', true)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run Sub_Event299()
- > else:
- > run Remake()
- > else:
- 198,210c214
- < SubflowResults[0] = 1
- < SubflowResults[1] = 0
- < run Workbench_Cmn_DIYdemo()
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(21)
- < Player.PlayerWorkbenchPutaway(true)
- < Player.PlayerDemoTurnToStarter()
- < EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(22)
- < Player.PlayerWorkbenchThinking()
- < run Remake()
- < else:
- < run Workbench_Cmn_DIYfinish()
- ---
- > run Sub_Event299()
- 213,214d216
- < else:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOff(18)
- 295a298,313
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event299():
- > run Chk_RemakeWithRcoWorkBench()
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- > SubflowResults[1] = 0
- > run Workbench_Cmn_DIYdemo()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(21)
- > Player.PlayerWorkbenchPutaway(true)
- > Player.PlayerDemoTurnToStarter()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(22)
- > Player.PlayerWorkbenchThinking()
- > run Remake()
- > else:
- > run Workbench_Cmn_DIYfinish()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_ApproachB_Greeting.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachB_Greeting.evfl.txt
- 20a21
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 28a30
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 36a39
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 44a48
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 68a73
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
- 92a98
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_ApproachB_Habit.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachB_Habit.evfl.txt
- 20a21
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 28a30
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 36a39
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 44a48
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 68a73
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
- 93a99
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_ApproachB_NickName.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachB_NickName.evfl.txt
- 18a19
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
- 21a23
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 49a52
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
- 62a66
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
- 68,74c72,83
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
- < run Retype()
- < elif MainNpc.IsEqualPlayerNameAndSwkbdInput():
- < # "PLAYER"?! So, um, you want your new nickname to be just your name? OK, then that's what I'll call you! Let me take a practice run at it… Hi, PLAYER!…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachB_NickName:111', false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSetFromUIResult('cNickname')
- < MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InputNickname'] = false
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > if MainNpc.IsEqualPlayerNameAndSwkbdInput():
- > # "PLAYER"?! So, um, you want your new nickname to be just your name? OK, then that's what I'll call you! Let me take a practice run at it… Hi, PLAYER!…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachB_NickName:111', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSetFromUIResult('cNickname')
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InputNickname'] = false
- > else:
- > # Yeah, OK! Then from now on, I'll call ya <110:3>!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachB_NickName:109', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSetFromUIResult('cNickname')
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InputNickname'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
- 76,79c85
- < # Yeah, OK! Then from now on, I'll call ya <110:3>!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachB_NickName:109', false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSetFromUIResult('cNickname')
- < MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InputNickname'] = true
- ---
- > run Retype()
- 84a91
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- 87a95
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_ApproachC_Want.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachC_Want.evfl.txt
- 12c12
- < if MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel() in (0, 1):
- ---
- > if MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel() == 0:
- 115c115
- < if MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel() in (0, 1):
- ---
- > if MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel() == 0:
- Only in 1.5.1: NNPC_ApproachE_Easter.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.5.1: NNPC_ApproachE_Fireworks.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Approach.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Approach.evfl.txt
- 2a3
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- 48a50,53
- > flow ApproachB_Chk():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.FlagSystemIntValue3('cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount', 3) in (1, 2):
- > run Reselection()
- >
- 54c59
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious7(7, true):
- ---
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious9(9, true):
- 56c61,62
- < run ApWant()
- ---
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- > run ApGreeting()
- 58c64,65
- < run ApTrade()
- ---
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- > run ApHabit()
- 60c67,68
- < run ApGreeting()
- ---
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- > run ApNickname()
- 62,63d69
- < run ApHabit()
- < case 4:
- 65,67c71
- < case 5:
- < run ApNickname()
- < case 6:
- ---
- > case 4, 5, 6:
- 68a73,77
- > case 7:
- > run ApWant()
- > case 8:
- > run ApTrade()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- 70c79
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
- ---
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious9(9, true):
- 71a81
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- 73a84
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- 76,77c87
- < run ApSell()
- < case 3:
- ---
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- 78a89,90
- > case 3:
- > run ApSell()
- 80a93,97
- > case 5, 6:
- > run ApWant()
- > case 7, 8:
- > run ApTrade()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- 82c99
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
- ---
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious6(true, 6):
- 84c101,102
- < run ApHabit()
- ---
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- > run ApNickname()
- 85a104,106
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- > run ApHabit()
- > case 2, 4:
- 87,89c108
- < case 2:
- < run ApNickname()
- < case 3:
- ---
- > case 3, 5:
- 90a110
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- 93a114
- > run ApproachB_Chk()
- 98a120
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- 100a123
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_ApproachG_Christmas.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_ApproachG_Easter.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_ApproachG_Fireworks.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_BO_Conv_FU.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_BO_Conv_FU.evfl.txt
- 27c27
- < # <20:3:cd00><110:3>, did you smell the nummy smell yesterday that smelled like <135:7:cd00>? <20:3:cd07>I smelled the smell outside of <110:31:cd01>'…
- ---
- > # <20:3:cd00><50:3><110:3>, did you smell the nummy smell yesterday that smelled like <135:7:cd00>? <20:3:cd07>I smelled the smell outside of <110:31:c…
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt
- 13c13
- < if (not System.EventFlags['cLand:AnyGlobalEventFinished']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 26, 10, 30, 'cLastGrowUpTime')):
- ---
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cLand:AnyGlobalEventFinished']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 26, 10, 30, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false)) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'XmasEve', 1, false)):
- 30a31
- > run MultiDayEvent_Christmas()
- 41a43,65
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- > flow MultiDayEvent_Christmas():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('XmasReady2', false):
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOffice']:
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
- > case 0:
- > # You ready for Toy Day this month? 'Cause I am…not. I still gotta wrap my gifts for the exchange thingie. Don't make the mistake I can't stop making! …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:001', false)
- > case 1:
- > # Once December hits, I am full-steam ahead on Toy Day, and as far as I know, I'm not even steam-powered! But exchanging gifts is all I can think about…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:002', false)
- > case 2:
- > # You see that there's a tree all dressed up for Toy Day? Man, that gets me sooo excited! I didn't even know trees could dress themselves. I learned so…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:003', false)
- > else:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > # You ready for Toy Day this month? 'Cause I am…not. I still gotta wrap my gifts for the exchange thingie. Don't make the mistake I can't stop making! …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:001', false)
- > else:
- > # Once December hits, I am full-steam ahead on Toy Day, and as far as I know, I'm not even steam-powered! But exchanging gifts is all I can think about…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:002', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TalkFreeMultiDayEventTodayFlag'] = true
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_FreeH_Progress.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_FreeH_Progress.evfl.txt
- 69c69
- < if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkProgressMyHouseBuilt']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cPlayerHouse', 7)) and ((MainNpc.NpcBirthType('cFirst')) or (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag'])):
- ---
- > if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkProgressMyHouseBuilt']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cPlayerHouse', 7)) and ((MainNpc.NpcBirthType('cFirst')) or (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag'])):
- 76c76
- < if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkProgressMyHouseBuilt2']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Basement`) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cUnderGround', 7)):
- ---
- > if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkProgressMyHouseBuilt2']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Basement`) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingDefaultHouseHasBasement']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cUnderGround', 7)):
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayN_H.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayN_H.evfl.txt
- 320,321c320,328
- < # [A|An]<125:0:0000>?! I love wearing this stuff! Now, if I drop food on my shirt, I can use this as a backup. I bet I'm gonna wear this a bunch.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:019', false)
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- > # [A|An]<125:0:0000>?! I love wearing this stuff! Now, if I drop food on my shirt, I can use this as a backup. I bet I'm gonna wear this a bunch.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:019', false)
- > elif (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Cap', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiMessageCategoryItemSelectInclude('HeadHairAcce', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
- > # My very favorite head-clothes! [A|An]<125:0:0000>! It's just too bad I don't have extra heads or I would wear all of 'em at once, <110:6>!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:019_01', false)
- > else:
- > # Oh! Oh! Oh! You got me [a|an] <125:0:0000>! Yay! This is great! I was gonna lose mine tomorrow, but that's OK now 'cause I have extra, <110:6>! Thank…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:019_02', false)
- 323,325c330,350
- < # It's the <125:0:0000> that you're wearing! A huh huh huh, we're totally <125:0:0000> twins.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020', false)
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Honeycomb', 'Fruit', 'Mushroom', 'ShellDrift', 'Insect', 'Fish', 'Fossil', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- > # It's the <125:0:0000> that you're wearing! A huh huh huh, we're totally <125:0:0000> twins.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020', false)
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Cap', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiMessageCategoryItemSelectInclude('HeadHairAcce', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- > # Hey, wait! Don't you have [a|an] <125:0:0000> too? You do! Right there! On your…you! And now mine can be on my…me whenever I want, <110:6>! Yay!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020_02', false)
- > else:
- > # Wow! You got me your head's super cool <125:0:0000>! Now all you have to do is make a face like a <110:15> and we can be head-twins, <110:6>!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020_01', false)
- > else:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Accessory', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- > # Hey, wait! Don't you have [a|an] <125:0:0000> too? You do! Right there! On your…you! And now mine can be on my…me whenever I want, <110:6>! Yay!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020_02', false)
- > else:
- > run Sub_grp_Event130()
- > else:
- > run Sub_grp_Event130()
- >
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event130():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Honeycomb', 'Fruit', 'Mushroom', 'ShellDrift', 'Insect', 'Fish', 'Fossil', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_GEvent_ChristmasEve.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_GEvent_Harvest.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_HA_Conv_KO.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_HA_Conv_KO.evfl.txt
- 110c110
- < # Whoa! I never thought of that! I could be the first <135:6:cd00> star to play exclusively on his head, <110:5>! That'd be awesome!
- ---
- > # Whoa! I never thought of that! I could be the first <135:6:cd00> star to compete solely on his head, <110:5>! That'd be awesome!
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Cloth.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Cloth.evfl.txt
- 25c25
- < # Huh… It's [a|an] <125:0:0000>… I never wear this style. Do ya think it'll make me look chill? Or at least maybe hide the snack stains?
- ---
- > # Huh… It's [a|an] <125:0:0000>… I never wear this style. Do ya think it'll make me look chill? Or at least maybe hide the snack stains?
- Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_Reaction_GEvent_Christmas.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_GEvent_Halloween.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_GEvent_Halloween.evfl.txt
- 2c2
- < if (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Halloween') == 1) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsEquipItem('cAll', false, true, 12987, 13002, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534)) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HalloweenTerrifyFlag']) and (MainNpc.NpcIsMovingRoom() == 2):
- ---
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Halloween') == 1) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsEquipItem('cAll', false, true, 12987, 13002, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534)) and (MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() == 4) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HalloweenTerrifyFlag']) and (MainNpc.NpcIsMovingRoom() == 2):
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_Mood.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_Mood.evfl.txt
- 27c27
- < if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:Again2Count'] >= 4) and (not MainNpc.IsDisableWorry()) and (not MainNpc.IsVisitOtherNpc()):
- ---
- > if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:Again2Count'] >= 4) and (not MainNpc.IsDisableWorry()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('XmasEve') == 3) and (not MainNpc.IsVisitOtherNpc()):
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_Quest.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_Quest.evfl.txt
- 33,34c33,41
- < if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:FirstMeetGreetAtThisVillage']:
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
- ---
- > if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:FirstMeetGreetAtThisVillage']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage()):
- > run Treasure_ErrorChk()
- > switch MainNpc.NpcCanStartReactQuestTalk():
- > case 2:
- > if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkCountToday'] >= 1:
- > run React_Quest_Sick()
- > case 3:
- > if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:UncollectedFishishTreasureHunt']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(2545, 1)):
- > run React_Quest_TreasureHunt()
- 36a44,50
- >
- > flow Treasure_ErrorChk():
- > if (System.EventFlags['cLand:FinishTreasureQuestByRollback']) and (MainNpc.NpcIsQuestClient('cTreasure', false, true)):
- > # AAH! Are you OK?! I thought for a second we were in for the Big Goodnight. Thing is…even if I'm OK and you're OK, our treasure hunt didn't make it. I…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Quest_TreasureHunt:101', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:FinishTreasureQuestByRollback'] = false
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_Receive.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_Receive.evfl.txt
- 0a1,21
- > flow ChristmasGetItem():
- > if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasCannotGetNnpcItemFlag']:
- > if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
- > run NNPC_Reaction_Sitting::StandingUp_Chk()
- > else:
- > # Back for your <item>festive wreath? 'Cause it's been asking about you!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Christmas:001', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > # Aww… What gives? Your pockets are STILL full. Go hurry up and make room. Don't keep us waiting!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Christmas:003', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > else:
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(13357, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # Yay! It's yours now! OK, now stick it on your door. Even doors wanna have a good Toy Day!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Christmas:002', false)
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasCannotGetNnpcItemFlag'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ChristmasWreathNoGetFlag'] = false
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetChristmasWreathGetYear()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 13c34
- < run NNPC_ApproachE_Easter::GetEasterRecipe1()
- ---
- > run NNPC_ApproachG_Easter::GetEasterRecipe1()
- 17c38
- < run NNPC_ApproachE_Easter::GetEasterRecipe2()
- ---
- > run NNPC_ApproachG_Easter::GetEasterRecipe2()
- 60c81
- < run NNPC_ApproachE_Fireworks::GetFireworksItem()
- ---
- > run NNPC_ApproachG_Fireworks::GetFireworksItem()
- 103a125
- > run ChristmasGetItem()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_Sitting.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_Sitting.evfl.txt
- 14a15,17
- > case 4:
- > if MainNpc.HasNpcRequestedItem():
- > run StandingUp_Chk()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Creature.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Creature.evfl.txt
- 70a71,79
- > flow GeneralFood():
- > # Wooow! You brought me [a|an] <125:0:0000>! Mmm!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:417', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemDeletePlayerItem('cItemWindowSub', 1)
- > # You're the best. I was feeling real hungry but now I don't have to anymore, <110:6>!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:418', false)
- > run Sub_Event18()
- >
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Equipment.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Equipment.evfl.txt
- 5c5
- < # Man, this is real cool. I'm gonna try it on at home later!
- ---
- > # Man, this is real cool. I'm gonna try it on later with a mirror and everything!
- 8c8
- < # I'm gonna take this home and put on a fashion show for the bugs in my floors, <110:6>!
- ---
- > # I'm gonna put on a fashion show for the bugs in my floors, <110:6>!
- 73c73
- < # RANDOM: Well? How's it look? I really dig this … // How do I look? Do I look dashing? I've … // Whaddaya think? Not a stain on it! Than…
- ---
- > # RANDOM: Well? How's it look? I really dig this … // How do I look? Do I look dashing? I've … // Whaddaya think? Not one stain or smear!…
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Etc.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Etc.evfl.txt
- 0a1,3
- > flow Bouquet_Chk():
- > MainNpc.Dummy('部屋に飾る的なアクション')
- >
- 64a68,81
- >
- > flow Opposite_Sex():
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:516', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:517', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
- > run Bouquet_Chk()
- >
- > flow Same_Sex():
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:514', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:515', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
- > run Bouquet_Chk()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Present.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Present.evfl.txt
- 2c2
- < if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectIncludeChoice4('cItemSelect', 4, 'Flower', '', '') in (1, 2, 3)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Ftr', 'DoorDeco', 'Music', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Net', 'Watering', 'FishingRod', 'FierworkHand', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', 'Cap', 'Accessory', 'Umbrella', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or ((EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Helmet', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) and (MainNpc.NpcIsAbleEquipSelectItem())):
- ---
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectIncludeChoice4('cItemSelect', 4, 'Flower', '', '') in (1, 2, 3)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Ftr', 'DoorDeco', 'Music', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Net', 'Watering', 'FishingRod', 'FierworkHand', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', 'Cap', 'Accessory', 'Umbrella', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
- 3a4,7
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Helmet', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- > switch MainNpc.NpcIsAbleEquipSelectItem():
- > default:
- > return
- 27c31
- < else:
- ---
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Fruit', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- 29a34,36
- > else:
- > run NNPC_Select_Creature::GeneralFood()
- > run Select_Finish()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Sell_Gift.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Sell_Gift.evfl.txt
- 27a28,31
- > flow PlayReport():
- > MainNpc.SendPlayReportNNPCSelectTalkItem(1)
- > MainNpc.SendPlayReportNNPCSelectTalkItem(0)
- >
- 53a58
- > run PlayReport()
- 75c80
- < # RANDOM: Thanks, <110:3>! Here! [A|An]<125:4:000… // I wanna thank you! Here, man! [A|An]<12… // Here, man! It's [a|an]<125:4:0000>! Enj…
- ---
- > # RANDOM: Here, <110:3>! [A|An]<125:4:0000>! Just… // I wanna thank you! Here, man! [A|An]<12… // Here, man! It's [a|an]<125:4:0000>! Enj…
- 78a84
- > run PlayReport()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Spot_Camp_Game.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Spot_Camp_Game.evfl.txt
- 105c105,108
- < run NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite::CheckOffice_Move()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.NpcHouseNum('cAbandonedHouse') < 1:
- > run NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite::CheckOffice_Move()
- > else:
- > run NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite::CheckOffice_EmptyHouse()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite.evfl.txt
- 12a13,17
- > flow CheckOffice_EmptyHouse():
- > # So… I talked to Resident Services, and…they told me I can move here! They said there's a big, empty spot that I could have. Can you believe it? Free …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Spot/BO_Spot_Camp_Invite:407', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcFixedInducement()
- >
- 111c116
- < else:
- ---
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.NpcHouseNum('cAbandonedHouse') < 1:
- 112a118,119
- > else:
- > run CheckOffice_EmptyHouse()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Talk_GEvent.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Talk_GEvent.evfl.txt
- 13a14,24
- > case `HarvestFestival`:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival') == 2:
- > run NNPC_GEvent_Harvest::Root()
- > case `XmasEve`:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('XmasEve') == 1:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReiStartQuest2']:
- > if ((not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasSantaPresentsFlag']) or (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasSantaPresentsNoGetFlag']) or (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReiGetReward3'])) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasGiftExchangeFlag']):
- > run NNPC_Reaction_Sitting::StandingUp_Chk()
- > else:
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.CheckChristmasSantaPresentsProgress(true, 0)) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasGiftExchangeFlag']):
- > run NNPC_Reaction_Sitting::StandingUp_Chk()
- 30a42,45
- > case `HarvestFestival`:
- > run NNPC_GEvent_Harvest::Root()
- > case `XmasEve`:
- > run NNPC_GEvent_ChristmasEve::Root()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Talk_Greet.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Talk_Greet.evfl.txt
- 69a70,73
- > flow House_G():
- > MainNpc.SetNpcName(0, 15)
- > MainNpc.NpcSelectFreeTalk('cWildCard', '', '', '', 'TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Greet/BO_Greet_House_G', '', '', '', true)
- >
- 98c102,105
- < run Greet_Field3()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cAnyNpcHouse'):
- > run House_G()
- > else:
- > run Greet_Field3()
- 100c107,110
- < run Greet_XX2()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cAnyNpcHouse'):
- > run House_G()
- > else:
- > run Greet_XX2()
- 102,103c112
- < MainNpc.SetNpcName(0, 15)
- < MainNpc.NpcSelectFreeTalk('cWildCard', '', '', '', 'TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Greet/BO_Greet_House_G', '', '', '', true)
- ---
- > run House_G()
- diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Talk_Situation.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Talk_Situation.evfl.txt
- 27a28
- > run NNPC_Reaction_GEvent_Christmas::Reaction_GEvent_Christmas()
- 33a35
- > run NNPC_Talk_GEvent::Birthday_Judge()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_MessageCardRack.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_MessageCardRack.evfl.txt
- 188a189,190
- > elif System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run MesCardEnable_MovingFirstDay()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_RcoMachine.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine.evfl.txt
- 0a1,32
- > flow ChkApologyMileWithPlayerMoving():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- > run LoginNormal()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOfficeToday']:
- > # A notice from the Nook Mileage Program:
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:102_01', false)
- > # We're sorry that the Nook Stop was unavailable all day yesterday due to construction on Resident Services.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:103_01', false)
- > run Cmn_WabiMilage()
- > # We hope you'll continue to use this Nook Stop and the Nook Mileage Program in the future.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:106_01', false)
- > elif not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSameDate('cNewYear', 'cGrowUpTime'):
- > run LoginNormal()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cLand:CountOfficeAfterBuild'] != 2:
- > # A New Year's greeting from the Nook Mileage Program:
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:102_02', false)
- > # Happy New Year! We're sorry that the Nook Stop was unavailable all day yesterday due to Resident Services' holiday closure.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:103_02', false)
- > run Cmn_WabiMilage()
- > # We hope you'll continue to use this Nook Stop and the Nook Mileage Program in the new year.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:106_02', false)
- > else:
- > run LoginNormal()
- >
- > flow ChkPastDayFromPlayerMoving():
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) or (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemPastDaysFromPlayerMade() < 1):
- > run LoginNormal()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemPastDaysFromPlayerMade() < 2:
- > run ChkApologyMileWithPlayerMoving()
- > else:
- > run LoginNormal()
- >
- 110,131c142,143
- < if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineCheck1st']:
- < run LoginNormal()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- < run LoginNormal()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOfficeToday']:
- < # A notice from the Nook Mileage Program:
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:102_01', false)
- < # We're sorry that the Nook Stop was unavailable all day yesterday due to construction on Resident Services.
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:103_01', false)
- < run Cmn_WabiMilage()
- < # We hope you'll continue to use this Nook Stop and the Nook Mileage Program in the future.
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:106_01', false)
- < elif not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSameDate('cNewYear', 'cGrowUpTime'):
- < run LoginNormal()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cLand:CountOfficeAfterBuild'] != 2:
- < # A New Year's greeting from the Nook Mileage Program:
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:102_02', false)
- < # Happy New Year! We're sorry that the Nook Stop was unavailable all day yesterday due to Resident Services' holiday closure.
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:103_02', false)
- < run Cmn_WabiMilage()
- < # We hope you'll continue to use this Nook Stop and the Nook Mileage Program in the new year.
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:106_02', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineCheck1st']:
- > run ChkApologyMileWithPlayerMoving()
- 133c145
- < run LoginNormal()
- ---
- > run ChkPastDayFromPlayerMoving()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt
- 81c81
- < switch SubflowResults@8[1]:
- ---
- > switch SubflowResults@10[1]:
- 97a98,101
- > case 8:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Rock')
- > case 9:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ReactionSet1')
- diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange_Process.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange_Process.evfl.txt
- 21a22,25
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13766, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > SubflowResults[1] = 8
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13610, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > SubflowResults[1] = 9
- diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_Snowman.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_Snowman.evfl.txt
- 56,61c56,60
- < elif (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() != `Homeless`) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SnowmanDIYMailFlag']):
- < # Now listen, to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:108', false)
- < # I'll give you a <item>large snowflake! I want you to learn how to craft with DIY and make it right away!
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:109', false)
- < run Sub_Event159()
- ---
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
- > run Snowman_GiveSnowCrystal_MovingSubP()
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event201()
- 63,70c62,68
- < # Now, listen—to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:111', false)
- < # Here's a <item>large snowflake to thank you for making me! This is a really rare item. You're gonna need it for my special DIY recipe!
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:112', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- < # I used my snow magic to put it in your pockets. Now go take that DIY workshop, and start crafting!
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:113', false)
- < run Sub_Event23()
- ---
- > entrypoint Event229:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SnowmanDIYMailFlag']:
- > # Now listen, to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:108', false)
- > # I'll give you a <item>large snowflake! I want you to learn how to craft with DIY and make it right away!
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:109', false)
- > run Sub_Event159()
- 72c70
- < run Sub_Event107()
- ---
- > run Sub_Event201()
- 380,386c378
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- < # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
- < run Sub_Event160()
- < else:
- < # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
- ---
- > run Sub_Event105()
- 394,402c386
- < # And take a <item>large snowflake too. It's required to craft the item.
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:013', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- < # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
- < run Sub_Event160()
- < else:
- < # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
- ---
- > run Sub_Event174()
- 406,414c390,400
- < # And take a <item>large snowflake too. It's required to craft the item.
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:013', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- < # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
- < run Sub_Event160()
- < else:
- < # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
- ---
- > run Sub_Event174()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() != `Homeless`:
- > entrypoint Event112:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.DecideEventRewardDIYRecipe('Snowman')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cSnowman', 'MAIL_SP_Snowman', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 6)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SnowmanDIYMailFlag'] = true
- > # Now listen, to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:107', false)
- > run Sub_Event174()
- > elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
- > run Snowman_SendRecipe_MovingSubP()
- 416,427c402,409
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
- < # Now, listen—to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:110', false)
- < # Here's a <item>large snowflake to thank you for making me! This is a really rare item. You're gonna need it for my special DIY recipe!
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:112', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- < # I used my snow magic to put it in your pockets. Now go take that DIY workshop, and start crafting!
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:113', false)
- < run Sub_Event160()
- < else:
- < # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
- ---
- > # Now, listen—to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:110', false)
- > # Here's a <item>large snowflake to thank you for making me! This is a really rare item. You're gonna need it for my special DIY recipe!
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:112', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- > # I used my snow magic to put it in your pockets. Now go take that DIY workshop, and start crafting!
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:113', false)
- > run Sub_Event160()
- 429,457c411,425
- < EventFlowSystemActor.DecideEventRewardDIYRecipe('Snowman')
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cSnowman', 'MAIL_SP_Snowman', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 6)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SnowmanDIYMailFlag'] = true
- < # Now listen, to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:107', false)
- < # And take a <item>large snowflake too. It's required to craft the item.
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:013', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- < # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
- < run Sub_Event160()
- < else:
- < # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
- < switch SnowMan.SnowManGrade():
- < case 0:
- < # I can't believe this is your first time making me. I mean, just look at me… I'm perfect! It's a real head-scratcher… Or it would be, if I could scrat…
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:103', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cLifeSupportAchievement:MakePerfectSnowball'] += 1
- < case 1:
- < # Your snowcrafting sensibilities are admirable. For your first snowfolk, I look pretty good. With just a little more practice, I'm sure you can build …
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:104', false)
- < case 2:
- < # Well… I've been made worse. And this is your first build, so I'll let a few mistakes slide. Try again sometime!
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:105', false)
- < case 3:
- < # If I'm being honest, I'm not what you would call an amazing snowperson… But everyone's gotta start somewhere, right? Keep trying, and I'm sure you'll…
- < SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:106', false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- ---
- > run Sub_Event163()
- >
- > flow Snowman_GiveSnowCrystal_MovingSubP():
- > run Event229()
- >
- > flow Snowman_SendRecipe_MovingSubP():
- > run Event112()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event105():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- > # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
- > run Sub_Event160()
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event163()
- 477a446,451
- > run Sub_grp_Event152()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event163():
- > # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
- > run Sub_grp_Event152()
- 484a459,463
- > local flow Sub_Event174():
- > # And take a <item>large snowflake too. It's required to craft the item.
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:013', false)
- > run Sub_Event105()
- >
- 488a468,479
- > local flow Sub_Event201():
- > # Now, listen—to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:111', false)
- > # Here's a <item>large snowflake to thank you for making me! This is a really rare item. You're gonna need it for my special DIY recipe!
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:112', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
- > # I used my snow magic to put it in your pockets. Now go take that DIY workshop, and start crafting!
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:113', false)
- > run Sub_Event23()
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event107()
- >
- 507a499,515
- >
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event152():
- > switch SnowMan.SnowManGrade():
- > case 0:
- > # I can't believe this is your first time making me. I mean, just look at me… I'm perfect! It's a real head-scratcher… Or it would be, if I could scrat…
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:103', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cLifeSupportAchievement:MakePerfectSnowball'] += 1
- > case 1:
- > # Your snowcrafting sensibilities are admirable. For your first snowfolk, I look pretty good. With just a little more practice, I'm sure you can build …
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:104', false)
- > case 2:
- > # Well… I've been made worse. And this is your first build, so I'll let a few mistakes slide. Try again sometime!
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:105', false)
- > case 3:
- > # If I'm being honest, I'm not what you would call an amazing snowperson… But everyone's gotta start somewhere, right? Keep trying, and I'm sure you'll…
- > SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:106', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Player_CheckItemForPocket.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_CheckItemForPocket.evfl.txt
- 0a1,19
- > flow BigbagPresent():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetChristmasPresentNpcTag()
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.CheckChristmasSantaPresentsNum():
- > case 0:
- > # The bag is completely empty!
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:704', false)
- > case 1:
- > # Let's see. I still have a present for…<10:4> <115:1:cd00>.
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:703_03', false)
- > case 2:
- > # Let's see. I still have presents for…<10:4> <115:1:cd00> and <115:1:cd01>.
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:703_02', false)
- > case 3:
- > # Let's see. I still have presents for… <115:1:cd00>, <115:1:cd01>, and <115:1:cd02>.
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:703_01', false)
- > case 4:
- > # There are still <90:1:0000> gifts left in the bag.
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:702', false)
- >
- diff -r 1.5.1/Player_Demo_HousingFinish.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_Demo_HousingFinish.evfl.txt
- 94a95,103
- > flow HousingFinish_MovingOtherP_PcHouse_Built():
- > # I picked a spot for my house! Now I have a home base for my island adventures!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:961', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:BuiltMyHome'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingEnable'] = true
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Basement`:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingDefaultHouseHasBasement'] = true
- >
- diff -r 1.5.1/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt
- 9a10,18
- > flow GetDemo_NpcSpReiPhoto():
- > Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketPullout')
- > # Wow, could it be…
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_CrsSocksWall:001_1', false)
- > Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketShow')
- > # <item>Jingle's photo was inside! How sneaky of Santa…
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_CrsSocksWall:001_2', true)
- > Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketPutaway')
- >
- 59,60d67
- < System.EventFlags['cLand:SandBankDisable'] = true
- < System.EventFlags['cLand:VillageExtensionLevel2'] = true
- 91a99,103
- > flow Get_Hair_Rock():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AddHairStyle4'] = true
- > # I learned some new hairstyles! I bet I could change up my look even more with a vanity or a mirror...
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_13', false)
- >
- 114a127,135
- > flow Get_ReactionSet1():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.GetReaction('cBook1_6')
- > fork:
- > branch:
- > run UploadEmoticon()
- > branch:
- > # Whoa, I learned some new Reactions! I can press to see all of them and choose how to express myself.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_14', false)
- >
- 118a140,143
- >
- > flow UploadEmoticon():
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Activate_WebService']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() == 2):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadEmoticon(true, 5, false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/Player_GetDemo_Once.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_GetDemo_Once.evfl.txt
- 16a17,19
- > case `Homeless`:
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
- > run Sub_Event31()
- 18,20c21
- < # Yes! I finished paying off my home loan!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:204_02', false)
- < run Sub_Event33()
- ---
- > run Sub_Event31()
- 25,26d25
- < default:
- < return
- 29,30c28,33
- < # My new life is underway... I can do whatever I want! WOO-HOO!
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:200', true)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > # My move is complete... Deserted-island life begins anew!
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:200_01', true)
- > else:
- > # My new life is underway... I can do whatever I want! WOO-HOO!
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:200', true)
- 103a107,126
- > flow MovingPBitSet_AboutHousing():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoOrderedHouseBuilt']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoChangeHouseDesignReserved']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderChangeHouseDesign'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMoveHouseReserved']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseMoveInIsland'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SavingCountDown(30000, false)
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStorageExpansionReserved']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingReservedStorageExpand'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterHouseRemodel'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterLoanFinish'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:BuiltMyHome'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingEnable'] = true
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Basement`:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingDefaultHouseHasBasement'] = true
- >
- 119a143,149
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run MovingPBitSet_AboutHousing()
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NnpcFinishHintTalk'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.FinishMoveIn()
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingWithEmoticonUI']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableEmoticonUI'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingWithEmoticonUI'] = false
- 122a153,157
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event31():
- > # Yes! I finished paying off my home loan!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:204_02', false)
- > run Sub_Event33()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Player_HousingKit.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_HousingKit.evfl.txt
- 54a55,56
- > elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.UIPocketMenuItemSelected(13346)):
- > run HousingKit_PlayerSaveMoving(BuildTiming='cPlayerMove')
- 99a102,111
- >
- > flow HousingKit_PlayerSaveMoving(BuildTiming: str):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.StructureStartPreviewGuide('cPlayerHouse', 'cPlayer', BuildTiming)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CanBuildHere('cPlayer', 'cPlayerHouse', BuildTiming):
- > # Should I set up my home here?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:901_01', true)
- > run HousingKitCommon(StructureType='cPlayerHouse', BuildTiming=BuildTiming, StructureBuildPosType='cPlayer')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerMutterDemo('HousingFinish_MovingOtherP_PcHouse_Built', 'cNowDemoEnd', 'Player_Demo_HousingFinish', false)
- > else:
- > run HousingKitCommonError(StructureType='cPlayerHouse', StructureBuildPosType='cPlayer', StructureBuildTiming=BuildTiming)
- diff -r 1.5.1/Player_SmaphoNavigation.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_SmaphoNavigation.evfl.txt
- 188c188
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward']:
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland']:
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_chy_event.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_chy_event.evfl.txt
- 304c304
- < # And any more points you earn will be automatically added to your total.
- ---
- > # If you earn any more points, they'll automatically be added to your total.
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_dod_01_Airport_NormalSeq.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_dod_01_Airport_NormalSeq.evfl.txt
- 0a1,26
- > flow AirportEnable_MovingFirstDay():
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OdekakeFirstTalk']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- > run FirstExplain()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- > # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:999_01', false)
- > # So yeah, we've got a lotta services here, but we can only offer 'em to residents. It can be in a tent, but you gotta live on the island. Come talk to…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:999_02', false)
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag']:
- > # Hey there again! What can I do you for?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:003', false)
- > run FirstSel3B()
- > else:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket']):
- > run MileTicketExplain()
- > elif (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']):
- > run MileTicketExplain()
- > else:
- > # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport. How can I help you out today?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:002', false)
- > run FirstSel3B()
- >
- 271c297,301
- < if System.EventFlags['cLand:VillageDaysCount'] < 1:
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:VillageDaysCount'] >= 1:
- > run AirportEnable_MovingFirstDay()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run AirportEnable_MovingFirstDay()
- > else:
- 276,299d305
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OdekakeFirstTalk']:
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- < run FirstExplain()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
- < if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag']:
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- < # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:999_01', false)
- < # So yeah, we've got a lotta services here, but we can only offer 'em to residents. It can be in a tent, but you gotta live on the island. Come talk to…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:999_02', false)
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag']:
- < # Hey there again! What can I do you for?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:003', false)
- < run FirstSel3B()
- < else:
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- < if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket']):
- < run MileTicketExplain()
- < elif (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']):
- < run MileTicketExplain()
- < else:
- < # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport. How can I help you out today?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:002', false)
- < run FirstSel3B()
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_gst.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_gst.evfl.txt
- 48,53c48,52
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(75):
- < SubflowResults[0] = 0
- < else:
- < SubflowResults[0] = 3
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(40):
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() not in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
- > run Moving_SubPlayer()
- > elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
- > run Moving_SubPlayer()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(75):
- 56,62c55
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice3(40, 40, 20):
- < case 0:
- < SubflowResults[0] = 1
- < case 1:
- < SubflowResults[0] = 2
- < case 2:
- < SubflowResults[0] = 3
- ---
- > SubflowResults[0] = 3
- 220a214,225
- >
- > flow Moving_SubPlayer():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(40):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 0
- > else:
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice3(40, 40, 20):
- > case 0:
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- > case 1:
- > SubflowResults[0] = 2
- > case 2:
- > SubflowResults[0] = 3
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_hgs.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_hgs.evfl.txt
- 149c149
- < # <20:3:cd07>Eh, sis, I don't know…hedgehog backrubs are no joke, and my protective gloves wore through… Oh, I'm totally kidding! <20:3:cd08>Unlike ol'…
- ---
- > # <20:3:cd07>Eh, Sis, I don't know…hedgehog backrubs are no joke, and my protective gloves wore through… Oh, I'm totally kidding! <20:3:cd08>Unlike ol'…
- 167c167
- < # H-hey! Come on, sis—not in front of PLAYER!
- ---
- > # H-hey! Come on, Sis—not in front of PLAYER!
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_owl_12_Tent_FirstTimeTalk.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_owl_12_Tent_FirstTimeTalk.evfl.txt
- 14,17c14,17
- < # As it happens, there sits a substantial stretch of land beyond the river. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007', false)
- < # Hmm…if only there was some way to cross the river…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007_01', false)
- ---
- > run About_Fossil_AcrossRiver()
- > if not System.EventFlags['cLand:SandBankDisable']:
- > # Hmm…if only there was some way to cross the river…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007_01', false)
- 44,53c44,55
- < # As it happens, there sits a substantial stretch of land beyond the river. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007', false)
- < # "But the river!" you say. "I can't just hop over it!" you say. Hoo! Silly you! I have a solution as audacious as trying to populate an entirely deser…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:008', true)
- < run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
- < # There, you see! With wood gathered from ISLAND, one can make a lengthy <item>vaulting pole. This pole can be used to propel oneself across the river.…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:009', false)
- < # My feathers! I have blathered on far too long! But let me leave you with this… If I am to open the museum, I must acquire more items to exhibit…<90:1…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:010', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlTentExplainFor1P'] = true
- ---
- > run About_Fossil_AcrossRiver()
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlGotDiyRecipe']:
- > run Skip_SendRecipe()
- > else:
- > # "But the river!" you say. "I can't just hop over it!" you say. Hoo! Silly you! I have a solution as audacious as trying to populate an entirely deser…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:008', true)
- > run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
- > # There, you see! With wood gathered from ISLAND, one can make a lengthy <item>vaulting pole. This pole can be used to propel oneself across the river.…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:009', false)
- > # My feathers! I have blathered on far too long! But let me leave you with this… If I am to open the museum, I must acquire more items to exhibit…<90:1…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:010', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlTentExplainFor1P'] = true
- 62,63c64
- < # As it happens, there sits a substantial stretch of land beyond the river. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007', false)
- ---
- > run About_Fossil_AcrossRiver()
- 66,72c67,76
- < # With that in mind, I have a little something you might find helpful should you wish to hunt for fossils. A moment, please, while I send the relevant …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:024', true)
- < run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
- < # There now. I have sent you two DIY recipes. One is for a <item>vaulting pole, used for leaping over rivers. The other is for a shovel, which you will…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:025', false)
- < # My feathers! I have blathered on far too long! But let me leave you with this… If I am to open the museum, I must acquire more items to exhibit…<90:1…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:010', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlGotDiyRecipe']:
- > run Skip_SendRecipe()
- > else:
- > # With that in mind, I have a little something you might find helpful should you wish to hunt for fossils. A moment, please, while I send the relevant …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:024', true)
- > run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
- > # There now. I have sent you two DIY recipes. One is for a <item>vaulting pole, used for leaping over rivers. The other is for a shovel, which you will…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:025', false)
- > # My feathers! I have blathered on far too long! But let me leave you with this… If I am to open the museum, I must acquire more items to exhibit…<90:1…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:010', false)
- 85,90c89,97
- < EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
- < # Hoo! But how could I forget?! I have a little something to assist you when seeking out creatures and curios to donate to the museum. Pardon me, PLAYE…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:013', false)
- < run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
- < # There now. I have sent you two DIY recipes. One is for a <item>vaulting pole, best used for leaping over rivers. The other is for a shovel so you may…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:014', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlGotDiyRecipe']:
- > run Skip_SendRecipe_Msg()
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
- > # Hoo! But how could I forget?! I have a little something to assist you when seeking out creatures and curios to donate to the museum. Pardon me, PLAYE…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:013', false)
- > run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
- > # There now. I have sent you two DIY recipes. One is for a <item>vaulting pole, best used for leaping over rivers. The other is for a shovel so you may…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:014', false)
- 98a106,113
- > flow About_Fossil_AcrossRiver():
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:SandBankDisable']:
- > # My research tells me this island lay pristine and untouched before the founding of ISLAND. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush wi…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:1001', false)
- > else:
- > # As it happens, there sits a substantial stretch of land beyond the river. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007', false)
- >
- 158a174,182
- >
- > flow Skip_SendRecipe():
- > # Anyhoot, I am eager to appraise any fossils you find and, of course, accept fossil donations. So if you come across any such relics, do please bring …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:026', false)
- > run Skip_SendRecipe_Msg()
- >
- > flow Skip_SendRecipe_Msg():
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlTentExplainFor1P'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:VillageExtensionLevel2'] = true
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_ItemCheck.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_ItemCheck.evfl.txt
- 0a1,16
- > flow ChkHarvestFtrFirst():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CheckHarvestFtrInStore']:
- > run Event8()
- > return
- > else:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CheckHarvestFtrInStore'] = true
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'HarvestFtr'):
- > run Event8()
- > return
- > else:
- > # Ah! A Turkey Day item! That's <50:1> <125:0:0000>. I should warn you that supplies are limited…and you might be able to craft something similar with …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:2001', false)
- > # Goodness, I completely forgot to give the price! It's <90:24:0000>. What do you say?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:2002', false)
- > run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyCheck()
- >
- 6a23,26
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmExplainToy']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiFromItemSelectInclude('Christmas_ShopLv2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
- > # Ah, I suppose this requires some explanation. You see, we decided to begin selling toys! This is a limited-time offering until December 25th to allow…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:145', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmExplainToy'] = true
- 9,11c29,30
- < if MainNpc.RcmBuySelectType() == 0:
- < # Let's see… That's <90:24:0000>. What do you think?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:103', false)
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiFromItemSelectInclude('Harvest', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
- > run ChkHarvestFtrFirst()
- 13,17c32,41
- < # Those are in limited supply, so act fast if you're serious.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:102', false)
- < # Let's see… That's <90:24:0000>. What do you think?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:103', false)
- < run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyCheck()
- ---
- > entrypoint Event8:
- > if MainNpc.RcmBuySelectType() == 0:
- > # Let's see… That's <90:24:0000>. What do you think?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:103', false)
- > else:
- > # Those are in limited supply, so act fast if you're serious.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:102', false)
- > # Let's see… That's <90:24:0000>. What do you think?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:103', false)
- > run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyCheck()
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell.evfl.txt
- 38a39,41
- > flow MovingPlayer2P():
- > run Event52()
- >
- 43,52c46,50
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
- < run rcm_Sell_Cancel_GoldenToolRecipe()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.ExpensivePurchase():
- < # Understood!__ ...understood!__ Well, I'll run the numbers, taking any hot items into consideration…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:044_02', false)
- < run Event105()
- < else:
- < # Understood!__ ...understood!__ I'll just run the numbers…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:044_01', false)
- < run Event105()
- ---
- > run Sub_grp_Event88(SellTotal=SellTotal)
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.DIYRecipeSelectInclude(13792, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > # So many fine thi— OH! I'm seeing an extremely valuable recipe in the mix. Are you sure about this?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:043_01', false)
- > run Sub_grp_Event88(SellTotal=SellTotal)
- 186a185,187
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.DIYRecipeSelectInclude(13792, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > # Oh my! This is a DIY recipe for [a|an]<125:0:0000>! It's quite rare and valuable. Are you sure you want to sell it? We can only offer <90:21:0000>, I…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:037_01', false)
- 209a211,222
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event88(SellTotal: int):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
- > run rcm_Sell_Cancel_GoldenToolRecipe()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.ExpensivePurchase():
- > # Understood!__ ...understood!__ Well, I'll run the numbers, taking any hot items into consideration…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:044_02', false)
- > run Event105()
- > else:
- > # Understood!__ ...understood!__ I'll just run the numbers…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:044_01', false)
- > run Event105()
- >
- 242,247c255,256
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
- < # Oh dear!__ ...oh dear!__ It doesn't seem like you can carry your full payment at this time, so I can't pay you… Please take a moment to organize your…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:054', true)
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmSellItemSingle']:
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(10, 'Default')
- < else:
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() != `Homeless`:
- > entrypoint Event52:
- 251a261,267
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']:
- > run MovingPlayer2P()
- > else:
- > # Oh dear!__ ...oh dear!__ It doesn't seem like you can carry your full payment at this time, so I can't pay you… Please take a moment to organize your…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:054', true)
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmSellItemSingle']:
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(10, 'Default')
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries.evfl.txt
- 81,82c81,86
- < # Congratulations on your new home!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_02_TentRequest:001_01', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > # How is your home since the move? If you ever need help, you can always talk to President Nook. By the way…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_02_TentRequest:001_01_01', false)
- > else:
- > # Congratulations on your new home!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_02_TentRequest:001_01', false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_11_BuyDIYbook.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_11_BuyDIYbook.evfl.txt
- 0a1,28
- > flow Branch_ChkHarvestRecipe():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5605, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook3'):
- > run RcmDIYbookBought()
- > else:
- > run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook3')
- > run Event28()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13787, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'HarvestFtr'):
- > # Not that we're keeping track, but… you've already learned all of the DIY recipes in that collection! Perhaps you would enjoy the challenge of craftin…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:2003', false)
- > run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::BuyCancelNoAsk()
- > else:
- > run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'HarvestFtr')
- > run Event28()
- >
- > flow Branch_WhatIsHarvestRecipe():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5605, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > # This <125:0:0000> contains a mix of recipes that require a mastery of various materials!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_01_03', false)
- > run Sub_Event71()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13787, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > # Ah! You've found a collection of DIY recipes inspired by Turkey Day. It's <50:1><125:0:0000>! We'll only be offering this collection until the end of…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:2004', false)
- > run Sub_Event71()
- >
- 42a71,75
- > run Sub_Event71()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5604, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > # This <125:0:0000> contains recipes that require an interesting variety of materials.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_01_02', false)
- > run Sub_Event71()
- 44,52c77
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5604, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- < # This <125:0:0000> contains recipes that require an interesting variety of materials.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_01_02', false)
- < else:
- < # This <125:0:0000> contains a mix of recipes that require a mastery of various materials!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_01_03', false)
- < # I'll send the recipe data to your app immediately if you decide to make a purchase.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_02', false)
- < run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
- ---
- > run Branch_WhatIsHarvestRecipe()
- 82,90c107,110
- < run Sub_Event28()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5604, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook2'):
- < run RcmDIYbookBought()
- < else:
- < run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
- < EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook2')
- < run Sub_Event28()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook3'):
- ---
- > run Event28()
- > elif not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5604, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > run Branch_ChkHarvestRecipe()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook2'):
- 94,95c114,130
- < EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook3')
- < run Sub_Event28()
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook2')
- > entrypoint Event28:
- > # And we're done!<10:4> I hope you enjoy DIY even more now with your new recipes!__ recipes!__
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:107_02', false)
- > fork:
- > branch:
- > MainNpc.SmartPhone(1)
- > branch:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(15)
- > Player.SmartPhone(1)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmBoughtGrocery'] = true
- > # Anything else look interesting?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:092', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() != `InResServiceTent`:
- > Player.TurnBody(13, 0.0)
- > Player.PlayerWaitTurn()
- > run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyAgain2()
- 97,112c132,135
- < local flow Sub_Event28():
- < # And we're done!<10:4> I hope you enjoy DIY even more now with your new recipes!__ recipes!__
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:107_02', false)
- < fork:
- < branch:
- < MainNpc.SmartPhone(1)
- < branch:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(15)
- < Player.SmartPhone(1)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmBoughtGrocery'] = true
- < # Anything else look interesting?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:092', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() != `InResServiceTent`:
- < Player.TurnBody(13, 0.0)
- < Player.PlayerWaitTurn()
- < run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyAgain2()
- ---
- > local flow Sub_Event71():
- > # I'll send the recipe data to your app immediately if you decide to make a purchase.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_02', false)
- > run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_13_BuyMultipleItems.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_13_BuyMultipleItems.evfl.txt
- 6c6
- < if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
- ---
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']):
- 11a12
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm.evfl.txt
- 78,89c78,81
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
- < run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::Request()
- < run Rcm_SeqClose()
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmShopMaterialComplete']:
- < run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::Root()
- < run Rcm_SeqClose()
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Prologue4RcmGetTent']:
- < run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Root()
- < run Rcm_SeqClose()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Prologue4RcmBuiltShop']:
- < run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Root()
- < run Rcm_SeqClose()
- ---
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run ShopRequest_PlayerMoving()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cLand:PlayerMovingEnableShopMaterialCollect']:
- > run ShopRequest_PlayerMoving()
- 91,92c83
- < run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::ReportTent()
- < run Rcm_SeqClose()
- ---
- > run Not1stPlayer_ShopRequest()
- 123a115,131
- >
- > flow ShopRequest_PlayerMoving():
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
- > run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::Request()
- > run Rcm_SeqClose()
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmShopMaterialComplete']:
- > run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::Root()
- > run Rcm_SeqClose()
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Prologue4RcmGetTent']:
- > run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Root()
- > run Rcm_SeqClose()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Prologue4RcmBuiltShop']:
- > run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Root()
- > run Rcm_SeqClose()
- > else:
- > run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::ReportTent()
- > run Rcm_SeqClose()
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame.evfl.txt
- 116,126c116,129
- < # Oh ho ho! Yes, it's quite normal to be worn out from such a long trip—and a major life event! Speaking of which… I have a few more things that you mi…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:003', false)
- < # First, you'll need one of these, yes?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:004_01', true)
- < run Rco_GetSmartPhone()
- < # I have one more thing for you…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:007', true)
- < run Rco_TutorialGetBill()
- < # Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to a few other matters. But let me heartily congratulate you once again on your arrival. I'm so happy to ha…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:013', true)
- < run Rco_OrientationEnd()
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame_PlayerMoving::Root_MainP()
- > else:
- > # Oh ho ho! Yes, it's quite normal to be worn out from such a long trip—and a major life event! Speaking of which… I have a few more things that you mi…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:003', false)
- > # First, you'll need one of these, yes?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:004_01', true)
- > run Rco_GetSmartPhone()
- > # I have one more thing for you…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:007', true)
- > run Rco_TutorialGetBill()
- > # Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to a few other matters. But let me heartily congratulate you once again on your arrival. I'm so happy to ha…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:013', true)
- > run Rco_OrientationEnd()
- Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries.evfl.txt
- 125,127c125,142
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
- < # As you might have heard on today's broadcast, I'm now offering a new workshop on customization. I think you'll find DIY even more fun when you master…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:001_01', false)
- ---
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']):
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
- > # As you may have heard on today's broadcast, I'm offering a workshop on customization.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:011', false)
- > else:
- > # I'm looking for folks to participate in a customization workshop.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:011_01', false)
- > # However, if my hunch is correct, you already learned about customization on your previous island, hm?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:012', false)
- > if ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RemakeWithRcoOfficeBeforeWS']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cIdrOffice'))) or ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RemakeWithRcoTentBeforeWS']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cIdrTanukichi'))):
- > # Yes, yes, I'm certain I saw your expertise in action at the workbench here, PLAYER!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:013_01', false)
- > # In that case, I hope you continue to enjoy the freedom of expression that only customization can provide!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:014', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(2513, 50, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cRco', 'MAIL_SNpc_rco', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 9)
- 129,133c144,152
- < # I'm looking for folks to participate in a customization workshop. Learning how to customize your creations will make DIY even more fun, so I hope you…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:001_02', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoEnableRemakeTrial'] = true
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial'] = false
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS'] = true
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
- > # As you might have heard on today's broadcast, I'm now offering a new workshop on customization. I think you'll find DIY even more fun when you master…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:001_01', false)
- > else:
- > # I'm looking for folks to participate in a customization workshop. Learning how to customize your creations will make DIY even more fun, so I hope you…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:001_02', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoEnableRemakeTrial'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS'] = true
- 162c181,184
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoPaid1stCharge']:
- ---
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
- > # Oh! You want to talk about your home? Well, of course that would be fine, but I'd feel bad discussing that when you haven't really…settled in yet. I'…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:410', false)
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoPaid1stCharge']:
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_03_ChkAfterRemodel.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_03_ChkAfterRemodel.evfl.txt
- 8a9,49
- > flow GiveMileTicket():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving'] = false
- > run Event24()
- >
- > flow GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Force():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- > run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_PlayerPos()
- > run Only_GiveMileTicket()
- >
- > flow GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Normal():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
- > case `BaseHouse`:
- > run RcoAfterBuiltHouseEvent()
- > case `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
- > run Only_GiveMileTicket()
- > default:
- > return
- > else:
- > run Only_GiveMileTicket()
- >
- > flow Only_GiveMileTicket():
- > # Hello, PLAYER!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1101', false)
- > # How are you settling in? Is life on ISLAND treating you well?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1102', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2():
- > case 0, 1:
- > # Good, good! I think you'll enjoy it here. There are countless wonderful ways to spend your time! Even so, sometimes it's just nice to get off the isl…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1103', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > # You can use a <item>Nook Miles Ticket to do some island-hopping adventuring, yes, yes! Go anytime you want! Maybe you're looking to meet some new cha…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1105', false)
- > else:
- > # A <item>Nook Miles Ticket is a special travel voucher you can only get by redeeming Nook Miles. It's a conundrum, hm? We want to improve our island, …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_06', false)
- > # Well, I won't take up any more of your time. Get back out there and explore ISLAND!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1104', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving'] = false
- >
- 10,11c51,126
- < # Well, hello there, PLAYER!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:011', false)
- ---
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']:
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterHouseRemodel']):
- > # Well, hello there, PLAYER!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:011', false)
- > run Sub_grp_Event2()
- > else:
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
- > case `BaseHouse`:
- > # Well, hello there, PLAYER! Say, didn't you ask to have a home built just before you moved here?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1002', false)
- > run Sub_Event118()
- > case `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
- > # Well, hello there, PLAYER! Say, didn't you ask to have your home remodeled just before you moved here?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1003', false)
- > run Sub_Event118()
- > default:
- > return
- >
- > flow RcoRcmTalkAboutStoreMaterial_Force():
- > run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_PlayerPos()
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial'] = true
- > # …So you see, since the number of homeowners is increasing, I agree that we need to build a shop. However, when it comes to building supplies, our cus…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:101', false)
- > # I have every confidence that you'll find a way to handle this little puzzle. The two of you have been training under me for how many years now, hm? T…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:102', true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
- > fork:
- > branch:
- > MainNpc.TurnBody(10, 0.0)
- > MainNpc.NpcWaitTurn()
- > branch:
- > Npc_1.TurnBody(10, 0.0)
- > Npc_1.NpcWaitTurn()
- > run GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Normal()
- >
- > flow RcoRcmTalkAboutStoreMaterial_Force_Init():
- > run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_DisableTalkCamera()
- > MainNpc.NpcAITalkSubCastEntry(1, 'rcm')
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(2, false)
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
- >
- > flow Root():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
- > run RcoAfterBuiltHouseEvent()
- >
- > flow SkipMileTicket():
- > # Now then, go enjoy life in your freshly built home! Indeed!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_07', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetLoan(98000)
- > run Sub_Event51()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event118():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterHouseRemodel'] = false
- > run Sub_grp_Event2()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event49():
- > # Ah, yes! Please make your payments using the Nook Stop's ABD feature as you've done before.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_01', false)
- > run Sub_Event50()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event50():
- > # As always, it's been ever so nice doing business with you. Yes, yes!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_02', false)
- > run Sub_Event51()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event51():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.UIMoneyDisappear()
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanRepaying'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoWallFtrRemoveHouseRemodel'] = false
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event2():
- 29,39c144,160
- < # I think that's everything I need to tell you about homes today.<10:4> But I do have a nice surprise for you! I do hope you're ready for this… it's a …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_05', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2():
- < case 0, 1:
- < # A <item>Nook Miles Ticket is a special travel voucher you can only get by redeeming Nook Miles. It's a conundrum, hm? We want to improve our island, …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_06', false)
- < # Now then, go enjoy life in your freshly built home! Indeed!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_07', false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetLoan(98000)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse'] = true
- < run Sub_Event51()
- ---
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > entrypoint Event24:
- > # I think that's everything I need to tell you about homes today.<10:4> But I do have a nice surprise for you! I do hope you're ready for this… it's a …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_05', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2():
- > case 0, 1:
- > # A <item>Nook Miles Ticket is a special travel voucher you can only get by redeeming Nook Miles. It's a conundrum, hm? We want to improve our island, …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_06', false)
- > # Now then, go enjoy life in your freshly built home! Indeed!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_07', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetLoan(98000)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse'] = true
- > run Sub_Event51()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving']:
- > run GiveMileTicket()
- > else:
- > run SkipMileTicket()
- 111,114c232,233
- < # Ah, yes! Please make your payments using the Nook Stop's ABD feature as you've done before.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_01', false)
- < # Now, I won't be able to expand your home any further. But I must say it has been a pleasure serving you!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:071_04', false)
- ---
- > # Oh! I'd like to discuss something. Although we can't increase the size of your house any further, well… With all the furniture and trinkets you've co…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1202', false)
- 118,163d236
- <
- < flow RcoRcmTalkAboutStoreMaterial_Force():
- < run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_PlayerPos()
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
- < System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial'] = true
- < # …So you see, since the number of homeowners is increasing, I agree that we need to build a shop. However, when it comes to building supplies, our cus…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:101', false)
- < # I have every confidence that you'll find a way to handle this little puzzle. The two of you have been training under me for how many years now, hm? T…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:102', true)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
- < fork:
- < branch:
- < MainNpc.TurnBody(10, 0.0)
- < MainNpc.NpcWaitTurn()
- < branch:
- < Npc_1.TurnBody(10, 0.0)
- < Npc_1.NpcWaitTurn()
- < run RcoAfterBuiltHouseEvent()
- <
- < flow RcoRcmTalkAboutStoreMaterial_Force_Init():
- < run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_DisableTalkCamera()
- < MainNpc.NpcAITalkSubCastEntry(1, 'rcm')
- < MainNpc.NpcAISetting(2, false)
- < MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
- < MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
- <
- < flow Root():
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
- < run RcoAfterBuiltHouseEvent()
- <
- < local flow Sub_Event49():
- < # Ah, yes! Please make your payments using the Nook Stop's ABD feature as you've done before.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_01', false)
- < run Sub_Event50()
- <
- < local flow Sub_Event50():
- < # As always, it's been ever so nice doing business with you. Yes, yes!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_02', false)
- < run Sub_Event51()
- <
- < local flow Sub_Event51():
- < EventFlowSystemActor.UIMoneyDisappear()
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanRepaying'] = true
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel'] = false
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoWallFtrRemoveHouseRemodel'] = false
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_04_ChkFinishLoan.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_04_ChkFinishLoan.evfl.txt
- 4,6c4,11
- < entrypoint Event1:
- < # Well, hello there, PLAYER!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:001', false)
- ---
- > entrypoint Event21:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterLoanFinish']:
- > # Well, hello there, PLAYER! Say, I was just looking over the file on your home loan from your previous island.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1001', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterLoanFinish'] = false
- > else:
- > # Well, hello there, PLAYER!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:001', false)
- 34c39,48
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:009', false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201', false)
- > # Oh, yes! There is one other thing for us to discuss. Although we cannot expand your house any further… Maybe we could look into expanding the size of…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201_01', false)
- > # Unfortunately, such construction would not come cheap, so I'd need the entire cost to be paid up front.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201_02', false)
- > # Now, I imagine that, as your house has grown, you've placed quite a few things into storage, hm? But then, before you know it, your storage is full! …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201_03', false)
- > # And on that note, I'd just like to say that I hope Nook Inc. continues to serve you for years to come. Oh! And once again, congratulations!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201_04', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStandbyNoticeStorageExpansion'] = false
- 45c59
- < run Event1()
- ---
- > run Event21()
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_10_Common_AboutMyHome.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_AboutMyHome.evfl.txt
- 0a1,111
- > flow ChkAboutStorageExpansion():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStorageExpansionLevel']:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- > else:
- > SubflowResults[0] = 4
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 6
- > else:
- > SubflowResults[0] = 7
- >
- > flow MoveOpen_NotOpenStorageExpansion():
- > switch SubflowResults@6[0]:
- > case 3:
- > # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:056', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- > case 0:
- > run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- > case 1:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- > case 2:
- > run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- > case 4:
- > # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:058', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- > case 0:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- > case 1:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- > case 2:
- > run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- > case 5:
- > # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:057', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
- > case 0:
- > run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- > case 1:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- > case 2:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- > case 3:
- > run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- > default:
- > return
- >
- > flow NotOpenStorageExpansion():
- > switch SubflowResults@6[0]:
- > case 0:
- > run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- > case 1:
- > # Time to talk about your home, hm? Right now, I can assist you with home customization. Interested?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:053', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- > else:
- > run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- > case 2:
- > # Time to talk about your home, hm? What shall we discuss?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:052', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- > case 0:
- > run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- > case 1:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- > case 2:
- > run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- > case 3:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
- > # Time to talk about your home, hm? What shall we discuss?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:055', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- > case 0:
- > run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- > case 1:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- > case 2:
- > run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- > else:
- > run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
- > case 4:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
- > # Time to talk about your home, hm? There are a few ways I can assist you. What would you like to do?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:051', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- > case 0:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- > case 1:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- > case 2:
- > run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- > else:
- > run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
- > case 5:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
- > # Time to talk about your home, hm? What shall we discuss?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:054', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
- > case 0:
- > run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- > case 1:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- > case 2:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- > case 3:
- > run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- > else:
- > run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
- >
- 23,26c134
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- < SubflowResults[0] = 1
- < else:
- < SubflowResults[0] = 4
- ---
- > run ChkAboutStorageExpansion()
- 34,55c142,145
- < switch SubflowResults@6[0]:
- < case 3:
- < # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:056', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- < case 0:
- < run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- < case 1:
- < run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- < case 2:
- < run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- < case 4:
- < # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:058', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- < case 0:
- < run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- < case 1:
- < run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- < case 2:
- < run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- < case 5:
- ---
- > switch SubflowResults@8[0]:
- > case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
- > run MoveOpen_NotOpenStorageExpansion()
- > case 7:
- 57c147
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:057', false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1193', false)
- 60c150
- < run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- ---
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage::Root()
- 78c168,174
- < run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::MoveMyHouseOngoing()
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseMoveInIsland']:
- > # Now, I'm sure you're quite eager to talk about your home, hm? But before we get to that, I believe we have one minor piece of unfinished business to …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1005', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMoveHouseReserved'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseMoveInIsland'] = false
- > else:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::MoveMyHouseOngoing()
- 80,81c176,186
- < # Your exterior customization order will be ready tomorrow morning. I know! It's all very exciting, hm?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:010', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderChangeHouseDesign']:
- > # Now, I'm sure you're quite eager to talk about your home, hm? But before we get to that, I believe we have one minor piece of unfinished business to …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1001', false)
- > # Just before moving here, you requested some changes to the exterior of your home, did you not? Well, I am pleased to inform you that I am more than w…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1002_01', false)
- > # In fact, everything should be ready by tomorrow. Quite impressive, hm? I hope you're pleased with it.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1003', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderChangeHouseDesign'] = false
- > else:
- > # Your exterior customization order will be ready tomorrow morning. I know! It's all very exciting, hm?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:010', false)
- 83,92c188,206
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
- < case `PlacedTent`:
- < # Yes, I think your home will be ready by tomorrow. I'm so excited for you, PLAYER!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:261_01', false)
- < case `BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
- < # Hm, I think the construction you requested will be coming along.<10:4> Yes, yes, I know you're excited!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:261', false)
- < default:
- < return
- < else:
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt']:
- > # Now, I'm sure you're quite eager to talk about your home, hm? But before we get to that, I believe we have one minor piece of unfinished business to …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1001', false)
- > # Just before moving here, you requested an expansion for your living space, did you not? Well, I am pleased to inform you that I am more than willing …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1002', false)
- > # In fact, everything should be ready by tomorrow. Quite impressive, hm? I hope you're pleased with it.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1003', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt'] = false
- > else:
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
- > case `PlacedTent`:
- > # Yes, I think your home will be ready by tomorrow. I'm so excited for you, PLAYER!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:261_01', false)
- > case `BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
- > # Hm, I think the construction you requested will be coming along.<10:4> Yes, yes, I know you're excited!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:261', false)
- > default:
- > return
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStorageExpansionReserved']:
- 94,104c208,211
- < switch SubflowResults@6[0]:
- < case 0:
- < run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- < case 1:
- < # Time to talk about your home, hm? Right now, I can assist you with home customization. Interested?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:053', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- < run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- < else:
- < run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- < case 2:
- ---
- > switch SubflowResults@8[0]:
- > case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
- > run NotOpenStorageExpansion()
- > case 6:
- 106c213
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:052', false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1192', false)
- 109c216
- < run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- ---
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage::Root()
- 114c221
- < case 3:
- ---
- > case 7:
- 117,143c224
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:055', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- < case 0:
- < run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- < case 1:
- < run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- < case 2:
- < run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- < else:
- < run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
- < case 4:
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
- < # Time to talk about your home, hm? There are a few ways I can assist you. What would you like to do?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:051', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- < case 0:
- < run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
- < case 1:
- < run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
- < case 2:
- < run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
- < else:
- < run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
- < case 5:
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
- < # Time to talk about your home, hm? What shall we discuss?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:054', false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1191', false)
- 146c227
- < run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
- ---
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage::Root()
- 154a236,246
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingReservedStorageExpand']:
- > # Now, I'm sure you're quite eager to talk about your home, hm? But before we get to that, I believe we have one minor piece of unfinished business to …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1001', false)
- > # Before you moved here, I heard you requested to expand your home storage. Fear not! I am more than willing to take on the job! Yes, yes!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1021', false)
- > # In fact, everything should be ready by tomorrow. Quite impressive, hm? I hope you're pleased with it.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1003', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingReservedStorageExpand'] = false
- > else:
- > # I should have your home-storage expansion finished by tomorrow morning. Exciting, hm?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1116', false)
- Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt
- 212a213
- > DynamicCast_LandReadjustNpc.ChangeClothForVisitQuest(false, true)
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_10_Common_WhatShouldIDo.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_WhatShouldIDo.evfl.txt
- 4a5,7
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > # I can't think of any pressing business for you to attend to! Why not enjoy some Nook Shopping or redeem some miles? I'd like you to spend your time a…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:182', false)
- 14a18,65
- > flow PlayerMovingJump_MainP():
- > if not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestComplete']:
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestRunning']:
- > run SNPC_rco_53_MigrantsQuest::Root()
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > run Rco_Hint_AboutDIYWS()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() == `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
- > run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
- > run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
- > else:
- > run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cLand:Plorogue4BuiltMuseum']:
- > # We've done everything to get the homes ready for new residents, so nothing springs to mind right now…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:151', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
- > case 0:
- > # I promise to do my part to welcome new residents as soon as possible.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:152_01', false)
- > # By the way, I plan on letting the island know about folks moving in or out during my island broadcasts. However, once I know who will move into a cer…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:152_02', false)
- > case 1:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ImmQGetQuestPrize']:
- > # If you're out of things to do, you could try using the fencing I gave you. Set it up around your home! If you place fencing pieces next to each other…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:153_01', false)
- > else:
- > # I'll send my thank-you gift by mail, and I do think you'll like it! It might show up in your mailbox as soon as tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:153_02', false)
- > case 2:
- > if SubflowResults@2[15] == 0:
- > # I'm sure you've gotten used to living here by now, so I want you to enjoy your time doing what you like.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:154_02', false)
- > else:
- > # If you have the time, I'd be honored if you'd join our celebration ceremony!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:154_01', false)
- > else:
- > run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
- >
- > flow PlayerMovingJump_SubP():
- > if not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestComplete']:
- > run AlreadyFenceUnlock()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineHeardFenceRecipe']:
- > run AlreadyFenceUnlock()
- > else:
- > # Ah! Here's something. Did you know you can now redeem miles at the Nook Stop for fencing recipes? You can use fencing to surround your home, parcel o…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:163', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineHeardFenceRecipe'] = true
- >
- 31c82,88
- < run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
- ---
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cLand:PlayerMovingEnableShopMaterialCollect']:
- > run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
- > else:
- > # Have you taken the time to sort through your belongings since you moved here, PLAYER? Should you need anything for your new life here, may I humbly s…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:183', false)
- 149c206,208
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
- ---
- > if not System.EventFlags['cLand:ImmQClearNextDay']:
- > run PlayerMovingJump_MainP()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
- 156,189d214
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestComplete']:
- < if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestRunning']:
- < run SNPC_rco_53_MigrantsQuest::Root()
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- < run Rco_Hint_AboutDIYWS()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() == `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
- < run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
- < run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
- < else:
- < run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cLand:Plorogue4BuiltMuseum']:
- < # We've done everything to get the homes ready for new residents, so nothing springs to mind right now…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:151', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
- < case 0:
- < # I promise to do my part to welcome new residents as soon as possible.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:152_01', false)
- < # By the way, I plan on letting the island know about folks moving in or out during my island broadcasts. However, once I know who will move into a cer…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:152_02', false)
- < case 1:
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ImmQGetQuestPrize']:
- < # If you're out of things to do, you could try using the fencing I gave you. Set it up around your home! If you place fencing pieces next to each other…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:153_01', false)
- < else:
- < # I'll send my thank-you gift by mail, and I do think you'll like it! It might show up in your mailbox as soon as tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:153_02', false)
- < case 2:
- < if SubflowResults@2[15] == 0:
- < # I'm sure you've gotten used to living here by now, so I want you to enjoy your time doing what you like.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:154_02', false)
- < else:
- < # If you have the time, I'd be honored if you'd join our celebration ceremony!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:154_01', false)
- 191c216
- < run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
- ---
- > run PlayerMovingJump_MainP()
- 197,198c222,227
- < # It occurs to me, PLAYER… Have you settled on a place to live? A spot for your tent? Hm? You're free to live the way you like, of course. But there ar…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:110', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']:
- > # It occurs to me, PLAYER… Have you settled on a place to live? A spot for your tent? Hm? You're free to live the way you like, of course. But there ar…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:181', false)
- > else:
- > # It occurs to me, PLAYER… Have you settled on a place to live? A spot for your tent? Hm? You're free to live the way you like, of course. But there ar…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:110', false)
- 206a236,237
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:ImmQClearNextDay']:
- > run PlayerMovingJump_SubP()
- 211,214d241
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestComplete']:
- < run AlreadyFenceUnlock()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineHeardFenceRecipe']:
- < run AlreadyFenceUnlock()
- 216,218c243
- < # Ah! Here's something. Did you know you can now redeem miles at the Nook Stop for fencing recipes? You can use fencing to surround your home, parcel o…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:163', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineHeardFenceRecipe'] = true
- ---
- > run PlayerMovingJump_SubP()
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_52_DonationRewardEntries.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_52_DonationRewardEntries.evfl.txt
- 2,14c2,24
- < # Oh! That reminds me…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_01', false)
- < MainNpc.SmartPhone(0)
- < # This is in no way tied to your generous donation just now, but I have a useful app to show you.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_01_01', true)
- < run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataWithP()
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuEncyclopedia'] = true
- < EventFlowSystemActor.UIMenuDeviceAppear('cInstall', 'cEncyclopedia')
- < # I sent you the Critterpedia app. It's a terrific resource for an aspiring island researcher such as yourself. With this one app, you'll get all the i…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_02_01', false)
- < run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::PuttingMobileAwayWithP()
- < # I do hope you'll continue to fill it up with your discoveries—and share them with me too! I'm sure I'll be able to come up with some kind of addition…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_03', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuEncyclopedia']:
- > # Oh, I know! We'll just call this a little reward for your assistance. I think you'll like it.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:111', true)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(4549, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
- > # It's some <item>fish bait! Just sprinkle this in a river or the ocean, and fish are sure to appear! I do hope you enjoy that. I'll try to think up so…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:112', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(4549, 5)
- > else:
- > # Oh! That reminds me…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_01', false)
- > MainNpc.SmartPhone(0)
- > # This is in no way tied to your generous donation just now, but I have a useful app to show you.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_01_01', true)
- > run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataWithP()
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuEncyclopedia'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.UIMenuDeviceAppear('cInstall', 'cEncyclopedia')
- > # I sent you the Critterpedia app. It's a terrific resource for an aspiring island researcher such as yourself. With this one app, you'll get all the i…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_02_01', false)
- > run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::PuttingMobileAwayWithP()
- > # I do hope you'll continue to fill it up with your discoveries—and share them with me too! I'm sure I'll be able to come up with some kind of addition…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_03', false)
- 39,42c49,64
- < EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'RcoDonationRewardA')
- < System.EventFlags['cLand:ShopUnlockAxe'] = true
- < # I just sent you a number of DIY recipes that require wood…along with the recipe to craft an axe! Yes, yes…I think an axe would come in quite useful o…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:012_07', false)
- ---
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'RcoDonationRewardA')):
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ShopUnlockAxe'] = true
- > # I have lots of recipes for items made from wood, including an axe which is needed to cut wood from trees! Oh! But perhaps you already know all of the…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:121', false)
- > # Hmm… I'm afraid I don't have any other fancy recipes to give you. But I owe you, so I need to make this right. I know! Allow me to present you with y…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:122', true)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(3068, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
- > # As you may know, tools such as axes eventually break with use. That's why it's always good to have a spare! Yes, yes! I'm sure that axe will help you…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:123', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'RcoDonationRewardA')
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ShopUnlockAxe'] = true
- > # I just sent you a number of DIY recipes that require wood…along with the recipe to craft an axe! Yes, yes…I think an axe would come in quite useful o…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:012_07', false)
- 66,74c88,114
- < # The flowers that grow will be very strong. They'll spring up even if you just plant them and forget them. Ah, but if you water them each day… that's …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_03', true)
- < run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataOneWay()
- < EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(3083, 'None')
- < # And how might you water them, you ask?<10:4> Well, I've just sent you the DIY recipe for a watering can!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_04', false)
- < MainNpc.SmartPhone(1)
- < # My accountant warned me about giving this sort of thing away for free… But you've collected creatures for me, PLAYER, so this is just part of island …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_05', false)
- ---
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(3083, '')):
- > # The flowers that grow will be very strong. They'll spring up even if you just plant them and forget them. Ah, but if you water them each day… that's …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:141', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2():
- > case 0, 1:
- > # Oho! I was about to teach you how to make one, but if you already know, then you're good to go! Instead, how about I thank you for the critter by giv…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:142', true)
- > run RcoTent_GiveSeeds_Again()
- > MainNpc.SetItemName(0, 14, 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
- > # Yes, yes! I'm going to give you [a|an]<125:0:0200>. These are certain to grow into lovely flowers. And if you enjoy them, you can always come back an…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:143', false)
- > else:
- > # Yes, yes! I'm going to give you [a|an]<125:0:0200>. These are certain to grow into lovely flowers. And if you enjoy them, you can buy more from the s…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:143_01', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
- > else:
- > # The flowers that grow will be very strong. They'll spring up even if you just plant them and forget them. Ah, but if you water them each day… that's …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_03', true)
- > run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataOneWay()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(3083, 'None')
- > # And how might you water them, you ask?<10:4> Well, I've just sent you the DIY recipe for a watering can!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_04', false)
- > MainNpc.SmartPhone(1)
- > # My accountant warned me about giving this sort of thing away for free… But you've collected creatures for me, PLAYER, so this is just part of island …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_05', false)
- 127a168,194
- >
- > flow RcoTent_GiveSeeds_Again():
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.VillageFlower('cBirthday'):
- > case 0:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(3755, 5)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(3755, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > case 1:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2980, 5)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2980, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > case 2:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2629, 5)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2629, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > case 3:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(3731, 5)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(3731, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > case 4:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2932, 5)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2932, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > case 5:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(3710, 5)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(3710, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > case 6:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2880, 5)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2880, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > case 7:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2908, 5)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2908, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_53_MigrantsQuest.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_53_MigrantsQuest.evfl.txt
- 54c54,58
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
- ---
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
- > run UnlockRemake_byPlayerMoving()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
- > run UnlockRemake_byPlayerMoving()
- > else:
- 58,71c62
- < # Well, I couldn't have done this without you, PLAYER. That's for certain.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:109', true)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ImmQTalkAboutPrize'] = true
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStayMyHouseImmQClear'] = false
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(false, 0) in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `Unknown7`, `Unknown8`):
- < EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, true)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.CameraSetDemoParam('Player', 'cNormal', '', false, false, false, 0)
- < MainNpc.NpcAISetting(12, false)
- < Player.TurnBody(11, 0.0)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SetHideObjectVisible()
- < EventFlowSystemActor.FadeIn(true)
- < else:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SystemReenterStage(0, 'cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
- ---
- > run UnlockRemake_byPlayerMoving()
- 379a371,386
- >
- > flow UnlockRemake_byPlayerMoving():
- > # Well, I couldn't have done this without you, PLAYER. That's for certain.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:109', true)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ImmQTalkAboutPrize'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStayMyHouseImmQClear'] = false
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(false, 0) in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `HarvestFestival`, `XmasEve`, `Unknown9`):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.CameraSetDemoParam('Player', 'cNormal', '', false, false, false, 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(12, false)
- > Player.TurnBody(11, 0.0)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetHideObjectVisible()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.FadeIn(true)
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemReenterStage(0, 'cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_55_TkkFirstLive.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_55_TkkFirstLive.evfl.txt
- 34,45c34,46
- < # Speaking of which, I've developed a new app that should help you make the island even more inviting. Let me send it to you now.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:006', true)
- < MainNpc.SmartPhone(0)
- < run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataWithP()
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
- < EventFlowSystemActor.UIMenuDeviceAppear('cInstall', 'cConstructLicense')
- < EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(5)
- < run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::PuttingMobileAwayWithP()
- < # The app I've just sent you is called Island Designer! It's a special app from Nook Inc. that gives residents the ability to take part in bold island …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:007', false)
- < # Yes, yes, ISLAND has come a long way… I think I'll leave more and more of the future development of this island in the hands of its residents.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:008', false)
- ---
- > if not ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'])):
- > # Speaking of which, I've developed a new app that should help you make the island even more inviting. Let me send it to you now.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:006', true)
- > MainNpc.SmartPhone(0)
- > run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataWithP()
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.UIMenuDeviceAppear('cInstall', 'cConstructLicense')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(5)
- > run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::PuttingMobileAwayWithP()
- > # The app I've just sent you is called Island Designer! It's a special app from Nook Inc. that gives residents the ability to take part in bold island …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:007', false)
- > # Yes, yes, ISLAND has come a long way… I think I'll leave more and more of the future development of this island in the hands of its residents.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:008', false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_91_BreakInSpeak.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_91_BreakInSpeak.evfl.txt
- 97,98c97,124
- < # Yes, yes! If you see anything you like, feel free to take it right on home. If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't d…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:014', false)
- ---
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run TalkAboutRecycleBox_NormalSeq()
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PocketItemSendRecycleBoxByMoving']:
- > # Please don't hesitate to take anything you like, hm!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:015', false)
- > # That's also where you'll find any items you entrusted to me when you moved here.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:016_02', false)
- > # If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't delay in pulling out your belongings!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:017', false)
- > else:
- > run TalkAboutRecycleBox_NormalSeq()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PocketItemSendRecycleBoxByMoving']:
- > # Please don't hesitate to take anything you like, hm!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:015', false)
- > # That's also where you'll find anything you entrusted to me when we sorted out your belongings after your move.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:016', false)
- > # If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't delay in pulling out your belongings!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:017', false)
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PocketItemSendRecycleBoxByMoving']:
- > # Please don't hesitate to take anything you like, hm!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:015', false)
- > # That's also where you'll find anything left in your tent when we removed it to set up your home.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:016_01', false)
- > # If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't delay in pulling out your belongings!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:017', false)
- > else:
- > run TalkAboutRecycleBox_NormalSeq()
- 105a132,135
- >
- > flow TalkAboutRecycleBox_NormalSeq():
- > # Yes, yes! If you see anything you like, feel free to take it right on home. If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't d…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:014', false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_92_OtherSettings.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_92_OtherSettings.evfl.txt
- 146a147,148
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.IsWaitingMovedIn():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.BeginAsMovedOne(false)
- 177,179c179,181
- < # Now, what settings would you like to talk about today?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_92_OtherSettings:022', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
- ---
- > # Now, how can I help you today?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_92_OtherSettings:023', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice5():
- 180a183,184
- > run SNPC_rco_96_PlayerMoving::Root()
- > case 1:
- 184,185d187
- < case 1:
- < run SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings::WebSetting_Main()
- 187c189
- < run SNPC_rco_94_SavedataRecoveringSettings::Root()
- ---
- > run SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings::WebSetting_Main()
- 188a191,192
- > run SNPC_rco_94_SavedataRecoveringSettings::Root()
- > case 4:
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt
- 34c34
- < EventFlowSystemActor.NotifyUseNSOAppli('cNotifyUseNSOAppli', true)
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(false, true)
- 38,39c38,43
- < EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
- < run WebSetting_Activate_Success()
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NotifyUseNSOAppli('cNotifyUseNSOAppli', true)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > run WebSetting_Activate_Failed()
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
- > run WebSetting_Activate_Success()
- 102c106,110
- < run WebSetting_Upload_Success()
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(false, true)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > run WebSetting_Upload_Failed()
- > else:
- > run WebSetting_Upload_Success()
- Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_rco_96_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco.evfl.txt
- 23a24,25
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving']:
- > run SNPC_rco_03_ChkAfterRemodel::GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Normal()
- 48c50,52
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStandbyNoticeStorageExpansion']:
- > run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage::NoticeExpandStorage_Normal()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- 63,67c67,75
- < # Ah, PLAYER! Welcome, welcome! As you can see, it is quite cozy in here. It's funny how "cozy" doesn't always mean "comfortable," hm? Let me know if y…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
- < # If you need some advice about basic island materials, you should talk to Timmy. He can help you procure some of the essentials for thriving in our li…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001_01', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > # Ah, PLAYER! Welcome, welcome! This is Resident Services. Here, we provide support for all the residents of ISLAND. I'm sure you've already got the ha…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:011', false)
- > else:
- > # Ah, PLAYER! Welcome, welcome! As you can see, it is quite cozy in here. It's funny how "cozy" doesn't always mean "comfortable," hm? Let me know if y…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
- > # If you need some advice about basic island materials, you should talk to Timmy. He can help you procure some of the essentials for thriving in our li…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001_01', false)
- 72,73c80,96
- < # Oh! One more important thing… I'm offering a free DIY workshop that can help you really build out your island experience. I think it would be quite u…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001_02', false)
- ---
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']):
- > # Now, normally the first thing we ask of any package-plan members is to attend a special DIY workshop. However, I don't think there's any need for tha…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:012', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:FlightBalloonEnable'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:MessageBottleAvailable'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
- > # But, if you have time, it would be wonderful if I could get your help investigating the local wildlife. If you happen to catch any bugs or fish, plea…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:013_01', false)
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
- > # So why don't you get out there and enjoy deserted-island life, hm?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:013_02', false)
- > else:
- > # So why don't you get out there and enjoy life on your new island, hm?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:013_03', false)
- > else:
- > # Oh! One more important thing… I'm offering a free DIY workshop that can help you really build out your island experience. I think it would be quite u…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001_02', false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rct.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rct.evfl.txt
- 1,4c1,7
- < flow RctCongratMyhome():
- < if (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `BaseHouse`) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome']):
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctOutsideHintToday'] = true
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome'] = true
- ---
- > flow RctCongratMyHome_PlayerMoving():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctOutsideHintToday'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > # Oh, hey! How's your home been since the move, PLAYER? A home like that is sure to open up many possibilities for you here!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_05', false)
- > else:
- 7,14c10,28
- < if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmShopMaterialComplete']:
- < # Once our shop is built, I think we'll carry even more stylish furnishings that'll look great in your home… Stop by to do some shopping once we're ope…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_04_03', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctTnx4CollectingMaterials2'] = true
- < else:
- < # You'll be wanting stylish furniture for your home, which you could always craft as DIY projects, but… I recommend you check into the offerings from N…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_04_02', false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmShopMaterialComplete']:
- > # Once our shop is built, I think we'll carry even more stylish furnishings that'll look great in your home… Stop by to do some shopping once we're ope…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_04_03', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctTnx4CollectingMaterials2'] = true
- > else:
- > # You'll be wanting stylish furniture for your home, which you could always craft as DIY projects, but… I recommend you check into the offerings from N…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_04_02', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- > flow RctCongratMyhome():
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
- > case `BaseHouse`:
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome']:
- > run RctCongratMyHome_PlayerMoving()
- > case `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
- > if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']):
- > run RctCongratMyHome_PlayerMoving()
- > default:
- > return
- Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_rei.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_slo_00_Peddling.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_slo_00_Peddling.evfl.txt
- 36a37
- > SubflowResults[0] = 0
- 67,76c68,79
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinSeedingFlag']:
- < # [A|An]<125:0:0000>! A perfectly wonderful selection. And they're available in bulk. How many would you like?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:038', false)
- < else:
- < # I'm doing a special in October. For <90:21:0000> each, you can grow your own <125:0:0200>.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:104', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinSeedingFlag'] = true
- < # I can sell them to you individually or in bulk. So, would you like to care for [a|an]<125:0:0200>?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:106', false)
- ---
- > if not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
- > # [A|An]<125:0:0000>! A perfectly wonderful selection. And they're available in bulk. How many would you like?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:038', false)
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinSeedingFlag']:
- > # [A|An]<125:0:0000>! A perfectly wonderful selection. And they're available in bulk. How many would you like?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:038', false)
- > else:
- > # I'm doing a special in October. For <90:21:0000> each, you can grow your own <125:0:0200>.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:104', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinSeedingFlag'] = true
- > # I can sell them to you individually or in bulk. So, would you like to care for [a|an]<125:0:0200>?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:106', false)
- 79,87c82,103
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable']:
- < if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
- < run Sub_grp_Event95()
- < else:
- < # Oh, yes! I have some happy news to share with you. Since October and Halloween are such close friends, I decided to start selling <item>pumpkin start…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:100', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable'] = true
- < run Sub_grp_Event95()
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddPumpkinFlag'] = true
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddPumpkinFlag']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddPumpkinFlag'] = true
- > if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
- > # Oh, yes! I also brought some wonderful little <item>pumpkin starts that I'd love to sell you.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:108', false)
- > else:
- > # Oh! I also have something new with me. I brought a couple of wonderful <item>pumpkin starts I'd love to sell you.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:108_01', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
- > # And since October and Halloween are such close friends, they're on sale for half off!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:109', false)
- > run Sub_grp_Event182()
- > else:
- > run Sub_grp_Event182()
- > elif (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable']):
- > # Oh, yes! I have some happy news to share with you. Since October and Halloween are such close friends, <item>pumpkin starts are on sale for half off!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:107', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable'] = true
- > run Sub_grp_Event182()
- 136,140d151
- < local flow Sub_Event146(EachWeedPrice: int, TotalWeedPrice: int, WeedNum: int, SellTotal: int):
- < run Slo_PumpkinSeeding()
- < # I'd be happy to know what I can do for you today.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:004', false)
- <
- 160a172,177
- > local flow Sub_Event184(EachWeedPrice: int, TotalWeedPrice: int, WeedNum: int, SellTotal: int):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- > run Slo_PumpkinSeeding()
- > # I'd be happy to know what I can do for you today.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:004', false)
- >
- 184a202,209
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event182():
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
- > # Just a few days after planting my <item>pumpkin starts, you'll have cheerful pumpkins eager to be picked. And watering your pumpkins makes them much …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:102', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
- > # Pumpkins are so much fun. I sure hope you'll try raising some!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:110', false)
- >
- 215,222d239
- < local flow Sub_grp_Event95():
- < if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
- < # Just a few days after planting my <item>pumpkin starts, you'll have cheerful pumpkins eager to be picked. And watering your pumpkins makes them much …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:102', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
- < # Pumpkins are so much fun. I sure hope you'll try raising some!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:103', false)
- <
- 258,262c275
- < if (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (not ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']))):
- < # Oh! Hello! Isn't this the most perfect day to shop for flowers?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:057', false)
- < run Sub_Event146(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
- < else:
- ---
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']):
- 264a278,281
- > else:
- > # Oh! Hello! Isn't this the most perfect day to shop for flowers?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:057', false)
- > run Sub_Event184(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
- 273c290
- < run Sub_Event146(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
- ---
- > run Sub_Event184(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
- 275c292
- < run Sub_Event146(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
- ---
- > run Sub_Event184(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_sza_00_Common.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_sza_00_Common.evfl.txt
- 44a45,67
- > flow Sza_Cmn_Christmas():
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('XmasEve', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReiStartQuest1']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReiFinishQuest1']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SzaChristmasOrnament']):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.IsReceiveMargeItem(5731, 5730, 5732, 65534, 65534, 3):
- > # Oh dear, are you on the hunt for ornaments? I might have a few left over from decorating…<10:4> Let me see!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:1001', true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOn(44)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('cNormalFader', 'cNormalFader', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(40)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(5730, 3)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(5731, 3)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(5732, 3)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOff(44)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.FadeIn(true)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SzaChristmasOrnament'] = true
- > # Thanks for waiting! I found a few extras, so I hope you can make good use of them. It's so nice to see you helping out with the Toy Day festivities…y…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:1002', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:SzaChristmasHintMessage']:
- > # Oh dear, are you on the hunt for ornaments? I might have a few left over…but you don't have any room! I always carry around too much stuff too. But I…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:1003', true)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:SzaChristmasHintMessage'] = true
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- >
- 76c99,109
- < if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SzaTalkAtOfficeToday']:
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SzaTalkAtOfficeToday']:
- > run Sza_Cmn_Christmas()
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandEvaluationUnlock']:
- > # Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with something!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:002_04', false)
- > run szaSel5B()
- > else:
- > # Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with something!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:002_03', false)
- > run szaSel4B()
- > else:
- 77a111
- > run Sza_Cmn_Christmas()
- 84,91d117
- < elif System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandEvaluationUnlock']:
- < # Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with something!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:002_04', false)
- < run szaSel5B()
- < else:
- < # Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with something!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:002_03', false)
- < run szaSel4B()
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_sza_50_IslandEvaluation.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_sza_50_IslandEvaluation.evfl.txt
- 185c185
- < case `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `Unknown7`, `Unknown8`:
- ---
- > case `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `HarvestFestival`, `XmasEve`, `Unknown9`:
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_tap.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_tap.evfl.txt
- 0a1,31
- > flow About_DiscloseLeaveTap():
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream']:
- > # Certainly. Right now, I have permission to share your dream of ISLAND. When I am asked to choose a dream to surprise someone, it is possible I may sh…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3500', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > SubflowResults[4] = 0
- > SubflowResults[5] = 0
- > else:
- > SubflowResults[4] = 1
- > SubflowResults[5] = 1
- > else:
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:IsUploadDisclosedMyDream']:
- > # Sure. Currently, I am not sharing your dream of ISLAND. Would you like your dream to be among those I might share when I am asked for a surprise? If …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3506', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > SubflowResults[4] = 1
- > SubflowResults[5] = 2
- > else:
- > SubflowResults[4] = 0
- > SubflowResults[5] = 2
- > else:
- > # Sure. Currently, I am not sharing your dream of ISLAND. Would you like your dream to be among those I might share if I am asked for a surprise?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3501', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > SubflowResults[4] = 1
- > SubflowResults[5] = 0
- > else:
- > SubflowResults[4] = 0
- > SubflowResults[5] = 1
- > run Change_DiscloseLeaveTap()
- >
- 4,6c35,37
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3001', false)
- < entrypoint Event116:
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
- ---
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3002', false)
- > entrypoint Event494:
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice5():
- 12c43
- < run Delete_Dream()
- ---
- > run About_DiscloseLeaveTap()
- 13a45,46
- > run Delete_Dream()
- > case 4:
- 39a73,80
- > flow AskRetrySearch():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
- > run ReturnSelectSearchMode()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap']:
- > run ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist()
- > else:
- > run ReturnInputNo()
- >
- 54a96,137
- > flow Change_DiscloseLeaveTap():
- > if SubflowResults@2[4] == 0:
- > switch SubflowResults@3[5]:
- > case 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = false
- > # Alright. I will no longer share your dream if I am asked for a surprise.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3503', false)
- > run RunSetting()
- > case 1:
- > # Done. I will leave things as they are. If someone asks me for a surprise, that surprise will not be your dream of ISLAND.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3505', false)
- > run RunSetting()
- > case 2:
- > # Done. I will leave things as they are. If someone asks me for a surprise, that surprise will not be your dream of ISLAND.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3505', false)
- > run OnlySaveSetting()
- > else:
- > switch SubflowResults@3[5]:
- > case 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
- > # Very well. Now when someone asks me for a surprise, that surprise might be your dream of ISLAND.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3504', false)
- > entrypoint Event559:
- > run Send_DiscloseSetting()
- > entrypoint Event460:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
- > run Return_About_MyDream()
- > case 1:
- > # Understood. Your dream will remain among those I share if I am asked for a surprise.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3502', false)
- > run RunSetting()
- > case 2:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsUploadDisclosedMyDream'] = false
- > # Very well. Now when someone asks me for a surprise, that surprise might be your dream of ISLAND.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3504', false)
- > run ShortCutFirstLeaveTapUpload()
- > run Return_About_MyDream()
- >
- > flow CloseLeaveTap():
- > run Event469()
- >
- 70c153
- < # Splendid! Then everything is sorted. Please close your eyes…and relax…
- ---
- > # Splendid! Everything is now sorted. Please close your eyes…and relax…
- 75,78c158,167
- < if SubflowResults@2[2] == 0:
- < run DownloadDream_FavoriteList()
- < else:
- < run SearchDream_FavoriteList()
- ---
- > switch SubflowResults@3[2]:
- > case 0:
- > run DownloadDream_FavoriteList()
- > case 1:
- > run SearchDream_FavoriteList()
- > case 2:
- > run SearchDream_LeaveTap()
- >
- > flow DLStart_LeaveTap():
- > run DLStart_FavoriteList()
- 88c177
- < run ReturnInputNo()
- ---
- > run ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist()
- 116c205
- < # Drift and compile…and emerge within the dream of <115:2:cd00>…<10:8:004b0000>
- ---
- > # Drift and compile…and emerge within the dream…of <115:2:cd00>…<10:8:004b0000>
- 127a217,219
- > flow DownloadDream_LeaveTapList():
- > run DownloadDream_FavoriteList()
- >
- 132,133c224,226
- < # Of course, of course! But there are a few things I must clarify further before I guide you to your dream. Dreams, like many things these days, are do…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1000', false)
- ---
- > # Of course, of course! But there are a few things I must clarify further before I guide you to a dream. Dreams, like many things these days, are downl…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1010', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
- 153,156c246,247
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
- < run ReturnSelect()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
- < run ReturnSelectSearchMode()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run AskRetrySearch()
- 158c249
- < run ReturnInputNo()
- ---
- > run ReturnSelect()
- 164a256,260
- > flow Error_NotGotDream():
- > # Oh! I was unable to find a dream for you…which I suppose is a surprise in itself. Shall I try again?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1063', false)
- > run Event69()
- >
- 179a276,356
- > flow FirstLeaveTapSetting():
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap']:
- > switch SubflowResults@4[3]:
- > case 0:
- > # By the way, if you prefer that I choose a dream for you, I will be happy to find you a surprise. No Dream Address is needed. I will simply pluck a pl…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1060', false)
- > # May I trouble you with a request? I would like your permission to share your dream of ISLAND if I am asked for a surprise. If you allow me to surpris…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1066', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
- > run FirstLeaveTapUpload()
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
- > else:
- > entrypoint Event469:
- > # I completely understand. In that case, your dream will not be shared if I am asked for a surprise.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1070', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsUploadDisclosedMyDream'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = false
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
- > # Should you decide that I may share your dream if asked for a surprise, tell me to "Adjust surprise sharing."
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1071', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
- > case 1:
- > # May I trouble you with a request? I would like your permission to share your dream of ISLAND if I am asked for a surprise. If you allow me to surpris…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1066', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
- > run FirstLeaveTapUpload()
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
- > else:
- > entrypoint Event469:
- > # I completely understand. In that case, your dream will not be shared if I am asked for a surprise.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1070', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsUploadDisclosedMyDream'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = false
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
- > # Should you decide that I may share your dream if asked for a surprise, tell me to "Adjust surprise sharing."
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1071', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
- > case 2:
- > # By the way, if you prefer that I choose a dream for you, I will be happy to find you a surprise. No Dream Address is needed. I will simply pluck a pl…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1060', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
- > case 3:
- > # Since you have been so generous in sharing your Dream Address, I would like to request something. It sometimes occurs that I am asked to surprise som…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:2100', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > # Excellent. I am certain many will be delighted to come across your dream. One moment…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:2101', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
- > run UploadMetaLeaveTap()
- > # There! I look forward to surprising many others with your dream. If you do not want your dream to be shared if I am asked for a surprise, tell me to …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:2102', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
- > else:
- > run CloseLeaveTap()
- >
- > flow FirstLeaveTapUpload():
- > # Excellent. I am certain many will be delighted to come across your dream. Thank you for your trust. Now, let us update your dream of ISLAND…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1067', false)
- > run ShortCutFirstLeaveTapUpload()
- >
- > flow FirstLeaveTapUploadError():
- > run ConnectionMsg_End()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.DreamUploadEffect('cOff')
- > Player.PlayerStartAnimeBedWaitWithHandsClaspedOpenEyes()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.YMD(2061, 1, 1, 'cNowTime') == 0:
- > # I am terribly sorry, but I was unable to compile and update your dream of ISLAND. You may need to try again at another time. My apologies.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:2103', false)
- > else:
- > # Unfortunately, I am unable to compile your dream of ISLAND. You will need to return on another day. I will be happy to try again then.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3133', false)
- >
- > flow Go_About_MyDream5():
- > # Is there any other way I can assist with your uploaded dream?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3002_02', false)
- > run Event494()
- >
- > flow LeaveTap_Error_Cmn():
- > run FavoriteList_Error_Cmn()
- >
- 193a371,373
- > flow OnlySaveSetting():
- > run Event460()
- >
- 207,208c387,388
- < # Lastly, this process requires internet access and the Dream Address of the dream you wish to visit. And that is all there is to it!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:4002_01', false)
- ---
- > # Oh! I should also mention that this process requires internet access. Additionally, if you wish to visit a specific dream, you will also need to prov…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:4010', false)
- 244c424
- < run ReturnInputNo()
- ---
- > run ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist()
- 270,271d449
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
- < run ReturnSelectSearchMode()
- 273c451
- < run ReturnInputNo()
- ---
- > run AskRetrySearch()
- 278,281c456,457
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
- < run ReturnSelect()
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
- < run ReturnSelectSearchMode()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run AskRetrySearch()
- 283c459
- < run ReturnInputNo()
- ---
- > run ReturnSelect()
- 291c467
- < flow ReturnSelectSearchMode():
- ---
- > flow ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist():
- 293c469
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1052', false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1065', false)
- 298a475,487
- > SubflowResults[2] = 2
- > run ReturnToLeaveTap()
- > case 2:
- > run ReturnSelect()
- >
- > flow ReturnSelectMenuWithFavoriteLlist():
- > # How shall I prepare your dream?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1061', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
- > case 0:
- > SubflowResults[2] = 0
- > run ReturnInputNo()
- > case 1:
- 301a491,493
- > SubflowResults[2] = 2
- > run ReturnToLeaveTap()
- > case 3:
- 303a496,500
- > flow ReturnSelectSearchMode():
- > SubflowResults[3] = 0
- > run FirstLeaveTapSetting()
- > run ReturnSelectMenuWithFavoriteLlist()
- >
- 345a543,552
- > flow ReturnToLeaveTap():
- > # Gladly. There are so many wonderful surprises to be found in dreams. Let me find one for you…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1062', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run DLStart_LeaveTap()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
- > run ReturnSelectMenuWithFavoriteLlist()
- > else:
- > run ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist()
- >
- 371,373c578
- < # Is there any other way I can assist with your uploaded dream?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3001_01', false)
- < run Event116()
- ---
- > run Go_About_MyDream5()
- 394a600
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = false
- 436a643,645
- > flow RunSetting():
- > run Event559()
- >
- 447a657,702
- > flow SearchDream_LeaveTap():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetSearchDream('cAutoDefault')
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > run LeaveTap_Error_Cmn()
- > run DL_NetErrorOccur()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsFoundDreamLand('cAutoDefault'):
- > run DownloadDream_LeaveTapList()
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetSearchDream('cAutoAll')
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > run LeaveTap_Error_Cmn()
- > run DL_NetErrorOccur()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsFoundDreamLand('cAutoAll'):
- > run DownloadDream_LeaveTapList()
- > else:
- > run LeaveTap_Error_Cmn()
- > run Error_NotGotDream()
- >
- > flow Send_DiscloseSetting():
- > run UploadMetaLeaveTap()
- >
- > flow ShortCutFirstLeaveTapUpload():
- > SubflowResults[1] = 1
- > run Network_Signin_SkipSave()
- > if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
- > # Close your eyes… Picture what you love most about ISLAND… <100:10>Relax. Reeelaaax…</100:10>
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3103', false)
- > Player.PlayerStartAnimeBedWait()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.DreamUploadEffect('cOn')
- > run ConnectionMsg_Start()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadDream()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > run FirstLeaveTapUploadError()
- > else:
- > run ConnectionMsg_Save()
- > run ConnectionMsg_End()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.DreamUploadEffect('cOff')
- > # There! Your dream is now updated. I look forward to surprising many others with it.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1068', false)
- > Player.PlayerStartAnimeBedWaitWithHandsClaspedOpenEyes()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagFromSystem(0, 'cCurrentDreamingAddress', 'cDegit', '', 0)
- > # Please note that the Dream Address for ISLAND is filed under <140:17:cd00>. If you do not want your dream to be shared if I am asked for a surprise, …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1069', false)
- > else:
- > run FirstLeaveTapUploadError()
- >
- 461a717,721
- > if (System.EventFlags['cLand:EnableMyDream']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsDreamUploader()):
- > SubflowResults[3] = 0
- > else:
- > SubflowResults[3] = 2
- > run FirstLeaveTapSetting()
- 464a725
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUpdatedDreamFirstTalk'] = true
- 607a869,874
- > flow UploadMetaLeaveTap():
- > SubflowResults[1] = 1
- > run Network_Signin()
- > if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateDreamMeta()
- >
- 629a897,899
- > SubflowResults[3] = 3
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = false
- > run FirstLeaveTapSetting()
- Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_tuk_01_DemoCooking.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_tuk_02_SystemProcess.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_tuk.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_xct.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_xct.evfl.txt
- 3,18c3,21
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
- < case 0:
- < # Y'know, I think I'll hang out on this island a little longer. I like it here.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_00', false)
- < case 1:
- < # It's nice to take a plane every once in a while. I'm used to traveling by train… "Ridin' the rails," as they say.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_01', false)
- < case 2:
- < # I wonder which island I should visit next… I just love that each one offers its own adventure and personality.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_02', false)
- < case 3:
- < # Tom Nook has really made a name for himself.<10:4> Not bad for a guy who used to own little more than an apron!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_03', false)
- < case 4:
- < # Were you able to finish the maze like you wanted, by the way? If you want to restart, you can do so by using the Rescue Service app on your NookPhon…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_04', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk']:
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
- > case 0:
- > # Y'know, I think I'll hang out on this island a little longer. I like it here.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_00', false)
- > case 1:
- > # It's nice to take a plane every once in a while. I'm used to traveling by train… "Ridin' the rails," as they say.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_01', false)
- > case 2:
- > # I wonder which island I should visit next… I just love that each one offers its own adventure and personality.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_02', false)
- > case 3:
- > # Tom Nook has really made a name for himself.<10:4> Not bad for a guy who used to own little more than an apron!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_03', false)
- > case 4:
- > # Were you able to finish the maze like you wanted, by the way? If you want to restart, you can do so by using the Rescue Service app on your NookPhon…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_04', false)
- > else:
- > run Xct_First()
- 31a35
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland'] = true
- 71,73c75,83
- < # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I'm glad we met, PLAYER! I want to commemorate this occasion by…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:008', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward']:
- > # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I feel like we've met before. We haven't, right? No, of course …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:101', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow'] = true
- > else:
- > # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I'm glad we met, PLAYER! I want to commemorate this occasion by…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:008', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
- diff -r 1.5.1/System_BootSequence.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_BootSequence.evfl.txt
- 0a1,8
- > flow AfterMoving():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveDisableBackupSettingOtherThanBackupAgent()
- > if not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsImmediatelyAfterLandMove():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveUpdateDeviceID()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveReserveLandMoveMark()
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayAccountIsPlayerVillager()) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveCompareBackupAgentNSAID()):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveEnableBackupSetting()
- >
- 34a43,44
- > case 2:
- > run SaveDataLoad(BGUIOn=false)
- 39,40d48
- < default:
- < return
- 68a77,79
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ConfirmMovedOneSaveDataExistence()
- > if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleLoad('cMovedOne')
- 70c81,95
- < if not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveProcIsSuccess():
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveProcIsSuccess():
- > if not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsNotFound():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsBroken():
- > run Broken(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
- > else:
- > run UnexpectedError(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
- > elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleLoad('cMovedOne')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.BeginAsMovedOne(false)
- > # Player data for an in-progress move from another island was detected. The moving process will now resume.
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:8021', false)
- > else:
- > if (not EventFlowSystemActor.PlayAccountIsPlayerVillager()) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData()):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleLoad('cMovedOne')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.BeginAsMovedOne(false)
- 77,81c102
- < elif not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsNotFound():
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsBroken():
- < run Broken(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
- < else:
- < run UnexpectedError(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
- ---
- > run AfterMoving()
- diff -r 1.5.1/System_BootSequence_PcSaveChk.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_BootSequence_PcSaveChk.evfl.txt
- 57,63c57,67
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayAccountIsPlayerVillager():
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false):
- < run NACheckAgain()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsUnconnectedPlayerVillagerGreaterThan(1):
- < EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.UIBootBGChangeDialog()
- < run ReSelect()
- ---
- > if not EventFlowSystemActor.PlayAccountIsPlayerVillager():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ConfirmMovedOneSaveDataExistence()
- > if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
- > # Player data for an in-progress move from another island was detected. The moving process will now resume.
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:8021', false)
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsUnconnectedPlayerVillagerGreaterThan(1):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.UIBootBGChangeDialog()
- > run ReSelect()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false):
- > run NACheckAgain()
- diff -r 1.5.1/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt
- 34a35
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_6'] = true
- 92,97c93,101
- < if (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false)):
- < EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateFriendList('cBestFriend')
- < EventFlowSystemActor.NetReceiveMail()
- < EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateFriendLandWithInterval(1)
- < run System_ServerRegistration::UploadProfileCore(IgnoreError=true, Terminate=false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadEmoticon(true, 10, true)
- ---
- > if (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(true)):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetGetPOPID(true)
- > if (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false)):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateFriendList('cBestFriend')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetReceiveMail()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateFriendLandWithInterval(1)
- > run System_ServerRegistration::UploadProfileCore(IgnoreError=true, Terminate=false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadEmoticon(true, 10, true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(true, false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/System_GrowUp_WeatherControl.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_GrowUp_WeatherControl.evfl.txt
- 6,8c6,8
- < case `Halloween`:
- < if not System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_5']:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay01')
- ---
- > case `HarvestFestival`:
- > if not System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_6']:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay00')
- 12,13c12,15
- < flow FirstDay():
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(true, 0) in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Countdown`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Unknown7`, `Unknown8`):
- ---
- > flow ChristmasDay():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay03')
- > else:
- 14a17,20
- >
- > flow ChristmasEve():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay02')
- 16c22,28
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay01')
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay00')
- >
- > flow FirstDay():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay00')
- > elif (EventFlowSystemActor.YMD(2020, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime') in (0, 2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.YMD(2020, 12, 24, 'cLastGrowUpTime') in (0, 2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.YMD(2020, 12, 25, 'cLastGrowUpTime') in (0, 2)):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay00')
- diff -r 1.5.1/System_IslandEvaluationCheck.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_IslandEvaluationCheck.evfl.txt
- 3a4,8
- > run ChkNaturalRank()
- > run ChkLifeRank()
- > run Update_DreamEvaluation()
- > SubflowResults[2] = 0
- > SubflowResults[3] = 0
- 142a148
- > run Update_DreamEvaluation()
- 161a168,209
- >
- > flow Update_DreamEvaluation():
- > switch SubflowResults@5[2]:
- > case 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
- > case 1:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 2
- > if SubflowResults@5[3] == 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
- > case 2:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 3
- > switch SubflowResults@5[3]:
- > case 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
- > case 1:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 2
- > default:
- > return
- > case 3:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 4
- > switch SubflowResults@5[3]:
- > case 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
- > case 1:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 2
- > case 2:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 3
- > default:
- > return
- > case 4:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 5
- > switch SubflowResults@5[3]:
- > case 0:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
- > case 1:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 2
- > case 2:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 3
- > case 3:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 4
- > default:
- > return
- Only in 1.5.1: System_Move_Player.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.5.1: System_PcMove.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt
- 28a29,32
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() == 2:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadEmoticon(true, 10, true)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() == 2:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(true, true)
- diff -r 1.5.1/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt
- 66a67,76
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- > if Terminate:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(false, false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- > if Terminate:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- 84a95,98
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(false, true)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking.evfl.txt
- 18a19,26
- > flow `0_FlagSettings_ForMoving`():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableEmoticonUI']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingWithEmoticonUI'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableEmoticonUI'] = false
- > if not System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving'] = true
- >
- 20,30c28,31
- < # Now then, we'll need to look up your application. Can we have your name and birthday?__ ...birthday?__
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:003_02', true)
- < entrypoint Event4:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.EntryPlayerVillager()
- < EventFlowSystemActor.NoticeGameStartForPlayReport()
- < run EnteringNameAndBday()
- < run Charactermaking()
- < if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
- < # That concludes everything we need to do here! Don't worry! We'll give you an in-depth overview on island life once we're back on the ground!__ ...gro…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:103', true)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ClearAllNpcOtherPlayerMoveInFlag()
- ---
- > # The first step is checking your application. Is this your first time applying for one of our packages?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:1003_02', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run Normal_CharacterMaking()
- 32,36c33
- < # And now…let's start talking about your new home. So exciting!__ ...exciting!__
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:006', false)
- < run Tutorials_Prologue1_Areacheck::Root()
- < run TerrainSelect()
- < run EndCharacterMaking()
- ---
- > run Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving::Root()
- 52a50,54
- > flow Continue_AfterMoving():
- > run `0_FlagSettings`()
- > run `0_FlagSettings_ForMoving`()
- > run Event181()
- >
- 122a125,148
- > flow From_RestartMoving():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSwitchMovedOneToVillager()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NoticeGameStartForPlayReport()
- > run `0_FlagSettings`()
- > run `0_FlagSettings_ForMoving`()
- > # <50:3>PLAYER, we've been waiting for you!__ ...for you!__ You were in the process of moving here from another island, right?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:2051', false)
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
- > # We've already finished everything that needed to be done before we take off, so please wait for boarding! We'll give you an in-depth overview of isla…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:2053', true)
- > run Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving::CheckNALink()
- > run From_RestartMoving_OtherP()
- > else:
- > # Let's resume the process now!__!__
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:2052', false)
- > run Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving::CheckNALink()
- > run From_RestartMoving_MainP()
- >
- > flow From_RestartMoving_MainP():
- > run Event172()
- >
- > flow From_RestartMoving_OtherP():
- > run Event180()
- >
- 123a150
- > # Understood!__ ...stood!__ Now then, we'll need to look up your application. Can we have your name and birthday?__ ...birthday?__
- 125c152,168
- < run Event4()
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.EntryPlayerVillager()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NoticeGameStartForPlayReport()
- > run EnteringNameAndBday()
- > run Charactermaking()
- > entrypoint Event181:
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
- > # That concludes everything we need to do here! Don't worry! We'll give you an in-depth overview on island life once we're back on the ground!__ ...gro…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:103', true)
- > entrypoint Event180:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ClearAllNpcOtherPlayerMoveInFlag()
- > else:
- > entrypoint Event172:
- > # And now…let's start talking about your new home. So exciting!__ ...exciting!__
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:006', false)
- > run Tutorials_Prologue1_Areacheck::Root()
- > run TerrainSelect()
- > run EndCharacterMaking()
- 162,188c205,234
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvTimeZone():
- < case `05:00-07:59`, `08:00-11:59`:
- < # Good morning! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_01', false)
- < case `12:00-15:59`, `16:00-18:59`:
- < # Good afternoon! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_02', false)
- < case `19:00-23:59`, `00:00-04:59`:
- < # Good evening! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_03', false)
- < if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
- < # Welcome…to the check-in counter for your big moving-day trip to ISLAND! There is so much to look forward to! But first, let us introduce ourselves. I…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:101', false)
- < # And I'm Tommy!
- < SubNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_02', false)
- < # The two of us are already living on ISLAND. We're there to support everyone, including you! Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long ha…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:102', false)
- < # Now, let's walk through the steps to get you moved onto the island!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:102_02', false)
- < else:
- < # Let us be the first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure. Welcome…to the check-in counter for your Deserted Island…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_01', false)
- < # And I'm Tommy!
- < SubNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_02', false)
- < # We'll be flying to the island with you to help you get settled. Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long haul! So, let's get started, s…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:003_01', false)
- < run Apply()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvTimeZone():
- > case `05:00-07:59`, `08:00-11:59`:
- > # Good morning! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_01', false)
- > case `12:00-15:59`, `16:00-18:59`:
- > # Good afternoon! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_02', false)
- > case `19:00-23:59`, `00:00-04:59`:
- > # Good evening! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_03', false)
- > if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
- > # Welcome…to the check-in counter for your big moving-day trip to ISLAND! There is so much to look forward to! But first, let us introduce ourselves. I…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:101', false)
- > # And I'm Tommy!
- > SubNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_02', false)
- > # The two of us are already living on ISLAND. We're there to support everyone, including you! Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long ha…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:102', false)
- > # Now, let's walk through the steps to get you moved onto the island!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:102_02', false)
- > else:
- > # Let us be the first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure. Welcome…to the check-in counter for your Deserted Island…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_01', false)
- > # And I'm Tommy!
- > SubNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_02', false)
- > # We'll be flying to the island with you to help you get settled. Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long haul! So, let's get started, s…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:003_01', false)
- > run Apply()
- > else:
- > run From_RestartMoving()
- Only in 1.6.0: Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue2_Arrival.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue2_Arrival.evfl.txt
- 19a20,25
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemHasBaggageItem(1):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerBaggageOperationForEvent('cReserve')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerBaggageOperationForEvent('cRemove')
- > else:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingwithNoBelongings'] = true
- diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1.evfl.txt
- 84c84,89
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:IslandCreaterUnlockMoving'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
- > else:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
- 98,116c103,124
- < # Now, PLAYER, as to the matter of where you'll rest your sleepy head at night…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:105', true)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2750, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
- < # There! A little comfort item for you.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:106', false)
- < # And, er…I'm terribly sorry, but due to a slight mix-up, we weren't able to prepare a place for you to live yet… If you could, take a look around and …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:107', false)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
- < # There's something else you'll need as well…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:108', true)
- < run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_GetSmartPhone()
- < # And, finally, the most important item of all…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:109', true)
- < run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_TutorialGetBill()
- < run Rco_Orientation2P_Office()
- < # Now, if you'll excuse us…we'll be getting back to work. We're so happy to have you as a Nook Inc. customer!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:013_01', true)
- < run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_OrientationEnd()
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame_PlayerMoving::Root_OtherP()
- > else:
- > # Now, PLAYER, as to the matter of where you'll rest your sleepy head at night…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:105', true)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2750, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
- > # There! A little comfort item for you.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:106', false)
- > # And, er…I'm terribly sorry, but due to a slight mix-up, we weren't able to prepare a place for you to live yet… If you could, take a look around and …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:107', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
- > # There's something else you'll need as well…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:108', true)
- > run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_GetSmartPhone()
- > # And, finally, the most important item of all…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:109', true)
- > run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_TutorialGetBill()
- > run Rco_Orientation2P_Office()
- > # Now, if you'll excuse us…we'll be getting back to work. We're so happy to have you as a Nook Inc. customer!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:013_01', true)
- > run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_OrientationEnd()
- diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue4_Orientation2_RcmRct.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue4_Orientation2_RcmRct.evfl.txt
- 23c23
- < # RANDOM: Leave the setup to us!<10:4> We'll be c… // Please check with our boss, Tom Nook, a…
- ---
- > # RANDOM: Leave the setup to us!<10:4> We'll be c… // Please check with our boss, Tom Nook, a… // There's something I should let you know… // You may have already heard about this f… // And with that, here's your <item>tent!
- 32,33c32,44
- < # Here you go, PLAYER.<10:4> Your very own <item>tent!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:001_01', false)
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMovingBelongings']:
- > # You may have already heard about this from President Nook, but… Unfortunately, your things haven't arrived yet. The flight carrying your belongings a…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:1001_01', false)
- > else:
- > # There's something I should let you know about, PLAYER. Unfortunately, your things haven't arrived yet. The flight carrying your belongings and house …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:1001', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmRctTalkAboutMovingBelongings'] = true
- > # And with that, here's your <item>tent!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:1002', false)
- > else:
- > # Here you go, PLAYER.<10:4> Your very own <item>tent!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:001_01', false)
- diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue_Rco.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue_Rco.evfl.txt
- 40c40,45
- < run NormalTalk_BeforeTentGet()
- ---
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run NormalTalk_BeforeTentGet()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMovingBelongings']:
- > run NormalTalk_BeforeTentGet()
- > else:
- > run Talk_AboutMovingBelongings()
- 87c92,94
- < else:
- ---
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
- > run NormalTalk_BeforeTentSet()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMovingBelongings']:
- 88a96,97
- > else:
- > run Talk_AboutMovingBelongings()
- 180a190,198
- >
- > flow Talk_AboutMovingBelongings():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmRctTalkAboutMovingBelongings']:
- > # Ah, PLAYER! You likely already heard about your belongings and house from Timmy or Tommy, hm? Unfortunately, the flight carrying them was delayed sli…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue4_Orientation2_Rco:1002', false)
- > else:
- > # Ah, yes! There you are. There's something I really need to talk to you about, PLAYER. You moved here after taking part in a Deserted Island Getaway P…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue4_Orientation2_Rco:1001', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMovingBelongings'] = true
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