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ACNH EventFlow 1.5.1/1.6.0 diff

a guest
Sep 24th, 2021
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  1. diff -r 1.5.1/AI_NPC_Indoor.evfl.txt 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Indoor.evfl.txt
  2. 74a75,83
  3. > flow Harvest():
  4. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('HarvestFestival', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival') == 1) and (MainNpc.CheckNpcSchedule('cHarvestFestival')):
  5. >         if (MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cTalkEnd')) and (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:TalkEndWait']):
  6. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeWaitState('cWait', '', '', '', true, false, 300, true, '')
  7. >             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:TalkEndWait'] = false
  8. >         else:
  9. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestCooking', '', '', '', true, true)
  10. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  11. >
  12. 95a105
  13. >         run Harvest()
  14. diff -r 1.5.1/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt
  15. 0a1,9
  16. > flow ApproachBeforeChristmas():
  17. >     if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:ChristmasApproachTalk']:
  18. >         if MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cPreActiveApproach') == 0:
  19. >             run ToActiveApproachNotice(TalkEntryName='Root', TalkFlowName='NNPC_ApproachG_Christmas')
  20. >         else:
  21. >             MainNpc.SetIsStartNeedActivity('cOff')
  22. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cPreActiveApproach', '', '', '', false, false)
  23. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  24. >
  25. 13c22
  26. <             run ToActiveApproachNotice(TalkFlowName='NNPC_ApproachE_Easter', TalkEntryName='Root')
  27. ---
  28. >             run ToActiveApproachNotice(TalkEntryName='Root', TalkFlowName='NNPC_ApproachG_Easter')
  29. 103a113,130
  30. > flow CheckHarvestResetFeel():
  31. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival') == 2) and ((MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestWander') == 0) or (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestWanderWait') == 0) or (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestMoveToWatchPoint') == 0) or (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestPlazaAction') == 0)):
  32. >         MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
  33. >
  34. > flow ChkHarvestDemo():
  35. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.FlagSystemIntValue4('cLandTemp:HarvestDemoNpcStep', 4):
  36. >         case 0:
  37. >             if (MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cChangeMainPlayer')) and (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestDemoAction') == 0):
  38. >                 run Sub_Event321()
  39. >         case 1:
  40. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoMoveTable', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
  41. >             run Sub_Event280()
  42. >         case 2:
  43. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoWait', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
  44. >             run Sub_Event280()
  45. >         case 3:
  46. >             run Sub_Event321()
  47. >
  48. 322a350
  49. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNoLook', false)
  50. 326a355,390
  51. > flow Harvest():
  52. >     MainNpc.NpcResetHarvestFishExchangeWantItem()
  53. >     switch MainNpc.DevideHarvestEventState():
  54. >         case 0:
  55. >             MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
  56. >             if MainNpc.IsInEventPlazaArea(false):
  57. >                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cEventPlazaWander', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
  58. >                 run Sub_Event312()
  59. >             else:
  60. >                 MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', '', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  61. >                 run Sub_Event312()
  62. >         case 1:
  63. >             MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
  64. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeGoToDestinationState('cGoToDestination', '', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, 2, -1, -1)
  65. >             run Sub_Event312()
  66. >         case 2, 3:
  67. >             MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
  68. >             run ChkHarvestDemo()
  69. >             if MainNpc.FlagNpcIntValue3('cNpcTemp:HarvestPlazaPlace', 3) == 0:
  70. >                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestWanderWait', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, false)
  71. >                 MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNormal', true)
  72. >             else:
  73. >                 if MainNpc.CheckIsInsideHarvestSpecificRange():
  74. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestPlazaAction', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, false)
  75. >                 else:
  76. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestMoveToWatchPoint', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, false)
  77. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNoLook', false)
  78. >             if (System.EventFlags['cLand:HarvestProgress'] >= 4) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, -1, true, true) == 0):
  79. >                 MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cHappy', -1)
  80. >             else:
  81. >                 MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
  82. >             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:ArrivedInEventPlaza'] = true
  83. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  84. >         case 4:
  85. >             run CheckHarvestResetFeel()
  86. >
  87. 410a475
  88. >                             run ApproachBeforeChristmas()
  89. 421a487
  90. >                                 run ApproachBeforeChristmas()
  91. 429a496
  92. >     run Harvest()
  93. 448a516,521
  94. > local flow Sub_Event280():
  95. >     MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
  96. >     MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNoLook', false)
  97. >     MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:ArrivedInEventPlaza'] = true
  98. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  99. >
  100. 450a524
  101. >     MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNormal', true)
  102. 451a526,535
  103. >
  104. > local flow Sub_Event312():
  105. >     MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:ArrivedInEventPlaza'] = true
  106. >     MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
  107. >     MainNpc.NpcChangeHeadCtrlMode('cNormal', true)
  108. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  109. >
  110. > local flow Sub_Event321():
  111. >     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoAction', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
  112. >     run Sub_Event280()
  113. diff -r 1.5.1/AI_NPC_Rcm.evfl.txt 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Rcm.evfl.txt
  114. 2,6c2,10
  115. <     if (not EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsConnected()) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.IsSharePlay(0)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']) and (not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']):
  116. <         MainNpc.NpcAISetting(2, false)
  117. <         MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
  118. <         MainNpc.NpcChangeConversationPretenseState('cConversationPretense', 'Root', 'SNPC_rcm', '', false, true, 0, 'rco')
  119. <         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  120. ---
  121. >     if not ((EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsConnected()) or (EventFlowSystemActor.IsSharePlay(0))):
  122. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  123. >             if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']):
  124. >                 run Sub_grp_Event13()
  125. >         elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalked1stAfterPrologue']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving']):
  126. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmCantPlayTalkActingThisScene']:
  127. >                 run Sub_grp_Event13()
  128. >         else:
  129. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmCantPlayTalkActingThisScene'] = true
  130. 18a23,29
  131. >
  132. > local flow Sub_grp_Event13():
  133. >     if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']) and (not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']):
  134. >         MainNpc.NpcAISetting(2, false)
  135. >         MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
  136. >         MainNpc.NpcChangeConversationPretenseState('cConversationPretense', 'Root', 'SNPC_rcm', '', false, true, 0, 'rco')
  137. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  138. diff -r 1.5.1/AI_NPC_Rco.evfl.txt 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Rco.evfl.txt
  139. 27,31c27,33
  140. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']:
  141. <         run Rco_Force_FinishLoan()
  142. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
  143. <         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) or (System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']):
  144. <             run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
  145. ---
  146. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving']:
  147. >         if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']:
  148. >             run Rco_Force_GiveMileTicket()
  149. >         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  150. >             run Rco_Force_GiveMileTicket()
  151. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
  152. >             run Rco_Force_GiveMileTicket()
  153. 33,34c35,49
  154. <             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  155. <                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
  156. ---
  157. >             run Rco_Force_BuiltHouse_ShopMaterial()
  158. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']:
  159. >         run Rco_Force_FinishLoan()
  160. >     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
  161. >         run NoHouseMovingSubP_SkipAfterRemodel()
  162. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']:
  163. >         run NoHouseMovingSubP_SkipAfterRemodel()
  164. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) or (System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial']):
  165. >         run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
  166. >     else:
  167. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  168. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
  169. >                 run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
  170. >             else:
  171. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  172. 38,47c53,54
  173. <             else:
  174. <                 run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
  175. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() not in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  176. <         run AI_Rco_ChkForceIslandDevelopment()
  177. <         run Sub_grp_Event197()
  178. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAfterMuseumTent']:
  179. <         run Rco_Force_OwlTentSet()
  180. <     else:
  181. <         run AI_Rco_ChkForceImmQ()
  182. <         run Sub_grp_Event197()
  183. ---
  184. >         else:
  185. >             run Rco_Force_AfterRemodel()
  186. 138a146,155
  187. > flow NoHouseMovingSubP_SkipAfterRemodel():
  188. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() not in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  189. >         run AI_Rco_ChkForceIslandDevelopment()
  190. >         run Sub_grp_Event245()
  191. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAfterMuseumTent']:
  192. >         run Rco_Force_OwlTentSet()
  193. >     else:
  194. >         run AI_Rco_ChkForceImmQ()
  195. >         run Sub_grp_Event245()
  196. >
  197. 161a179,184
  198. > flow Rco_Force_GiveMileTicket():
  199. >     run AI_Rco_Force_EntryProcess()
  200. >     run AI_NPC_Common::ContinueSpeak(FlowName='SNPC_rco_03_ChkAfterRemodel', EntryName='GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Force')
  201. >     run SetOfficeForceTalk()
  202. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  203. >
  204. 214a238,243
  205. > flow Rco_Force_NoticeStorageExpansion():
  206. >     run AI_Rco_Force_EntryProcess()
  207. >     run AI_NPC_Common::ContinueSpeak(FlowName='SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage', EntryName='NoticeExpandStorage_Force')
  208. >     run SetOfficeForceTalk()
  209. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  210. >
  211. 227c256
  212. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cField')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(false, 0) not in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `Unknown7`, `Unknown8`)):
  213. ---
  214. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cField')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(false, 0) not in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `HarvestFestival`, `XmasEve`, `Unknown9`)):
  215. 287,288c316,319
  216. < local flow Sub_grp_Event197():
  217. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial']:
  218. ---
  219. > local flow Sub_grp_Event245():
  220. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStandbyNoticeStorageExpansion']:
  221. >         run Rco_Force_NoticeStorageExpansion()
  222. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial']:
  223. Only in 1.6.0: AI_NPC_Rei.evfl.txt
  224. Only in 1.6.0: AI_NPC_Tuk.evfl.txt
  225. Only in 1.6.0: AI_NPC_Tuk_Visit.evfl.txt
  226. diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn.evfl.txt
  227. 1a2,4
  228. >     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_20_CmnGreetChk::CmnBdayChk()
  229. >     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo::Root()
  230. >     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_31_CmnNewsBday::Root()
  231. 92d94
  232. <     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_20_CmnGreetChk::CmnBdayChk()
  233. 94,95d95
  234. <     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo::Root()
  235. <     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_31_CmnNewsBday::Root()
  236. diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_03_Rco_Once.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_03_Rco_Once.evfl.txt
  237. 34,35c34,39
  238. <     # **The <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport is now open for business! Starting today, you can use online or local communication to fly to other islands…
  239. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_10_Rco_Once:001_07', false)
  240. ---
  241. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  242. >         # **The <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport is already open for business! If you'd like, you can use online or local communication to fly to other isla…
  243. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_10_Rco_Once:001_07_01', false)
  244. >     else:
  245. >         # **The <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport is now open for business! Starting today, you can use online or local communication to fly to other islands…
  246. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_10_Rco_Once:001_07', false)
  247. diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt
  248. 149a150,153
  249. > flow HarvestBeforeNoticeChk():
  250. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest']):
  251. >         SubflowResults[16] = 1
  252. >
  253. 156a161,162
  254. >     else:
  255. >         run SzaNoNewsNmlChk()
  256. 166a173,176
  257. >
  258. > flow SzaNoNewsNmlChk():
  259. >     SubflowResults[16] = 0
  260. >     run HarvestBeforeNoticeChk()
  261. diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt
  262. 24a25,28
  263. > flow Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal():
  264. >     # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  265. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  266. >
  267. 81,83d84
  268. < flow Return_SzaNoNews_Normal():
  269. <     run Event117()
  270. <
  271. 87a89,90
  272. >             if SubflowResults@2[12] != 0:
  273. >                 run SeasonMaterialFlagOff()
  274. 117,131c120,137
  275. <     elif SubflowResults@2[15] == 0:
  276. <         if SubflowResults@2[12] != 0:
  277. <             run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_41_CmnNoNews_Hint::SeasonNews_Sza()
  278. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSameDate('cEndOfTheMonth', 'cGrowUpTime'):
  279. <             # There really isn't any news to share today, so I suppose I don't have much to say besides my hellos.
  280. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:801', false)
  281. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(2, -1, true, false) == 0:
  282. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, -1, true, false) == 0:
  283. <                     # RANDOM: Though now that I think about it… // Hold on! // Come to think of it…
  284. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:802', false)
  285. <                     run Sza_LastDayOfMonthA()
  286. <                 else:
  287. <                     # Though I suppose technically the date has changed, and of course…
  288. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:803', false)
  289. <                     run Sza_LastDayOfMonthB()
  290. ---
  291. >     elif SubflowResults@2[15] != 0:
  292. >         if SubflowResults@2[12] == 0:
  293. >             # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  294. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  295. >         else:
  296. >             run SeasonMaterialFlagOff()
  297. >             # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  298. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  299. >     elif SubflowResults@2[12] != 0:
  300. >         run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_41_CmnNoNews_Hint::SeasonNews_Sza()
  301. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSameDate('cEndOfTheMonth', 'cGrowUpTime'):
  302. >         # There really isn't any news to share today, so I suppose I don't have much to say besides my hellos.
  303. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:801', false)
  304. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(2, -1, true, false) == 0:
  305. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, -1, true, false) == 0:
  306. >                 # RANDOM: Though now that I think about it… // Hold on! // Come to think of it…
  307. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:802', false)
  308. >                 run Sza_LastDayOfMonthA()
  309. 133,134c139,141
  310. <                 # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  311. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  312. ---
  313. >                 # Though I suppose technically the date has changed, and of course…
  314. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:803', false)
  315. >                 run Sza_LastDayOfMonthB()
  316. 136,154c143,144
  317. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSpecialWeather():
  318. <                 case `NormalWeather`:
  319. <                     run SzaNoNews_Normal()
  320. <                 case `HeavyShower_MorningBefore`, `HeavyShower_AfternoonBefore`:
  321. <                     # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
  322. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:600', false)
  323. <                     # The weather report says we're in for a rare treat tonight: shooting stars! <50:3>ISLAND lit by the glow of a sky bursting with shooting stars… What a…
  324. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:602', false)
  325. <                     # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  326. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  327. <                 case `HeavyShower_During`:
  328. <                     # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
  329. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:600', false)
  330. <                     # Right now, at this very moment, the sky above ISLAND is full of shooting stars! It's one of the loveliest sights I've ever beheld, so move  to gaze …
  331. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:603', false)
  332. <                     # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  333. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  334. <                 case `Rainbow`, `DoubleRainbow`, `AuroraBorealis_Before1800`, `AuroraBorealis`, `SpecialWeather8`, `SpecialWeather9`:
  335. <                     run SzaNoNews_Normal()
  336. ---
  337. >             # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  338. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  339. 156,157c146,185
  340. <         # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  341. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  342. ---
  343. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSpecialWeather():
  344. >             case `NormalWeather`:
  345. >                 run SzaNoNews_Normal()
  346. >             case `HeavyShower_MorningBefore`, `HeavyShower_AfternoonBefore`:
  347. >                 # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
  348. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:600', false)
  349. >                 # The weather report says we're in for a rare treat tonight: shooting stars! <50:3>ISLAND lit by the glow of a sky bursting with shooting stars… What a…
  350. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:602', false)
  351. >                 # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  352. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  353. >             case `HeavyShower_During`:
  354. >                 # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
  355. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:600', false)
  356. >                 # Right now, at this very moment, the sky above ISLAND is full of shooting stars! It's one of the loveliest sights I've ever beheld, so move  to gaze …
  357. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:603', false)
  358. >                 # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  359. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  360. >             case `Rainbow`, `DoubleRainbow`, `AuroraBorealis_Before1800`, `AuroraBorealis`, `SpecialWeather8`, `SpecialWeather9`:
  361. >                 run SzaNoNews_Normal()
  362. >
  363. > flow SeasonMaterialFlagOff():
  364. >     switch SubflowResults@9[11]:
  365. >         case 0:
  366. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_SummerShell'] = false
  367. >         case 1:
  368. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_AutumnNuts'] = false
  369. >         case 2:
  370. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_AutumnMushroom'] = false
  371. >         case 3:
  372. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_AutumnRedLeaf'] = false
  373. >         case 4:
  374. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_WinterSnowball'] = false
  375. >         case 5:
  376. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_WinterSnowFlake'] = false
  377. >         case 6:
  378. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_SpringBamboo'] = false
  379. >         case 7:
  380. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_SpringSakura'] = false
  381. >         case 8:
  382. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnounce_WinterOrnament'] = false
  383. 190a219,242
  384. > flow SzaNoNews_Harvest():
  385. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagFromSystem(0, 'cHarvestFestivalDay', 'cDegit', '', 0)
  386. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
  387. >         # Now that it's late November, we're really getting into the fall season. Don't you just love the fall colors?
  388. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_11', false)
  389. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(1, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false):
  390. >             # Oh, speaking of fall… Tomorrow is Turkey Day!
  391. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_15', false)
  392. >         else:
  393. >             # Oh, speaking of fall… We'll be celebrating Turkey Day on November <90:36:cd00> this year!
  394. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_14', false)
  395. >     else:
  396. >         # Now that it's late November, spring is really starting to bloom! Don't you just love to see the new growth?
  397. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_12', false)
  398. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(1, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false):
  399. >             # Oh, speaking of spring… Tomorrow is Turkey Day!
  400. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_16', false)
  401. >         else:
  402. >             # Oh, speaking of spring… We'll be celebrating Turkey Day on November <90:36:cd00> this year!
  403. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_13', false)
  404. >     # We've invited a world-class chef to come cook for us in the plaza to help celebrate. I hope you can make it!
  405. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_17', false)
  406. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest'] = true
  407. >
  408. 193,208c245,256
  409. < entrypoint Event117:
  410. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  411. <             case 0:
  412. <                 # Hmmm… There really isn't any news to speak of today… But…<10:4> Oh!
  413. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:701', false)
  414. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(5):
  415. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.LandFruit() == 0:
  416. <                         # One time, after I ate some cherries, I tied the stems together and made a neat little bracelet!
  417. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:703_01', false)
  418. <                     else:
  419. <                         # Have you ever peeled some fruit and managed to keep the whole peel connected? Earlier I did just that!
  420. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:703_02', false)
  421. <                 else:
  422. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(95):
  423. <                         # RANDOM: The latest copy of my favorite magazine… // Listen to this! I was having a hard tim… // Here's some personal news! I got to do … // I looked up my horoscope for the day, a… // A sock I've been looking for forever tu…
  424. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:702', false)
  425. ---
  426. >         if SubflowResults@9[16] == 0:
  427. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  428. >                 case 0:
  429. >                     # Hmmm… There really isn't any news to speak of today… But…<10:4> Oh!
  430. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:701', false)
  431. >                     if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(5):
  432. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.LandFruit() == 0:
  433. >                             # One time, after I ate some cherries, I tied the stems together and made a neat little bracelet!
  434. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:703_01', false)
  435. >                         else:
  436. >                             # Have you ever peeled some fruit and managed to keep the whole peel connected? Earlier I did just that!
  437. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:703_02', false)
  438. 210,246c258,299
  439. <                         # RANDOM: Ack! I forgot that yesterday was the cu… // Oh no! I forgot to bring in my laundry … // Uh-oh! I don't think I charged my phone… // Phooey! My brother asked me to give him…
  440. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:831', false)
  441. <                 # Err… Oh dear. I guess that doesn't really qualify as "news," does it?
  442. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:899', false)
  443. <                 # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  444. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  445. <             case 1:
  446. <                 # Hmmm… There really isn't any news to speak of today…
  447. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:820', false)
  448. <                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvDayOfWeek():
  449. <                     case `Sunday`:
  450. <                         # Oh yeah! Did anyone else see that movie that was on TV yesterday? It's that one they play all the time. Even though I've seen it a million times, I n…
  451. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:821', false)
  452. <                     case `Monday`:
  453. <                         # Oh! Did anyone else catch that quiz show on TV yesterday? How do they come up with all those questions each week? Let alone all the answers…
  454. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:822', false)
  455. <                     case `Tuesday`:
  456. <                         # Hey! Did anyone else watch that variety show on TV yesterday? The stand-up comedian they had on was fantastic! I laughed for an hour straight! It was…
  457. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:823', false)
  458. <                     case `Wednesday`:
  459. <                         # Oh! Did anyone else see that talk show yesterday? On TV? You know the one. I like watching for the guests, but the hosts are such chatterboxes! They'…
  460. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:824', false)
  461. <                     case `Thursday`:
  462. <                         # Hey! Did anyone else catch yesterday's cooking show? The spiced <135:3:cd00> they featured looked so delicious! I'm thinking about trying out the rec…
  463. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:825', false)
  464. <                     case `Friday`:
  465. <                         # By the way, did anyone tune in for that documentary show that was on TV yesterday? It was all about the history of <135:6:cd00>. And actually, it was…
  466. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:826', false)
  467. <                     case `Saturday`:
  468. <                         # Say! Did anyone else catch that concert on TV yesterday? My favorite band was one of the featured acts, and their music's still stuck in my head.
  469. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:827', false)
  470. <                 # Oh dear… There I go again, prattling on about my personal TV habits. Sorry, folks!
  471. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:828', false)
  472. <                 # RANDOM: That's all for now. I hope you all enjo… // That's all for today… Have a fun day ou… // And with that, I'll get back to work su…
  473. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:901', true)
  474. <             case 2:
  475. <                 run Sub_grp_Event111()
  476. ---
  477. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(95):
  478. >                             # RANDOM: The latest copy of my favorite magazine… // Listen to this! I was having a hard tim… // Here's some personal news! I got to do … // I looked up my horoscope for the day, a… // A sock I've been looking for forever tu…
  479. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:702', false)
  480. >                         else:
  481. >                             # RANDOM: Ack! I forgot that yesterday was the cu… // Oh no! I forgot to bring in my laundry … // Uh-oh! I don't think I charged my phone… // Phooey! My brother asked me to give him…
  482. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:831', false)
  483. >                     # Err… Oh dear. I guess that doesn't really qualify as "news," does it?
  484. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:899', false)
  485. >                     run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  486. >                 case 1:
  487. >                     # Hmmm… There really isn't any news to speak of today…
  488. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:820', false)
  489. >                     switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvDayOfWeek():
  490. >                         case `Sunday`:
  491. >                             # Oh yeah! Did anyone else see that movie that was on TV yesterday? It's that one they play all the time. Even though I've seen it a million times, I n…
  492. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:821', false)
  493. >                         case `Monday`:
  494. >                             # Oh! Did anyone else catch that quiz show on TV yesterday? How do they come up with all those questions each week? Let alone all the answers…
  495. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:822', false)
  496. >                         case `Tuesday`:
  497. >                             # Hey! Did anyone else watch that variety show on TV yesterday? The stand-up comedian they had on was fantastic! I laughed for an hour straight! It was…
  498. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:823', false)
  499. >                         case `Wednesday`:
  500. >                             # Oh! Did anyone else see that talk show yesterday? On TV? You know the one. I like watching for the guests, but the hosts are such chatterboxes! They'…
  501. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:824', false)
  502. >                         case `Thursday`:
  503. >                             # Hey! Did anyone else catch yesterday's cooking show? The spiced <135:3:cd00> they featured looked so delicious! I'm thinking about trying out the rec…
  504. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:825', false)
  505. >                         case `Friday`:
  506. >                             # By the way, did anyone tune in for that documentary show that was on TV yesterday? It was all about the history of <135:6:cd00>. And actually, it was…
  507. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:826', false)
  508. >                         case `Saturday`:
  509. >                             # Say! Did anyone else catch that concert on TV yesterday? My favorite band was one of the featured acts, and their music's still stuck in my head.
  510. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:827', false)
  511. >                     # Oh dear… There I go again, prattling on about my personal TV habits. Sorry, folks!
  512. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:828', false)
  513. >                     run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  514. >                 case 2:
  515. >                     run Sub_grp_Event111()
  516. >         else:
  517. >             run SzaNoNews_Normal_Exchange()
  518. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  519. 248a302,305
  520. >
  521. > flow SzaNoNews_Normal_Exchange():
  522. >     if SubflowResults@9[16] == 1:
  523. >         run SzaNoNews_Harvest()
  524. diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt
  525. 0a1,47
  526. > flow Christmas_Rco():
  527. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('XmasEve', 'cMainOnly', false):
  528. >         run Conjunction_Rco()
  529. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, 0, true, true) == 0:
  530. >             # **It's finally Toy Day! I hear a certain someone will be visiting us to deliver gifts. Do say hello from me if you get a chance!**
  531. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:049', false)
  532. >         else:
  533. >             # **AH! Come to think of it… I hear a certain someone is here to deliver gifts. Do say hello for me if you see them, hm?**
  534. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:049_01', false)
  535. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceChristmasEve'] = true
  536. >         SubflowResults[15] = 1
  537. >
  538. > flow Christmas_Sza():
  539. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('XmasAfter', false):
  540. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, 0, true, true) == 0:
  541. >             run Conjunction_Sza()
  542. >             # Did everyone get what they wanted for Toy Day yesterday? I was up until late waiting for Santa, but I must've fallen asleep at some point. We're taki…
  543. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_10_03', false)
  544. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceChristmasEve'] = true
  545. >             SubflowResults[15] = 1
  546. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('XmasEve', 'cMainOnly', false):
  547. >         run Conjunction_Sza()
  548. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, 0, true, true) == 0:
  549. >             # Today is Toy Day! And I saw a certain someone on the island with a magic bag of presents! If you see him, why not try asking for a present? It can't …
  550. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_10_02', false)
  551. >         else:
  552. >             # You know, not long ago, I saw someone visiting our island with a hefty sack of gifts… If you happen to see him, it might be worth asking if he could …
  553. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_10_04', false)
  554. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceChristmasEve'] = true
  555. >         SubflowResults[15] = 1
  556. >     elif ((EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('XmasReady1', false)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('XmasReady2', false))) and (SubflowResults@10[2] == 0) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnouncePreChristmas']):
  557. >         run Conjunction_Sza()
  558. >         # What do you think of when December rolls around? I think of Toy Day and the whole season before it! I hope Santa can find us out on this island! Well…
  559. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_10_01', false)
  560. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnouncePreChristmas'] = true
  561. >         SubflowResults[15] = 1
  562. >
  563. > flow Conjunction_Rco():
  564. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PublicAnnounceDiveFish']:
  565. >         # **Also…**
  566. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:031', false)
  567. >
  568. > flow Conjunction_Sza():
  569. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PublicAnnounceDiveFish']:
  570. >         # Also!
  571. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:031', false)
  572. >
  573. 146c193
  574. <                 run Halloween_conjunction_Rco()
  575. ---
  576. >                 run Conjunction_Rco()
  577. 151c198
  578. <                 run Halloween_conjunction_Rco()
  579. ---
  580. >                 run Conjunction_Rco()
  581. 165c212
  582. <                 run Halloween_conjunction_Sza()
  583. ---
  584. >                 run Conjunction_Sza()
  585. 170c217
  586. <                 run Halloween_conjunction_Sza()
  587. ---
  588. >                 run Conjunction_Sza()
  589. 180,188c227,258
  590. < flow Halloween_conjunction_Rco():
  591. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PublicAnnounceDiveFish']:
  592. <         # **Also…**
  593. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:031', false)
  594. <
  595. < flow Halloween_conjunction_Sza():
  596. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PublicAnnounceDiveFish']:
  597. <         # Also!
  598. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:031', false)
  599. ---
  600. > flow Harvest_Sza():
  601. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('HarvestFestival', 'cMainOnly', false):
  602. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival'):
  603. >             case 0:
  604. >                 run Conjunction_Sza()
  605. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
  606. >                     # Today is Turkey Day! We'll be hosting a party from 9 AM to midnight to celebrate the harvest. See you then!
  607. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_01', false)
  608. >                 else:
  609. >                     # Today is Turkey Day! We'll be hosting a party from 9 AM to midnight to celebrate spring. See you then!
  610. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_02', false)
  611. >                 # We've invited a world-class chef to cook for us in the plaza. I hope you can all join in the fun!
  612. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_05', false)
  613. >                 run Sub_Event239()
  614. >             case 1:
  615. >                 run Conjunction_Sza()
  616. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
  617. >                     # We're hosting a Turkey Day event from now until midnight to celebrate the fall harvest!
  618. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_03', false)
  619. >                 else:
  620. >                     # We're hosting a Turkey Day event from now until midnight to celebrate the arrival of spring!
  621. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_04', false)
  622. >                 if System.EventFlags['cLand:HarvestProgress'] < 1:
  623. >                     # We've invited a world-class chef to cook for us in the plaza. I hope you can all join in the fun!
  624. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_05', false)
  625. >                 else:
  626. >                     # We've invited a world-class chef to cook for us in the plaza, and he's already gotten started. Don't miss it!
  627. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_09_06', false)
  628. >                 System.EventFlags['cLand:TownNewsHeardEventStarted'] = true
  629. >                 run Sub_Event239()
  630. >             default:
  631. >                 return
  632. 264a335
  633. >         run Christmas_Rco()
  634. 274a346,347
  635. >         run Harvest_Sza()
  636. >         run Christmas_Sza()
  637. 305a379,382
  638. >     SubflowResults[15] = 1
  639. >
  640. > local flow Sub_Event239():
  641. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceHarvest'] = true
  642. diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_EventStart.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_EventStart.evfl.txt
  643. 150a151,159
  644. >         case `HarvestFestival`:
  645. >             run PrepareDemo()
  646. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(10, -1, true, true) == 0:
  647. >                 # **Hello, everyone! The Turkey Day event has now begun!**<10:7:00b40000>
  648. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_EventStart:HarvestStart', true)
  649. >             else:
  650. >                 # **Hello, everyone! The Turkey Day event is now underway!**<10:7:00b40000>
  651. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_EventStart:HarvestStart_00', true)
  652. >             run Cmn_AnnounceEnd()
  653. diff -r 1.5.1/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_Process.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_Process.evfl.txt
  654. 22a23,28
  655. > flow CanGiveMileTicketTrialForMoving():
  656. >     if (System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']):
  657. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:PlayerMovingEnableShopMaterialCollect'] = true
  658. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']) or (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving'])):
  659. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving'] = true
  660. >
  661. 24,25c30,36
  662. <     if (System.EventFlags['cLand:TkkFirstLive']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense']):
  663. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Countdown', 'cMainOnly', false):
  664. ---
  665. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:TkkFirstLive']:
  666. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense']:
  667. >             if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Countdown', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:StandByRcoVisitMyHomeAfterTkkFirstLive']):
  668. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(4318, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  669. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cRco', 'MAIL_SNpc_rco', 'cFastToday', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 4)
  670. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:StandByRcoVisitMyHomeAfterTkkFirstLive'] = false
  671. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Countdown', 'cMainOnly', false):
  672. 74a86,89
  673. > flow EnablePlayerMoving():
  674. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`):
  675. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingEnable'] = true
  676. >
  677. 236a252,254
  678. >     run CanGiveMileTicketTrialForMoving()
  679. >     run EnablePlayerMoving()
  680. >     run SendTapNoticeLeaveTap()
  681. 255,256c273,276
  682. <     else:
  683. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMachineDailyLoginDays'] = 0
  684. ---
  685. >     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  686. >         run SkipResetLoginChk()
  687. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']) or (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ValidatePlayerSaveFlag']):
  688. >         run SkipResetLoginChk()
  689. 259c279
  690. <     if (System.EventFlags['cLand:ImmQClearNextDay']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS']):
  691. ---
  692. >     if (System.EventFlags['cLand:ImmQClearNextDay']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']) and ((not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']) or (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving'])) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS']):
  693. 342a363,367
  694. > flow SendTapNoticeLeaveTap():
  695. >     if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUpdatedDreamFirstTalk']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapDreamFirstTalk']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReceiveLeaveTapLetter']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ValidatePlayerSaveFlag']):
  696. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cTap', 'MAIL_SNpc_tap', 'cFastToday', 'cNone', 'cNone', false, 4)
  697. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReceiveLeaveTapLetter'] = true
  698. >
  699. 344c369
  700. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapSendThankyouLetter']:
  701. ---
  702. >     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapSendThankyouLetter']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ValidatePlayerSaveFlag']):
  703. 351a377,379
  704. >
  705. > flow SkipResetLoginChk():
  706. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMachineDailyLoginDays'] = 0
  707. Only in 1.6.0: Ftr_CrsSocksWall.evfl.txt
  708. diff -r 1.5.1/Ftr_MailBox.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Ftr_MailBox.evfl.txt
  709. 0a1,8
  710. > flow NormalSeq():
  711. >     EventFlowSystemActor.CheckFreeCommunication(false)
  712. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UIWaitReceivingMailAppear()
  713. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UIPostHandling()
  714. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
  715. >         default:
  716. >             return
  717. >
  718. 5,10c13,26
  719. <         EventFlowSystemActor.CheckFreeCommunication(false)
  720. <         EventFlowSystemActor.UIWaitReceivingMailAppear()
  721. <         EventFlowSystemActor.UIPostHandling()
  722. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
  723. <             default:
  724. <                 return
  725. ---
  726. >         if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
  727. >             run NormalSeq()
  728. >         else:
  729. >             run Stop_ForMovingPlayerTutorial()
  730. >
  731. > flow Stop_ForMovingPlayerTutorial():
  732. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  733. >         run NormalSeq()
  734. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AllowPcTentEntering']:
  735. >         # I should probably take a rest in my tent before doing that...
  736. >         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_MailBox:002', false)
  737. >     else:
  738. >         # I should get my new home set up first...
  739. >         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_MailBox:001', false)
  740. diff -r 1.5.1/Ftr_Working.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Ftr_Working.evfl.txt
  741. 15a16,22
  742. > flow Chk_RemakeWithRcoWorkBench():
  743. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  744. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cIdrTanukichi'):
  745. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RemakeWithRcoTentBeforeWS'] = true
  746. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cIdrOffice'):
  747. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RemakeWithRcoOfficeBeforeWS'] = true
  748. >
  749. 195c202,211
  750. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
  751. ---
  752. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
  753. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOff(18)
  754. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.UIPocketMenuItemSelected(13439):
  755. >         # Should I customize my NookPhone with a <item>Pocket Camp phone case? This will consume the item.
  756. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_WorkingTable:023', true)
  757. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  758. >             run Sub_Event299()
  759. >         else:
  760. >             run Remake()
  761. >     else:
  762. 198,210c214
  763. <             SubflowResults[0] = 1
  764. <             SubflowResults[1] = 0
  765. <             run Workbench_Cmn_DIYdemo()
  766. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  767. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(21)
  768. <                 Player.PlayerWorkbenchPutaway(true)
  769. <                 Player.PlayerDemoTurnToStarter()
  770. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  771. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(22)
  772. <                 Player.PlayerWorkbenchThinking()
  773. <                 run Remake()
  774. <             else:
  775. <                 run Workbench_Cmn_DIYfinish()
  776. ---
  777. >             run Sub_Event299()
  778. 213,214d216
  779. <     else:
  780. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOff(18)
  781. 295a298,313
  782. >
  783. > local flow Sub_Event299():
  784. >     run Chk_RemakeWithRcoWorkBench()
  785. >     SubflowResults[0] = 1
  786. >     SubflowResults[1] = 0
  787. >     run Workbench_Cmn_DIYdemo()
  788. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  789. >         EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(21)
  790. >         Player.PlayerWorkbenchPutaway(true)
  791. >         Player.PlayerDemoTurnToStarter()
  792. >         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  793. >         EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(22)
  794. >         Player.PlayerWorkbenchThinking()
  795. >         run Remake()
  796. >     else:
  797. >         run Workbench_Cmn_DIYfinish()
  798. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_ApproachB_Greeting.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachB_Greeting.evfl.txt
  799. 20a21
  800. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  801. 28a30
  802. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  803. 36a39
  804. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  805. 44a48
  806. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  807. 68a73
  808. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
  809. 92a98
  810. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
  811. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_ApproachB_Habit.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachB_Habit.evfl.txt
  812. 20a21
  813. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  814. 28a30
  815. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  816. 36a39
  817. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  818. 44a48
  819. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  820. 68a73
  821. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
  822. 93a99
  823. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
  824. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_ApproachB_NickName.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachB_NickName.evfl.txt
  825. 18a19
  826. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
  827. 21a23
  828. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  829. 49a52
  830. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
  831. 62a66
  832. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
  833. 68,74c72,83
  834. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
  835. <                         run Retype()
  836. <                     elif MainNpc.IsEqualPlayerNameAndSwkbdInput():
  837. <                         # "PLAYER"?! So, um, you want your new nickname to be just your name? OK, then that's what I'll call you! Let me take a practice run at it… Hi, PLAYER!…
  838. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachB_NickName:111', false)
  839. <                         EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSetFromUIResult('cNickname')
  840. <                         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InputNickname'] = false
  841. ---
  842. >                     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  843. >                         if MainNpc.IsEqualPlayerNameAndSwkbdInput():
  844. >                             # "PLAYER"?! So, um, you want your new nickname to be just your name? OK, then that's what I'll call you! Let me take a practice run at it… Hi, PLAYER!…
  845. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachB_NickName:111', false)
  846. >                             EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSetFromUIResult('cNickname')
  847. >                             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InputNickname'] = false
  848. >                         else:
  849. >                             # Yeah, OK! Then from now on, I'll call ya <110:3>!
  850. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachB_NickName:109', false)
  851. >                             EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSetFromUIResult('cNickname')
  852. >                             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InputNickname'] = true
  853. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 1
  854. 76,79c85
  855. <                         # Yeah, OK! Then from now on, I'll call ya <110:3>!
  856. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachB_NickName:109', false)
  857. <                         EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSetFromUIResult('cNickname')
  858. <                         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InputNickname'] = true
  859. ---
  860. >                         run Retype()
  861. 84a91
  862. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  863. 87a95
  864. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount'] = 2
  865. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_ApproachC_Want.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachC_Want.evfl.txt
  866. 12c12
  867. <         if MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel() in (0, 1):
  868. ---
  869. >         if MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel() == 0:
  870. 115c115
  871. <             if MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel() in (0, 1):
  872. ---
  873. >             if MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel() == 0:
  874. Only in 1.5.1: NNPC_ApproachE_Easter.evfl.txt
  875. Only in 1.5.1: NNPC_ApproachE_Fireworks.evfl.txt
  876. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Approach.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Approach.evfl.txt
  877. 2a3
  878. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  879. 48a50,53
  880. > flow ApproachB_Chk():
  881. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.FlagSystemIntValue3('cPlayer:InputApproachBanCount', 3) in (1, 2):
  882. >         run Reselection()
  883. >
  884. 54c59
  885. <                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious7(7, true):
  886. ---
  887. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious9(9, true):
  888. 56c61,62
  889. <                         run ApWant()
  890. ---
  891. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  892. >                         run ApGreeting()
  893. 58c64,65
  894. <                         run ApTrade()
  895. ---
  896. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  897. >                         run ApHabit()
  898. 60c67,68
  899. <                         run ApGreeting()
  900. ---
  901. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  902. >                         run ApNickname()
  903. 62,63d69
  904. <                         run ApHabit()
  905. <                     case 4:
  906. 65,67c71
  907. <                     case 5:
  908. <                         run ApNickname()
  909. <                     case 6:
  910. ---
  911. >                     case 4, 5, 6:
  912. 68a73,77
  913. >                     case 7:
  914. >                         run ApWant()
  915. >                     case 8:
  916. >                         run ApTrade()
  917. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  918. 70c79
  919. <                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  920. ---
  921. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious9(9, true):
  922. 71a81
  923. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  924. 73a84
  925. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  926. 76,77c87
  927. <                         run ApSell()
  928. <                     case 3:
  929. ---
  930. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  931. 78a89,90
  932. >                     case 3:
  933. >                         run ApSell()
  934. 80a93,97
  935. >                     case 5, 6:
  936. >                         run ApWant()
  937. >                     case 7, 8:
  938. >                         run ApTrade()
  939. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  940. 82c99
  941. <                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
  942. ---
  943. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious6(true, 6):
  944. 84c101,102
  945. <                         run ApHabit()
  946. ---
  947. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  948. >                         run ApNickname()
  949. 85a104,106
  950. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  951. >                         run ApHabit()
  952. >                     case 2, 4:
  953. 87,89c108
  954. <                     case 2:
  955. <                         run ApNickname()
  956. <                     case 3:
  957. ---
  958. >                     case 3, 5:
  959. 90a110
  960. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  961. 93a114
  962. >                         run ApproachB_Chk()
  963. 98a120
  964. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  965. 100a123
  966. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  967. Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_ApproachG_Christmas.evfl.txt
  968. Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_ApproachG_Easter.evfl.txt
  969. Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_ApproachG_Fireworks.evfl.txt
  970. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_BO_Conv_FU.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_BO_Conv_FU.evfl.txt
  971. 27c27
  972. <         # <20:3:cd00><110:3>, did you smell the nummy smell yesterday that  smelled like <135:7:cd00>? <20:3:cd07>I smelled the smell outside of <110:31:cd01>'…
  973. ---
  974. >         # <20:3:cd00><50:3><110:3>, did you smell the nummy smell yesterday that smelled like <135:7:cd00>? <20:3:cd07>I smelled the smell outside of <110:31:c…
  975. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt
  976. 13c13
  977. <             if (not System.EventFlags['cLand:AnyGlobalEventFinished']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 26, 10, 30, 'cLastGrowUpTime')):
  978. ---
  979. >             if (not System.EventFlags['cLand:AnyGlobalEventFinished']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 26, 10, 30, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false)) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'XmasEve', 1, false)):
  980. 30a31
  981. >         run MultiDayEvent_Christmas()
  982. 41a43,65
  983. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  984. >
  985. > flow MultiDayEvent_Christmas():
  986. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('XmasReady2', false):
  987. >         if System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOffice']:
  988. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  989. >                 case 0:
  990. >                     # You ready for Toy Day this month? 'Cause I am…not. I still gotta wrap my gifts for the exchange thingie. Don't make the mistake I can't stop making! …
  991. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:001', false)
  992. >                 case 1:
  993. >                     # Once December hits, I am full-steam ahead on Toy Day, and as far as I know, I'm not even steam-powered! But exchanging gifts is all I can think about…
  994. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:002', false)
  995. >                 case 2:
  996. >                     # You see that there's a tree all dressed up for Toy Day? Man, that gets me sooo excited! I didn't even know trees could dress themselves. I learned so…
  997. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:003', false)
  998. >         else:
  999. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  1000. >                 # You ready for Toy Day this month? 'Cause I am…not. I still gotta wrap my gifts for the exchange thingie. Don't make the mistake I can't stop making! …
  1001. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:001', false)
  1002. >             else:
  1003. >                 # Once December hits, I am full-steam ahead on Toy Day, and as far as I know, I'm not even steam-powered! But exchanging gifts is all I can think about…
  1004. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Christmas:002', false)
  1005. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TalkFreeMultiDayEventTodayFlag'] = true
  1006. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_FreeH_Progress.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_FreeH_Progress.evfl.txt
  1007. 69c69
  1008. <     if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkProgressMyHouseBuilt']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cPlayerHouse', 7)) and ((MainNpc.NpcBirthType('cFirst')) or (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag'])):
  1009. ---
  1010. >     if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkProgressMyHouseBuilt']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cPlayerHouse', 7)) and ((MainNpc.NpcBirthType('cFirst')) or (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag'])):
  1011. 76c76
  1012. <     if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkProgressMyHouseBuilt2']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Basement`) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cUnderGround', 7)):
  1013. ---
  1014. >     if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkProgressMyHouseBuilt2']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Basement`) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingDefaultHouseHasBasement']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cUnderGround', 7)):
  1015. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayN_H.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayN_H.evfl.txt
  1016. 320,321c320,328
  1017. <         # [A|An]<125:0:0000>?! I love wearing this stuff! Now, if I drop food on my shirt, I can use this as a backup. I bet I'm gonna wear this a bunch.
  1018. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:019', false)
  1019. ---
  1020. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1021. >             # [A|An]<125:0:0000>?! I love wearing this stuff! Now, if I drop food on my shirt, I can use this as a backup. I bet I'm gonna wear this a bunch.
  1022. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:019', false)
  1023. >         elif (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Cap', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiMessageCategoryItemSelectInclude('HeadHairAcce', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  1024. >             # My very favorite head-clothes! [A|An]<125:0:0000>! It's just too bad I don't have extra heads or I would wear all of 'em at once, <110:6>!
  1025. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:019_01', false)
  1026. >         else:
  1027. >             # Oh! Oh! Oh! You got me [a|an] <125:0:0000>! Yay! This is great! I was gonna lose mine tomorrow, but that's OK now 'cause I have extra, <110:6>! Thank…
  1028. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:019_02', false)
  1029. 323,325c330,350
  1030. <         # It's the <125:0:0000> that you're wearing! A huh huh huh, we're totally <125:0:0000> twins.
  1031. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020', false)
  1032. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Honeycomb', 'Fruit', 'Mushroom', 'ShellDrift', 'Insect', 'Fish', 'Fossil', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1033. ---
  1034. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1035. >             # It's the <125:0:0000> that you're wearing! A huh huh huh, we're totally <125:0:0000> twins.
  1036. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020', false)
  1037. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Cap', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1038. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiMessageCategoryItemSelectInclude('HeadHairAcce', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1039. >                 # Hey, wait! Don't you have [a|an] <125:0:0000> too? You do! Right there! On your…you! And now mine can be on my…me whenever I want, <110:6>! Yay!
  1040. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020_02', false)
  1041. >             else:
  1042. >                 # Wow! You got me your head's super cool <125:0:0000>! Now all you have to do is make a face like a <110:15> and we can be head-twins, <110:6>!
  1043. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020_01', false)
  1044. >         else:
  1045. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Accessory', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1046. >                 # Hey, wait! Don't you have [a|an] <125:0:0000> too? You do! Right there! On your…you! And now mine can be on my…me whenever I want, <110:6>! Yay!
  1047. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:020_02', false)
  1048. >             else:
  1049. >                 run Sub_grp_Event130()
  1050. >     else:
  1051. >         run Sub_grp_Event130()
  1052. >
  1053. > local flow Sub_grp_Event130():
  1054. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Honeycomb', 'Fruit', 'Mushroom', 'ShellDrift', 'Insect', 'Fish', 'Fossil', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1055. Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_GEvent_ChristmasEve.evfl.txt
  1056. Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_GEvent_Harvest.evfl.txt
  1057. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_HA_Conv_KO.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_HA_Conv_KO.evfl.txt
  1058. 110c110
  1059. <                 # Whoa! I never thought of that! I could be the first <135:6:cd00> star to play exclusively on his head, <110:5>! That'd be awesome!
  1060. ---
  1061. >                 # Whoa! I never thought of that! I could be the first <135:6:cd00> star to compete solely on his head, <110:5>! That'd be awesome!
  1062. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Cloth.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Cloth.evfl.txt
  1063. 25c25
  1064. <             # Huh… It's [a|an] <125:0:0000>… I never wear this style.  Do ya think it'll make me look chill? Or at least maybe hide the snack stains?
  1065. ---
  1066. >             # Huh… It's [a|an] <125:0:0000>… I never wear this style. Do ya think it'll make me look chill? Or at least maybe hide the snack stains?
  1067. Only in 1.6.0: NNPC_Reaction_GEvent_Christmas.evfl.txt
  1068. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_GEvent_Halloween.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_GEvent_Halloween.evfl.txt
  1069. 2c2
  1070. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Halloween') == 1) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsEquipItem('cAll', false, true, 12987, 13002, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534)) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HalloweenTerrifyFlag']) and (MainNpc.NpcIsMovingRoom() == 2):
  1071. ---
  1072. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Halloween') == 1) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsEquipItem('cAll', false, true, 12987, 13002, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534)) and (MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() == 4) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HalloweenTerrifyFlag']) and (MainNpc.NpcIsMovingRoom() == 2):
  1073. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_Mood.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_Mood.evfl.txt
  1074. 27c27
  1075. <             if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:Again2Count'] >= 4) and (not MainNpc.IsDisableWorry()) and (not MainNpc.IsVisitOtherNpc()):
  1076. ---
  1077. >             if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:Again2Count'] >= 4) and (not MainNpc.IsDisableWorry()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('XmasEve') == 3) and (not MainNpc.IsVisitOtherNpc()):
  1078. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_Quest.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_Quest.evfl.txt
  1079. 33,34c33,41
  1080. <     if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:FirstMeetGreetAtThisVillage']:
  1081. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1082. ---
  1083. >     if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:FirstMeetGreetAtThisVillage']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage()):
  1084. >         run Treasure_ErrorChk()
  1085. >         switch MainNpc.NpcCanStartReactQuestTalk():
  1086. >             case 2:
  1087. >                 if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkCountToday'] >= 1:
  1088. >                     run React_Quest_Sick()
  1089. >             case 3:
  1090. >                 if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:UncollectedFishishTreasureHunt']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(2545, 1)):
  1091. >                     run React_Quest_TreasureHunt()
  1092. 36a44,50
  1093. >
  1094. > flow Treasure_ErrorChk():
  1095. >     if (System.EventFlags['cLand:FinishTreasureQuestByRollback']) and (MainNpc.NpcIsQuestClient('cTreasure', false, true)):
  1096. >         # AAH! Are you OK?! I thought for a second we were in for the Big Goodnight. Thing is…even if I'm OK and you're OK, our treasure hunt didn't make it. I…
  1097. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Quest_TreasureHunt:101', false)
  1098. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:FinishTreasureQuestByRollback'] = false
  1099. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1100. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_Receive.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_Receive.evfl.txt
  1101. 0a1,21
  1102. > flow ChristmasGetItem():
  1103. >     if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasCannotGetNnpcItemFlag']:
  1104. >         if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
  1105. >             run NNPC_Reaction_Sitting::StandingUp_Chk()
  1106. >         else:
  1107. >             # Back for your <item>festive wreath? 'Cause it's been asking about you!
  1108. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Christmas:001', false)
  1109. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1110. >                 # Aww… What gives? Your pockets are STILL full. Go hurry up and make room. Don't keep us waiting!
  1111. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Christmas:003', false)
  1112. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1113. >             else:
  1114. >                 MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(13357, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1115. >                 MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1116. >                 # Yay! It's yours now! OK, now stick it on your door. Even doors wanna have a good Toy Day!
  1117. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Christmas:002', false)
  1118. >                 MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasCannotGetNnpcItemFlag'] = false
  1119. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ChristmasWreathNoGetFlag'] = false
  1120. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetChristmasWreathGetYear()
  1121. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1122. >
  1123. 13c34
  1124. <                     run NNPC_ApproachE_Easter::GetEasterRecipe1()
  1125. ---
  1126. >                     run NNPC_ApproachG_Easter::GetEasterRecipe1()
  1127. 17c38
  1128. <                     run NNPC_ApproachE_Easter::GetEasterRecipe2()
  1129. ---
  1130. >                     run NNPC_ApproachG_Easter::GetEasterRecipe2()
  1131. 60c81
  1132. <                     run NNPC_ApproachE_Fireworks::GetFireworksItem()
  1133. ---
  1134. >                     run NNPC_ApproachG_Fireworks::GetFireworksItem()
  1135. 103a125
  1136. >     run ChristmasGetItem()
  1137. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Reaction_Sitting.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_Sitting.evfl.txt
  1138. 14a15,17
  1139. >             case 4:
  1140. >                 if MainNpc.HasNpcRequestedItem():
  1141. >                     run StandingUp_Chk()
  1142. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Creature.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Creature.evfl.txt
  1143. 70a71,79
  1144. > flow GeneralFood():
  1145. >     # Wooow! You brought me [a|an] <125:0:0000>! Mmm!
  1146. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:417', false)
  1147. >     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
  1148. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemDeletePlayerItem('cItemWindowSub', 1)
  1149. >     # You're the best. I was feeling real hungry but now I don't have to anymore, <110:6>!
  1150. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:418', false)
  1151. >     run Sub_Event18()
  1152. >
  1153. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Equipment.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Equipment.evfl.txt
  1154. 5c5
  1155. <         # Man, this is real cool. I'm gonna try it on at home later!
  1156. ---
  1157. >         # Man, this is real cool. I'm gonna try it on later with a mirror and everything!
  1158. 8c8
  1159. <         # I'm gonna take this home and put on a fashion show for the bugs in my floors, <110:6>!
  1160. ---
  1161. >         # I'm gonna put on a fashion show for the bugs in my floors, <110:6>!
  1162. 73c73
  1163. <         # RANDOM: Well? How's it look? I really dig this … // How do I look? Do I look dashing? I've … // Whaddaya think? Not a stain on it! Than…
  1164. ---
  1165. >         # RANDOM: Well? How's it look? I really dig this … // How do I look? Do I look dashing? I've … // Whaddaya think? Not one stain or smear!…
  1166. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Etc.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Etc.evfl.txt
  1167. 0a1,3
  1168. > flow Bouquet_Chk():
  1169. >     MainNpc.Dummy('部屋に飾る的なアクション')
  1170. >
  1171. 64a68,81
  1172. >
  1173. > flow Opposite_Sex():
  1174. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:516', false)
  1175. >     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
  1176. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:517', false)
  1177. >     MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
  1178. >     run Bouquet_Chk()
  1179. >
  1180. > flow Same_Sex():
  1181. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:514', false)
  1182. >     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
  1183. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:515', false)
  1184. >     MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
  1185. >     run Bouquet_Chk()
  1186. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Present.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Present.evfl.txt
  1187. 2c2
  1188. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectIncludeChoice4('cItemSelect', 4, 'Flower', '', '') in (1, 2, 3)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Ftr', 'DoorDeco', 'Music', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Net', 'Watering', 'FishingRod', 'FierworkHand', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', 'Cap', 'Accessory', 'Umbrella', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or ((EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Helmet', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) and (MainNpc.NpcIsAbleEquipSelectItem())):
  1189. ---
  1190. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectIncludeChoice4('cItemSelect', 4, 'Flower', '', '') in (1, 2, 3)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Ftr', 'DoorDeco', 'Music', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Net', 'Watering', 'FishingRod', 'FierworkHand', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', 'Cap', 'Accessory', 'Umbrella', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  1191. 3a4,7
  1192. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Helmet', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1193. >         switch MainNpc.NpcIsAbleEquipSelectItem():
  1194. >             default:
  1195. >                 return
  1196. 27c31
  1197. <             else:
  1198. ---
  1199. >             elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Fruit', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1200. 29a34,36
  1201. >             else:
  1202. >                 run NNPC_Select_Creature::GeneralFood()
  1203. >                 run Select_Finish()
  1204. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Select_Sell_Gift.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Sell_Gift.evfl.txt
  1205. 27a28,31
  1206. > flow PlayReport():
  1207. >     MainNpc.SendPlayReportNNPCSelectTalkItem(1)
  1208. >     MainNpc.SendPlayReportNNPCSelectTalkItem(0)
  1209. >
  1210. 53a58
  1211. >     run PlayReport()
  1212. 75c80
  1213. <     # RANDOM: Thanks, <110:3>! Here! [A|An]<125:4:000… // I wanna thank you! Here, man! [A|An]<12… // Here, man! It's [a|an]<125:4:0000>! Enj…
  1214. ---
  1215. >     # RANDOM: Here, <110:3>! [A|An]<125:4:0000>! Just… // I wanna thank you! Here, man! [A|An]<12… // Here, man! It's [a|an]<125:4:0000>! Enj…
  1216. 78a84
  1217. >     run PlayReport()
  1218. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Spot_Camp_Game.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Spot_Camp_Game.evfl.txt
  1219. 105c105,108
  1220. <             run NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite::CheckOffice_Move()
  1221. ---
  1222. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.NpcHouseNum('cAbandonedHouse') < 1:
  1223. >                 run NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite::CheckOffice_Move()
  1224. >             else:
  1225. >                 run NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite::CheckOffice_EmptyHouse()
  1226. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Spot_Camp_Invite.evfl.txt
  1227. 12a13,17
  1228. > flow CheckOffice_EmptyHouse():
  1229. >     # So… I talked to Resident Services, and…they told me I can move here! They said there's a big, empty spot that I could have. Can you believe it? Free …
  1230. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Spot/BO_Spot_Camp_Invite:407', false)
  1231. >     MainNpc.NpcFixedInducement()
  1232. >
  1233. 111c116
  1234. <     else:
  1235. ---
  1236. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.NpcHouseNum('cAbandonedHouse') < 1:
  1237. 112a118,119
  1238. >     else:
  1239. >         run CheckOffice_EmptyHouse()
  1240. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Talk_GEvent.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Talk_GEvent.evfl.txt
  1241. 13a14,24
  1242. >             case `HarvestFestival`:
  1243. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival') == 2:
  1244. >                     run NNPC_GEvent_Harvest::Root()
  1245. >             case `XmasEve`:
  1246. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('XmasEve') == 1:
  1247. >                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReiStartQuest2']:
  1248. >                         if ((not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasSantaPresentsFlag']) or (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasSantaPresentsNoGetFlag']) or (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReiGetReward3'])) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasGiftExchangeFlag']):
  1249. >                             run NNPC_Reaction_Sitting::StandingUp_Chk()
  1250. >                     else:
  1251. >                         if (EventFlowSystemActor.CheckChristmasSantaPresentsProgress(true, 0)) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChristmasGiftExchangeFlag']):
  1252. >                             run NNPC_Reaction_Sitting::StandingUp_Chk()
  1253. 30a42,45
  1254. >             case `HarvestFestival`:
  1255. >                 run NNPC_GEvent_Harvest::Root()
  1256. >             case `XmasEve`:
  1257. >                 run NNPC_GEvent_ChristmasEve::Root()
  1258. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Talk_Greet.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Talk_Greet.evfl.txt
  1259. 69a70,73
  1260. > flow House_G():
  1261. >     MainNpc.SetNpcName(0, 15)
  1262. >     MainNpc.NpcSelectFreeTalk('cWildCard', '', '', '', 'TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Greet/BO_Greet_House_G', '', '', '', true)
  1263. >
  1264. 98c102,105
  1265. <         run Greet_Field3()
  1266. ---
  1267. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cAnyNpcHouse'):
  1268. >             run House_G()
  1269. >         else:
  1270. >             run Greet_Field3()
  1271. 100c107,110
  1272. <         run Greet_XX2()
  1273. ---
  1274. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cAnyNpcHouse'):
  1275. >             run House_G()
  1276. >         else:
  1277. >             run Greet_XX2()
  1278. 102,103c112
  1279. <         MainNpc.SetNpcName(0, 15)
  1280. <         MainNpc.NpcSelectFreeTalk('cWildCard', '', '', '', 'TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Greet/BO_Greet_House_G', '', '', '', true)
  1281. ---
  1282. >         run House_G()
  1283. diff -r 1.5.1/NNPC_Talk_Situation.evfl.txt 1.6.0/NNPC_Talk_Situation.evfl.txt
  1284. 27a28
  1285. >     run NNPC_Reaction_GEvent_Christmas::Reaction_GEvent_Christmas()
  1286. 33a35
  1287. >     run NNPC_Talk_GEvent::Birthday_Judge()
  1288. diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_MessageCardRack.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_MessageCardRack.evfl.txt
  1289. 188a189,190
  1290. >     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  1291. >         run MesCardEnable_MovingFirstDay()
  1292. diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_RcoMachine.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine.evfl.txt
  1293. 0a1,32
  1294. > flow ChkApologyMileWithPlayerMoving():
  1295. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  1296. >         run LoginNormal()
  1297. >     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOfficeToday']:
  1298. >         # A notice from the Nook Mileage Program:
  1299. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:102_01', false)
  1300. >         # We're sorry that the Nook Stop was unavailable all day yesterday due to construction on Resident Services.
  1301. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:103_01', false)
  1302. >         run Cmn_WabiMilage()
  1303. >         # We hope you'll continue to use this Nook Stop and the Nook Mileage Program in the future.
  1304. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:106_01', false)
  1305. >     elif not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSameDate('cNewYear', 'cGrowUpTime'):
  1306. >         run LoginNormal()
  1307. >     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:CountOfficeAfterBuild'] != 2:
  1308. >         # A New Year's greeting from the Nook Mileage Program:
  1309. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:102_02', false)
  1310. >         # Happy New Year! We're sorry that the Nook Stop was unavailable all day yesterday due to Resident Services' holiday closure.
  1311. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:103_02', false)
  1312. >         run Cmn_WabiMilage()
  1313. >         # We hope you'll continue to use this Nook Stop and the Nook Mileage Program in the new year.
  1314. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:106_02', false)
  1315. >     else:
  1316. >         run LoginNormal()
  1317. >
  1318. > flow ChkPastDayFromPlayerMoving():
  1319. >     if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) or (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemPastDaysFromPlayerMade() < 1):
  1320. >         run LoginNormal()
  1321. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemPastDaysFromPlayerMade() < 2:
  1322. >         run ChkApologyMileWithPlayerMoving()
  1323. >     else:
  1324. >         run LoginNormal()
  1325. >
  1326. 110,131c142,143
  1327. <     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineCheck1st']:
  1328. <         run LoginNormal()
  1329. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  1330. <         run LoginNormal()
  1331. <     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOfficeToday']:
  1332. <         # A notice from the Nook Mileage Program:
  1333. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:102_01', false)
  1334. <         # We're sorry that the Nook Stop was unavailable all day yesterday due to construction on Resident Services.
  1335. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:103_01', false)
  1336. <         run Cmn_WabiMilage()
  1337. <         # We hope you'll continue to use this Nook Stop and the Nook Mileage Program in the future.
  1338. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:106_01', false)
  1339. <     elif not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSameDate('cNewYear', 'cGrowUpTime'):
  1340. <         run LoginNormal()
  1341. <     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:CountOfficeAfterBuild'] != 2:
  1342. <         # A New Year's greeting from the Nook Mileage Program:
  1343. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:102_02', false)
  1344. <         # Happy New Year! We're sorry that the Nook Stop was unavailable all day yesterday due to Resident Services' holiday closure.
  1345. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:103_02', false)
  1346. <         run Cmn_WabiMilage()
  1347. <         # We hope you'll continue to use this Nook Stop and the Nook Mileage Program in the new year.
  1348. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:106_02', false)
  1349. ---
  1350. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineCheck1st']:
  1351. >         run ChkApologyMileWithPlayerMoving()
  1352. 133c145
  1353. <         run LoginNormal()
  1354. ---
  1355. >         run ChkPastDayFromPlayerMoving()
  1356. diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt
  1357. 81c81
  1358. <                     switch SubflowResults@8[1]:
  1359. ---
  1360. >                     switch SubflowResults@10[1]:
  1361. 97a98,101
  1362. >                         case 8:
  1363. >                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Rock')
  1364. >                         case 9:
  1365. >                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ReactionSet1')
  1366. diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange_Process.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange_Process.evfl.txt
  1367. 21a22,25
  1368. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13766, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  1369. >         SubflowResults[1] = 8
  1370. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13610, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  1371. >         SubflowResults[1] = 9
  1372. diff -r 1.5.1/Obj_Snowman.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Obj_Snowman.evfl.txt
  1373. 56,61c56,60
  1374. <             elif (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() != `Homeless`) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SnowmanDIYMailFlag']):
  1375. <                 # Now listen, to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
  1376. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:108', false)
  1377. <                 # I'll give you a <item>large snowflake! I want you to learn how to craft with DIY and make it right away!
  1378. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:109', false)
  1379. <                 run Sub_Event159()
  1380. ---
  1381. >             elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
  1382. >                 if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
  1383. >                     run Snowman_GiveSnowCrystal_MovingSubP()
  1384. >                 else:
  1385. >                     run Sub_Event201()
  1386. 63,70c62,68
  1387. <                 # Now, listen—to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
  1388. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:111', false)
  1389. <                 # Here's a <item>large snowflake to thank you for making me! This is a really rare item. You're gonna need it for my special DIY recipe!
  1390. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:112', false)
  1391. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1392. <                     # I used my snow magic to put it in your pockets. Now go take that DIY workshop, and start crafting!
  1393. <                     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:113', false)
  1394. <                     run Sub_Event23()
  1395. ---
  1396. > entrypoint Event229:
  1397. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SnowmanDIYMailFlag']:
  1398. >                     # Now listen, to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
  1399. >                     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:108', false)
  1400. >                     # I'll give you a <item>large snowflake! I want you to learn how to craft with DIY and make it right away!
  1401. >                     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:109', false)
  1402. >                     run Sub_Event159()
  1403. 72c70
  1404. <                     run Sub_Event107()
  1405. ---
  1406. >                     run Sub_Event201()
  1407. 380,386c378
  1408. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1409. <                 # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
  1410. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
  1411. <                 run Sub_Event160()
  1412. <             else:
  1413. <                 # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
  1414. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
  1415. ---
  1416. >             run Sub_Event105()
  1417. 394,402c386
  1418. <                 # And take a <item>large snowflake too. It's required to craft the item.
  1419. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:013', false)
  1420. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1421. <                     # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
  1422. <                     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
  1423. <                     run Sub_Event160()
  1424. <                 else:
  1425. <                     # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
  1426. <                     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
  1427. ---
  1428. >                 run Sub_Event174()
  1429. 406,414c390,400
  1430. <                 # And take a <item>large snowflake too. It's required to craft the item.
  1431. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:013', false)
  1432. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1433. <                     # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
  1434. <                     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
  1435. <                     run Sub_Event160()
  1436. <                 else:
  1437. <                     # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
  1438. <                     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
  1439. ---
  1440. >                 run Sub_Event174()
  1441. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() != `Homeless`:
  1442. > entrypoint Event112:
  1443. >         EventFlowSystemActor.DecideEventRewardDIYRecipe('Snowman')
  1444. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cSnowman', 'MAIL_SP_Snowman', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 6)
  1445. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SnowmanDIYMailFlag'] = true
  1446. >         # Now listen, to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
  1447. >         SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:107', false)
  1448. >         run Sub_Event174()
  1449. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
  1450. >         run Snowman_SendRecipe_MovingSubP()
  1451. 416,427c402,409
  1452. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
  1453. <             # Now, listen—to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
  1454. <             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:110', false)
  1455. <             # Here's a <item>large snowflake to thank you for making me! This is a really rare item. You're gonna need it for my special DIY recipe!
  1456. <             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:112', false)
  1457. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1458. <                 # I used my snow magic to put it in your pockets. Now go take that DIY workshop, and start crafting!
  1459. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:113', false)
  1460. <                 run Sub_Event160()
  1461. <             else:
  1462. <                 # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
  1463. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
  1464. ---
  1465. >         # Now, listen—to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
  1466. >         SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:110', false)
  1467. >         # Here's a <item>large snowflake to thank you for making me! This is a really rare item. You're gonna need it for my special DIY recipe!
  1468. >         SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:112', false)
  1469. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1470. >             # I used my snow magic to put it in your pockets. Now go take that DIY workshop, and start crafting!
  1471. >             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:113', false)
  1472. >             run Sub_Event160()
  1473. 429,457c411,425
  1474. <             EventFlowSystemActor.DecideEventRewardDIYRecipe('Snowman')
  1475. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cSnowman', 'MAIL_SP_Snowman', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 6)
  1476. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SnowmanDIYMailFlag'] = true
  1477. <             # Now listen, to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
  1478. <             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:107', false)
  1479. <             # And take a <item>large snowflake too. It's required to craft the item.
  1480. <             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:013', false)
  1481. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1482. <                 # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
  1483. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
  1484. <                 run Sub_Event160()
  1485. <             else:
  1486. <                 # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
  1487. <                 SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
  1488. <     switch SnowMan.SnowManGrade():
  1489. <         case 0:
  1490. <             # I can't believe this is your first time making me. I mean, just look at me… I'm perfect! It's a real head-scratcher… Or it would be, if I could scrat…
  1491. <             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:103', false)
  1492. <             System.EventFlags['cLifeSupportAchievement:MakePerfectSnowball'] += 1
  1493. <         case 1:
  1494. <             # Your snowcrafting sensibilities are admirable. For your first snowfolk, I look pretty good. With just a little more practice, I'm sure you can build …
  1495. <             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:104', false)
  1496. <         case 2:
  1497. <             # Well… I've been made worse. And this is your first build, so I'll let a few mistakes slide. Try again sometime!
  1498. <             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:105', false)
  1499. <         case 3:
  1500. <             # If I'm being honest, I'm not what you would call an amazing snowperson… But everyone's gotta start somewhere, right? Keep trying, and I'm sure you'll…
  1501. <             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:106', false)
  1502. <     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1503. ---
  1504. >             run Sub_Event163()
  1505. >
  1506. > flow Snowman_GiveSnowCrystal_MovingSubP():
  1507. >     run Event229()
  1508. >
  1509. > flow Snowman_SendRecipe_MovingSubP():
  1510. >     run Event112()
  1511. >
  1512. > local flow Sub_Event105():
  1513. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1514. >         # I've placed it with your belongings. Use it to make a special item of mine.
  1515. >         SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:015', false)
  1516. >         run Sub_Event160()
  1517. >     else:
  1518. >         run Sub_Event163()
  1519. 477a446,451
  1520. >     run Sub_grp_Event152()
  1521. >
  1522. > local flow Sub_Event163():
  1523. >     # Or…not. You're holding too many things. Why don't you sort that out and then find your way back to me?
  1524. >     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:014', false)
  1525. >     run Sub_grp_Event152()
  1526. 484a459,463
  1527. > local flow Sub_Event174():
  1528. >     # And take a <item>large snowflake too. It's required to craft the item.
  1529. >     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:013', false)
  1530. >     run Sub_Event105()
  1531. >
  1532. 488a468,479
  1533. > local flow Sub_Event201():
  1534. >     # Now, listen—to thank you for making me, I want to share some knowledge about how to craft a special item. Wait… Hang on… You've never done DIY before…
  1535. >     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:111', false)
  1536. >     # Here's a <item>large snowflake to thank you for making me! This is a really rare item. You're gonna need it for my special DIY recipe!
  1537. >     SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:112', false)
  1538. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 3540):
  1539. >         # I used my snow magic to put it in your pockets. Now go take that DIY workshop, and start crafting!
  1540. >         SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:113', false)
  1541. >         run Sub_Event23()
  1542. >     else:
  1543. >         run Sub_Event107()
  1544. >
  1545. 507a499,515
  1546. >
  1547. > local flow Sub_grp_Event152():
  1548. >     switch SnowMan.SnowManGrade():
  1549. >         case 0:
  1550. >             # I can't believe this is your first time making me. I mean, just look at me… I'm perfect! It's a real head-scratcher… Or it would be, if I could scrat…
  1551. >             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:103', false)
  1552. >             System.EventFlags['cLifeSupportAchievement:MakePerfectSnowball'] += 1
  1553. >         case 1:
  1554. >             # Your snowcrafting sensibilities are admirable. For your first snowfolk, I look pretty good. With just a little more practice, I'm sure you can build …
  1555. >             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:104', false)
  1556. >         case 2:
  1557. >             # Well… I've been made worse. And this is your first build, so I'll let a few mistakes slide. Try again sometime!
  1558. >             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:105', false)
  1559. >         case 3:
  1560. >             # If I'm being honest, I'm not what you would call an amazing snowperson… But everyone's gotta start somewhere, right? Keep trying, and I'm sure you'll…
  1561. >             SnowMan.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_Snowman:106', false)
  1562. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1563. diff -r 1.5.1/Player_CheckItemForPocket.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_CheckItemForPocket.evfl.txt
  1564. 0a1,19
  1565. > flow BigbagPresent():
  1566. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SetChristmasPresentNpcTag()
  1567. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.CheckChristmasSantaPresentsNum():
  1568. >         case 0:
  1569. >             # The bag is completely empty!
  1570. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:704', false)
  1571. >         case 1:
  1572. >             # Let's see. I still have a present for…<10:4> <115:1:cd00>.
  1573. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:703_03', false)
  1574. >         case 2:
  1575. >             # Let's see. I still have presents for…<10:4> <115:1:cd00> and <115:1:cd01>.
  1576. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:703_02', false)
  1577. >         case 3:
  1578. >             # Let's see. I still have presents for… <115:1:cd00>, <115:1:cd01>, and <115:1:cd02>.
  1579. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:703_01', false)
  1580. >         case 4:
  1581. >             # There are still <90:1:0000> gifts left in the bag.
  1582. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:702', false)
  1583. >
  1584. diff -r 1.5.1/Player_Demo_HousingFinish.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_Demo_HousingFinish.evfl.txt
  1585. 94a95,103
  1586. > flow HousingFinish_MovingOtherP_PcHouse_Built():
  1587. >     # I picked a spot for my house! Now I have a home base for my island adventures!
  1588. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:961', false)
  1589. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving'] = false
  1590. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:BuiltMyHome'] = true
  1591. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingEnable'] = true
  1592. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Basement`:
  1593. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingDefaultHouseHasBasement'] = true
  1594. >
  1595. diff -r 1.5.1/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt
  1596. 9a10,18
  1597. > flow GetDemo_NpcSpReiPhoto():
  1598. >     Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketPullout')
  1599. >     # Wow, could it be…
  1600. >     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_CrsSocksWall:001_1', false)
  1601. >     Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketShow')
  1602. >     # <item>Jingle's photo was inside! How sneaky of Santa…
  1603. >     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_CrsSocksWall:001_2', true)
  1604. >     Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketPutaway')
  1605. >
  1606. 59,60d67
  1607. <     System.EventFlags['cLand:SandBankDisable'] = true
  1608. <     System.EventFlags['cLand:VillageExtensionLevel2'] = true
  1609. 91a99,103
  1610. > flow Get_Hair_Rock():
  1611. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AddHairStyle4'] = true
  1612. >     # I learned some new hairstyles! I bet I could change up my look even more with a vanity or a mirror...
  1613. >     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_13', false)
  1614. >
  1615. 114a127,135
  1616. > flow Get_ReactionSet1():
  1617. >     EventFlowSystemActor.GetReaction('cBook1_6')
  1618. >     fork:
  1619. >         branch:
  1620. >             run UploadEmoticon()
  1621. >         branch:
  1622. >             # Whoa, I learned some new Reactions! I can press  to see all of them and choose how to express myself.
  1623. >             Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_14', false)
  1624. >
  1625. 118a140,143
  1626. >
  1627. > flow UploadEmoticon():
  1628. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Activate_WebService']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() == 2):
  1629. >         EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadEmoticon(true, 5, false)
  1630. diff -r 1.5.1/Player_GetDemo_Once.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_GetDemo_Once.evfl.txt
  1631. 16a17,19
  1632. >         case `Homeless`:
  1633. >             if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
  1634. >                 run Sub_Event31()
  1635. 18,20c21
  1636. <             # Yes! I finished paying off my home loan!
  1637. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:204_02', false)
  1638. <             run Sub_Event33()
  1639. ---
  1640. >             run Sub_Event31()
  1641. 25,26d25
  1642. <         default:
  1643. <             return
  1644. 29,30c28,33
  1645. <     # My new life is underway... I can do whatever I want! WOO-HOO!
  1646. <     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:200', true)
  1647. ---
  1648. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  1649. >         # My move is complete... Deserted-island life begins anew!
  1650. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:200_01', true)
  1651. >     else:
  1652. >         # My new life is underway... I can do whatever I want! WOO-HOO!
  1653. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:200', true)
  1654. 103a107,126
  1655. > flow MovingPBitSet_AboutHousing():
  1656. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoOrderedHouseBuilt']:
  1657. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt'] = true
  1658. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoChangeHouseDesignReserved']:
  1659. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderChangeHouseDesign'] = true
  1660. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMoveHouseReserved']:
  1661. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseMoveInIsland'] = true
  1662. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SavingCountDown(30000, false)
  1663. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStorageExpansionReserved']:
  1664. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingReservedStorageExpand'] = true
  1665. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
  1666. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterHouseRemodel'] = true
  1667. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanFinish1st']:
  1668. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterLoanFinish'] = true
  1669. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  1670. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:BuiltMyHome'] = true
  1671. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingEnable'] = true
  1672. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Basement`:
  1673. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingDefaultHouseHasBasement'] = true
  1674. >
  1675. 119a143,149
  1676. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  1677. >         run MovingPBitSet_AboutHousing()
  1678. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NnpcFinishHintTalk'] = true
  1679. >         EventFlowSystemActor.FinishMoveIn()
  1680. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingWithEmoticonUI']:
  1681. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableEmoticonUI'] = true
  1682. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingWithEmoticonUI'] = false
  1683. 122a153,157
  1684. >
  1685. > local flow Sub_Event31():
  1686. >     # Yes! I finished paying off my home loan!
  1687. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:204_02', false)
  1688. >     run Sub_Event33()
  1689. diff -r 1.5.1/Player_HousingKit.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_HousingKit.evfl.txt
  1690. 54a55,56
  1691. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.UIPocketMenuItemSelected(13346)):
  1692. >         run HousingKit_PlayerSaveMoving(BuildTiming='cPlayerMove')
  1693. 99a102,111
  1694. >
  1695. > flow HousingKit_PlayerSaveMoving(BuildTiming: str):
  1696. >     EventFlowSystemActor.StructureStartPreviewGuide('cPlayerHouse', 'cPlayer', BuildTiming)
  1697. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.CanBuildHere('cPlayer', 'cPlayerHouse', BuildTiming):
  1698. >         # Should I set up my home here?
  1699. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:901_01', true)
  1700. >         run HousingKitCommon(StructureType='cPlayerHouse', BuildTiming=BuildTiming, StructureBuildPosType='cPlayer')
  1701. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerMutterDemo('HousingFinish_MovingOtherP_PcHouse_Built', 'cNowDemoEnd', 'Player_Demo_HousingFinish', false)
  1702. >     else:
  1703. >         run HousingKitCommonError(StructureType='cPlayerHouse', StructureBuildPosType='cPlayer', StructureBuildTiming=BuildTiming)
  1704. diff -r 1.5.1/Player_SmaphoNavigation.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Player_SmaphoNavigation.evfl.txt
  1705. 188c188
  1706. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward']:
  1707. ---
  1708. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland']:
  1709. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_chy_event.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_chy_event.evfl.txt
  1710. 304c304
  1711. <     # And any more points you earn will be automatically added to your total.
  1712. ---
  1713. >     # If you earn any more points, they'll automatically be added to your total.
  1714. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_dod_01_Airport_NormalSeq.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_dod_01_Airport_NormalSeq.evfl.txt
  1715. 0a1,26
  1716. > flow AirportEnable_MovingFirstDay():
  1717. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OdekakeFirstTalk']:
  1718. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1719. >         run FirstExplain()
  1720. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
  1721. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag']:
  1722. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1723. >             # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport.
  1724. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:999_01', false)
  1725. >         # So yeah, we've got a lotta services here, but we can only offer 'em to residents. It can be in a tent, but you gotta live on the island. Come talk to…
  1726. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:999_02', false)
  1727. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag']:
  1728. >         # Hey there again! What can I do you for?
  1729. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:003', false)
  1730. >         run FirstSel3B()
  1731. >     else:
  1732. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1733. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket']):
  1734. >             run MileTicketExplain()
  1735. >         elif (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']):
  1736. >             run MileTicketExplain()
  1737. >         else:
  1738. >             # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport. How can I help you out today?
  1739. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:002', false)
  1740. >             run FirstSel3B()
  1741. >
  1742. 271c297,301
  1743. <     if System.EventFlags['cLand:VillageDaysCount'] < 1:
  1744. ---
  1745. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:VillageDaysCount'] >= 1:
  1746. >         run AirportEnable_MovingFirstDay()
  1747. >     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  1748. >         run AirportEnable_MovingFirstDay()
  1749. >     else:
  1750. 276,299d305
  1751. <     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OdekakeFirstTalk']:
  1752. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1753. <         run FirstExplain()
  1754. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
  1755. <         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag']:
  1756. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1757. <             # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport.
  1758. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:999_01', false)
  1759. <         # So yeah, we've got a lotta services here, but we can only offer 'em to residents. It can be in a tent, but you gotta live on the island. Come talk to…
  1760. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:999_02', false)
  1761. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag']:
  1762. <         # Hey there again! What can I do you for?
  1763. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:003', false)
  1764. <         run FirstSel3B()
  1765. <     else:
  1766. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:DodTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1767. <         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket']):
  1768. <             run MileTicketExplain()
  1769. <         elif (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']):
  1770. <             run MileTicketExplain()
  1771. <         else:
  1772. <             # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport. How can I help you out today?
  1773. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:002', false)
  1774. <             run FirstSel3B()
  1775. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_gst.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_gst.evfl.txt
  1776. 48,53c48,52
  1777. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
  1778. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(75):
  1779. <             SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1780. <         else:
  1781. <             SubflowResults[0] = 3
  1782. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(40):
  1783. ---
  1784. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() not in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
  1785. >         run Moving_SubPlayer()
  1786. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
  1787. >         run Moving_SubPlayer()
  1788. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(75):
  1789. 56,62c55
  1790. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice3(40, 40, 20):
  1791. <             case 0:
  1792. <                 SubflowResults[0] = 1
  1793. <             case 1:
  1794. <                 SubflowResults[0] = 2
  1795. <             case 2:
  1796. <                 SubflowResults[0] = 3
  1797. ---
  1798. >         SubflowResults[0] = 3
  1799. 220a214,225
  1800. >
  1801. > flow Moving_SubPlayer():
  1802. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(40):
  1803. >         SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1804. >     else:
  1805. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice3(40, 40, 20):
  1806. >             case 0:
  1807. >                 SubflowResults[0] = 1
  1808. >             case 1:
  1809. >                 SubflowResults[0] = 2
  1810. >             case 2:
  1811. >                 SubflowResults[0] = 3
  1812. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_hgs.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_hgs.evfl.txt
  1813. 149c149
  1814. <         # <20:3:cd07>Eh, sis, I don't know…hedgehog backrubs are no joke, and my protective gloves wore through… Oh, I'm totally kidding! <20:3:cd08>Unlike ol'…
  1815. ---
  1816. >         # <20:3:cd07>Eh, Sis, I don't know…hedgehog backrubs are no joke, and my protective gloves wore through… Oh, I'm totally kidding! <20:3:cd08>Unlike ol'…
  1817. 167c167
  1818. <         # H-hey! Come on, sis—not in front of PLAYER!
  1819. ---
  1820. >         # H-hey! Come on, Sis—not in front of PLAYER!
  1821. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_owl_12_Tent_FirstTimeTalk.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_owl_12_Tent_FirstTimeTalk.evfl.txt
  1822. 14,17c14,17
  1823. <     # As it happens, there sits a substantial stretch of land beyond the river. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I …
  1824. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007', false)
  1825. <     # Hmm…if only there was some way to cross the river…
  1826. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007_01', false)
  1827. ---
  1828. >     run About_Fossil_AcrossRiver()
  1829. >     if not System.EventFlags['cLand:SandBankDisable']:
  1830. >         # Hmm…if only there was some way to cross the river…
  1831. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007_01', false)
  1832. 44,53c44,55
  1833. <     # As it happens, there sits a substantial stretch of land beyond the river. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I …
  1834. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007', false)
  1835. <     # "But the river!" you say. "I can't just hop over it!" you say. Hoo! Silly you! I have a solution as audacious as trying to populate an entirely deser…
  1836. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:008', true)
  1837. <     run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
  1838. <     # There, you see! With wood gathered from ISLAND, one can make a lengthy <item>vaulting pole. This pole can be used to propel oneself across the river.…
  1839. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:009', false)
  1840. <     # My feathers! I have blathered on far too long! But let me leave you with this… If I am to open the museum, I must acquire more items to exhibit…<90:1…
  1841. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:010', false)
  1842. <     System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlTentExplainFor1P'] = true
  1843. ---
  1844. >     run About_Fossil_AcrossRiver()
  1845. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlGotDiyRecipe']:
  1846. >         run Skip_SendRecipe()
  1847. >     else:
  1848. >         # "But the river!" you say. "I can't just hop over it!" you say. Hoo! Silly you! I have a solution as audacious as trying to populate an entirely deser…
  1849. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:008', true)
  1850. >         run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
  1851. >         # There, you see! With wood gathered from ISLAND, one can make a lengthy <item>vaulting pole. This pole can be used to propel oneself across the river.…
  1852. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:009', false)
  1853. >         # My feathers! I have blathered on far too long! But let me leave you with this… If I am to open the museum, I must acquire more items to exhibit…<90:1…
  1854. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:010', false)
  1855. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlTentExplainFor1P'] = true
  1856. 62,63c64
  1857. <         # As it happens, there sits a substantial stretch of land beyond the river. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I …
  1858. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007', false)
  1859. ---
  1860. >         run About_Fossil_AcrossRiver()
  1861. 66,72c67,76
  1862. <     # With that in mind, I have a little something you might find helpful should you wish to hunt for fossils. A moment, please, while I send the relevant …
  1863. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:024', true)
  1864. <     run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
  1865. <     # There now. I have sent you two DIY recipes. One is for a <item>vaulting pole, used for leaping over rivers. The other is for a shovel, which you will…
  1866. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:025', false)
  1867. <     # My feathers! I have blathered on far too long! But let me leave you with this… If I am to open the museum, I must acquire more items to exhibit…<90:1…
  1868. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:010', false)
  1869. ---
  1870. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlGotDiyRecipe']:
  1871. >         run Skip_SendRecipe()
  1872. >     else:
  1873. >         # With that in mind, I have a little something you might find helpful should you wish to hunt for fossils. A moment, please, while I send the relevant …
  1874. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:024', true)
  1875. >         run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
  1876. >         # There now. I have sent you two DIY recipes. One is for a <item>vaulting pole, used for leaping over rivers. The other is for a shovel, which you will…
  1877. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:025', false)
  1878. >         # My feathers! I have blathered on far too long! But let me leave you with this… If I am to open the museum, I must acquire more items to exhibit…<90:1…
  1879. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:010', false)
  1880. 85,90c89,97
  1881. <     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  1882. <     # Hoo! But how could I forget?! I have a little something to assist you when seeking out creatures and curios to donate to the museum. Pardon me, PLAYE…
  1883. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:013', false)
  1884. <     run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
  1885. <     # There now. I have sent you two DIY recipes. One is for a <item>vaulting pole, best used for leaping over rivers. The other is for a shovel so you may…
  1886. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:014', false)
  1887. ---
  1888. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlGotDiyRecipe']:
  1889. >         run Skip_SendRecipe_Msg()
  1890. >     else:
  1891. >         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  1892. >         # Hoo! But how could I forget?! I have a little something to assist you when seeking out creatures and curios to donate to the museum. Pardon me, PLAYE…
  1893. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:013', false)
  1894. >         run ALL_Cmn_SendRecipe()
  1895. >         # There now. I have sent you two DIY recipes. One is for a <item>vaulting pole, best used for leaping over rivers. The other is for a shovel so you may…
  1896. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:014', false)
  1897. 98a106,113
  1898. > flow About_Fossil_AcrossRiver():
  1899. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:SandBankDisable']:
  1900. >         # My research tells me this island lay pristine and untouched before the founding of ISLAND. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush wi…
  1901. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:1001', false)
  1902. >     else:
  1903. >         # As it happens, there sits a substantial stretch of land beyond the river. I would bet my pinfeathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I …
  1904. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:007', false)
  1905. >
  1906. 158a174,182
  1907. >
  1908. > flow Skip_SendRecipe():
  1909. >     # Anyhoot, I am eager to appraise any fossils you find and, of course, accept fossil donations. So if you come across any such relics, do please bring …
  1910. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:026', false)
  1911. >     run Skip_SendRecipe_Msg()
  1912. >
  1913. > flow Skip_SendRecipe_Msg():
  1914. >     System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlTentExplainFor1P'] = true
  1915. >     System.EventFlags['cLand:VillageExtensionLevel2'] = true
  1916. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_ItemCheck.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_ItemCheck.evfl.txt
  1917. 0a1,16
  1918. > flow ChkHarvestFtrFirst():
  1919. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CheckHarvestFtrInStore']:
  1920. >         run Event8()
  1921. >         return
  1922. >     else:
  1923. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CheckHarvestFtrInStore'] = true
  1924. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'HarvestFtr'):
  1925. >             run Event8()
  1926. >             return
  1927. >         else:
  1928. >             # Ah! A Turkey Day item! That's <50:1> <125:0:0000>. I should warn you that supplies are limited…and you might be able to craft something similar with …
  1929. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:2001', false)
  1930. >             # Goodness, I completely forgot to give the price! It's <90:24:0000>. What do you say?
  1931. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:2002', false)
  1932. >             run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyCheck()
  1933. >
  1934. 6a23,26
  1935. >     if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmExplainToy']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiFromItemSelectInclude('Christmas_ShopLv2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  1936. >         # Ah, I suppose this requires some explanation. You see, we decided to begin selling toys! This is a limited-time offering until December 25th to allow…
  1937. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:145', false)
  1938. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmExplainToy'] = true
  1939. 9,11c29,30
  1940. <     if MainNpc.RcmBuySelectType() == 0:
  1941. <         # Let's see… That's <90:24:0000>. What do you think?
  1942. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:103', false)
  1943. ---
  1944. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiFromItemSelectInclude('Harvest', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  1945. >         run ChkHarvestFtrFirst()
  1946. 13,17c32,41
  1947. <         # Those are in limited supply, so act fast if you're serious.
  1948. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:102', false)
  1949. <         # Let's see… That's <90:24:0000>. What do you think?
  1950. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:103', false)
  1951. <     run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyCheck()
  1952. ---
  1953. > entrypoint Event8:
  1954. >         if MainNpc.RcmBuySelectType() == 0:
  1955. >             # Let's see… That's <90:24:0000>. What do you think?
  1956. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:103', false)
  1957. >         else:
  1958. >             # Those are in limited supply, so act fast if you're serious.
  1959. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:102', false)
  1960. >             # Let's see… That's <90:24:0000>. What do you think?
  1961. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:103', false)
  1962. >         run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyCheck()
  1963. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell.evfl.txt
  1964. 38a39,41
  1965. > flow MovingPlayer2P():
  1966. >     run Event52()
  1967. >
  1968. 43,52c46,50
  1969. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
  1970. <             run rcm_Sell_Cancel_GoldenToolRecipe()
  1971. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.ExpensivePurchase():
  1972. <             # Understood!__ ...understood!__ Well, I'll run the numbers, taking any hot items into consideration…
  1973. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:044_02', false)
  1974. <             run Event105()
  1975. <         else:
  1976. <             # Understood!__ ...understood!__ I'll just run the numbers…
  1977. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:044_01', false)
  1978. <             run Event105()
  1979. ---
  1980. >         run Sub_grp_Event88(SellTotal=SellTotal)
  1981. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.DIYRecipeSelectInclude(13792, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  1982. >         # So many fine thi— OH! I'm seeing an extremely valuable recipe in the mix. Are you sure about this?
  1983. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:043_01', false)
  1984. >         run Sub_grp_Event88(SellTotal=SellTotal)
  1985. 186a185,187
  1986. >                 elif EventFlowSystemActor.DIYRecipeSelectInclude(13792, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  1987. >                     # Oh my! This is a DIY recipe for [a|an]<125:0:0000>! It's quite rare and valuable. Are you sure you want to sell it? We can only offer <90:21:0000>, I…
  1988. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:037_01', false)
  1989. 209a211,222
  1990. > local flow Sub_grp_Event88(SellTotal: int):
  1991. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
  1992. >         run rcm_Sell_Cancel_GoldenToolRecipe()
  1993. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.ExpensivePurchase():
  1994. >         # Understood!__ ...understood!__ Well, I'll run the numbers, taking any hot items into consideration…
  1995. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:044_02', false)
  1996. >         run Event105()
  1997. >     else:
  1998. >         # Understood!__ ...understood!__ I'll just run the numbers…
  1999. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:044_01', false)
  2000. >         run Event105()
  2001. >
  2002. 242,247c255,256
  2003. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `Homeless`:
  2004. <                     # Oh dear!__ ...oh dear!__ It doesn't seem like you can carry your full payment at this time, so I can't pay you… Please take a moment to organize your…
  2005. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:054', true)
  2006. <                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmSellItemSingle']:
  2007. <                         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(10, 'Default')
  2008. <                 else:
  2009. ---
  2010. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() != `Homeless`:
  2011. > entrypoint Event52:
  2012. 251a261,267
  2013. >                 elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']:
  2014. >                     run MovingPlayer2P()
  2015. >                 else:
  2016. >                     # Oh dear!__ ...oh dear!__ It doesn't seem like you can carry your full payment at this time, so I can't pay you… Please take a moment to organize your…
  2017. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:054', true)
  2018. >                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmSellItemSingle']:
  2019. >                         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(10, 'Default')
  2020. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries.evfl.txt
  2021. 81,82c81,86
  2022. <         # Congratulations on your new home!
  2023. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_02_TentRequest:001_01', false)
  2024. ---
  2025. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  2026. >             # How is your home since the move? If you ever need help, you can always talk to President Nook. By the way…
  2027. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_02_TentRequest:001_01_01', false)
  2028. >         else:
  2029. >             # Congratulations on your new home!
  2030. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_02_TentRequest:001_01', false)
  2031. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_11_BuyDIYbook.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_11_BuyDIYbook.evfl.txt
  2032. 0a1,28
  2033. > flow Branch_ChkHarvestRecipe():
  2034. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5605, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  2035. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook3'):
  2036. >             run RcmDIYbookBought()
  2037. >         else:
  2038. >             run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
  2039. >             EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook3')
  2040. >             run Event28()
  2041. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13787, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  2042. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'HarvestFtr'):
  2043. >             # Not that we're keeping track, but… you've already learned all of the DIY recipes in that collection! Perhaps you would enjoy the challenge of craftin…
  2044. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:2003', false)
  2045. >             run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::BuyCancelNoAsk()
  2046. >         else:
  2047. >             run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
  2048. >             EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'HarvestFtr')
  2049. >             run Event28()
  2050. >
  2051. > flow Branch_WhatIsHarvestRecipe():
  2052. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5605, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  2053. >         # This <125:0:0000> contains a mix of recipes that require a mastery of various materials!
  2054. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_01_03', false)
  2055. >         run Sub_Event71()
  2056. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13787, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  2057. >         # Ah! You've found a collection of DIY recipes inspired by Turkey Day. It's <50:1><125:0:0000>! We'll only be offering this collection until the end of…
  2058. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:2004', false)
  2059. >         run Sub_Event71()
  2060. >
  2061. 42a71,75
  2062. >                 run Sub_Event71()
  2063. >             elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5604, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  2064. >                 # This <125:0:0000> contains recipes that require an interesting variety of materials.
  2065. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_01_02', false)
  2066. >                 run Sub_Event71()
  2067. 44,52c77
  2068. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5604, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  2069. <                     # This <125:0:0000> contains recipes that require an interesting variety of materials.
  2070. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_01_02', false)
  2071. <                 else:
  2072. <                     # This <125:0:0000> contains a mix of recipes that require a mastery of various materials!
  2073. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_01_03', false)
  2074. <             # I'll send the recipe data to your app immediately if you decide to make a purchase.
  2075. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_02', false)
  2076. <             run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
  2077. ---
  2078. >                 run Branch_WhatIsHarvestRecipe()
  2079. 82,90c107,110
  2080. <             run Sub_Event28()
  2081. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5604, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  2082. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook2'):
  2083. <             run RcmDIYbookBought()
  2084. <         else:
  2085. <             run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
  2086. <             EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook2')
  2087. <             run Sub_Event28()
  2088. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook3'):
  2089. ---
  2090. >             run Event28()
  2091. >     elif not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(5604, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  2092. >         run Branch_ChkHarvestRecipe()
  2093. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook2'):
  2094. 94,95c114,130
  2095. <         EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook3')
  2096. <         run Sub_Event28()
  2097. ---
  2098. >         EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'DIYbook2')
  2099. > entrypoint Event28:
  2100. >         # And we're done!<10:4> I hope you enjoy DIY even more now with your new recipes!__ recipes!__
  2101. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:107_02', false)
  2102. >         fork:
  2103. >             branch:
  2104. >                 MainNpc.SmartPhone(1)
  2105. >             branch:
  2106. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(15)
  2107. >                 Player.SmartPhone(1)
  2108. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmBoughtGrocery'] = true
  2109. >         # Anything else look interesting?
  2110. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:092', false)
  2111. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() != `InResServiceTent`:
  2112. >             Player.TurnBody(13, 0.0)
  2113. >             Player.PlayerWaitTurn()
  2114. >         run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyAgain2()
  2115. 97,112c132,135
  2116. < local flow Sub_Event28():
  2117. <     # And we're done!<10:4> I hope you enjoy DIY even more now with your new recipes!__ recipes!__
  2118. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:107_02', false)
  2119. <     fork:
  2120. <         branch:
  2121. <             MainNpc.SmartPhone(1)
  2122. <         branch:
  2123. <             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(15)
  2124. <             Player.SmartPhone(1)
  2125. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmBoughtGrocery'] = true
  2126. <     # Anything else look interesting?
  2127. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:092', false)
  2128. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() != `InResServiceTent`:
  2129. <         Player.TurnBody(13, 0.0)
  2130. <         Player.PlayerWaitTurn()
  2131. <     run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_Common_BuyAgain2()
  2132. ---
  2133. > local flow Sub_Event71():
  2134. >     # I'll send the recipe data to your app immediately if you decide to make a purchase.
  2135. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:106_02', false)
  2136. >     run RcmDIYbookBuySel()
  2137. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm_13_BuyMultipleItems.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_13_BuyMultipleItems.evfl.txt
  2138. 6c6
  2139. <         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
  2140. ---
  2141. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']):
  2142. 11a12
  2143. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
  2144. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rcm.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm.evfl.txt
  2145. 78,89c78,81
  2146. <                         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
  2147. <                             run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::Request()
  2148. <                             run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2149. <                         elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmShopMaterialComplete']:
  2150. <                             run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::Root()
  2151. <                             run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2152. <                         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Prologue4RcmGetTent']:
  2153. <                             run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Root()
  2154. <                             run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2155. <                         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Prologue4RcmBuiltShop']:
  2156. <                             run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Root()
  2157. <                             run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2158. ---
  2159. >                         elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  2160. >                             run ShopRequest_PlayerMoving()
  2161. >                         elif System.EventFlags['cLand:PlayerMovingEnableShopMaterialCollect']:
  2162. >                             run ShopRequest_PlayerMoving()
  2163. 91,92c83
  2164. <                             run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::ReportTent()
  2165. <                             run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2166. ---
  2167. >                             run Not1stPlayer_ShopRequest()
  2168. 123a115,131
  2169. >
  2170. > flow ShopRequest_PlayerMoving():
  2171. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmTookQuestReq']:
  2172. >         run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::Request()
  2173. >         run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2174. >     elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmShopMaterialComplete']:
  2175. >         run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::Root()
  2176. >         run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2177. >     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Prologue4RcmGetTent']:
  2178. >         run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Root()
  2179. >         run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2180. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Prologue4RcmBuiltShop']:
  2181. >         run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Root()
  2182. >         run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2183. >     else:
  2184. >         run SNPC_rcm_01_Tent_1_Entries::ReportTent()
  2185. >         run Rcm_SeqClose()
  2186. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame.evfl.txt
  2187. 116,126c116,129
  2188. <             # Oh ho ho! Yes, it's quite normal to be worn out from such a long trip—and a major life event! Speaking of which… I have a few more things that you mi…
  2189. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:003', false)
  2190. <             # First, you'll need one of these, yes?
  2191. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:004_01', true)
  2192. <             run Rco_GetSmartPhone()
  2193. <             # I have one more thing for you…
  2194. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:007', true)
  2195. <             run Rco_TutorialGetBill()
  2196. <             # Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to a few other matters. But let me heartily congratulate you once again on your arrival. I'm so happy to ha…
  2197. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:013', true)
  2198. <             run Rco_OrientationEnd()
  2199. ---
  2200. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  2201. >                 run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame_PlayerMoving::Root_MainP()
  2202. >             else:
  2203. >                 # Oh ho ho! Yes, it's quite normal to be worn out from such a long trip—and a major life event! Speaking of which… I have a few more things that you mi…
  2204. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:003', false)
  2205. >                 # First, you'll need one of these, yes?
  2206. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:004_01', true)
  2207. >                 run Rco_GetSmartPhone()
  2208. >                 # I have one more thing for you…
  2209. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:007', true)
  2210. >                 run Rco_TutorialGetBill()
  2211. >                 # Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to a few other matters. But let me heartily congratulate you once again on your arrival. I'm so happy to ha…
  2212. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:013', true)
  2213. >                 run Rco_OrientationEnd()
  2214. Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt
  2215. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries.evfl.txt
  2216. 125,127c125,142
  2217. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
  2218. <         # As you might have heard on today's broadcast, I'm now offering a new workshop on customization. I think you'll find DIY even more fun when you master…
  2219. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:001_01', false)
  2220. ---
  2221. >     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']):
  2222. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
  2223. >             # As you may have heard on today's broadcast, I'm offering a workshop on customization.
  2224. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:011', false)
  2225. >         else:
  2226. >             # I'm looking for folks to participate in a customization workshop.
  2227. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:011_01', false)
  2228. >         # However, if my hunch is correct, you already learned about customization on your previous island, hm?
  2229. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:012', false)
  2230. >         if ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RemakeWithRcoOfficeBeforeWS']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cIdrOffice'))) or ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RemakeWithRcoTentBeforeWS']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cIdrTanukichi'))):
  2231. >             # Yes, yes, I'm certain I saw your expertise in action at the workbench here, PLAYER!
  2232. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:013_01', false)
  2233. >         # In that case, I hope you continue to enjoy the freedom of expression that only customization can provide!
  2234. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:014', false)
  2235. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial'] = false
  2236. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS'] = true
  2237. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(2513, 50, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  2238. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cRco', 'MAIL_SNpc_rco', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 9)
  2239. 129,133c144,152
  2240. <         # I'm looking for folks to participate in a customization workshop. Learning how to customize your creations will make DIY even more fun, so I hope you…
  2241. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:001_02', false)
  2242. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoEnableRemakeTrial'] = true
  2243. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial'] = false
  2244. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS'] = true
  2245. ---
  2246. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
  2247. >             # As you might have heard on today's broadcast, I'm now offering a new workshop on customization. I think you'll find DIY even more fun when you master…
  2248. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:001_01', false)
  2249. >         else:
  2250. >             # I'm looking for folks to participate in a customization workshop. Learning how to customize your creations will make DIY even more fun, so I hope you…
  2251. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_09_RemakeWorkShop:001_02', false)
  2252. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoEnableRemakeTrial'] = true
  2253. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutRemakeTrial'] = false
  2254. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardInviteRemakeWS'] = true
  2255. 162c181,184
  2256. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoPaid1stCharge']:
  2257. ---
  2258. >     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']):
  2259. >         # Oh! You want to talk about your home? Well, of course that would be fine, but I'd feel bad discussing that when you haven't really…settled in yet. I'…
  2260. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:410', false)
  2261. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoPaid1stCharge']:
  2262. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_03_ChkAfterRemodel.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_03_ChkAfterRemodel.evfl.txt
  2263. 8a9,49
  2264. > flow GiveMileTicket():
  2265. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving'] = false
  2266. >     run Event24()
  2267. >
  2268. > flow GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Force():
  2269. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  2270. >     run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_PlayerPos()
  2271. >     run Only_GiveMileTicket()
  2272. >
  2273. > flow GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Normal():
  2274. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
  2275. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
  2276. >             case `BaseHouse`:
  2277. >                 run RcoAfterBuiltHouseEvent()
  2278. >             case `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
  2279. >                 run Only_GiveMileTicket()
  2280. >             default:
  2281. >                 return
  2282. >     else:
  2283. >         run Only_GiveMileTicket()
  2284. >
  2285. > flow Only_GiveMileTicket():
  2286. >     # Hello, PLAYER!
  2287. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1101', false)
  2288. >     # How are you settling in? Is life on ISLAND treating you well?
  2289. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1102', false)
  2290. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2():
  2291. >         case 0, 1:
  2292. >             # Good, good! I think you'll enjoy it here. There are countless wonderful ways to spend your time! Even so, sometimes it's just nice to get off the isl…
  2293. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1103', false)
  2294. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  2295. >                 # You can use a <item>Nook Miles Ticket to do some island-hopping adventuring, yes, yes! Go anytime you want! Maybe you're looking to meet some new cha…
  2296. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1105', false)
  2297. >             else:
  2298. >                 # A <item>Nook Miles Ticket is a special travel voucher you can only get by redeeming Nook Miles. It's a conundrum, hm? We want to improve our island, …
  2299. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_06', false)
  2300. >             # Well, I won't take up any more of your time. Get back out there and explore ISLAND!
  2301. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1104', false)
  2302. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse'] = true
  2303. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving'] = false
  2304. >
  2305. 10,11c51,126
  2306. <     # Well, hello there, PLAYER!
  2307. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:011', false)
  2308. ---
  2309. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']:
  2310. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterHouseRemodel']):
  2311. >             # Well, hello there, PLAYER!
  2312. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:011', false)
  2313. >             run Sub_grp_Event2()
  2314. >         else:
  2315. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
  2316. >                 case `BaseHouse`:
  2317. >                     # Well, hello there, PLAYER! Say, didn't you ask to have a home built just before you moved here?
  2318. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1002', false)
  2319. >                     run Sub_Event118()
  2320. >                 case `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
  2321. >                     # Well, hello there, PLAYER! Say, didn't you ask to have your home remodeled just before you moved here?
  2322. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1003', false)
  2323. >                     run Sub_Event118()
  2324. >                 default:
  2325. >                     return
  2326. >
  2327. > flow RcoRcmTalkAboutStoreMaterial_Force():
  2328. >     run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_PlayerPos()
  2329. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  2330. >     System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial'] = true
  2331. >     # …So you see, since the number of homeowners is increasing, I agree that we need to build a shop. However, when it comes to building supplies, our cus…
  2332. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:101', false)
  2333. >     # I have every confidence that you'll find a way to handle this little puzzle. The two of you have been training under me for how many years now, hm? T…
  2334. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:102', true)
  2335. >     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  2336. >     fork:
  2337. >         branch:
  2338. >             MainNpc.TurnBody(10, 0.0)
  2339. >             MainNpc.NpcWaitTurn()
  2340. >         branch:
  2341. >             Npc_1.TurnBody(10, 0.0)
  2342. >             Npc_1.NpcWaitTurn()
  2343. >     run GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Normal()
  2344. >
  2345. > flow RcoRcmTalkAboutStoreMaterial_Force_Init():
  2346. >     run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_DisableTalkCamera()
  2347. >     MainNpc.NpcAITalkSubCastEntry(1, 'rcm')
  2348. >     MainNpc.NpcAISetting(2, false)
  2349. >     MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
  2350. >     MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
  2351. >
  2352. > flow Root():
  2353. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
  2354. >         run RcoAfterBuiltHouseEvent()
  2355. >
  2356. > flow SkipMileTicket():
  2357. >     # Now then, go enjoy life in your freshly built home! Indeed!
  2358. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_07', false)
  2359. >     EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetLoan(98000)
  2360. >     run Sub_Event51()
  2361. >
  2362. > local flow Sub_Event118():
  2363. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt'] = false
  2364. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterHouseRemodel'] = false
  2365. >     run Sub_grp_Event2()
  2366. >
  2367. > local flow Sub_Event49():
  2368. >     # Ah, yes! Please make your payments using the Nook Stop's ABD feature as you've done before.
  2369. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_01', false)
  2370. >     run Sub_Event50()
  2371. >
  2372. > local flow Sub_Event50():
  2373. >     # As always, it's been ever so nice doing business with you. Yes, yes!
  2374. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_02', false)
  2375. >     run Sub_Event51()
  2376. >
  2377. > local flow Sub_Event51():
  2378. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UIMoneyDisappear()
  2379. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanRepaying'] = true
  2380. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel'] = false
  2381. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoWallFtrRemoveHouseRemodel'] = false
  2382. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  2383. >
  2384. > local flow Sub_grp_Event2():
  2385. 29,39c144,160
  2386. <             # I think that's everything I need to tell you about homes today.<10:4> But I do have a nice surprise for you! I do hope you're ready for this… it's a …
  2387. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_05', false)
  2388. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2():
  2389. <                 case 0, 1:
  2390. <                     # A <item>Nook Miles Ticket is a special travel voucher you can only get by redeeming Nook Miles. It's a conundrum, hm? We want to improve our island, …
  2391. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_06', false)
  2392. <                     # Now then, go enjoy life in your freshly built home! Indeed!
  2393. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_07', false)
  2394. <                     EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetLoan(98000)
  2395. <                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse'] = true
  2396. <                     run Sub_Event51()
  2397. ---
  2398. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  2399. > entrypoint Event24:
  2400. >                 # I think that's everything I need to tell you about homes today.<10:4> But I do have a nice surprise for you! I do hope you're ready for this… it's a …
  2401. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_05', false)
  2402. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2():
  2403. >                     case 0, 1:
  2404. >                         # A <item>Nook Miles Ticket is a special travel voucher you can only get by redeeming Nook Miles. It's a conundrum, hm? We want to improve our island, …
  2405. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_06', false)
  2406. >                         # Now then, go enjoy life in your freshly built home! Indeed!
  2407. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:012_07', false)
  2408. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetLoan(98000)
  2409. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse'] = true
  2410. >                         run Sub_Event51()
  2411. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving']:
  2412. >                 run GiveMileTicket()
  2413. >             else:
  2414. >                 run SkipMileTicket()
  2415. 111,114c232,233
  2416. <             # Ah, yes! Please make your payments using the Nook Stop's ABD feature as you've done before.
  2417. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_01', false)
  2418. <             # Now, I won't be able to expand your home any further. But I must say it has been a pleasure serving you!
  2419. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:071_04', false)
  2420. ---
  2421. >             # Oh! I'd like to discuss something. Although we can't increase the size of your house any further, well… With all the furniture and trinkets you've co…
  2422. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1202', false)
  2423. 118,163d236
  2424. <
  2425. < flow RcoRcmTalkAboutStoreMaterial_Force():
  2426. <     run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_PlayerPos()
  2427. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  2428. <     System.EventFlags['cLand:RcoRcmTalkingAboutStoreMaterial'] = true
  2429. <     # …So you see, since the number of homeowners is increasing, I agree that we need to build a shop. However, when it comes to building supplies, our cus…
  2430. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:101', false)
  2431. <     # I have every confidence that you'll find a way to handle this little puzzle. The two of you have been training under me for how many years now, hm? T…
  2432. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:102', true)
  2433. <     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  2434. <     fork:
  2435. <         branch:
  2436. <             MainNpc.TurnBody(10, 0.0)
  2437. <             MainNpc.NpcWaitTurn()
  2438. <         branch:
  2439. <             Npc_1.TurnBody(10, 0.0)
  2440. <             Npc_1.NpcWaitTurn()
  2441. <     run RcoAfterBuiltHouseEvent()
  2442. <
  2443. < flow RcoRcmTalkAboutStoreMaterial_Force_Init():
  2444. <     run SNPC_rco_01_Tent_1_Entries::RcoTent_Force_DisableTalkCamera()
  2445. <     MainNpc.NpcAITalkSubCastEntry(1, 'rcm')
  2446. <     MainNpc.NpcAISetting(2, false)
  2447. <     MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
  2448. <     MainNpc.NpcAISetting(3, false)
  2449. <
  2450. < flow Root():
  2451. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel']:
  2452. <         run RcoAfterBuiltHouseEvent()
  2453. <
  2454. < local flow Sub_Event49():
  2455. <     # Ah, yes! Please make your payments using the Nook Stop's ABD feature as you've done before.
  2456. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_01', false)
  2457. <     run Sub_Event50()
  2458. <
  2459. < local flow Sub_Event50():
  2460. <     # As always, it's been ever so nice doing business with you. Yes, yes!
  2461. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:081_02', false)
  2462. <     run Sub_Event51()
  2463. <
  2464. < local flow Sub_Event51():
  2465. <     EventFlowSystemActor.UIMoneyDisappear()
  2466. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerLoanRepaying'] = true
  2467. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoAfterHouseRemodel'] = false
  2468. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoWallFtrRemoveHouseRemodel'] = false
  2469. <     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  2470. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_04_ChkFinishLoan.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_04_ChkFinishLoan.evfl.txt
  2471. 4,6c4,11
  2472. < entrypoint Event1:
  2473. <     # Well, hello there, PLAYER!
  2474. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:001', false)
  2475. ---
  2476. > entrypoint Event21:
  2477. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterLoanFinish']:
  2478. >         # Well, hello there, PLAYER! Say, I was just looking over the file on your home loan from your previous island.
  2479. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1001', false)
  2480. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingAfterLoanFinish'] = false
  2481. >     else:
  2482. >         # Well, hello there, PLAYER!
  2483. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:001', false)
  2484. 34c39,48
  2485. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:009', false)
  2486. ---
  2487. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201', false)
  2488. >             # Oh, yes! There is one other thing for us to discuss. Although we cannot expand your house any further… Maybe we could look into expanding the size of…
  2489. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201_01', false)
  2490. >             # Unfortunately, such construction would not come cheap, so I'd need the entire cost to be paid up front.
  2491. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201_02', false)
  2492. >             # Now, I imagine that, as your house has grown, you've placed quite a few things into storage, hm? But then, before you know it, your storage is full! …
  2493. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201_03', false)
  2494. >             # And on that note, I'd just like to say that I hope Nook Inc. continues to serve you for years to come. Oh! And once again, congratulations!
  2495. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_02_Loan:1201_04', false)
  2496. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStandbyNoticeStorageExpansion'] = false
  2497. 45c59
  2498. <         run Event1()
  2499. ---
  2500. >         run Event21()
  2501. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_10_Common_AboutMyHome.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_AboutMyHome.evfl.txt
  2502. 0a1,111
  2503. > flow ChkAboutStorageExpansion():
  2504. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStorageExpansionLevel']:
  2505. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  2506. >             SubflowResults[0] = 1
  2507. >         else:
  2508. >             SubflowResults[0] = 4
  2509. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  2510. >         SubflowResults[0] = 6
  2511. >     else:
  2512. >         SubflowResults[0] = 7
  2513. >
  2514. > flow MoveOpen_NotOpenStorageExpansion():
  2515. >     switch SubflowResults@6[0]:
  2516. >         case 3:
  2517. >             # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
  2518. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:056', false)
  2519. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2520. >                 case 0:
  2521. >                     run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2522. >                 case 1:
  2523. >                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2524. >                 case 2:
  2525. >                     run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2526. >         case 4:
  2527. >             # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
  2528. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:058', false)
  2529. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2530. >                 case 0:
  2531. >                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2532. >                 case 1:
  2533. >                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2534. >                 case 2:
  2535. >                     run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2536. >         case 5:
  2537. >             # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
  2538. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:057', false)
  2539. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
  2540. >                 case 0:
  2541. >                     run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2542. >                 case 1:
  2543. >                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2544. >                 case 2:
  2545. >                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2546. >                 case 3:
  2547. >                     run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2548. >         default:
  2549. >             return
  2550. >
  2551. > flow NotOpenStorageExpansion():
  2552. >     switch SubflowResults@6[0]:
  2553. >         case 0:
  2554. >             run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2555. >         case 1:
  2556. >             # Time to talk about your home, hm? Right now, I can assist you with home customization. Interested?
  2557. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:053', false)
  2558. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  2559. >                 run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2560. >             else:
  2561. >                 run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2562. >         case 2:
  2563. >             # Time to talk about your home, hm? What shall we discuss?
  2564. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:052', false)
  2565. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2566. >                 case 0:
  2567. >                     run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2568. >                 case 1:
  2569. >                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2570. >                 case 2:
  2571. >                     run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2572. >         case 3:
  2573. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
  2574. >                 # Time to talk about your home, hm? What shall we discuss?
  2575. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:055', false)
  2576. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2577. >                     case 0:
  2578. >                         run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2579. >                     case 1:
  2580. >                         run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2581. >                     case 2:
  2582. >                         run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2583. >             else:
  2584. >                 run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
  2585. >         case 4:
  2586. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
  2587. >                 # Time to talk about your home, hm? There are a few ways I can assist you. What would you like to do?
  2588. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:051', false)
  2589. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2590. >                     case 0:
  2591. >                         run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2592. >                     case 1:
  2593. >                         run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2594. >                     case 2:
  2595. >                         run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2596. >             else:
  2597. >                 run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
  2598. >         case 5:
  2599. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
  2600. >                 # Time to talk about your home, hm? What shall we discuss?
  2601. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:054', false)
  2602. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
  2603. >                     case 0:
  2604. >                         run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2605. >                     case 1:
  2606. >                         run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2607. >                     case 2:
  2608. >                         run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2609. >                     case 3:
  2610. >                         run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2611. >             else:
  2612. >                 run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
  2613. >
  2614. 23,26c134
  2615. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  2616. <                 SubflowResults[0] = 1
  2617. <             else:
  2618. <                 SubflowResults[0] = 4
  2619. ---
  2620. >             run ChkAboutStorageExpansion()
  2621. 34,55c142,145
  2622. <     switch SubflowResults@6[0]:
  2623. <         case 3:
  2624. <             # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
  2625. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:056', false)
  2626. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2627. <                 case 0:
  2628. <                     run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2629. <                 case 1:
  2630. <                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2631. <                 case 2:
  2632. <                     run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2633. <         case 4:
  2634. <             # Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough… How can I help you?
  2635. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:058', false)
  2636. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2637. <                 case 0:
  2638. <                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2639. <                 case 1:
  2640. <                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2641. <                 case 2:
  2642. <                     run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2643. <         case 5:
  2644. ---
  2645. >     switch SubflowResults@8[0]:
  2646. >         case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
  2647. >             run MoveOpen_NotOpenStorageExpansion()
  2648. >         case 7:
  2649. 57c147
  2650. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:057', false)
  2651. ---
  2652. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1193', false)
  2653. 60c150
  2654. <                     run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2655. ---
  2656. >                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage::Root()
  2657. 78c168,174
  2658. <         run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::MoveMyHouseOngoing()
  2659. ---
  2660. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseMoveInIsland']:
  2661. >             # Now, I'm sure you're quite eager to talk about your home, hm? But before we get to that, I believe we have one minor piece of unfinished business to …
  2662. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1005', false)
  2663. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMoveHouseReserved'] = false
  2664. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseMoveInIsland'] = false
  2665. >         else:
  2666. >             run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::MoveMyHouseOngoing()
  2667. 80,81c176,186
  2668. <         # Your exterior customization order will be ready tomorrow morning. I know! It's all very exciting, hm?
  2669. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:010', false)
  2670. ---
  2671. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderChangeHouseDesign']:
  2672. >             # Now, I'm sure you're quite eager to talk about your home, hm? But before we get to that, I believe we have one minor piece of unfinished business to …
  2673. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1001', false)
  2674. >             # Just before moving here, you requested some changes to the exterior of your home, did you not? Well, I am pleased to inform you that I am more than w…
  2675. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1002_01', false)
  2676. >             # In fact, everything should be ready by tomorrow. Quite impressive, hm? I hope you're pleased with it.
  2677. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1003', false)
  2678. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderChangeHouseDesign'] = false
  2679. >         else:
  2680. >             # Your exterior customization order will be ready tomorrow morning. I know! It's all very exciting, hm?
  2681. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:010', false)
  2682. 83,92c188,206
  2683. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
  2684. <             case `PlacedTent`:
  2685. <                 # Yes, I think your home will be ready by tomorrow. I'm so excited for you, PLAYER!
  2686. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:261_01', false)
  2687. <             case `BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
  2688. <                 # Hm, I think the construction you requested will be coming along.<10:4> Yes, yes, I know you're excited!
  2689. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:261', false)
  2690. <             default:
  2691. <                 return
  2692. <     else:
  2693. ---
  2694. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt']:
  2695. >             # Now, I'm sure you're quite eager to talk about your home, hm? But before we get to that, I believe we have one minor piece of unfinished business to …
  2696. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1001', false)
  2697. >             # Just before moving here, you requested an expansion for your living space, did you not? Well, I am pleased to inform you that I am more than willing …
  2698. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1002', false)
  2699. >             # In fact, everything should be ready by tomorrow. Quite impressive, hm? I hope you're pleased with it.
  2700. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1003', false)
  2701. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingOrderHouseBuilt'] = false
  2702. >         else:
  2703. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
  2704. >                 case `PlacedTent`:
  2705. >                     # Yes, I think your home will be ready by tomorrow. I'm so excited for you, PLAYER!
  2706. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:261_01', false)
  2707. >                 case `BaseHouse`, `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
  2708. >                     # Hm, I think the construction you requested will be coming along.<10:4> Yes, yes, I know you're excited!
  2709. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:261', false)
  2710. >                 default:
  2711. >                     return
  2712. >     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStorageExpansionReserved']:
  2713. 94,104c208,211
  2714. <         switch SubflowResults@6[0]:
  2715. <             case 0:
  2716. <                 run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2717. <             case 1:
  2718. <                 # Time to talk about your home, hm? Right now, I can assist you with home customization. Interested?
  2719. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:053', false)
  2720. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  2721. <                     run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2722. <                 else:
  2723. <                     run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2724. <             case 2:
  2725. ---
  2726. >         switch SubflowResults@8[0]:
  2727. >             case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
  2728. >                 run NotOpenStorageExpansion()
  2729. >             case 6:
  2730. 106c213
  2731. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:052', false)
  2732. ---
  2733. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1192', false)
  2734. 109c216
  2735. <                         run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2736. ---
  2737. >                         run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage::Root()
  2738. 114c221
  2739. <             case 3:
  2740. ---
  2741. >             case 7:
  2742. 117,143c224
  2743. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:055', false)
  2744. <                     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2745. <                         case 0:
  2746. <                             run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2747. <                         case 1:
  2748. <                             run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2749. <                         case 2:
  2750. <                             run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2751. <                 else:
  2752. <                     run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
  2753. <             case 4:
  2754. <                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
  2755. <                     # Time to talk about your home, hm? There are a few ways I can assist you. What would you like to do?
  2756. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:051', false)
  2757. <                     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2758. <                         case 0:
  2759. <                             run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ChangeHouseDesign::Root()
  2760. <                         case 1:
  2761. <                             run SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveHouse::Root()
  2762. <                         case 2:
  2763. <                             run Rco_AboutMyHome_Cancel()
  2764. <                 else:
  2765. <                     run RcoChkTalkAboutMoveMyHome()
  2766. <             case 5:
  2767. <                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMoveMyHome']:
  2768. <                     # Time to talk about your home, hm? What shall we discuss?
  2769. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:054', false)
  2770. ---
  2771. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1191', false)
  2772. 146c227
  2773. <                             run RcoCheckUpgradeMyHome()
  2774. ---
  2775. >                             run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage::Root()
  2776. 154a236,246
  2777. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingReservedStorageExpand']:
  2778. >         # Now, I'm sure you're quite eager to talk about your home, hm? But before we get to that, I believe we have one minor piece of unfinished business to …
  2779. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1001', false)
  2780. >         # Before you moved here, I heard you requested to expand your home storage. Fear not! I am more than willing to take on the job! Yes, yes!
  2781. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1021', false)
  2782. >         # In fact, everything should be ready by tomorrow. Quite impressive, hm? I hope you're pleased with it.
  2783. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1003', false)
  2784. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingReservedStorageExpand'] = false
  2785. >     else:
  2786. >         # I should have your home-storage expansion finished by tomorrow morning. Exciting, hm?
  2787. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_00_Common:1116', false)
  2788. Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage.evfl.txt
  2789. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt
  2790. 212a213
  2791. >     DynamicCast_LandReadjustNpc.ChangeClothForVisitQuest(false, true)
  2792. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_10_Common_WhatShouldIDo.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_WhatShouldIDo.evfl.txt
  2793. 4a5,7
  2794. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  2795. >         # I can't think of any pressing business for you to attend to! Why not enjoy some Nook Shopping or redeem some miles? I'd like you to spend your time a…
  2796. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:182', false)
  2797. 14a18,65
  2798. > flow PlayerMovingJump_MainP():
  2799. >     if not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestComplete']:
  2800. >         if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestRunning']:
  2801. >             run SNPC_rco_53_MigrantsQuest::Root()
  2802. >         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  2803. >             run Rco_Hint_AboutDIYWS()
  2804. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() == `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  2805. >             run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  2806. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
  2807. >             run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  2808. >         else:
  2809. >             run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
  2810. >     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:Plorogue4BuiltMuseum']:
  2811. >         # We've done everything to get the homes ready for new residents, so nothing springs to mind right now…
  2812. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:151', false)
  2813. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  2814. >             case 0:
  2815. >                 # I promise to do my part to welcome new residents as soon as possible.
  2816. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:152_01', false)
  2817. >                 # By the way, I plan on letting the island know about folks moving in or out during my island broadcasts. However, once I know who will move into a cer…
  2818. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:152_02', false)
  2819. >             case 1:
  2820. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ImmQGetQuestPrize']:
  2821. >                     # If you're out of things to do, you could try using the fencing I gave you. Set it up around your home! If you place fencing pieces next to each other…
  2822. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:153_01', false)
  2823. >                 else:
  2824. >                     # I'll send my thank-you gift by mail, and I do think you'll like it! It might show up in your mailbox as soon as tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it!
  2825. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:153_02', false)
  2826. >             case 2:
  2827. >                 if SubflowResults@2[15] == 0:
  2828. >                     # I'm sure you've gotten used to living here by now, so I want you to enjoy your time doing what you like.
  2829. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:154_02', false)
  2830. >                 else:
  2831. >                     # If you have the time, I'd be honored if you'd join our celebration ceremony!
  2832. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:154_01', false)
  2833. >     else:
  2834. >         run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  2835. >
  2836. > flow PlayerMovingJump_SubP():
  2837. >     if not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestComplete']:
  2838. >         run AlreadyFenceUnlock()
  2839. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineHeardFenceRecipe']:
  2840. >         run AlreadyFenceUnlock()
  2841. >     else:
  2842. >         # Ah! Here's something. Did you know you can now redeem miles at the Nook Stop for fencing recipes? You can use fencing to surround your home, parcel o…
  2843. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:163', false)
  2844. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineHeardFenceRecipe'] = true
  2845. >
  2846. 31c82,88
  2847. <                 run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
  2848. ---
  2849. >                 if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  2850. >                     run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
  2851. >                 elif System.EventFlags['cLand:PlayerMovingEnableShopMaterialCollect']:
  2852. >                     run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
  2853. >                 else:
  2854. >                     # Have you taken the time to sort through your belongings since you moved here, PLAYER? Should you need anything for your new life here, may I humbly s…
  2855. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:183', false)
  2856. 149c206,208
  2857. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  2858. ---
  2859. >         if not System.EventFlags['cLand:ImmQClearNextDay']:
  2860. >             run PlayerMovingJump_MainP()
  2861. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  2862. 156,189d214
  2863. <         elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestComplete']:
  2864. <             if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestRunning']:
  2865. <                 run SNPC_rco_53_MigrantsQuest::Root()
  2866. <             elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  2867. <                 run Rco_Hint_AboutDIYWS()
  2868. <             elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() == `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  2869. <                 run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  2870. <             elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
  2871. <                 run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  2872. <             else:
  2873. <                 run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
  2874. <         elif System.EventFlags['cLand:Plorogue4BuiltMuseum']:
  2875. <             # We've done everything to get the homes ready for new residents, so nothing springs to mind right now…
  2876. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:151', false)
  2877. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  2878. <                 case 0:
  2879. <                     # I promise to do my part to welcome new residents as soon as possible.
  2880. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:152_01', false)
  2881. <                     # By the way, I plan on letting the island know about folks moving in or out during my island broadcasts. However, once I know who will move into a cer…
  2882. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:152_02', false)
  2883. <                 case 1:
  2884. <                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ImmQGetQuestPrize']:
  2885. <                         # If you're out of things to do, you could try using the fencing I gave you. Set it up around your home! If you place fencing pieces next to each other…
  2886. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:153_01', false)
  2887. <                     else:
  2888. <                         # I'll send my thank-you gift by mail, and I do think you'll like it! It might show up in your mailbox as soon as tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it!
  2889. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:153_02', false)
  2890. <                 case 2:
  2891. <                     if SubflowResults@2[15] == 0:
  2892. <                         # I'm sure you've gotten used to living here by now, so I want you to enjoy your time doing what you like.
  2893. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:154_02', false)
  2894. <                     else:
  2895. <                         # If you have the time, I'd be honored if you'd join our celebration ceremony!
  2896. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:154_01', false)
  2897. 191c216
  2898. <             run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  2899. ---
  2900. >             run PlayerMovingJump_MainP()
  2901. 197,198c222,227
  2902. <             # It occurs to me, PLAYER… Have you settled on a place to live? A spot for your tent? Hm? You're free to live the way you like, of course. But there ar…
  2903. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:110', false)
  2904. ---
  2905. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NotBuilt2PMyHomeAfterMoving']:
  2906. >                 # It occurs to me, PLAYER… Have you settled on a place to live? A spot for your tent? Hm? You're free to live the way you like, of course. But there ar…
  2907. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:181', false)
  2908. >             else:
  2909. >                 # It occurs to me, PLAYER… Have you settled on a place to live? A spot for your tent? Hm? You're free to live the way you like, of course. But there ar…
  2910. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:110', false)
  2911. 206a236,237
  2912. >             elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:ImmQClearNextDay']:
  2913. >                 run PlayerMovingJump_SubP()
  2914. 211,214d241
  2915. <             elif not System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmImmQuestComplete']:
  2916. <                 run AlreadyFenceUnlock()
  2917. <             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineHeardFenceRecipe']:
  2918. <                 run AlreadyFenceUnlock()
  2919. 216,218c243
  2920. <                 # Ah! Here's something. Did you know you can now redeem miles at the Nook Stop for fencing recipes? You can use fencing to surround your home, parcel o…
  2921. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:163', false)
  2922. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ObjRcoMachineHeardFenceRecipe'] = true
  2923. ---
  2924. >                 run PlayerMovingJump_SubP()
  2925. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_52_DonationRewardEntries.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_52_DonationRewardEntries.evfl.txt
  2926. 2,14c2,24
  2927. <     # Oh! That reminds me…
  2928. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_01', false)
  2929. <     MainNpc.SmartPhone(0)
  2930. <     # This is in no way tied to your generous donation just now, but I have a useful app to show you.
  2931. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_01_01', true)
  2932. <     run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataWithP()
  2933. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuEncyclopedia'] = true
  2934. <     EventFlowSystemActor.UIMenuDeviceAppear('cInstall', 'cEncyclopedia')
  2935. <     # I sent you the Critterpedia app. It's a terrific resource for an aspiring island researcher such as yourself. With this one app, you'll get all the i…
  2936. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_02_01', false)
  2937. <     run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::PuttingMobileAwayWithP()
  2938. <     # I do hope you'll continue to fill it up with your discoveries—and share them with me too! I'm sure I'll be able to come up with some kind of addition…
  2939. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_03', false)
  2940. ---
  2941. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuEncyclopedia']:
  2942. >         # Oh, I know! We'll just call this a little reward for your assistance. I think you'll like it.
  2943. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:111', true)
  2944. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(4549, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  2945. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
  2946. >         # It's some <item>fish bait! Just sprinkle this in a river or the ocean, and fish are sure to appear! I do hope you enjoy that. I'll try to think up so…
  2947. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:112', false)
  2948. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
  2949. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(4549, 5)
  2950. >     else:
  2951. >         # Oh! That reminds me…
  2952. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_01', false)
  2953. >         MainNpc.SmartPhone(0)
  2954. >         # This is in no way tied to your generous donation just now, but I have a useful app to show you.
  2955. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_01_01', true)
  2956. >         run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataWithP()
  2957. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuEncyclopedia'] = true
  2958. >         EventFlowSystemActor.UIMenuDeviceAppear('cInstall', 'cEncyclopedia')
  2959. >         # I sent you the Critterpedia app. It's a terrific resource for an aspiring island researcher such as yourself. With this one app, you'll get all the i…
  2960. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_02_01', false)
  2961. >         run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::PuttingMobileAwayWithP()
  2962. >         # I do hope you'll continue to fill it up with your discoveries—and share them with me too! I'm sure I'll be able to come up with some kind of addition…
  2963. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:011_03', false)
  2964. 39,42c49,64
  2965. <     EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'RcoDonationRewardA')
  2966. <     System.EventFlags['cLand:ShopUnlockAxe'] = true
  2967. <     # I just sent you a number of DIY recipes that require wood…along with the recipe to craft an axe! Yes, yes…I think an axe would come in quite useful o…
  2968. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:012_07', false)
  2969. ---
  2970. >     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(65534, 'RcoDonationRewardA')):
  2971. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:ShopUnlockAxe'] = true
  2972. >         # I have lots of recipes for items made from wood, including an axe which is needed to cut wood from trees! Oh! But perhaps you already know all of the…
  2973. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:121', false)
  2974. >         # Hmm… I'm afraid I don't have any other fancy recipes to give you. But I owe you, so I need to make this right. I know! Allow me to present you with y…
  2975. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:122', true)
  2976. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(3068, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  2977. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
  2978. >         # As you may know, tools such as axes eventually break with use. That's why it's always good to have a spare! Yes, yes! I'm sure that axe will help you…
  2979. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:123', false)
  2980. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
  2981. >     else:
  2982. >         EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(65534, 'RcoDonationRewardA')
  2983. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:ShopUnlockAxe'] = true
  2984. >         # I just sent you a number of DIY recipes that require wood…along with the recipe to craft an axe! Yes, yes…I think an axe would come in quite useful o…
  2985. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:012_07', false)
  2986. 66,74c88,114
  2987. <     # The flowers that grow will be very strong. They'll spring up even if you just plant them and forget them. Ah, but if you water them each day… that's …
  2988. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_03', true)
  2989. <     run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataOneWay()
  2990. <     EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(3083, 'None')
  2991. <     # And how might you water them, you ask?<10:4> Well, I've just sent you the DIY recipe for a watering can!
  2992. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_04', false)
  2993. <     MainNpc.SmartPhone(1)
  2994. <     # My accountant warned me about giving this sort of thing away for free… But you've collected creatures for me, PLAYER, so this is just part of island …
  2995. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_05', false)
  2996. ---
  2997. >     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(3083, '')):
  2998. >         # The flowers that grow will be very strong. They'll spring up even if you just plant them and forget them. Ah, but if you water them each day… that's …
  2999. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:141', false)
  3000. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2():
  3001. >             case 0, 1:
  3002. >                 # Oho! I was about to teach you how to make one, but if you already know, then you're good to go! Instead, how about I thank you for the critter by giv…
  3003. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:142', true)
  3004. >                 run RcoTent_GiveSeeds_Again()
  3005. >                 MainNpc.SetItemName(0, 14, 0)
  3006. >                 MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
  3007. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
  3008. >                     # Yes, yes! I'm going to give you [a|an]<125:0:0200>. These are certain to grow into lovely flowers. And if you enjoy them, you can always come back an…
  3009. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:143', false)
  3010. >                 else:
  3011. >                     # Yes, yes! I'm going to give you [a|an]<125:0:0200>. These are certain to grow into lovely flowers. And if you enjoy them, you can buy more from the s…
  3012. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:143_01', false)
  3013. >                 MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
  3014. >     else:
  3015. >         # The flowers that grow will be very strong. They'll spring up even if you just plant them and forget them. Ah, but if you water them each day… that's …
  3016. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_03', true)
  3017. >         run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataOneWay()
  3018. >         EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(3083, 'None')
  3019. >         # And how might you water them, you ask?<10:4> Well, I've just sent you the DIY recipe for a watering can!
  3020. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_04', false)
  3021. >         MainNpc.SmartPhone(1)
  3022. >         # My accountant warned me about giving this sort of thing away for free… But you've collected creatures for me, PLAYER, so this is just part of island …
  3023. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_04_DonationReward:014_05', false)
  3024. 127a168,194
  3025. >
  3026. > flow RcoTent_GiveSeeds_Again():
  3027. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.VillageFlower('cBirthday'):
  3028. >         case 0:
  3029. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(3755, 5)
  3030. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(3755, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  3031. >         case 1:
  3032. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2980, 5)
  3033. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2980, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  3034. >         case 2:
  3035. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2629, 5)
  3036. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2629, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  3037. >         case 3:
  3038. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(3731, 5)
  3039. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(3731, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  3040. >         case 4:
  3041. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2932, 5)
  3042. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2932, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  3043. >         case 5:
  3044. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(3710, 5)
  3045. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(3710, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  3046. >         case 6:
  3047. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2880, 5)
  3048. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2880, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  3049. >         case 7:
  3050. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(2908, 5)
  3051. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2908, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  3052. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_53_MigrantsQuest.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_53_MigrantsQuest.evfl.txt
  3053. 54c54,58
  3054. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
  3055. ---
  3056. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PAnnouceHeardRemakeWsNewsToday']:
  3057. >         run UnlockRemake_byPlayerMoving()
  3058. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  3059. >         run UnlockRemake_byPlayerMoving()
  3060. >     else:
  3061. 58,71c62
  3062. <     # Well, I couldn't have done this without you, PLAYER. That's for certain.
  3063. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:109', true)
  3064. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ImmQTalkAboutPrize'] = true
  3065. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStayMyHouseImmQClear'] = false
  3066. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(false, 0) in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `Unknown7`, `Unknown8`):
  3067. <         EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, true)
  3068. <         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
  3069. <         EventFlowSystemActor.CameraSetDemoParam('Player', 'cNormal', '', false, false, false, 0)
  3070. <         MainNpc.NpcAISetting(12, false)
  3071. <         Player.TurnBody(11, 0.0)
  3072. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SetHideObjectVisible()
  3073. <         EventFlowSystemActor.FadeIn(true)
  3074. <     else:
  3075. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemReenterStage(0, 'cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  3076. ---
  3077. >         run UnlockRemake_byPlayerMoving()
  3078. 379a371,386
  3079. >
  3080. > flow UnlockRemake_byPlayerMoving():
  3081. >     # Well, I couldn't have done this without you, PLAYER. That's for certain.
  3082. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_05_MigrantsQuest:109', true)
  3083. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ImmQTalkAboutPrize'] = true
  3084. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStayMyHouseImmQClear'] = false
  3085. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(false, 0) in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `HarvestFestival`, `XmasEve`, `Unknown9`):
  3086. >         EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, true)
  3087. >         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
  3088. >         EventFlowSystemActor.CameraSetDemoParam('Player', 'cNormal', '', false, false, false, 0)
  3089. >         MainNpc.NpcAISetting(12, false)
  3090. >         Player.TurnBody(11, 0.0)
  3091. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SetHideObjectVisible()
  3092. >         EventFlowSystemActor.FadeIn(true)
  3093. >     else:
  3094. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemReenterStage(0, 'cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  3095. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_55_TkkFirstLive.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_55_TkkFirstLive.evfl.txt
  3096. 34,45c34,46
  3097. <     # Speaking of which, I've developed a new app that should help you make the island even more inviting. Let me send it to you now.
  3098. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:006', true)
  3099. <     MainNpc.SmartPhone(0)
  3100. <     run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataWithP()
  3101. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
  3102. <     EventFlowSystemActor.UIMenuDeviceAppear('cInstall', 'cConstructLicense')
  3103. <     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(5)
  3104. <     run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::PuttingMobileAwayWithP()
  3105. <     # The app I've just sent you is called Island Designer! It's a special app from Nook Inc. that gives residents the ability to take part in bold island …
  3106. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:007', false)
  3107. <     # Yes, yes, ISLAND has come a long way… I think I'll leave more and more of the future development of this island in the hands of its residents.
  3108. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:008', false)
  3109. ---
  3110. >     if not ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'])):
  3111. >         # Speaking of which, I've developed a new app that should help you make the island even more inviting. Let me send it to you now.
  3112. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:006', true)
  3113. >         MainNpc.SmartPhone(0)
  3114. >         run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::SendingDataWithP()
  3115. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
  3116. >         EventFlowSystemActor.UIMenuDeviceAppear('cInstall', 'cConstructLicense')
  3117. >         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(5)
  3118. >         run Demo_Common_PhoneCall::PuttingMobileAwayWithP()
  3119. >         # The app I've just sent you is called Island Designer! It's a special app from Nook Inc. that gives residents the ability to take part in bold island …
  3120. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:007', false)
  3121. >         # Yes, yes, ISLAND has come a long way… I think I'll leave more and more of the future development of this island in the hands of its residents.
  3122. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_11_TkkFirstLive:008', false)
  3123. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_91_BreakInSpeak.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_91_BreakInSpeak.evfl.txt
  3124. 97,98c97,124
  3125. <     # Yes, yes! If you see anything you like, feel free to take it right on home. If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't d…
  3126. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:014', false)
  3127. ---
  3128. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  3129. >         run TalkAboutRecycleBox_NormalSeq()
  3130. >     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  3131. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PocketItemSendRecycleBoxByMoving']:
  3132. >             # Please don't hesitate to take anything you like, hm!
  3133. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:015', false)
  3134. >             # That's also where you'll find any items you entrusted to me when you moved here.
  3135. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:016_02', false)
  3136. >             # If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't delay in pulling out your belongings!
  3137. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:017', false)
  3138. >         else:
  3139. >             run TalkAboutRecycleBox_NormalSeq()
  3140. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PocketItemSendRecycleBoxByMoving']:
  3141. >         # Please don't hesitate to take anything you like, hm!
  3142. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:015', false)
  3143. >         # That's also where you'll find anything you entrusted to me when we sorted out your belongings after your move.
  3144. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:016', false)
  3145. >         # If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't delay in pulling out your belongings!
  3146. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:017', false)
  3147. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PocketItemSendRecycleBoxByMoving']:
  3148. >         # Please don't hesitate to take anything you like, hm!
  3149. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:015', false)
  3150. >         # That's also where you'll find anything left in your tent when we removed it to set up your home.
  3151. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:016_01', false)
  3152. >         # If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't delay in pulling out your belongings!
  3153. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:017', false)
  3154. >     else:
  3155. >         run TalkAboutRecycleBox_NormalSeq()
  3156. 105a132,135
  3157. >
  3158. > flow TalkAboutRecycleBox_NormalSeq():
  3159. >     # Yes, yes! If you see anything you like, feel free to take it right on home. If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't d…
  3160. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_91_BreakInSpeak:014', false)
  3161. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_92_OtherSettings.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_92_OtherSettings.evfl.txt
  3162. 146a147,148
  3163. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsWaitingMovedIn():
  3164. >             EventFlowSystemActor.BeginAsMovedOne(false)
  3165. 177,179c179,181
  3166. <         # Now, what settings would you like to talk about today?
  3167. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_92_OtherSettings:022', false)
  3168. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
  3169. ---
  3170. >         # Now, how can I help you today?
  3171. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_92_OtherSettings:023', false)
  3172. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice5():
  3173. 180a183,184
  3174. >                 run SNPC_rco_96_PlayerMoving::Root()
  3175. >             case 1:
  3176. 184,185d187
  3177. <             case 1:
  3178. <                 run SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings::WebSetting_Main()
  3179. 187c189
  3180. <                 run SNPC_rco_94_SavedataRecoveringSettings::Root()
  3181. ---
  3182. >                 run SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings::WebSetting_Main()
  3183. 188a191,192
  3184. >                 run SNPC_rco_94_SavedataRecoveringSettings::Root()
  3185. >             case 4:
  3186. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt
  3187. 34c34
  3188. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.NotifyUseNSOAppli('cNotifyUseNSOAppli', true)
  3189. ---
  3190. >                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(false, true)
  3191. 38,39c38,43
  3192. <                                 EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  3193. <                                 run WebSetting_Activate_Success()
  3194. ---
  3195. >                                 EventFlowSystemActor.NotifyUseNSOAppli('cNotifyUseNSOAppli', true)
  3196. >                                 if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  3197. >                                     run WebSetting_Activate_Failed()
  3198. >                                 else:
  3199. >                                     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  3200. >                                     run WebSetting_Activate_Success()
  3201. 102c106,110
  3202. <                             run WebSetting_Upload_Success()
  3203. ---
  3204. >                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(false, true)
  3205. >                             if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  3206. >                                 run WebSetting_Upload_Failed()
  3207. >                             else:
  3208. >                                 run WebSetting_Upload_Success()
  3209. Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_rco_96_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt
  3210. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rco.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rco.evfl.txt
  3211. 23a24,25
  3212. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CanGetMileTicketTrialForMoving']:
  3213. >             run SNPC_rco_03_ChkAfterRemodel::GiveMileTicketForMovingPlayer_Normal()
  3214. 48c50,52
  3215. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  3216. ---
  3217. >                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoStandbyNoticeStorageExpansion']:
  3218. >                         run SNPC_rco_10_Common_ExpandHouseStorage::NoticeExpandStorage_Normal()
  3219. >                     elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  3220. 63,67c67,75
  3221. <         # Ah, PLAYER! Welcome, welcome! As you can see, it is quite cozy in here. It's funny how "cozy" doesn't always mean "comfortable," hm? Let me know if y…
  3222. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001', false)
  3223. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
  3224. <             # If you need some advice about basic island materials, you should talk to Timmy. He can help you procure some of the essentials for thriving in our li…
  3225. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001_01', false)
  3226. ---
  3227. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  3228. >             # Ah, PLAYER! Welcome, welcome! This is Resident Services. Here, we provide support for all the residents of ISLAND. I'm sure you've already got the ha…
  3229. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:011', false)
  3230. >         else:
  3231. >             # Ah, PLAYER! Welcome, welcome! As you can see, it is quite cozy in here. It's funny how "cozy" doesn't always mean "comfortable," hm? Let me know if y…
  3232. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001', false)
  3233. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
  3234. >                 # If you need some advice about basic island materials, you should talk to Timmy. He can help you procure some of the essentials for thriving in our li…
  3235. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001_01', false)
  3236. 72,73c80,96
  3237. <     # Oh! One more important thing… I'm offering a free DIY workshop that can help you really build out your island experience. I think it would be quite u…
  3238. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001_02', false)
  3239. ---
  3240. >     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']):
  3241. >         # Now, normally the first thing we ask of any package-plan members is to attend a special DIY workshop. However, I don't think there's any need for tha…
  3242. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:012', false)
  3243. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:FlightBalloonEnable'] = true
  3244. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:MessageBottleAvailable'] = true
  3245. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  3246. >             # But, if you have time, it would be wonderful if I could get your help investigating the local wildlife. If you happen to catch any bugs or fish, plea…
  3247. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:013_01', false)
  3248. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() in (`ResServiceTent0`, `ResServiceTent1`):
  3249. >             # So why don't you get out there and enjoy deserted-island life, hm?
  3250. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:013_02', false)
  3251. >         else:
  3252. >             # So why don't you get out there and enjoy life on your new island, hm?
  3253. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:013_03', false)
  3254. >     else:
  3255. >         # Oh! One more important thing… I'm offering a free DIY workshop that can help you really build out your island experience. I think it would be quite u…
  3256. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_03_PcHouseTent:001_02', false)
  3257. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_rct.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_rct.evfl.txt
  3258. 1,4c1,7
  3259. < flow RctCongratMyhome():
  3260. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() == `BaseHouse`) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome']):
  3261. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctOutsideHintToday'] = true
  3262. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome'] = true
  3263. ---
  3264. > flow RctCongratMyHome_PlayerMoving():
  3265. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctOutsideHintToday'] = true
  3266. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome'] = true
  3267. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  3268. >         # Oh, hey! How's your home been since the move, PLAYER? A home like that is sure to open up many possibilities for you here!
  3269. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_05', false)
  3270. >     else:
  3271. 7,14c10,28
  3272. <         if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmShopMaterialComplete']:
  3273. <             # Once our shop is built, I think we'll carry even more stylish furnishings that'll look great in your home… Stop by to do some shopping once we're ope…
  3274. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_04_03', false)
  3275. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctTnx4CollectingMaterials2'] = true
  3276. <         else:
  3277. <             # You'll be wanting stylish furniture for your home, which you could always craft as DIY projects, but… I recommend you check into the offerings from N…
  3278. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_04_02', false)
  3279. <         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  3280. ---
  3281. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:RcmShopMaterialComplete']:
  3282. >         # Once our shop is built, I think we'll carry even more stylish furnishings that'll look great in your home… Stop by to do some shopping once we're ope…
  3283. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_04_03', false)
  3284. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctTnx4CollectingMaterials2'] = true
  3285. >     else:
  3286. >         # You'll be wanting stylish furniture for your home, which you could always craft as DIY projects, but… I recommend you check into the offerings from N…
  3287. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rct/SP_rct:061_04_02', false)
  3288. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  3289. >
  3290. > flow RctCongratMyhome():
  3291. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel():
  3292. >         case `BaseHouse`:
  3293. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome']:
  3294. >                 run RctCongratMyHome_PlayerMoving()
  3295. >         case `HouseExpansion1`, `BackRoom`, `LeftRoom`, `RightRoom`, `SecondFloor`, `Basement`:
  3296. >             if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RctHintCongratsMyhome']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']):
  3297. >                 run RctCongratMyHome_PlayerMoving()
  3298. >         default:
  3299. >             return
  3300. Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_rei.evfl.txt
  3301. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_slo_00_Peddling.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_slo_00_Peddling.evfl.txt
  3302. 36a37
  3303. >                 SubflowResults[0] = 0
  3304. 67,76c68,79
  3305. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  3306. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinSeedingFlag']:
  3307. <             # [A|An]<125:0:0000>! A perfectly wonderful selection. And they're available in bulk. How many would you like?
  3308. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:038', false)
  3309. <         else:
  3310. <             # I'm doing a special in October. For <90:21:0000> each, you can grow your own <125:0:0200>.
  3311. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:104', false)
  3312. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinSeedingFlag'] = true
  3313. <             # I can sell them to you individually or in bulk. So, would you like to care for [a|an]<125:0:0200>?
  3314. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:106', false)
  3315. ---
  3316. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  3317. >         # [A|An]<125:0:0000>! A perfectly wonderful selection. And they're available in bulk. How many would you like?
  3318. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:038', false)
  3319. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinSeedingFlag']:
  3320. >         # [A|An]<125:0:0000>! A perfectly wonderful selection. And they're available in bulk. How many would you like?
  3321. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:038', false)
  3322. >     else:
  3323. >         # I'm doing a special in October. For <90:21:0000> each, you can grow your own <125:0:0200>.
  3324. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:104', false)
  3325. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinSeedingFlag'] = true
  3326. >         # I can sell them to you individually or in bulk. So, would you like to care for [a|an]<125:0:0200>?
  3327. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:106', false)
  3328. 79,87c82,103
  3329. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  3330. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable']:
  3331. <             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
  3332. <                 run Sub_grp_Event95()
  3333. <         else:
  3334. <             # Oh, yes! I have some happy news to share with you. Since October and Halloween are such close friends, I decided to start selling <item>pumpkin start…
  3335. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:100', false)
  3336. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable'] = true
  3337. <             run Sub_grp_Event95()
  3338. ---
  3339. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
  3340. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
  3341. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddPumpkinFlag'] = true
  3342. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddPumpkinFlag']:
  3343. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddPumpkinFlag'] = true
  3344. >         if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  3345. >             # Oh, yes! I also brought some wonderful little <item>pumpkin starts that I'd love to sell you.
  3346. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:108', false)
  3347. >         else:
  3348. >             # Oh! I also have something new with me. I brought a couple of wonderful <item>pumpkin starts I'd love to sell you.
  3349. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:108_01', false)
  3350. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  3351. >             # And since October and Halloween are such close friends, they're on sale for half off!
  3352. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:109', false)
  3353. >             run Sub_grp_Event182()
  3354. >         else:
  3355. >             run Sub_grp_Event182()
  3356. >     elif (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable']):
  3357. >         # Oh, yes! I have some happy news to share with you. Since October and Halloween are such close friends, <item>pumpkin starts are on sale for half off!
  3358. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:107', false)
  3359. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable'] = true
  3360. >         run Sub_grp_Event182()
  3361. 136,140d151
  3362. < local flow Sub_Event146(EachWeedPrice: int, TotalWeedPrice: int, WeedNum: int, SellTotal: int):
  3363. <     run Slo_PumpkinSeeding()
  3364. <     # I'd be happy to know what I can do for you today.
  3365. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:004', false)
  3366. <
  3367. 160a172,177
  3368. > local flow Sub_Event184(EachWeedPrice: int, TotalWeedPrice: int, WeedNum: int, SellTotal: int):
  3369. >     SubflowResults[0] = 1
  3370. >     run Slo_PumpkinSeeding()
  3371. >     # I'd be happy to know what I can do for you today.
  3372. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:004', false)
  3373. >
  3374. 184a202,209
  3375. > local flow Sub_grp_Event182():
  3376. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
  3377. >         # Just a few days after planting my <item>pumpkin starts, you'll have cheerful pumpkins eager to be picked. And watering your pumpkins makes them much …
  3378. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:102', false)
  3379. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
  3380. >     # Pumpkins are so much fun. I sure hope you'll try raising some!
  3381. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:110', false)
  3382. >
  3383. 215,222d239
  3384. < local flow Sub_grp_Event95():
  3385. <     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
  3386. <         # Just a few days after planting my <item>pumpkin starts, you'll have cheerful pumpkins eager to be picked. And watering your pumpkins makes them much …
  3387. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:102', false)
  3388. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
  3389. <     # Pumpkins are so much fun. I sure hope you'll try raising some!
  3390. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:103', false)
  3391. <
  3392. 258,262c275
  3393. <         if (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (not ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']))):
  3394. <             # Oh! Hello! Isn't this the most perfect day to shop for flowers?
  3395. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:057', false)
  3396. <             run Sub_Event146(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
  3397. <         else:
  3398. ---
  3399. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainAddVegetable']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ExplainPumpkinColorFlag']):
  3400. 264a278,281
  3401. >         else:
  3402. >             # Oh! Hello! Isn't this the most perfect day to shop for flowers?
  3403. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:057', false)
  3404. >             run Sub_Event184(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
  3405. 273c290
  3406. <             run Sub_Event146(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
  3407. ---
  3408. >             run Sub_Event184(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
  3409. 275c292
  3410. <             run Sub_Event146(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
  3411. ---
  3412. >             run Sub_Event184(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
  3413. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_sza_00_Common.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_sza_00_Common.evfl.txt
  3414. 44a45,67
  3415. > flow Sza_Cmn_Christmas():
  3416. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('XmasEve', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReiStartQuest1']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReiFinishQuest1']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SzaChristmasOrnament']):
  3417. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsReceiveMargeItem(5731, 5730, 5732, 65534, 65534, 3):
  3418. >             # Oh dear, are you on the hunt for ornaments? I might have a few left over from decorating…<10:4> Let me see!
  3419. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:1001', true)
  3420. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOn(44)
  3421. >             EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('cNormalFader', 'cNormalFader', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, false)
  3422. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(40)
  3423. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(5730, 3)
  3424. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(5731, 3)
  3425. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(5732, 3)
  3426. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOff(44)
  3427. >             EventFlowSystemActor.FadeIn(true)
  3428. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SzaChristmasOrnament'] = true
  3429. >             # Thanks for waiting! I found a few extras, so I hope you can make good use of them. It's so nice to see you helping out with the Toy Day festivities…y…
  3430. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:1002', false)
  3431. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  3432. >         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:SzaChristmasHintMessage']:
  3433. >             # Oh dear, are you on the hunt for ornaments? I might have a few left over…but you don't have any room! I always carry around too much stuff too. But I…
  3434. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:1003', true)
  3435. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:SzaChristmasHintMessage'] = true
  3436. >             SubflowResults[0] = 1
  3437. >
  3438. 76c99,109
  3439. <     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SzaTalkAtOfficeToday']:
  3440. ---
  3441. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SzaTalkAtOfficeToday']:
  3442. >         run Sza_Cmn_Christmas()
  3443. >         if System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandEvaluationUnlock']:
  3444. >             # Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with something!
  3445. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:002_04', false)
  3446. >             run szaSel5B()
  3447. >         else:
  3448. >             # Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with something!
  3449. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:002_03', false)
  3450. >             run szaSel4B()
  3451. >     else:
  3452. 77a111
  3453. >         run Sza_Cmn_Christmas()
  3454. 84,91d117
  3455. <     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandEvaluationUnlock']:
  3456. <         # Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with something!
  3457. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:002_04', false)
  3458. <         run szaSel5B()
  3459. <     else:
  3460. <         # Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with something!
  3461. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_0_common:002_03', false)
  3462. <         run szaSel4B()
  3463. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_sza_50_IslandEvaluation.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_sza_50_IslandEvaluation.evfl.txt
  3464. 185c185
  3465. <         case `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `Unknown7`, `Unknown8`:
  3466. ---
  3467. >         case `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Halloween`, `HarvestFestival`, `XmasEve`, `Unknown9`:
  3468. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_tap.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_tap.evfl.txt
  3469. 0a1,31
  3470. > flow About_DiscloseLeaveTap():
  3471. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream']:
  3472. >         # Certainly. Right now, I have permission to share your dream of ISLAND. When I am asked to choose a dream to surprise someone, it is possible I may sh…
  3473. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3500', false)
  3474. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3475. >             SubflowResults[4] = 0
  3476. >             SubflowResults[5] = 0
  3477. >         else:
  3478. >             SubflowResults[4] = 1
  3479. >             SubflowResults[5] = 1
  3480. >     else:
  3481. >         if System.EventFlags['cLand:IsUploadDisclosedMyDream']:
  3482. >             # Sure. Currently, I am not sharing your dream of ISLAND. Would you like your dream to be among those I might share when I am asked for a surprise? If …
  3483. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3506', false)
  3484. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3485. >                 SubflowResults[4] = 1
  3486. >                 SubflowResults[5] = 2
  3487. >             else:
  3488. >                 SubflowResults[4] = 0
  3489. >                 SubflowResults[5] = 2
  3490. >         else:
  3491. >             # Sure. Currently, I am not sharing your dream of ISLAND. Would you like your dream to be among those I might share if I am asked for a surprise?
  3492. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3501', false)
  3493. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3494. >                 SubflowResults[4] = 1
  3495. >                 SubflowResults[5] = 0
  3496. >             else:
  3497. >                 SubflowResults[4] = 0
  3498. >                 SubflowResults[5] = 1
  3499. >     run Change_DiscloseLeaveTap()
  3500. >
  3501. 4,6c35,37
  3502. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3001', false)
  3503. < entrypoint Event116:
  3504. <     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
  3505. ---
  3506. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3002', false)
  3507. > entrypoint Event494:
  3508. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice5():
  3509. 12c43
  3510. <             run Delete_Dream()
  3511. ---
  3512. >             run About_DiscloseLeaveTap()
  3513. 13a45,46
  3514. >             run Delete_Dream()
  3515. >         case 4:
  3516. 39a73,80
  3517. > flow AskRetrySearch():
  3518. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
  3519. >         run ReturnSelectSearchMode()
  3520. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap']:
  3521. >         run ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist()
  3522. >     else:
  3523. >         run ReturnInputNo()
  3524. >
  3525. 54a96,137
  3526. > flow Change_DiscloseLeaveTap():
  3527. >     if SubflowResults@2[4] == 0:
  3528. >         switch SubflowResults@3[5]:
  3529. >             case 0:
  3530. >                 System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = false
  3531. >                 # Alright. I will no longer share your dream if I am asked for a surprise.
  3532. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3503', false)
  3533. >                 run RunSetting()
  3534. >             case 1:
  3535. >                 # Done. I will leave things as they are. If someone asks me for a surprise, that surprise will not be your dream of ISLAND.
  3536. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3505', false)
  3537. >                 run RunSetting()
  3538. >             case 2:
  3539. >                 # Done. I will leave things as they are. If someone asks me for a surprise, that surprise will not be your dream of ISLAND.
  3540. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3505', false)
  3541. >                 run OnlySaveSetting()
  3542. >     else:
  3543. >         switch SubflowResults@3[5]:
  3544. >             case 0:
  3545. >                 System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
  3546. >                 # Very well. Now when someone asks me for a surprise, that surprise might be your dream of ISLAND.
  3547. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3504', false)
  3548. > entrypoint Event559:
  3549. >                 run Send_DiscloseSetting()
  3550. > entrypoint Event460:
  3551. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
  3552. >                 run Return_About_MyDream()
  3553. >             case 1:
  3554. >                 # Understood. Your dream will remain among those I share if I am asked for a surprise.
  3555. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3502', false)
  3556. >                 run RunSetting()
  3557. >             case 2:
  3558. >                 System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
  3559. >                 System.EventFlags['cLand:IsUploadDisclosedMyDream'] = false
  3560. >                 # Very well. Now when someone asks me for a surprise, that surprise might be your dream of ISLAND.
  3561. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3504', false)
  3562. >                 run ShortCutFirstLeaveTapUpload()
  3563. >                 run Return_About_MyDream()
  3564. >
  3565. > flow CloseLeaveTap():
  3566. >     run Event469()
  3567. >
  3568. 70c153
  3569. <     # Splendid! Then everything is sorted. Please close your eyes…and relax…
  3570. ---
  3571. >     # Splendid! Everything is now sorted. Please close your eyes…and relax…
  3572. 75,78c158,167
  3573. <     if SubflowResults@2[2] == 0:
  3574. <         run DownloadDream_FavoriteList()
  3575. <     else:
  3576. <         run SearchDream_FavoriteList()
  3577. ---
  3578. >     switch SubflowResults@3[2]:
  3579. >         case 0:
  3580. >             run DownloadDream_FavoriteList()
  3581. >         case 1:
  3582. >             run SearchDream_FavoriteList()
  3583. >         case 2:
  3584. >             run SearchDream_LeaveTap()
  3585. >
  3586. > flow DLStart_LeaveTap():
  3587. >     run DLStart_FavoriteList()
  3588. 88c177
  3589. <         run ReturnInputNo()
  3590. ---
  3591. >         run ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist()
  3592. 116c205
  3593. <         # Drift and compile…and emerge within the dream of <115:2:cd00>…<10:8:004b0000>
  3594. ---
  3595. >         # Drift and compile…and emerge within the dream…of <115:2:cd00>…<10:8:004b0000>
  3596. 127a217,219
  3597. > flow DownloadDream_LeaveTapList():
  3598. >     run DownloadDream_FavoriteList()
  3599. >
  3600. 132,133c224,226
  3601. <         # Of course, of course! But there are a few things I must clarify further before I guide you to your dream. Dreams, like many things these days, are do…
  3602. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1000', false)
  3603. ---
  3604. >         # Of course, of course! But there are a few things I must clarify further before I guide you to a dream. Dreams, like many things these days, are downl…
  3605. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1010', false)
  3606. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
  3607. 153,156c246,247
  3608. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
  3609. <         run ReturnSelect()
  3610. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
  3611. <         run ReturnSelectSearchMode()
  3612. ---
  3613. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3614. >         run AskRetrySearch()
  3615. 158c249
  3616. <         run ReturnInputNo()
  3617. ---
  3618. >         run ReturnSelect()
  3619. 164a256,260
  3620. > flow Error_NotGotDream():
  3621. >     # Oh! I was unable to find a dream for you…which I suppose is a surprise in itself. Shall I try again?
  3622. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1063', false)
  3623. >     run Event69()
  3624. >
  3625. 179a276,356
  3626. > flow FirstLeaveTapSetting():
  3627. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap']:
  3628. >         switch SubflowResults@4[3]:
  3629. >             case 0:
  3630. >                 # By the way, if you prefer that I choose a dream for you, I will be happy to find you a surprise. No Dream Address is needed. I will simply pluck a pl…
  3631. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1060', false)
  3632. >                 # May I trouble you with a request? I would like your permission to share your dream of ISLAND if I am asked for a surprise. If you allow me to surpris…
  3633. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1066', false)
  3634. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3635. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
  3636. >                     run FirstLeaveTapUpload()
  3637. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
  3638. >                 else:
  3639. > entrypoint Event469:
  3640. >                     # I completely understand. In that case, your dream will not be shared if I am asked for a surprise.
  3641. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1070', false)
  3642. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:IsUploadDisclosedMyDream'] = true
  3643. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = false
  3644. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
  3645. >                     # Should you decide that I may share your dream if asked for a surprise, tell me to "Adjust surprise sharing."
  3646. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1071', false)
  3647. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
  3648. >             case 1:
  3649. >                 # May I trouble you with a request? I would like your permission to share your dream of ISLAND if I am asked for a surprise. If you allow me to surpris…
  3650. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1066', false)
  3651. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3652. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
  3653. >                     run FirstLeaveTapUpload()
  3654. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
  3655. >                 else:
  3656. > entrypoint Event469:
  3657. >                     # I completely understand. In that case, your dream will not be shared if I am asked for a surprise.
  3658. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1070', false)
  3659. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:IsUploadDisclosedMyDream'] = true
  3660. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = false
  3661. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
  3662. >                     # Should you decide that I may share your dream if asked for a surprise, tell me to "Adjust surprise sharing."
  3663. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1071', false)
  3664. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
  3665. >             case 2:
  3666. >                 # By the way, if you prefer that I choose a dream for you, I will be happy to find you a surprise. No Dream Address is needed. I will simply pluck a pl…
  3667. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1060', false)
  3668. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
  3669. >             case 3:
  3670. >                 # Since you have been so generous in sharing your Dream Address, I would like to request something. It sometimes occurs that I am asked to surprise som…
  3671. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:2100', false)
  3672. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3673. >                     # Excellent. I am certain many will be delighted to come across your dream. One moment…
  3674. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:2101', false)
  3675. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = true
  3676. >                     run UploadMetaLeaveTap()
  3677. >                     # There! I look forward to surprising many others with your dream. If you do not want your dream to be shared if I am asked for a surprise, tell me to …
  3678. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:2102', false)
  3679. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = true
  3680. >                 else:
  3681. >                     run CloseLeaveTap()
  3682. >
  3683. > flow FirstLeaveTapUpload():
  3684. >     # Excellent. I am certain many will be delighted to come across your dream. Thank you for your trust. Now, let us update your dream of ISLAND…
  3685. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1067', false)
  3686. >     run ShortCutFirstLeaveTapUpload()
  3687. >
  3688. > flow FirstLeaveTapUploadError():
  3689. >     run ConnectionMsg_End()
  3690. >     EventFlowSystemActor.DreamUploadEffect('cOff')
  3691. >     Player.PlayerStartAnimeBedWaitWithHandsClaspedOpenEyes()
  3692. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.YMD(2061, 1, 1, 'cNowTime') == 0:
  3693. >         # I am terribly sorry, but I was unable to compile and update your dream of ISLAND. You may need to try again at another time. My apologies.
  3694. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:2103', false)
  3695. >     else:
  3696. >         # Unfortunately, I am unable to compile your dream of ISLAND. You will need to return on another day. I will be happy to try again then.
  3697. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3133', false)
  3698. >
  3699. > flow Go_About_MyDream5():
  3700. >     # Is there any other way I can assist with your uploaded dream?
  3701. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3002_02', false)
  3702. >     run Event494()
  3703. >
  3704. > flow LeaveTap_Error_Cmn():
  3705. >     run FavoriteList_Error_Cmn()
  3706. >
  3707. 193a371,373
  3708. > flow OnlySaveSetting():
  3709. >     run Event460()
  3710. >
  3711. 207,208c387,388
  3712. <             # Lastly, this process requires internet access and the Dream Address of the dream you wish to visit. And that is all there is to it!
  3713. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:4002_01', false)
  3714. ---
  3715. >             # Oh! I should also mention that this process requires internet access. Additionally, if you wish to visit a specific dream, you will also need to prov…
  3716. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:4010', false)
  3717. 244c424
  3718. <         run ReturnInputNo()
  3719. ---
  3720. >         run ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist()
  3721. 270,271d449
  3722. <             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
  3723. <                 run ReturnSelectSearchMode()
  3724. 273c451
  3725. <                 run ReturnInputNo()
  3726. ---
  3727. >                 run AskRetrySearch()
  3728. 278,281c456,457
  3729. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
  3730. <                 run ReturnSelect()
  3731. <             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
  3732. <                 run ReturnSelectSearchMode()
  3733. ---
  3734. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3735. >                 run AskRetrySearch()
  3736. 283c459
  3737. <                 run ReturnInputNo()
  3738. ---
  3739. >                 run ReturnSelect()
  3740. 291c467
  3741. < flow ReturnSelectSearchMode():
  3742. ---
  3743. > flow ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist():
  3744. 293c469
  3745. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1052', false)
  3746. ---
  3747. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1065', false)
  3748. 298a475,487
  3749. >             SubflowResults[2] = 2
  3750. >             run ReturnToLeaveTap()
  3751. >         case 2:
  3752. >             run ReturnSelect()
  3753. >
  3754. > flow ReturnSelectMenuWithFavoriteLlist():
  3755. >     # How shall I prepare your dream?
  3756. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1061', false)
  3757. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
  3758. >         case 0:
  3759. >             SubflowResults[2] = 0
  3760. >             run ReturnInputNo()
  3761. >         case 1:
  3762. 301a491,493
  3763. >             SubflowResults[2] = 2
  3764. >             run ReturnToLeaveTap()
  3765. >         case 3:
  3766. 303a496,500
  3767. > flow ReturnSelectSearchMode():
  3768. >     SubflowResults[3] = 0
  3769. >     run FirstLeaveTapSetting()
  3770. >     run ReturnSelectMenuWithFavoriteLlist()
  3771. >
  3772. 345a543,552
  3773. > flow ReturnToLeaveTap():
  3774. >     # Gladly. There are so many wonderful surprises to be found in dreams. Let me find one for you…
  3775. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1062', false)
  3776. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  3777. >         run DLStart_LeaveTap()
  3778. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockFavorite']:
  3779. >         run ReturnSelectMenuWithFavoriteLlist()
  3780. >     else:
  3781. >         run ReturnSelectMenuNoFavoriteLlist()
  3782. >
  3783. 371,373c578
  3784. <     # Is there any other way I can assist with your uploaded dream?
  3785. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3001_01', false)
  3786. <     run Event116()
  3787. ---
  3788. >     run Go_About_MyDream5()
  3789. 394a600
  3790. >             System.EventFlags['cLand:IsDisclosedMyDream'] = false
  3791. 436a643,645
  3792. > flow RunSetting():
  3793. >     run Event559()
  3794. >
  3795. 447a657,702
  3796. > flow SearchDream_LeaveTap():
  3797. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NetSearchDream('cAutoDefault')
  3798. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  3799. >         run LeaveTap_Error_Cmn()
  3800. >         run DL_NetErrorOccur()
  3801. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsFoundDreamLand('cAutoDefault'):
  3802. >         run DownloadDream_LeaveTapList()
  3803. >     else:
  3804. >         EventFlowSystemActor.NetSearchDream('cAutoAll')
  3805. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  3806. >             run LeaveTap_Error_Cmn()
  3807. >             run DL_NetErrorOccur()
  3808. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsFoundDreamLand('cAutoAll'):
  3809. >             run DownloadDream_LeaveTapList()
  3810. >         else:
  3811. >             run LeaveTap_Error_Cmn()
  3812. >             run Error_NotGotDream()
  3813. >
  3814. > flow Send_DiscloseSetting():
  3815. >     run UploadMetaLeaveTap()
  3816. >
  3817. > flow ShortCutFirstLeaveTapUpload():
  3818. >     SubflowResults[1] = 1
  3819. >     run Network_Signin_SkipSave()
  3820. >     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  3821. >         # Close your eyes… Picture what you love most about ISLAND… <100:10>Relax. Reeelaaax…</100:10>
  3822. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:3103', false)
  3823. >         Player.PlayerStartAnimeBedWait()
  3824. >         EventFlowSystemActor.DreamUploadEffect('cOn')
  3825. >         run ConnectionMsg_Start()
  3826. >         EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadDream()
  3827. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  3828. >             run FirstLeaveTapUploadError()
  3829. >         else:
  3830. >             run ConnectionMsg_Save()
  3831. >             run ConnectionMsg_End()
  3832. >             EventFlowSystemActor.DreamUploadEffect('cOff')
  3833. >             # There! Your dream is now updated. I look forward to surprising many others with it.
  3834. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1068', false)
  3835. >             Player.PlayerStartAnimeBedWaitWithHandsClaspedOpenEyes()
  3836. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagFromSystem(0, 'cCurrentDreamingAddress', 'cDegit', '', 0)
  3837. >             # Please note that the Dream Address for ISLAND is filed under <140:17:cd00>. If you do not want your dream to be shared if I am asked for a surprise, …
  3838. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap:1069', false)
  3839. >     else:
  3840. >         run FirstLeaveTapUploadError()
  3841. >
  3842. 461a717,721
  3843. >         if (System.EventFlags['cLand:EnableMyDream']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsDreamUploader()):
  3844. >             SubflowResults[3] = 0
  3845. >         else:
  3846. >             SubflowResults[3] = 2
  3847. >         run FirstLeaveTapSetting()
  3848. 464a725
  3849. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUpdatedDreamFirstTalk'] = true
  3850. 607a869,874
  3851. > flow UploadMetaLeaveTap():
  3852. >     SubflowResults[1] = 1
  3853. >     run Network_Signin()
  3854. >     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  3855. >         EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateDreamMeta()
  3856. >
  3857. 629a897,899
  3858. >         SubflowResults[3] = 3
  3859. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TapUnlockLeaveTap'] = false
  3860. >         run FirstLeaveTapSetting()
  3861. Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_tuk_01_DemoCooking.evfl.txt
  3862. Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_tuk_02_SystemProcess.evfl.txt
  3863. Only in 1.6.0: SNPC_tuk.evfl.txt
  3864. diff -r 1.5.1/SNPC_xct.evfl.txt 1.6.0/SNPC_xct.evfl.txt
  3865. 3,18c3,21
  3866. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  3867. <             case 0:
  3868. <                 # Y'know, I think I'll hang out on this island a little longer. I like it here.
  3869. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_00', false)
  3870. <             case 1:
  3871. <                 # It's nice to take a plane every once in a while. I'm used to traveling by train… "Ridin' the rails," as they say.
  3872. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_01', false)
  3873. <             case 2:
  3874. <                 # I wonder which island I should visit next… I just love that each one offers its own adventure and personality.
  3875. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_02', false)
  3876. <             case 3:
  3877. <                 # Tom Nook has really made a name for himself.<10:4> Not bad for a guy who used to own little more than an apron!
  3878. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_03', false)
  3879. <             case 4:
  3880. <                 # Were you able to finish the maze like you wanted, by the way? If you want to restart, you can do so by using the Rescue Service app on your NookPhon…
  3881. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_04', false)
  3882. ---
  3883. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk']:
  3884. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  3885. >                 case 0:
  3886. >                     # Y'know, I think I'll hang out on this island a little longer. I like it here.
  3887. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_00', false)
  3888. >                 case 1:
  3889. >                     # It's nice to take a plane every once in a while. I'm used to traveling by train… "Ridin' the rails," as they say.
  3890. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_01', false)
  3891. >                 case 2:
  3892. >                     # I wonder which island I should visit next… I just love that each one offers its own adventure and personality.
  3893. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_02', false)
  3894. >                 case 3:
  3895. >                     # Tom Nook has really made a name for himself.<10:4> Not bad for a guy who used to own little more than an apron!
  3896. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_03', false)
  3897. >                 case 4:
  3898. >                     # Were you able to finish the maze like you wanted, by the way? If you want to restart, you can do so by using the Rescue Service app on your NookPhon…
  3899. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_04', false)
  3900. >         else:
  3901. >             run Xct_First()
  3902. 31a35
  3903. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland'] = true
  3904. 71,73c75,83
  3905. <     # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I'm glad we met, PLAYER! I want to commemorate this occasion by…
  3906. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:008', false)
  3907. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
  3908. ---
  3909. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward']:
  3910. >         # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I feel like we've met before. We haven't, right? No, of course …
  3911. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:101', false)
  3912. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
  3913. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow'] = true
  3914. >     else:
  3915. >         # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I'm glad we met, PLAYER! I want to commemorate this occasion by…
  3916. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:008', false)
  3917. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
  3918. diff -r 1.5.1/System_BootSequence.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_BootSequence.evfl.txt
  3919. 0a1,8
  3920. > flow AfterMoving():
  3921. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SaveDisableBackupSettingOtherThanBackupAgent()
  3922. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsImmediatelyAfterLandMove():
  3923. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SaveUpdateDeviceID()
  3924. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SaveReserveLandMoveMark()
  3925. >         if (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayAccountIsPlayerVillager()) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveCompareBackupAgentNSAID()):
  3926. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SaveEnableBackupSetting()
  3927. >
  3928. 34a43,44
  3929. >         case 2:
  3930. >             run SaveDataLoad(BGUIOn=false)
  3931. 39,40d48
  3932. <         default:
  3933. <             return
  3934. 68a77,79
  3935. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ConfirmMovedOneSaveDataExistence()
  3936. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
  3937. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleLoad('cMovedOne')
  3938. 70c81,95
  3939. <     if not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveProcIsSuccess():
  3940. ---
  3941. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveProcIsSuccess():
  3942. >         if not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsNotFound():
  3943. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsBroken():
  3944. >                 run Broken(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  3945. >             else:
  3946. >                 run UnexpectedError(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  3947. >         elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
  3948. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleLoad('cMovedOne')
  3949. >             EventFlowSystemActor.BeginAsMovedOne(false)
  3950. >             # Player data for an in-progress move from another island was detected. The moving process will now resume.
  3951. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:8021', false)
  3952. >     else:
  3953. >         if (not EventFlowSystemActor.PlayAccountIsPlayerVillager()) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData()):
  3954. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleLoad('cMovedOne')
  3955. >             EventFlowSystemActor.BeginAsMovedOne(false)
  3956. 77,81c102
  3957. <     elif not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsNotFound():
  3958. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsBroken():
  3959. <             run Broken(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  3960. <         else:
  3961. <             run UnexpectedError(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  3962. ---
  3963. >         run AfterMoving()
  3964. diff -r 1.5.1/System_BootSequence_PcSaveChk.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_BootSequence_PcSaveChk.evfl.txt
  3965. 57,63c57,67
  3966. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayAccountIsPlayerVillager():
  3967. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false):
  3968. <             run NACheckAgain()
  3969. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsUnconnectedPlayerVillagerGreaterThan(1):
  3970. <         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
  3971. <         EventFlowSystemActor.UIBootBGChangeDialog()
  3972. <         run ReSelect()
  3973. ---
  3974. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.PlayAccountIsPlayerVillager():
  3975. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ConfirmMovedOneSaveDataExistence()
  3976. >         if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
  3977. >             # Player data for an in-progress move from another island was detected. The moving process will now resume.
  3978. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:8021', false)
  3979. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsUnconnectedPlayerVillagerGreaterThan(1):
  3980. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
  3981. >             EventFlowSystemActor.UIBootBGChangeDialog()
  3982. >             run ReSelect()
  3983. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false):
  3984. >         run NACheckAgain()
  3985. diff -r 1.5.1/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt
  3986. 34a35
  3987. >     System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_6'] = true
  3988. 92,97c93,101
  3989. <         if (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false)):
  3990. <             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateFriendList('cBestFriend')
  3991. <             EventFlowSystemActor.NetReceiveMail()
  3992. <             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateFriendLandWithInterval(1)
  3993. <             run System_ServerRegistration::UploadProfileCore(IgnoreError=true, Terminate=false)
  3994. <             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadEmoticon(true, 10, true)
  3995. ---
  3996. >         if (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(true)):
  3997. >             EventFlowSystemActor.NetGetPOPID(true)
  3998. >             if (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasPOPID(false)):
  3999. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateFriendList('cBestFriend')
  4000. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetReceiveMail()
  4001. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUpdateFriendLandWithInterval(1)
  4002. >                 run System_ServerRegistration::UploadProfileCore(IgnoreError=true, Terminate=false)
  4003. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadEmoticon(true, 10, true)
  4004. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(true, false)
  4005. diff -r 1.5.1/System_GrowUp_WeatherControl.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_GrowUp_WeatherControl.evfl.txt
  4006. 6,8c6,8
  4007. <         case `Halloween`:
  4008. <             if not System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_5']:
  4009. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay01')
  4010. ---
  4011. >         case `HarvestFestival`:
  4012. >             if not System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_6']:
  4013. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay00')
  4014. 12,13c12,15
  4015. < flow FirstDay():
  4016. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.EventBranch(true, 0) in (`None`, `FishingConvention`, `InsectConvention`, `Countdown`, `Easter`, `Fireworks`, `Unknown7`, `Unknown8`):
  4017. ---
  4018. > flow ChristmasDay():
  4019. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
  4020. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay03')
  4021. >     else:
  4022. 14a17,20
  4023. >
  4024. > flow ChristmasEve():
  4025. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
  4026. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay02')
  4027. 16c22,28
  4028. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay01')
  4029. ---
  4030. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay00')
  4031. >
  4032. > flow FirstDay():
  4033. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  4034. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay00')
  4035. >     elif (EventFlowSystemActor.YMD(2020, 10, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime') in (0, 2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.YMD(2020, 12, 24, 'cLastGrowUpTime') in (0, 2)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.YMD(2020, 12, 25, 'cLastGrowUpTime') in (0, 2)):
  4036. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SetWeatherPattern('EventDay00')
  4037. diff -r 1.5.1/System_IslandEvaluationCheck.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_IslandEvaluationCheck.evfl.txt
  4038. 3a4,8
  4039. >     run ChkNaturalRank()
  4040. >     run ChkLifeRank()
  4041. >     run Update_DreamEvaluation()
  4042. >     SubflowResults[2] = 0
  4043. >     SubflowResults[3] = 0
  4044. 142a148
  4045. >     run Update_DreamEvaluation()
  4046. 161a168,209
  4047. >
  4048. > flow Update_DreamEvaluation():
  4049. >     switch SubflowResults@5[2]:
  4050. >         case 0:
  4051. >             System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
  4052. >         case 1:
  4053. >             System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 2
  4054. >             if SubflowResults@5[3] == 0:
  4055. >                 System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
  4056. >         case 2:
  4057. >             System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 3
  4058. >             switch SubflowResults@5[3]:
  4059. >                 case 0:
  4060. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
  4061. >                 case 1:
  4062. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 2
  4063. >                 default:
  4064. >                     return
  4065. >         case 3:
  4066. >             System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 4
  4067. >             switch SubflowResults@5[3]:
  4068. >                 case 0:
  4069. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
  4070. >                 case 1:
  4071. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 2
  4072. >                 case 2:
  4073. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 3
  4074. >                 default:
  4075. >                     return
  4076. >         case 4:
  4077. >             System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 5
  4078. >             switch SubflowResults@5[3]:
  4079. >                 case 0:
  4080. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 1
  4081. >                 case 1:
  4082. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 2
  4083. >                 case 2:
  4084. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 3
  4085. >                 case 3:
  4086. >                     System.EventFlags['cLand:ReputaionMyIsland'] = 4
  4087. >                 default:
  4088. >                     return
  4089. Only in 1.5.1: System_Move_Player.evfl.txt
  4090. Only in 1.5.1: System_PcMove.evfl.txt
  4091. diff -r 1.5.1/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt
  4092. 28a29,32
  4093. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() == 2:
  4094. >             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadEmoticon(true, 10, true)
  4095. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() == 2:
  4096. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(true, true)
  4097. diff -r 1.5.1/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt 1.6.0/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt
  4098. 66a67,76
  4099. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  4100. >             SubflowResults[0] = 1
  4101. >             if Terminate:
  4102. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  4103. >         else:
  4104. >             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(false, false)
  4105. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  4106. >                 SubflowResults[0] = 1
  4107. >                 if Terminate:
  4108. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  4109. 84a95,98
  4110. >                     else:
  4111. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadCatalog(false, true)
  4112. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  4113. >                             SubflowResults[0] = 1
  4114. diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking.evfl.txt
  4115. 18a19,26
  4116. > flow `0_FlagSettings_ForMoving`():
  4117. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving'] = true
  4118. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableEmoticonUI']:
  4119. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingWithEmoticonUI'] = true
  4120. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableEmoticonUI'] = false
  4121. >     if not System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
  4122. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:IslandProducedByPlayerMoving'] = true
  4123. >
  4124. 20,30c28,31
  4125. <     # Now then, we'll need to look up your application. Can we have your name and birthday?__ ...birthday?__
  4126. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:003_02', true)
  4127. < entrypoint Event4:
  4128. <     EventFlowSystemActor.EntryPlayerVillager()
  4129. <     EventFlowSystemActor.NoticeGameStartForPlayReport()
  4130. <     run EnteringNameAndBday()
  4131. <     run Charactermaking()
  4132. <     if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
  4133. <         # That concludes everything we need to do here! Don't worry! We'll give you an in-depth overview on island life once we're back on the ground!__ ...gro…
  4134. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:103', true)
  4135. <         EventFlowSystemActor.ClearAllNpcOtherPlayerMoveInFlag()
  4136. ---
  4137. >     # The first step is checking your application. Is this your first time applying for one of our packages?
  4138. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:1003_02', false)
  4139. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  4140. >         run Normal_CharacterMaking()
  4141. 32,36c33
  4142. <         # And now…let's start talking about your new home. So exciting!__ ...exciting!__
  4143. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:006', false)
  4144. <         run Tutorials_Prologue1_Areacheck::Root()
  4145. <         run TerrainSelect()
  4146. <     run EndCharacterMaking()
  4147. ---
  4148. >         run Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving::Root()
  4149. 52a50,54
  4150. > flow Continue_AfterMoving():
  4151. >     run `0_FlagSettings`()
  4152. >     run `0_FlagSettings_ForMoving`()
  4153. >     run Event181()
  4154. >
  4155. 122a125,148
  4156. > flow From_RestartMoving():
  4157. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSwitchMovedOneToVillager()
  4158. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NoticeGameStartForPlayReport()
  4159. >     run `0_FlagSettings`()
  4160. >     run `0_FlagSettings_ForMoving`()
  4161. >     # <50:3>PLAYER, we've been waiting for you!__ ...for you!__ You were in the process of moving here from another island, right?
  4162. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:2051', false)
  4163. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
  4164. >         # We've already finished everything that needed to be done before we take off, so please wait for boarding! We'll give you an in-depth overview of isla…
  4165. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:2053', true)
  4166. >         run Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving::CheckNALink()
  4167. >         run From_RestartMoving_OtherP()
  4168. >     else:
  4169. >         # Let's resume the process now!__!__
  4170. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:2052', false)
  4171. >         run Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving::CheckNALink()
  4172. >         run From_RestartMoving_MainP()
  4173. >
  4174. > flow From_RestartMoving_MainP():
  4175. >     run Event172()
  4176. >
  4177. > flow From_RestartMoving_OtherP():
  4178. >     run Event180()
  4179. >
  4180. 123a150
  4181. >     # Understood!__ ...stood!__ Now then, we'll need to look up your application. Can we have your name and birthday?__ ...birthday?__
  4182. 125c152,168
  4183. <     run Event4()
  4184. ---
  4185. >     EventFlowSystemActor.EntryPlayerVillager()
  4186. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NoticeGameStartForPlayReport()
  4187. >     run EnteringNameAndBday()
  4188. >     run Charactermaking()
  4189. > entrypoint Event181:
  4190. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
  4191. >         # That concludes everything we need to do here! Don't worry! We'll give you an in-depth overview on island life once we're back on the ground!__ ...gro…
  4192. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:103', true)
  4193. > entrypoint Event180:
  4194. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ClearAllNpcOtherPlayerMoveInFlag()
  4195. >     else:
  4196. > entrypoint Event172:
  4197. >         # And now…let's start talking about your new home. So exciting!__ ...exciting!__
  4198. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:006', false)
  4199. >         run Tutorials_Prologue1_Areacheck::Root()
  4200. >         run TerrainSelect()
  4201. >     run EndCharacterMaking()
  4202. 162,188c205,234
  4203. <     switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvTimeZone():
  4204. <         case `05:00-07:59`, `08:00-11:59`:
  4205. <             # Good morning! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
  4206. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_01', false)
  4207. <         case `12:00-15:59`, `16:00-18:59`:
  4208. <             # Good afternoon! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
  4209. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_02', false)
  4210. <         case `19:00-23:59`, `00:00-04:59`:
  4211. <             # Good evening! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
  4212. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_03', false)
  4213. <     if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
  4214. <         # Welcome…to the check-in counter for your big moving-day trip to ISLAND! There is so much to look forward to! But first, let us introduce ourselves. I…
  4215. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:101', false)
  4216. <         # And I'm Tommy!
  4217. <         SubNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_02', false)
  4218. <         # The two of us are already living on ISLAND. We're there to support everyone, including you! Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long ha…
  4219. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:102', false)
  4220. <         # Now, let's walk through the steps to get you moved onto the island!
  4221. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:102_02', false)
  4222. <     else:
  4223. <         # Let us be the first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure. Welcome…to the check-in counter for your Deserted Island…
  4224. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_01', false)
  4225. <         # And I'm Tommy!
  4226. <         SubNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_02', false)
  4227. <         # We'll be flying to the island with you to help you get settled. Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long haul! So, let's get started, s…
  4228. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:003_01', false)
  4229. <     run Apply()
  4230. ---
  4231. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
  4232. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvTimeZone():
  4233. >             case `05:00-07:59`, `08:00-11:59`:
  4234. >                 # Good morning! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
  4235. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_01', false)
  4236. >             case `12:00-15:59`, `16:00-18:59`:
  4237. >                 # Good afternoon! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
  4238. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_02', false)
  4239. >             case `19:00-23:59`, `00:00-04:59`:
  4240. >                 # Good evening! We're so excited to have you here!__ ...have you here!__
  4241. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:001_03', false)
  4242. >         if System.EventFlags['cLand:ValidateVillageSave']:
  4243. >             # Welcome…to the check-in counter for your big moving-day trip to ISLAND! There is so much to look forward to! But first, let us introduce ourselves. I…
  4244. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:101', false)
  4245. >             # And I'm Tommy!
  4246. >             SubNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_02', false)
  4247. >             # The two of us are already living on ISLAND. We're there to support everyone, including you! Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long ha…
  4248. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:102', false)
  4249. >             # Now, let's walk through the steps to get you moved onto the island!
  4250. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:102_02', false)
  4251. >         else:
  4252. >             # Let us be the first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure. Welcome…to the check-in counter for your Deserted Island…
  4253. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_01', false)
  4254. >             # And I'm Tommy!
  4255. >             SubNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:002_02', false)
  4256. >             # We'll be flying to the island with you to help you get settled. Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long haul! So, let's get started, s…
  4257. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:003_01', false)
  4258. >         run Apply()
  4259. >     else:
  4260. >         run From_RestartMoving()
  4261. Only in 1.6.0: Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt
  4262. diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue2_Arrival.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue2_Arrival.evfl.txt
  4263. 19a20,25
  4264. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  4265. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemHasBaggageItem(1):
  4266. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerBaggageOperationForEvent('cReserve')
  4267. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerBaggageOperationForEvent('cRemove')
  4268. >             else:
  4269. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerMovingwithNoBelongings'] = true
  4270. diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1.evfl.txt
  4271. 84c84,89
  4272. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
  4273. ---
  4274. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  4275. >                 if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense']:
  4276. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:IslandCreaterUnlockMoving'] = true
  4277. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
  4278. >             else:
  4279. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuConstructLicense'] = true
  4280. 98,116c103,124
  4281. <         # Now, PLAYER, as to the matter of where you'll rest your sleepy head at night…
  4282. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:105', true)
  4283. <         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2750, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  4284. <         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
  4285. <         # There! A little comfort item for you.
  4286. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:106', false)
  4287. <         # And, er…I'm terribly sorry, but due to a slight mix-up, we weren't able to prepare a place for you to live yet… If you could, take a look around and …
  4288. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:107', false)
  4289. <         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
  4290. <         # There's something else you'll need as well…
  4291. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:108', true)
  4292. <         run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_GetSmartPhone()
  4293. <         # And, finally, the most important item of all…
  4294. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:109', true)
  4295. <         run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_TutorialGetBill()
  4296. <         run Rco_Orientation2P_Office()
  4297. <         # Now, if you'll excuse us…we'll be getting back to work. We're so happy to have you as a Nook Inc. customer!
  4298. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:013_01', true)
  4299. <         run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_OrientationEnd()
  4300. ---
  4301. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  4302. >             run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame_PlayerMoving::Root_OtherP()
  4303. >         else:
  4304. >             # Now, PLAYER, as to the matter of where you'll rest your sleepy head at night…
  4305. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:105', true)
  4306. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(2750, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  4307. >             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Keep')
  4308. >             # There! A little comfort item for you.
  4309. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:106', false)
  4310. >             # And, er…I'm terribly sorry, but due to a slight mix-up, we weren't able to prepare a place for you to live yet… If you could, take a look around and …
  4311. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:107', false)
  4312. >             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(2, 'Default')
  4313. >             # There's something else you'll need as well…
  4314. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:108', true)
  4315. >             run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_GetSmartPhone()
  4316. >             # And, finally, the most important item of all…
  4317. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation1:109', true)
  4318. >             run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_TutorialGetBill()
  4319. >             run Rco_Orientation2P_Office()
  4320. >             # Now, if you'll excuse us…we'll be getting back to work. We're so happy to have you as a Nook Inc. customer!
  4321. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_01_StartingMaingame:013_01', true)
  4322. >             run SNPC_rco_00_StartMainGame::Rco_OrientationEnd()
  4323. diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue4_Orientation2_RcmRct.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue4_Orientation2_RcmRct.evfl.txt
  4324. 23c23
  4325. <         # RANDOM: Leave the setup to us!<10:4> We'll be c… // Please check with our boss, Tom Nook, a…
  4326. ---
  4327. >         # RANDOM: Leave the setup to us!<10:4> We'll be c… // Please check with our boss, Tom Nook, a… // There's something I should let you know… // You may have already heard about this f… // And with that, here's your <item>tent!
  4328. 32,33c32,44
  4329. <         # Here you go, PLAYER.<10:4> Your very own <item>tent!
  4330. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:001_01', false)
  4331. ---
  4332. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  4333. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMovingBelongings']:
  4334. >                 # You may have already heard about this from President Nook, but… Unfortunately, your things haven't arrived yet. The flight carrying your belongings a…
  4335. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:1001_01', false)
  4336. >             else:
  4337. >                 # There's something I should let you know about, PLAYER. Unfortunately, your things haven't arrived yet. The flight carrying your belongings and house …
  4338. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:1001', false)
  4339. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmRctTalkAboutMovingBelongings'] = true
  4340. >             # And with that, here's your <item>tent!
  4341. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:1002', false)
  4342. >         else:
  4343. >             # Here you go, PLAYER.<10:4> Your very own <item>tent!
  4344. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue3_Orientation2_Rcm:001_01', false)
  4345. diff -r 1.5.1/Tutorials_Prologue_Rco.evfl.txt 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue_Rco.evfl.txt
  4346. 40c40,45
  4347. <             run NormalTalk_BeforeTentGet()
  4348. ---
  4349. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  4350. >                 run NormalTalk_BeforeTentGet()
  4351. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMovingBelongings']:
  4352. >                 run NormalTalk_BeforeTentGet()
  4353. >             else:
  4354. >                 run Talk_AboutMovingBelongings()
  4355. 87c92,94
  4356. <         else:
  4357. ---
  4358. >         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PlayerProducedByPlayerMoving']:
  4359. >             run NormalTalk_BeforeTentSet()
  4360. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMovingBelongings']:
  4361. 88a96,97
  4362. >         else:
  4363. >             run Talk_AboutMovingBelongings()
  4364. 180a190,198
  4365. >
  4366. > flow Talk_AboutMovingBelongings():
  4367. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmRctTalkAboutMovingBelongings']:
  4368. >         # Ah, PLAYER! You likely already heard about your belongings and house from Timmy or Tommy, hm? Unfortunately, the flight carrying them was delayed sli…
  4369. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue4_Orientation2_Rco:1002', false)
  4370. >     else:
  4371. >         # Ah, yes! There you are. There's something I really need to talk to you about, PLAYER. You moved here after taking part in a Deserted Island Getaway P…
  4372. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue4_Orientation2_Rco:1001', false)
  4373. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoTalkAboutMovingBelongings'] = true
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