

Jan 29th, 2017
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  1. #################################
  2. ## ProfessionalUHC by MCMarter ##
  3. #################################
  5. # Does NOT ignore large-/lowercase in field "Config.Lobby World", "Config.UHC World" and "Config.Deathmatch World"
  6. # All Times are in seconds
  7. # If you don't know the ID's of the Minecraft Items, take a look on this page:
  8. # If you don't know the Minecraft Sound names, take a look on this page:
  9. # Here is a link to the UHC Coins (by MCMarter) : link
  11. Config:
  12. Use MySQL: false
  13. Lobby World: Lobby
  14. UHC World: UHC
  15. Deathmatch World: Deathmatch
  16. Fallback Server: 'lobby'
  17. Min Players: 10
  18. Max Players: 30
  19. Arena Size: 500
  20. Loot Chests Material: 146
  21. Use UHCCoins: false
  22. Command Messages:
  23. No Player: '&cYou aren''t a Player!'
  24. No Permissions: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You don''t have the permissions to do this!'
  25. Too Many/Few Arguments: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7Too many/few arguments. Check &b/profesisonaluhc &7for help.'
  26. Too Many Arguments: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7Too many arguments. Check &b/professionaluhc &7for help.'
  27. Invalid Argument: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7Invalid Argument. Check &b/professionaluhc &7for help.'
  28. Lobby Set: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You succesfully set the lobby.'
  29. Spawn Set: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You succesfully set the spawn &b[AMOUNT]&7.'
  30. Not Enough Spawns Set: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You have to set all spawns &8[&b[AMOUNT]&7/&b[MAXPLAYERS]&8]&7.'
  31. Enough Spawns Set: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You succesfully set all spawns.'
  32. Middle Set: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You succesfully set the middle of the arena.'
  33. Spectator Set: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You succesfully set the spectator spawn.'
  34. Finished: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You succesfully finished &BProfessionalUHC.'
  35. Finish Kick Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7Finished. Restarting...'
  36. Already Finished: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7ProfessionalUHC already finished.'
  37. Stats Header: '&8>>>>>> &b[P] Stats &8<<<<<<'
  38. Stats Kills: '&fKills: &b'
  39. Stats Deaths: '&bDeaths: &f'
  40. Stats K/D: '&bK/D: &f'
  41. Stats Wins: '&bWins: &f'
  42. Stats Footer: '&8>>>>>> &b[P] Stats &8<<<<<<'
  43. Stats Error: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7This Player does not exists!'
  44. Join and Quit:
  45. Join:
  46. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &b[PLAYER] &7joined the game. &8[&b[PLAYERS]&7/&b[MAXPLAYERS]&8]'
  47. Kick Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8][NEWLINE]&7You have been kicked for a &bpremium player &7or &bteam member&7!'
  48. Server Full: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8][NEWLINE]&7The server is full and starting. Try again in a few seconds.'
  49. Items:
  50. Select Teammate:
  51. Slot: 0
  52. ID: 276
  53. SubID: 0
  54. Display Name: '&7Select your teammate'
  55. Lore: '&7Hit the player you want to be in a team'
  56. Start:
  57. Slot: 1
  58. ID: 377
  59. SubID: 0
  60. Display Name: '&7Start the game'
  61. Lore: '&7Right-click to start the game'
  62. Leave:
  63. Slot: 8
  64. ID: 341
  65. SubID: 0
  66. Display Name: '&7Leave the game'
  67. Lore: '&7Right-click to connect to fallback server'
  68. Spectator Teleport:
  69. Slot: 0
  70. ID: 345
  71. SubID: 0
  72. Display Name: '&7Player teleport'
  73. Lore: '&7Right-click to open teleport inventory'
  74. Quit:
  75. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &b[PLAYER] &7left the game. &8[&b[PLAYERS]&7/&b[MAXPLAYERS]&8]'
  76. Team Command:
  77. Team Request:
  78. Sender: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You successfully send &b[PLAYER] &7a team request.'
  79. Target: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &b[PLAYER] &7send a team request.'
  80. Target Accept: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &aAccept&7: &3'
  81. Target Accept Hover: '&3&oClick to perform command'
  82. Target Deny: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &cDeny&7: &3'
  83. Target Deny Hover: '&3&oClick to perform command'
  84. Team Request Accepted:
  85. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You are now in a team with &b[PLAYER]&7.'
  86. Team Request Denied:
  87. Sender: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You denied the team request by &b[PLAYER]&7.'
  88. Target: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &b[PLAYER] &7denied the team request.'
  89. Team Leave:
  90. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You are not longer in a team with &3[PLAYER]&7.'
  91. Player Death:
  92. DeathMessage: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &c[PLAYER] &7has been killed by &c[KILLER]&7. &8[&b[PLAYERS]&7/&b[MAXPLAYERS]&8]'
  93. # Only if 'Config.Use CoinsAPI' == true
  94. Coins For Killer: 10
  95. DieMessage: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &c[PLAYER] &7died. &8[&b[PLAYERS]&7/&b[MAXPLAYERS]&8]'
  97. Player Move:
  98. WorldBorder Hit: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You have reached the end of the arena.'
  99. WorldBorder Hit Sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_BREAK_DOOR_WOOD
  100. Chat:
  101. Format: '&3[P]&8: &7[MSG]'
  102. Spectator Format: '&8[&7Spectator&8] &b[P]&8: &7[MSG]'
  103. Win:
  104. Team:
  105. Title: '&b[PLAYER0] &7and &b[PLAYER1]'
  106. SubTitle: '&6won the game!'
  107. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &b[PLAYER0] &7and &b[PLAYER1] &7won the game.'
  108. # Only if 'Config.Use UHCCoins' == true
  109. Coins: 100
  110. Solo:
  111. Title: '&b[PLAYER0]'
  112. SubTitle: '&7won the game!'
  113. Message: '&8[&dMini&5Varo&8] &3[PLAYER0] &7won the game.'
  114. # Only if 'Config.Use UHCCoins' == true
  115. Coins: 100
  116. Inventories:
  117. Banned Items: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7This item is not allowed.'
  118. Spectator Teleport:
  119. Name: '&7Teleport to a player'
  120. Teleport Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You have been teleportet to &3[PLAYER]&7.'
  121. Loot Chests:
  122. Name: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8]'
  123. Open Sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN
  124. Close Sound: BLOCK_CHEST_CLOSE
  125. Countdowns:
  126. Lobby:
  127. # Has to be 20 or more
  128. Time: 20
  129. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7You will be teleportet into the arena in &b[TIME] &7second(s)&7.'
  131. Arena Waiting:
  132. # Has to be 15 or more
  133. Time: 15
  134. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7Game starts in &b[TIME] &7second(s)&7.'
  136. Arena:
  137. # Has to be 600 or more
  138. Time: 1200
  139. Start Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7Let the games begin!'
  141. Time Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &b[TIME] &7left until deathmatch.'
  142. Deathmatch Start Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7Deathmatch is starting!'
  143. Arena Size:
  144. Warn:
  145. Time Befor Change: 30
  146. Message: '&8[&dMini&5Varo&8] &7The worldboarder size will shrink in &330 seconds&7.'
  147. 1st Change:
  148. Time: 600
  149. Size: 400
  150. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7The worldboarder size is now at &3400&7.'
  151. 2nd Change:
  152. Time: 300
  153. Size: 200
  154. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7The worldboarder size is now at &3200&7.'
  155. 3rd Change:
  156. Time: 150
  157. Size: 100
  158. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7The worldboarder size is now at &3100&7.'
  159. Restart:
  160. # Has to be 10 or more
  161. Time: 10
  162. Message: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8] &7Server restarts in &b[TIME] &7second(s)&7.'
  164. Scoreboards:
  165. Lobby Waiting:
  166. Title: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8]'
  167. Score 2: '&7&oWaiting for Players...'
  168. Score 0: '&ePlayers: &2[PLAYERS]&7/&c[MAXPLAYERS]'
  169. Lobby:
  170. Title: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8]'
  171. Score 2: '&7&oGame is starting...'
  172. Score 0: '&ePlayers: &2[PLAYERS]&7/&c[MAXPLAYERS]'
  173. Arena Waiting:
  174. Title: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8]'
  175. Score 2: '&7&oGame is starting...'
  176. Score 0: '&ePlayers: &2[PLAYERS]&7/&c[MAXPLAYERS]'
  177. Arena:
  178. Title: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8]'
  179. Score 4: '&eTeam Mate: &3'
  180. Score 3: '&eKills: &3'
  181. Score 2: '&ePlaytime: &3'
  182. Score 1: '&eArena Size: &3'
  183. Score 0: '&ePlayers: &2[PLAYERS]&7/&c[MAXPLAYERS]'
  184. Restart:
  185. Title: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8]'
  186. Score 0: '&7&oRestarting...'
  187. Spectator:
  188. Title: '&8[&bProfessionalUHC&8]'
  189. Score 2: '&7Stectaor Mode'
  190. Score 0: '&ePlayers: &2[PLAYERS]&7/&c[MAXPLAYERS]'
  191. MOTD:
  192. Gamestatus:
  193. Waiting For Players: '&7Waiting for Players'
  194. Starting: '&cGame is starting'
  195. Ingame: '&cGame started'
  196. Restarting: '&4Restarting'
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