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a guest
Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. INFO:root:Runing basic MeLiF
  2. Filters:[Spearman correlation with border -1, Fit criterion with mean <function mean at 0x000002608C923620>, Symmetric uncertainty with 1212 features to take]
  3. INFO:root:Estimator: RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap=True, class_weight=None, criterion='gini',
  4. max_depth=None, max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,
  5. min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
  6. min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
  7. min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators='warn', n_jobs=None,
  8. oob_score=False, random_state=None, verbose=0,
  9. warm_start=False)
  10. INFO:root:Optimizer gradient descent, optimizing measure is <function f1_score at 0x000002608FBD3378>
  11. INFO:root:time:2019-04-25 18:07:19.450858
  12. INFO:root:Time:0:00:00
  13. INFO:root:point:[ 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333]
  14. INFO:root:Measure at current point : 0.17647058823529413
  15. INFO:root:Time:0:00:00.020945
  16. INFO:root:point:[ 0.43333333 0.33333333 0.33333333]
  17. INFO:root:Measure at current point : 0.17647058823529413
  18. INFO:root:Time:0:00:00.030916
  19. INFO:root:point:[ 0.33333333 0.43333333 0.33333333]
  20. INFO:root:Measure at current point : 0.17647058823529413
  21. INFO:root:Time:0:00:00.042884
  22. INFO:root:point:[ 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.43333333]
  23. INFO:root:Measure at current point : 0.17647058823529413
  24. INFO:root:Time:0:00:00.060836
  25. INFO:root:point:[ 0.23333333 0.33333333 0.33333333]
  26. INFO:root:Measure at current point : 0.17647058823529413
  27. INFO:root:Time:0:00:00.077792
  28. INFO:root:point:[ 0.33333333 0.23333333 0.33333333]
  29. INFO:root:Measure at current point : 0.0
  30. INFO:root:Time:0:00:00.105716
  31. INFO:root:point:[ 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.23333333]
  32. INFO:root:Measure at current point : 0.17647058823529413
  33. INFO:root:Footer
  34. INFO:root:Best point:[ 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333]
  35. INFO:root:Top 10 features:
  36. INFO:root:Feature: 17, value: 0.367226713862426
  37. INFO:root:Feature: 0, value: 0.36017770694847195
  38. INFO:root:Feature: 14, value: 0.3598992450172512
  39. INFO:root:Feature: 29, value: 0.357182068851976
  40. INFO:root:Feature: 13, value: 0.351034293680721
  41. INFO:root:Feature: 16, value: 0.33497345801782685
  42. INFO:root:Feature: 33, value: 0.32965102223632786
  43. INFO:root:Feature: 3, value: 0.32863849765258213
  44. INFO:root:Feature: 4, value: 0.32863849765258213
  45. INFO:root:Feature: 34, value: 0.32544352223412726
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