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Apr 21st, 2019
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  1. on break:
  2. player cannot build at the targeted block:
  3. message "&cHey! Nie mozesz tu niszczyc!"
  4. cancel event
  6. options:
  7. op_join: true #Czy gracze z permisja podana nizej moga wchodzic na serwer? - nawet gdy nie sa na whiteliscie true - TAK, false - NIE#
  8. op_permission: whitelist.join
  9. aliasy: /wl
  10. komenda: whitelist
  11. permisja: whitelist.manager
  12. permisja_wiadomosc: &cBrak dostepu do tej komendy.
  13. domyslny_powod: &3Nie jestes na whiteliscie!
  14. reset: false #zeby wlaczyc mozliwosc resetowania whitelist do stanu poczatkowego wpisz true#
  15. command /{@komenda} [<text>] [<text>]:
  16. aliases: {@aliasy}
  17. executable by: players and console
  18. trigger:
  19. if player has permissions "@{permisja}":
  20. arg 1 is not set:
  21. send "&cBledne uzycie, sproboj tak:"
  22. send "&c/whitelist (dodaj|usun) <player>"
  23. send "&c/whitelist (off|list|reload|kickall)"
  24. send "&c/whitelist on <powod>"
  25. arg 1 is "dodaj" or "add":
  26. arg 2 is set:
  27. clear {wl::%arg 2%}
  28. remove argument 2 from {wl_lista::*}
  29. set {wl::%arg 2%} to true
  30. add argument 2 to {wl_lista::*}
  31. send "&7&o[%executor%: dodal %argument 2% do whitelisty]" to all ops
  32. send "&7&o[%executor%: dodal %argument 2% do whitelisty]" to console
  34. send "Dodano %arg 2% do white-list"
  35. else:
  36. send "&c/whitelist dodaj <player>"
  37. arg 1 is "usun" or "remove":
  38. arg 2 is set:
  39. clear {wl::%arg 2%}
  40. remove argument 2 from {wl_lista::*}
  41. send "&7"
  42. send "&7&o[%executor%: usunal %arg 2% z whitelisty" to all ops
  43. send "&7&o[%executor%: usunal %arg 2% z whitelisty" to console
  44. else:
  45. send "&c/whitelist usun <player>"
  46. arg 1 is "on":
  47. set {whitelist} to true
  48. arg 2 is set:
  49. set {wl_reason} to coloured argument 2
  50. arg 2 is not set:
  51. set {wl_reason} to "{@domyslny_powod}"
  52. send "&7&o[%executor%: wlaczyl whiteliste, powod: &3%{wl_reason}%]" to all ops
  53. send "&7&o[%executor%: wlaczyl whiteliste, powod: &3%{wl_reason}%]" to console
  54. send "&fWlaczyles whitelist, powod: %{wl_reason}%"
  55. arg 1 is "off":
  56. set {whitelist} to false
  57. send "&7&o[%executor%: wylaczyl whiteliste]" to all ops
  58. send "&7&o[%executor%: wylaczyl whiteliste]" to console
  59. send "&fWylaczyles whitelist"
  60. arg 1 is "list" or "lista":
  61. if {wl_lista::*} is not set:
  62. set {wl_lista::*} to ""
  63. send "Gracze na whitelist: %{wl_lista::*}%"
  64. if {wl_lista::*} is not set:
  65. clear {wl_lista::*}
  66. clear {wl::*}
  67. remove "and" from {wl_lista::*}
  68. arg 1 is "reload" or "przeladuj":
  69. execute player command "sk reload %script%" # Jesli nie masz wildskripta do reloadowania bedziesz potrzebowal permisji skript.*#
  70. run player command "sk reload %script%" as op #Jesli nie mamy WildSkripta to ta funkcja nie bedzie dzialac.#
  71. send "&7&o[%executor%: Przeladowano whitelist]" to console
  72. send "&7&o[%executor%: Przeladowano whitelist]" to all ops
  74. arg 1 is "kickall":
  75. loop all players:
  76. if {whitelist} is true:
  77. if {wl::%loop-player%} is true:
  78. stop
  79. else:
  80. kick loop-player due to "%{_wl_reason}%"
  81. send "&7&o[%executor%: wyrzucil wszystkich]" to console
  82. send "&7&o[%executor%: wyrzucil wszystkich]" to all ops
  83. if {whitelist} is false:
  84. send "Zeby wyrzucic wszystkich musisz wlaczyc whiteliste."
  85. arg 1 is "reset":
  86. if {@reset} is true:
  87. clear {wl::*}
  88. clear {wl_lista::*}
  89. set {whitelist} to false
  90. send "&7&o[%executor%: wyczyscil whiteliste do stanu poczatkowego!" to console
  91. send "&7&o[%executor%: wyrzucil wszystkich]" to all ops
  92. else:
  93. send "Opcja wylaczona."
  94. arg 1 is not "reload" or "przeladuj" or "list" or "lista" or "off" or "on" or "usun" or "remove" or "add" or "dodaj" or "kickall" or "reset":
  95. send "&cPodany argument jest nie prawidlowy."
  96. if player doesn't have permissions "{@permisja}":
  97. send "{@permisja_wiadomosc}"
  98. on command "{@komenda}?":
  99. cancel event
  100. execute player command "5235kj23kl5j23lk5j2l3kj5"
  101. on connect:
  102. if {@op_join} is true:
  103. if player has permissions "{@op_permission}"
  104. stop
  105. if player is op:
  106. stop
  107. if {whitelist} is true:
  108. if {wl::%player%} is true:
  109. stop
  110. else:
  111. kick player due to "%{wl_reason}%"
  112. on command "bukkit:whitelist":
  113. cancel event
  114. send "/whitelist"
  115. on command "minecraft:whitelist":
  116. cancel event
  117. send "/whitelist"
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