
Anon in Equestria: A heros tale

May 31st, 2013
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  1. >one day you are sitting at your desk looking up pern on the internat
  2. >pinke pie pops through screen and said "ANON! CHANJLINGS ARE BECOME ATTACKED!"
  3. >you look at her and think thotfully and say "okay I will halp because it is time to beat the bad guys"
  4. >and then twiloght teleportaled you to equestria. It was pretty. Except for the big black bug ponies who was flying every ware and hurting people and being mean.
  6. >Rainbow said "Okay" and flew over and bro hoofed you because she is kool
  7. "okay rainbro" you sayd, turning to canterlot, "we are going to need weponz for this or else we will need to kill them without them"
  8. >"dnot worry anon I have just the thing" she said, pulling out a sord and shild and rocket launcher from her main"
  9. >you examin teh weponz and pick the sword and shield
  10. >becuz you gotta kill fast
  11. >and rockets
  12. >2
  13. >sloe
  14. "ALRIGHT RAINBRO LETS DO IT" you yell loudly with great volume, raising your swrd hi into the air
  15. >You her a pomf and turn around and look
  16. "Why are your wengs out rainbro" you confused to her, tilting your hed
  17. >"Oh that's because i need to fly lets go fight now" she says awkwardly, backfliping into the air adn shooting rockets at changelings killing a lot and hurting a few others' eares.
  18. "Okay is time to fite now for EQESTRIA!" you say running forward and cutting a lot of changelings in half and stabing some too.
  19. >"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU KILL MY BABIES MONSTAR!" chryslis say angrily, showing her true form and shooting lazer at rainbro cuting off her wing and showering you with blud
  20. >"Im sorry... bro" rainbro sed, before eyes closing with a cry.
  21. "YOU KILLED HER!" you yells, grabing her rocket lawnchair and tying your sord to the rocket
  22. "NOW YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR CRIMS!" you declair as you shot rocket sword at her, going thru shield and both stabing her and exploadeing her in brane.
  23. >"Anonymous you are hero!" ponies sed and they cheered and partied and selebrated the winning
  24. "No" you say back "I just got my best frend kild"
  25. >you cry a simgle manly tear in honor of your fallen bro
  26. >"Its okay anon we can help" said celestia and luna and using the sun and moon magic they brot rainbro back to life and gave her a robot wing that shot missiles and lazers and was awesome.
  27. >"Anon will you marrey me" she aksed one night
  28. >You say no softly and beign to fade
  29. "I must return to my world" you say through much cries "humens need me but I will nevar forget you rainbro"
  30. >"she cries too and holds out a hoof witch you brofist and then fade away completely
  31. >You wake up in bed at 8 o clock in morning and get redy for work, sad because it was just a dream
  32. >or
  33. >WAS IT?
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