
god speed

Jul 1st, 2019
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  1. opened his ears wide as he made sure to pay close attention to the explanation of Godspeed.
  2. At first his brain was a mess listening to all the different muscles of the legs but once the explanation was finished he stood in an upright position and closed his eyes as well as his 5 sense while he entered a meditation state.
  4. <I have studied the human anatomy before and from my knowledge, the hip flexors are made up of 5 different muscles in the lower body. All 5 are equally important but the real problem is how to fuse the two techuniques of Focus and muscle force!> He thought. Ahsher slowly began to draw in the energy into the surrounding into himself. The air became slightly 'dry' as the ki in the surrounding slowly became less and less.
  6. <First we will start with the Psoas Major muscle which is the muscle that begins this process. > Ahsher inwardly said to himself as he used his conciousness to slowly pull ki into that muscle. <I must becareful or I might become a cripple forever. This muscle is a deep muscle that is the only one of the orginal 7 muscles that connects to the spine. >
  8. Controling energy was Ahsher's second nature so guiding it into a specific spot in his body took almost no time. After an hour or two had passsed Ahsher has successfully been able to pull energy into the rest of the 5 muscles which included the Iliacus muscle,Rectus femoris muscle, Rectus femoris muscle, Pectineus muscle and the Sartorius muscle.
  10. "Success!" Ahsher mumbled. Although he had closed off his 5 senses and was in a meditative state, he very much still knew what was going on around him. He slightly sighed as he knew this was only the beginining. He knew inorder to achieve the results he wanted, he wouldn't beable to skip around certain areas or be half-assed. Within the next 6 to 13 hours, Ahsher spent his time slowly pulling ki into his calf and thigh muscles. All of it was like a giant machine with many componauts. If one componaut didn't work.. it would effect the next one in line to it and result in low productivity or explosion.
  12. "I'm not quite there yet..." He mumbled to himself "I can do deeper than is already complex and intricate like a web but it is still missing parts where energy should be filled. Hmm.. Ariel is naturally gifted in things of this nature but for people like me, I will have to dig to the very bone to achieve this feat!
  14. He opened his eyes and as he stole glances at the training Ariel and his junior brother Dyaus before coming out of his meditative state and slipping off the planet to find a more peaceful place where he could achieve enlightenment in learning this technique
  16. After leaving Ariel's planet, time for Ahsher had seemed to disappear. If one was counting the time he was away, one could say that summer and winter passed by twice.
  18. [2 years into the future]
  20. In an unknown land a man with purple skin could be seen sited in a monk-like position. Azure energies floated around him as sweat dripped from his body. Opening his eyes, a droplet of sweat fell from his face as a command could be heard given.
  21. "Condense!"
  23. Soon as the command went out the lower body of man shook once before he disappeared.
  25. "Hhahaha its done, I've finally cultivated it! I've done it.. I have achieved something only an archangel has managed to. Condense!" The man laughed out of joy as he ran across mountain tops, appearing and reappearing as if he was teleporting. Whenever a leaf fell, it would never touch the ground as the man known as Ahsher would appear before it and slice it into many pieces. His movements were fast, quick and evasive. Every time the man made a command, his lower body muscles with slightly shudder as they compressed like a sling shot before launching the man somewhere else at a speed greater than light itself. Due to him being faster than light, to a mortal of someone without good eyes, they would think he was teleporting.
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