

Jun 10th, 2020
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  1. Dixiel has joined the chat
  2. ThetaCeres has joined the chat
  3. xBrock: :d hi friends
  4. xBrock: :D
  5. Dixiel: heyo
  6. ThetaCeres: yeah Brock idk what happened
  7. ThetaCeres: I know Dix wouldn't kick you
  8. Dixiel: pretty sure it was mel
  9. ThetaCeres: and I really had to go
  10. ThetaCeres: This would be the second time Mel has booted somebody
  11. Dixiel: today
  12. ThetaCeres: then said "It isn't me"
  13. xBrock: but why i dont get it
  14. Dixiel: She's mad
  15. ThetaCeres: I can take a guess
  16. Dixiel: At Theta
  17. ThetaCeres: long story short
  18. ThetaCeres: Mel wanted to date me
  19. ThetaCeres: I didn't want that
  20. ThetaCeres: I have a hard time saying no cause of my past
  21. ThetaCeres: I finally said no to Mel
  22. ThetaCeres: Protected Dix
  23. ThetaCeres: and well
  24. ThetaCeres: Dix and are kinda
  25. ThetaCeres: yeah
  26. ThetaCeres: and
  27. Dixiel: smirk
  28. ThetaCeres: This is the second time Mel has kicked somebody to make me look bad
  29. ThetaCeres: PLUS
  30. ThetaCeres: you were on my side when I said what happened
  31. ThetaCeres: and Mel was 100% against me
  32. ThetaCeres: imma go sit inside
  33. ThetaCeres: whos coming lol
  34. xBrock: it looks col yes ill join
  35. ThetaCeres: this is
  36. Dixiel: its a really nice room
  37. ThetaCeres: was my family home
  38. Dixiel: could be*
  39. ThetaCeres: my daughter left recently so I am alone
  40. ThetaCeres: Dix
  41. ThetaCeres: It really could be
  42. Dixiel: smirk
  43. ThetaCeres: damn Dix
  44. ThetaCeres: I have been protecting you since I met you
  45. ThetaCeres: first Wolfie
  46. ThetaCeres: now giving you the courage irl
  47. Dixiel: mhm
  48. ThetaCeres: you know how you said about your furs to match Dix
  49. ThetaCeres: XD Brock
  50. ThetaCeres: get out my sex dungeon
  51. xBrock: i can't find you lol
  52. ThetaCeres: hold down on your camera
  53. xBrock: i have a lptop its trying to load still
  54. ThetaCeres: ah
  55. Dixiel: ohhh
  56. ThetaCeres: this room isn't laptop friendly lol
  57. ThetaCeres: its like a
  58. ThetaCeres: 50mb room
  59. ThetaCeres: compiled into like 6k kbs
  60. xBrock: yay i found
  61. xBrock: i made a discord
  62. xBrock: im really confused haha
  63. ThetaCeres: it is at first
  64. Dixiel: whats your
  65. ThetaCeres: go into friends then add friend
  66. ThetaCeres: ThetaCeres#2082
  67. Dixiel: and
  68. ThetaCeres: copy paste that
  69. Dixiel: Dixiel#1111
  70. ThetaCeres: and that
  71. Dixiel: :>
  72. xBrock: added both i thinl
  73. xBrock: think
  74. ThetaCeres: the Ream is in the house
  75. ThetaCeres: I made a group chat for us all
  76. xBrock: this is all a bit much sorry trying to figure it out
  77. ThetaCeres: its fine
  78. ThetaCeres: it took me a minute to get used to it
  79. xBrock: its a learning curve but whatr isnt
  80. xBrock: i have this from way back
  81. ThetaCeres: my first fur
  82. ThetaCeres: back when the IMVU Standard for furs was like 150% resize
  83. xBrock: oh wow tall haha
  84. Dixiel: oml
  85. Dixiel: i remember that
  86. Dixiel: fur
  87. ThetaCeres: then this
  88. xBrock: i have a lot of edgy ones
  89. ThetaCeres: then my red blue green and purple of these
  90. ThetaCeres: to which I made basic D&D outfits
  91. xBrock: never played dnd
  92. xBrock: d&d sorry
  93. ThetaCeres: I did a couple times
  94. ThetaCeres: honestly its D&D or DND
  95. ThetaCeres: nobody cares XD
  96. xBrock: look how big my paws are
  97. ThetaCeres: then I made this
  98. ThetaCeres: last year
  99. Dixiel: why did i
  100. Dixiel: go out
  101. Dixiel: wtf
  102. xBrock: oh no
  103. ThetaCeres: Brock usurped you XD
  104. Dixiel: xD
  105. Dixiel: ooo
  106. xBrock: i think this was my first fur
  107. ThetaCeres: I'm his now XD
  108. Dixiel: add a standing spot
  109. xBrock: imsorry :c
  110. Dixiel: no
  111. Dixiel: <u<
  112. Dixiel: mine
  113. ThetaCeres: I don't think I have any XD
  114. ThetaCeres: wait
  115. ThetaCeres: Brock wanna see me and Dix?
  116. ThetaCeres: how it would be irl?
  117. xBrock: oh sure
  118. Dixiel: huh
  119. ThetaCeres: come here XD
  120. Dixiel: i am not
  121. ThetaCeres: its not a sex pose I promise
  122. Dixiel: goetting on the pillow
  123. ThetaCeres: Dix
  124. ThetaCeres: I will pick you up
  125. ThetaCeres: or Brock can join me
  126. ThetaCeres: XD
  127. Dixiel: or you can
  128. Dixiel: go back
  129. Dixiel: to where you
  130. Dixiel: were standing
  131. Dixiel: :D
  132. ThetaCeres: Dix
  133. ThetaCeres: Don't make me dick you
  134. ThetaCeres: Its a funny pose I swear XD
  135. ThetaCeres: Brock help me out XD
  136. ThetaCeres: stand with me XD
  137. xBrock: okay
  138. ThetaCeres: on the pillow pose
  139. ThetaCeres: come here you
  140. xBrock: ahh
  141. ThetaCeres: Me to Dix XD
  142. xBrock: i was thrown
  143. Dixiel: you
  144. Dixiel: got lucky
  145. ThetaCeres: XDDD
  146. Dixiel: i changed tabts
  147. Dixiel: tabs
  148. Dixiel: in time
  149. ThetaCeres: oof
  150. ThetaCeres: shit yeah
  151. Dixiel: cause remember
  152. Dixiel: lol
  153. Dixiel impatiently grumbles at bank account
  154. xBrock: we make a triangle
  155. xBrock: oh hi
  156. Dixiel: another older fur
  157. ThetaCeres: best I can do
  158. Dixiel: put it in front
  159. Dixiel: like a servant
  160. Dixiel: or someone in command
  161. Dixiel: having to talk
  162. Dixiel: :D
  163. xBrock: patriotic
  164. ThetaCeres: yes mistress
  165. Dixiel: this one i wore like twice
  166. ThetaCeres: but my most recent creations of outfirts
  167. ThetaCeres: wanan see?
  168. Dixiel: si
  169. ThetaCeres: Last February
  170. xBrock: are you two a thing
  171. ThetaCeres: August 2019
  172. Dixiel: xD
  173. Dixiel: theta
  174. ThetaCeres: Last month
  175. Dixiel: you do the explaining
  176. ThetaCeres: SO
  177. ThetaCeres: she has a bf irl
  178. ThetaCeres: who is an ass
  179. ThetaCeres: and would make anybody wanna join the KKK to kill him (yes he is black)
  180. ThetaCeres: even if you aren't racist
  181. ThetaCeresThetaCeres Whisper: you would wanna join the KKK just to kill him
  182. ThetaCeres: he treats her like shit
  183. ThetaCeres: and is only nice when he wants his dick wet
  184. ThetaCeres: So a few days ago I saved Dix from getting involved fully with a guy that was lying to her
  185. ThetaCeres: While Dix was trying to hook me up with Mel
  186. ThetaCeres: >.>
  187. ThetaCeres: <.<
  188. ThetaCeres: Dix has a list of things she wants in a guy
  189. ThetaCeres: Tall
  190. ThetaCeres: Humourous
  191. ThetaCeres: Fluffy
  192. ThetaCeres: and Country Boy
  193. ThetaCeres: I am all four
  194. ThetaCeres: her currnet bf is 2/4
  195. ThetaCeres: hates the country
  196. ThetaCeres: treats her like dirt
  197. ThetaCeres: so
  198. ThetaCeres: I saved her
  199. ThetaCeres: made her smile
  200. ThetaCeres: and over the last what 3 days?
  201. ThetaCeres: we have gone from friends
  202. ThetaCeres: to wanting a life together
  203. ThetaCeres: I am the reason she has the courage to leave her irl bf and move back home
  204. ThetaCeres: wanna know what I say to her boyfriend?>
  205. xBrock: what do you say
  206. ThetaCeres: you play Doom Eternal?
  207. xBrock: no ;-;
  208. ThetaCeres: so here
  209. ThetaCeres:
  210. ThetaCeresThetaCeres Whisper: what the Marauder says
  211. ThetaCeres: is what I say to him
  212. xBrock: oh my
  213. ThetaCeres: thing is
  214. ThetaCeres: I am a fluffy guy
  215. ThetaCeres: but I have a lot of muscle power
  216. ThetaCeres: cause I am a mutant
  217. ThetaCeres: I can control my adrenal system fully
  218. ThetaCeres: if I wanna get mad without showing it, I can flood my system with adrenaline
  219. ThetaCeres: to the point I start shaking from the rage
  220. ThetaCeres: every time her boyfriend does something to make her even remotely upset
  221. ThetaCeres: my arms start to shake
  222. Dixiel: <o<
  223. ThetaCeres: Cause I can't control it when somebody hurts her
  224. Dixiel: I didn't know it upsets you like that
  225. ThetaCeres: its not that it upsets me
  226. ThetaCeres: its more my inner animal knows what to do
  227. ThetaCeres: and wants to hurt him
  228. Dixiel: ooo
  229. xBrock: so are you saying that you would actually kill him if you met him
  230. ThetaCeres: kill him?
  231. ThetaCeres: no thats too easy
  232. ThetaCeres: he deserves something more painful
  233. ThetaCeres: I already know how I would kill him though
  234. ThetaCeres: the finishing blow
  235. ThetaCeres: one of two choices
  236. ThetaCeres: 1: rip out his throat
  237. Dixiel facepaw
  238. Dixiel: shhh
  239. Dixiel: calm down
  240. ThetaCeres: 2: get a big battleaxe and split him
  241. ThetaCeres: I'm calm
  242. Dixiel: Ik but still <u<
  243. ThetaCeres: you know when I get upset
  244. ThetaCeres: you can sense it
  245. Dixiel: Yeah
  246. Dixiel: so im starting to line
  247. Dixiel: the sketch
  248. ThetaCeres: the crystal necklace
  249. Dixiel: no
  250. Dixiel: the face atm
  251. ThetaCeres: are you going to do a small metal holder around the top like mine?
  252. Dixiel: i need another pic
  253. Dixiel: cause i did that just based off the memor
  254. Dixiel: ylol
  255. ThetaCeres: one sec I will take one
  256. Dixiel: mk
  257. Dixiel: but yes brock
  258. Dixiel: now you know
  259. Dixiel: of the
  260. Dixiel: who thing
  261. Dixiel: whole*
  262. Dixiel: Mel, who wanted him
  263. Dixiel: is my imvu sister
  264. Dixiel: and has no idea
  265. ThetaCeres: she has no idea that my heart belongs to her
  266. ThetaCeres: and when she does know
  267. ThetaCeres: she is gonna be toxic as fuck
  268. ThetaCeres: well
  269. ThetaCeres more so
  270. ThetaCeres: OMFG
  271. ThetaCeres: Dix
  272. ThetaCeres: I just realised something
  273. xBrock: im still confused about what actually happened but its not my business im sorry
  274. ThetaCeres: if you wanna know just ask
  275. ThetaCeres: Dix and I are rather open book
  276. ThetaCeres: especially with that shit
  277. xBrock: as long as its okay though
  278. xBrock: if i need to know who to avoid..
  279. ThetaCeres: Dixie Doo
  280. ThetaCeres: its her and I in a song XD
  281. ThetaCeres: Me: Doom Slayer
  282. ThetaCeres: Her: Isabelle
  283. ThetaCeres: note to self
  284. ThetaCeres: don't headbang
  285. ThetaCeres: when slightly dizzy
  286. ThetaCeres: fuck
  287. xBrock: lol oh no
  288. xBrock: brb i need to use the restroom
  289. ThetaCeres: tyt
  290. Dixiel: that song
  291. Dixiel: lmao
  292. ThetaCeres: its us
  293. ThetaCeres: literally
  294. Dixiel: yup
  295. Dixiel: i
  296. Dixiel: tried to sketch
  297. Dixiel: the
  298. Dixiel: crystal
  299. Dixiel: even with the uh
  300. Dixiel: metal thingy
  301. Dixiel: on top
  302. Dixiel: but it kinda is
  303. Dixiel: wonky looking
  304. ThetaCeres: ok so
  305. Dixiel: ive never drawn them beofre
  306. Dixiel: before
  307. ThetaCeres: do the basic shape of the holder
  308. ThetaCeres: do the crystal shape
  309. ThetaCeres: then layer the metal shape over it
  310. ThetaCeres: the design on the metal part is rather simple
  311. Dixiel: no even the crystal looks
  312. Dixiel: meh
  313. ThetaCeres: show me
  314. Dixiel: no i dont like it
  315. Dixiel: >:c
  316. ThetaCeres: show
  317. ThetaCeres: me
  318. Dixiel: fine
  319. ThetaCeres: cause I can tell you how to fix it
  320. ThetaCeres: ok see the metal part
  321. ThetaCeres: how you have it tapering down to the crystal
  322. Dixiel: uh
  323. Dixiel: no?
  324. Dixiel: xD
  325. Dixiel: what about
  326. ThetaCeres: see how the crystal tapers to a point on the bottom
  327. Dixiel: yin yang necklace
  328. Dixiel: can i do that instead
  329. Dixiel: xD
  330. ThetaCeres: and on the top it goes to a point but its cut off
  331. ThetaCeres: soften the link between the metal and crystal
  332. Dixiel: that is
  333. Dixiel: no sense to me
  334. Dixiel: o.o
  335. Dixiel: makes
  336. ThetaCeres: I'll ms paint it quick
  337. Dixiel: okay
  338. xBrock: back
  339. Dixiel: wb
  340. Dixiel: ^^
  341. ThetaCeres: wb
  342. ThetaCeres: there look what I said
  343. xBrock: thanks i had to poop
  344. xBrock: so what did happen if its truly okay to ask
  345. ThetaCeres: Dix it ok to share?
  346. ThetaCeres: shes in sketch land
  347. ThetaCeres: man my nipples are hard cause its freezing
  348. xBrock: if not its okay i just want to make sure you guys are okay
  349. ThetaCeres: I'll explain me alitlte
  350. Dixiel: idc if you share
  351. Dixiel: tell it all
  352. ThetaCeres: I got fucked up irl
  353. ThetaCeres: I had an abusive ex
  354. ThetaCeres: and I basically got conditioned to never say no
  355. ThetaCeres: Dix thought I loved Mel
  356. ThetaCeres: so kinda pushes the idea of asking Mel to be with me
  357. ThetaCeres: I told Dix the truth
  358. ThetaCeres: and I was terrified
  359. ThetaCeres: cause Dix and Mel
  360. ThetaCeres: are
  361. ThetaCeres: well
  362. ThetaCeres: were close
  363. ThetaCeres: still are but there is a drift there
  364. ThetaCeres: cause of whats happening
  365. ThetaCeres: I told Mel I didn't wanna be with her and asked her to let me move on in peace
  366. ThetaCeres: and she said no
  367. ThetaCeres: then told me to leave her alone
  368. ThetaCeres: Dix was there for me and I was there for her
  369. ThetaCeres: and literally we had a connection that kept us close
  370. ThetaCeres: but when we actually started talking alone
  371. ThetaCeres: fuck it went quick
  372. ThetaCeres: we spent what 6 hours together Dix?
  373. ThetaCeres: just talking on here then messaging each other in bed
  374. Dixiel: stayed up until 6 am
  375. Dixiel: lol
  376. Dixiel: it was 4 hours i think
  377. Dixiel: the first night
  378. Dixiel: /
  379. Dixiel: morning
  380. ThetaCeres: yeah stayed up till 6am for her and 12noon for me
  381. ThetaCeres: held each other
  382. ThetaCeres: and basically we both knew there and then
  383. ThetaCeres: when did we first kiss?
  384. ThetaCeres: day one or day two?
  385. ThetaCeres: cause when we first kissed wanna know what I felt Brock?
  386. xBrock: what was it
  387. ThetaCeres: I closed my eyes as our lips touched
  388. ThetaCeres: And I wear I felt my heart stop as the time around us slowed
  389. ThetaCeres: and I swear
  390. ThetaCeres: I heard my heart say
  391. ThetaCeres: "Welcome home"
  392. Dixiel: it was
  393. Dixiel: day 1 i think]
  394. ThetaCeres: and que Dix blushing
  395. Dixiel: after waking back uop
  396. Dixiel: up*
  397. ThetaCeres: yeah it was
  398. ThetaCeres: I woke up before you and literally waited for you
  399. ThetaCeres: brought heaven upto speed
  400. ThetaCeres: then my friend who is Wiccan like me came and did a reading for me yesterday
  401. ThetaCeres: dix already had one done
  402. ThetaCeres: and they told her to leave her bf
  403. ThetaCeres: that it was a warning
  404. ThetaCeres: then my reading made Dix want another from my friend
  405. ThetaCeres: my reading basicaly showed Dix she wanted what I wanted
  406. ThetaCeres: then a couple hours later she got a reading from my friend
  407. ThetaCeres: (who was unbiased)
  408. ThetaCeres: she told Dix what she saw
  409. ThetaCeres: said that things could get worse before they get better
  410. Dixiel: including
  411. Dixiel: pregnancy
  412. ThetaCeres: but also that she belongs by my side as I do with her
  413. ThetaCeres: yeah she said there is a chance you could be pregnant with his kid
  414. ThetaCeres: but
  415. ThetaCeres: she isn't sure
  416. ThetaCeres: I'm just hoping in a week you say to me
  417. ThetaCeres: "THANK GOD"
  418. ThetaCeres: "I GOT MY PERIOD"
  419. ThetaCeres: XD
  420. Dixiel: yeah
  421. Dixiel: but
  422. ThetaCeres: That will be the first time I will ever hear a woman be happy she got her period
  423. Dixiel: my stomach
  424. Dixiel: is acting up again
  425. ThetaCeres: oh no
  426. Dixiel: yeah
  427. xBrock: thats why i had to go to the bathroom i hope it gets better
  428. xBrock: and this sounds so great ;;
  429. xBrock: you guys are gereat
  430. ThetaCeres: thank you
  431. xBrock: how could someone ever try to turn you two against each other ugh im so mad about that
  432. xBrock: you are literally goals
  433. xBrock: i want my heart to whisper welcome home to someobe
  434. Dixiel: awww
  435. Dixiel: ty
  436. Dixiel: cx
  437. xBrock: yeah:D
  438. xBrock: im so happy and glad ive met you guys
  439. ThetaCeres: as I am that you joined the room
  440. ThetaCeres: ugh
  441. ThetaCeres: I wish I had my shawl
  442. ThetaCeres: no
  443. ThetaCeres: its a blanket
  444. ThetaCeres: you know the blanket people wear on their shoulders
  445. ThetaCeres: that hangs lower on one side
  446. ThetaCeres:
  447. ThetaCeres: this
  448. ThetaCeres: XD
  449. xBrock: yeah i think so
  450. xBrock: ohhhh
  451. xBrock: its so pretty
  452. ThetaCeres: thank you
  453. ThetaCeres: I really wanted a shirt
  454. ThetaCeres: it was £20
  455. ThetaCeresThetaCeres Whisper: but its now £80
  456. ThetaCeres is sad
  457. xBrock: ohnoooooo
  458. ThetaCeres:
  459. ThetaCeres: it was this
  460. xBrock: yyeeesssss
  461. ThetaCeres: sorta sad its so much now
  462. xBrock: it is yeah :c
  463. xBrock: pretty fuuuuuur
  464. Dixiel: ty ^^
  465. Dixiel: i like to shoot someone w m arrows
  466. xBrock: owo
  467. Dixiel pow pows Theta
  468. Dixiel w arrows
  469. Dixiel: also brock
  470. Dixiel: you should be able to join the loft again
  471. Dixiel: ^^
  472. ThetaCeres catches them all
  473. xBrock: oh i completely forgot
  474. ThetaCeres: XD
  475. Dixiel: >:o
  476. Dixiel shoots more
  477. ThetaCeres catches them all again
  478. Dixiel: >:U
  479. Dixiel throws bow down
  480. Dixiel: ten minutes theta
  481. ThetaCeres makes it so she can't gift me
  482. Dixiel growls
  483. Dixiel: <u<
  484. ThetaCeres: XD
  485. IColllieI: you should know something
  486. ThetaCeres: hmm?
  487. ICollieI: It was a nice chat and all...but I'm Collie. Bye! :D
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